The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 1-26

0 ar $«tb^ W*>&]Wili ljom p * r « w ith tb a tm U e y t^ht»r ! i n » . . , , - ~ j (WWWsWftft *nVW% 1 An£e» T h l tvtm wt&» msuiti wfife «» Index, d* 3 mt#i*fcit fear nutmfk- le pa#t due and a f;rc 33 p* aetiri. meat& eanwptjyftesired, ,«»***-. THIRTIETH YEAR SO. I4. CEDARVILLE, OHIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 20 , 1907 . OfilEO PRESBY- 1 PRICE $l,M A TEAR. The taken following from tb* paragraph# were last issue of tbo UtJlvvis * i^*-***#** Rev, Ralph Atkinson, insisted by Prof. McClellan is conducUuga^m1- cessfnl aeries o f meetings in Pitts* burg, A hearty ana unanimous call baa been extended, by the congregation ofCJariOtt, towa, toy Rev. \Y, A} Condon, of Tranquillity, G, The call was moderated Mar\h 8 , by Rev. W* S. Alien. We are informed that le v . Con* don.has accepted the .call, and will probably enter his labor sometime in May. The congregation pays $850. It is expected that hismother, Mrs. Julia Condon will return to Cedarville to. live. Rev, J. Alvin Orr, o f the Morris, Square church, ’ .Philadelphia, preached during last week in, the First'church, Allegheny. The meet-, Inga were preceded' by two weeks of neighborhood prayer meetings. Piitee^united with the church at. the communion service lasiSahbafeh. Short services were held for prayer affceEeach nieetmg. With few ex-r ceptlons fhe entire congregation re* maitted- for These services-which were productive of much good., SFEClAt NOTICE. THE “WHOSAYS'" CONTEST. What means all this excitement,!; Tlits tumult and despair i f ’hiltlreu eaRing, babies squ a llie r Chaus every where. ; Men looking sad and hungry, j Untidy and forlorn '"[ STILL EXISTS. XXT,».«.. __ ... mi>( HCHJHTIkrH ***$, uiigeu Wirsi despair. That they had e’er bgeu born.. Dogs sneaking down the alley, " Tails tucked with hynible look A* scorching meat, our. nostrils greet, - All tell of missing cook, the Urn department, Or tiie sanitary man The undertaker, doctor, baker,’ Or detective clan?’ - ■> . <C'* ; -V Investigation plainly ahowa Just where the trouble liea;- Each queenly dame, has sought to claim The ‘ ‘Who Says’ * contest prise. . All advertisements they have read Frqm Wren’ s to Crouse’ s store, While Townsley’s blocks, and Kany’ s frocks, ’ They’ve studied o’er and o’er. Irtfeto nofcwbafc jb need to be Nor had we ever thought; •r\" ■Adollar prize, could paralyze .X . The peace that home had wrought. Obi business men be merciful, Don’ t?seek, our hopes to blight;. , We'iltreat you;fair,.and buy your ware , I f you’ ll make these troubles right. - - - ' * John 13, BandajLI. THOROUGHLYAMERICAN, The person that bought ourCe- The followingwas taken ffom thO darvillelocation having'discounfin-*Bpringfielcl Sun and relates- to tho nad bnisness, wo will again oiler out Herald’ s “ Who Say’ s” contest, customers,at this place, car fate on | ,The guessing contest introduced ail orders of $8,00by over, andftope {by the editor of The Cedurville Hqcv, to see many of our fiends down, laid is creating much.stir aiming its We have a, great variety of the 1 readers, awfeis a fine totlemoto get .finest up to date mounts and folders Iall of the ndvertisemente read; The and tb& quality' o f out work still j-plau la hew and novel, better than ever! -, -' j thoroughly American^ - \ l Downing's Studio, Xenia, O, and' is MANNA -8 LDSTRO-FINISH MADE TO WALK. OX? HANNA’S GREEN SEAD PAINT Will cover better than other paints. This is because ifeis made from best *materials. ! LOOK HERE! W ha t w e w i l l S e l l you on S a tu rd a y fo r cash, or trade ' 3 lbs. of Streetmaunhest crackers ?5e X & lbs of Green pnd Green’ s best crackers 25c / 2Lj4 lb. Sack American Queen Flour OOo. * 2 i ^ lb. Sack Snowball Flour SOc 1 can good ebrn, 8 c. loan best tomatoes , 8 c. 8 bars of good laundry soap 5'cents., 20lbs best granulated Sugar $1,00, 1 lb Breakfast Blend Coffee 80c. We have Leftuoe, Badish, Fie Plant, Oranges, and all kinds of fruits in season. Come in and get a 10X20 Pier ur-eAbsolutely Free* no. drawing but given away. - ■«* ■ / '■ - •.> ., ■ ’ ..