The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 27-52

I ircales w h a t g and t ^ r ach indless 12 l-2e itterns 12 3,-2c e table >n buy. v25c-‘ i. F o r . ,V25o Dckings v them ade to n t low s mer- )m oilr y way s repre­ in our ' shapes 0 a pair s h a p e d d $2.00 O . , For Excellence Our Job Work will compare with that of any other finuT. , Jterald . Thigt Item wlica marked with sal hide::, denotes that your subsu-r- is past due and a prompt qettiv* meat is earr.CEtiydcqired..,s***• * »# THIRTIETH YEAR HO. 38. CEDABVJLLE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20,1907, PRICE S1.00 A YEAR, FOBFULL TERM. Names ha,ve been brawn for the, firand and pe tit juries for the October term of Common Pleas Court, which opens Monday, Oct- - ober 7, when the grand jury will moot. The p e tit jury will meet Oct­ ober 9. Names for the new petit ju ry which will meet Sept. 30 to hea r the Eugene Engle perjury case, have also been dra.wu. The juries are as follows; GRAND. JURY. Daniel’M, McMillen, Xenia City, 2d Ward. J , IT. Zimmerman, Jefferson Tp. • Alien Turner; Silvercreek Tp. Florence R. Smith, Ross Tp. T, B, , Morris, Xenia city, 1st ward. Horace Buckels, Silvercreek Tp» W. A* Tayior, Xenia Tp. J . W. McFarland, Cedarville Tp. , A. P. Tiffany, Xenip city 3d . ward. Daniel Ti*e.sslar, Silveroreek Tp, .losua Ogleshee, Xfiriia 1st ward. - John A. Fifer, Xeiua city, 3d ward, Martin Tobias, Bath Tp. , W. E , Dpu'rous, Bath Tp., William H. Shields, Xenia city, 4 tti >vatd. PET IT JURY. . Bon E. Strong, SIIvorcreek Tp, ' Fred Wanner, Silvercreek Tp. Martan Berry, Xenia city ward. R. D. Adair, X en ia' city, ward.’ John Simpson, Xenia Tp. A lbert Sherman,. Xenia city, 1ward. ‘ ' George DevilbliSs, Ceasarcre’ek • Freemont Bowenj ' Xenia city, 4tlr Ward. Warren Robinson, Silvercreek Tp.. ■' David Mason, Jefferspn Tp. ’ Carles -Weaver, Caesarcreek H . D, ElliS, JeffersonTp, D; M. McConnell,' Bath Tp. , Rolls Davis," Sugarcreek Tp. , John Ray, Xenia Tp. Jo h n Baldwin, Xenia city, W'ard. ' ' f - t F . Hawkins', Xenia Tp. v Ip8W 1’ET tT JURY FOR ENDUE • CASH ' • . Whom We 'Delight to Honor W Q R , Mr, G« been * t th* J Daily NewncJ California to j interests, the heat kne Ohio and hi scores of i r i famaliar wlS Held, g rea tly : is to leave tbs Mr, HIppar Mr, Howarc native of th is i had, wide ea journalism, city editor o n ' accepts the ne^j sard, who has &* Springfield led to go to W * * Ida ranch Ird is one of »per mon in iity has Won jobs who are in newspaper know th a t he GOLDWITCH ISFARWELLGIFT, ISSUE SUED. scessor wiii be Itton, who is a ty and who has S£ in the fluid of Jratton has .been rmgfleld Sun and position October L TO itiND JURY. Louis II, SurmEKnanaEB, Louis H.&ullenberger is one of Cedarville’s best known citizens. His methods of dealing with the hundreds of pat­ rons of the Cedarville Roller Mills has won the respect arid confidence of the community. Mr. Sullenberger possesses a tenor voice that always pleases a Cedarville audience. He is an. active worker in the M, E. church. Wm. Miller, ■ Joseph L ittle r,| jail a t Frankli away with Mt examination fir hound over tort charge of murdil m shot and killed tym was confined in a fter having 'run wife, has waved ' squ ire’s court and grand, ju ry on the DEATH- OF TAKINGVIEWS. Mr. J . F. GunninghaTh of the Ohio Farmer, Clevelemd was here soveral days ago inspecting the stock and grain farm of C. D. Dobbins <& son.’ i Mr. Cunningham took a number of MeHatton, o f/ie w s lo r> n illustrated article 2nd 1st The Rev. Hugh ____ ____ _ _ Chicago, a former resident- of th is * ® ! 