The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 27-52

) i PVflr E x v r ilr iU Y £ t o r Jf>]> Work will eniopsr^ with | th a t o f my o ther f i rm. » , , < She "Cedar THIRTIETH YEAR NO. no. O flC.’ ~i *\t-X~-i C^hi^Cjl 'W'.-Hji az iD^ca, <3r:)‘„*c3that r-fc*' :i< to £ x : dye c:rf <1 j-.j-yisiyt sc;'1«, KCr*t is cajxctiHy cteifc'3,. . . . . . O E D A E V I L L E , Q H J & F R I D A Y , D L U E M B E R 13) 1007 . BRIDE $1.00 A YBAM* T OF E BOARDOFTRADE Thu meeting of the Board of Trade Monday evening was a g roat success in fact the be st attended o f a n y y e t i» l4 aRieo the th e reorganization of , th is body. The large attondenco was probably tto? to th e ta e t th a t a fte r a business .Q}**ttngr th« members were to enjoy a rep a st a t the Keyes restau ran t. The annual election of officers com­ ing a t the n ex t -tegular meeting nom inating committees were ap­ pointed by President Stewart* Messrs. L . H . Sullenberger and Joseph F inney lo r the regu lars and ■Messrs. - W ill A lexander and Dr. W . J , Dixon for the independents* ' The- committee ' on advertising was in struc ted to look a fte r some advertising envelopes showing the " advantages of Codatviliev , . Adjournment was, taken a n d the banquet committee announced th a t the guests m arch do the restau ran t. Thirty-five took seats abound ,tfle tables. Th’o Voom had been taste- lo lly decorated^ and p resen ted ,'a very cosy appearance, \ 1A fter ex tend ing ’ Mr, arid Mrs* Keyes a vote of thanks’Tor th e ir generous hosp ita lity -D r, ,'Btowart! who acted, as; toast-m aster called op A number; of th e members for -speeches. / The sub iect covered' th e adVaueefnenfc o f Cedarville in the Tho committees appointed to nom inate officers fo r the regu lar election nex t m on th have finished tho task , . The Independents have named fl# follows: President J . 0 , Stewart, 'Vice-President, l b C. W att, Secretary, Andrew Jackson. Treasurer! 0 . L -Sm ith . * D irectors: L. « . Dull, 3 yea rs, J?.. P . Hastings, a years, ' George F, Sicgler, 1 yen ) The regular nomination** a re m follows; President, W , J . Dixon. Vice-President! W , J , Tarbox. Secretary, W. L. Clemirtanf?, T reasurer, M, x. Marsh. D irectors; c .M ; Grouse, 3 years, K, F. Kerr.fc years* Gv Y* W inter, % year, GOES TOILLINOIS. Rev, R , B . Wilson of Cro&well Michigan has received; a call to Hantiah City, ITT,, and hasf entered uj'on h is pastoral duties in t h a t city. ? 1 , » -f ................. A .J . ^ , MONEY TOLOAN. \ ~Money to loan on first mortgage rea l estate. - A n y amoun t up to | 20 , 000 . Before you borrow, call a t jtcljexs* • pasttiventy-five o r,,th irty y ea rs to th e present time. Other topics dis­ cussed were th e p resen t heeds of the' , . village, such * as -’electric ligh ts, this office for information. 1 b e tte r streets, lower ta x rafh, h igher f“" -------- --------- valuation of rea l estate and the annexation of improved property adjoining theco rpd fation . * - " Among those hailed on fo r speeches were,: J . H , Wolford, Dr! 'M . I , Marsh, D- G. Hull, O. A .B rad- ford, L. H . , Sulienberger, ’ R. .,0. W a tt, J . H.- Andreiv, R . , F . K e rr, „ Joseph Kinney. O. L . 0m ith ,'W. J . to loan on iim t mortgage Tarbox. 8; O, W righ t, G. F . Siegler.* dn FARMS, only. ~JL Jln, .* * j • t ? K * v X j ? -* -*•>w * 'ATi*ik tft jtyti&S, Reg-'- J . W* Dixon, G, M* Crouse, C. Q, Morton, T. N, T&rhox, and K a rlh Bull. „, \ -Dee Golden Rule aFIonr. - Much Sustenance m Nuts. A pample pf the nuts upon which the, warfiprs- pf Somaliland'march and fight so well has been brought to Eng* land; Twenty of the nuts aro a day’s rations for the Roman, who eats them bulled.’ We also have FQK BADE SOME desirable farm s And several nice CEDARVILLE* XEN IA and JAMESTOWN DWELLINGS. SM ITH ifc -GLEMANS, C ED A R V ILLE , OHIO. ! - • S' i-: jwhoy, LCO. {econd U Yhe t; fine- 15c 4&($ t Our ...iso 1 , Well ............... fGrath tHurn- ttf We, :.... t other - a f&'K S?