The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 27-52

F o r E x c e lle n c e O a r J o b ! W o rk w i ll c om p a r e w ith that; ot‘ a n y o th e r firm . . . 'Cedar, Xerald This item when marked with an' Index, .denotes that yoar Bubpcrip 1is pau due and a prompt cettk- nicnt is earnestly desired, T H I R T I E T H Y E A R N O . 87 , CONFERENCE SUIT WITHDRAWN. CEDARVILLH, OH IO ^ IU D A Y , SEPTEMBER 18; .1907, www.»mw.v.Mi«J ja m a.- —•-^.. ~ " ~ ‘ ”” " P R I C E SHOO A Y E A R . THEATRE NOTES. LACERATE© FINGER. Oxford, O.,—The divorce, labor and iempearnce questions occupied moat of the attention of the Cincin­ nati conference oi the M. E. church at its final sessions. There was keen in terest in the report of the re­ form committee. The report rec­ ommended the. general establish­ ment of Juvenile courts. The conference took ground in favor of industrial arbitration and went on record as against strikes, lockouts and “ reasonless fights be­ tween employer and employe.” The report recommended national legislation and uniformity o f laws on the divorce question. An agita­ tion for better divorce laws in recommended. The novel suggest­ ion that information concerning the laws on divorce should be printed on altonarriage formstyas adopted. A t the conclusion of the reading of the report Dr. A. L . Leonard said that there ought to be a paragraph approving President Roosevelt, and endorsing'hiswork against railroad, rebates and trusts, The conference burst into applause, and the report wiis returned to tlie committee for .the insertion of such a paragraph. The appointments in this section were as follows: Xenia, First church. E. H. Cher rington. Trinity1, J. E. Colley. bellow Springs, B. D. Hypes. South Charleston’ G, XV. Vorhls Cedarville, H , C. Middleton. Jamestown), XV. M. Hoffman, <Osboru, A. Hamilton. The suit filed last week to contest tlio will o f the late James Townsloy which had been probated the week previous lmB been withdrawn. The j suit had been brought In the names Iof Jennie Spahr, Xenia; Emma iHarper, Dayton; Elizabeth Owens, |Cedarville, daughters of the do- j ceased. The will provided that the estate should support the widow her life time. 1 NOTICE. ’ To Policy holders in Insurance Companies represented by XV. L. Clemans, vfho are using natural gas: Bring your policies to my office and have natural gas permit attached. XV. D. CLEMANS, Agent. NEW RIGHT OF WAY. The Greene. County Press of Jamestown in the last issue states that Mr. Harry F rey is securing a — 4 M f *ifflrtof_w*y through *h* townt*. the old surveylielng on the'eastern corporation line,. The new line will cross the town one square west of Limestone street. The railroad will he crossed by a trestle. It is also known, that Mr. Frey has taken options on land here m the past week. Just what is on tap now is not known but there, seems to be Some inside work going on just the same. ' MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan on first mortgage real estate. Any amount up to $20,000. Bofore you borrow, call at this office for information. INSTITUTE OFFICERS. The teachers’'institute closed,last Friday after a five days session at the McKinley building in Xenia. The following officers were chosen: president, It, O. XVead; Secretary, BoraSiegler: member of executive committee. Chester Devoe. The committee on resolution rec­ ommended making townshlji super­ vision compulsory. A state plan of pensioning teachers. That the teachers of the county take under consideration tbo subjects of county supervision and State adoption of text books by a non-partizan board. A motion Was also passed that the institute be hold next year at some time other than the week of the slate fair, —Second handpheaton for sale at J . H. XVolford’s, ForCough and Colds There Is a remedy over sixty years old*—A y e r ’s C h e rry 8 Pectoral. O f course you have heal'd of It*probably have used it. Ofiee in the family, it stays; the one household remedy for coughs and hard colds on the chest. Ask your doctor about it. Itiidhost kind ol a testimonial-- “ Bold for over Sixty years.” A MWteliy S.B.Afnt Co., toweU,H*#*. Al*3 ta»nf:f*afJrer» ot f SARSAPARILLA. y e r s s & m , W* two si*easier#t WS ptfMlta tat) rorooli** ttfftUwWraeSSOiW*. W. C. T.U. MEETING. The regular meeting of the XV, O. T, IT. will be held in the U. P. church Mondayi Sept. 10, tnstoad of Thursday,-as Mrs. Van Kirk, Sup­ erintendent of Anti-Narcotics will be.present and give a talk. . A lull attendance is desired. > WILL SUE COUNTY. It is reported that the brothers ui Joseph Littler, who was shot while confined in jail at Franklin, last week