The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 27-52

For Excellence Qnv Job Work will compare witli that of any other firm. . , , 9 h e WSKM*VSCrH'u SC! 2 S TH IR T IE TH Y E A R I n O. 48. C E D A R m O v MUSI INCREASE TAXDUPLICATE. For two or three years the Herald lms advocated the Increasing of the present tax duplicate for the cor­ poration. We have had little sup­ port so far In that a majority o f tho taxpayers have not yet seen the advantage to he gained. There Is a great deal of property adjacent to. the corporation that should be taken In. What Is known as the Holmes additiou, that part Bouth of the railroad and west of Miller street, is mostly, qut of the corporation yet derives the same benefits and has the same advanta­ ges as those who live in the corpor­ ation and pay the village tax levy. Should a house in that section take fire the village department would be expected to fie put into uSe to protect adjoining property. Tliisof course would not be fair and just to those who have .to pay the tax to support this department yet it would be dope in case of necessity. The annexation of all this proper­ ty has been heretoiore ia- political issue and strongly opposed by those who were directly ■ interested and had power to it. The subject is one of great Interest to tax payers, and should be urged on the members of the new council. I t is estimated that property and money to the amount of probably forty or fifty thousand dollars could be added to the corporation dupli­ cate: I t Is not necessary to take in a lot of vacant land for this would only mean that liiuoh more street to light and keep in repair. The Herald only urges the addition of improved' property that is now enjoying the benefit of what the village taxpayers are putting up for. We believe thatwheo the question ' is viewed in the proper manner:, all will agree and put forth effort in thisdlrpotton,-, W E R E SURPR IS ED . . 'A ftdrprisewas jdven Mr. and Sfaj. in a very pleasant way making can­ dy. popping, corn and playing of games* THEATRE NOTES. Of all the musical successes which were endorsed by New York the past season, none stood opt more boldly, and continued throughout the entire year as did Charles Dil-' Ilngbam’s production of the Henry Blossom and Victor Herbert’s mus­ ical story, “ The Red Mill,” which in point of audiences and business has never been equalled in the Me­ tropolis by any musical play. The tone of reflnementwljich pervades, the modest costuming, the interest­ ing and clever story of two Amer- cap tourists who have gone broke on a traveling trip and tho many complicated , situations they find themselves in, including the escape from themill, form one of the. most sensational stories evergiven a mus­ ical setting. This production will be at the Fairbanks Theatre, Mon­ day, December 2d. . Nb comedy of recent years bas achieved such success' as has “ Brewsters Millions” which will bn presented at the Fairbanks Theatre, Tuesday, December 3d., by Gohan & Harris’ s comedians. Not only did1it record a year’ s engagement in New York city, but it has duplica­ ted that success in Chicago, is now well on to the end of its first year in London, and at the same time Is. being simultaneously presented in a half dozen Continental Capitals, in as many languages. While “ Brew­ sters Millions” is primarily a com'e- dy and achieved its wonderful suc­ cess as such, the third act, .while losing, no value from the fact, is par­ ticularly,strenuous melodrama. It depicts' a fully equipped modern ship in a storm at sea, and so faith­ fully has this illusion been carried' out by that unrivalled .wizard of the stageland, Frederic Thompson, that one can almost feel the sensation of the real thing. •, • . t, What is said to be the most tune­ ful musical -comedy1known. to the American stage, ‘ The B e lie f May- fair” in all its English character and style, uniquedegree of effective­ ness and effervescent, humor, is to be seen at the Fairbanks Theatre for an engagement 6f one night only. The piece was brought over from Landau by Thomas W. Eyiey, after The new company that is soon to organize and take over tho present electric fight plant, as told in the Herald two weeks ago, will be in­ corporated under the. laws of Ohio in a few days. The incorporation papers were signed