The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 1-26

J ■ v ^ o -fj Fw Eseelleneo Oar t| o b | WWJk will compare w ith1 thatoi: any other firm., . , ' THIRTIETH Y B A ll 3STO. 17. She "Cedarville Mercdd, CEDAIITOTJI, OHIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 19,1907, This item when marked wills sfe index, dengtcg that your pstdAcrij, is pact due and a prompt scttH racrd is-earnestly desired.. . . . . . PRICE S1.C0 A YEAR. ( ■ I ¥ l ft.- . T axpayers Face Another. Raise . *£he announcement last week of the. mass meeting of citi­ zens and tax payers in the CedarviUe School’District for this Friday evening to,discuss the advisability of erecting a new .school building lias brought out much discussion and the meeting promises to be one of great interest The, bear’d called an election last May and the vote was decidedly in the negative* The school district vote is about 400 and of this number only 66 wanted the new building. In the corporation the vote was U3 to 57 against the proposi­ tion. The demand a t that time was the centralization of schools and The idea is still prevalent, "• ’ The many things tha t have entered into this question *have made it quite complex. Tax payers and patrons have had little hesitancy1 in speaking out and the meeting this evening should be the place for some of the things wo have heard during the week, The management of the schools «*. has been far from satisfactory if all report’s are true. One , patron stated in our hearing tha t he was disgusted with the the school and would have taken his daughter out had it not been for the name of the thing. The-selection' of teach­ ers from ja political stand point has been a ,bitter pill to the PUbliC. -r " A report has been circulated tha t centralization of schools is a failure in the Selma district. The schools have been centralized now three years and if the expression-of some of th e leading tax payers is to be taken the schools are a suc­ cess in every particular. Mr, G. B. Jobe, informs us ttiat ifthefe is any complaint i t has never reached the board.- The new building is modern in every respect ,and cost $12,000; Mr. Al. MoDorman stated to the Herald’ tha t under cen­ tralization of schools the cost per capita was less than under - ^_Jbhe old system, and th a t the benefits were double,' We have taken from the "county treasurers books the Tax *duplicate fbr. the school district to show tha t the village of Cedarville will be Compelled to pay twiee that of the district outside the village. ' The district outside of the corporation has a tax valuation of $163,006 while the villagehas a valua­ tion of &325.&70. The total $188,976* - ‘ As the village now has a tax rate, of $3,16* which is the r,#J" ... b eh e s t in the county witkprobabiy one exception, and the fi.;- te ^ ^ P ^M ^ ^K um 'p r n p e r f c y owners and espeo- „. .g. ___ a^FteVrilThaYAfe> pay the !nofe#& lu s t previous to the election last May many of the pypjfetty owners notified their tenants th a t if the proposition eliltled they must pay higher rent. I t is stated t h a t . one. property owner who rents to the laboring'classes entirely has already issued the warning, The insurance rates have been grad­ ually increased on property here and with the increased taxes the property owner has been driven to self-protection.' • he money lender a t five per cent w ith , a tax rate of $3,16 has $1.84 left for his investment, I s i ta n y wonder tha t senti went stands as if does? Tlie men that--are asking for more money are largely responsible for present conditions* The Herald oppe sed the issue before and.we still stand On the same ground. The crowded condition of the school h is been caused largely .by the BoxwelL student who comes from the township schools.. ' The ones tha t bring about this condition are the ones who should pay part of the im­ provement. Centralization is the cry not only in schools bu t in every other line and the tax payers of Cedarwlle School District and Cedarville Township will have to meet the issue sooner or later* I t is best to go slowly with this work. When the time comes no petitions