The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 1-26

• “ fcA/V C E D A R V I B L E , O! Kt t£M At jetrsoent meeting oftha Greene County Corn Growers1pAssociation, the followingpaper -was read by Mr. H. N. Co*; ‘‘Corn growing, ns we, know,-is profitably limited to a small portion of the agricultural world* although corn to some extent is grown in al­ most every state in the union, ape to a limited amount in Canada* By far the greater portion is grown in what lp known ob the corn belt, so called, The corn Helds of the United States produce on an aver age over S,OdO,000,000bushels of corn ;o f this quantity seven states: name­ ly Ohio, indiant^ Illinois, Missouri, Iowa,.Kansas,.and Nebraska pro due? about 1,400,000,000 bushels. Of these states it m igh tba said that Com is king. That i» fos&y tljese seven states produce •nearly three - times as much earn ps the other jthlrfcy-elght. -, . To return to out subject. * Am 1 getting thti best returns possible from each bushel of corn grown on ,my farm?* Jf so', how? This is wquestion I should lik e .to , Jhave each farmer present,answer^ ■, T e ll us w h a t you a te doing. There a re peVeralw ays of disposing of our cbm crop. One poison feeds his to ca ttle an d w ith th e gain made from the cattle, and hngd Whfoh follow, receives a la ir price for his corn. An- »o th e r feeds tlie bu lk .of his crop to hogs, and w ith proper fibre in ’feed-, Ipg , a' ( good pasture of clover Or ,'btuegrasR, and some m ill feed, or ground ,wheat o r rye realizes a, fa ir , price .foqh ls corn. Another will feed lambs, w h ic h . Industry has been fairly profitable the pa st few yea rs. Ano ther wilt sell bis .bhtire crop to the elevators,1except w h a t i$ needed to fa tten a feW hogs fo r home consumption,"keep a cow , o r tw ftand ^eadjhis team .' , • -But the* problem the feeders are up against now Is: ' Wifi it pay to feed'BOc corn to 4C hoga, 5c>steers, t to 4o heifers# - 2 to ,g tb4Ct Sheep? j hushelB on the market, to say no th­ ing of the o th e r half falling in line? C anyon imagine such a stump as there would be in the market? I p fac t i t would no t bring the price of production* I attended two f a rm e r s ' In stil tut©* th is w in ter, A t one ou r s ta te speaker would have us believe if we were to p u t th e greater p a r t ,of our farms in to blue grass, we could raise and fa tten our ca ttle and sell them d ire c t from the pastu re with no thing to do ourselves b u t sa lt them and take the money. >; A t the o ther one our speaker told W« tried to m ake us, believe if we would sow ou r farm s to alfalfa, all we would have to do was to make hay , as the ra te of 6 tons per acre for which we could easily get, $20.00 per ton in th e mows. How easy and simple e ith e r plan, appeared as represented by them .. But, alaB, - -how- impractlcabler -— - My plan ou t of the situation la th is: Stick* to your hush. Keep on about a s yoti have found by experience is the best method for you In ypur-cir- cumstances and condition# Bo not be discouraged-,' T ry to raise a little mpre corn from each acre. Not so marty hogs, ptfe&ttl’e,. or. sheep, or liorSeS',,hu t ebch one o f each kind a .little better. In p lace o f g r o w in g s hogs which a t th e age of 10r to 12 months Weigh 1?S to 200 lbs* gfow 20 wh ich a t o months will weigh '200 pounds‘each i also instead of raising two stem s o f faim quality raise one of the best. ' ’ > ‘ Apply this principle to all our bus­ iness qffalra. The best th a t we do is opt too good. I dono t advocate theabpo lu taru le of feeding a ll .the co rn 'or hay oh the farm* I have m ade it a p ractice not a s e t rule. to., sell some corn apd h ay almost every year. T believe th a t when I 'can ge t ten dollars a ton to r tim o thy h a y in the mow it is m o te profitable to sell th a n to feed f ft o rd ina ry stock.,' Also considering the ripk we have to. encounter w ith bog cholera and o ther diseases pur swine a re liable to contract^ I be. Hove the betfebp lan is to sell a por­ tion of bn r ccrn, wbioir portion de­ pends "on conditions, one1e diepo'sr tion, liking, etc, Also I believe the silo i s one* fac to r t h a t will, hejp us solve th e problem . J • *'„ B u t whatever course you take do .W t ueglset the bett& rpatt of man. »wwt D o n ^ .