-r Bananas, Demons 0 . TOWNSLEY M. THE CORNER GROCERY. tsrsx There are paints ami painty but A “ H A N N A ' S ' G R E E N S E . A E PAINTS" are the paintsthat are indorsed and need by first-daps practical painters. They knowwhat constitutes good paint. Hundreds oi the best painters everywhere nag Z H A N N A ’ S G R E E N S E A E *FAINTS" amt strongly endorse them, as letter* to thfcmanufacturer will show. Hanna’*Green HealPaint* are forHaloby Kerr & Hastings Bros. WMtvMi m MMM The fued down in Bellbpopk stiff vvui times. One year ago the eonnty looked, upon CedarvlUc as tho contor of political activity. It make,$little difference which place has the cred­ it, both bavo, the name kind of men *a far «a principle is concerned* Tlie men in Brilhrook receive their in- structidnB. from the same political bow a* do those in Cedarvllle, There la one difference with Bell- brook people than Ced&fVille, the former stands just BQmuch from the’ “ double doalers” dud they will take no mere, JBellbrook has been over powered by a few men that control all through politics. The men are below principle and will resort to all kinds of work. The lives of certain citizens have been tbveatned all be* cause these people woplil no longer endure the hardship that were being placed on them, Their property was in danger and great fear has excited among the better class* Bpcentiy two menrwerb- arrested for deliberately shooting a man’ s horse. The case was,tried but like ali counties where politics is an 4 im­ portant factor the 'men wore -relcas- ed. Tho evidence wa&hone tq strong from the fact the' class of men in­ terested have htrie;ttouble'proving their side o f the easy. Nothing has been heard of the ease .until a few days ago, when there was, an arrest for perjury. The story*ns to the arrest of John Daneiuger is interesting, Some time ago Clarence Lansiuger and Eugene Ingle word iu, Xqnia,, There they met'a party known to’them and all three were soon in Dayton. Once In this city they were taken to the Callahan building and being hoys wets looking fo ra good time. There was liquor and plenty of ifeand soon the boys were, intoxicated. While m this- condition and hot knowing wbafc they were $ignlng they affixed their bathes to it .paper which 'has since proved to lie a’confession they, had given false testimony in the horse shooting’easel The father of obe of the boys bec&mfc alarmed as towhy the son had not come home at night and after investigating found the lad and his companionm 4 Buti©*to Tlie situation became Belibrook people and sfeon the vil­ lage was m a terrible excitement'. When the arrest was about to be made ou Dansinger a number or the leading people surrounded the,.offi­ cer and begged the prisoner to ro* sist in that there was not enough officers in Xenia to take him out of the village, ■Dansingar tlid not Cato to have farther trouble and accom­ panied the officer. I t Is stated that meh offered to go oh big bond that represented two or three hundred thousand ih wealth* Thtr case caino up in Xenia Mon- daybefoto a magistrate ana was set’ for April S. Now comes the story that the two principals In the Beilbrook trouble have fallen oufeand had SomeWords fastWeek over money that one had loaned the other to defend himself just, recently for manslaughter, Tlie one who secured his freedom after selling a horse and buggy in Dayton last Saturday.has not been seen since* The supposition is that tilings are getting most? too warm for tho “ gangsters” ih thatbailwick and that”some must seek other quarters for fear of a “ southern necktie party.” With such a sentiment as tiiat tho community may be cleared ot an undesirable element and have some peace in, the future which courts have beeh unable to grant'.' independents won . The Independent basket, hall team mefethe college team Tuesday evep- leg for the ia»t game of the season at Alford Memorial, The attendance was the largest of any game of ilia season and there was more enthusiasm than usual. ThoK of 3'Band furnished, themueic and between halves gave a number o f selections that brought out ap­ plause, . . / Tho settle waa17 to 6 in favor of the Independents, the Collegeboys being out played in every respect, ’ U P IS THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE, The boon of William H- Taft for. President has taken; on . consider­ able,‘force hud is now movingwith great strength across tt?e country. The mere fket- that .President ItooR- eVelt does not desire a