will be necessary to educate the people gs to what they want. The com­ munity is supposed to possess enough intelligence to decide for themselves without theaid of a few politicians. The meeting this evening will be-hdd in Barber’s Hall a t 7 o’clock and there should be a good attendance whether you are in favor Or opposed to: another e le c tio n on the question, ••••' •• •' * *- Whom We Delight to Honor DEATHOF h . h . M c M i l l a n Jamestown, O,, A common enough sight in tfam city, the spectacle a. horse beingdilven tftrough.thespend ring-at the Washington O, II. com­ bination sales by a young man with out arms, created much excitement. The freak driver was 0.-M-* Turner, who resides south of the city, and who i: an expert horseman despite the fact that he is minus the imple­ ments most used by the horseman-" hands. Turner some years ago had Hie misforfurfe to loso both -of hfs arms just Above the elbow, He was a lover of the horse and drove constantly and for a .time thought necessary to give tip his favorite pastime, Later, lie exporipteftted b y—tying the reins About the stubs of Ills a rm s and soon become proficient in driving in tins marnipr, Now, for several years he has followed the trade of a horse dealer,' ant} during the time has driven* many ’ horses .th a t dealers with two arms had hewn, afraid <rf. He has also been sfterm fiti In Cnv* lag speed horns*, feat ban never yet The marriage pfj to Mr; 'Jesse \V, Cc evening wan fiulm! many , friopds, •’ known' tpj>nlyhf<4 friends. ' The cfeivinbuy^ fiev, J. M, ’Loci Baprist church it lit a brofhyr-ln-l»| T\ie bride ami before a bank of - nuptial fcimr wa« ih were green. worewhite silkant The gfomn tool conventional bint*! limnedlately aft vamo the weddlttj nbitions.' , Tim Jmj the romptents of3 ornamental pre They were driver they took pie itfh, vpriulitig the night3 1 *sk ier, Mr*, go to Wmt La * inatl pn s, Nellie Landis m Wednesday irprlse. to their eventbeing j;their intimate (performed by ‘pastor of a ichmati, wiio the groom, l»l appeared where the fdecorations Tim bride ^thubCHpie',' Js' Jmst in tTHhdny t ■’emigrate b>lo . were' i n l a n d wju re Dayton, brine* dtt«< Mrs, Hadessali Jameson, widow of the late Join? Jameson, of tins, placo/ died a t the Slate Hospital In Dayton Saturday evening a t 8:20 o'clock. Sim bad been in very feeble 1 ealth for some montlm. Only last ■veulv she sustained a fall breaking 1 hip, wind) caused her death. The deceased was born in Cedar- ,'tlie and her life was spent in this vicinity until about six years, ago when she went to Farmerfeyills, <)„ <o live, with her daughter, ■Mrs., ■OrantJJoyd, Sometime n iter she went there her iuihd t failed owing to her weak, physical- condition-, and alio was taJien to the hospital. Her son, Furl, is an attendant at- the hospital, which fact made her eon- di tpm more pleasant, - Mrs. Jameson was the wife of the (ate John Jameson', a charier mem­ ber of tin United Presbyterian fiburen. Who dledahouttwelve years rtgo* Hhe herself was a member- .of tips denomination, The following children* survive: M vh . Elizabeth Hash, and Mrs. Wm, McMillan of Monmouth, HI.; Mrs. Made, Eirick, iNfiddletown; Mrs. Grant .Uoyd and Miss Ella Jameson, of Farmersyille, John of north-we?>t Canada; Earlo f Dayton, bits- Savah Barber of this place is a sister. , The funeral was held a t the home of in ■price, Mrs. J . H. Andrew, Tuesday afternoon, the services be­ ing conducted by Bev. O. H, Milli­ gan. Burial took pkiee a t tlie cem­ etery nortii of town. The following persons from ' ou to t town attended th e funeral: John Jameson and Mrs,' Ada White of Xtebanop; Mrs. Carrie Jnek and Mrs.' Anna Beid of Mbirowj Mrs. Grant IJoyd” ami Miss E lla Jameson of Farmersyille; Mack E lrick, wife and, daughter, Mrs. ’ S trlnghaifi' of Middletown; E a rl Jameson and Miss Carrie Myers of P ay ton ; Mrs. W, L, M arshall,. Mrs. Charles, Ervin, l?.T. TarboX'Urtd wife, Edward Bit- ney and slfetrn of X tpia. ADVERTISERS AREWARNED. We have been informed by an advertiser that a fake solicitor has been out taking business in the name of . the Herald and placing it with another