The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 27-52

/ 'I F o r E x c e lle n c e O u r J o i n W o rk w i l l c om p a r e w ith t l i a i o f a n y o t h e r f i r m . , , . THIRTIETH YEAR NO. 41. She Steroid , ■I Tiiic itcra wte;j marked with o : j | Index, deBtoeo jhet year cubcerij- | ft? past 4tic and a prompt ucttii incut jo earnestly desired.,. ■’• 1 CEDARVILLE, OHIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11 , 1907. PRICE 81.00 A YEAR, W h o m W e D e l ig h t to /fowor! [)()$$ GETS H EUGENE ENGLE. Tho jury th a t hoard tbo perjury case against Eugeue Engle, the Bellbrook hoy, was not out long as tilers was only one vote taken. The decision was for aequitni and the young man was released. The history of tho case Is fresh In tlm minds of Greene county people as the trouble Is the result of a feud m th a t village. The young man was a victim of the persecutors who desired to gBt even. B ellbrook .fit teens raised a fund to defend Engle. Judge Elam Fisher * of Eaton occupied the bench and warned the onlookers who crowded the court room when i t became known th a t a, verdict had been reached, tha t no demonstration should lake place a t tha t time, So excited became the crowd W'hen the verdict of acquittal was read that the judges orders were disregarded. JT'ie court severely re­ proved thoseTwho bad taken pa rt and lined'three of the offenders $1 each for contempt of court. Politics has long been the source of much trouble inBellbroolc ancl the action of the jury in failing to pros­ ecute the hoy will no doubt have a tendency to relieve the situation. ATTENDED SYNOD. The Second Synod of the United PresbyTerian church met in Colum­ bus-this week on Tuesday, Wednes­ day and Thursday. The Synod in­ cluded the 'Presbyteries of Sidney, Xenia, Indiana Northern, Princeton tnd ., First Ohio and Tennessee. Mote than a hundred delegates were in attendance, among them being Rev. O- H. Milligan and R. F. Kerr of this place. • - GOT ONE YEAR. George F, Ninffer, former member of the “Board of Public Service in Springfield who took advantage of graft in his, office by padding the pay roll was sentenced On, Wednes­ day to one year in the ’penitentiary, After Nnfffer was trapped he fi?d ^ i p ^ r iK n M M Was Indicted and the trial set for Wednesday, when fie pte«d guilty, ’ —Do not le t a contract for gas piping in y«Ur store' room or dwell tug until you have had an estimate from Pierce &Northup. : A SAFE INVESTMENT. The West Side Building and Loan —Cm,-Layton O h io .-........ -Lt..-.. • Pays highest dividends on Stock. Pays 4 per cent on Temporary Deposits., r Loans money on Real Estate in Montgomery County. Write for Booklet to-day. OFFICES: S. W- Cor. 3d and Williams Streets. S. W. Cor. Main and 2d Streets., Dayton, Ohio. $100 Rewards $100. The readers of this paper will bo pleased . to learn timt there Is a t least* one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tho only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Mall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly up­ on the blood and mucous surraces of system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, arid giving the patient strength by baliding up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work, Tho proprietors have SOmuch faith in its curative powers, that they offer one Hundred Hollars for any case tfiat it fails to cure. Send for list o testimonials. Address. I<\ J. CHFXEY L Co, Toledo 0. Sold by Druggist, 75c. , Hall’s Family Pills aro the best, Don’t have a falling out with your hair. It might leave you t Then what? That would mean thin, scraggly, uneven, rough hair* Keep you r hair at hornet Fasten it tightly to your scalp 1 You can easily do It with Ayer’s H a ir Vigor. It is something more than a simple hair dress­ ing. It is a ha ir medicine, a hair tonic, a hair food. Thd boat kind of ft testimonial-- “ Sold for* over sixty years." .... .... -<i-'-iai(iiiB»«wxiwi>!ia^ i)>ivwiM»^ *"“• *H*M*»0* A 1% MadeIV<T« 0-WF fJa^VioWJllj***»*. Alta Ct ‘ ^ I SARSAtoWlM. U & V B m w m x m , BUH EKE. ' .. ■ tr . > t . Mr. O. M. Townsley., the proprietor of the “Corner Gro­ cery” occupies