last Saturday night and will soon be filed with the secretary of state. The articles of incorpora­ tion call for a capital stock of $10,000 to be divided into two hundred shares of fifty dollars each. The company will be Incorporated under the name of “ The Cedarville Elec­ tric Light & Power C ompany.” Those who signed the papers are as follows: L. H. Sullenberger, J, W. Dixon, M. I. Marsh, W. J. Tarbox, O. L. Smith, E . G. Lowry, D. S. Ervin and G;.F. Siegler. . Alfalfa in tlw every show growth to lie then after ihs tho spring, the should bo hurt* yterald, r- This Item when marked whh Index, denotes that your cabscdsh is past due and a prompt settle remit is earnestly desired.. . . . . . FR ID AY , N O V E M B E R S , X907. PRICE 81.(10 A Y E A R . trd should have Allow the fall ** ground, and ind dries up in it of dead vines There js no bet ‘I’LL NOT BESIGir i TOWN TOPICS. iSTIMTS ISQUICK REPLY. ter money, maker the farm than" alfalfa. The potato room must be dark, cool, well There should be neaih where piled together, he opportunities ttloiied and dry. double floor be- quantiiles are ere should also ventilation aj tho walls, and *& intervals through the pile TH A N K S G IV IN G SURPRISE. A T T EM P T E D H O L D U P . . Mike McLaughlin, who resides with Warner R- Klall, was the vic­ tim " .....u^i.ed hold up Mon­ day evening. He, rah like a dfeer althouglrthe bandits -shot at him. The town officers took up the case but could not locate anything that would lead to who did the'work* schfcesHor of “ MOractdra.” The score of this charming musical play was written by Leslie Stuart, who is also responsible for the entrancing music made famous by a double gextotte> S E LM A A surprise was given Mr. and Mrs, S. K. Turnbull Thursday when the chlldren and gran,.-children called at their home After church ser­ vices the Turnbull home was visited and a sumptuous dinner enjoyed. Weil filled baskets, were taken along so that it was unnecessary for Mrs. Turnbull to assist, N O T IC E . Some one has been placing rub­ bish alongside the -public highways which is contrary to law. Such a practice often results m accidents and those responsible for such work will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law- D. S. Dixon, Road Superintendent. F A T STOCK SHOW . The Chicago fat stock show takes place next week, the opening being held Saturday. As usual ■ the Brad- fate herd o f Aberdeen Angus cattle of large number wilt attend the show. M O N E Y T O L O A N , Money to loan on first mortgage real estate. Any amount' up to $20,000. Before yoilborrow, call at this office for Information. Bitter cream cream too long been milked si i t is best to ah even though the churning on ha Thnre is no sfc the guinea fowl, ever, he of unif tivity and good Their entire egg- thesummer*. in 'limited qua* sow, is comptugj 'each of coppiS half cup o f oil each day for es pounds. I t Is ni ail tonics shoe when the animal.j| Dairymen prei they clean tho In this way they.J and odors that and feeding is The most vai| for. liogs arej A big breeders rakes up the yard and burr the swine samel ally he hauls. artrt ’ salfc and with wood' trough where them at any Economy: unnecessary^ around the; wise won! unprofltafc ea from keeping cows that have arly last spring., every tow days, is only a small ifard for judging fhey should how- ghape, great ac- iducors of eggs. >opis produced in b„ ( * powder to’be fed ies to thg brood if a teaspoonful sulphur and a sal. Give ones >w weighing 250 less to .say that lie given only tout of condition. to- mfik before l and horse stable,, sg, the dust and When cleaning tefe.; - *• -” » jjle “ condiments” IfcandcopperaF. la once » week’ In' the feeding gift, thus giving coal} oechsion- s,d o f Coal ashes traa„ are mixed £&nd kept in a can get’ at Extra’ ant? is a millstone aanywbp Other- Discharge the Stop every epease* Mdh?. f # Columbus, O,, Nov. 25.