The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 1-26

■w fc\»v Excellence Our <Job jWuHk will fo«ij>Hrc with that ot' any other firm, * - She "Seda THIRTY-FIRST YEAR NO, 10. OEDARVILLE, O! F T he “ rum p " or Fo raker “ night- rid e rs" conventionheld in Xenia i» endorse a Fo raker candidate foi Congress on Tuesday proved just w h a t i t waairttended to be, a con- v a itlo n .of a few disgruntled aiu; defeated politicians who plead a few •wrecks ago for harmony under the name o f the Republican party, To make a plainer exh ib it of tin Fo raker fight .against Frosidem Roosevelt, the'convention, domina-. ted by Fo raker lieutenants, used every effort possible, honorable oi dishonorable, to a ttem p t to prove - tlm t the Sixth diMwcrHcpufalteftW' were ag a in st the policy ot the presi­ dent. While the convention was praising Fo raker top his stand in tb©BraWnt>- vllle affair,the United S tates Senate rebuked the Senator in th a t he made no case; Bu t Hum the convention • cared nothing for the action oi ^ P residen t Roosevelt so long a s th e praise of the bargain-fttore variety .could he given' the “ Fire-A larm " Senator. 'N o t,s a tis fied with hav ing i'fafrir cand idate fo r Congress elected a t a • T a ft prim ary by d irec t vo te of the - people,, the . Foraker insurgents, widen t h e breach ■for hartpony by- refusing to endorse the -Roosevelt .adm in istration and T a ft for presi­ dent. A ll the time- the convention Was going oh Jesse Taylor, the nom­ inee of the primary, and bn out-and- out Fo rager candidate, was in Love­ land try ing to n rg e th e -T a ft people to endorse him and his methods. I t was pu rely a ease of p laying both . ends 'against the middle and Mr, •Taylor lost the chance ot his life in the campaign for-“ harmony;" " . As f a t as' the convention was con* , corned it was nob known th a t' Sec­ re ta ry T a ft was a candidate jfo r p residen t.' There was only,-One pic-J to re of Boosevelt in sigh t w |i ile \ Fo raker’s likeness, was seen from ev e ry band. t u the selection o f delegates to the ‘Tamp’'’ convention the names were , marfely selected by Foraker*s pear* I0f, Thgpublic hadno say [conventionassembled, renew th e ir; allegiance to tho party which h a s ; made th is country great, , 5 “Wo renew ou r belief to tho do c -| trine of tho protective tariff and ^ re | opposed to its revision a t th is time, i “ We have full confidence in the ability, in teg rity a 3 }dJoyalty_of._oiiti two United Btatcs Senators, whose iong and useful services m erit our fullest commendation. “We approve the. positionof Sen* atorFo.raker in opposing tho effort forcibly te -join the oi ArizonaandNewMexico. “ W<? especially approve tho posi­ tion of Benator Fo raker in demand-: ing a hearing for the colored sol filers of tho Twenty-fifth Uniter;, S tates In fan try , whoweraeuinmav ; Uy .dismissed by tile President’s order w ithou t honor; “ And we most heartily, approve ■donator Forako r’s action in voting aj&uriit tho ra te bill on the grounds of I ts unconstutigpality, “As a boy soldier in the Union Army, as a Judge of the- Superior Court of jGinclnnati, as Governor oi Ohio, as United States Senator, and during a ll the years of Ills long and useful - life, Senator Foraker has been a stead fast champion of the g rea t principles of Republicanism- and one of the foremost citizens of the Republic, His record is one of unswerving devotion to his country and to his party . “En tertain ing these views, we de­ clare th a t he is b u r choice for the Presidency of th e United 6 fates, and th e delegates to the National Republican Convention from this d istrict a re hereby Instructed to cast their votes for him lit such nomination. ' . ,/ “ Wo heartily indorse the business like adm in istration of Governor Andrew I». H a rris and pledge, to *This item.when mwkgd with m tote, fiewmthat year *eb«rip! m past dp© ar.l a irsmpt scute menti?