The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 27-52

s mmm EpMp |N*Mpfpi -3**«-£t%aCs; n W 4* * 6 m * 0 *# -plMi 9: wpmw %**■*>< (MH— nawwwpi) THE SPRINGFIELD HARDWARE GO,, T IM ELY SUGGESTIONS Motor W ash ita ................... ,.$ 14.00 Alarm Clock*......................... etk; Oarpet Sweepers......................... $1,60 to $2,60 “ 1847” Knives, s e t..................................... $ 2.00 Tea and Tables ..................„$1.25 ta $3.00 Jack Knives.................................. .25©to $l*oo Chain Knives Pen Knives... ......... .......... ,,........„„.40e to 15.00 Nail Clippers.........................^ -------,25o to 60c French Files................. ........... ,,...150 toBCe Nail Scissors...................................... .60a BciSear se ts ........... :...... ................. $$,00 to $f». 00 . Embroidery Scissors............ *........60c to $1.00 Heiniseh Shears.......................... „...,40o to $1.00 ■ He.sic, et.s $ 1.20 to $ 1 . 0 g Hoys’ Sleds - .......... ............ *......60s to $3.00 Boys’ Wagons,..,,.,....... . .,$ 1,00 t o $2.26 600Pairs Skates...........;..... ......... .60c to $4.00. Gillette Razors................ ........... $0.00 to $25.00 Witch and Wizard Razors,........ $1.00 to $1.50 Tonsoiial Razors........................ $1.25 Ip $1,60 ■ Razor Strops.....................................,?Jq to $1,23■ Wiffl&uis*Shftp ....................... lop to 26c Swatty H o n e s a ........ ............................ .60c Shaving Mugs.,......... ......... ............... 23c to 50c ShWing Brushes...............................*5e to 60o Percolators.^........ ........................ $7 60 to $ 15.00 Coffee Machines....... ..................$2,50 to $12,00 Coffee and Tea Pots..... ...... .........$l,Qf>. to $8.60 Serving Waiters............................. ,76o to $8.60 Ron Bon Baskets......................,.„,$1.60 to $8.50 Chafing Dishes,,....... .................. $3,76 to $0.00 Alcohol Flagons...........................,„$1,50 to $8.60 Spoons and Forks;....,.,,.,,........ <.„,;.,..76o to $1.60= Carving Sets,.,,,,,............... ........ . ...75c to $16.00 Bread Knives.. ........... ,.,„60c to $1.00 Bread Mixers... ,'t ............... .........$2100 to $2 50 Finest Assortment in the City—Remember Quality is Here When/ Price is • • ......... Forgotten........... ... ‘ . THE SPKINGFIELD HARDWARE CO. ' * , ^' " ’ < f I. . • ,'l ' * , * \ , 1 r- " Main Street, ^ . Springfield, Ohio. S TAXATION CONITITUTlONAL AM*NDM*NT PROPOtEO FORTH* *TAT* OF ORfOON. - The Oregon State Tax Commhis;oii recommends the adoption of an amend* went to the state eonxltuUon * q that its taxation provision* will b# m to!- lows* "No tax or duty ahall ha imposed without the consent of the people or their representative* in the legtela- tiyo assembly; as* all taxation shall bo equal and uniform upon the same class of subject* within the territorial limits of the authority1lad ing „ tt» *+'**.»*/*,£*• T• “ ■■.•-■ ir ”■ - • ■ ixSiaviu • • .*• "Taxes shall b» levied oa such prop­ erty as shall bo preacribed by law. The .legislative assembly *hall provide by law for uniform And 0<ptal rate of as* aessment and taxation upon the sever­ al classes of aubject* of taxation with­ in the territorial limit* of the authority levyIn* the taxes; and shall prescribe such regulation* a* shall secure a just valuation for taxation of all property taxed, except property specifically taxed.” You must, remove all constitutional obstructions to progress of he outdis­ tanced in the race for industrial and Commercial prosperity.