by XVm. Miller, chief of the fire department in that city, will, bring suit agaihet XVarren county tor-not giving proper protection to a prisoner. Miller had access to the ja il and deliberately shot Little#, whom he claimed had wrecked Ins home. The body of Littler was taken to Xenia for burial. "COLLEGE OPENING. The fourteeth year' of -Cedarville College opened Tuesday morning before a large crowd of students and friends of tho institution. The opening add/ess Was delivered by Dr. Jesse Johnson, D. B., of the Xenia Theological Seminary and was one of the best addresses ever heard in the College Chapel. The attendance this year is about as usual, there being several new students from a distance. TEMPERANCE PICNIC, There will be »n all day temper­ ance picnic held a t Johnson’ s Grove one-fourth o f a mile from James­ town on Saturday, Sept. 14. Dr. -----—— |I Thoweelcof September 16th w ill' offer at the Fairbanks Theatre, Springfield, Ohio, a variety of at­ tractions enabling anyone to' suit either his taste or pocketbook. On XVednesday, September 18th will be given a dramatic version of the grand opera, “ Parsttal” which has proven effective wherever it has been enacted. So Impressive was this story when rendered in opera-, tic form that its dramatic values have been used to form a play which has met with much response from the public. The theme is treated with duo reverence and every precaution is taken .to retain the atmosphere achieved by the opera. The cast enacting it is a strong and capable one and tho set tmgs are, very elaborate, Several day* sg* Harry Bird, son jo f Mr, Robert Bird, wsa detailed to kill a chicken. Ilia .assistant was tluPliomeatie of the liouse, Mrs. George Sanford. Whilo the latter was holding the fvwl Harry was to cut its hemfolF, He failed to drop the axe in tho proper place and nearly severed a thumb and finger on Mrs. Sanford’ s right hand. Med­ ical attention was given thq Injured members which w ill improve with­ out soriouz results. Van. K irk w ill be among the speak" erS. •Good music by .tile Tobin band off Jeffersonville. For those who.come on the train conveyances will be provided for taking them to the grove. Everybody welcome. FALL NECKWEAR. My now stock of Fall Neckwear and Collars, just arrived. The la­ test in town .' • K; XV. USTICK, HaberUashor. The Touch that Heals. Is tho touch of Bucklen’ s Arnica Salve. It’ s the happiest combination of Arn ica flower and healing bal­ sams over compounded. No matter how old the sore or ulcer Is, this salve wiil cure it. For burns, scalds cuts, wounds or piles, It has no equal. Guaranteed by all druggists. 20c. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. In tho Matter of Pubypation of Notice" inztftowstato of Jafries Town- sley, Deceased, Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have .been appointed and duly qualified by the Probate Court of Greene County, Ohio, as Executors of the above named es­ tate, A ll persons Indebted to said estate must make immediate pay­ ment; those having claims will pre­ sent them for settlement. Robert S, Townsley, ' Frank Townsley. HELP WANTED. Young men and girls at the Peters Cartridge Company, King’ s MIU b , Work light and clean. Good wages and comfortable hotel accommoda­ tions close fo tlie factory. Address Assistant Manager, King’ s Mills, O yer’* Pill# inoroasa t h « * 6 « v ^ o t w liver# An d t n u » AW r#cav«ry* $100 Rewards $ 100 . The riadcra of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science 1ms been able to euro in all its tstagea and that is Catarrh. Mall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive curenow known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh i being a constitutional disease, requires a {constitutional treatment. Mail’s Catarrh ! Cureis taken internally, acting directly up* ’•on the blood and mucouBSurraccs of system thereby destroying the foundation * * ho disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting , naturein doing its Work, Tho proprietors j haveso much faith hi its curative powers, ithat they offer one Hundred Dollars forany 'ease that it faffs to cure, Bendfor liato testimonials. .AddreA F. J, CHFNUY & Co, Toledo O, Hold by Druggist, IOC. Moll's Family PlJls oro the best, No more attractive production could have bean selected to play at the Fairbanks Theatre, Friday, Sep­ tember 2oth, than “ Mrs. XViggs of the Cabbage Patch.’ ? This is true because it combines an abundance of fun and wholesomo humor with touchnigseiitimentand pathos. In addition, the humor is distinctly American—racy of the soil. This is likewise true of the love story and tho serious moments. No charac­ ters of the stage arc so familiar to a greater number of the public than those of *. Mrs. XViggs of the Cab­ bage Patch.” The. book-upon which tills dramatization is founded is estimated to have had--several million readers .in this country alone. Regarding the stage version there can be no question of its-mer- lt. 'Time has attested this. Forlorn- seasons it lias played to Capacity houses and to millions of people, aud on each occasion, with unqual­ ified success. On Saturday, September 21st, tho popular priced attraction, winch .ranks among the .very best in its class, “ The Kays,” will appear at this theatre. The fun makers are well known to all patrons of the popular priced theatre attractions and have entertained'this class by tho hundreds o f' ihosand$. For years their vatioii&jjlfertngs have been eagerly looked forward to and they have never failed to sustain their reputation o f fnpaishiag an “ “ “S fiR SM i# PASTOR R EM EM B E R ED . HELD FOR T U G OVERCOAT. L E G A L N O T IC E . Rev, O. 1L Milligan announced from (lie pulpit lost Sabbath that he had been the recipient o f a gift of $126 during the-week previous, from a uumber of his members. . H e ex­ pressed his thanks for tho remem­ brance in a very earnest manner, WOOD FOR SALE. XVe have about 100 cord of Oak and Hickory wood,, cut to stove length. For sate a t reasonable pri­ ces. Leave orders with John Gil- laugh or The Tnrimx Lumber Co, -.. —-Have ,1yonr dwelling piped for as by a local firm: Satisfaction guaranteed and all work to stand tho company's lest,. See Pierce & Northup. selves tfitli a capable, company and a large and attractive chorus ha# Servethto add to the finality o f its performance! Their appearance in certain to boa popular one and'-to make many new friends for tbein’ns ttieijr production this-season is de­ clared to be a big advance on their past successes/ FORMAYOR OF CLEVELAND. It has been suggested, that if Mr. Burton defeats Mr. Johnson for mayor of Cleveland, that the for­ mer’s path to tho United Htntes sen­ ate is perfectly smooth. In Um eyes of men oi heroic mold, Individual fates arc of slight concern. Mr. Burton does not consult Ida future a particle, when lie concludes to mako the race for mayor. Ho looked upon it as a duty he owed to the city that has honored him. A t least, lie lias got that impression from the ‘ ap­ peals of friends to accept tho leader­ ship in that great municipal con­ test. Mr. Burton sacrifices himself in many ways when he goes into this conflict. In the first place, lie en­ ters a hitter personal fight, where weapons are likely to he scandal, ai\d spite, and money and tho prize is something less than that widen he surrenders. And then; being a man of culture and quiet disposi­ tion, ho gives up the luxury of a good library for tho battle of the pavement. But it shows Mr, Burton in his true light. His politics are Hot tainted with selfishness. He is tho prayer of heroism - “ grant mo to pec and Ajax asks no more” - let mo know iny duty and T will follow it. What a, magnificent ruler of a city such a man will h o !-S ta te Journal. Health in the Canal Zone. The high wages paid make it a mighty temptation to our young ar­ tisans o join the iorco of skilled workmen needed to construct the 1’ auama Canal. Many are restrained however by tho fear of fevers and malaria, it is tho knowing ones - those who have used Electric Kit- tors, who go there wiihout. this fear, well knowing they are safe from malarhios idfluonce with Electrlo Bittors on hand. Cures blood poi­ son too, hlllionsness, weakness and all stomach, liver and ithlney trou­ bles Guaranteed by all druggists, GOo. —•Are you anxious to increase yonr wages? You certainly can by learning to use a typewriter. And you can rent machines at Lhnbock- c r ’n, In tho Arcade, Gpringftelu, (>., for a month and see if you are sue*- eecsful. OPENINGOF SCHOOL. The public sclKfftls were opened Monday, everything starting up in good shape, Tho rooms have been renovated and considerable im­ provement5put on the building dur- tliT summer. The building- and grounds present a Very respectable appearance* The enrollment for the different departments is as follow'#: High School, 55} Grammar* 40; Interme­ diate, 08; Primary, 70, "Total270. The township schools opened Mon­ day the attendance always being light this timn o f year. REGESfEl| A CALL. Rev, Edward C.