©mestlydesired. DAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1908. PRICE 81,00 A YEAR, SCHOL TOMS Senator Hypo# i stated th a t he will for lieu tenan t go cmning.BepuhJit announcement *1 the fac t th a t the}*] him ofir supporfefor re-election," ELECTRIC The informal election bold Satu r­ day in t h e ttdunoi t cham her ■ among th e , taxpayers resulted ia a gtiofi vote and a large majority tliatfavo r- .................. .. T}m regu lar congressional con< ventiou of tho Blxth d tstriot was: hold a t Loveland Tuesday, tho .del­ egates being dire tly chosen a t prim ary by the people. . ^ At the same primary Jesse Taylor was nominated for Congress b u t to u t fo r the place owing to htoatand on th e Foraker- veiopmoim began - I’affc proposition was not endorsed surface, Tim Ben a t the.convention. - - ) were anxioiii Taylor and his lieutenant Bines, th is Import Were both p resen t Rearing lha offvo Jhe'shonld be'givfej branch. A fter hours of caucusing Taylor gftye up hdpos of getting any tLjh)g_afc_tlmJiattos_,of^ £he__epnyen- Vrbu. H e ivas called on for a speech and ‘ made a .g re a t p lea for i armony and was loudly cheered by the delegates. He had scarcely le ft the h a ll when O. hi, Higgins ot Warren comity moved th a t when the convention adjourned it be not sine die, b u t a t the call of th e chair­ man of the congressional committee. Col. F isher of Wilmington was .chairman : of the 'convention and O. A. Uare«bf Brown county, sec­ retary . ■ .•■ An attem p t had been made by Taylor, Bines, and the Xenia m a­ chine to land tlte congressional committeeship Tint they Wore p h tlo route- The Greene coun ty caucus decided bn R. L. Gowdy ot Xenia hu t by a selection of one from each county to select .ajjpngrcssional committeeman, Clarence Seblientz was chosen. This was a terrible b low , to the Foraker people who were p lay ing traito rs to their own convention in order th a t they would have a say in the Taft- contention. The congressional committee con­ sists of "W. Xl, Item ley,. Brown { W, tT. Baum, Uterrnonti Q. CR H il- de,bi-ant, Clinton; Clarence Bchlientz Greene; G» urge Barzer.*, J r;; H igh- lan d ; t , . Uhrlas, Warren. , ^^ydfor life action, Hon, C; Q. H ildeb run t and J $ - j H‘. M. Brown were named as Na­ tion n i delegates. F o r presidential elector W, L. Millet was chosen - The resolutions read a s follows; “ Wo, representatives of the Re­ publican pa rty of the S ix th Go®- ringiield has j The Meek Investigation of the log­ in candidate I islatum againatSchool Commission- betore th e !or Tones anti th e sta te board of fenWon, The examiners disclosed the hand of ubiy duo to George B. Obx in the political ring. Ire too many N o t only has Cox been- implicated I to ugly do-- hu t the book compan ies.haVe been bar on thchuafl© a pa rty to the scandal. I t Smany friends I was, necessary for tho committee to his efficient eervl i r SpeakerFreema th e House lias be lieu tenan t gdvert last.week evident Ho is apopular. $h the members of be ’ legislature bu t evf bad advice la s t wf pointed the Cincinnati invent* The g rea test com! his fellow . parti -0 th a t' he had naming Bopresoc S tark , • W a lk e r. ed George B, Cox* fight against th e years th'af resulted drpd tlibiksand doll to tho county tre ed son made his friendhimmediatelj him Tot dealing claimed th a t Ragle w ith Cox whereto the-Cincinnati del j f he would appoint would whitewash tl We$timjrmdlately jj o i the initiation namo a s candid* governor, .This storn&tlcm amoug^j Ruglesoh was stror ^ $ -nice! ptoco'” has boon gtven e dldatea for Stillwell bf-Wr Fora-kC,rto| m