The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 1-26

-->—(**w>*^*S?^ tm Excellence Our Job Work will eo»p*re with tfcut o f m y o fta jr i n t i , » » , i f e THIRTY-FIRST YEAR NO. 14. CEDA11Y1IXE, LIVELYSCRAMBLE Tbsrs b#iog no jwsislbla chance Jor a primary law being passed no that *11 nomination# for the fall election# will have to come- under the new law, Isaac Blues, will yen tor* autos * oondidate f o r county treasurer. Had there been a oom puUory primary law, Dinas wohld net consider the matter. How that thla will be the i&itt primary, which will be conducted aa others have been In the past, the Sohratdt following will, leave no atone nn- : Axif« km ■A . jui ■ I m W'Jft' . ... . _- i __: .*> .*■■_■a .. BUYS A FARM. turned to lohd^jtvery-candidato. f - y tnf: " whether they can be eleoted this fhl) . or not. The machine la going on the presumption tha t thla being presidential year th© people will vote IjOJfwhoever is nominated on the county ticket, Schmidt hopes for nothing better than ,a great Vle- • tory forDlnesr- The whole organi­ zation will be lined op and Com­ pelled to deliver the vote, regardless ; of how i t maybe .cast. Under the -system tha t has been In force in the past it never was a Question of how many votes * candidate received but how many howas given in. "the . count. Dineswill bavo about twen­ ty o f th e pteoincts <if the county. In . this lis t is Oedarville, for Schmidt’s most faithful "followers are in charge of the election ma­ chinery h e re .. There may be some opposition to Dines bu t wo fall to - see where other) candidates will Stand * ghost of a show. r Charles Mower, the present deputy, may be a candidate, and Harve Hash, ex- county , commissioner - may enter. - I f we read1the "signs a t 'this time 1oerrebtly these' men are already marked fa r slaughter by the Schmidt machine unless more in­ terest is displayed tiy the rank and file of the party. Mr. W, H . CrsswwiihOS purchased the Davidson farm east of town on Au* F e d e ra l-p ik e .— T u e~ I* r« i e»u aists of about ISOaeres and said, for ninety dollars an aore. .- Mr. Euo# damans ha* lived on the farm for * number of years and will remain this present year. ANNOUNCEMENT. . Dr. J . S. Martin, osteopathip phy­ sician, of Xenia, Ohio,, will be in cednrviUe on Tuesday and Friday of each week for an indefinite, pe­ riod oftime. Room* aft-Mr, Wi. R, Sterrett’s residence._Hours 12 ES M l a 6iwimw*as3ssK5Bsaa6se .-J ■ This item when mrk*4 with am! index, de$dte* tmt year *sfi>#cri> is past d«e and * prompt eettto-1 meet t$ earnestly desfisd.. . . . . . FRIDAY, MAECH; 27, 1908. PRICE S1.00 A YEAR. NOTICE. Partiedbavlngoprfeutiestretchers will please return same a t once. We need them right away. • » \ Grouse &Crawford. FOR SALE. , Huff Plymouth Rook.Egggf; Hug- get Strain. fficents for setting of 15 eggs. ’ J . E. Hastings, Tn the fight fof commissioner the following names have beepmention, ed:' John B. jStovpnson, Chris Butte, Ab. Carpenter. W* B. Stevenson, J . F- Rarshtnon, and possibly one or two others. There are three to Select this year owing to a ohauge faltwr.- ' ' * , NOTICETOUSERS OF COUNTY ROADS. Section 4004 of the Revised Stat­ utes of Ohio provides for penalties And 'fines for hauling bufdens of, more than 3400 pounds,' including the weight of vehicle, on tirejk lets than three inches in width. , The County Commissioners'have therefore fixed by resolutions, the following allowable weights r ' Tires 8 to 4 inches in Tfidfch, 8600 pounds.; 'Tires over. 4 inches in width, 3800pounds, inoludingweight ofvfitticleineach ease- The penalty prescribed in said Section provides for a fine' in any sum from $5 to $50, and Imprison meat until paid. By order of County Commission­ ers; o f Gr**ne county, Ohio.. For hkiaache Dr. MiW AsU-Fain FllK Our Announceffl&flt I T IS w ith <pride and satisfaction *that we announce the opening of our store With