The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 27-52

tfVy • Marita ID Schmidt* ASat* City fud Ward, Abo« X*»i* City* «*>| J ' Ward, ’ * . F.M. Bttn’ftlvHugarcwk Tp. - ~ ^ - I>. E, Aifrterfson, Xenia City 83 Ward. Cheney M. Pearson* Bilvercreek Tp. to It, Anderson. Xenia City* 8d Ward. W. M, Laurens, Xenia Tp. T» Hauftinan, Bath Tp. Lewie Harris, Xenia City 4th ‘Ward. . ’ Chae. E. Speaks, Miami Tp. . George Stiles, Xenia City 1st' Ward. 0* X , Stuckey, OedarvUle Tp. 1X4. Harnor, Xenia Tp, For months past we have been selecting Holiday Goods for our Christmas trade. They are all here, ready foryour inspection, and we will be,pleased to have you pay us a visit while out looking a present for "him." J* A, GiUaugh, Cedarviile Tp. Wllbs McDotman, Silverpree PETIT JURY. Ch«s. Hoituman, Bath Tp. . u John Welsh, Rafch.Tp. ' * Isaae Evans, Spring ValleyTp. , R, I). Wllliawsonv New Jasper p , .Tift •>■ ~ x * ? x* * ■* * H. I t, Eavejv Xenia ..City, 2nd Ward, >, *’ t - 8 . J. Marshall, Xenia City, find * Ward. • • Thomas Gonford, Xenia City, let ‘ Ward.- . / • - \ W, A. Jenkins/ City, 4th Wardy v" Y y 5tnas Lackey, Spring Valley. l ' \Vt. V v-" ;1 * *% Y f> ‘ ^ ~% * -i1 I 1 ,J » * J . E.Miihger, Be&verbreefc Tp," . Wiilis Devon, JeilersOtt Tp. '•• Y- . Grover Stokesbnry, Xenia Ciiy, 4 th Ward; ’ A. H , White, Miami Tp. - ’ t > ' E .B y Colvin, sph'ng Valley Tp. I* 1 -i,. .." i r ' ' tw * * 1 ,Many smart styles in imported goods, .• ■ 25fc. • 50cr :75>c-and $1*; \ - , jvWiisonBros. Goods and consequently the best " ’ , , * _ 1 -L_______ ’>.>-1. - ' -j. , , t { n i* ^ r,\• ' ■ :■r, . Samuel tosher, Xenia City, Srrt Ward, * ' ' ' ' ' a <• ays’Rs ' 4 j>. M c M il l a n ' »■ , . , •?>,j v • - wK‘ . , * 1 - "’ .w f; , ■fl r ,I < > ' i is " f ,1 PoBlmaate^ Tarhox„received, the. -‘ following obituary, notice- from, "the Railway Service XeWs; „ ‘ Mr. B. McMillan, detailed as transfer clerk a t Chattanooga, Tenu., died a t his home a t that place ■ q .vru c /a tA j- -y ■ T^L^\ j ■3i%' X ^ ' Y’> r ' #r vf-tOj; s- ,4 V ■ - . . - : v > • i-: 5 » > ' . / , c ".-V- h ** . ‘ Probably the largest, end handsomest line ever be­ fore shown h r ibis city.., Detachable handles New fancies;in wood, pearl and metal. ■* t“ V*1* .* ' / ’I \ . « \ ftj ' ’ t * .I . r ” " l : bv>, . ^ Vv a the 18th inefe.,ia his Wth year. * ............... ....... *" srk McMillan w » originaliy ap- pointed to fcho Galion apd Dayton R, P.O. Sept. 4 186fr, And with the msmstte® of about o 1» t « b mpnth* . 1 ' ^ - I t o yS«®» »Kng : tlm poaitivn of Kramtfer oJ*rk at Cha&fewmtega* The Sympathy of tbp division is extended to the family and friends Of the deceased.” - Mr* MoMillan was a brother of Mrs. Bigham. Harbison o t thm . ° place. t -* Y ,‘ Engraving Tree, ^ YV t* ‘ •-f '. •X‘:: \rs r-T.-r m FAR THEST. dames Holman, of south of Xenia, received a telegram from Spokane, Wash,, Monday morning containing the sad news of jtUn death of Mrs, Ida Holmes, the wife dt bis son, 3 . M. Holmep, Whose home is ah OrovlTle, Wash. Mrs. Holmes had gone ,to a hog. pital in Spokane, where she under- wentan operation on Saturday,l»ee. 7, The particnlare are not known a t this time.‘~Gazette. Wllsmi Broe^ Cravats, best values’for the p f fi m \ the market. Four-In-Hands, 25c t o , $C/ Bat Wings, 28c and 50c; Puffs and folded* and Four- ^ in-hands, 50 d, $1 and $1.50 New shades of brown in special boxes. V A fuli lind of sizes 34 to 44* ’ All \ h e hew, shades in browns and modes. Prices ,k 75c end up $5, $6, $7.50, $8 and $10 Stetson Hats '.»