The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 27-52

b % 1 p , l A ! Yi r- 'A t •% t r - P : ■ .• .-v.a v- *K k*.** I i. r Bor Excellence Our Job Work will compare with that of any other firm,, . , She 'Cedamllc Steroid. ' TJrio item when {narked with in f Index, dcnclcs that yenr jrjiijstri; ? is past due and a prompt s c " ■ *. 3 ment is parweetiydesired , f THIRTIETH YEAR m . 39, CEDAEVILLE, QlflQ, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,1907. PR ICE 81.0Q A YEAR - CHANGESPLEA TOGUILTY. Whom W e Delight To Honor James C. McMillan appeared lnv /oro Jmlgo Kimble or the dark County Common Pleas Court Thursday on the $50 indictment: of linbezzelment of the Home Mutual and Saving. Company of South Charleston. Ha entered a plea of ffiuUy. Judge Kunkte imposed a sentence of three years. The other nine indictments, wore no]lid* Those found last spring after McMillan returned from Mexico. Chase Stewart represented Mc­ Millan and only called a number of citizens of Cedarvllle and South •Charleston to testify to the kind of a life, he had lived since the embevssl- ment, A letter was read from the Chicago company owning the Mexican plantation which stated that only since Mr, McMillan bad taken charge had it been a financial success.' The letter stated that the company knew ot the situation and that lie handled thousands of dollars annually and the trust had never been violated. ■ Afr. Henry Bateman of South Charleston in his statement did not .hold McMillan guilty wholly as the affair of the company were lqosely administered by all the directors - officials. This was apart of the grand jury report last spring. Judge Rankle, iii pronouncing sen­ tence, reviewed the testimony and the case in part -He said three tilings must be considered in deal­ ing with a criminal. First how -much he had damaged society* by his'defalcations; second, his punish ment to prevent a recurrence of the acts; and third to prevent other members of society from commltfng like acts for of such punishment. He said he wanted to make my mistake in ,imposing, sentence but that i f he did be wanted it to he in favor of the prisoner. He co’mmend- ea action in paying hack to people whose money he had stolen, bit he Copld and declared that be should receive credit for pleading guilty and not adding perjury to the crime commitfid, As* to the riant lie felt ALFALFA IN OHIO. Tins work*, announced Bomo time since, has issued from the press and we have received a copy from the publish**- Fred J. Heer, Colum­ bus, Ohio. The hook Is a very neat and excoltdkc specimen of the printer’s ai'Cfmd the/ontents must prove valuaMjf to every farmer, as showihg t h i possiblities of one of the most .wonderful forage plants and feeds th#4 has ever been sent to lighten ttif task and .increase the m OF L ESTATE. CORRY<BUCHER. profits of f h#fkrm. >of.tills duty he thought it 1m possible to impose the minimum sentence of one yew . „ A Humane Appeal. A humane citizen of Richmond,- IrnL. Mr. U. D. Williams, 107 West Main St„ says: “ f appeal to all per­ sons with weak lungs to take Dr. King’ s New Discovery, file only medicine that has helped rile and fully conies up to the proprietor’s recommendation.” It saves more lives tliairall other-throatrand" limgr remedies put together. Used as a cough air* cold cure the world over. Cure asthma, bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, quinsy, hoarseness and phthisic, stops hemorrhages of the lungs And builds them up. (guar­ anteed by all druggists. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. A few lines Inserted m the Herald Will rent your house, soil whatever you have, or bring you just what you-want to buy. The cost is small even though the rerurns are great. —Are you anxious to increase yotir wages? You certainly can by learning to use a typewriter. And you can rent machines at Limboek- er’ s, In the Arcade, Springfield, O., for a month and see if you are suc­ cessful. * Lost andFound, Lost, between 9:30p, m. yesterday and noon today, a bilious attack, with nausea and sick headache. This loss was occasioned by finding at all druggists a box of Dr King’ s New Life Pills. Guaranteed for biliousness,malarlaand jaundice 28o Pale, Thin, Nervous? Then your blood must be In & very bad Condition. You certainly know what to take* then take it—Ayer’s Sarsa­ parilla. If you doubt, then consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. ' 7hij S, the flnt (inejtlfenvotui*«*l?