The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 27-52

F o r E x c e llen c e O u r J o b W o rk w ill cmnpitre w ith that o f any o th e r f i r m . . , . i t h i r t i e t h y e a r n o . 35 . LABOR DAY. OPEN DATE This Um vhjft marked with an] lades, denote* that your subasflp ’ is past doe nod a prompt *cU!t-1 insist is earnestly desired.,-,’. . . . . CEDA IIV ILLE , O H ® F R ID A Y , AUGUST 30,1907 . After man tins of arduous ialsor the committee in charge of the Joyous Buckeye Home Coining to he held in Columbus, September, 2, 8. -f, 5, fi, next, announces that all plans fov "welcoming and entertaining the thousands of Buckeyes who have signiiled their intention, of return­ ing to participate in the joyful festi­ vities, are now .complete. During ' the day the visitors will be enter­ tained with an daborate program on the Ohio State Fair grounds, while in the evening the citizens of Coir mnbus will provide public recep­ tions, masicales,.pyroteciiniettl dis­ plays and noted aerial acts fo.r.their entertainment. Columbus is now in gala 'attire in honor of the home comers, and all visitors' will* he royally welcomed. Lack of space prevents our pre­ senting in this issue the official pro­ gram for the entire week, but below we print the program for the open ing day, Monday, September 2, and our readers are assured that each day will be equally as interesting ' and ehterlaininjL MONDAY, WELCOME DAY. - Invocation, Rev. T, W- Lewis, Ox­ ford, Mich.; Music, Fourth Regi ment Hand, Addresses of Welcome Hon. A. L. Harris, Governor of Ohio; Hon. L. 1\ Bailey, Tacoma, president of Ohio State. Board ol. Agriculture;Hon. Dewitt C. Badger . Mayor of Columbus; Hon. J, Y Bassell, Secretary of Columbus Board of Trade. Responses by na- ' tive sons from Ohio from the. four quarters of the globe; Music, Hides Band, Gustav, Bruder; leader Beading of prise poem, “ Ohio—A Vision and a Greeting” by theauthr pr, Josiah Renlek Smith, Ooiumhns, Oonperfc', Mass-ehorus-mulor-tbe di­ rection o f Prof. Kari Hoenig? Col­ umbus. ■ ‘ ‘The Buckeye Pioneers,” “ The Heavens are Telling,** from Haydnrs “ C reation .✓ “ Gloria,’ * . from Mozart,a Twelfth. Mass; Solo and chorus, “ Home, Sweet Home,” “ Star Spangled Banner,” “ My Country ’T isof Thee,” “ Praise Yo the Fattier” Gounod. The chorus will close with the prize song, « More magnificent than ever before will bo the fireworks display given by the -Trades and Labor Assembly of Springfield at the Clark County Fair Grouuds on the evening of Labor Day, Monday September 2d, Those pleasing features of Spring- field’s annual Labor Day celebration have attracted wide-spread atten­ tion, not only in Clark county but in all the cities and towns within a radius of 100 miles from the Home City.. More money is being expend­ ed and a greater variety of the latest creations in pyrotechnics will be shown this year than ever before. The display will open with a vol­ ley of mammoth report shells that explode high in the air and can be heard tor miles arouud. Then will follow a grand illumination of. the, entire surroundings by means of 48 powerful prismatic illuminators in r&d and green, turning night Into day. Froin this Mine on for an hour and a half, the Inside of the race course will be one magnificent blaz­ ing front of towering rockets,, ex­ ploding shells, v»ri-bolored. candles, aerial bouquets, mechanical set pieces showing the Niagara-Falls,; the-Eastrlndju Sun, Automatic fan the Peacock with spreading tail, and a dozen .others, th$ whole clos­ ing with a Grand Finale which rep­ resents a mammoth flower garden, consisting of cascades, batteries, silver comets, explosions of mines, swinging columns of gold and silver,. squirming, hissing and darting in every direction and finally conclud­ ing with a gi‘am.1 Hight of 1U0 four- pound rockets. The e'ntire celebration this year will confiisirof many guiltedged at­ tractions, Ineluding a grand parade at 0:30 In the morning of all organ­ ized labor in the city. The after­ noon and evening will be given to the open air attractions at tbs fair grotUids, consisting of vaudeville acts, running races, daylight fire­ works, band concerts and numerous other entertainments designed to please the people. The best plan is to come in the morning and stay until after the fireworks in the even­ ing. The stock *nd t belonging to the man were sold !