The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 1-26

Information Con* , corning Farmers . Mr. I. 11 Frants, lu’OKfihtmttnpk'S- of ■wheat Anti onto as cut from the fields of Wilbarger county, Texas, io ta the oilkv yesterday. Tho wheat heads are oxeof dir.tily long aw l the utoefc ehnw» great strength. Tim o u t ttcif.i-j - ht o .nurli ku’fiW' thu s grown here. Mr, l?mnt!5 states time Urn green An? has greatly damaged wheat ami oats in Texas, and the froutbamUhat there will he only one-half crop- Wheat xn th a t comi­ ty will bq cut in about three. weeks, somewhat in. advance of the Ohio crop. I tin exported th a t Wilbarger county will have the main wheat crop u t the' stilts, : Young celery plants should be started early. Bow the seed in rows 1 '.foot apart and transplant when the p lants are 8 inches high, .placing them 4 in ehvs part in the row. The soil for,celery should he w ry rich, And also rattier moist than dry, A special-liquid fertilizer for celery is soapsuds, h a t an abundance of manure or 'mixed fertilizer should also he used. I t is very important th a t tiie ro\vs he kep t clean and the plants watered during a d ry Period. -Soaps are made mostly from soda lye instead of potash. Urn soda soaps being hard and the potash soap soft. 'Soapsuds, . therefo re, contain but little , if any potash, hu t serve to prevent insects attacks to a.certain extent. Some' plants, like celery .andasparagus. Seem to thrive when - dl'enhhed occasionallyw ith soapsuds - Which is probably due to the fact th a t Soda is beneficial to such crops ■, The* following, items taken from • the South ' . Charleston ' Sentinel concerning farmers and farms’ore ofbpeelAl interfestin th a t the persons ’ mentioned are well known t Tom Madison will pu t duly 150 acres of corn lu'insefi, hp t will have ■GOOacres in h is land. Tom Mfittiabu wifi siiinpier.'SSJO ‘ head of big’- caff,ha wh ich ' wilt be ready for the fnU market.. Colonel Colt; will not bn raced flits year. The mii-ckhe took last year is fa s t "enough to pu t him. among 'the best stable horses of Ohio, • Darwin Tierce haw rented Alt hip land ou t a i 'grain ren t anil for the first time, since. IftftS Will'not f«r»i fosetf. , jmi- L . If. and Ik II. Huston. Under MiVBniith last year the farm paid 3 iicrconf ni| i;hn investment and Joft <A2w to divide, Frequently two crops may ho had on the name plot tim ing the year, sw li ns early poaji followed by late cabbage, o r turnips may follow muonsj bu t the soil should he rich | and well supplied w ith manure or fertilizer. One advantage' with a small garden is th a t during tho dry season some of the crops can be watered by the use, of the hpso or sprinkler. Inexperienced persons should no t expect complete success the first year, bnt there ia nothing ton difficult to leant-, and the second year should prove more satisfactory if tan season does not become too dry. The principal small fruits are blackberries, strawberries and rasp­ berries, but 'gooseberries, .currants And grapes are also included, The most profitable fruits are those th a t receive attention during the entire year. The strawberry will thrive and bear well with bu t little culti­ vation bn some soils, and often receives no care after the plants have been bet out, other than to run the cultivator down the rows once or twice, bu t i t will jmy well for any extra labor th a t may be applied however. The- largest berries are grown from ’plants in single stools, blit the largest yields are obtained from the matted row system. The first essential is to get the young plants hi the ground as soon its to afford 'them an opportunity to grow apd imilce headway before the dry.season"‘co)rnes on,' High winds and a dry soli, will make quick work of,.young plants." The rows should be jrtsfcwide enough "apart to adm it 6f the use of the horse hoe, and the ground should be kep t very loose around the plants-in order to guard against droughb.asmnch impossible. . f. Although, b liro ly1 three months have elapsed since the. -Tax-free Alcohol A ct.w en t info effect, tlm trim, pas been sufficient to demon­ stra te certain- possibilities, of the industries favored by the bill, and to indicate some phases? of the Jaw which are- either inadequate or.