* * ^ POLITICIANS AGAINST m m m The bosses, nr more respsctfally speaking, the leaders, of both -Be* publican and Democratic parties are strongly opposing the primary bills that are now before the legis­ lature. Tbp machine meh of both parties know that a passage of such a measurp Will deprive them of. ‘heir present power- At present the peo­ ple are entirely in the bands of the. politicians and their decree is. final.’ To prove that' the proposed law is what the people want and, that the politicians are fighting- it, we wish to cite the Republican central coin-r jinittcecf'Springflelttas-passing res" plutions UrgingMessrs. Bari gtew- ort and James' Hatfield as' .Repre­ sentatives, and Senator Hypes as Senator, to vote against it. , John MoGreW, the Foraker leader of that county and these called boss, intro­ duced the resolution on the grounds that the Committee was to be de­ prived of its power. The Only ’Ran­ ger to politicians with such a law is, that -there will be a fair and square primary for the nomination of officers. The machine politicians of botli, parties, like' the Foraker followers,,are dying hard,­ lic sentiment will not quiver, and their days are few and far between. Joseph Brooks ban Russell in a n i!V,’ildfire," a r toe tra fterald. | TMt- item when marked with m ] index, denotes {hut your r-ibierfp is pas: 4«c and a prompt setdi.- meat it earnestly desired. is- A Y , F E B R U A R Y 2 1 , 1 9 0 8 . P R I O R $ 1 .0 0 A Y E A R . pra**nfc Lil- ng comedy banks Thea- day evening, th* ear marks mor and tbe e well-known o f a-comedy f h th ree acts The play h widow, (Lil- herself a t her w nero f a ra c - he r astonish had lived 'B e ing without a •i Springfield, February 14th. W; of ihe Broadhur&t witty dialogue of* Hobart brand this goes sparkling th with action and ri a pVctty story aboul Han Russell) findi husband's death ing stable, much mert, fqr her hits! most austere life other funds she owft-onmes her in-, nateprejudioe agaMi* participation in-such “things as '# o o - horses bird with her tralncrcbr%8 to the track a mare of wonderfqjl speed, called “ Wildfire,” U t t y .plots of love, intrigue, racing gqgsip amt track vernacular areinte$*persed.dQ keep interest going im|& the last act, when the pretty -widow finds a millionaire autter, who has incident tally bought “Wildfire” »hd the “DuifyBiabie” as we widow’a .sta­ ble was puplicly called. Judge'ETyie of tlie Gpeenepounty Common Pleas court was- unani­ mously nominated a t Dayton Tues­ day, a t the Republican judicial convention held in that* city. .The subdivision comprises Greene, (Bin* ton," 'Warren and .Montgomery countie^. There are only two candidates spoken,of so fa r for county .auditor, Wm. Dodds the present, incumbent and Walter Dean. The latter was deputy under J . U. McPherson. I t may be thdfc other candidates will show themselves as the .primary approaches. Politieians a re greatly interested i n two im po rtan t measures before 3^& fiatpr*.;Dne^hi tie r lfilfekw What .will fiaqb thq highest class < eSs constitute- ement of the eupigi season,at the Rairba$|m Theatre, .af Springfield*'will be*that, on Wed- hesday, ^Rebruary Malitell in liis clasi repertoire. Itw»S sonsagothat Mr. m New York m role aijd- eloctrifie When lie' awoke he found himself fi heWspaperg he win great classic’actor sequentl’y 1mwent ton and Cities of repeated, this Iris he has .been, so Clare Improving day lie bids fair to ignation of asecon where he appears .capacity audien teachersand the p; as well »s the J h n p e ^ h ii ’t o r On Monday the House passed the Wtoekwell resolution demanding of the State Treasurer the names of the banks and the amount each had of the state money. The treasurer has up to this time refused to give such information. Last week Mr, 3 tookwell triGd to get such a resolu­ tion passed but Was unsuccessful. He demandeebthat the people knowi where tbeir mouey was deposited and how muoh interest lbwas draw- •lug.' He stated that Treasurer McKinnon was-a director in a Col­ umbus, bank, that was-paying the City mpre {ban three per cent for the city funds and Mr. Stockwell thought; that the state funds were vvorth more than one and one-half per cent,. The House finally passed the bill with one opposing vote, Roll of Warren county who is advocating 3. A, Stilling’s campaign for State Auditor.'