—Report; Com* mlUea on Taxation Lawe, Purchased Current More Economical. An electric light p-erit was installed at Santa O'ars, C«T, in 180G at a «c?t of $15,600- The generating plant baa been abut down, as, according to the president of the board of trustee#, It was found to be inbre economical to purchase the current Tipton’s. Unprofitable Plant, ThiLJUttttftfpal .lighting plant of Tip ton, la,, proved ussnceeasful, When It burned down, causing a .heavy loss it was not rebuilt, uud a contract was made with a private company. r ■ The largest and Finest Jewelry-Store> it the State, retailing a t wholesale prices, Your r*UtwAi*v»n« h ltA n nm rt Vtrill rta .nnrirr Ivey nAmanm R avia W a ■*m ill o A vta tiA ii TViAtiAtv^ An 1 Christmas shopping Will be every purchase. made easy by edming here, We -will save you money’ on : (r ’?;=! Hand Painted China | Clocks *■ * S: DiatipudE ;i4'V *, f Br6HHe^--vr -v *‘ |//*!Opera,Gl^s$esoi;% ; Jewelry \ , “Solid Steer iHTar^, ^ 1 Umbrellas /♦ it ''Rich Cut Glass' - ' *; i > t \ r . . i J. <Uf i „ : ' SKv:«f Pfete^T / 1 ^ ^ J»C i f>r k i’-Att'Goods*: -*• ..;.j *• * *• - ; 1 , r , j* * , . ?*• , -* ,co- , * ,' ’ 1 ,•» - , * c - / “ The Largest and FInest Liiie SEowH iHOhio* On every purchase of $15 and over we pay car fare v; / bothways, W a t c h e s 1 - ./• - ■-r % - .. - - ) 1,000 solid gold and gold filled watches to select from, ranging in prices from $2.50 to $400 We guar­ antee you a saving of 20 per cent on watches. . ; 'ivt.. fT C *"> . l > ' . ' r i . * * ’ ■ ■- ; * u Special Bargains 10c Each, Solid SliverThimbles. Worth 25 cents. 19c Eaell, Rogers, Sugar;Shell 8 . — Worth %0 cents. 19 c Each, Rogers’ Butter Knives. Worth 40 cents. 38c Each, Solid Gold Baby Rings Worth 75 cents. 16c Each, Sterling Silver Hat Pins. Worth 25 cents. 87c Per set Rogers’ Silver PI ted Tea Spoons. Worth $1.25. $ 1.74 Per set Rogers’ Silver Plated. Table Spoons* Worth $2.50, $1.49Per Set, Rogers’Triple Plated Knives. Worth $2.00. $1.49 Per set Rogers’ Triple Plated Knives. Worth $2.00. 69c Each, Fountain Pens. Worth $1 $3.15 Silver Comb, Brush and Mirror Set. Worth $5.00. 69c Each, Sterling Silver Hair Brush Worth $1,50. K i n g s 6000 solid gold rings to select from, ran ing itt prices from 38c to $1$00. Fvery style known to the Jeweler’s l-artr-—-f -—*T~— ' n ....... yCUT GLASS In Endless .Variety. Bargains too numerous to mention in every Department of our Store. f t On every purchase of $15 and over we pay your car l ' ' 1 , x=•c* ' ' ^ fare both ways. i 1 In solid silver and plated ware we can show you a larger stock than all Springfield Jewelers combined. Our prices always 2o per cent below retail prices* W h ,It sale ana Retail Jewelers. All Uiwds CHgraveJ Free. Sp ringfie ld , Oh io. I^NSAS FORTAFT mn ■ Sunflower ifatc byUnanimous En^ dorsenient of RepublicanCom- ffiiUecLeadsIhcColumn, Meeting Marked by Harmony,»*rtd Stateinenta indicate Thft, Voter*’ Choice in Every Community |* Rcocevett’e Secretary of War. ...tfb*.;Wt>^; f._...---------------------------■--- __. ....- -if-iVe^^vA--:-»sa*V''''V»ai**.