—Commis­ sioner Jones’ letter to Senator Meek follows: November 25,1007, ‘Hon, W. H. Meek, Dayton, O, “ DearSir:—-In view 'of the fact that you have failed to submit to this department any evidence what­ ever in substantiation of the charges made by you in your inaugural ad­ dress before the Central Ohio Teach­ ers’ Association, on Nov, 9, in refer­ ence to the traflieing in state certifi­ cates, although requested so to do; and, also, in view of the tact that you failed to appear at the public hearing c mducted by this depart­ ment on Friday evening, November 22, when all the other members of the State Board of School Exami­ ners and several ex-members of the said board were present and ready to meet any charges you might have to make, your immediate resigna­ tion as a member of said board is herewith requested. “ Very truly yours, “ EDMUND A, JONEB, “ State Commissioner of Common Schools.” • When queried as to his intentions relative to tho request of the State School Commissioner Jones for his immediate resignation, Senator Meek’s reply was short and pithy. He plainly and unequivocally Bald that be'would pay no attention, to it. As a reason for his decision ill the matter, lie said that be had as yet had no trial anci whether or not he can be removed without a heariug would doubtless remain with the. Attorney General. He emphasized the statement that he had frequent­ ly made to the effect that he would' place his case before the Ohio Sen­ ate and would then give a full and complete statement of the entire tacts leading up to the present situ­ ation. - 1At that time any one who de­ sires may hear what I have to say on ‘the subject and I -believe, that I can convince any fair-minded Indi­ vidual that what I said in my ad­ dress. before tb'?t?entr»l OhioTeach­ ers’ Association waft not without I Tho gift time approach »s, Smith & Cloraans will will open a garage in Dayton soon. The hunters are still hunting with little success. Thcflfrst snow fell Saturday. Only enough to say that it snowed. One more month and tiio newly elected officials take their seats, The town talk is gas and whether it is cheaper or more expensive than coal. Farmers, who have hogs for sale would lilto to see the market ad­ vance. . ■The public' schools and college closed Wednesday until Monday, for, the Thanksgiving vacation. Football' is now a ' thing of the past for this season and is no more in place than a base ball bat. Get ready for'the Board of Trade “ smoker” on December 10. If you are not a member you had better got into line. A number of members of the Ma­ sonic order journeyed to Yellow Springs Monday evening where there was special work and a ban­ quet. 1 .«<•. :■ .- During the money depression be sure and place your savings where your wile will not burn them; Some have been foolish and hid it in arti­ cles that were afterwards burned. MUST B E S O LD . T . The Springfield and . South Charleston traction fine which has been in the courts for several years has just passed another stage and has been ordered sold to satisfy claims. The company suffered bad management at the start and was nearly wrecked financially. A P P O IN T E D A DM IN IS TR A TO R . Mr. Frank Oonnable,, son-in-law of the late Robert Tihdail has bpen appointed administrator o f the es­ tate which is valued at $51,000. Since? last Wednesday night a week ago when several of tile col­ lege students thought it necessary to remove some of tho scats in tin* building, take down .the doors, dis­ tribute the library books where they were not needed and otherwise play havoQ with the property the faculty has been quietly investigating. Just who the Sherlock Holmes was that has ferreted out this clevi-r bit of work nasi not been made pub­ lic, nevertheless the faculty Js smi­ ling at eacii other while those held guilty have been biting their Ups and probably saying ugly things that are.not found m the text books. President McKinney quietly slip­ ped into town Monday and five of the students, invited to Prof. MeChesney’ s home. They were placed in one room with one of the members of facility as guard while they were taken out one at a time and given a hearing before the other members of the faculty.. The sweat­ ing process seems to have been suc­ cessful for the boys admitted their guilt but swore vengeance 011 tho one. who tipped thorn off, President McKinney passed judg­ ment on the cases and assessed. the penalty accordingly, Harold Bryson dTew high prize and was given an unlimited suspen­ sion. This means that he can not. return until the faculty is willing (o reinstate him. Irwin Blair, ‘William Linton. Kemioth. Williamson and Hugh Hawthorne „.wei‘o suspended until January 2, which means that they will have a vacation of about four weeks.. 