paper. The management wishes it clearly known tha t the Herald has np solicitors and no man or woman is' nr has been authorized to solicit advertising for this paper, The only solicitor is that of the editor and publisher, Karlh'Bull. The soliciting of advertising by a ”other party on^the supposition tha t i t will be placed in the * ’ Herald is fraudulent and advertisers are hereby warned .against such work. An advertiser wrote us as to why his advertisment. did not appear in the Herald and later informed us th a t a solicitor has taken the business under the publisher’s name and for the Herald. *The advertiser was the victim of a fake solicitor as far as the business being placed with the Herald.1 . , Advertisers are warned in giving copy to any one. itother than* the editor and publisher of this paper* ■ One feature of the case is that the solicitorpsed good- judgndent In the selection of the Herald to get the .business; The solicitor evidently recognized the merits of the Herald as an advertising medium as dp the . leading business man of this section^, ■; 1 SELMA. *■ CLIFTON.--;’’' '■** * ’ * * Arbor day Was observed by our. Mi’s, Brownlee"and daughter have school with appropriate’ exorcises ’gone to Cincinnati for a-few days, and about-three doz.en trees weyor j tr> >7ohn Ormdle.wbo plays bail Planted, three being,bitekeyys, in Vithltbe Towa state league this year t DEPENDABLE Shoes and Oxfords Ladies’ Low Cuts in all leathers and latest lasts, welts and. tutus, $2.50, 62.75, $3.00 aiid $3.5p Men’s Goodyear Welt Low Cuts, all styles and leathers, $2.50, 63.00,63.50 and 64*00 . Men’s and Women’s Lotv Cuts for eVery day wear/ $1.50,81.75, $2,00 and $,25 Li HORNER BROS & CO., Springfield, O* 39 South Limestone St., drofve‘'’H*itey Hat. * ' fsB-eer wfth * I wUl ft*- here {bribe present. m * l of *:18, wearing hoppleH. | The n*wjy jjMMnfftd eanpk have through flm sale hfu-,i times! tl<o I>e*ttwlaHSKof tbeff many friends a t mp'spiM'd. PROPEftTY SOLD. The Lydia Weymbttlh prupei'ty was sold by Mr, 'i\ W. Hi. Joiimas gnurfli?'*! last Saturday to AD. C, Mi Croits .3 m r $ 700 ,*°- Tt was sold ib two tracts and thoa as a whole, Mr. Orauso getting both piecce. . A NEWFIRM, Having formed a -co-parlnerblilp wc arc prepared to do carpenter work, painting, ami paper hanging; attd ’contracting* Mr. Baker will have charge of the carj>e«t.'r worit and Mr. McFarland will haVo charge of the palming and paper hanging. Your p'atronage is solicited, G. TV. Baker Arthur McFarland, DON’T FORGET. That I give you highest tptalily a t h.wesi prices in gents furnisiiingB, Special line of summer wash (leg, E. W, t-stick, Haherdasher, i S tavkop O hio , C ityop toi.niie, I ., Ltr/.s Coratv j Li F ca :; r J. C ijeiiey tnahe,; oath he is s?»!of partner of the firm atF. J. P ju M v V it Co,, bnsiticfc? in the utv of Topdo* cotimy, and state afortaiil. m, <that fahl fiirtn will pay" the sums ONE lit’lOllujl OiiuhAlH far caeir py-y c .153 of (Mlirrti that rlntiot bo cured by liio «eoof 11 CATAnniiCt nr, PUAhlv J. LHENKY. Sworn to bsjofsme nnil eatv ribw! in aiy pii&caetv thisfJibd.ty vr Pc.vmbi.r, A. St; Iti3f«■ , . ^ ^ * ArW’. OLKAS X. IstiAt.! . Notary PubSife t ) »• Hall's fatnrrli .euro jsj taken infi rnaily and aetodirmly on the hknid awl mucous surfacesof the system. Betid tor tesfimotti al.«, free. ■ ■* “Pneumonlit's Dtsdly Wolf/* had so seriously affected my right lung, writes Mrs. Fannie (htmmr, of lUmil ltoufo t. Georgetown, Tenii. “ that I coughed continuously night and day and night the neighbors pro* tdictum- eouaumptiott- peemedtne\y* fitable, until my husband brought | home a bottle of Dr. Kitfg’o New [Discovery, which in my case proved | to he the only itiiAt, cough cure awl ' restorer of weak, sore lung;:," When all other reimlies utterly fail, you may still win fit ihe hat Ho against 1 throat and lung troubles with ’Sew Discovery, the ntiAt,remedy. Gotir- anteed by all druggists, fide and ?d. Trial bottle free, ' : I Among tint out of town gue*m Veve; Mr, ami Mrs. J. it, Ilielcs, Miss Ethel Imndh. and Hire, Ell J Wharton of Dayten; Mrs, F* M»~ vSUiermautifTippeeftnoef'tty.