- ' * . „ ' » * vf ' 1___ » Sit <* Roberts wants railroads to pay 75 percent of the cost of grade cross- sings in cities, tlie,.remainder to be paid by the city. tbs of Robert SbakcsperCan IysOveral sear ■ntell appeared Shakespereat) his atidlen e, next morning o«s, Id all the eralded as the th e d a y .S u b - Chicago, Bos- e jmpoefcauce , All the tlme reviewers ;de- rk eo th a tto - ive the des- 00 th, RvPry. l» greeted- by up oi "-'l-classes ..-Hols test- .Hill wants county 'commiGsioners limited p'ower m granting a franchise for traction Unps longer than 25 years,. / There was little done by the legis­ lature Tuesday, tha t day being se.t aside to hear William Jennings Bi-yan address a session on ■ guaran­ teed banks. Bryan charged that the big banks of the country are Cighting such a law in that it would makfMpl banks Becureto depositors; With such a law state banks would be above national b a n k s .B ry a n was late iri arriving and while the' members of both houses were wait­ ing aburlesque on tbe ’election of a United States Senator fo succeed Senator Foraker, was enjoyed# Tbe members of both houses took- part in the enjoyment. E LEC T IO N SATURDAY. The question for better lighfs for Cedarviile comes before tlio fax payers Saturday. *The election will b e opon-to-tas payers onlyw i i win be held ip the mayor’s oflicb*under the direction of the Board of Trade and a council committee. There will he uothing binding' as to the result of the election, Ail that is wanted by council and the Board of Trade is an expression of tbe people. The tax payers are the ones who must bear the expense and they atone will bay<5jtho say. There will be a number of things to consider along with the question' of lighting'the streets, .Unless a step in this direction is taken no electric light plant can be imtm- tainod--for—-commercial—-lighting,- whether it be the present company or any other that may follow The Closing down,at .this time of the electric light plant will mean a great expense to many residents in piping their homes for gas. All the public, buildings wiU have to be made ready forgas.or go back to the old method of, coal’ oil lighting. Should such be done there will be a beaVy loss*to the different churches dtrexpeftsive electric light'fixtures. ■Whatever your sentiment' is on thftlight question come out Satur­ day-afternoon and express it. -,AU tax payers, male and female, should take advantage of the, opportunity, TflANSFERSOF Unsuccessful attempts were made Sabbath *afternoon to wreck two freight trains on the long trestle1 over R ig Darby creek near West Jefferson on the Pennsylvania roa«. Ties and iron laid together across8 the track in the center ofthe trestle, which is 400 feet long and 00 feet above the bed of the creek, would have caused great loss , had It not been for the discovery oh the part of the engineer;' The train was stopped just a? the train struclf the ties. __ _____ f "■The'bbstacfe'w^ arid the train moved on to Columbus- In a short time anal her train coming in the opposite direction found a simi-*' iar obstruction and saw two men running across a nearby field. *The engineer of this train followed and - gave chase firing several Shots. All trains pass the-point now a t the rate ot ten miles an-hour* Detectives are working on the case and o«e boy of West jeifersoiC has been hrrestocl on suspicion.