one .of the oldest grocery stands in town. His knowledge of the butter and egg market and his con­ nection in this line enables him handling great quantities of this product which is placed on foreign markets. His prices are always all the market affords which no doubt accounts for -the enormous business in this line. Charles boarding Wilson, the on AVrltten charges have been filed against I). H. Barnes, superintend­ ent of the Bath township schools, came here Friday and charging immorality and improper conduct. Tho charges cover two offenses and are explained in detail. Tho charges have proved a sonsa- eolored, is now county. Wilson took up lm abode as “a boarder in William A Smith’s home. Wilson claimed to he under tho employee of the Postal iepartmeiit of the government and tion in that part of the county for 1 was supposed to go to,, work on the the superintendent has always been | It. F. D. Imre last Tuesday but his regard eel as one of the leading ed- plans did not materalteo r and ncators in the state. As a township i in stead lie is now faking up the superintendent he probably hast art of making brooms, and Uncle ranked first. He is also one of the county examiners and his many friends are loathe to believe ,the charges until proven true. I t has been known for some time that Mr, Barnes had political enemies that had tried every possible way to dis­ credit him and Ins work. For this reason his irnwiy friends hold him in$ae*nt until the kear-teg Mr. Barites has a wile and six children and lias always been great­ ly devoted to them. . The eldest daughter is about sixteen yearo of age, He .stated to tho Springfield Sun th a t he expected to fight the caao'to a finish and could clear him­ self of the charges. Barnes will also try to show th a t the conductor Miss Llnebaugh and a teacher by tho name of Warner had not been what it should. Warner teaches nearby and- has-been-taking Miss Llnebaugh to her school, The-charges embody assault and proposals to go to 'Columbus,togeth­ er to attend the Ohio Teachers’ As­ sociation meeting. 60TH ANNIVERSARY. Mr. and Mrs. John Kerslmer, who live on W- II. Barber farm west of town celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary last Saturday, About sixty were present and enjoyed the festivities of tins remarkable oc­ casion. The Yellow Springs News gives the following account of the lives of thls.aged couple, both having lived in tha t vicinity for many years: “Mr. and Mrs. Kerslmer for near­ ly their entire lives have lived in tills vicinity. For twenty years or more lie was janitor of the Christian church. For over 25 years lie was employed a t the powder mills as carpenter. For the last several years Mr. and Kerslmer with their son DroSs have lived on tho farm. Mrs. Korshner though 73 yeaft? old is still hearty arid Well and is able to do all her household work. Air. Kershner, past HI, tends tho garden, saws ail the wook used a t the house and does considerable other work.’* These old people enjoy life ns mucli to day as ever and on Hatur day surrounded by their children celebrated the event of their marri­ age. Tho chitdren arc James of Missouri;Muliuda, (M&.)oimTown eley of CedarvJHe); Charlie, of Illinois 5 and Ford of Yellow Springs; there are three children dead.t SOLD FAST PACER. < Mr. D. M. Kyle has sold Eifila, his fast pacing mare to Frank Hedrlel. for a consideration said to have been $2,500, The mare has a marl of 2:00 and was the center of a t­ traction in the 2:00 pace a t Cohtm bun tliip year. Sprague of South Charleston has hint tho animal in charge and has given her a good compalgn, Elsie Is the fastest horse that has gone from Groono county. Sam dtd.nofc send him there either. Wilson wenfemto the Smith home and soon became vary- familiar,. Ho wore a pair of trousers such as lhail men wear and seemed to have a good story as to Ms being Imre. “ Bunco’’ as he is knowii about town did not just like tbo idea & boarder and kep t borrow a wntoh, Athr fcfbfe&y several other an idea 14 rtt. 1 l . his “ trunk” name m. This made Bun­ co move suspicious hut the straight­ forwardness of thfc story induced Mrs, Smith to venture ?2 in