The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 27-52

,u ... i*~l* Pot- Excellence Our Job Woris will compare with that of any other firm. . , . f ?a^#iy«(rVV,V^'V^-VV* ^ 4 Tli'o item wbe» marked with « j > Index, denotes that year subssrij. is past due and a prompt settle meat is earnestly desired, THIRTIETH YEAR NO. 47. OKDARVILLE. OHIft FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1907. PRICE 81.00 A YEAR. WESTERN CULL. Bov. 0 . H , Milligan, pastor of the United* Presbyterian church, has beon extended a call by the United Presby terian congregation a t Fow­ ler, Cal. '*'• Kev, Milligan has never preached fo r th is congregation but there' has been some correspondence on the subject. The call was probably ex­ tended purely on the strength of recommendations. I t will be re­ membered th a t Mr. J . S. Brown and fam ily recently left this vicinity locating a t Fowler. Rev. Milligan states th a t he has had no communi­ cation with Mr. Brown as to the call. • The Fowler congregation has a membership of about 235 aud pays a - Salary of $1,100 and parsonage. dL’he call states th a t the salary will be increased to $1,500 and parsonage if i t is accepted by Janu a ry first. Bev. Milligan came here troin ijlderton-, Pa., being called October 25, 1003. He was installed January 12,1001. During his pastorale •he has performed his duties faithfully ip Upbuilding the congregation. He 'has'Won by his pleasing personality the highest esteem nob only from hijk own members but from the en­ tire corivmuvuty. ,Rev.\Milligan has made no deci­ sion- as yet and will not for the present, •though bis many friends would be pleased to have him re­ main. TARBOX DINNER. READY TO GLEANINGS. The yearly Thanksgiving dinner for thcTurbox families, will be held this year a t the homo of H a rry H. Tarbox of Findlay. This will be the first dinner by th is family given outside this county. The Tarbox families have m et together onc-e every year, siheo 185? on Thanksgiving day. John M., Mrs, Ru tb Tarbox and F rank -Tar­ box are the only living members of the families th a t m et in 1855, F rank Tarkox was about one yea r of age a t the time of the first dinner, , {Samuel Tarbox came to Ohio m 1850 and was followed in 1831 by ;John M,. Tarbox, .They came from near Portland, Me, The first. -Work they contracted for in Greene coun­ ty was the building of the railroad bridge in w ha t is known as P itts ­ burg' or east end of Cedarville. This bridge Is ju st as, good as the d ay 'it was built, and’w ill be a-mon umontto theirmemory a fter they arc gone, ■/ . , , . They also p u t up what is known as-the high stone bridge a t Clifton^ Ohio, which has stood the wear and tear of years, and unless something, like an earthquake comes along will be standing 300 years from th is date, Thomas Tarbox, the oldest of the brothers, who never left the stale of Maine, died some years ago a t the age of 81 years. Samuel, r,iod about 11 years ago a t the age of 71. John M. Tarbox the' only remaining brother is nowJn his 78th year. am the fall .*»saextensiyoiy j DENVER FOR GOVERNOR. A, dispatch in .th e Ohio State Jou rna l Wednesday states- th a t a boon has been started for M. B.Den- - ver, Wilmington, as a candidate for governor On the/Democratic ticket. Mr. Denver was elected a year ago as 1congressman from this d istrict ho t does wot enter- ,on his duties until nex t month- PYTHIANS TO .. BIRTHDAY PARTY. tJohnson - day. Refresh- .icnte were served and they a ll left wishing h e r many finite such birtli- lays. Among those present was Jiss Gertrude Brown of South jharlestm . HOLD REUNION. The Second Annual Reunion of the Kn igh ts of Py tb ians of Greone county, will be held in the Xenia opera house on the afternoon oi F riday , November 23, a t -2 o'clock. The fallowing is rhe program : Music, Military B and ; Invocation r Music, M ilitary Baud; Address of Welcome, Mayor, Wm. F . Brennan; Response, G. R. Titlow; McKinley L'ji%a, 782; Music; M ilitary B and ; Taylor, £ The Jom e r Hon. Jesse James£$*eft Jigdg^,-. Senator W, I-I. Meek, one of tin- members of the S tate School Exam- inors, who' made