>j utor of the **i sale was largelj being horse buy* I.aborDay, Monday, September 2, UlQCOunty, T|e will usher in the Fifty-seventh An-; a breeder of fltfe, mini Ohio'State Fair and industrial; ber of years tfndl Exposition, and from the unusually' among horsemenJ PRAYER FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS heavy entries in each of the seven- .teen distinct departments of the Fair the forth coming exhibition will be the grandest and greatest in the' history of the state. The State .Fair grounds.present a busy state of activity with the army of exhibitors hurrying to completion the installation of their exhibits, which, under the rules of the -State Board, are required to bo in place ,by nine o’ clock the meriting of the opening day. *Captain Knabenshuo has arrived with his monster-carrying air-ship, and the work of inflating ;he mam­ moth envelope lias commenced. This will consume about three days', after which the engines and aero­ planes will be tested and all will be in Complete readiness for the flight over the city of Columbus on Mon­ day morning, September 2, Great interest has centered in tiiis ‘-latest aerial. invention, and the daring Captain is in receipt of more than One hundred applications from per­ sons who desire to accompany him oft his trip to thp clouds. The Cap­ tain recently stated that, while in all probability lie would be unable to accommodate all appli ants, he would endeavor to favor as man}' as posstble. Jh addition to ids flights over the city with the press corre­ spondents he will twice daily man­ euver his craft over the fairgrounds, concluding each exhibition by on- circling the race course. r-FOB SALE: A Duroo Jersey boar. Call oiv J. H, Brotherton, Bring us your eggs and .butter Nagloy Bros. ~Dustdown, Try it Get It at M«- MUlan’s. ; Mrs. W*H, Barber and Mrs. Lydia Atelier were ip Springfield Thurs­ day, shopping. J* enjoying a visit Imperial Jay, McClellan of dmgon thifiim#*1 regarded its th# fe| the county., IWlM ehcron , was sold i $590. HlmmCar' gan for?280. A t i clieron colt iiq months Ferqh&a* SALE ling implements A. O. Bridg- F. Kerr, cxec- Tuesday, The attended, there from all'pnrts of roased had been psesfor a mun- fas well known jid to Charles for $025. Bld- slively hebeing bred iiorse in h'lnce, a Per- i#sse Taylor for sprehased Mor- ptar old Perch- $198. A five It brought $161. TEDDYGOfS ~ T1 THE FflBNT. CharlesF* Doha ney to Elizaberth'j i ’ufrfield, $150. William Miles, Heller, .11 o fam J. D. Heller t o : J. D. Thomas. , u . ia, $400. George Groclel, Hicks,, loMo Xenid John A. Whiteaj to Gertrude Thorn* $5200. ” Catherine Harnij Hamihi lot in Get Edna Fields-to a&fes inSilvercre^ Oris Havtiickanc to George NlsmaS an acre in Yellow ESTATE. uid Cora Dow- rigart, lots in jm’r., to J. D. Sn''Xenia, $400, i». Holmea and jm/aeve in Xeh- Fr.t to J, H. 900. - ^Louisa* White l, lot in Xenia, *"’ ^ '£ to .Ethina, S." J1860. ■ ; .Gordon, iship, $51126. rift Horniok, utm-third of 3gg; $4600. Cedaryille has always been "lion* ored by her-sons coming to the front. This has again been exem- { piffled by recent-action of one of the leading National base ball mag­ nets, Garry 1-Iarriman, president of the Cincinnati team and also bead of the National baseball league, Ed, Hanjon has resigned as man. agerof tbc Cincinnati Beds and ft new man is sought for his place, Baseball dope has it that Hernman is looking toward Edwin P. H, Richards, manager of the Cedar- vilie Beds, with considerable favor. In fact it is claimed that a, noted baseball fan has been inour'inidsfc looking up 'I’eddy’s work as mana­ ger. - When it ds known that such famous-baseball players as Eddie Ashenbaek, John Ganzel and J, Ed. GUroy are also mentioned for this- place great praise is due Manager Richards, The qualifications of ft manager to select base ball talent certainly lies inutile Oedarville man­ ager. The Qedarville Reds are now •champions of the county and have not been defeated this year, some­ thing no other team in the county can boast of. His management of this team has drawn the attention of base, ball magnets arid writers over the country. , Loyers of base ball and citizens