the. stranger. . While “William was a t Work Mon­ day a telephone message brought him the startling nows tha t his boarder laid rbbbed the house Mon­ day morningafter he had left and th a t Airs, -.Smith was minus $7.50. Tin*officers wort put on the fellows trail and lie was lauded a t the dopot where ho was waiting for a train. When searched ho only had about $1.80 on ills person whieh proved that, there was a confederate in the vicinity. A chnrgo of obtaining money under false pretenses wn» placed against Wilson and Implead guilty to the charge. Mayor McFarland of course did not regard the trousers as ' eing evidence that all men that woro blue pants were mail men and consequently assessed a And of $50 and costs and 00 days in the works. Wilson wiil have a position there untii early spring when if his services are needed he can be secured by tho postal department. WEIGHING OF THE MAILS. The mominaflon for city officers in Xenia have been made and the result will bear analysis, Xenia for years was under th* Absolute con­ trol of one man, H , E. Schmidt, who in bis own city was a second George B. Cox, Bchmidt, tho Boss of Republican policies turned from the Democratic rank* ,a few years ago for the reason th a t his field of operation was greator, A Boss of' politics never regard* principles of party or of people so long as he can be tlte winner and d.**l out tbo pa­ tronage. A day canm when ftonift could no longer stand the ravages of this hu­ man monster and he was thrown down politically .and. several of UI b best offices pu t In th$ hands* of rep­ resentative dtteens.’ While ' Eohmidt,, was dealt a sovere blow when Mayor Brohnan and tlm p resen t,Board of Public Servicewere elected yet ho had a bare majority m council., The peo­ ple mindful of the situation tins year nominated ft elass-of men th a t were free to do ns they “pleased. I t is stated tha t policemtgL were sta ­ tioned a t tlm vottegvplaeGS and the result was only ivto Schmidt men were found in th e Itefcof winners. W. L. Miller has been city solic­ itor and conducted Hie duties of his office in a trustworthy manner. Ho has been fatr in ail his opinions and given general satisfaction. Mr. Miller conducted $ su it for the city against Boss Schmidt and of course won the enmity of His Royal High­ ness. •(1 Miller being ft landictafe for the service board M il the fight of his life to land the place. Rut we lire proud to relate t-bffc Mr. Stiller'won easy and the peoraEc gained a great victory for Bogs tgehmtdfc had sent out orders to. h |s henchmen the night previous to hepd every onorgy to defeat Miller. '' * Mayor Brennan had no opposition not because lie hafei given satisfac­ tion to' ali .clagseji bu t because .he i. Ross aehmidt ten probably the Herald, ton a position could not be defe hates Mayor worse than ISONOF FINELOSSES.! NOT FLUTTERING. j * .... ’ I The first estimate made this year The State Fife Marshall at Col-!of crop production by the state mnbUB lias has prepared *a census- NEWS 0 bureau and each county is compared as to inhabitants and losses. Greene County, with a population of 32,455, had 8 fires in buildings worth, contents included, $32,600; Hie insurance a t risk was $22,900, and the actual loss $25,680, or 79 cent per capita. • ‘ Logan County, with a population of 32,428, bad 32 fires in buildings worth, coutehis included $82,fill), Hie insurance on them wijs $44,500, and the actual loss $12,982, or 40 cents per capita. In the average fire in Green County the loss possible was $4,075 and the actual loss $3,210, In Logan County Urn loss possible was $2,573 and the (lie actual loss $400. In Green County each dollar's worth of properly jeopardized' lute 70 cents of iusuraueo on it; in Logan 54 cents. . COUNCIL MEETING* - The regu la r m eeting ol council was held Monday evening. No p a r­ ticu lar business canto.up o ther than Un* allow ing of the regu la r m on th ly bills, • ./• The, contract; for piping for gas Was le t to Pierce & North up, who were the only bidders. The engine room, m ay o r’s office and jail w ill ho lighted and heated w ith gas.' ' An ordinance was introduced and read th a t when passed