- fail to meet the condition® called forth by the use of Hm tax-fee sp irit f**r purpeeeB.^Is ^ . ^ i r l y h a mem f l f f l r w f n b'&i tb& other ’tfiajk Ufa asked the man to price it”, Tim owner said ho would give $223 for a- ° mate itto and give $ih ro the matt who .would find it; Mr.-Cpre came awry w ithout the mule. H , 13. Bateman- 1ms' grazed COfi acres of grass for 43 years and in all th a t time has driven to hie pastm e every day from May until October, to see .after .the cattle. This year ho has ri nted a li of it and (will nOfc graze a hoof of anything, bu t will take an Eastern trip with his family. The righ t man "‘m ju st the right pl„cols Mr.Smitlr, who now manages lOObacresof the Dun land owned by ,.... . _ ■toAe expected,the lawm a ll became operativevrli^ioufi1the revolutionist ing of American industrial, and agricultural conditions prophesied by mimofous toorardont advocates of, the measure. The Standard Oil Company,, which, controls our gas line supply, is still apparently in ks f iourlshinga condition as it was prior to the first of January , and the larmcrs,. with few exceptions, are still utiliziHgJhcir waste products! for purposes Other than the (list!** latJon of alcohol. Matty mtmufactur ittg industries,. it Is true, lmve enjoyed the ilhmecliate beneilical effects of the hew 'law , and have EVERYTH ING FOR P ICTURE MAKING XN TH E -' . ‘ . KodakBox - - # , ■ -■--■■ ■ A No. £ Erotvnic Camera for taking Qft x 3*4 pictures, a Brownie Developing Box .for devel­ oping th e negatives in daylight* Film, Velox paper, Chemicals, Trays, .Mounts. Everything needed ' for making pictures is included in th is complete little .outfit? * And thev/orMng o titis so simplethat anybody caaeat good results from the start. No darkroom is needed and every step is explained in the illustrated instruction hook tha t accompanies every edtfit. ' . Made hy Kodak workmen in the Kodak fa c to ry ^ h a t tells th e story of th e duality? « i f THE KODAK BOX No? 2, CONTAININGi \ f S'e.CPittv.sietVat ru, - * i *Pfriwnioli,vf-ttijj'nf’ I uts , * Ho, i rIW li’rtPi«,!,VrC2., i - „ JlfewMeJUjiyrjr-iin-; | ffmir.fs.isniiiffivtCi * ■ » I « » * * im ,n> ,C.r 1 1 1 <\ii TlpownloPrinting l^vc.iao, l Dor,!!‘, s li'i fir«‘t.’liloVf loir, b.r. .in 0 0 d om p tb te & A 0 0 * P -At nil Kcdaklicalersf, .81.43 t*A sift f,-J> fa rt;:.* tfihtt I.’tUcfj iUV. EASTMAN KODAK CO, . Eochestef}N* %, ftofok M A I N S T R E E T NEAR Kredel & Alexander N’.SCL0THINQ- TRAN ANY OTHER STORE INTHECITY Wereyoii everre­ fusedyourmoney hackafi this store? --w*»»**« Your profit in buying clothes here is greater than ours xn selling them? we want-to have it so, T p H E STORE is full of things you ought to own; your money will actually get you more value here iiow than you wilj believe possible without see­ ing the goods. -dust notice a few, of the things we have in readiness for your approval. - Y ’ADLER- BROS. & 0 0 . ’S blue and black suits, made of fine blue serge, V “ • black unfinished worsteds. We could say a great deal about them, but I] you who know good clothing know this make, : Priced $15, $16,50, $18, $20, $25, $28 N. - vJ ' ' ’ e no equal in this line. Priced $15, $16,50, $18, $20, $22.50, $25 Bring Your Boys to!This Storo if,: YouWant toSaveMoney, 1 Natty. 'Double-breasted Norfolk: Suits* also' tile ff ..'Busaians, Buster Brown® -SafioraTn, plain , anfi fancy effeot% witb stnUKb v3SM«0tWbook$at' tWiaN (Sp ... - SniMr Broim fenfi th«r shKHigast a*BOrttac»ts. . gath«rod a t Exclusive iq effects.' All'Jfl..^ auiittfttcbful withAtty,..