«iua Taft is the unanimous choice of Ohio Republicans for tk&,Presidency, Kan­ sas, by the emphatic endorsement of her ItepnbHcun committee, lota* the Taft column. T|io action of the Sunflower state committee, H1* under­ stood, will be quickly followed by her sister states, Tho meeting of tb s Kansas com­ mittee whs marked by harmony, and the Taft sentiment among-Its members was unanimous." before the- resolu­ tion of endorsement was. offered, all members indicated that-the* voters of their respective districts favored the war. secretary as Roosevelt’s suc­ cessor. — - The following endorsement. was adopted unanimously arid' without debate; ’’Resolved, by the Republican state central committee. That In our opinion the Republicans of Kansas be­ lieve the ability, integrity and the ex­ periences ot Secretary^William H. Taft fit him for the, and we favor his nomination by the national convention for president of the Doit­ ed States," A PEMOCRATIC VIEW. William H. Taft i s , unquestionably one of the most forceful men In Amer ’can politics,- This parer is of a dlf*. torent political peisudsipn from Judge Taft, biit1it recognizes in him a hi" and great.Amertcah.' indeed, we wist we bad such a man1X1to®Democratic , "’vriy. Much has becn/bnid about his. -sslble candidacy for president, it -ns heen said on the- one side , that Roosevelt wants him as his successor md it has. been said onlthe other hand hat the president IS using him as a ^talking horse, We ate able to topic ipon this question from! a thoroughly disinterested standpoint, j OI , course! vc want to see- k Democrat succeed 'fr.- Roosevelt, but If we are to have a Republican, Judge‘Taft will he good “Uough tor mb Mr, Roosevelt may be able to dictate his successor, but If Judge Taft should become president, neither'Mr. Roosevelt rtor. anybody "Isq will he ahle to dictate Ms course, When once William- K* Taft hepomes president—If he should ever heepme 90^-he will hfe as much Ms own toas­ ter aa Mr, Roosevelt ls‘now. ’ - ‘ ,* Mr, Taft has many of 'the require* mehts for the presidential office. He *'abig of brain aa well as of hbdy. He, has a mind of his own- He haa been a conspicuous success us a judge, aa governor of the ..Philippines mid as secretary of war. It wbuld be diflicult to find any man In America who has had a more varied and useful expert *nce la public life than Judge Taft Re has proved his quality as an exeett* tire, as a judicial officer and as a statesman. The Republican party is indeed fortunate in the possession ot such a man. * * * If^the next president is to be a Re­ publican, by all means let it beip safe, sound anti Judicious man like-William H, Taft—From the Memphis Com* merclal-Appcal (Bern.). FAITHFUU PUBLIC SERVANT. If there is a man living who fia 3 the right'to talk about the duty of serving one’s country, that roan is William -Howard Taft., The whole nation thor­ oughly understands that ho has given the best years of Ms life to the most arduous, toilsome, And even dangerous -work, which ho did not choose, from which,, nevertheless, he would .not shrink, frota Which indeed ho could not he tempted away fay repeated offers of what ho did Want and probA bly still above all things desires—a place on thft supremo bench. Tho whole nation honors him as the greatest exemplar of the.patriot who serves his c mtry in the exigencies of peace lb the same uncalcuiatlng spirit and full devotion that the sol­ dier Is expected to show in' time of War; & man who stands for the Inter* pretatlbn of public office as a solemn call to public duty. Witlftn the past week even, the publication of oorre- fpondeilce between the.Y/hite House and the Philippine* has proved anew how slight a regard Mr, Taft ho* for Ms personal fortune* When a question of public duty is Involved.