will combine the offices of stre e t comm issioner and m arsha l. An effort w as made to dq th is a couple of y ea rs ago bu t for somo reason the m a tte r was dropped; LID GOES DOWN. board of agriculture is contained in the October crop report issued Fri­ day. In spite of the hot weather dining a good part of September, corn products are said not to .be fiattering, tho estimate being 7'1per­ cent of an average crop. Tho township, assessors’ returns show that the area seeded to wheat for the harvest (if 1907 was 2,087,417 acres. The average yield per ucre is estimatedat 16,4 bushels. A com­ parison of the above estimatco with the corresponding ones of last year shows th a t while (lie area for 1907 was 34,548 acres in excess of 1906, the tot-,; production is 10,625,900 bushels less than in 1906, when the average product po? acre reached the record-breaking point of 20.0 bushels. ■ The seed lug for wheat is progress­ ing nicely, though it is being .re­ tarded somewhat because of. the late corn harvest, and, for the same reason tho acreage will probably be less than- last year. Early sown Wheat is generally reported as start­ ing satisfactorily. Of tho crop of 1 !«j(; there remains in the producers’ hands 9 percent. The total production of oats for tho state, which is 83,918,284 bushels Is an- even proportionately greater decline over last year’s production than that of tho wheat crop, as this estimate is 18,246,488 bushels iss' than the estimate, for 1900, while the area sown for harvest of 1907 as estimated from assessors’ returns, was 1,450,510 uteres, as compared witli 1,300,434' acres sown for harvest of 1906. The average’ estimated product per acre for H ub year .is 22".0 bushels. Last year it was 83.9 bushels, > Oats suffered from . the same weather conditions "that- affected wheat and m addition there were very general reports from corres­ pondents of great damage . to the crop from blight or rust and insect pests, notably servers ravages by a small green insect. It is.estimated from assessors’ re- Mnyor McFarland has notified the meat Stores th a t there must bo no more Sunday selling. I t has been the custom, of these places to }turn 2,944,691 acres were planted to THECOURTS. Only five cases came up for con­ sideration by the grand jury for U*<- October term of Common FIvu-, Court, which commenced a t fit o'clock Monday morning. Fifty- eight witnesses have been sub­ poenaed. The most serious of the eases to be considered is th a t of Lester Walthall, chargee with shooting with intent to killW . B. Olemmer, of Rosemoor, near James­ town turn weeks ago. Other cases ' a re :. The State againsn Edwin SJayfon, disposing of, mortgaged properly; Klate against James Ikanl, cutting with inteut to kill, Wiley Stephens prosecuting witness; State against Herman Vaentlne, as­ sault and battery, Simpson A. Smith prosecuting- witness; Slate against John William Hams, -horse stealing. The prosecuting witness is John L. Thomas, of Silverceek township, and the alleged offence was committed September 6 . Tlie following entries have been handed down by Judge O. H, Kyle in Common Pleas Court: Nannie E. Barr, against L. G, Bull, administrator of James Bari*, ■ demurrer to petition sustained,. . W. F. Orr, asprosecuting attorney for Greone county, against George Armiutrout and others, temporary^, restraining order dissolved arid case dismissed, i t haying bpen shown tha t compromise bas 'beeu effected. , ■ W. 0_. Maddux •against E. C. Rader, dismissen. R. CV Watt against the Adams Express Company,, dismissed a t costs of defendant. • J. H. Hyde against J .' M. Birch, ’ demurrer to petition overruled. Th« re ' ptltestirleitoto Xenia furnishes ftn objmJt laeeon to other places when? politician!? use publte/mortey and position to per­ sonal gain, -The public Usually pays for such in high tax rates and little improvement as is evidenced in Codarvllie, —FOR'RENT A six room dwell­ ing, both kinds of water, located on Main street. Dr. J . W. Dixon. open Sunt!ay morning tor fixe ac­ commodation,of those who do not have a suitable plane to keep meat t{je hot-weather. “ Out of sight, efitt o old saying which applies with special force to sore, horn or wound tha t’s been treated with BuCkions Arnica Salve. I t ’s out of sight,, out of wind and ou t o f existence. Piles too and chilblains-disappear under Its ltoai- lng influence. Guaranteed by' all druggists 25c. FOR SALE: One choice yearling Delaine ram, ,0. E. Cooley.