*5!fJ2lS Mki ‘'Ale ycijr howtiUrPRnhrf” Hokm>wj IhiUBull*motion of the hotrpl*j* ktijojntflj enetitlAl o* rrrottrf. Keep »tMt jonr howel*„r«falMhr Ukini UXMlto im t'it Afttf* run. .................,.. \ A - - MAlkVMOR. 1 t i P T Q hm<m> „ . i l f V ' # O chcrrv n ctm u art h*** bo *sw8t’#i w# fetoutt* feMftlM«f*U ta*Umnc», D r . M. r MARSH. ' The Herald tliis week takes pleasure in presenting the above likeness o f our esteemed fellow citizei, I)r, M. f . Margh. The Dr. is a native o f Boston, 0 ., and comes from one o f the pioneeH'amilies in Clermont county. NON-PART1ZAN ELECTIONS. . The mayor of Dayton recently appointed a committee to investigate the past business methods employed by some of the city officials. It has developed that a secondhand auto­ mobile was sold to. the city for use in the fire department at a price thatexceed the cost of a new ma-, chine. Municipal governmentsover the country have most all become' tainted witb political graft. Daily reports are published as to where city and village officials Jwive been held responsible for violating the laws in this respect. The day of non-partizeu election for muncipal and township officers is not far in the distant. ATTENTION JK. OF P’S* The regular meeting night lias been changed from Friday, to Mon­ day. All-Triembera are requested to meet October, 7, in Castle Hail something good. Committee!" CLIFTON. Tim book chapters, phrase of t shows the how to pr much seed f. the crop, its kinds o f .stock is nofcWrttet bui is written'; tiiat eveiy meaning of < message of a this is the onl Alfalfa by A Alfalfa. In it he has done: and why* and not o f dr It ieumplyi ed with cute texf», The *,« of seed to eo'vv’ ffie book ten is $1.00and th achiresslngtt Heer, Ooim be sent.lor: tains twenty-three 'iring ©very possible Culture of alfalfa. It, ’■'“■round to grow it on e the ground, how sc, how to harvest Ue as a feed for all rid so on, The hook ith scientific terms, ifpfairi language, so eir. can grasp the sentance. It is a er to farmers, as >k ever written on who has grown Myers tells what o%Yhe has don© it book Of practice and idle theories; utifvliy illustrat- itS that explain ont the amount W©fti© price of vbr. , The"' price ; may be had by Ufeher, Bred J. jThe book wilt ©stage prepaid. RUSH FOR GAS. The past few cold nights with V slight frost has . caused people to think more seriously of the needs of winter fuel. The gas. fitters and stove naan are bomg ruwhed to the Mrs. Day is on the sick list butts better now. William Wilson, of Urbana, 111.,, has been visiting his brother, Saul Wilson. Clyde Clark aiuTTamilyaro visit­ ing relatives in Van Wert. . Miss Rebecca Grindie is home from Xenia. The street meetings have ended. Key. Hume preached Sunday night to a large crowd* Russ Rhodes has been, quite sick, but has Improved. ' William Reed is near Citcleville, bailing hay. Horace Armstrong is putting in a 3arg« siamm near-bis new home. JojpfJjUdgri contemplatga ? In The Bi drama in RutcMns, vehicle ; talents, ment o f s by keen scenic inva being tnp isthorof atiims m * an orginal by Jobn |has found a pod* to her p and senti- 3y bainneed g o r :and , a J id e from |totheeye iwith the Miss fsessfirun ter tffa- -rThe Steel, locai manager of the Ohio Fuel & Supply Company .stated Wednesday that up to that day only Ifty-five meters have been set in town. According to this and from expressions the gas fitters have just gotten a start and it will bo long in­ to winter before the rush is over.. . _ ...........