his eiiargo of wholesale trafilciug in sta te school certificates a t the recen t meeting of the Cen tral Teachers’ Association, has been summoned to appear be­ fore S tate School Commissioner E, A . Jones. • Senator Meclc will not appear be­ fore Commissioner Jones and has directed an open le tte r to him s ta t­ ing th a t he is ready to prove a ll charges. He will prepare a compre hensive statemen t along w ith a bill to bn offered in the Senate which meets l he first of the year. The bill will disqualify state,, examiners from doing instim te work in Ohio. Tne Senator in his letter to Mrt Jones sta te s; “The deplorable con­ dition in Ohio school affairs is the out growth of rmgism and bossism which has existed for over fifteen yeais. I shall then explain the “ system” to the Senate, Hot only school .men, bu t all the people will .then get to the facts. The wider the publicity the greater tire benefit to the schools of Ohio.” now rival the secure choice he overlooked mfim is a gross a rich soil and anure. Against man notes . ,On Monday, November 25, “The Grand . Mogul,” which created such a whirlwind of enthusiasm everywhere last year, will play an engagement a t the Fairbanks The­ atre, Springfield, Ohio. This piece it will be recalled, is staged on a scale of lavish ness th a t makes it the Ben-Hur of the nutsical comedy world. I t is recognized as the g reatest development in the musical line of en tertainmen t the stage lifts to offer. The matter of rich settings is pushed to its grcfttesi;.pnssibilit;ies. The same is ,true as to -th e affciae- Uyeuess and numbers of members, of the chorus., "The principles 'are among the foremost musical comedy enterf&uMrft of (he day. These are headed by Moulaw, Maude ‘ SKi:a n d jig g li Chrysantliem flowers and bftv improved that rose In beauty flowers, i t m ust th a t tiro clirysa’ feeder, and reqti an abundance o A disease to iMard is “ scaly legs” m fcoris. Various opin­ ions are udyaneait as to Its cause, but It Is now gm&rally conceded to be a parasite tfchafc adheres and “ builds its enjpenehments” verj muob as the cor«4does in ,the coral islands. ‘The and simplest remedy ift to Icerosenc oil, ap­ plied with a sill? brush. The difference?!! weight of a large toll one is, an fin- .*fhdjfifkdy':-ii8.' an r, a n d picks up flion of its food, aetuaVcost of pro- itBUm when TO DEFRAUD PEOPLE, turkey and a a portanfcmatter, induslrious fop the greater j which brings ti ductidn to ft" In and small weigl ,Any soil that tlinary farm ‘ei the small ,frn deeply by ‘the plow, and lhak by the applicat Make the soil repeated ha rr nures liberally In nsthnaliu bu tter cow a « cowfor th e fil? milk given the should bo kep i or butter-sent provide ft soiif refuse piilk, 'n{ profit shoitldy On the farm everything, wasted search hurriedly w»' computed ihe hours, and <?v of a yeaA A J every tool, fro to a screw did annoyance' t h a t fools jn •causeAhe. have been*.' p' po t ho fou&d KAanin making largo a re compftred. produce the or- siiOUld- produce Work the land is of the subsoil ’it reasonably rich of some fertilizer and mellow by ig, .and use ma- ie profit from a k in g fs due the m ilk and butfpr- A lo t of pigs fe cream is sold .rket, The "pigs th e disposal of portion of the died to the cow, Id be a place Tor th e minutes tools t h a t are ir use could be dd amount into « fix the course .ttmnfe place for w ing machine old Save hutch .often, th e ’case purchased be- y ea r before re they can m r Liuuging th a t the Farm er’s Co­ operative Harvester company was organized solely and expressly for thepurposo of cheating and defraud­ ing such people as the promoters coylfi get to take stock in the same, Fay E, Pence of near St. Paris has filed his answer- to the su it brought by Mary B. White to seourea judge­ ment on one of the notes given him to said company sold to the plain­ tiff. . i . - The plaintiff admits executing the note and then denies each anti every allegation in the petition. He says th a t the F anne r s Co-operative Harvester company secured ’the npti3 from him though fraudu len t representations, assuring him th