in general feel, greatly honored in knowing that Teddy is being con­ sidered for such a place and liis success in the appointment would probably mean that several of his players on the local team would get piaces'wlth the Cincinnati Beds. Cedarvillian. Endorsedby theCounty. “ 'Hie most ^popular remedy in Chicago County, and the heist friend of,my family,” writes Wm. M, Dietz editor and publisher of the Otsego Journal, Gilbertsviile, ,.N. Y , “ is Dr. King's New Discovery, It has proved to he an infallible euro for coughs and colds, making short work with the worst of them. We always keep a bottle In the house, I believe it to be the most valuable prescription known for Lung and Throat diseases,” Guaranteed to never disappoint the taker, by all •druggists. Price'50c and $1,00, Trial bottle free. P R IC E $ 1.00 A Y E A R , PROSPECTIVE Hair ■aiiMi A f any rate, you s,eetti to. be « ' $IQQRewards $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is. ut least one drendeu disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's, Catarrh Cure is the Only positive cure now known to tho medigal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires u Constitutional treatment, Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, opting directly up- on the blood and mucpus snrruccs of system thereby destroying, the foundation of flip disease, and giving the patient Strength by : building uptlie constitution and assisting nnture in doing its work, The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any wise fiiat it fails to cure. Send for list o .testimonials. Address, JT. J. CHkNFY & Co, Toledo O. Sold by Druggist, 7oo. Hpll’s Family Fills are the best, The firm ’ r o f Crouse h Crawford has entered the field for gas fitting and has pur­ chased the business o f C. E . Martin, who has had his headquarters w ith th em . W e have retained Mr, Ne­ ville, the expert gas fitter and prepared to g ive entire satisfaction on all work. ...Before letting you r con­ tract get our-estimates* which will be cheerfully given. Young men ftucl girls at the Petal’s Cartridge Company, King’s Mills. Work light and clean. Good wages and comfortable hotel accommoda­ tions close to the factory, Address Assistant Manager,* King’s Mills, O, SCHOOL SHOES FOR BOYS W e ing the be^t lines o f school shoes " fo r fall in th is c ity . I t will p a y y o u t o take a jt a o k a* * and heating stoves is unex- vt b celled. CROUSE & CRAW FORD , HELP WANTED. ■ .(i Complete a^ ib ltioas in all dm buildings and departments. Band concerts on thepark .grounds, Piano ■ami muslo recitals in the music, pa1- ivilion. Bpeclal’shoW of decorative plants in the horticultural building.- High school single coachers* park inures, ponies and pony turnouts to be shown for premium adjudications, On the speed course three spirited . contests: 2:17 trot, free-for-all pace, . 2:85 trot. Captain A, Roy Knabon- shue, special flights and exhibitions With his latest scientific invention, a passenger carrying airship; morn­ ing flight will include a trip to the city, alighting in the State Capitol Grounds; after a. brief rest ascend­ ing and resuming Ills jou.rnoy to the 'air grounds. In the afternoon he will sad over the buildings, around the race course, concluding by on- gagihg ft rasing automobile In a contest of speed. Twelve liigh-clasa free featurevaudovlllo performances to be given in the open, including the famous Millie Spellman, Amer­ ica’ s leading animal trainer. Spec­ ial meetings to bfe held on the Ohio State Fair grounds, Monday, Sep­ tember 2. Rural letter carriers of Ohio, with the following program Meeting called to order at 10 o’ clock a. in. Invocation, Rev* O. W* Rachman, Columbus. Address of Welcome, Postmaster Harry W. Kriimm, Columbus, Address, Gov­ ernor A. it. Harris, “ Good Ronds.” Hon. Sam Huston, state commis­ sioner of highways. Discussion of subject by carriers. This meeting wilt be hold in the beautiful Grange hall, located in the central portion of the park grounds. CEDARYILLE WON, Codftfville holds the champion­ ship of Greene county when it comes to baseball. This was decid­ ed last Saturday when the Xenia Nationals Were given a dofeat by the GedarVille Reds- The.