1 . President McKinney issued orders forbidding any one of tho five from coming on the grounds or about the building until the expiration of their suspension. ____ _____ Tlie pranks of the boys and the action of the faculty and the presi-, dent has caused-considerable com -, meat in college circles--and about town. L IG H T A T T E N D A N C E . W A N T E D . - Local representative for Cedarville and vicinity to look after renewals and increase subscription list of a prominent monthly magazine, on a salary and commission basis. Expe-. rience desirable, but not necessary. Good opportunity for right person. Address Publisher, Box 59, Station ■Of New York, * MONEY to loan on first mortgage on FARMS* only* We also have FOR SALE SOME desirable farms and several nlpe CEDARVILLE, XENIA and JAMESTOWN DWELLINGS. SMITH Sc OLEMANS, CEDAR VILLE, OHIO. —Fresh car of Portland cement, the finest on the market. I>. S, Ervin & Co. -Use Goldeh Rule Hour. Por over s i y e a r s doctors have endorsed Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, weak lungs, bronchitis, con­ sumption, You can trust ft medicine the best doctors ap­ prove. Then trust this tlie next time you have a hard cough, aho best kind of a testimonial "Sold for over sixty years." .................. ■ ........— .... Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Yarneli visited to Charleston over Stmday— ......... Dr. Baumgardnor was taken sud­ denly pick Saturday and Dr. D, E. Spahr of Clifton was called, and to­ day the doctor is resting easy* N.-V, Branson, who has been in the hospital at Columbus, returned home last week much improved in his condition. »■ Mr. and Mrs. Homer Nelson will will moye to Charleston this week, where Mr. Nelson will enter the store ox A. Clemans, Mr. and Mrs. John Ary are happy over the arrival of a fine pew daugh­ ter. T* L. Calvert of Columbus was a visitor here Saturday and was in at­ tendance at the Robert ^Tindall fu­ neral. A humbor of Selma people were in ftttohdance at the Murray-Stewarf wedding last Thursday evening. Miss Edith Wibiman la a visitor Cincinnati this week. Among the visitors on the Pacific coast for the winter from this place are: Mrs. R. NV Elder, daughters Carrie and Nancy1, at Santa Anna, Cal.,and Mr. William Benter, at Los Angeles, Cal. Recent worif from the visitors Is to the effect that they are enjoying good heal Hi and de­ lighted with the country. W ill Tindall andA oe Connable o f Memphis, Tenn., were hero last week during the sickness and death of tho venerable Mr. Tindall. Belma will enjoy a farmers’ Insti­ tute this winter and it will probably be held through holidays. The funeral oi Robert Tindall last Saturday morning was Very largely attended, thus showing tho remark­ able esteem in which the venerable gentleman was held by every one who know him, Mr* Tindall has been engaged in farming and was considered tlie best live stock buyer that this flection of tho country over knew. He has been n. stock buyer and shipper tor the past COyears and was known to all stock men as lion- gentleman, W OO D F O R S A L E . We have about 100 cord of. Oak and Hickory wood, cut to/ stove length. For sale at reasonqfle pri­ ces. Leave orders with John Gil- laugh or The Tarbox Lumber Co. L I F T E D T H E FOW LS Some unknown person, becanio too familiar with Mr. W. M. Barber’s chicken roost last Saturday night and lifted eleven of tho nicest hens from their Tho near approach of Thanksgiving and the absence o f turkeys over the country probably caused the visit to Mr Barber's honery that night, B A D L Y BR U IS ED . m orablo and i thorough a ** ot Itev.Hypes conducted the service, J&m SAtWMMtu. assisted in music by the Scanland & J L f / w l o HAiftVtfok family, Mr. and Mrs. Will flmith and Mr, iniii i F i !Miiirrivi"' ' IT' ' anri Mra Biiickedantz Were visiters Clinton sou of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fitch, suffered injury in the small of tho back last Friday everting by having a wagon pass over him. The ind had been riding on tha wagon driven by Mr. 