The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 27-52

F o r Ex ce llen ce O u r J o b W o rk w ill com pare w ith f fchtrt o f a n y o t t e r firm, . * . 9he 'Gedarville herald, Thio ftcin when marked with a«i Index, denotes that your sabsaiiy t 3 past due and a prompt IdtTv ment is earnestly desired, THIETXETnfyEAB NO. 44. CEDAItVILLE, OHIO, FftIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 , 1907. s = r PRICE S1.00 A YEAR. Gov. Folk says: “Find out who the saloonkeepers and gamblers are for and then get on the other side/' Has Wolford yet been charged as having the support of the drugstore saloonkeeper? Is Wolford not being openly opposed by Ridgway and his followers? GRAFTCHARGES For more than a year charges ’of graft have been placed against some of the village officials. Legal counsel in t\ya - threB cities as well as the attorney general's department a t Colambus had been consulted on the method of doing business op the pa rt of eoupcil and the village board of education. The gang: organ, faas made every effort possible to cover up the wrong doings and has endeavored to make light of the charges. Th|s was necessary fn th a t the public mind must he diffused of the charges. With the public divided as to the guilt of the parties i t would be an easy matter to he returned to office and continue the plundering and protect themselves. The strongest reason why members of the present council and jiome of the officials tha thave been drawing money illegally, should be returhed is tha^any other than a gang candidate will, expose and p ro ^w b a t baa taken place. The fact is Judas Wright dares turn bis books over to one who will not attempt to shield liitn. Hfs graftings are.on the bodks and to hold back -this information dnl^tneans protection to him. ■ ‘ There have been Charges filedWith the State Bureau ofAccount­ ing m Columbus agaihst Si 0 - Wright, J. H. Andrew and . Andrew J^cksdn. The charges were'based on information ■ taken from J- 0- Barber’s hooksj he being the present treasurer - of th e corporation and school district. This departmentassures ns of.the guilt of the parties. The following-are only a few of the amounts drawn illegally. . by J udas Wright during a little over a year: Voucher No. 202, $18.58; 220,'$15.00; 180,,$12.00; 140, $11.40; 80, $5.80; 66 , $35.12; 47, $4.18; 21, $184581 2, $14.43. Beside this there’ are a number of illegal amounts drawn, through the school funds. Wright being ' a bonded Officer the department a t Columbus will recover off his bondsman, if i t cannot-be made off ot Jiim.' Owing to the lack of time and' space we-will •not give the amounts drawn illegally byX H ; Andrew and Andrew Jackso n. ■The former is charged with having' taken probably more than has Judas, while Jackson in his sohobl book graft is not f a r behind. * .1 , This information has been in the of $he Bureau ot Ae- Whom We Delight to Honor THEATRE NOTES. JDK. JE. C. OOLESirZE. One of CedarviUe’s best known i s ,Dr, E. C. Oglesbee, who has been practicing mediqin«|iffi?e for a num­ ber of years. The Dr, is of a genial disposition and highly respected by all who know him. He served oh the Board of Pension Examiners in this county for several years. At present the Dr. is a eandk ate for member-df the. Board of Education of this school district. He is eminently qualified for the place and directly interested in ed^pHonal work, SHOOTING AFFRAY. - a ; t n&tture Knowing onat the public funds wore being aqaatideffm I t has been the habit of the gangsters in deny charges of th is nature, which it stood them in hand to do, knowing th a t others were nex t to what was being done with the taxpayers’ money, The Herald has had no hesitancy m keeping the wrongdoings exposed, which has accounted for the hysterical actions of ju d a s and his drugstore following. “No thief-o’er felt the lialter draw - With good opinion of the law’*" • . A RIDICULOUS UL. No sooner bad the annoucemonfc been made th a t T. tW. St. John alid A. H . Creswell, were candidates on the Citizens’ ticket for township trustee, than a report was sent out from the saloon drugstore tha t both of these men were opposed to mov­ ing the library into the neW build­ ing. The originator of the story had evidently forgotten th a t Mr. Cres­ well was a member of the Reformed Presbyterian church, the governing body of the college ana library. Finding th a t the public would not give credence to such a story Mr. Creswell’s name was dropped and the report saddled on Mr, St* John, who is a member of the Methodist church. ___________ —Fresh car of Portland cement, the finest on the market X>. S . rvin & Co* h&re,;. colored, shortly after eleven o’clock Saturday night. ; r 4 There are n number of ■.stofiog' as to how the. shooting ‘happened. Brown, in his dying statement, claimed th a t Robinetfc owed him $3.76. and i t was refUsed, Brown called a t the Robinetfc home a sec­ ond time when ho was fired upon, ____ . ...... ..............