- —Dry, slun’f,' slab wood on sale mm* ut TiiC D S Ervin Go’s. - Curtains lo fit your Windows at McMillan's. Mr, H a rry Xftgky will move into the property ju st vacated b y Mr, B. M, McClellan, MONTEY to loan on first mortgage on FAKMH, only. , We also liavA FOB ^A l.E .SOME deidnibl * farniK *nd *cvi ral nice CEDAItVILLE, XEXfA and JAMESTOWN DWELLINGS, SMITH ft CLEMAXS, CI5DAR- VILLE, OJID l Mr. J , W. Mel>*n has received a tlhe iUttPtrat. d imoklci showing E l Paso, Texas, the leading city of the south-wept, ’As’* Mcli»*n, a sou is located there with a stationary firm tmtl it whs he-who n-'ut- 5 fr, McLean the hook. Tin* illustrations are in coloru and wotl dcslgacd* Tho dif­ ferent chiucbr-i, hoirk, fhealreo, custom I ioopes Y. M, C. A,, Carne- glu library and Chamber of Com­ merce are sitown to advantage, Then (here are vb«* of different streets, smelting pluuf* and other tnanufaefMlng institutions, which weans that 1 be city is prospermia In every respect. REPORT TO P* M* baitlaft-theIetibyopanuntil 10P*H, Tho PoRtmastci* i* m t required to kcepthcofncc open after 8, P.M, but for tin? awomiKlAtions of tim patrons Of Dm Post OUlco, he has n l his own expense k e p t tho office open until 101*, M» For fho last, two motitlm several boys have made the Post Office a loafing place; Odr Post- mister Would find no faplfc In this regard, dearly every night one or two inlc bottles are upset, blotters are thrown on the floor, and pens and pen-holders arc broken or carried away. . .. Unless tills is stopped the Post Office Will bo closed' a t 7 P, M. al] parents should warn their children tha t Hie Poafc Office la no loafing placor .and tha t any destructions of Post Office property 1 ft punishable with h gdod stiff flue. It; *8 « grea: accommodation -to tlio patrons of Post Offict*. especially tho Lock Box renters, for the office to be open until 10 P .M , :ind we would regret to see a change. If you see any loitering, or distraction of property in tho Post Office, report i t to the Postmaster a t once* and he will take prompt action* honm of the class for 1907 * Mr* and Mrs. Howard Smith vis­ ited friends in Dayfcdn Sunday* A new' son a rrived a t ffie'home of Mr.'and Mrs-'A- E,Wlld,malt Satur­ day night. ; - . ’ Agent Hair has been .transferred from Terrace Park to this point in place of Agent King, who -recently resigned. Mr. Hair wifi occupy the Prngli property. left la s t Friday. - Miss Lizzie CuitlceiindMissLotlie Prince attended the M. E ./S und ay ■Sghool convention at;, A l p h a , * Mr; Kohert Haysfett has ■moved ( d ' Dayton, • ' -M r . Either Grfmlle e^pocts1to go' E a s t about Juno first. God o r U# har d^sh tis Mr. and Mr! K ‘ For Thin, PoorBlood You ean fruit « medicine tested COyc«f 8 ! Sixty yeafs of-experience, think of that I Experience with Ayeif’s Sar­ saparilla; the original Sarsa*- parilla; the Sarsaparilla the doctors endorsefor thin blood, v/enk nerves, general debility. Pat 4ft Cft M'sf vt-;ju‘ I) ti.o ;i»r«' *, ttitv 1 . i . v , i -)3 <"uv,t'l-aw.l. 1 -1 Oi- >*«**<•(.*-iWfltft. fallfs, V,i;l tike '■***<:**• ft<:*r, (,fAyOi’tl PiltotvftsUtaktaf!t!i«UNwwrsBtll)*, MM* St*a* «T,C, ft*-‘t-ftktlt, U*m, 1 i£rP%Z umiatfW, - W v l Off«#¥HiCIOHAt, ’’O.’ftliwft *0 » W# JMlMWh «:,«fisjtatji**0r*» **tmmmnm Ai i Bifkn By-ASpider, Through hlood poisoning caused by a spider bite, John'Washington, of Boaqueville, Test,, would have lost his Jcg^which became a mass of running sores, had he not been per* sanded to try Bnekleu’s Arnica Halve. He writes: “Tho first appli­ cation relelvod, and four boxes healed all tho Rores." 