„ ’he traction man who have been here often of late, say the new road ;will soon be built', If prices talk, your next order Will be over a Herald press. The largest stock and greatest variety from which to. select. ■ LIBRARY NOTICE. The following magazines arc on die reading table at the public. The When library: McClure, Munsey Review of Reviews-. Cosmopolitan, World’s Work, Success, New York Indepnd- ent, American Magazine and Youth’ s Companion. These magazines will be kept on file for reference and may bo taken out the same as bocks after they have been in a month. The following new hooks have just been received: The Wood Carver of Lymplius— Mary E, Walker. The Man of the Hour—Octave Thauet. TheBlazed Trail—HtewartEdward White. * ' Dr. Luke of Laborador *Norman Duncan. - The Doctor—Ralph Conner. The House of a Thousand Candies —Meridith Nicholson. The Quest of John Chapman -Ne­ wel-Dwight HiJils. Bebecca of Sunny Brook Farm— Kate Dog lass Wiggins. The man on the Box—Harold McGrath. Derrick Sterling—Kirk Muhroe. Lady Betty Across the Water—C. N, and A. W. Williamson. The TouchthatHeals. Is" fho ‘ foiicTf of BuekTen’s Arnica Salve. It’s the happiest combination of Arnica flower and healing bal­ sams ever compounded. No matter how old the sore or ulcer is, this salve will Cure it. For burns, scalds cuts, wounds or piles, it has no equal, Guaranteed by all druggists. 25c. WOOD FOR SALE. Wo have about 100 cord of Oak and' Hickory wood, cut to stove ength. X’or sale at reasonable prp ces. Leave orders with Jolm Gil- Iaugh or The Tatbox Lumber Co. -Golden Rule Flour hah all the flavor -lhat’ s in Gift wheat, anti makes the biggest and sweetest loaf of any on the market. -W e have an experienced gas fitter in our employee. Lot us fig- twe with you. 1 ' Pierce and Northnp A rcade s p r i n g f i e D OHIO. Outfitters to Aten Who Know The When Special Hats fo r ................... ..............$ 1 .9 8 MANY; Customers have told us that our When Special Hat is the best $ 1 .9 8 Hat in Central Ohio— we . know it. “ The When’ 1 Special in its perfect­ ed form as we show it to-day, represents years o f study and intelligent co-operation with the manufactures, the greater portion o f iyhoseoutput “ The When” consumers it not only illustrates the snappiest, most up-to-date styles but is made o f the very best material it is possible to put in a Hat to retail>t this price. The new fall shapes and colors are now ready one p r ic e ............ ........ .$ 1 . 9 8 ks’lLheafcre ■w Monday, Sept- OTHER Strong lines included in this the largest and most comprehensive showing in Central Ohio - are Stetson’ s Delmatis Hats $ 6 .0 0 Stet­ son’ s special Hats 5 .0 0 Stet­ son’ s Mascot Hats 3 .0 0 Young’s special Hats $3,00 Madroy’s Cravenette Hats $3.00, Wearwell Hats $ /»4& in* in xt*M* atLraetwri ,^ Springhalt!^ ember60th. On Wedhtwtday wearing, October 2nd will be ©fiored ope of the sue* cesses which created a tarot m New York last spring, and which marked; the return o f Leeds Mann to Iris own. This is the performance of ‘ ‘The White Hen” by Louis "Mann and his. large company, This favorite comedian in Gifs plaoo has a part mueb-similftiMte that- in whiclirinr flecutotl ills great favor In ‘’Tho Girl from Pam ’ \ In other wordslie bas opportutritiee at every info jto dis­ play Iris talentsasa dloleetco.mcdian The place le ©aid fo furnifeh an up­ roar of laughter from start to finish and likewise to pones©many attract­ ive musical numbers and such smart dialogue. The chorus is acknowledged to ha one of the host appearing and gowned before the public and the stage sellings have been provided on a lavish scale.; The entire production is one Which from every point o f vi«W is bound to satisfy anyone seeking that sort of entertainment. . • Geo, M. Cohan’s greatest triumph “ George Washington, 3r.” with the original New York production and a special cast Jheaded by Carter De- Haven and Flora Parker, Gie peers of vaudeville, wlU bo seen at the Fairbanks Theatre on Tuesday, October 3rd. Of alt the lively musi­ cal Shows this is the “ one for all” , and m circus terms, all for one ad­ mission” . Ho keep your optics on theatrical underlines in your papers for “ Georgs Junior” with iris merry bunch o f entertainers is scheduled to appear her** Williams antV Walker, the two negro comedians, Who have been the sensation o f London and the East for some years will appear at the Fairbanks Theatre on Friday, Oct, Ith in their latest ottering. They are acknowledged to be