a t stock would pay a dividend of ten per cent and (hat the investment was better than any other th a t would be made by-him which was untrue and which the plantiff knew was untruo according-to the answer. The defendant answering further says th a t slock-In said company is -of no avail whatever; th a t the de­ fendant tried to avail liimsolf of the terms of the contract, and' purchase agricultural implements bu t tha t (lift plaintiff refused to deliver the same to him, thus failing to ca rry out th a t p a rt ot the agreement. I t iB because of thesc alleged fraudulent representations and the failure of the company to comply with the terms of con tract th a t the* defendant asks th a t lip be dismissed with his costs. He also sots up a long list of-questione which lie asks th a t the court require the plaintiff to answer. These questions have to do with the relations which the plaintifi bears to W illiam E. White- ly and w ha t he knows about the Farmer’s Co-operative, Harvester company,—Springfield Sun. BOARD OF TRADE. A meeting of the Cedarville Board of Trade will be field m tfie Mayor’s office Friday evening. All members are requested to bo present. The meeting is called by the jn-esident, Dr. J . O. Stewart, WATCH THIS SPACE For announcement of most up-to date Xmas line of Gents Fu rn ish ­ ings in the cits'. »v R. W. USTICJC, Haberdasher. DEATHOF ' ROBERT TINDALL BI-MONTHLY MEETING. The second Bi-Monthly Teachers’ Meeting will be held Dec, 14, .1007, in Xenia. Prof. Graves formerly of the Missouri State Nokmal School, bu t a t present head of the Teachers' School Department ol’ the O. S. TI. Will address the teachers on th a t day., SELMA INSTITUTE. Selma will have its first institute this comming month, December 30 and 81. Mr. G\ E. Jobe Is president, O. T. Battin, secretary. The state, speakers will be G. C. Housekeeper and Allen O. Mvera. yit ig no t luMnir LAW HELD VALID. Columbus, Ohio., Nov, ,10—The supreme court tp-day held valid the Aiken law imposing a $1000 yearly .tax on saloons. Incidentally, tho BALLOT BOX. LiVERY SALE. Mr- Hester Sm ith of Jamestown Will sell his Jlvery stock ar public mile Saturday,--Nov. 30. The.horses arc all city broke. There will be ten vehicles pub up for sale. The ktook and vehicles are in* good con­ dition, Remember the date. NOTICE! K err & H astings Bros, and C, E. Eorthup a re now selling JAMESTOWN MILL’S OHIO PRIDE FLOUR. The demand for this flour is fa r sceeding our expectations. Why? ocanse contains all the nutrition £ the wheat, while not lacking any f the fine qualities which make rose nice, soft, wh ite loaves so rlsscd by a ll good housewives. I t annotbe excelled for pastries and ike. We know how to make good our ftnd are giving you the bene- fcof 25 years experience In fnunu- ictnring i t , . Try It. You a te sure i be pleased. If it Is not as we laim, retu rn It to your grocer and ot your money back, , R . G. GfiOfi&E. -tj[o6 Golden Rule Hour. M yJ la iils Extra Long Feed your hair} nourish if} give it something to live on, Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy* Ayfir’s Hair Vigor is the only genuine hair-food you can buy. It gives new life to the hair-bulbs. You save what hair you have, and get more, too. And it keeps the scalp clean and healthy. The feeetkind of a testimonial*- p SARSAiURIUJu Xi0T$ SS r »MXVMiak; Myers, BeUbrook; Pythianfiro, IF s O rigin,and Purpose, 55. T. Hobble, Osborn Hodge, 379; Music. M ilitary Band rM y l>ream, J . E . .Randall, Hodge, 549; Address, l>r. w , j Jr Roas'e,-Atnercus Hodge, G!