%teCown bos been extended a call by the United Pres­ byterian congregation a t Butler* pa,, at a Salary o f $2,000. Rev. McCown formerly attended college here and hismany friends will be pleased to know of tho call that lifts been given him: DEATH OF ,E XVord was received here Thurs­ day announcing tho sad death of Mr. XV. Hr, Edgar, who hacl been in a hospital at Gallipolis. Ho acci­ dentally fell over a cliff- which caused his death. Ho leaves a wife and son, The body is expected here Satur­ day morning. Should It reach Here the funeralXvill bo held at the home o f Rev. XV. J. Sanderson, at two o’ clock. Burial at Massies Creek cemetery. Miss Opal Pierce returned home Monday after a visit with relatives near Greenville. My. and Mrs. J. A . IJefg o f Chi­ cago, aro the guests of Mr. A . Z. Smith and family, Mrs. Bofg is n sinter of Mrs. Smith. If prices talk, you£ next order will he over a Herald press. The largest stock and greatest variety frt a which to select. —Fhes will not stay where Cow Ease is used. Get a sprayer and try it. At Kerr A; Hastings Bros. A number of young folks from this viemify were entertained at the homo of Mr, George Rife last Friday evening. —Golden Rule Flour has all the flavor that’s in tho wheat, and makes tho biggest and sweetest loaf of any on tho market. —XVe have an experienced gas fitter In our employee. Lot us fig­ ure with yon, •* Pierce and Northup Carl Brown, a member ot a med­ icine company that played here a couple of \yoeks ago, wras arrested in Jamestown last Friday by Officer Kennon. He was charged with fak­ ing, an overcoat and wrapper from the Foster House, Brown at first denied taking the coat but when. pressed finally ad­ mitted the theft. Officer Kennon, was sent to Hamilton where,the coat hail been sent by express from Jamestown. It was brought home ana returned to tho owner. Tile father came,here from Ham­ ilton and1visited his son and a very touching scone was rendered after hO was admitted to tbo cell. It* Is claimed .that young Brown had never been in trouble before and to find a son in the clutches o f the law was more than the father could bear under." Brown was held from Friday until Monday and he cried most.of one day and night over Ins act. Ho pleaded with the officer before going to Hamilton to keep the news from his mother. ' Mayor McFarland remitted the lino and the costs were paid which amounted to about $18. ■ IIC1PALUNACY. By JOHN KENDRICK BANGS. -Judging from the reports that reach us from various parts, of the, country as to the condition of civic lighting com­ panies and wilted water plants, wo shall soon be relieved of tho stigma placed upon us by the British Visitor to this country who declared that we had no impressive ruins to attract tbo traveler.^ Would S.t not be.a good plan, for sonic munificent millionaire-to buy up a few of those, transfer them to the banks of the Hudson and thus put: that beautiful waterway into the run­ ning iu the matter of legendary inter- xst with the Rhine? A few moss .and ivy covered ruins of this kind would add much to the scenic beauty- of the picturesque river and doubtless inspire: mtc literati with gliustly legendary lore that ill make those old storios,of the fthlne took like a mark and a half. tffy bis adopted native land and to fill the shelves of Ids many libraries as well, with- good reading at one fell swoop. ■ • at n ' Tbo increase of the public debt of Birmingham, England, front $1,000,000 iu (be early seventies of tbo last cen­ tury . to $75,000,000, according to the last available figures, shows, how com­ pletely ^municipal ownership wipes out- ntlcbt of that kind. Alongside of $75,- 000,000, a paltry sum~of'$-1,000,000 Is not only wiped out, but actually an­ nihilated. * The police of Chicago were assessed In, tho hist elections to pay the ex­ penses Of the municipal ownership Campnigu. This Is another point in filter ui a comprehensive wyeteiu—of" public ownership. After awhile, with the motorraen, conductors, watermen, gasman, ditch diggers, linemen, elec­ tricians, nnd so on, to assess for sim­ ilar purposes, tho public will doubt­ less enjoy free elections- One might almost hope that such a fund as this would wax go great that after elections are over there would he a balance left to declare n municipal dividend' with. The byproducts of tho municipal own­ ership idea grow daily more and more interesting, not to say alluring. K *5 . It is nonsense to say that municipal ownership breeds socialism. On the contrary, It is driving people back to individualism, in somo European critied people who used to patronize the trolleys now walk because they wish to get where they aro going alqng lines of least official resistance. And in X’alley City, N. D., the quallty.of the service of the public gas plant has driven a number of business rueu to install, gasoline lighting systems of their own on their