1 Tl,es(iay Sperry of the place and for years a pastor of the Llvin£stou Reed Company, Colum- United Presbyterian church, died a t tois, visited the farm looking after his home in Chicago a t 1:30 o’clock, so^ ^eaus ar,d seed corn. Sabbath, morning Tp. 20 The deceased was born a mile and one-half north-west of town anfl spent his early life in th is county. He loft here about 30years ago. Sev* Oral years ago he was retired from the minietery on account o t his. age ahd for,three years has beep. living la Chicago. The body arrived here Tuesday and was taken to th e home of lua nephew H , A. Barr, The funeral being held there "Wednesday rtoon. The service byR av FINGER-JNJURED. The Xenia .O p e ra House was Crowded with, .people during the union of the Greene gj&itbr and Sons of u.spite of the hot. ^enjoyed; the, ex- Afc the campfire Cwas also a good Mr. Thomas Spencer had' the misfortune to have two of in s fingers badly injured Monday Whilexutttjj^r wood." One oi h is fingers Was cu t and, the bone broken While an.O!' had th e nail tom 0.1 .are no t m session of the County soldier. Veterns, aiid Weather grea' cellent prograi in the evening crowd - prose: speaker of T h e ; Denver, Congh District. Thor seleetioaaimtj were sun •of The *principal ring was M, R. in pf the Sixth several '.vocal |Tpatriotic soups “MJdren’s choir " Sailers, Or- Officials of the court hpuse paid retiring County Commissioner J . H. Nash a splendid fjtrwoir tribute Saturday, when they iirqsentecl him with a beautiful solid gold watch as a memoral of the six years lie spent among them. The gift was made late Satutdaj* afternoepi in the private oiflice of the County Com­ missioners, and tlie speech present­ ing it was by Commissioner John W. Smith, who for years has been associated with Mr. Nash as' a. member of the Board. . Mr. Smith said in making the presentation; “ Air. Nash, i t is my pleasant duty, as a co-workers ^v ith you for five yfears on this Board,' to say to you a t the do te of your long term of six years of valuable service as Coni- missonor of Greene county, that on behalf ot the county, officials, as a token of the high esteem in which they hold you, i t is my privilege tor present to you this beautiful gift. We know, sir, th a t i t is human to err, but we believe you did the right thing as you saw the right; without partiality^ during your term of service on this Board. Mr. Nash, i t is customary when a member leaves the BoarA; to some­ times cane them, and sometimes to chain them, buc your friends, desire me to say they want to watch you. so now. on behalf of th e county offi­ cials, I present to you this beaiiti- watoli,-trusting and believing you will always remember the givers. So overcome was Mr, Nash by surprise and emotion th a t he conld only express his heartfelt thanks to bis fellow oflicels, who, w ith smil­ ing faces, were gathered about him. The watch case wUi be su itab ly en­ graved to commemorate the li appy occasion, and the p retty sentiment in the g ift,—Gazette! The American Issue and the officers of the Anti-Saloon League have been sued for liberal by Lieu­ tenant E rnest M. Reeves of (he Army. Tlie Issue stated that, the ofllMnmd taken part in the recent local option election a t Washington C. H. and damages are now asked. Reeves is said to have taken the wet side of the question and the Issue took up the matter. Marked copies were sent to the. department a t Washington and the L ieutenant's feelings have been hurt. The Issue evidently touched a tender spot that may establish a precedent with Government officials in local option election. LOWENOUGH TAXES. Mr. David Briulfute has handed USa paper pun ished a t Bloomington Ind., which states that the tax rate in that city for next year will only be 96 cents instead of ,$1.09 the past year. The'county rate will be two cents less nex t year aud will include the court house bonds. This cer­ tainly is a remarkable showing as Bloomington is about the size •of Xenia. N A few lines-inserted m Urn Herald will ren t your house, sell whatever you have,’or bring you ju st what •you want to buy. The cost is small even though the rerurns are great. —Are you anxious to increase your wages? You certainly can by learning to use a typewriter. And you can ren t machines-at- Llmboek- er’s, In the Arcade, Springfield, O., for- a month and see if you are suc­ cessful. r There is something in the a ir t i n t tells plainly, though the sun shines brightly and grass and leaves are still green, th a