#f & R i 'SPECIAL-; !' V. r ' ^ 4 % ^ / Christmas Bargains 50& games Special Out Prices. F linch .....USCents Block 34 Cento Jan,-Kcn-Pa............34 Gents P it, New..,,.............,,,..,..,.34 Cents Qulen-Sahe...... ............. 88 Gohts SPECIAL Cltrietmas Box Paper, Useful and Beautiful. 35 c B r a s s N o v e l ti e s Smoking Sets, I n k Stands, Tobacco Boxes, Twine Boxes, Candlesticks, Book Racks, S tuden t Lamps, Paper Knives JARD IN IERES IMPORTED CALENDARS A. A Vantiae’s Japanese Calendars 35ft to 75ft Rost Card Albums 15 Cents Up £0 73 Cents. G rea t Value a n d Very ’ Attractive, ~DAINTY AND NE VVHOLLY POSTCARDS-* DECORATED f Holly Cards............................ 3c Ho lly S ea ls.............. 80 Holly Labels.......................... 10c Ho lly Boxes.... .„..„„se to 25c PICTURES, Harrison F isher’s ........Wc. Howard Chandler 1 Christy’s .............. ........,3ffic Will Greef, New P ic tu re s .. 500 - J BOOKS See ott£ Beautiful Christy Book and the Harrison* F ish e r. A’ SPECIAL Complete line of Novel? new and beautlfnl eovera PR ICE 35 CENTS. -At ono time Clark county w a s a h o tb e d of ForakeHsm. Today the same county is strongly against him owing to h is stand on public questions, namely, fho ra te bill? pure food lows etc. The sta te leg islature meets the first e f J a n u a ry , the members of th is body being abou t equally divided politically. A senator must be elected the following year, 15)08, and from p resen t prospects Foraker would have little show for succeed* ing himself." - I t h a s been demanded by the rank and file of the party th a t l)e be ehum lnated as. fa r as the senatorship is concerned and rel­ egated to private fife fo r ins a ttiud e against Presiden t Roosevelt, Seeing th a t defeat stared - ban m the face and t h a t the only hope a t the bands of the parfcyAthat he has | betrayed h e has come in to the open a s a cahctldate for president.' Th is was done a t the request of a b ° lh i- cal organisation in Columbus th a t endorsed him fo r th is bigU position,’ Them em bo rso f’the Club>re_mbstly deposed Officials th a t have been heplersbf the Fqraker-Dick maehme and who lost tlieif positions by the election -of the la to Governor Pafcti- s o n .' Then these, same fflcials' ch a t w an t Foraker a s pfesideni conld^n’ot even g e t "the endorsement of^fhe House,- which was Republican in majority". This shows plainly, the b irth of Fo raket boon fo r president! The country from no rth to sottfcn and easjtto, west has b£en a' unit, fo r President Roosevelt for a third term h u t so fa r h e ha* declined, pt? has on ly the professional poltfians su ch a s Fo raker,'D ick ,‘Malloy* hnd the^W all S tre e t gamblers, as his oppqshfs. Wh eft Rodsev*d t declared th a t he would no t e n te r ' the th ird term contest the pub lic demanded a mart a s successor t h a t would. carry o u t his plans and continue the work as, s ta rted b y th e present pdm inslm- tidft., 1 ’ . '' Secretary o f War, Toft- haft bead looked to as the m an who will follow thp, Roosevelt plan in goygram<tat. Ho is a native of th is state-imd strongly against .fh e boon ar^-feo W&dt«»dms^e s p ^ c h which V o su lld In Re]WbtU cans .defeating * machine mad* ticket ?n Ham ilton county and ijidyernor H errick .' C S c . E . Folgor, of the Mitchell Post, Springfield claims t h a t tho soldier vote i s againsfcForaker a s a canvass of the Po st has shown. Representative, Jam es Hatfield sta tes; “ I realize t h a t , tho senti­ m en t of Republican r voters of the country, i f expressed a t the- polls, would notro-elecfcJ. B, Foraker. FURS 01 M a lce t h e m o s t s e a s o n a b le a n d a c c e p - . ta b le o f a ll h o lid a y g i f t s . * • 4 ' ^ ' "M , - 1 • I T’S to buy fins here. Rasy because of the’ enormou8 variety—easy be- eaua©you’re sure every articne is worth the honest, plain figure. price!marked . on it. Youodonothave to be a shrewd buyer ora fur eYperfcto be certain of yourmoneys worth at this store. The knowledge derived from .50 years5 Exper­ ience is repref-entedin byfar thd greatest fur stocli It has ever been our pleasure to present. Greatest in extenWgreatest in value giving. ' * v |.