come for ivlng thn i ab honor for fm pa rty . Eagleson of lldate foy u p ' unfl the load, ftllow w itij ie«of t h | ' t«ofc some f»» bo up- ars on. toe ©pimiftee. les' from thb thought iwi«a in hlsi \ rWelkf-r of support-: l e a direct ition fwo ivofal litm- feturn-. LftaraSftgle- phta; bl|.i aad against ox. I t A 1c a deal to*have $& votes, im itta th a t to- Senator Tadvantage inced his Uutenanf tod con- C:ans and adomued -jobbery 5&h"oan*' use strong methods to got .certain Lnformation from Prof. P , M, Mills .if Athens, ^ Cbutempt of tho House and Sehafefwith a fliio and impr.Im­ m inent caused the professor' to tell jiibfcvknew,—-Tho-teSttmony- Mon- lay showed th a t (here had been Ufa certificates issued far political purposes- Tho-charge of Immoral­ i ty will come later. ' Memorial services were held Wed­ nesday evening tn honor of the late Governor, John M«P a ttiem . A fine musical program was rendered- and addresses given by a number of prom inent speakers over the state. The Ohio penitentiary is to be in ­ vestigated, the Senate concurred in the amendments f a the BathlVurn bill,1Monday, P residen t 'Williams o£ tho Senate has named th e follow­ ing members to represent th a tb o d y : Ward of Cleveland. Huffman of Butler and Lawyer of Ashtabula, ■ An anti-bucket-shop bill has been offered by Rep resen tative. Roll of Warren county. I t is a copy of the Michigan law. Ano ther bill was offered ' .some tim e ago by C a rl ^ohiiler.of Dayton, • ', ’Frem er of . YtotmV county, wants all telephone and telegraph compa­ nies declared common carriers and that"n?ght,‘ratep be restored. Some itioivths ago the telephone and tele­ graph companies did away with the n igh t ra te se rv ice .. Bassett of Rubas h a s offered a bill th a t if passed will 'requ ite a ll time 'tables* to be published to dally pa- peR|i The bill may bet -atnahdad so The Cry of Harmony Was Only A Ruse= The congressional situation is more critical than it has been during th e controversy extending hack four years. Tfcis evident th a t t h o 'c r y for “ harmony" wab only a ruse of the disgruntled Schmidt-Morrow-IJincs-Broadstone-Foraker following to grasp everything in the in terest o f machine politic^. This bunch of political renegades hasbeendeprived, of the patron­ age of the d istric t since the memorable Beroggy* H ildeb rab t fight • and d rastic methods have been employed to ge t to for their g raft again. ■To lead the precession Boss vSchmidt announced th a t Taylor was his choice and the Foraker"wagon was to bo need to fide to ' victory. The dilapidated vehicle has.Seen years of. hard usage and the present campaign was ioo much f o n t w ith such r political cargo as Bings. Broads tang and .their following,, ________ _ "Never w a s ‘there a~time In theT political h istory Of, th e Sixth Bistricfc when donbie-dealing wris so prominent. In this d ay and - age a candidate must declare h im self on a find platform* Jesse . Taylor has been too eager for the honor he seeks and has com­ bined with all sorts of forces, good and evil., ’ There was only one way for harmony in the d istric t and th a t • was'fop Taylor, after being nom inated to the Taft primary, to ab^ , - solutely refuse an endorsement-afc the hands of Ijis Foraker friends, ,. This would have settled every dispute and there would have been, uo point a t issue. As it was Tay lor apd lite friend, Bines, played T ay lo ris un fo rtu n a te iu the selection of’his friends Who^e" very ,natne« are 41 stench in the nostrils of ,an independent voter, - \ That friends could be so sho rt sighted as to, eaciiftce a' candi- J -date’s clfancbb for-success on' the' a lta r for po litical greed and, gl-att, is beyond tile comprehension of those' who understand the ' situation in th e d is