third term and” thafe he wishes the esteemed. Ohioan,<W. H, Taft, as his .success­ or means a great deal. ~It is known that Taffcis favorable to such a pol icy asltoosevelt has been-carrying out., Taft hasbeen a close associate of the President in ail ius work of reform and the public lias great con­ fidence in anything be undertakes. .His work in the War department as secretary has been felt through *n 4 the land? He displayed great abili­ ty and fore thought in (settling diff­ erence in the Phtfllpinek And in Cuba. W, H, Taffe came into this state during the paitisota-Herrick camp­ aign and completely Upset the--work­ ings of the machine and boss mana- ,gers in the BCpubUeaii party. Bo came here with the president sanc­ tion, knowingihatnnjfess the work of CoX and. hh njilca was checked the party was doomed to ’destruct­ ion. -His. famous Akron speech Willtor ages be tlie talk of ..pobti- cana for a t that time ha stated that? I f he Wero to vote in his home Co­ unty, Hamilton; lie could not sup­ port a machine nominated ticket and urged his people to throw off tho yoke of bossism.' “The speech defeated thdCqx eauditfatesin Ham* itom coudty and jtovenpr rick? who-was up tor reflection. ^ ■ Every effort has neon made" by tho Foraker-DicR combine, wbicp ,fs a now name tor this old Cox ma­ chine, to check the Taftbooirm the hope tbafcFOraker would be Ohio’s choice tor President. Forakers atand and oh the rate bill, the Smoot case And the Brownsville affair and. oth­ ers has been very distasteful to vot­ ers-and they would Show their re­ sentment should ■he Come before tfiemagaluv - ^ •: One of the surprises of the presents day isihab State Insurance Comm­ issioner A. I. Voreys hds come out tor Taft and has been asked to take up this movement. Ho has consen­ ted and wilt usd his efforts in tins direction. TIieForaker-BlckOrgan­ ization appealed to Goyenor Harris iu the hope that be would not allow one of his admlnistratlomsts to take part in anything but a Foraker cam­ paign. The Governor refused to take a hand'and has since stated that the day of dictation to ofllcals is past and that they should be al­ lowed to d'eciao for themselves. The Governor’ s stand him been one of much surprise to all. EXPERIENCE OF 1 . 1 ,. l i t —I hftva opened for business in th» room corner OfMain and Xonia Ar«nu 6 and am ready to supply your WantsInneckwear and orders tor made-to-order suite. The latest line of neckwear to he found any­ where* * . 1L W* Itetick. 8alt-free Dist tor Epileptics, The suppression of alimentary salt the diet of epileptics lias a favorable effect on epileptic seizures* inasmuch * i j t reduces iheir frequency aad their severity. It is of the same value in "the treatment of epilepsyr-as the strict oboervknco of dietetic and hy­ gienic rules. Both factors combined aid considerably in reducing and con* trolling tho seleuros.-^N., V, Medical' Journal. ■ Totturt feyixv^u. “ Hpcaklngtif tho torture to Which some of tho savage tribes in tho jPhiiipineg subject, their captives, re ;minds mo of tho infeiiso suffering" ! endured for three months from ui- [ffAnimation: of tlm Kidilleys,” says jW. M. Hfiernmn,of Gushing,' Me., ; “ Nothing helped me until I tried l Electric Bittors, three bottles of ^which ewnpletoly cured mo .'1 thires rWver t'omplaint, Dyspoiwla, Blood disorder* awl Malarias and restores tiie weak and nervous to robust health. Guaranteed by all druggists. jJMMKfe For gome months back the Herald has hew using a number o f articles on fbo miuucipai ownership question, ife5living oneo f the much discussed topics « f the day. It lias been .clearly proven tiiat politics forms the basis of argument for municipal ownership, With hundreds o f employes living out o f public funds, the “ Boss” 'has no trouble , in operating a perfect ma­ chine, which gives btm greater acc­ ess tor the professional 'politiclan’t hobby, ’ ’ graft” , * Muneipal ownership is also ft 60- oialistlc idea and ifeis surprising the interest.gome politleaoa take along this line, whether Kepublican or Democrat; Should something of socialistic nature enter in a regular campaign that wuuld deprive - 1 the “ machine” political! of gome of his power, a loud cry would go forth from these game men. The* best ■ example o f municipal Cwnersb'ip is QHly twenty-two