premises. * *5 tS Muncie, Ind.» has abandoned bet lighting plaflt, but consoles lierself with the thought that her bonds re­ main. As the poet said, or would have said if be had thought of it: Old ties are hard to Eover. Ollier ties endure forever. « { * . - . The city fathers of Brunswick, Mo., have just done a good stroke -Of busi­ ness in soiling its lighting plant for 83 cents on the dollar, talcing pay in light and water. It is fortunate it Wasn’t, a municipal bakery. It would be bard to pay for that by Sending large drafts of rhubarb pv-tend cream cakes to the city treasury, to say noth­ ing of tho rl3k Brunswick would Incur of a sadden attack of civic indigestion running into chronic appendicitis from ovcriniUilgeiieo in doughnuts. Opera­ tions upon the body politic are danger­ ous thing.?, since the patient is apt to experience 111effects from taking gas. -r-Kockers, couches, folding bods side boards, at McMillan's- Lost andFound, Lost, between 0:00p, m, yesterday and noon unlay, a bilious attack, with nausea and sick headache. This loss was occasioned by finding at all druggists a box of Dr. King’ s New Life Fill#. Guaranteed for Jot patrons in the past few years, biUoiisncw, materia and jaundice 25e hyhy not have the best? Ralo Bills, tlio water proof kind, at the same price you have to pay other print era for the ordinary stock. Wo have pleased hundreds ’ L. G» Bull, as Administrator ! do boms non, with tho will ; annexed of James Miller, ideceased, j • Plaintiff, —vs— . The Reformed Presbyterian IChurch} New School, et a], i . . Defendants. * R. ll< M. Reid and Stella Earley who reside at Beaver Falls, Penn­ sylvania; E. Reid, who iB a resident of Minnesota, and Maggie Miller ■Frank Macbeth, James Macbeth and William Macbeth, whose residence is in the state ot Indiana and whose exact address is unknown to .jfinin- tiff.and XVilliam Miller residing at Hattiesburg, Mississippi, will take notice "that L. G, Bull, jib adminis­ trator de bonis non, with the will annexed of James Miller, deceased, on the 11th day of September, 3007, filed bis petition in the Probate Court of Gre.erie County, Ohio, alleg­ ing that it is necessary to sell the real estate of the said James Miller, deceased, to pay'the legacies due under his said will, and,_th»t said James Milter died; siezed in foe simple of the following described' real estate: Situate in the County of Greene, State of Ohio, and being part of Military Survey No. 438 in tiie name of Francis Xybiting, orig­ inally for one thousand acres on blio waters of the Little Miami River; I k ginning for the part, hereby con­ veyed, at a stone in the cornor of (he Sandusky ,road and corner to widow Wilson’s dovyer lot;.thence soutli eighty-seven degrees XVest Mte and fifty-nine hundretiis poles to a Jack oak corner to said dower Jot; thence with the line of said lot North 11) degrees 45 minutes XVest,: eighty-eight, po'lesTo an-elin oil the batik of tlie Little Miami River, corner vto William Fwing; thence down the river with tho meanders thereof, South forty-two degrees XVest fourteen and fifty hundretiis poles to a stone in a bayue; Thence South eighty-five dogrees West eighteen poles to a stone in the riv­ er; thence South seventy degrees XVqst ten poles; • thence West twenty-three, and one half poles; thence North forty-nine . degrees XVest fifteen and twenty-eight hun- dreths poles te a stone, two i*ed oaks on tlte banks o f the river both trees down, stumps remaining and from Which an iron wood bears South 8 o cramm ; tnence South eighteen degrees East one hundred and thirty poles to a stone 3n the line of Matthew Oorry corner to Amos Wharton; thence North forty-nine degrees 30 minutes teaBt nine and thirty poles to a stone corner to Wharton; thence South 40 degrees East 39 0-100 stone in tlie center of tho Clifton aud Sandusky road in the line of said Wharton; Uioncewith ins line South thirty-nine' and one half degrees East tliirty-six and thirty-five polos to a stone corner to said Wharton; Theme South 50.degrees 30 minutes XVest 23 55-100 poles to a stone cornor to Amos XVharton In the lino of Matthew Corry; thence with his lino South riuieteen degrees East eighty-five and twenty hun- Jrcths poles to a stone cornor to Matthew Corry, In >the line of James Miller’ s heirs; thence North seventy-two degrees East one hun­ dred and twenty-seven and twenty- four hundretiis poles to a stone in the line of James HarbiBon corner to William Corry ; thence with his line North thirty-five degrees anil thirty minutes. West one hundred and sixty-three and fifty lmndreths poles to a stone in the center of the said Sandusky road;- thence