- game was the fasfent and hardest, fought game that has been played in Xenia according to those who say it. The score was close -all through the game. From the fourth until the last half of the ninth* Inn­ ing the score Was a tie, 4 to 4. In the last half of the ninth the Reds added o n e on their side of the scofo hoard that caused Manager Richards to smile as he had never done' before, During the tie there was the great­ est excitement among spectators and players., * DON’T BE A STRAGGLE^ But ho up to date by wearing tailor- made suite, Prloos front $18 to $30, A fit always insured, %f W* USTtC% day for general; and m»H#« prayer for our public schools. This sug­ gestion has ti it endorsed by the Presbyterian*; e qneral Assemblies, North aud South, by the American section o f the Alliance of the Re­ formed churches, by1 the General Synod of the German Reformed church,, the General ’Assembly of the United Presbyterian church, and by, many other ecclesiastical bodies, and by many bodies in the educational and in the religious, world. I’he suitableness of the day selected, at the time when the schools are re-assembling for the coming year; the vastness of the interest involved, since nearly twen­ ty million of pupils and almost a half million of teachers will be gathered in the schools; the extent to which the schools mqsi efTect the moral welfare of the RgpuhUe; amf the untoward infiuences wliich in some places ombarassund Ciidangor the schools, are urged as roasonMor the observance of such a day. It is hoped that this special re­ membrance of the public schools once in the year will promote forth both public and private prayer for this great Interest not only on that day hut throughout the year. Any pastor wishing Helps or suggestions on the subject of our public school school interests will be supplied without chargo, If he will send a request with ills name and address to the National Reform Association, Room 603, Publication Building, 209Ninth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Limit ot Life. The most eminent medical scien­ tists- are unanimous in the conclu­ sion that the generally accepted limitation of hunkyl life ia many years below the fttyrwJiment possible with the advanced knowledge of which the race Is now possessed. The critical period that determines Its duration, seems to be h tween 50 and 60; the proper care of the body during this decade cannot be too strongly urged; carelessness then being fatal to longevity. Nature^ best helper after 50 is Electric Rit­ ters, the scientific tonic medicine that revitalizes every organ of the body* Guaranteed by all druggists AOc. • —Are you anxion- to increase youf wages? You certainly can by learning to use ft typewriter. And you Can rent machines at Llmbock- or’ s, Itt tuo Arcade, Bpringfleld, <)., f o r a month aud sec if you are auo- eeesiul* - dTor plane- tuning see CL F. tfieg* ler, who will have Mr. Puebringer of Gloveland Imre the. first of the month*' Mrs. t . N. Tarbox was given quite a surprise last Saturday afternoon when about one hundred of her lafly ii’londs called atfter home to remind her of her thirty-ninth birthday. The allair was arranged by her husband, Post master Tarbox, and a very enjoyable time was spent by those present, Light refreshments wore served. Mrs. I, G. Davis and children will retain to Cincinnati to-day. The Knights of Pythias lodge will bo honored tins evening by the presence of the District Deputy Grand Chancellor, M. F* Burell. A ■threo course bnnquot will bo shrved the members. of Wheeling, here this even- —Golden Rule Flour lias all Urn flavor that’s in the wheat-, ami makes the Biggest and sweetest loaf of any op the market, )Mrs. J. P. Rogers -W. Ya., is expected ing fdr a visit at the home ot Mr* R. F^Kerr. H op * H. B. Rankin, of South Charleston, was in town this morn­ ing. The Post-nfllce will be opened on Monday (Labor Day), September 2. from 10 a. m. till H a. m. Also a short (time in the evening. 