* - He turned add went closer-to the i house when Roblnett fired a second Messrs. Harry and Elmer Waddle time, which took effect in the atom- have purchased th® livery barn be- »eh. NEW LIVERY FIRM. f it longing to.Mr. John Fields. The new firm took charge last night. Both are popular youug men and will met with public favor in tlioir new enterprise, Mr. Fields has been In this business a number of years and will retire owmg to his health. WANTED. Local representative for—and vicinity to look after renewals and Increase subscription list of a promi­ nen t monthly magazine, on a salary and commission basis. Experience desirable, but no t necessary, Good opportunity for right person. Ad­ dress Publisher, Box 59, Station Ov New York. Robinett claims that Brown called a t the house and became abusive m his language and was trying to de­ mand money th a t was not duo him. Ho r e tu r n e d ^ the house and was again called* out by Brown. This time he took a revolver with him and fired a t Brown who ran_to the corner of the yard, A t this time Ronmett claims tha t - Brown at­ tempted to throw a t him when he fired again, which took effect and proved fatal. There were no witnesses other T6TAKECAULTRIP. Senator E, A* Hafoer, of Cin­ cinnati, Representative R, • L. Lersb, of Loriarj audRopreSentatlvo George Little,-, of Xenia, accom­ panied by Messrs. Baldwin, Kltt- iey aiid Watkins, of the State Board of Public Works and their chief engineer, Charles E.; Perkins,-will meet In Cleveland Monday „night and sta rt Tuesday morning on a trip over the canal from Cleveland to Dresden, to inspect the lmprove- ment work th a t has been in progress there for nearly two years. P a r t of the trip Will be made by Canal boat and p a rt by electric line, I t will require three (lays to complete the Inspection. Mr, Little has the credit of doing more than anyone else in the legislature toward--sav­ ing the canals from being ta k e n o u t of the bunds of the State without just compensation, tha t is, therefore looked to for advice and council as to canal improvement, No better than RobineLt’s wife and a brother- man conld be selected to Supervise m-tnw ...........*«» ......... «* *la . Roblnett had his hearing before Mayor Brennan on a charge of second degree murder and was bound over under a bond of $5000, in default of which" lie was sent to J the county jail. IV F or S a tu r d a y B u y e r s SOME GOOD RELIABLE LINES OF SHOES - TO PIGKFRQML , - FOR MEN— ^George Lawrence” Shoes.......... $3.50, $4,00 and $5.00 W. L. Douglas Shoes. . . . . . . . . .$3.00, $3.50 and $4 00 Whitcowbe Shoes.......... $ 2 . 00 , $2.25, $2.50 and $3,00 The Best Working shoe in this city a. .$1.50 and $2.00 FOR LADIES— *La Franc” Shoes. . . . . . . . . . . .$$. 00 , $3.50 and $4.00 Horner Bros* Special............. .$ 2,00 and $2.50 Good Solid Every Day Shoes.............. .................. $1.50 Boys’ and Girls’ School and Dress Shoes. . . . . . . . ................ $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50 HORNER BROS. & CO., No. 3 g South Limestone Street, S p r in g f ie ld , O h io . •S® any public improvem^nt.^Gafcetto. Through a fal«* feporfc a run was caused on the Dayton Saving Bank & Trust Company last Saturday afternoon. Yhos# who Wanted to with draw were mostly shop work* era" and girla. Tha institution is regarded as sound and has plenty of financial backing. Bros. ■Best line ofj osftes a t Nagley 'The Fairbanks '.Theatre Spring- field, Ohio, will present on Monday evening, November 4th. the well known and distinguished pianist, De Pachman. For some reason he has attracted much attention from the musical authorities in the East, where his concerts have aroused the utmost enthusiasm. The analysis of his work by the loa ling Eastern ci bios holds that his developing powers may some , time place him alqn.g side of Paderewski. His con­ cert tour this season so far has been a sensational success and i t is Ex­ pected th a t the music lovers m Springfield’and vicinity will greet the opportunity with delight to hear his wonderful rendition on the piano. The Fairbanks Theatre,, Spring field, will offer on Wednesday Nov ember 6 th. an intertainmenfc pro­ ductive'of as npich laughter as any performance now being given on the stage, McIntyre & Heath in “The Ham Tree.” This is one of -the most effective musical comedies ever brought out. I t scored heavily With the public, both by reason of theability o t the stars to furnish continuous Incentive to laughter and because of its chorus, which has been accepted as one of the best trained, and best looking organizati­ ons which musical comedy has brought forth, Thelaviskness with .which It is costumed has attracted edpebial attention and the aesfcwith which i t contributes Its'-khare to Hie audiences, and produce the proper ) spirit of appreciation for the per­ formance. McIntyre * Heath ar® themselves well known for their ability to entertain by Impersonat­ ing this Georgian darkness. Their negro drolleries are inimitable and never fall to amuse. No production th a t will visit this theatre this year will bericher in mirth than this. one. On Saturday, November 9„ the Fairbanks Theatre will offer one of lheJuost.wjnsomaactrosses_gracing the stage, Mary Manhermg. Her personal beauty and charm and the bewitching quality of her actihg method have secured for her ap­ proaching appearance. MI sb Mann- ering is oho of the most beautiful actresses on the stage and her play this year places her m an atmosphere enhancing this