t says unmistakably, th a t summer is gom\thoijgh the cal­ endar says is will continue until Hep- tember 21st. The late spring marie tlie summer short but a tong a heau- tiful and “ open” autumn will bring full compensation. NowherBisthe changing seasons more noticable than in the stores. Morohants am always a t tlie front .and are bringing out the new fall styles m .cloaks, men,s suite, woman’s jackets, hose and o ther wearing apparel and the display windows are taking on a distinc­ tively autumn air. Tints and tex­ ture of all Lbe latest sorts are on" display as harbingers of th a t which will be correct in the next few months. The summer 'fabrics, al­ ready taken out of the windows will nex t he superceded on- the counters by autumn hits and creeds, The mouth of “ r ’s ” has arrived , and this will be marked by the com­ ing of the oysters abd the passing of leaves, and with the tinting of the autumn display "windows, when colors and more subatantuai 'fabric take the place of the^uinmer gauzes and peek-a-boo waists. SOCEITYRECEPTION. BITTENBYAHORSE, .who resides w pike Health in the' Canal Zone. The high "wage's paid make it a mighty temptation to our young ar­ tisans to jpin ,the force of skilled workmen needed to construct the Fiiuama Canal. Many iu$ restrained However by the' fear ‘fif fevers and J malaria, >Ifc is the knowing ones— those who have used Electric Bit- ■ters, who go there w ithout this fear, 1 R ow ing they a vsl safe from Tlie Philosophic Literary society of the college gave a reception Tues­ day evening in tlie society hall' in !loner of the new college students. A large number were present to ?;Ur joy the festivities of the evening, ’ The Philadelphian literary'society entertains, next Monday evening. NOTICE. To Folio,y bidders in Insurance Companies represented by- 'Wj, Clemans, whoiareusingj natu ral! Bring, your policies tobay pMf EiftctrioilPtyc natorid: J . W . Huston, Miami Tp.- F rank Zeiiief, SUverorefjc Tp. C. E . Johannes, Beavercreek Tp. . J . M, Hawker, Beavercreek Tp, ’ James. B. \Yfun, Xenia city ; 4th ward. J . H . Riteiiorir, Ross Tp. O. K. Wolf, Beavercreek Tp. N athan V. Luce, Spring Valley, Tp, - R, Fucdon, Sugarcreek Tp. E . W, Fainter, Spring Valley Tp. Alva St, John, Silvercreek Tp. E li R. Conner, Ross Tp. “W. H . Wagrtor, Xeiila City, 1st ward. I r a Stowe, Xenia Tp. William Knox, Xenia dity, 2d ward. , ■ 'Oscar E. Bradfuto, Cedarville Tp. B. F. Coy, Beavercreek Tp. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan on first mortgage real estate. Any amount up to $20,000. Before you borrow, call a t this office for Information. The Touch that Heals. Is tho touch of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. I t ’s the happiest combination of .Arnica flower and healing bal­ sams ever compounded. No m atte r how old the sore or ulcer is, this Salve will euro it. For burns, scalds cuts, wounds or piles, it 1ms no equal. Guaranteed by all druggists, 20c, I f prices talk, your nex t order will be over a Herald press. The largest stock and greatest variety from which to select. ftem The S on g o f the Hair There are four ve fses. Verse 1, A yeF s Hair Vigor Stops falling hair. Verse 2, Ayer’s Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. Verse 3, Ayer’s Hair Vigor c u r e s d a n d ru ff. V e r s e 4, Ayer’s Hair Vigor makes the sealp healthy, and keeps it so, If is a regular hair-food} this is the real secret of its won­ derful success, Tho best kind crfMOstlteoniat-- wSold' for ovor rixty Vj^6T£tWbh7^iM^\}i'Sai, Ju s au tM tim * 0 t - . * SAfcSAPAkltW. “Daniel’s comet, Which him been visible to the naked eye in the morn­ ing sky for some weeks past is still increasing in Brightness,” says Henry Norris RuiiselVin the Scien­ tific American. Tim comet has already .passed its nearest approach" 'to the earth— seventy million m iles,' and for the next few weeks will be a fine Bight. I t is now so conspicuous th a t no special directions for finding are necessary. All th a t Is needful is to get up about 3:80 In tlie morning and