—New York Times. „ SWEEPING OHIO, The sentiment jn favor of TAft for the presidency Is growing stronger daily Jn Ohio, fie fs Able, honest, con­ servative and thoroughly familiar with the governmental affairs of the nation. He, Hike Roosevelt, ha* the unbounded Confidence of business men with the exception of a few plutocratic railroad presidents and Wall street men, whom the? latter has compelled to obey the laws of the land as he .has the most common citizen, believing in equal rights to all and special privileges to none. While many others well know and understand the principles and pol­ icies advocated by the president, he has the courage to push them to their full fruition, Taft club* have Already been organised in many parts of the state, and tho movement in his behalf is rapidly gaining strength. The daWer, report a Taft Club at Portsmouth, 500 strong, composed mostly of business men. Among the number are the. lead­ ing bankers and manufacturers of the «dty.—Jackson ■ (O.) 8 afo_ ^( CoRscrnluq Dopier*. A man may not have' much faith la doctors, no to the. time when the first baby arrives in his house. After that ha regards them with awe,' CASTOR SA HiKMY m BillAlwiplogit : $ m m m c SfpftMffif .No of her food fieri riorate so rapidly aa the oyster. , Its habitation, i* the ocean. I t require* eoolnep* and absolute freedom from ex­ posure to th« a ir m order to yefuiu It# fMsclong fia? vor and Up wholesom#* ness, Bealshipt Oysters are brought directly from thficlioic^stbedsof Amer­ ica, " TffejJ fir# shucked Into porcelain-lined cases, scried ar.d packed m IcoT . t- ’Sphlflh novsrfloiB^s I hyob * tac t with-the oysters. Tho us* of Heahriiipfc Carrier* Is the secret of their su­ periority. > * r . , $ _1_ it ^ 4 W;,’-- *■ ■ . 1 .'.v, itM-, i;iTf j ’J m * i ,i J Try. our ipeats they are '. tho best oh the market* Bojid,’Jnicyand a* tender aa desired. W« handle fh® famous Chicago beef which has a world wide reputa­ tion, Sealshipt Oysters Ffcsji Every Morning at Chats. IT. Spencer Telephone 100, , " Cedatvjlle, Ohio. . Fresh and Salt Moats, Vegetables. ON THE STREET -r-in>uq1 »jnirii■ m*gTsT« : * ’ *■ ' '......... ' '.i, a 1V 11 ; ' [' ? Onthe street the man o men wlio are dressed the best and who have the ex-'* elusive style about them that Kany, always gives their patrons are those ^whom we have fitted to a i suit of clothing, a Prince •Albert/ & cut-away br an sGvereeat. If you want to iappear a t your best choose your fabrics how and have your suit or Overcoat made W , ; / >. ^ " ^V \ / , f ,. ViCadyiv'TheEehdki^',Tailor,' Ji - */ -*• b > , / Xenia. Ohio. 1 , * „ *,, ‘ YOUR APPETITE If your appetite is poor, eat meat. To tempt yOur appetite’and nourish .the system our choice meats, are not excelled by anything. The weak . and the strong, the snitali and the hearty eater alike enjoy them. C, C, WEIMER, EVERYTHING FOR FICTURE MAKING * IN THE Kodak B o x A No. Z Brownie Camera for taking ZH x pictures, a Brownie Developing Box for devel­ oping the negatives in daylight* Film*Velox paper, Chemicals, Trays, Mounts, Everything needed for making pictures is Included in this complete little outfit. . And theworking oiit is so slmplethat anybody can get good results from the start. No dark-room is needed and every step is explained in the illustrated instruction hook that accompanies ©very outfit. Made by Kodak workmen In the Kodak factory—that tells the story of the quality* THE KODAK BOX No. 2, CONTAINING * i s j y s s s a s a ® . . * : *!.s 1 BollNo. 2 BfownWlMlW, * ex., .K* 2BrownieD w M oo I b *P ow U^ tk , ,0* „1 »K*. KodukArtAFixingPovrdw, ,1* !I tUrxdttAto, J Stirring Rod, * « ♦ .10 . 0 * l NO,*«W»«r»toRriftiln*J-mmo. * .15 1Po*. 1H gjws^ninT-olo^ .15 2 ftSilnMi 3 ^ . I>*«lop«afXnlw*, ,M .SlxliV .jEqOricI IttSrtkMn*J oanUagTiwoo, >fipFX«SS AtaUKWAkDs*t«te. .10 mne/et A»*M eftht XM*kMX. EASTMANKODAK Rochester,N*X* m *#*»a*#. i *»“ OUR JOB PRIN IING