attribute. “Glorious Betsy” tells the story of the young American girl of Baltimore, who eloped with Prince Napoleon. Around this historical ciroumsfonce Rida Johnson Young bas written one of the most enlivening and pleasing romantic plays which the pnblic has seen many seasons. Its story moves briskly, the climaxes are intensely dramatic and the central love theme is one of rare beauty. Miss Mannermg in her dramatization calls into play the full wealth of her personal charm and skill and giVeB a most delightful Impersonation. Don’t forget the oratorical Con­ test, Friday evening, November 1. Admission 25 cents, —Dustdown, Try it. Get it a t Mc­ Millan’s, BETRAYALOF HIS CHURCH. The gang candidate -for mayor had to square himself with the church vote which lie and the drugstore crowd are to “work” . The gang expeots to purchase the floating vote and will use the church and the candidate’s ' standing to get the other class. This was planned someweeks.ago and comes from . headquarters direct. J . H . Wolford, the candidate on the Citizens’ ticket for mayor was attacked in the gang organ last week in that he has no standing with the church. During the thirty years he lived here-hhhas been doing business for the public. Has lived, an upright, honest career, without a charge in all.this time, He has served in the same capacity to, which he is called in " this campaign and never a word was uttered against him. He has been the same to all men, irrespective of race or social standing. . ■< . . \ . ’ In the bond issue fight for a school house Mr. Wolford took a .decided stand against the measure. H is speech -a t the mass meeting evidently stirred the public against the-issue. Poli- ticiansbecame enraged tha t very , night and condemned his course. Fortunately the people were with him and against the apperantr Sight of “ the ill gotten gain” . I t must be remembered tha t Judas Wright is a memberof the very boapd.and-one ol the prime movers in the $30,000 at­ tempted steal. He now has r,he opportunity of his life m repay­ ing his challenger the above compliment as being against the. .chpi-ch. • Judas favors the church, tlip saloon drugstore and all the ele­ ments th a t go with-a corrupt political ring. He favors the Church to the extent that-he was willing to lay aside the sacred obligation taken when he was admitted to enter a local Secret society, H e was well aware th a t the rules of his ehurqn were ' openly- against secret orders, yet he asked admission. What was The result? Hb "was classed as .ifndesirablo and.‘“black­ balled” . :pta&,man: ever yetpracticed such brazen hypocrisy? Lepi*d admission to an organization he must oppose if th e ru i^ •H pbay fd . ^ ■*'’ **?; ■TM . r . . v r , ■ ^ . —^ WPXIT&Kft . , before the publio unpledged to shield or protect &ny one man. A STATEMENT* I t has been reported for the past few days th a t if I am elected town­ ship trustee I will oppose moving the library into the “new building. I wish to deny this report most em­ phatically and say th a t it has been circulated irom a jio lltical stand- polritr* “ " i'.'W . St. John. CANDIDATES01 CITIZENS’ TICKET. TAX RA TE r 1880.................................$2.60 1887 ................. 2.44- 1888 ............................. 2.58 1889................................. 2.30 1890................................. 2.40 . 1891................................. 2.42 1892 .................... 2.66 1893 ......................... 2.90 1804................................. 2.70 1895......................-....... 2.79 *18!I0..................................2.73 *1897..*.........!....................2.61 *1898................................. 2.70 *1899................................ 2.44 *1900................................. 2.-66 *1901 ........:.r.............. 2.52 1902 ................ 2.06 1903 ..................... 2.69 1904 ............................. 2.90 1905 ................ 2.79 1900............................. 8.10 —Do not let a contract for gas piping In your store room or dwell lng until you have had an estimate from Pierce & Norfchup. TheMlqwing are^thc-candidates ‘ on the Citizens’ ticket for the elec­ tion of township and municipal offi­ cers on November 5,' . ■ Mayor, J . HrWolford. Clerk, J , G. MoCorkell, Treasurer, Jacob Siegler. Marshall, J. C. Grind Ip. AsseSnor, John Pierco. Council, L. G. Bull, J. P. Gaidtfell, Warn, Cottereil, W. P . Townsley, John.Randall, Lewis Gilbert. The township ticket is as follows: Trustee, A, H. Creswell and T, W. St. John. Justico of Peace,T a . Bradford. Clerk, F. A. Jackson. Assessor, Z. T. Phillips. Constable, John Ross. Treasurer, W. H. Owens. FOR SALE. An eighteen inch Round Oak coal heating Btovo tha t has. been Used but llttle over a year is for Sale. Best soft coal hea ter made and will be sold a t a bargain. Inquire a t this office for particulars. —Repair work of ail kinds. Gas fitting and general machfhe shop work, Pierce &Northup. i The When’s GREAT ANNUAL PALL AND WINTER OPENING SALE WILL POSITIVELY CLOSE Saturday, Nov. 9th A guaranteed saving of 4 to 20 !per cent on every purchase except contract merchandise. Car fare paid one way on purchase of $10. Both ways on purchase of$15 and over, S. and H. Green Trading Stamps Free, &