-ijt ^ \ 1 '>X * *,r * i*; fc^ /4 _V* */ Notice-these specials for this w eek-just what J you Want may be among them . to- hifth $11.50for Japanese .nnnlcsets worth-$17,50 Httgasrpiai’e pillow nm fiarid 53 inph ' throw scarf * matfth—gc^d linings,,’ “ * . • $ 3 . 4 d f&r brown .coney se s worth $ 5 . 0 fr ' ' ‘Larg* pillow m u ll a n d Itth 55-inch throw scarf, N o t in price yet nice enough for an y body! - ' $0,00 f^rgray squirrel sets Worth $15 - .. Down bodpn iow -muffs'and 55 -lnoh th row s c a rfs .’ ‘Good - . " color and well made. ’ „ - ’ \ r ; 'i ' - , $7.50 for genuine-mink scarft worth’$>12 . N a tu ra l single skins w ith iall a n d mounted head. Small - in si m b a t exceedingly sty lish ,' . . - r' , - . $6.56 ©wfox1muffs, worth S10 *■ q,' . - , 8»bhi„or Isabella colors artel fluffy, .handso'mA rnnifs! 8 i a # e sk in s c a rfs ,to ‘m atch w ith brush' tails $5 whtdeaklnsUQ* , / $3.48 for brown martin scarf wotth $5 - V ’ ^ I * V ■>» * r ,r _ > V • .$0,90 for riverminksets worth*$15 Made from seiectod sk in s of extra, quality. , Pillow muff anrt choice o f 55 inch throw scarfs p iahbor head trimmed, double scarf tails, trimmed or sa tin lined zftzas., Cheaper - grades of'same f u r p s (low as $8.50, 8^7.75 for near seal coats worth $40- - 1 Not electric seal-called near seal, fskinner's guaranteed satm lining, atorm collars and largeh-evores. ; SB0o W Wrisses’ brown, coney sets worth $4.50 - . Good ftfeiid m lifand, Choicoof throw or zi\z& shaped scarfs ’ iu»; Uiu.tvufiia sets ¥3.50^ river m ink sots; |4,, gray and white squirrel sets $5.00, 'White Iceland lamb seta fo r „ , ' - - children $L80, g ray coney sets - ' / two. CO 98ft M i $9,90 for Persian paw sets worth $15' , Large afecd mwff and 09 -m th row -a ttrac tiv e beean^e pei<- fcctlym ade!andD iorough ly lined , - - • - ’ $25 for blacklynxgeis worth $35 ‘ . ' Made from whole skins—n o t pieces. G lossy / rich skins ,___ . - , , . ong.f', • ‘ —f«il pllfoW muff and throw scarf. mornings-, V e ry durable a n d rich in - A - c ^ . . . . ' . - - . $35 for genuinemink set worth $50 - fcrrt ” " -r "’ ‘ ‘ ' » r « l skins, no t doctored fir.any way, - -Largo single ■ skin scarf with mountcv head and full pillow muff, The&fftte all fur—oq t satin lined—atod fn li 75 inches- long'., ! 6 tajS#and cord-Hn mfit a ' >kf. GRE&N TRADING BTAMPS. ‘ LIMBOCKER’S In The Arcade. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. Masterpiece of Peter P^lkoo, On ft post card of the UsUtEI (flzC shown at the Bucharest exhibition is written the bulgarian constitution In full, the opening speeches of various European parliaments and two poems by Kudyard Klplltfg—38,000 Words ih all, Tho ’ealUgrapblat, Peter Palkop, of Sofia, spent nine hours- a day dur­ ing three months to accomplish tins fe a t ... Appointment CamO Late. A good deal of amusement was caused by the recent announcement in tho French “Journal Ofileiel" that Aug’ustb Raul Henri Anjariftn Wag nominated to a clerkship hi tho past office. Anjarian applied’ for the berth when ho retired from tli* gendarmerie years ago. But ho died in 1303. Letter to a Schoolmaster. “My soft will bo unable to iUten school to-day, os ho has just shave hlmeelf for tho first time."—Lustig Blatter, When You 'T ick Up” a Cinder. When as tmfoiiunalfe as to havo Bdmo foreign particle blown into your eye, fry closing U 10 eyes immediately and keeping thorn shut for a cihstiEo or go. When tho eyed aro opened again tho cinder will bo found to havo disappeared m d not even a slinging eensatlort will bo felt. jbrown concy scarfs worfcR$LS0 - itadh a n d chain fasten ing Satin linedwpoi seal zasuta' ’ . t . h , -r' cr , }uu?t Srmio©eet w o r t h ! 5 ■, w iih ermlue miuk set worth $3Q lou-ttmgl—uot whole skius.' Pillow muff and raBUdad^rt throw s c a r f . Handsome and serviceable. F u f neckwear from FUr muffs from .... . F u r coats fcoftl.... F u r lined ooafea,-for ladies’ Jr eats for cfiiidran............ Fuf1caps....... ................. . F a r gloves.... F u r Uned gloves F u r caps# for coachmen,. $1 to ,$1.50 ... $2to ^185 $15 to $8u6a 444.