^ No reason is given as to- why swchur deed Should be done, unless some­ one has a grudge a t the- company, N O , R. F . d ; REALESTATE. H', ’v The house on Wednesday favored m Bronson; p rim a ry election b ill ex tan t o f , the coun ty ifne>- T-5E' - ibif £IX ou r steak , and corn 40q per bu, we felt t h a t we wore g e ttin g a fa ir profit from ou r corn. v W hy tfiie tsuddem Change o t re- 1 verse in the income u ?:od r corn crop? . Thfere are several reasons, some of which', we ourselves are responsibly ■and,some over wh ich we have no control. Fo r instance, the over pi'o- dutlbn of pork. The reports from ou r stock buyers, shippers and pack­ ers in*lhOd and 1007 show that- there Were more th an the, usual number qpipped With a decided sc a rc ity . of sows', which m ean t.there was an un­ usual number of sows being k e p t for bl-oOd purposes, which also m ean t a ve ry g rea t increase in thehum be r of pigs raised in 1007, One lumber d ea le r of Cedarvllle told m6 in th e w in ter Of -’00 & *07 t h a t he had never had 'such a de­ mand fo r hog coops such as we use for brood hows, which he remarked, m ean t th a t nearly every farm er was preparing fo r a full crop of young pigs, and We have seen to Our sor­ row th a t such was the fact. The same will hold good In regard to a ll kindB of live stock. E^cli one of us was working and planning to have more o f each k ind of stock to sell still saying th a ttb e se conditions cannot continue long. ‘Bu tertch one hoped to unload h is stock before the c rash came. B u t alas, i t came all „too Soon. Well, you kuow th e result. Here w<- are With our feed lo ts fu ll of young stock, to be grown and fattened f o r the markets or to bfs sacrificed and thrown on the opeh market, which means fu rth e r depression and con­ fusion of the m arkets. Many, here today will remember the money panic of 187S, Mote of us remember tbe one o f 1802. There was also kp a tiic in 1858; also along abou t 188#. A s there h a s been a money panic abou t every twen ty years fo r the past century, we hoped tim t th is one Would ho t come for abou t six years, .or un til a fje r -we a il go t rich , U n f it came and caugh t nearly ev­ e ry business* m an In the United S tates. And we b ro ther farmers, to whom the world m u s t look for its daily supply of food, a re suffering no more than our brothers In busi­ ness. Yon w ill say , w ha t lists tin s to do with th© subject before US? Much every way, Dot us not b© discouraged, only bend every energy to do b e tte r than in the past. You a s k sh a ll I fiUtf raising stock ahd sell my corn? I say no, I fw e should adop t aueh a course of action, there ifotild soon be a reverse condition. Corn would be very cheap and stock very scarce and very high in price. What would be the effect if one- half the corn growers should throw thslr entire com crop of 700 , 000,090 fdm jly w ith b e st p%arivm:ag*iin*if, hooks, music, games, etc. In fact, every hom o ,should bej a republic, iu wh ich every person from the old­ e s t to th e youngest has an office and responsibility, each in- his o r her own sphere.’ "Give the ch ildren th© Very best education y o u r conditions will -permit, - And keep in touch With th e boys and girls, Itoth In their play and their work. lit fac t make the home a piace to b e . enjoyed, loved and reverenced by all. T he dollar is nofc all there iso f lile: “ For w h a t shall i t profit a man If he sha ll gain the whole world and lose his own soul, o r w h a t sha ll a m an give in exchange fo r h is soul.’ * OU T AGA IN ; IN A G A IN . Some tipi6 aK° the telephone com­ pany changed some of the rates as io party lines in town and where a phone was Ideated in a residence, yet Used for husmesa purposes, Andrew Bros., who are minority Stockholders in the company refused to comply with the new' rule. The lady collector for tbe company call­ ed a t theflnn’s office for the- regular collection, I t is stated that she was the victim of aDnse on tbe part ot T, B. Andrew, who denounced the company in the viles t terms. 'Tbe political boss speaks two languages fluentlyvthe English and the pro­ fane, and his reputation for the latter was. fully sustained. The Collector reported the matter to the management and last Saturday an employee was dispatched to take out the phpne. I t so happened that both of the Andrews were away and were not fully aware of the situa­ tion until Monday. At any rate the telephone bill’ was paid add the ta tting machine was replaced. The telephone may be of some benefit to the “scoop shovel” elevator bu t we; really think it would be a nuisance as i t would Interfere with card game th a t can bo found there a t most any hour of .the day. afioar. These- 4 m -i@injunir«a w a no doub t be mad© political issue* by