with the center of said road South 57 de­ grees 30 minutes West seven and ono half polfts to tlie place of begin­ ning, containing one hundred and thirty-five acres. r‘ Tract No. 2,- Situate 111 County, Stale and Military survey aforesaid; beginning at a stone comer to James Harbison lit the line of James Milter: thence South seventy-two end one half degrees XVest fifty*two and one- half polos to a stone; tlfonee South t.we(nly-oiie degrees East thirty-one and fifteen hundretiis poles to a stone; thence North 72 1-2 degrees East 50 75-iqp poles" to a stone; thence with his line North eighteen and one-fourth dogrees XVest, fchirty- oneandton hundretiis poles to the place of beginning, containing ten acres. The prayer of the potltiort is for an. order to sell said premises to pay tiie legacies aforesaid, and tho costs of administration. Tiie said parties aae hereby noti­ fied that they have been made part­ ies! defendant to said petition and that they are required to answer the same on or before the 21afc day of October. 1007. L. G. Bull, Administrator of James Miller, deceased. By R. L, Gowdy, Attorney. —Dusldnwn, Try it. Got it at Mc­ Millan’ s. - For piano tuning see (J. F. Sleg* ter, who will have Mr. Fueliringer of Cleveland boro tho first of the month, RETURNS TO The Republican primary was held in Columbus Thurs­ day for the nomination of city officers, The issue dur­ ing the campaign had been as to whether officers would be elected [that would, enforce the liquor and gambling law or not. Columbus has been a closed town for over a’ year and the liquor element organized lihe Liberal League, wherein an assessment of all saloon keep­ ers, gambling places-and re­ sorts was, made. This money was used ,to elect Bond the liberal candidate. The State Journal and Col­ umbus Dispatch supported the Anti-Saloon League can­ didate; McCune, while the Ohio Sun backed the Bond forces. The Ohio Sun is said to be controlled by the Hostel* rewing combine. It was started after the Herrick campaign in which the Anti- Saloon league was victorious. In Columbus it has opposed all*reform movements. ■ The fight for the primary nominations has been watched with interest ovei;' the state ving to the "support the* Anti-Saloon, League gave McCune. As long as'primary elections are held under the law th^re is no hope of the moral element getting offi­ cials tnat will "enforce the laws. A Humane Appeal. A humane citizen o f Richmond; Indi. Mr. U. D. Williams, 107 West Main St., says: “ X appeal 1.6 all pei> sans with weak inngfj to take Dri King’s Now Discovery, tlio only medicine that lias helped me ami fully comes up to the proprietor’ s reoomnieudation.” It saves more ‘ lives than.all other throat and lung remedies put together. Used as a cough and cold cure the world over. Cure asthma, bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, quinsy, hoarseness and plitnisic, stops hemorrhages of the lungs and builds tbem-up. Guar­ anteed by all druggists, 50c and $3. Trial bottle free. COURT NEwS. Calvin T. Ewry has answered tho divorce petition filed by his wife, Letlia XV. Ewry, in the Common Plonk Court. Tho couple were mar­ ried last September and have been living in Dayton. He denies that the Greene County court has juris­ diction In tlie matter as he and his wife have been and are residents of Montgomery county. Tiie petition recites charge# of neglect o f duty and extreme cruelty toward him. That the house work was not done carefully and properly and that lie was compelled to sow on buttons and do work that was the duty of his wife. He claims to - have re­ moved the revolver from the house for fear sue would shoot him. Ho left her last May and removed tli i furniture to Cedarville. The case of John M. Finney, ex­ ecutor, against Sarah V. Miller, has bepn dismissed in Common Pleas court ami a met ion was sustained by Judge Kyle, Thursday, reviving the case in the name o f L. G. Bulk administrator cte bonis non with tho will annexed of James Miller. A few lniofl inserted in tho Herald Will rent your liouse, sell whatever you have, or bring you just what; you want to buy. The coat is sma.l • even though the returns are great. Tho last of (lie Commercial Tran­ sit Company suite in the Clark County Courts were set tiedMomla\. V number of business men had sub- scribed stock in the automobile com­ pany that was to operate between Springfield and Jamestown and lmd not paid itwhen, tlio company went into the hands ot a receiver, Tim receiver brought suit to get the amount subscribed .and n, compro­ mise was later affected by each sub* scriber paying ten per cent . • -Deo Golden Bute Flour, .