«i> to m „ . ... ;.,.-$8.t^to$lS .... ....... $8 to $15 ............... $3 to $5 .... .,.,.$6,60 to $USo A WARNING > D e e e p t^ i# iw easy fttukdetection so difficult w h en fugs ftrsbftcw that-yon need ou r.long ex­ perience id pro tect you, A dollar’s worth if ' yoti spisnat a do li* rwo rth o r a hundred dollars if, ■you c^ead a hund red . , - 'M i , A WARNING Dori’t he foolish enough topftFoff yoUrClnmt- mas buying till the la s t m inute. Make your ficleotion new from our overflowing stock aiid a small paymentnyill hold i t u n til you arc-rcady. IHE 1 T 0 EKOTES. The Fftfrbftoks Theatre, Spring- field, Ohio, w ill offer on Saturday , Df CemltorSIet one of the most eon- ‘laffimat, auceftM>tnl. rnmanllo pieces or th e popular pfw*»d stage, “ Tho Jfto More Country DoCtOMi, The* country doctor la rapidly be­ coming extinct as a Cpecics, ujiy3 ^ New York Herald.' Tho men one meets at their soclelcS look, dresa, talk and act na the men do at any meeting of city physicians. The pa pets presented ftre unite up to the City standard, Iho discussions mark­ edly above those of the city men. The nnrflidal experiences related L ily and th* Prinoe,* Fo r several; would astonish come men who think seasons If ft*# V»* one of tho moat widely p%trooi**d pieces of the pop­ u lar priced sligo . It, combines a lt tho beauty of tb s romantic drama with the humor of tho modem American pl*y. Its success has inert miqnallfisd fiom t h e very Ktort, This is dm*, doubtless to file strong company which has always lx c n maintained to play it. From a r.cenic standpo in t It has likewise Iron invented with lavish equipment The performance a t the Fairbanks Tbeatm ought to t>c 011 c of., leading in terest to tba patron# o f tho popu­ la r priced piece* a t the Fairbanks the city clinics and clinicians do all of the work, or at least all that is Well done. Chicago Par. Above the Sea. Chicago 15 situated oft an extreme jy fiat cite, but no other oily to tho world, of anything like its size, lies co far above the level of the sea, This la Paroe. .. A first edition of “The Murders In the Rtlo Morgue” wao sold recently lor $1*300, Poor Poe would haVo'been delighted to have received one-tenth of this sum for tho dory. Famine* of Venomcu* Snake*. Venomous snakes of America are comprised Ih. four families—tho rattle- snake proper, the copperhead an,d the moccasin, tho coral snake and the ground rattler; There are several va-. rietlda of the rattlesnake and two of the coral. Most deadly of all are the copperhead and tho diamond rattler. A Dally Thought* There is but one straight road -to suceech, and that is merit, The min Who is successful is the man who is flscfuL Capacity never lacks oppor­ tunity. I t canuot remain Undiscov­ ered, because it is sought by too many anxioU3 to Utilize i t A capable mart on earth la more valuable than any precious deposit under the earth, and ' tho object of a much mare vigilant ec arch,--’\V, Btrarkc Cochran. Two and a Half Cow*, Denmark, famous for kor great ex-- portftlion of batter, has 503 cow* to every 1,000 of her inhahitarttft, and If five head aro counted in a family, theto arc f two and one-half cow* t o every family. HIGH PRICES EOR RAW EITRS Write Eor Price List. P. SLACK’S SOWS, 112 East Main Street. Springfield, Oliio. Club for the Lonely. Those who have ho friends ftt Lon­ don and ccmsplflui of its great lonelb ncGff now havo a club alt to them­ selves. The now organization is Called the Eligible Cockil cltsh. Its object is to faring together men and women who aro io&cl%* A v&callct nud * pby* Wright havo applied for membership. Gmail fv.nanesnes Cctint. Email hindaosfecp make a hands*, fit friends where gi cat talenfa make imfc one. **S id. p*V»M«j j Our Pianos For Themselves WE GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU FROM $ 5 0 TO $100 AND ARE HERE IN TOW N TO KEEP OUR PROMISE A3$- EASTERN MAKES A N D A N Y KIND YOU WANT* SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PRICES, PHONE NO* 65 , Mflp, c v c i c / i i r r j O dlcULCK Mm***' mm