'John Turner ami in some manner fell beneath tlie hind wheels. Dr. M. I. Marsh made an examination and reports that no bones were broken though tho boy was badly bruised. A few lines inserted, in the Herald will rent your house, sell -Whatever you have, or bring you just what you want to buy. The cost, is small even though the returns are great. $100 Rewards $100. The readers of this papei will bo pleasofl to learn diat there is at least one dreaded disease that science lias been able to cure in ail it5 stages ortd that is Catarrh, llall ’8 Catarrh Care is the only positive care noW known t 6 the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a'constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment.- Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly up on the blood and niucoussurfaceo of system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building uji the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work, The proprietors haveso much faith in Its curative powers, _that they offer oneHundred Dollars forany Jesse that it falls to cure. Send for list o testimonials. Address, l\ J. CUFKEY & Co, Toledo O, field by Druggist, VOc. Roll’s Family pills arc the btSh economy. •wasted, labor {Journal, waited teWgi^vitganee. A 8 UCoea*£h|farmer nays he does nob have to iaSpeei a farm to see whetherit pays or not. “ ju s t give me a chance to look into the barn. The condition things are kepjb in is all thego-by I want*’ Tlie bam is a teUW e on the careless or wasteful armer. In fact, economy in / iuto - ng begins atjtiio ham in the proper handling of food, cafing for the ma­ nure, bare of tools and harness, and the care giyou to live stock stabled there, There is always a best way to do things, and the best way is generally tht most paying one. Iu a paper read before the Farm- mere’ Congress at Hillsboro, Ore., William Bchulmerich described his method of curing bacon He said: “ First, have the meat thoroughly cooled all through. Split the hog' through thf center of the backbone. The half is laid On the table and the leaf lard take/i out. No ax or cleaV- er should be used alter splitting the hog into halves. Have a butcher’ s steel to keep the knives sharp and a good, sharp meat saw' to out the bones. Cut. off the bam by sawing through the backbone 8 inches from the end ot the pelvic bone. Then take tho knife and cut straight across the side. Cut the flank Off the ham; round off the tip, or backbone of tho bam; saw off tlie leg close above the back. Next cut out the riba and backbone; then cut oft tlie aide a« close to the shoulder blade as possible. C u to ff a strip of fat on top and bottom of side. Round off the top of shoulder close to the shoulder blade. Cutoff strips of lean meat on inside of shoulder. Take out the jawhohe of fowlaml make bacon o f same. Make frying sausage of all lean- meat trimmings; make bead cheese or liver saneasew of upper head.” Mr. Bchulmerfch said liis method of curing maata m sides i* to pile up In dry salt f«r twenty-ono days. Hams and moulders are placed oft standing boards in dry salt tor one week, than taken up, thoroughly washed In warm water, and agnin placed in barrelsi or tanks for two weeks, covered with brine. The mentis than taken up and washed in hot water, and hung in the smoke hou**#md smoked continu­ ally for two or three days. Stop snicking Whan meat is a nice browfi color. If the meat is to he kept over summ*, place it in large pa­ per hags, **tkh a* are used by hard­ ware deal«*i> Tie or Seal them in these bag* and put these into gum my sacks i * » dry, well ventilated place hanging them up of course, A cellar is no#tha proper place tor tills tor thewaul will mold. The paper bags are td keap out the lies and ha ' eon moth* *h lch are quite trouble- HOifMu : Rev. O. H. Milligan has notified the United Presbyterian congrega­ tion at Fowler, Cal,, that he will de­ cline the call extended to him, The' call brought w a salary of J 1,500 a year and, parsonage, Rev. Milligan will notify his congrega­ tion here Sabbath that he will re­ main. , D E C L IN E S C A L L , E R E C T IN G S T A C K . A new stoel smoke stack is being erected at the plant of the Hagar Straw Board and Paper Company. It is being put together as it is erect­ ed and will be eighty feet high. It is lour feet in diameter and the steel is one-eighth inch in thickness A hundred horse-power boil • is also being installed, W AN T ED ! We want agents in all parts of the U . S’, to sell our famous Dr. Wil­ liams Pills. Send ns your name and