look from any window that commands an unobstructed view of tho eastern sky. Its tali is fully ten degrees long and growing rapid­ ly. Now moon occurs Sept. 7; first quarter on the Slat and last quarter on the 29th.. Trie- moon Is nearest uson tlie 18th and farthest off on tne 30th. A t midnight on the 23d the sun crosses the celestal equator. WOOD FOR SALE. We have about_100 cord of Oak and Hickory wood, cu t to stove length. Fo r sale a t reasonable pri­ ces. Loavo orders with John Gil- laugh or Tho Tarbox Lumber Co. Lost andFound. Lost, between 9;80p. m, yesterday and noon today, a bilious attack, with nausea and sick headache* This loss was occasioned by finding a t all druggists a box of Dr. King’s New Life Fills. Guaranteed for biliousness, mafarlaand jaundice 2Eo . HELP WANTED. Young men and girls a t the Fetors Cartridge Company, King’s Mills. Work light and clean. Good wages fthd comfortable hotel accommoda­ tions close to the factory. Address Assistant Manager, King’s Mills, O The w ee i of the a t banks Theatre, Springfield, Ohio, will be one especially rich in its variety of infeertamment, fo r a ll of tho attractions a re standard ones,, of nmlobted m e rit,*Qn Monday, the 23rd, Grace George, in her perfor­ mance of “Divorconl” which has. been exploited as tho sprlglitilest comedy rendition of our day, will play a t this theatre. Comment on the play itself is unnecessary for tins comedy dealing with domestic life has long been exploited as the classic of its time. I t remained for Grace George to give the ideal in­ terpretation o f tho leading role, which she did in London last season with such success th a t she has been booked there for a return engage­ ment, which is to extend through the Season nex t year. The oppor­ tunity to seo Miss George in this masterpiece is one which should be grentely appreciated by every theatre goer. No more invigorat­ ing comedy will be offered this year than th a t emanating from Miss George’s depiction. Tho perfor­ mance is one of Hpxdlng, delightful humor from beginning to end. Miss George is supported by F rank Worthing,, one of the most accom­ plished leadiug men. on the stage. $100 Rewards $100. The readers of tins paper will bo pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Core is tho only positive cure now known to tlie medical fraternity. Catarrh ‘being a constitutional disease, requires n conatUOtional treatment. Roll's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly up* on tlie blood and mucousnurrbecs of system thereby destroying tlie foundation of the disease, and giving the patient Strength by building up the constitution mid assisting nature in doing its work, The proprietors haveso much faith in its curative powers, ithat they oiler onolluhdrcd Dollars for any case that It fails to cure. Rend for list o testimonials, < . i 1 Address F< 3. CHINJ5Y & Go, Toledo O. Rold by Druggist, «5C. Rail’s Family j-’ilis aro tho beat. Alfred E. Aaron’s production of tho musical play “H is Honor, the Mayor” which piays a t the F a ir­ banks Theatre Tuesday, September 24th will come hero with the record pf a continuous run of five months ill New York and six months in Chicago,' wiiich stamps i t as one of the most conspicuous success in recent theatrical history, Tlie music of “H is Honor, the Mayor” was written by Ju lian Edwards and Alfred E , Aaron, both of whom won, recognition among American cem- posors. Mr. Edwards has written such ligh t operas as “ Princess Chic” and “ Dolly Vorden” . Company remains the same ns during the all summer ruri in New York, Including some of tho beet known players on the lyric Stage. Fall Hats ■ t The Dewest styles. The latest shades. Soft Hats—$1 00, $ U 0 , $2, $2.50, $3.00, and $3.50. Stetson’s—$3.50, $4, $4,50 and $5,00. * SU L L IV A N , »The Hatter. 