the two leading pa tties as a change in th e i n s t i tu t io n jvfll be necessary. The people over th e sta te , particu ­ larly the fattnera ara in favo r o f the former and opposed to th e latte r. Th© Democrats wlU n o doubt champion the initiative and refer­ endum and 'th e Republicans the tax question. - Under the Uongworth law Constitutional changesarc voted On under the regular ticket. Po li­ ticians a re anxious now to repeal this law and have a ll amendments voted upon on separate ballets. By th is way it is expected th a t the in it­ iative and referendum Can be de­ feated, Representative H u n t ra the r than h av e the law changed wants the election laws amended so th a t there will be no more stra igh t Voting and ha s prepared a bill to do away With th e circle a t tbe head o f a ll the tickets. Each name will have td haVe a m a rk opposite i t to count. Then constitu tional changes will have to bo so m a rk ed ^ There is every indication th a t such a bill will be passed or one sim ilar ra th e r than do away with th e Ixmgwotth law, If such is done the party iasli can no t he applied in tbe fu tu re a s in the p a s t and a death blow will be given th* machine method of politics. g i’in th e n f jfealer, th is is a n qppd#«Uta* tixkt sfionid n o t be missed b ^ anyon*. T he Fairbanks Theatre announces t h a t i t offers w ha t will constitute V grand d ram atic festival Im the. en­ gagement o f the most popular play of the day, “ Pe ter Pam ” The play w |U b e for Thursday evening, Feb-’ rn a ry 2?tb. Scare* any th ing need be said regard ing tbe merit; of the appealing quality of “ Pe ter P an ” for ever since its first production in New York i t has received page a fter page of praise ih eysry periodica1 publlsimdTn th* country. Though in essence a fairy play, it Is so re­ p lete w ith touches of human nature: th a t appeals to m an , woman or child, th a t ho spectator ever saw it w ithou t bfdng thoroughly dCliglnec’ w ith’itr One critic explains i t on- th e ground th a t there is no human b ring existing b u t who has lieen a child and th a t, therefore, anyone seeing a performance of this piece m a s t necessarily enjoy it, for no pleasures of life are equal to the pleasures of childhood, and “ Peter Pan brings up the memories of youth as nothing else seen on the stage or w ritten iu a book has. nsfalp and municipal offices. The machine poliihthuia in tbe state see th a t the penple arc going to demand a primary law and their representa­ tives are willing - to concede the county but will figbfcanyefforfemade to regulate judicial, congressional, senatorial 'and state-offices. The House will pass the Bronson bill ahd reject the Huffman primary bill passed by tbo Senate. TheSen- ate will reject the Bronson bill and then the two will go to a committee and reported under one name, The bills are similar, the Bronson,bill being the stronger. . . tJoseph Robinson and "Virginia B. Robinson, to E, S.' Haworth, 14,9 acres in Oaesnrcrqek tp.r $ 1700 . David Hilt, executor of C. A. Borns, to 0, A. Rabn, tract In Yel- low_Springs, £ 1600 . Robert Uulhertson and iSffie Cul­ bertson to' Ella Spitin', _124.91 acres imCaesafcreelctp., $ 8200 . Mary :Wftif«.On to Charles Wright, S.ELacres and lot in Xenia, $1800., James 0 : Flax and Mary E. plax tp J&mcsA, Bogard, traqtinRoss tg, $77& - ‘ ' in terest in 172.47acres in New Ja s ­ p e r fp., $7500. ' . it- * Cyrils Brown and Maty E. Brown to Frank M. Thomas and- Alice L, Thomas, 172.47acres in New Jasper tp,, $15,000. > - ' ■ -FO E SALE: Bhff Plymouth took cockerels, $1 each. , . , W. A, Turnbull., Owing to Saturday being a, holi­ day, . Washington's birthday, tbe rural rente drivers are given a rem­ and there will be no uelivlry. Thero will be no mail from Friday until Monday Unless the patrons call a f the post office.; • - / FO R SA LE . Fo rty head-df Merino ewes, b r e d ,. Also thirty-fly,e e\V.e lambs, in gociu condition. t J . J>, Williatnson, ^PeoplewhA have their money in- ; vested in farm lands and- other real estatehave no,eanse-m be alarmed ‘ oyer;the depression in-Values-that, have come to industrial stocks and other kinds of securities incident Sold the , - v . ^ kind a f ‘looking for real, estate in-*.: vestffi/ is ,’ aud th is w ill hold up real opiate values to a high notch, There is nothing th a t can h u rt the value of farm lands but a succession of crop failures, and th a t is somb- th iilg .th a tfs notllabie t<> happen in th is section ■of, the country. The farm you own now is worth’ every dollar now th a t i t was three’mon ths ago,—Armstrong Herald. ‘Woman's suffrage was argued be­ fore the joint'eommitteeof elections Wednesday. A number ofprominent ladies from oyer the 'sta te who are interested in this work: spoke In support of the proposed law. The Epw o tth League wili bring the Wilberforc© University orches­ tra here for a concert on F riday evening February 28, opera beuse. . * - . jilfal'iimiiityaiiirlf......min if........* hr atk or Onto, 6nr or fotWOo, l — bccA« Coys** j w FkASkJ. OHUliEKmake* oath that he ia senior partner of the fhm oiF . J. fi«» s a t A to.( do'n* busimnsiii the city ot Toledo, coonty. and state sforeald, *niifth(it t*id Mm wilPpay the rum* OffB ilBNJIREl) mM.LARa for each swvy case of Ortarrfa that cannot be. ««red by the.n»e of Heiffa OATASes^cnis, FRANK J. WilCNBY, ffirom to before me and eubeeribist in wy this 0th day ofDecember, A. 0 ' -A, W. Notary PuMie Janu a ry 1, forty-three years ago if Is said to have been th© coldest day Within the memory of the p resen t generation, -Almost righ t to the 1st of Janu a ry , 3801, the weather had been m ild much like the month ju st Closed. The mercury suddenly dropped to SS and 80 below zero, and a fierce blizzard sot in. The Union troops were1quartered in the church and school buildings of Macon and they wore compelled to burn th e ir bunks and tbe flooring to keep warm . .Sohie families tore down their fencingahd barns for fuel, as no thing was being brought to town. Stock was frozen in great numbers aud suffering throughout the coun try was in tense. Tim cold period lasted five days and when it ended the ice on the pond and stream s Was 14 inches thick and over. In a recent church case tried hero Capt. Reagans, quarterm aster cheerfully testified t h a t lie was compelled to tea r up the inside o f a church building for fuel to keep the; soldiers from freezing to death .— Macon L e tte r. " “L ittle Johnny Jones” one of the best musical p lays th a t have been contributed to tbe amusemen t by th a t clever atithor-aotor-composer, Georg© H« Cohan, w ill come to the Fairbanks Theatre, Springfield, on F riday , Feb ruary *8fb, “ Little, Johnny Johes” has a well defined p lo t. Then there a re no less than twen ty special song numbers dis­ tin c tly whisteabie. Here a re the names of a few th a t have been and are being whistled anti sung in almost every tongue: “ They’l l All My Frlertds,” “Mam'seUFaueheUe" “ U p ln th e Ansom,” VNestlng in a: New York Tree,” Yankee Doodle Boy,” “ Girls of th* U. S. A .” , “ Captain of th* Ten JDay Boat,” “ Good Bye, Flo,” “Good Old Cali­ fornia” and m any others; The Insurance companies are making a desperate effort fo k ill the S tewart bill that-lf passed w ill break the rate combination and ra te bu - reauo fflre companies. A t present tbe people are being held up by fire companies m charging high rates. Tins is due to the f a c t'th e ra te for a ll fire companies of th is State are made by one m an . There Isno com­ petition whatever' between compa­ nies. WEBSTER'S O F F IC E CHAIRS. f’joiiii r.'fiov^e by im 01 atones A,ut f’nift Mils 85 ilfisw 8$eta ■‘yi*ifr'jwVv,.,f.trr.-&rpc.y irn. {ttrtn! Rati'* Catarrh turn is taken internally and*<'<»(firstlyon the bltsM *n<lm*eoti* *wtfa<a*of ffwpatent, fiend forwaffmoni ala, im , CASTOR IA $ ttr Xniw tf and, fMIdren. Ill KMYa DmAlwaysSttpi ff^gnatirrof FOB HALE;—White Plymouth Rock pullets and Rhode Island Bed Cockerels, Fnoes reasonable. Bell phone Ulifton Ex*baug*. F . P. MnCarley ’ W A N I tm We w an t agents fit a lt parts of the U, s , to sell ou r toatom Dr. Wil­ liams PIIlA B«a4 tm your name and addrcf* and w* will send you iSs boxes to sell a t Mbs p**1 box, when sold send ns th* f t and ggealve a f till set of cooking v « nw *)» eousimting oi a 2, 4 and 8 qu a rt tafsel. A limited number of thwi* vosaelsar* given fo introduce ou r piifat. Order quick, !