tric t.1 ' ■ The Fo raker convention will go down in h isto ry ' and the-'two , ■ - delegate's to the N ational Republican convention in Chicago w ill he rare specimen of humanity. Indeed the'se two men should be s placed, owexhibitand an admission charged, for the thousands o f T a ft’s friends th a t will go to Chicago would willingly pay to "see the only two Foraker delegates f rom Ohio. , Tile ForOlcer convention and the resolutions passed is a sfah a t tho heart of the body politic, -Nothing u s r a n k could com e , from any other than the brain of some contemptible machine pelt- ‘ tiCiam The whole following should be consigned to Utaix with 1 • Fo iaker, Reed Ibnoot and the rest of the Morman contingent. ' ! ■ The Xenia Gazette, th a t dear old staunch Republican jourfi- mil, th a t always comes to the fron t'af ter th e smoke of the ba ttle h a s cleared away, actually threw down the burs in the 'Wedne^ , , * day issudand with the ho t b rand ing iron seared th e .Foraker con- , vention ns the g reatest farce in, modern tirneg. . I t panst' haye been painful for Brother Chew to throw do\yh Schm idt, B inesf ’ ,« Broadstone. a n d last b u t n o t least the new acquisition to the cottn- , tym ach toe. Bp. J» G. Carson, as was done the d ay a fte r the conven- . , Con, Menneyer known to meddle in politics, as well as^^tha pro­ fessional politician*; Wereatung by the open m aim er to which t h e , - ‘ ‘A % m T?m hm br it t h ..............- * •i'jia »+ vr - ..They were .T. Bi 'A ud raw and An­ drew Jackson* both, under the abso­ lu te control of Bnss F d ; Schm idt o f ■Xenia. I tm lg h t b e la id th a t Cedar- vBle s en t llsolid’ttdelegation for F o rak e r. The number of delegates a ste rn th is place justabou trep resen ts the per cent of, the Fo raker follow­ ing to the two precincts here, TP m ake a ll thlngsTook good the ’ convention selected an ex-minister fo r chairman, D r. jk G. Carson. The chairman wants to be repfeseniu- tive from ' this, coun ty to the s ta te legislature and some weeks ago he m ade a public statem en t th a t the people of th is s ta te could u n f dispense w ith Joseph Benson Fora- ker’s services, A t times the speakers of the con- vention became excited and used Swear-words against Taft, Roosevelt and others and the preaobertobair- man had to c a ll them down. The , B r. evidently felt embarassed with the company to which he^ivas. » Hyprything h av ing been cu t and dried by Taylor, Schm idt, Bines, Broadstone, Shoup and others, the convention could have adjourned a fter a sh o rt session of one hour but ’ they wanted to wait on Taylor who was a t Loveland try ing t< get an endorsement. The time was oecv pied by hearing speeches favorh g ; Fo raker. I t is s ta te d tha t Fx* lien tenan t Governor Lyons talked for An hour and a half and earn 5 near break ing up the meeting Taylor had planned to h av e it large delegation come up from Loveland on special train and there wan to be a great jollification meeting biifc H»o best laid p lans sometilnes falf and i t w as so In fhm case. The tra in polled in to Net ia with only Jesse Taylor and ids lieu tenan t, * Ik e " Bines aboard. There ^ k s no joiilttcation bu t in retu rn long drawn faces for i t costs money to h ire a special tra in for two persons. The convention selected Marcus Rhoup and B. W* Gilcreaf a s dele* . gates to tho Chicago rnnvi ntion and were Instructed to vote for Foraker for president. There is no possible chance o f them being seated and th e delegates will riot oven he recog* »« . ..