#'|i -t t ft- bofly’* $e .50 'line, . . . . . f J i J O Top Coat and fieeforsMn tan covert ck>tb, ffut In the latest styles? with -emblem decoration* ' on the sleeves. Swell and swagger as eat*Jxfc The right weight lo r all wear, . n i l Worth $S.OO.......... ............................... i p i l i a i l AMrge assortment of styles in ‘'1 both Reefers and Top Coats, in­ eluding coverts, worsteds and cheviots; correct In length and every other feature of fashion; t garments that will appeal to you as equaling the best you've seen .....$4.85 For Boys 2% to 7—Sailor col­ lared reefers* sailor collaret' suits, imported design Yankee Tar suits, Russian Officers’ suits, sailor collared Russian suits. For Boys 6 to 10—Juvenile Norfolk Suits, with two box plaits front and hack. For Boys to IT—Double-breast­ ed Belt suits* double-breasted .yoke BloOmer suits, swagger form-fitting suits. Doublo-breastCd'' yoke Norfolk suits. Classy, dressy* exclusive effects $4.85, $5,90, $7.50*43.60. Boy*' Separata K m * Pant*, Knick-C||Biftf l C* •rfaocker’and Plain . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 b C10*U« m other fellows: PRICED Correc t Shapes £ o r S p r in g 1907 , In our-preliminary showing of the new Spring Hats you wifi find exclusive styles, Correct in shape, finish'’and color. Hats for which you pay $3,50... and tha pbpuhfir ooforings, wough taps and pearls seem to have the preference. *J!pex and Banta................. . .$3.00 ^ The Ohalleiige-Btai#,,*.».t , *? •«»*;, .$2.00 wSir RegisrrSwell Oxfords for Men T h e H om e a f th e O x fo rd t Whatever Stylo oxford you have in mind, you’ll flniLit here. Black and tan in every kind of good leather you-over heard of, and mors than that, theso correct, styllBh, tellable hoe* Can be bought here a t saving. Our pricings assure you n $2.80 oxfords a t least a dollar’s worth of shoe bottemesa •Sava you that much money. And Of course the high cuts saving is *ia proportion. * jP i: K. SsA. ft*RegisShoes g*W "Laiacmta Club" *_ ’ *yIks shape [all $3,50 K & A . St:Regis Shoes New "Clifton Ridge" blunt shape [all leathers]. $3,50 i n Z * 1 5 : t Q * NOTED /‘LION " BRAND . SHIRTS The newest in hook-fold plaits, box . p laits/ knife plants, matched p laits and p lain fronts. ’ Coat a n d closed fro n t stjrlSs. Xatest shirtings, sa tin stripe madras, silk h a tre d crepes, shadow prints, Counly-jDovm. s ilk a n d Ifladras, Clyde ' and lirish dimity. , , Qm p o lto iD CMe Shirt* -and’' cales, cohJ? or' plhitx styles. Every sleeve length. $ 1 f il l Actually grade, - V 1*UU “ Rob Eoy^- folded unlined 4-id-hand Neckwear and new veiled color effects, Cartridge paper grays, duo-tones, rare style importations. ' C (irt $1.00- t y p e s . ............... DUC Leaf pattern Bungalin'e Lut ■ ineanx and _Brdcha_ Bengaline , Neckwear. Leaf brocades in exclusive French folds, designs from foreign sk e tch e s......................... . . . . . . ........................... New Tail Scarf Pins, latest-designs out of the East, a confined jewelry i d e a ............. . : ..................... .w Northrup’s Gloves .and Ireland’s make Gloves, tans, modes, new cloud grays, London fogs and Havana browns, (M f f l pique kids in light new tans, whites and bl acks . . . . . . . . qH it, J Latest spring Half Hose conceptions, Magenta, Niles, Violets and Cadet blues. Modes in plaids and strides. French f lE * and German mourning checks ard domino diagonals.-------A u u Spring weight Suspenders, Crown and Knothe makes, vari­ colored effects in grays, pearls and bishop shades. Ber- l IC - lin and cross backs . . . * . . . . . . ....................... •Itw u . Spring weight Underwear, Luzerrie and super-weight. ,<M lift Plain and natural grays. Pure wool . . . . .........................T I iUU Luzerne and Cooper Spring Noodle <M ftfl <M HH 5JO C|1 Union Suits . . *• • * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i f *il#U, t ■iWU, lp fiiuU I . x I received a healthy stimulus, which him no t been without its effaifc on the general financial ami induslriat condition of the country. Even tbo Wood alcohol interests, which opposed the passage of the .bill an strenuously, have no t suffered as severely as they declared they would for wOod-alColiol, which oue of the standarduenaturan ls requ ired by the regulations, will bo increas­ ingly in demand with the wider Utilization of denalnred spirit. i t Is impossible today in obtain denatured, high proof spirit for 03 i:o<J0 eenlsargalloh depending Upon the locality in which the purchase fakes place and upon the quantity bought, tn New York city, for :oslanco denatured spirit ' can bo purchased for ISC cents a gallon In five-barrel lofs.