0:45 p. m. till 7* p. m., for the accommodation of people who havo no lock boxes. No rural service on Ibis day. T. N, Tarbox, P, M. Mr. and Mrs. W , II* Barber enter­ tained Wednesday in honor of Mrs, Addy Giilprt of Chicago* Master Clark Little, son of Rev* Riley Little o f Chicago, who lift# been vislting?'qt the home of Mr. J.R , Orr, returned home Thursday. Mrs. J* 35. Turnbull aud two sous, Howard and Paul loft Thursday for Indianapolis where they will Visit relatives. ■Mrs. M. W . Collins and Miss Florence Forbes are visiting in Col­ umbus, Miss Eleanor Smith will entertain about twenty-five young folks this evening. The Misses McNeil returned Thursday from Belle (’outer where they have been visHitig for several Weeks. 1 ° —Have your dwelling piped for as by a local firm. Satisfaction guaranteed and ail work to stand the eopipany’ n test. Heo Pierce & N’ortiuip. Walt & Foustshipped their Duron Jersey hogs Thursday to Columbus for the state fair. There were over ! ihirfy head and from general ap- .pGM’nnco each ono looks to be a Ipriae winner, fourth of on amw in Xenlft, $600. e Joseph A. Jaekscm toBusan Lucfta lot in Bqwermtl*, $1000. • ■EmmitH. Jfideaand aud others to Roulzomr, .5$acres In Xenia, $2,500* Dafuel Wick andAmftnda J, Wick* to John J. Moist, 19.8$ acres in Beavercreek tp„ $1*00. Letiora EllIs and John W>EHis to Mary P. Bullock, lot InJamestown, $1760.“ John Cullen and others to .Mary; Cullen, lot lit Xenia, *1, Eveline Richardson and others to James and Fannie Laftwleh, lot In Xenia, $100. Rosa B. Conner and O. M*.Conner to J. A. AUiburfty 2 acres m James­ town,*$1800. C. Billmgton to Forest Sutton, lot in Xenia, $1. . Grafton Johnson by John W. Prugh to Lida B*Maxey, lot in Xen­ ia, $150, William H* Humphry and Clara A. Humphry to K.B. Bailey, lot In Yellow Springs, $400* Elizabeth Hnyder and others to Wardens and Vestry of Christ Episcopal Church, 62Usquare feet in Xenia, $DK». George Moor# end Mary Moore, to Melville O. Hurley, Hi acres In Xenia, $2500. RobertM. Ogtesbs# and Amy E. Oglesbee and Carrie A. Mendenhall lo Fannin B. Dean, >1* of an acre in Xenia jdOi). Grafton Johnson to William J. Moylan, lot in Xfcnia, $*25. Mand E. TVorley to Louis Fischer, 16acres in Bng»ref«ek tp., $1600. Grafton Johnson to Harry .Tprdati, lot in Xenia, $1«6. Grafton Johnson to John F. Norckauet, trustee, lot inXenia $201 Grafton Johnson to John F. Norckauer, trustee, lot in Xenia, $205. Grafton Johnson t o . John F. Norelinuei, lot in Xenia, $103, Elizabeth It. Muredith to M. J. Hartley and N. A, Fulton, 15 acres In Xonia tp.» $4#iH.). Grafton Johnson to William H, Noah, tot in Xenia, $195. John M* Birch to Lucy M. Birch, lots in Yellow .Springs, $6000* John M. Birch to John JL Birch, tract in Yellow Hprmgs. $3000* Thomas Mauagan and Clara Mam ,a#an, to Adaline Manngan, lot In jameslown, $17W. j Adftiin* Mamtan to (fiara Man* ‘ gan, lot in 3tuns*town, $1750. 1 William M' Knight to Mary M, . Oosl#r, 18,$* aer*», $ 1 , 000 . * ; niy Iffillnjflafr|- ba bistgfce About fkl*. It got* as g regular medicine; msfces the scalp healthy. Then you must have healthy hair* For it’s nature’s way. - The best kindof * testimonial— “ Sold lor Over sixty years,” Had* bj^r. o.Afar Oo-.l-owjll, Jtun. aomumlkotursirsof JL SARSAPARILLA* PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. yers ■h' n o n B ros . &co., Springfield, Oh io . 39 South Limestone St. k & An announcement and an invitation Fo llow ing the custom o f the leading metropolitan stores we announce fo r this week the opening o f our entire fur department. W h ile in n o sense a form a l opening w ith mu ­ sic, flowers, etc., we will consider it a pleasure to show y o u thousands o f .dollars worth o f the cleverest conceits in the fur coats, neckwear, muffs etc., o f American and European manufacture. E very fashionable and p opu lar fur represent­ ed, and the saving in buy ing now cannot fail to impiess you . T o those contemplating remodeling their fur garments this early display means much as y ou have the benefit o f all these imported and domestic models in deciding upon styles* Summer prices still prevail and better work simply cannot * be done. Where recruitings is necessary all fittings are m ade with canvas models and misfits rendered impossible. Am ong other-unusual attractions is an assortment o f ostrich and marabou feather boas. W e bough t the entire sample line o f an importer retiring from business and retail these exquisite boas at less than wholesale prices. E v e iy shade is included, black, white, ligh t blue, tan, mode, gray , etc., bu t no duplicate. . .... . Jr A . \ i .HI 1