- corn for 1907, but the- -prospects, which at-present is estimated a t 74 •ercent; compared with 'an average, s not flattering, due to unseason l -able weather during arid immediate- ‘ following the planting season. TOWNSLEY-BRADLEY. l ’iie friends of Mr, Hermann ,F. Townsley received word this week of his marriage to Miss Grace Brad­ ley of Charleston, 111. Tho couple were married in St.'Louis, on Satur­ day. October 5 by Rev.' A. M. Camp­ bell. ' „ ter. Townsley bas a good position • With a Granitoid and Concrete Con­ struction Co. of St, Louis and expecte i tq be sent to Mttskpgee, Oklahoma H-ta friends inuhtw'S! , state from *11 cuttings is estimated a t 3.1- Potato prospects aro reported a t 65percciil of an average;' very wet weather kud blight in many locali­ ties conduced to,the low prospect. prospects fo r ’apples reported a t 23 percent of an average* is very discouraging. „ Tho condition 0 / pastures is vei'y generally reported to bo oxceHanb, the condition compared with an average for the statett being 93 per­ cent. . ■ ■ . t ACriminal AtfflcK on an inoffensive eitiuon is frequent­ ly made in tha t apparently useless little tube called the “ appendix.” I t ’s generally the resu lt of prostrat­ ed constipation, following liver torpor. Dr. King’s New Life Pills regulate tho liver, prevent appendi­ citis, and establish regular habits of tlie bowles. 25. a t all druggists. Fur seven days boghdng with Oct­ ober 12midnight all Post offices aro required to weight all mail originate lug a t their offices. Also to keep account of number of pieces of each different class, and the revenue derived linrefrom. This will re­ quire considerable extra work and time making up the mails. During this period patrons of the office are requested to be prompt in their mailings. Tlie fluids will be closed five minutes earlier to allow time for counting, weighing. No mall will be received after counting lm» commenced. Please bear this in mind when you have mail for dispatch. Wo understand tha t later an account will be kept for bfie Week of the relative distance cadi piece of malt matter will travel. T. N. Tarbos, P. M, ' Mr. O. 35. Bradfuto spent Wednes­ day in Columbus. A tew lines Inserted ill the Herald will rout your house, sell whatever you have* or bring you just what you want, lb buy. ‘ Tim cost is small oven though the returns aro great. —liockerp, conches, folding beds iado boards, at McMillan’9 SEE OUR WIN­ DOWS FOR COR­ RECT STYLES. Boggan’s Toggery Shop. SEE OUR WIN­ DOWS FOR COR­ RECT STYLES. The Suit Emporium of Springfield The Greatest Three Days Suit Sale Ever Held In This Sec^ tion Commences Thursday and Continues Friday and Saturday, October 11th and 12th. 1000 strictly man-tailored suits will be placed on sale during these three days sale a t the greatest saving ever offered to tho purchaser. The styles you get here are entirely different from what you can obtain elsswhere, which makes them abso­ lutely exclusive. Prices $15.00, $18:50, 822.50, 828.50, 830.00, 835.00, 840.00, $45.00 and‘850.00. SEPARATE CLOTH SKIRTS A shipment of separate slcirte in all the new fancy .materials, chiffon panamas, _Altman’s voiles, etc., in black, brown, castor and blue. All made over the new- ( est plaited models; plain oyfancyTrTrhmedfentlre shipTnentrgoe.^Gn fialeTlnirsbay morning. Prices 83.05, §4.50, 85.00,80.50,87.50,. 88.50 and $10.00. EXTRA VALUES FROM OUR EXCLUSIVE WAIST DEPARTMENT Waists of every desetiption and material; made from the latest designs with prices to suit every one. 05c, §1.50, S2.00, S2.50, S3.00, §3.50, 85.00 and upwards. The New Coat Shown In Styles of Extraordinary Beauty.. P riO e s 84.05, $6.50, 87,50, 88.50, 810.00, $12.50, 815.00, $18.50, $22.50, $25,00 Within a •Radius of So Miles We Pay .Your Car Fare Both Ways. Peter A. Boggan U South Limestone St,, Springfield, Ohi0i |