27B. Limestone Bfc., Bprlngfleld, O. hatfcl '•fc* their bbuntry and afterwords’ in public life. Hard ly bon, fcfte sound frpm the first sho t Oft Fo rt Sumpter Stopped re-echoing In the west until the men of Greene County were shoaldering . their muskets and th e ir armor to go out in defense of their country and their flag, 'and is established th a t from 3,600 to 4,pMKXmen went forth from this county.” Ho stated th a t he hoped the day Is not' far dlBanf when there will be erected on the public square qt th e city a monument to the soldiers who went forth from Greene County and expressed a wish one side should be reserved fo tjtfie women, who participated in the battles of long ago. H e said th a t in. the mad rush for things of this world the old soldier Should nob he forgotton, and every one who loves this country should be presen t a t these meetings, which inspire every one to good citizenship. In his speech which was weli-rtnd forcibly delivered and in ter­ spersed with many witticisms, ex-Governor J ab , E. Campbell spoke of the mouhnient to the memory of the soldiers of Bfitlcr bounty, which had been erected a t Hamilton, his homo town as a fit­ ting tribute to the largo number oi soldiers who had gome forth from th a t county, He said th a t Greene County, should take the hin t, and added ; "Go thou and do likewise.” He said th a t the men who served in the war were getting.old and a fte r their death their names should be engraved on the soldiers’monument to read m years to come, by their ancestors. He said th a t lie would rather lea^e his name on the sol­ diers monument for his children and grandchildren to remember him by than to leave them any amount of rich e s.. Other speakers of tho afternoon and evening were Robert F. Kennedy, of JUellfoimtalne and Gen. 0i. I t Hurst, lo Chllllcothe. A t a business meeting in the morning ex-Lieutenanfc Governor Lyon was re-eUcted Fresldent of the association arc the fallowing other officers were elected; Vice Fresldent, W. V. Luce; Secretary, John Hedges; Treamirer, H . H, Envoy; chaplain, Rev* E , Walker, Jamestown* *-~t ?80 Goldert Rule Flour, ' *>■ . . ■-^•Rockers, couches, folding beds filde boards, a t McMillan’s was not a serious one but quite o«jt of the ordinary. WILLCHANGELOCATION, By a deal consumated—through Smith <5bClematis Mr. Isnac Wlster- man comes Into' possession of the Gillaugh property on Main Street just North of the bridge. Both the vacant room and Hie one occupied by this office are included in the deal, Mr. 'VViaterman expects to move his drugstore into the vacant room; as soon" as the necessary papers are in ills possession and some improvements made, —-Golden Rule Flour has all the flavor that's in the Wheat, and makes the biggest and sweetest loaf of any on the market. —We •have an experienced gas fitter in our employeo. Let us fig­ ure with you. Fierce and Nortlmp —Dustdown, Try it. Get it a t Mc­ Millan’s. dies Guaranteed by a ll druggists, 60c LOOK HERE What you can buy on Sat* urday for cash or trade 24^ lb Sack of good Flour Guaranteed to maltogpod Bread for 60c, 20 lb. of Havemeyors and E ldels Granulated-Sugar$1.00 with equal amount of othor Goods ■ 3 lb. best bend Bice 26cts California Hams llc ts lb. Breakfast Baleen 15ots lb, , 6 Loavs of Cattage Bakery Bread 26 < >• We have a Fine line or largo Fancy Calces a t 10 to 26cts each. 8 lb of Streetinaiwhost crackot 26c. 4 lb of Flag crackers 26c. 1 Peek of good Potatoes 20cts, W E W I L L P A Y Y O U For Eggs, 20c; For Butter, 23c. This is tho Store to get your moneys worth. W© have give away 60 largo Pictures tho last week so call and get one while they last, 0 . M. TOWNSLEY, THE CORNER GROCERY. A m i Sal# Bill«, th* water proof kind, a t the same price you have to pay other printers for the ordinary Stock, Wa have pleased hundreds ot patrons in the past, tow years, Why not hav» the beat? YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO OUR FIRST SHOWING OF FALL STYLES ^ OPENING DAY Thursday and Friday Sept. 26 and 27 We’re Now Show ing The Very Newest Creations in .Tfall Styles and if you are looking for something stylish, chic, nobby, in MILLINERY »■ ’ * favor us With a call and we’ll show “wliat’s what,” in Up=to=date Millinery LOOK U S U P SOON. Miss Kate Nisbet, Cedarville, Ohio.