>B. W lL L lA M i MEDICINE CO., RO « l¥ IL L J£ , OHIO. One would hard ly th ink th a t so valuable a relic ns Daniel Webster’s Office chair would ever find its way in to th is community, b a t-tru th WM ever stranger than fiction, artd any­ one who cates to, m ay see a couple of these valuable chairs in Jeffer­ sonville. C. B. Marshall and .L, E« Robbins are the proud possessors of tnese interesting mementoes Of the days When Daniel Webster was the lead ingm ano f the age. H e prob­ ab ly s a t in one of the chairs white th ink ing out the famous Dartmouth college ckse, which wow him na­ tional fame ns the-leading lawyer of his day. The chairs Wore shipped to Mr, Marshall d irect Irom Boston several weeks ago, and there, is no doubt as to their genuineness. Stamped on the bottom of each chair are the words \ J , C, Hubbard Boston.” Bummed up in a-general way, it may he said they are deep, easy, semi-circular a rm chairs, Well made, highly finished, ye t tarnished w ltlfage, and are ass firm and as solid a s when Daniel Webster first used them, almost a century age, Daniel Webster was a d istan t rela­ tive of Mr, Marshall, and in settling up an e sta te a abort time ago those relifcs Were sent to Mr. Marshall.' Jeffersonville Citizen* stop Pattis almon ihstandy^Dr* vfcmi’tfn Pifcs, N* *R*r*»d*rt*. Drastic Amendment To , \ ' ' ■ ■Vi The Postal laws. Every Patron ofThis Paper Is Re­ quested to Read Carefully the Fol­ lowing Regulation Issued by the Postmaster General. Order No. 907, Section 8. A reasonable time will bo allowed publishers to secure renewals ot subscriptions, b u t unless sub­ scriptions are expressly renewed. a fte r the term for which they are paid, w ithin the iollowing periods: Dailies within three months, trl-weoklies w ithin six months,keml-WeckHes within nine months, weeklies within one year, * * * * they shall no t bo Counted in tbo legitimate lis to f subscribers, and copies mailed on account thereof SHALL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR MAILING AT THE SECOND-CLASS POSTAGE RATE eOF 1 CENT A FOUND, bu t may be mailed a t the transien t second-class pos­ tage rate of 1 cent for each four ounces or M o tion -thereof, p re­ p a id by stam ps affixed,----- --- - - - ” The department, in its la te s t ruling, finding th a t January 1st Worked too much like tak ing “ snap judgment,” IfAB GIVEN’ UNTIL APR IL 1, 1908, fo r publishers to get their subscription lists in shape, and the Herald want*, every subscriber to give this importan t m a tte r IMMEDIATE A$T$NT ION . According to this ruling no daily paper can be sent longer Hum three months noi’ any-weekly paper longer than one year without the subscription being prepaid. All papers m ust be paid up' to a date la te r than April 1, 1908. When oncejonr subscribers have become accustomed to paying in advance We know they will much prefer the plan. In fact ma­ ny of our patrons have said to us th a t th ey Wish we would stop their papers when the iime is out. All magazines h a v e . long re ­ quired a ll subscriptions to bo prepaid. W hy hot all? A t all events wo1a rc up against Uncle Barn’s order and have no discre­ tion in the m atte r h u t to hereafter require all our subscribers to renew within on©y ea r from expiration of their subscription, ■ The immediate eauso for this radical new departure in postage baa been the overburdening of the mails with millions of copies of o the so-called m ail order papers, the papers claiming the lists were bona fide Mibsmbera when tliey were not. I t may bo well to sla te th a t the postoffice department has explained th a t 07 per cen t of a ll the mall carried by th© depart­ m en t consists of newspapers and periodicals, w’hile only four jx*r cent, of a ll the revenue of the uepartmant is derived from th a t source, ntnl t h a t th is eoursfi w asm ade ntPessary to relieve th© departmen t Of a great, burden Which was imposed by publisher* sending free copies through the mails. ' , We give fair wanting of this new' ruling, over which pnMudi* era have no control. I t is jusfcjm rimy to pay for your paper promptly amt is mor© satlnfactory to yOffand to tbo publisher.