address and we will send you 12 boxes to sell at S5o per box , when sold send us the $3 and receive a toll set of cooking vessels consisting of a 2, 4 and 0 quart vessel. •A limited number ol these vessels aro given to introduce our pills. Order quick. DR. WILLIAMS MEDICINE CO., ROSEVILLE, OHIO. EM P LO Y E E S TH ANK PU Ls Tho employees of the feagar Straw Board <fePaper Compaby are ail very thankful for the turkeys received Wednesday tor tfieir Thanksgiving dinner. As is the custom with this company the em­ ployees are remembered on the day preyiousand eacii home made hap­ py with the National bird to grace the table. Considering that it takes about seventy turkeys to g o ,round and that tlie price is quoted as high ab twenty-five cents, the .ompany spent a nent sum for tho benefit of those who ace on its pay roll* A LUM N I W ON G A M E . A game of football Thanksgiving between the Alumni and regular team resulted in tho Alumni wm- ningby a score of 11 to 0. A largo crowd witnessed the game. set for tUFmeeiihg'i Trade last Friday night a quorum riad gathered. Dr. •J, O. Stewart, president, called the meeting to order and Mr,. L. H. Sullenberger was chosen see-- retary pro tem m the absence of Mr. W. E. Clemanstlveregular secretary. After considerable discussion as to the best method to have a toll-at­ tendance it was decided that a “ smoker’, be held in the mayor’ s office oh Tuesday evening, .Decem­ ber 10. All members in good stand­ ing arc expected to be present- and those who have signed but have not paid the annual fen are requested to do so and be present. Tho chairman of the oommitteo on advertising was instructed to inves­ tigate some moans of getting print­ ed matter out, advertising the ad­ vantages of thp village as a desira­ ble place for manufacturers to lo­ cate, Miss Lena Conner is visiting frien'ds-in -Chicago, - Mr. and Mrs. John Randall cuter talned a number of relatives at dinner Friday. Mrs. Ben Cranston of Columbus spent Saturday with Mr*. C. C. Welmer. Mr. D. L. Crawford and Wife en­ tertained about twenty of their friendsr at-dinnes^Thursday...... - —Everything new ill Fresh and Dried fruits at our store, Oranges, Grapes,. Bananas,' Figs, Raisins, Dates, Cranberries, Celery, etc, At Bird’s Pennsylvania — - — L IN E S ---------- CHICAGO E X C U R S IO N S November28,80, December 1,2,3, account International Live Stock Exposition* For Particulars consult J. W. Radabaugh, Ticket agent, Cedarville, Ohio. —Mattresses, bed springs, tlie best to ,bo had at McMillan,s. Mrs. I. O. Davis and children of Cincinnati are visiting here. Mr. J. H. Wolford spent Wodnes day In Dayton on business. Rev. W, .T. Sanderson and wife have been-in -Oolarabna this--week attending a convention. Tlie Misses Tonklnson will enter­ tain a large number of their friends this evening* > Mr. Henry Dubois of CliHHcoiho visited Dr. J. W. Dixon and family, last Saturday, Prof. Edith Morris Is spetullng'hor Thanksgiving vacation with friends at Gambler, O, A PPR A IS ED P R O P ER T Y . Deputy Sheriff McAllister Was to town Tuesday looking aiter the ap­ praisement of the property now oc­ cupied by Henry Robinson, colored. A number of the heirs of Mrs. Henry Robinson, deceased, have filed a partition suit. Messrs. W. J. Tar­ box, D. Bradfnte and R. F. Kerr, placed a valuation of $475 or. Use property. C O N G R E G A T IO N A L M E E T IN G . A meeting has been called Satur­ day afternoon for tho members of tho Reformed Presbyterian congre­ gation to consider the seiectioh *>f a pastor. Tlie congregation has been without a pastor since tho res­ ignation of liev. A. B / Henry, wfm accepted a call to a Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. It is stated that Rev. Joseph Speer w lid s located in Illinois and l)r. j . H» Kendall„<'f Tarontum, Pa., will be the candidates considered. Miss Alice Adams, who has been attending college lms gone to her home in Etiea, <>., tor the Thanks giving vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Townsloy enter­ tained tlie children and grand child­ ren along with relatives from BpringiWd and ripring Valley, on Thursday* G L O V E S Dress Gloves, Driving Gloves, Working Gloves, Gloves for most any purpose, from 2 Ho to $2.50, SULLIVAN, ' THE HATTER. 51 South 'Mmcetoue, BpHngfleld, o* ..... t ■A ' “ isi i