two of the most proflcleufc on the stage in exploiting the darky style of linmor. Of course i t goes' without saying that thelf rendition Of coon songs is illimitable and origial dancing moods. The enfertainment is said to be a delightful one. I t pleased capacity audiences daiiy for an on- tiro season m London nftd lias foeen the rage in tho East. The offering in every respect, and the humor In no occasion descends below the plane of the most acceptable. Tho Fairbanks Theatre will offer on Saturday, Oct. Mb, 'the woll known popular' priced attraction, “ Gir m New York” This is a comedy drama in which melodramatic situation .alternate with rmrih provoking scenes. Tho aclion is complete from the rise of the cur­ tain ami the performance is assured to provide a aitractve combination olJUirill* and laughs. | George O. Elliott and Laura L, IHeiUcie- to Clement M. Pennewit, j.-V acres in Sugarereek tpM$3,0U0, Abraham L. Bides and Otclia titles lo Othe Moore,' two-, lots In Spring Valley gI40i). Frank M, Corry and Clara L.. Carry- to G. If, Littleton, iot in fellow Springe, $100, . . John IT. Birch te John M* Birch 1met in Yellow Springs, $3,000. W. A. Smith and Keslah Smith to M. A. Smith, 01.18 acres uj Caesarcreok,tp., $1. Evaline Richards and others to Henry Thomas, $50. ■ Grafton Johnson by John W. Prugb, to E. C. Reilly, lot in Xenia !H95. -v - Mary Jane McKee to Ambrose Richardson, tract in CedaiWille tp.. ROD. Cyrus Van Pelt and' Phoebe Van P' It to Catherine Coffey,., l o t . ui X*aia, $1250. Joseph amd Levi Smith, executors, t«> David Devoe, 70.90 acres in CM.sarcreek tp-., $5,302.50. Joseph Ary and .Levi Smith, ix outers, to J . W. Faulkner 127.- 78 acres in Gaesarcreek tp., .$2951.44, “’El vira J. Keyes to Maui© Hornick, lot; in Xenia, $1. Lizzie Ryan and T. M. Ryan to Tulsa, r. T., to William A. Hebble, lot m Osborn $1500. Rose C. Stewart and Joseph 15. Stewart to Susan Lucas, two lots in BoWersViUe, $500. David C. Hale and Mina Hale to Julia A. Wagner, lot in Oshora, }89Q. . ' John Jenks and Mary A. Jenirsv toRalph C. Georger 32540 sq.ft, in Jamestown, $9,yoo. Joseph Pnoenix to' Nancy E. Phoemx, lotirf.Xenia, $L * ; J. A . Mflbuvri and Mary L. MilbumtoD. A. Bnckle, -ft o f an acre in Jamasibwn, $1975. Fannie J. Miller to Harry W. Ktijue, £sfucre‘ In Bath tp., $450. Nettie Rati and' Hugo Ran to Miirion Bailey, F105 sq.ft in Beaver­ creek tp.. $325. Iiaverla K .' MarchaU to J. H. Hicks, lot InXenia, |13ob, Oliver J. 'Lackey to Croighton W* Bonner, .15 of an aero in Xenia, $i. Ernest Corry, of Xenia and Miss NeJlie Bucher, of South Charleston, were married by the Rev. J. B. Colley at Mr. Corry’s rooms on West Market street,at 8 o’ clock Saturday evening. The services were very pimple, hut pretty, The bride 'wore a white net gown oyer Silk, and her maid, wore white. 'The best man was,Sidney Jack, of Dayton. At 9 o’clock a wedding supper was served tho bridal parly* at the Grand Hotel, for which the private dining l'ooin. was pretteiy decorated with flowers. .Mr. and Mrs. Corry went to housekeeping immediately in uicely furnished rooms on West Market street , . Mr. Corry is employed as solicitor for S. B. XioSourd & Co. He kept the fact of- his marriage a secret from his friends until it was over, and even the bride’ B parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buelier, knew nothing of their daughter’ s intended marriage. miTEMPTTO KIL WIFE BIG BID FOR PRIZE CORN. NOTICE. To Policy holders in Insurance Companies represented by W. L. Cletn'ans, who are using natural gas: Bring your policies tomy office and have natural gas permit attached. W. L. CLEMANS, Agent. —Second hand pheatou for sale at J.H . Wolford’s. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan on first mortgage Veal estate. Any amount up lo $20,000, Before yoU borrow, call at this office for information. —Try Pierce ^NorthUp for auto­ mobile supplies, lubricating and machine oils, gasoline etc, Up-to-date progressive men are deeply interested in the National Corn Exposition, Coliseum Bldg., Chicago, October 5th to 19th. This is emphasized by a letter from Mr. S, W. Aiiteron, of Illinois. Mr: Alter-. ton is a large owner ot. corn land in Illinois, and especially interested in so farming as to maintain the fertility o f Illinois soil, After ex­ pressing iris pleasure concerning the Exposition, and calling attention to the necossityof maintaining fertili­ ty and thus securing continued good crops, he says: “ I think the Nation­ al Corn Exposition has started out in a great work, and I feel we should all contribute something to make it a great success, I will give $1.00 for the best fifty ears of corn shown at the .Exposition, and will donate 'the corn, to be sold life auction, to help pay for this splendid enter­ prise." . ' Upon hearing of this offer, Mr. J. C. Vaughan president of the Vaug­ han Seed -Store of Chicago, wrote the general manager of' the E x ­ position, stating that he had just heard o f Mr. Alterton’s offer, and making the following additional offer;- “ Wei such corn to ho suftabte central Illinois and tumular parallels.” . These two letters by leading men of Chicago arc but an index- of the feeding through out the city, t " _ ' ‘ . , LOCUST BLOSSOMS, Ellis McMillan, colored, who lr.u been out of the county jail only a few weeks on bond for assaulting Ins wife, attempted to fake her Jif« Bubbali) nlghfcund would have done so had it not been for his mother Harriet McMillan, who interfered. It Is stated that, McMillan hit bis wife on the head with an ax, cutting a deep gash over the left eye and fracturing her skull, He also attempted to throw heriu the stone quarry nearby. After committing the deed Mc­ Millan fled to a corn field and made good his escape and is still*at large. The. police in the surrounding towns and Cities have been given his dis- cription and warned to be on the lookout for liini. Sometime ago MoMillen was sent - to the county jail on a charge of assault,1 he having beat his wife. Le tier he was released on bond..for his appearence in court in January. He has olso served lime in the peni­ tentiary. - ■ Mrs. .McMillan has beon living with her father Mose Jones, and because she refused to return to her husband’ s home she was assaulted again. For S'time it was thought that she could not live but she has greatly improved. $100 Rewards $100: The readers of this paper will be pleased to lenrn that there is at least one dreaded * disease that science 1ms been ableto care in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall s- Cntarrh Cureis theonly positive cure now known to the medical fraternity, ’ Catarrh . being a constitutional disease, requires n constitutional treatment, liall's ’Catarrh ' Cureis tukon internally, a'cting directly Up­ on tho blood and.mucousspraces of system • thereby destroying tho foundation ‘of the disease, andglVrng tho patient strength by building upthe constitution and assisting naturem doing its. Work, The proprietors havesomuch faith in its curative powers, that they offeroneHundredDoltapVTorany case that it tails to ohre, Sendfor listo testimonials. d<5 We Were handed a twig of locust blo b sonnT'1’1 i uVstlay that came.from Mr. Samuel Raney’s farm. The tree is just, in bloom and presents an unusal appeaferice this season of the year. With the mercury stand- ingabfO and frost the locust tree will not hold its beauty long. Few loeiist trees bloomed this last spring. The newest styles. The latest shades. Soft Hats—$1 00, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3.00, and $3.50. Stetson's—$3.50, $4, $4.50 and $5.00. SU L L IV AN , The Hatter. 27 S. Limestone S t, Springfield, O. THE HATES OF THE CENTRAL HOTEL AND RESTAURANT; beginning with October 1st. will be changed from $1.00 to $1,50 per ddy and single meals will be 35c instead of 25c as heretofore. Inquire for prices if meal tickets, also for time rates. JOHN M , F INNEY J r . Boggati’s Toggery Shop. A N N U A L F A L L OPENING We Announce For A Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sep t. 26th , 27 th and 2 $ th . Our Formal Opening Of Foreign Models, Costumes, Tailored Suits, Wraps, Furs, Silks And Lace Waists For The Season 1907-1008. The Public is Cordially Invited* We P<zy Tout Car Fare. Peter A. Boggan ’s 11 South Limestone St. Springfield, Ohio, I- J m 3