*A nixed a« they, come from a “ rump’ & diroot io n o f -tha Beard of Trade i and a aouimlttoo from wmioth The not iceable fea tu re of, th e voting was the number of ladles th a t took part. I t is now known th a t about fifty fcintolne tax payors reside to, tho Corporation, I n th is case there can bo “ No Tnxftlion without Represen­ tation ." There was very little opposition to the question of electric lights, the principal opponents being disgrun­ tled politicians. Tim members of councilnow know the sen tim en t of the people and will have to devise a means of raising the necessary funds. The election also proves th a t the people are willing to be taxed when th ey receive some good in return. The g reatest figh t has been in p ay ­ ing a Jiigh tax ra te the p a s t few years and having nothing to shpw for it. POLICE COURT. 8. O, was ^chosen Brannoek of pMtfeiffia* convention, Clermont etoetof. Although I. C. Dines. Col. “Ike" ha* hfott posing as a Taft follower, he wan chosen it& eongeeHstonai Co'oiuhB einnn for th is foiinty in a wrung For kf>r convorfflonv Tina Mayor Wolford had th ree oases u p for consideration Monday morning, and as a resu lt several dollars were added to th e corporation’s finance. Late Sa tu rday n igh t trouble -farted to Cecil Ph illip’s barber Shop between Robert L. Randall and John Spencer. The proprietor or- demPSpewcez out and as he was doing so, Randall threw a shaving mug The missile missed ‘its mark and Spencer laid to w a it fo r Ran­ dall on the outside. L ater Randall started up th e s tre e t when he wa­ i te r ! alien by Spencer, who wa» in­ toxicated. While the tw<i were fussing ‘The" Webster d ra jt Rart- ■ •IAll a terrible blow behind the right ear. He fell to flm streci in a dazed condition. Randall was given a fine and coats amounting to $1.60; Spencer drew a fine of $10.10 while -Webster received $ 3 . 00 , ; Webster and Spencer paid their fines while Randall was given a suspended sentence of i« days h> the \vo*ks to pay his. The Hpwoffh League will hying Ihe WllberfofCe University orches­ tra Imre for a concert on F rid ay evening F.-hru«r.v Sfi. opera house. doblkwsbyhtiSmam&« trt^bia A* cteni and conSfi-rvaGve admtoistra* Don o f’Andrew L- Harris, Governor of Ohio and pledge to h im our most! loyal support in his/ nomination and election h a his own successor, “Wo commend and .endorus -trip wise, patriollo and jusfc Adm inistra­ tion of F residen t Theodora Roose­ velt, and call upon the poopto to as­ sure tim continnance of Ida pbiioies In ’ the adm inistration of na tiona l affairs by electing as ids successor ft man who is equally as earnest and: conscientious in his regard fo r the welfare Of our nation,, and who c a n ; and will see th a t'e q u a l and exact justice is adm inistered to .ML the people, high or low, rich or poor. Now, therefore, be i t “Resolved, T h a t wo recognize in the Honorable Secretary of War, William Howard Taft, tho one man who, by eminent public service and loisgexperfence, is best qualified to continue the adm inistration of our national affairs t& the best interests of all the people. . 5 “ T h a t with pardonable p ride we look Upon, him as the nobh st expo­ nen t of American statesmanship, and , with the zeal ami energy born of Buckeye Republicanism, we rally to his standard and pledge to him our most earnest and' loyal support and be it further Resolved, T ha t the delegates and alternates th is day selected ro the National Republican Convention to beheld a t Chicago, June 16, 1938, are hereby directed and instructed to vote to r William Howard Taft first, last and all the lime, and to use all their efforts within their power to secure his nomination as Die Republican candidate to r presi­ dent of the United Slates. SUNSHINESOCIETYMEET. ' The Cedarvllle Branch of the International Sunshine society mot Saturday, Feb ruary SB, 3908, a t S o'oil* It at tho homo of Mrs.