*WS»W^WW»', STOVE FOR SALE. 18-iuch Round Oak heating StoVO. Cheap. W, L. Clemafts. Mr, and Mrs, J . II. Andrewenter tained a number of friends last night and. Wilt entertain again this evening. For the holiday season. Our Bull Bog lines alT one pair in a box. Prices on Christmas Suspenders 25c, 50c, 75cj $1 and $150 Our last invoice for this year just in. New Tele­ scope styles in soft hats, $2, $3 and $3.50 Derby f l a t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2, $3, $3.50 and $5 The brown Shades as well as black* Bath Robes Reefers and Mufflers M nP Allnew atid pretty styles. Rich colorings in blue/ garnet/grey and brown. Osttrly CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Mod«l Had Including rrcatinns from N«w Vork’Bb«sst designer)* »t gr*atly m - du«dprlc«v. S ttft andt>r*s*Hats Including Fur Ilatunnd |/eimtifnl •tylf« in flower trimmed hat» that gay dtic!i put into th tif im!» a t thi* aaaion, ■. Woman's Totym* and . ttomoti, A for a lasting gift. ■'Turns* o. $4, $5, $6 and $7 • & ~ TJ rtaftkFa HTt'fffni'a $1,$1.50,$2.and$3 25c, 50c,75c,$1.&$L50 Ask to see thejiew Auto Reefer.. . . . ,50o and $i *-i 'i * ^ 2 * •p *•. t SSS: v *,« dp ’I i Yr«, i i ' Fine Dress, 1.50, $ 2 and $2.50 Vti .l i Ar* ■! "♦ f \>i .* , - Y . , .$1.50 to $3,00 Semi-Stiff and Plaited Bosoms, new arrivals , . ; * . . . » . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 ,75 and $ 2.00 . Other lines ofShirts. . , . : ---- -- 50c, $1 and ,$1.50 ' * su > f v ^ 1 ._ " * ?U , <a * SAS ^ J \ V k/ < " V J . 5»V ■h W& * i; *, r i,'1 ' ct ,'Y'jS ft b K<- « . ’K , , , - H ' ■* , * -‘-a - Ys■ 1 'H t. '•is- ■Of. A new and smart line ju s t,on view for the first time. . "New ideas, new colors and models Prices of Cases and Bags $3.50, $ 5 , $ 6 , $7 and $ 10 . T :« r’ 7 •*, Coat Style, are all the rage. We have them for / boys and men. $1, $1.50, $2.50 and $3*50 . Handkerchiefs Initial, in Silk and Gambric. 10c, 15c, 25c and 50c Cravanette Rain Coats Ever popular, making a useful present. . Prices $10, $15, $20, $25, $30 and $35. a * - v, . . . Store open every evening after Monday, until Christinas 1 R : Q 50 and 52 Fast Main Street, Mohftiv, Aotrftknuftiid Rvfti’Liotli, la *11 cutow, form^rty ft.?>onow 76c, it • Infants' Cmp§* . !CjtTialMfe«tylp»Jti avftrtfffyofd^ lu* prhdng J*?* v<-IhftitdtWlh’giii ftUf”,hr*. Ifftttorn Aid mntdi FftftthBtn*»ul Fl>m- 1!, ArtiflMftlHu«>hpt*y»!iVptTbuhcii. p »m*n itmt* Xsnin Ohm, t / > Xenia, Ohio W f i4w***«Mlg** ilWtoTjthtoilhiBWRfaji Ovurworkeu, s<ver« Th«fttric*r Critfcumt Chicken Skin Oldve#, Ptfiwps Hil WliH lf CM, •^ WfjWrtttfc i t ig H n CooMflS flChoftl*/ ■• ■ c l uuK uiovei A chiKT'li iii JXTuJon still fliftwft an Jfl thft chy at i.ewavk th* other fi^many *ud Auatti* liftvu- utout ThcutricM cilHeism ia sovcm in Blowa t-ueken skin w<5rfi irt Mr* f»*r«h huxc:o zhUk was bft|no*thm it tat tow!* »Raltostouif» applicator m S ( ghouls. A tv\i£ soars’ V /mm , A protnlucut uc-trosft tiaya TOi ^ m the i r D part "f ttm 17th LoS'a^ » £ r t ! f m buying wood *&«•' « » ih*u«o nnC Kut if. Auwis cour**' i* hoford ft dlpleni* that uno uvonlug whilft eha was pmy- Thov wore used ut niftht to iundf^d *&d fourth W tfftettot thMimj for t t j m w j j tt tta g etofc }B ^ of tbo » c M | Jug ItaM two bombs Wore tMma oh g f g haM wll m S s *A 4 & * * ^ ! S S ! n w S r % ^ £ ^ * * • --t « » ”**• to m o tot *n »e.eaae» of e*l#ry. hgva rt^iomn* horn eeljoalu, On ^ , . . * « « « imt i WlllMft u TryXtftlft S*r«h Lftthb of «f» |> . rvmarkwi on *«r ^ i *ad toftrth u m m tt„* ^ ***** ^ m « m - .w ,, V-r S f *d •‘A t the the senateP ' ' by couuttec of ft cUtnui Or defeat v -the fie rc e s t theleglsla 1 . ‘ kb » v(£ t.oofcegt. If . d to pledge SftloOn whloh has Uidrefor p *oy body t h**rb*etitl fought flelL*. g rea t arm j least teali: antioverco keepers is ■ be active s s trik e hnn "The Ih g rea t battl Affair* arc —■ Throughoi trimmed h US I 4*; ¥ & K-ip « < UlbreF Buy 1i|»b of fjf, i , gu her tte ttrlbffay t ttYFlfiag jj