miles east of heye, London; O. The plant waa’built dome fifteen yearnago ahd it. is claimed, that the plant has been a„cohtiriual drag and expense to tbe taxpayer’s. Timpeople 'are -having poor service and^are much dissatis­ fied bpKthey haveno recourse. The publicmoney has beenspent or rath­ er squandered and to quit rigntoffi means a Still greater logs. It then 'is ease of continual expense oh the taxpayers add get up returns. It is now claimed that to pivfethe plant in running order the city will have to call on the tax payers tor from fiS, 00 p $20,000. Of' course to do this means that bonds will have to b£ sold which Is, merely giving a mortgagetmHiecity. * - Xenia city, eight miles west of■us has also had experience in muui- cipal ownerstilp which cost thons- ands pf dbiiars' and at one time the city was willing"to given pile of juuktcfniOstanyooe thatwbnld take It, rather than pttfi further expense on the people. The municipai own­ ership. idea Was dropped in that “ boss” ridden city and & private corporation organized to furnish Tight to the city and the People. It w*» not long until this company themselves through pohticans, hut the people would not stand tor such, service and tbe company came neat loosing its franchise, Still another company was organ-’ Ized a year or so ago and '1 Is now being givengoad iiglit at areas* onable coBt, The former company is reaping wbafc it sowed some years ago and lias lost practically all the business. Taxes have not been paid and just last ffceek one o f the’Stook- holders brought suit for a receiver. In. tilts instance it 1 $clearlyproven that after the failute -of.municipal ownership toma|te goad the demand of the public, a private corporation lias to he relied upon- ■ BOX RENT NOTICE. According to a recent ruling of the Post Oflice(Departmont, a notice must he each box ten dayB before the beginning of each quarter, All box rents mlnit be paid during tho ten dayo, or tile box will be closed* The Postmaster Ift required to place these notices in each box and the renters of these boxes must not feel offended if they receive such a notice. The Postmaster is only acting under instructions from the Post Office Department. Not the Sunshine. Tiiero was an old man who waa Charged with Illicit distilling andwas brought «p before tho court. Tho judge, who was a witty fellow, asked the prisoner what was hla Christian name. The prisoner replied: d'Joahna and tho judge answered; “Ate you the man that made tho sun shint?” And the prisoner replied: "No, sir, your honor; Pin the oho that made tho moonshine.'*—Amy and Navy Life, fjrAtrnv fhtro» City ov'tonKBo,),, ■* Lews tVOutr } w FctexJ. (fassuri makes cat!* that he is acidorparinfroftheiitin o ff. ,f. t'nfenrv Si Co., do’ng badness in tho rhy of Toledo, comity, andstate aforcnid, and that said ffirra will pay tho sumsONE HENDEUn bOiJiJKS tor eachoywy casa o f.Catarrh that fannut to cured by the«*o of If ah ,’ft CAt.te.sriCCBft FitASKJ. CHENEY, Sworn to beforemeand suhserited inmy presence, thisCthday’ ofDcccmutr, A. In I 8 H 0 . A. W. CH.DAS0N, | 8 »Ai,| ‘ Notary Public Itsli’a ( atsnti cute Is latoh iittiroady «n i setsdimetiyou the one!aiaemis surhMM*of thesystem, tknd for feabtnom in*, . :-i ■ NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. In tlie Matter of Publication of Notice to tho Bsfate of Barak F, MllUr, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed and duly qualified by the Probate Court of Greene County, Ohio, as Admin­ istrator Of the above named estate. All persons Indebted to said estate must make immediate payment; those having claims. Will present them tor settlement. B. G. Bull. MONEY to loan on first mortgage OnFABMB, only* s Wo also have FOB BADE SOME desirable farms arid several nice GEDABVlLLfc, XENIA and J a m e s t o w n d w e l l in g s . SMITH & ULEMANS, CEDAE- VfLLE, OHIO* THEATREMITES. “ The Dion and the Mouse ,’ 1 ike now famous drama, Winch Henry B, Harris will present; at the Fair- bankaTheatre, Springfield, Monday Tuesday anti Wednesday, Ap«ll»*». 2d. and-3d,, with a matinee on Wed­ nesday, Charles Ivtei’n. tbe author, affords a dear out and powerful ALFALFAfull. The firm of Eeri # Hasting#Bros* have received a notice from tb* sec­ retary of the state art April*. The train will pa under the auspices of Btory^of O .S . 