- Oscar Sm ith, About w dozen young la­ dies were present and a very ■inter- edifig meeting was held, Several lei ters were read from “ trimBins' te tr i several s ta te s w h ich had been reac’ e d ln answer to those "written by different members of 'h e society. It ivals learned from the report of the “ Good Cluior’’ comm ittee th a t aubolhom circulated a leMo* a ^ e t o ^ p t Rep- toseHtativo Rail Warren county, find wfbiStmad * hfii ex- tending tho term of a it county aud itorft dyer the sla te . Roll, who to now serving hi» th ird term In the House, was to itave an appointment la th e S ta te Auditor**; office If Stit* well was elected;. This m ean tto the end th a t Roll woutil bo deput# and come late r'fo r sta te aud ito r a t th e expiration of Stilwell’s seoond farm. The ColumhUs papers fi-aV* used considerable space in exposing the StlllweR catnpaigri. ' Dr. J . G, Canton o f Xema, who served one term m the sta te Sanafi would like to represent th is bounty in th© House of Representatives, Hon. George L ittle to finishing hif^ Hocond term inifc is urged to come again. ISo h a s said tha t be did mu care fo r another farm in th a t hto business interests were so great he could no t give up hto time for pub* lie, affairs. Anothvr cand id a te to mentioned and th a t to Dr, W# H Humphrey of Fellow Hprtoga, who would like to have tftehoflor of rep ­ resenting this county, The B r. would have the cmlomeincnt of th e Greene County Mcmcal Asaoclation, The s ta in s of th e school affairs in Ohio as is being upturned by the Investigating committee of th e leg toiaiiu-o shows w h a t politics a re doing for tho schools. H« re are a tow g rea t man m educational dr* cleg playing politics with the great-*J esi IriSUntUott itt the country. Beua- tor Meek a member of the sfato board fit rc I ioo I cxami»»ers stirred the fuss by charging w r a p tf o n In Commissioner Jonas* office. Meek himself is implicated in the tangle. I t is claimed th a t Meek will be a candidate for Hfftte Rehool Commis­ sioner to 'auctfesd Jones, who Is coaching hto present deputy for the place. Tho delegate* to Jfie s ta le convention should ignore ths whole affair ami nominate sotac one on the outoido and assist in breaking up the school book comhfne t h a t hits been worked through tin, exam lneto, the commissioners and a few lu siltu to sp i ftkers, f iw rs*nlto of Dm investigating cottmiitiiM* show th a t the schools of ik s stab# am a t presen t in had bawlm. UWKor Onto, <’ itv os fotena, l hto’SsCRmsTV } 9 .FfiAMkJ.ffnssuv makes (lull thsit he i s , .... , • • - - . M , • w«tet>tu*c..-rflladicfim «»F. J. ,<’« any tho Good Oheerta finding U r Way A • 0 .. •■•Jns - udn * in the Gtjr «f Tol. da, into many Cbeerh uy honk a of our w Z ' v l i X community . .Soyferalnmvmeinbfimlf , ^ m l y i t e i •«> « f J ‘A*Wh w« ro added to the rnil. Tho nex t adittG# and v WANTS®! We want agents, in U. B tosp ll , , t ; u iV tii" p t e t o thi*c n»»Vii m.«eting will U heldM atch £1,1938, fK>sratOttdt at *h*'*‘. ot *■'m r ... nt S p, 1 U.„ at tho homo of s.--v*S«s*j5r «•- - ........ . _ (fcritiftl qpfritlon w m pre-arranged and was a double game m played by both Biftes and Taylor. Their to d ie s to poH itcsare o f the tlehmirifc ofd« r and a rc too well known in th is county for furl In t comment. . .'otlow ; "■ ■ * }* i ? j .. s 01 ..y.-. Gfxtlr jo!walfck...oF,Dhi<ri Iff. Hwotn to la foie nil*and siitsnibwl Hi rtiy prcMfue, tliia flthdsy of Ih'ccwwr, A, U‘j Had a nliM.. , . * ! « , A, W.GbKAROff, , f ■' {«**,} . Notary t’n‘He FOR HALF:r Winfo IMymotilli RoCk pullets and Rhode Wand Red Hull'* t 'stuwh me t» t k ii int. rn dv qs, pw ,Kr^ttoonable. Jk-U irtlit nets Ifinwlv ■>»♦»» Ofoiol «»<t iwucrtlis- v . serf fisof tliosy nn-‘ Hun fort.sttoHdi P '“rn S i , fiw, ^ , .■■ tdlfiori Fxehatigc, F, F. McCarlsj’, mir fa Bend we „ ........ - SI®, _ soldsend us the \mt ofcooking Vimttot I$,".4andfiquart lUmitoirof then* inireduce ourpill*. DR, WILLIAM# " RuhFVlLL^- I WCr iie*»toelt» ftr mCcMaig'wtrij con sidarable opposition, f t hah dwvel 'oped t h a t each member of th e cam- tiffttoe on railroads and telegraphs’ to which all ybills a re sen t have passes over yanous roadB. Speaker Eftglesott of the House has, named tho members of th is branch on the ’pmnten liary investi­ gating committee, -They i r e : Ritter,. p lize lliind Ntieloy, The H a rpe r ’hill has passed House authorizing a .2 m ill tnx -to create a needy blind ,fund in coiim niis. TRh probate judge is. to Ah? point a commission of three, Tho maximum am oun t to each of the horn blind will be f ISO. Senator Hafner of Cincinnati has resigned from the .committee ap­ pointed to investigate Cincinnati public Affairs, The Senate recinded th e resolutiOafor the Senate probe passed la s t week. Another was in ­ troduced by Espy to be composed of four members, two of each p a rty Trouble waft s ta rted in Use Senate Tuesday-, when Senator Hafner moved th a t’ Arbetiz and Huffman he added to th e stand ing committee on temperance. This gives the wets a .majority on th is committee so th a t Any o ther tempera ice legtoift fion Will be checked, T h e object was to detoat the amendment to the Jones local option taw fay petition to forbid the pocketing of saloons in dry d istricts. Senator Liurih, indo pendent, became furious when I ’res ident W illiams refused to hear sen a to r Hypes who wanted to speak against such work. Lamb voted With the Democrats'when th e Sett a te was organized and be alone has the deciding vote a s the Senate Is evenly divided politically. Lamb declares t h a t ' ho will vote do re organize th e Senate giving th e Re­ publicans the presiding ofilcera. Lamb is a strong temperance mat! and does no t owe hto place to Any particu lar party . The house and senate passed the sundry appropriation bill introduced by Chairman Lerscfa o t the Louse finance committee, and the carrying f£ 0 ,ooff for legislative salaries, and the house passed, tho university Appropriation h ill carry ing fl(Xl,0W) for Ohio State, $60,000 for Ohio, $60,009 to r Miami, $LKi,om>tor Wfihor force, $10,000 for Ohio* Normal school and $00,000,to r Miami Normal school, The investigation of State Tress yrer M’Kiftnoins books shows 'Rome ^startling toct«. The condition oi the state funds arc about like affairs in Cincinnati under Ross Fox. •* * *M’Kmnon used every effort possible to cheek the investigallmt ami m ake known the banka th a t held infinitely WmFaa f t e a th an that' was enacted a t Xenia Opera ho lm , on Tuesday, when was held wha^waa caffgd a Republican Congressional’convention, w ith President Roosevelt - l e f t oak NOmention of fiie.great man's name in speech or reso-, lu tion , amf y«t, aft if to add inftult to injury, a long Mm igo f bom­ bastic reftolu'ionft abou t his bitterest, enemy. And th is farce .in t’henaiuo.of “ hannony '’—to. “ conciliate tac tions." 1 Why of course the “ boys'’m u st have thmr tow. There Was really nothing for ft Congressional convention to do as our candidate for Congress bad already been selected a t the p rim ary election, h u t the fellows who th ink they are runn ing the-conntry m u s t period­ ically play, a t holding a “ convention,"fearing, t h a t they will get', ou t of practice. Oh, well, no harm done. Tho “ boys" had their “ harmony” fling, likely feePfaetter and the world, moves on se ­ renely—and T a ft will be nex t President. ^ “ f t pleased h e ra n d don’t h u rt m e" said the httlfa man whose w ife was heating him. Ju s t so With, the Fo raker resolutions adopted a t th e supposedly Republican convention, Tuesday. They may 'p lease Foraker and