>7; Duett, Miss Florence and Grace Myers, Bellbrook,; Address, 0 , W. W ldtmer, TvaphocHodge" 58; How to Advance tho In te rest of the Order, J , B Bant/,, Silver S tar, 608; Music, Mili­ tary Band; Address, Hon. A. 33. Kerns, Grand Chan color,' Music, Military Band. Everybody is invited although all members of the order a re urged to be in attondetice a t the rendering of tho above program. A t 7:30 the Knight Rank will be conferred by Hie McKinley team in Ivanhoe Castle Hall. TERMS EXPIRED. There is no justice of peace in this township a t tills time, duo to the change in the law. The terms of D. H< McFarland and Andrew Jackson, as justices expired the first of this month. The newly elected officials cannot take their seats until January , Tho township trustees have tne power to -appoint to fill the vacancy but i t is not probable th a t such a thing will be done ns the cost in getting the papers out would boas great as the income of the office from now until tho justices elect take charge. The absence of justices is not only in Cedarville township b u t through ou t the state, outside of the larger cities, WANTED. Bocal representative for Cedarville and vicinity to look after renewals and increase subscription list of a jirominent monthly magazine, on a salary and commission basis. 33xpc* rtence desirable, bu t no t necessary. Good opportunity for righ t person. Address Publisher, Box 59, Station O, Hew York. Pennsylvania -------- LINES ----- — CHICAGO E X C U R S I O N ^ , KovemborSH, ilo, December 1, 2,8. account International Hive Block Exposition. For Pa rticu lars consult J . W. Radftbaugb, Ticket agent, Ocdatvlllo* Ohio, spectators The Fairbanks Theatre, will offer on Wednesday, HuVnmbeV 28th,-one of the most, successful musical fa r­ ces now touring w ith ft cast headed by one of .the most charm ing com­ ediennes before the public, in “ F ifty Miles' from Boston,” with Edna Wallace Hopper in tho loading role. This piece is from the pen of George M. Cohan and is one ot his brigh test and w ittiest compositions, stirring in its action, swift in its movement, and Sparkling a t every, tu rn with pertinent jokeH. I t achieved a long run m Hew York and tho E a s t nnd was received there iv$ one of the most m irthful creations of Cohan,& pen. Xo actress in musical comedy is better known to the general pub­ lic than Edua Wallace Hopper, Her jihotograph has been published more times in tfie magazines than th a t of any other musical comedy Star and her name is every where a synonym for daintiness, charm and bewitchment. She is supported by a company largo In numbers ami- gorgeously costumed and the per­ formance is certain/to be one of the most attractive of the year. Tho popular comedian. Frank Daniels, whose record for making people laugh is nob excelled by any one, and is equalled in a very few instances, will play an engagement a t the Fairbanks Theatre, Spring- field, Ohio, on Friday November 29. He offers fills season “ Tim T a t tooed Man” , a new musical comedy which is said to confer upon him far more than the usual number of opportunities for the display of bis individual manner of making fun, Which is always the most, effective. Those who have seen Mr. Daniels’ performance heretofore know that lie is never so funny as when Jm Is impersonating some potentate. This season ho enacts the part of a ruler, who is. running tlm* government of Persia, du ring the ahnencn.-oM.fift \~ Shah. ‘Many complications arise in which ho is said to infuse ludi­ crous and grotesque antics to nlmu- dance. He is assisted by a very callable Company and a dashing and beautiful chorus* , On Saturday, November fioth one of the most dramatic pieces of the modern slago dealing with an up-to- date theme will bo enacted at. the Fairbanks Theatre by a sterling company. This Is the piece entitled “The Duel,1’ winch ran in New York la s t season for six months. Its theme concerns the battle between a free th inker ami a religionist, for the soul of a woman. Both eon- topd witii her th a t they p o in tjh o only way to happiness, and the Struggle between the two for su­ premacy bring about some excep­ tionally strong climaxc'j. The piece was distinctly one of t he sensations j of tho season and is- certain to p ro -' young !?6 kep t in rapid growth; butfiw steers, wW b e rs and barrow* will entail loes t f they do not show some gam , ns they a re h eavy ' food consumers. Every pound of weight lostontaiia the task m order to regain tb s lo st waste anti compensate fuff tho lost time. No farmer should tie aatisficd to have his stock a t astau tistill, In many seel ions farm houses are some distance from tile country roads' and surrounded by trees, hedges and shrubbery. In