1 J. college, ofagneuiture, t X johnB i claiming, and Shirley ltoSemore, 0},io GramDealcte ABsociatloru the daughter of the man whom be has wronged. Ho portrays “ Beady Money” Ryder, a man whose life is gutdetl solely by questionable busi* ness principles with aafirma touch as the woman of sympathy and ten­ derness to whom tills man in his re­ morseless exercise of power, is worse' than a Nero. He has conceived probable situations in which the conflict of these types is one o f force and semi-brutality on one side and scintillating keenness andbrilliancy on the other* He makes his “ mouse” by her wit, stronger than tbe “ lion” With fits might. That this study - of the corrupting influence of concen­ trated wealth In American politics of to-day ha9 proven to he>:a timely subject is demonstrated by trie fact that the Klein piece hgs taken rank with the great successes ot tho past fcWenty-ftve years. The' play will be “ presented here With identically the casjfc as, was seen'in Qtricagq. tor three months The train will consist o f two ears and there will he experts to judge corn and alfalfa. The trainwill step a t most ali the stations along tbe line and farmers are asked to bring in samplcbars ot corn such as they use tor seed, * Tbe farmers of this vicinity are urged to take a part xmthis matter as the' state is doing a wonderful work in asistihg them along these lines. The -train will not step at* Selma but will amve'iu South Char­ leston :iL, ii;io and depart at H :&5, I'twill arrive here at l,a:15and de­ part atliOi). The train will arrive* at Xenia at fc:05 andln the evening there Will be a meeting in thatplac» at 7;30. - ' . NOTICE. Notice to hereby given that. al} vaults, rubbish and ashes must be ' and in-Boston for ,twelve weeks, " • 15th, 1007, and failure to comply with ,the above notice, shall be eon- and which includes a uotable* cast headed.' by .Gerfcjade Coghlan- and Arthur Byron* ComingUnder such conditions, there is every reason to lieve -that this production will prove the genuine dramatic treat,ot the season and its wide appeal to all classes of theatre*goers cannot fail to Insure .capacity 'houses at each performance. * ■ " NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. In tlie, Matter-of Publication of the’Notico to'the"Estate of Emma- zefcta Finney* -Deceased, - , Notice Is herebygiventhat.the un­ dersigned lias been appointed and duly qualifiedby the Probate Court of Greene County. Ohio, as Admin­ istratorof the above named .estate. AHpersons indebted to said estate" those having- claims will ” present them tobsettlement* , I*. G. Bull. PAINT MAKING Has reached a science with .the Green Seal folks. The highest de­ gree of purity has been attained by Hanna's Green Seal Paint. .* 'suited a "misdemeanor and pun- isbed accordingly* .*By order of Board of Health* Samuel Albright; Health Officer. THIS ISWORTH SAVING, The following simple home made mixture is said to relieve any form o f Rheumatism- at backache, also Cleanse and strengthenrite Kidney’s and Bladder, overcomingall urinary disorders, if taken" before the stage -of Bright’ s disease, Fluid Hktrsct" Dandelionj que-balf ounce, Com-, pouiul KargoU,one ounce; Com­ pound Syrup SatoaparHla,' three' ounces. Mix by shaking w^ll in a bolUe and take in te&apocnful.doses after meals attdat bedtime.1 A. welt-known authority states & id im • to use, and can be obtained at small cost too: ' any. good subscription pharma Those who think they, have ktui. >ytrouble ot suffer -with lame back or weak bladder or Rlieu- matlsnq should give this- prescrip­ tion a trial, as no harm can possibly follow its use, and it is Said to do wonders tor some people. Tho best Paint for the best work HANNA’S GREEN SEAL .. 3 .1 S p r in g 'M i l l in e r y O p e n in g Having returned from the City ap ter an Extended Business trip, We are now prepared to show the \ ' ■ :r . ' T ■u_. ■ Latest Novelties " In Spring Hats. Also Santo Dumonte Airshiii Hats. O u r P a t r o n s a r e .Cor* d ia l ly I n v i t e d to A t t e n d , Friday and aturday, M a r c h 29 a n d 30 . Miss Jfgnes L. Craufurd. Plow Shoes LACE BUCKLE CONGRESS Sewed Pegger Standard $ 1.00 $ 1.25 $ 1.50 $ 1.75 IN T H E JN X O A R C A D E . SpMtigficld's BoiHiBilffble BhGe Houw** iHUJia wif