don’t hu rt Taft, whose Blftjf fa in tho as­ cendent everywhere and who’ already has a g rea t m any more th an enough votes pledged to h is su p p o rt,. “ There was a young woman in Niger, who smiled ns she rode on a ti g e r j a t the end of tRe ride, the g irl wn$ insido and the smilo ort the face of tho tiger," And of course there was perfect “ bar- •moiiy" between the two. ,H,ow could there b ean y more factions? tS?’ poBitors knew that a large sum of BIBLE flEAfMVf? rAWTccr the state money waft, on deposit ULAUIAU DUNTEST, and liable to be drawn out at any time. TI 10 true facta are that M’Kinnori was drawing “velvet" frommedifferentbanks, as’did .the treasurers inCincinnati whenthey weremadetopaybackto the county several thousanddollars. MHCinnon lasheeu drawingasalary of $0,500 ayear and has admitted to the In­ vestigating committee that he has drawnan•additional $5,000 yearly from, the interest collection. He claims thata nonfiicling law gave himthis right although the legisla­ ture twoyears' ago did away with All toes ami placed atl» state and countyofficials ona straight salary basis, The present legislature has Certainly wrecked the power Of bdissismin politics and themethods byWhichlarge mnmof moneywont to officialsillegally.,. TheRose countylocal option bill] passed the House on Wednesday] after a debate lasting two hours. I The vote was 79 to 06 and everyj amendmentofferedwasvotedt(ow«, The bill went through in the samej formaswhoff it,passed the Senate, Thu hill will how go to Governor Harris for his signature. If will — ... . become operative in S e p t emb e r . i t ia r • •••' .tew ”. .Atis expected tbit titer® writ oyertohdelegatesatflus conven- Honto-promote tm mukof jho : worth teriguo. Altcjfiiy mnmoftU ■ best apeakora <m young pdkr.» ■ workCit'th® 001 ,mfiy $jitt cured, .;anfi the eonteiition ifiDa J proniisL*of beingvery Iniercsfing, dryplaces. The hill fro * * # , , ttr8t' strongest ever offered, in any ^ "yGmleaguoin tliisstAte, .........- •««,■*-«,•» JjaSi-yffar, however, a number ■ «f district ; couvehtfimt wera b M , Friday night, March G, in the U.P. churfch. Only 15den.ts. Tick­ ets at McCollum’s. The first con­ test of its kind ever in Oedarvllle, Fifteencontestants, namely: Blisses Janet,Tarbox, Mary Cooper, Ethel McMillan, Alberta Oreswelt, Alice Adams, LuhetteSterrettandBfessrs KennethWilliamson, Wm. Ritter, Wm.Waide, WendallFoster,Bavhi Rriglmm, Fred Bird, Leroy Hen­ derson, "Wm. Hawthorne, and Etnesfc McClellan, Threeprizes of $5, $3, and$2 will be awardedtho three showinghigh­ est excellencein reading the scrip­ ture. The readings will he inter­ spersed with sacred songs. This will be a feast of good things'and ftlitorlfreofits* WILL HOLD CONVENTION. P lan s are now under way fo r th e holding of a big convention o f the Epwortb leagues o f Obhy, Ind iana and Kentucky a l t h e Miami Valley ,] Chau tauqua grounds. tiieweek*after UI5CWJLUG VjJt'HMIVHV «>■ r-r-n- -.— .__ _ . tTpou tho pefitiou of 85'per cent ot{^* tho voters of the county an election must bo called, If a majority of the votesarc tor tho drys thou the ■whole t oiuity will bo dry. If one «r more towns or townships arc dry] and the county should bovoted wot,J the decMott docs not change thoj i r-.r- .......... liftturn Arid Ohio has set a high marl, flff tlio fjttengfh of tho witLsAlouu forces. 'itate' money and tiro amount each 5 , , . . . . . . , , , . aoniaincd.. SI ’Kmnon claimed that.! ^ 10 IH to ^ n prim ary hill and the there was danger o f th tow ing some ^ !«2J j ’l 1 r, « f the hanks Into a “ ru n " if fh« de*j^w h P***pd ihe House ^Isnrhday, Plana arc Also under way for a (Tiristlan Fm ifkve r conrenthm ihe week preceding the tTiaulanqui. hu« ms yet have not fakan definite form. : . 1 vv* b - -M ; ■Mr