other localities the iiouseft a re close to the. road, whore du st from every passing, team is earned into tho house. I t may foemore convenient to live near tim road, b u t with so nii<ch land aft a large farm to build upon, it should be more comfortable to se t the house back, bo ns to ornament with lawns and make the tafin more attractive in appearance, which w ill add to its Value. ' ' NEW RESTAURANT. . Mr. Granville Keyes of Selma has opened a restau ran t in tills Crouso room rceenUy vacated by Wiater- man, the druggist. Meals will be served as well as lunch. I t will be known a s the Hfliiio R estauran t. CHECKS AND CASH. was questioned because of the ill­ ness of Governor Paiiisou;' PECULIAR ACCIDENT. Rev. Dr. E , F. Thomson, pastor of tho Second Presby terian church, Springfield, was injured a t the Big Four station Saturday, A freight tram liila truck, knocking i t against a u iron po st.. I t fell on Jds foot crushing it so t b a t a p a rt o f-it lmd to be amputated. The hospital a t­ tendants say th a t Dr. Thomson 1 b getting along ns well as could be ex­ pected. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan on first mortgage real estate. Any amount up to $20,000. Before you borrow, call a t this office for information, WOOD FOR SALE. AVe have about 100 cord of Oak and H ickory wood, cut to otovo length. For sale a t reasonable pri­ ces. Heave orders w ith J o h n 'G il- laugh or The Tarbox Humber Co. -Finest candies a t Nagley Bros. The Xenia H e ra ld ,' Democratic;: la st week devoted considerable space to Hie charge th a t some of tho election officials tampered with the ballo t b o x 'd a rin g the' recent inuiilidpaI election held in th a t city. The Herald states that the .ballot boxwas unlocked At the noon hour and an even fifty talien from the ■receptacle t<> a' near by house where by pencil and, eraser the tickets wete nmde to rend fo r Brennan in ­ stead of Neeld. , f" The H e ra ld states th a t Mayor o t the work which was done purely through, partisanship. The subject is common ta lk in the County Capitol and from a il reports the guilty^ one is within the city bounds. Such work in Xenia is no more than has been practiced in Cedar* vlllo in the primaries fo r several years, I t will bo remeinberod th a t to accomplish such work a candi­ date who was demanding a square deal was placed under nrl'est to get b im ” irom the polls. During bis absence one’of the officials opened the ballot box and took a lo t ot the ballots to a nearby residence where they wore changed... The gang can­ didate was elected as la r as the count^was concerned bu t according to the statem en t of one who knows, lie only had th irty -th ree -honest votes cast for 1dm. The returns gave him a majority of three times th a t much. The iHibliceaoh'year has become more and more acquainted with tho machine methods in politics and where things could- no t bo righted within the party , a majority was given tho candidnto on the opposi­ tion ticket. Tiie political party, whether Re­ publican or Democrat, is greater than any one man who constitutes himself n boss, and the people are greater than any party , and In time will rule. Mr. Robert Tindall, the venerable stock buyer, of near, Selma, who was fatally injured by being tram ­ pled beneath the hoofs of his horse last Wednesday evening succumbed to his injuries Thursday morning a t 5 o’clock. He was injured near the home of Homer Nelson while return­ ing from a sale. His whip fell from the buggy and when he reach! d beneath his horae tp pick i t up the reins became i entangled w ith -his person *nd the animal was thrown down on him. H is left arm wos broken in two places, five ribs were broken and he was injured internally. He was carried to the home of Mr* Nelson and it. was there th a t his . death occurred. . - From tiie first very littlo hope was entertained for his recovery. Still after the first day he seemed to im-, proye and to grow' stronger. Tfie final relapse began on Wednesday aud from .that hour he rapidly sank into unconsciousness and then into the quiet sleep of death. W ith tiie exception of a few hours before death and a t short intervals during tlm week hovering between life and death, he was rational and recog­ nized. bis family and ins.