23e. Guaran­ teed by all drnggists. HOME MADE CATARRH CURE Any one can m ix righ t a t home the best remedy, of Its kind known* Tim name “Cyclone’’ is given the following prescription, i ll s supiioscd because of Us promptness!!! driving irom tho blood and system every vestige of .catarrhal poison, rehev lug this foul and dread disease, no matter where located, To prepare the m ixture: Get from any good pharmacy one-half ounce FluidHEx- traet Dandelion, one ouncs of com­ mon J&argon ahd tfii'eo ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla 'Koike well together and use in lea- spoonful. doses after meals and a t bed (lino. TJ<ls p; a harmless, mcxpenfhve. mixture winch has a peculiar action upon tho eliminative tissues of the Kidneys mjRksUng them to filter and strain h*om the blood and system all catarrhal poisons, which if not eradicated, ate adsorbed by the mucous membrane, and an open sore o r catarrh is the. result. Prepare* some and try if, as i t is a proRcrtptlqit of an eminent catarrh upociollatof imTional reputation. SAturd&y fttlsrnoon and found i t » fine day for dogs, and we doubt If Springfield’* dog catcher, Mr* Ou«h ing etui heftt tbc record of our asees- nor, who listed just 17 curs a t one sitting. The p a r ty th a t owns this real estate w ill probably clean out the dogs, when Ju s ' taxes become due. However complaints have been coming thick and fast from near by farmers for a yepr PnsL of damage done by those useless curs In Selma. * The Bov. Verbis Will preach Iho Jiacculaureate sermon next, Sunday atSfijb p. m. a t school auditorium.' Commencement exercises occur on Friday evening, April 20, a t school auditorium, a t 8p)0 o’clock. Paul VTftrtin, of Springfield, will deliver an address. Music by Neviu Quar­ tette. Tho following are tho gradu­ ates and subjects? Jennie Woodson—“ Our Nation’s Heroes.” ’ Baehel Calvert—uDevelopment of Pacific Coast,” Idesta D av is- “ IVhat Shall Itbe?’, Came 33lder—“Money,” Dine Simons—“ Glimb Through Bocks; be Bugged,’’ Bessie Basel—“ True Value of Character.’' Loll Dalton—“Man's Inhumanity to Man.” Class flower, Lilly of tho Valley,” COLORED W. C, T. U. A meeting of the colored women of Cedarville was called Match. Sd, to tho Baptist church by several ot the ladies’ of ’he white W. C. T. U. a t which time Mrs, I ra Townsloy and Misa Mary Murdock briefly stated the object- of th e Union a lte r which an organization was effected. Nine received tho white fibhoii. A reception was given to the new members a t the homo of Mis, Milt Beilinson, April 12th* A very en­ joyable program war rendered con-; ducted by tho President of tlm Un­ ion Mrs. Bosalo Boldnson, after which tlm welcome address was given by Mrs, Mary Weekly mid response by Mrs. Georgiana Gidnes. Plight now members received the white ribpon, after which rcireoh- ments were served. All who woro present expressed themselves as much pleased with t he evening!! entertainmen t. LUSTBO-FINtHIL” ; T 11 a variety of colors. I f is truely wonderful what tho ladies ate accomplishing with thin finish. Tfclnr.kfH an old floor look likonow. Old furniture and woodwork brought to life* . Heo samples a t Kerr & Hastings 8m ■ i fist,. Mrs, Baehel fiagg has purchased Iho J.-Vf. Confer property for Mr. Wm, Estel expects.,to move to Hpriugfiold aooii, Mr, Joe Sparrow is, viHiting rela­ tives a t Goes. ' Mr, Aron Ellis bad a family - reunion Sunday. ‘ Miss Bertha Swaby expects' to spend her vacation in Clifton. People here are longing for the good old summer time. Tho Gllmam family, . mother daughters and son of Dayton have been arrested again for the murde r of Dona Gilman .last November. Some time ago the fam ily was- cleared before the* grand ju ry o f Montgomery county. I t is claimed th a t new evidence has been found th a t Warranted - tho a rrest the second time. Doing Business Agtfn, “ When my friends though t £ was about to take leave of this world, on account of Indigestion, nervousness and general debility,” writes A* A. Chisholm, Treadwell, N, Y,, “ and when ib looked as if there was uo hope left, I was persuaded to try Electric Bitters, and 1 rejoice to say that they are curing mo, Tam now doing huiune&EJ again as r-f old, and am still gaining dally.” Best of a ll, tonic medicines. Guaranteed by all druggists. 6l)i*. Our Specials Fancy Dried Peaches per l b , . * . . . * , . . , . l 5 c lean s Good Com ..* , '. ,25c 3 pounds Prunes. .25c 6 loaves of Bread .. . . . ,25c Seed Potatoes ICariy Hose, seed, per bu. $1 ICaidy Ohio, seed, per bu*, .11 O tt.pdi©ti $&&&& i t i h u l l Will Pay You For Lard. lOo cash For countryside meat, H m e h For Eggs.......... .... lOe cash For Old hens, — .11c cash Nagley Bros.