-BcfentUlc American. A NarrowEscape. ‘tJ, "VV. Cloyd, a mofchant, of Pluck, Mo., bad a narrow’ escape four years ago, when he ran a jhnson bu r Into bis thumb. He says; “The, doctor wanted to amputate it bu t I would not consent. I bought a box! litu'klen’fi Arnica Halve and 'lis t cured tbo-dangerous wound." 23c a t all Druggists. Ah Overworked Faculty, Although matt is bom unto trouble lio bau a great faculty for increasing hlo natural otons,—iialtlmoio Amen* can,'' | WAy~iw PmlftilitleV . i Hike an ladivMual, a nation cannet t expect to be towftby or, happy which, ' 80 to spc#k. I* tevevcr feeling lte own . pulso and loom** *t ifs,tongue in the glass, if *r# cunuot slier the cornu* tloiis of t-ndsrm fife, we can a t least make the best tsf them* and steadily refuse to b* lugubrious on Umir ad* count, eJmm ««r pmsimistlo mcdlclnu man hover so Vrtwly. Yes. 100,009 time* each day. Does it a«nd out good blood of bad blood;? You know, foif good blood h good health; bad blood, bad health. And you know preclaely whaf to take for bad blood ^Ayer^ Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed ft for 00 years. VHut fcnnrijfKa1«rg!s!! S Fftjtoneo* Mil liito iTie bioofl Hm. ’nil* siflBwn* »r» *' Ka'-jithew**!* 1 '’wW^ri' ef kmr vxotnt. A«uectse? CMWVP£a«tAt<( 1 Wo imfelljft VC3I Poor In French Hospital*. Tlio common people fear abovo everything thefiospltal, aays the Paris Eclair. They are badly received and questions ate put to them in a loud Voice in the presence of patients* stu­ dents and visitors. The modesty of Women to not respected. The poor have the right to demand when they are under examination the observa­ tion of the elementary laws of mod­ esty; they have also the right to de­ mand of doctors professional secrecy. Don’t PayAlimony. to bo divorced from' your appendix. Thorn wilt be no occasion for It- If vou keep your bowels regular with i)r. K ing's New Life Pilla- ^ o h ' action ia ho gentle th a t the appendix never has cause to make- the least complaint. Guaranteed by , all Druggists. 25c Try them. The wofiu’a'uemdnd*. A man who cannot, afford to return hospitalities will find that lie need not okpcct to avail himself of those of Ids acquaintances to the end of his career, unless ho in an extremely en­ gaging person. —- Frdneea Ilodgson Burnett, Child was Observant, Miss Mario ahcdlocic lately re­ marked during a lecture on storytell- tng tor children t "You have to bo dramatic toward children or you sro likely to hear the response which was oneO given to a mother. A child, after heaving a dull story, looked up and saltU ‘Mother, do you know when you talk your upper Jaw don’t work’?'” Belt Buckles and Back Combs You Havn’t Seen This week lias brought us w number of styles am! shapes th a t will in te re st you If you wan t something entirely now. Buckles Are to bo worn extensively th is season, and wo are showing them JLo-gold-fillsd,- plain and chasedi s ilv e r engraved ? and some Im­ ported ones exquisitely enameled, in different colors. Prices, $i.oo to $6,oo. - ■ ■■ ■ . ■ o ' Back Combs will no t be so elaborate th is season as last, add We sire prepared to meet your desire with many of the more modest 'designs, • . *. Combs $t,oo and up. B u y ^m r e you a te shre of-quality and style, C. C. FR IE D 8z SON , fl*UEast Main Street, Springfield, Ohio. This month’s Batterick Patterns 10c and ISc—none higher,