- many loving friends who visited him. ' M r.T indallw asnearing theeigh ty - third mile stone of Ids life when the end came. He had lived m the vicinity of Selma all ot his long and active life. When fif­ teen years ' of age1 he made his first stock deal and he has been an active m an ever since. He was-the. flrstm an to shipstock over the Penn­ sylvania railroad six ty years ago and he has been a contluual shipper eyer since. , Mr. Tindall's,wife died over-thirty years ago. There were six children three sons and three daughters, hu t only the sous survive. They aie William of Memphis, Tenn., and Herbert, and Robert A. a t home. Mr. Joseph OonnabloTof Memphis, is a' son-in-law and h e was present a t the time of the death of Mr, Tin­ dall, There is fine surviving .sister, Mrs, Ellft Miller of. Bradshaw, Neb. Tfie funeral will take place .at the denoe a t io o’clock Safcnr- gand the -services will ■ bn conduBEw^by Rev. Hypes of Yel­ low*Springs, The burial will be .at Selma., CHECK SWINDLER CAUGHT. Ben Allen, an employee of ,the Hooven and Allison cordage com­ pany in Xenia, has been arrested and identified ns the man who h a s ' been passing sohnany worthless $20 checks in Xenia. He has .represent­ ed himself as living hi Cedarville. Bast Saturday lie tried to pass a check on I I . E . Schm idt lo r grocer­ ies and was caught in the act, Schmidt .took up the check and then pu t the officers ou his trail- Allen claims th a t he cashed tho check for Elmer Noah and did not know th a t it was forged-on the Hooven &’Alli­ son company. He denies any know­ ledge of the numerous cluck's on other merchants. n. Tiie fellow comes of a good fam i­ ly and lias a wife and threo children. —Mattresses, bed springs, best to be had a t McMillan,s. the —Everything new in F resh add Dried fruits a t our store. Oranges, Grapes, Bananas, Figs, Raisins, Dates, Cranbcmos, Cetery, etc. A t B ird’s. The Pennsylvania railroad pay ca t stopped hero Wednesday to. leave Hie usual monthly allowance with the employees. Owing to the ffnartcial disturbance ami the sho rt­ age of money the employees were given p a rt cash and tho balance in checks, Tho company has hereto­ fore paid off in cash. -Fresh car of Portland cement. the finest on the m arket? t>. S. Ervin & Co, $100 Reward* $100. The readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease thatreicrae libs been able to cure in dll its stages and that in Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive Curenow known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment Halt's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly up-1 on tlio blood and tinii'ousmirrocts of system ’ thereby destroying tho foundation of tho disease, nnd glviiig the patient strength by* building up the constitution' nml assisting' nature in doing itnwnik fho proprietors havesomm-h faith iii its curative powers, that they ofler oneHundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure, £*ml for list o testimonials. Address. b\ J. ( J1F.NT1Y ACo.Tofedft 0. M d by kMgelst, ?5e. vide ftfimftfcimprosslyo poffo imn tm , jHall’a rntnUyPffl* aw the, « 5 H 0 E PERFECTION* We have attained this in the lines of Shoes we carry* and have done so only by careful study of all the good, as well as the bad points, in the'average class of shoes, Our ’ Fall and Winter Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Are superior to anything we have ever been privileged to offer the public, and wo take just pride in saying that there are no better goods in this line in Springfield, SNAPPY FALL FOOT DRESS FOR MEN AND WOMEN t , ' In Ali Leathers and Styles..................... ................... .................... $2.60 to $5.00 Solid, Honest Wearing Every Day and Work Shoes......... . .$1.25 to $2,00 HOLDERS'. See Our Holders’ Creoles, the best in this city, Price,. . . . . . ,$1,50 Horner Bros, & Co SO South Limestone Street, iffly • * Springfield, Ohio. » tfuiiuii.#.*!ifJif 1 ffJ .* & »'W«!iimui, unW Siw##*1'