a new stock of watches, jewelry’ r*nKs silverware^ etc. I t shall be our policy and the aim of this store to ^please every customer, whether on the sale of an article or repair work. * W e w ill be pleased to have you call and examine our stock. W e invite inspection, Six and three-quarters.millions of appropriations are carried by the general appropriationbill for1808and Wasintroduced in the Rouse Mon* day by .Representative Robert B, Lefsob .of Lorain, chairman of the house finance committee. To this must be added amounts covered by minor bills reported or to he reported by the committee^ making the budget for the current year, as presented to the bouse;, not muabjmtfei^$R6OO,0Qp.—T h is -lsan increase over the budget for 1007 of approximately $1,750,000. Then bills for 1608are; General bill, $6,728,965? partial bill $1,047,181j liability bill, $..66,117 sundry bills (legislature) $212,000, emergency bill, $831,027;- governor’s investigation of state departments $5000, The aggregate of these bills 1 b .$8,885,240. This is to be compared with tb% total appropriations tor 1906 of $7,- 125,74V, and fdr 1907 of $6,652,948 showing an increase for 1908 over of $1,782,297, and over J 0 O 0 of $1,'252,493 In spite of this increase, a number of the departments and institutions received less than la s t year. A por­ tion of th;e increase is accounted for by the fact that deficiencies for two years have to be taken care of now and also-all .extra allowance* tor hew project* have to go into this -years budget, whereas a t the regular biennial sessions, these allowances can-be spread over the biennial bud gdt, ' -V \ . The morease this year is due chiefly to the construction account for three new state -hospitals pre­ viously-' authorised, - to 'good road building, to canal rehabilitation, to the Ohio State university and to the legislature due to1increase in salaries. For itood roads, the increase over last year is $290,000; for the -canals, $74,000; for the legislature^ $51,000; for Ohio, State university,: $122,000. Forbuilding the new State hospital for the criminal insane a t Lima, there is allowed .$200,000; for the niw state hospital for tuberculosis akMt. Vernon, $*$0,000; for tfiapro- 4 ‘ university to big university, are allowed, builiilngand inary funds to equip Jy finished. M: $ 45,000 for a n« normal school, $30,000 for a new building, but yesterday ex; Harris oyer the allowance .and they did get went parrmeut chiefly. Columbus s lowed ■ $25,000 few .plant; Athens b new cottage and a J-VlAssOlorji.hospi■ and $8500 to buy and to start a “ pt hospital, $24,000 trial school* for b cottage apiece, am the blind, a kltoha Salaries,for the were covered mam bill,' The general Auditor-Gilbert tiouai clerks to ex porat’fons, and $4 spect state depsr because of orifcita cepted statements corporations o ft jand hadnotexami er’s office because islature .had igno for clerical assistai The finance co nized the right of M- Williams of tb title add, emblu lieutenant goye questioned wheth governor or only cerof the senate, tee did not Aj>p in the partial bill, a t bill has includ $1850 for bis lieutenant,govern ofwhich reptese between tile lieu salary-of $1590for the amount he dr* There Is allowed posed,trip of the national-encam At Toledo ht'Bkp to .State Treasi the collection of Th*if to ta ls and. |,ne#t i ^ «s the one buildings 'th e students the veter- w well as ling* recent adversity get* Riding £or the 3io university to its normal to* of Miami to Governor rness ofth&ir efc th a t what i» normal do- rams of iQspitai is ai cold storage $ 40 ,ooo f o r a )dry building; D-,560- for-iand the dairy Dayton id; tlioindus- *nd girls, a ie school for ; $ 15 , 000 ,^ 1departments |n the partial allows State f for two audi- ie public cor.-i two to in-, its. This is a t he had ac- jublic service ross receipts tho-jtreaftuf- Wevlous leg- his- requests se baftreCog- tdehfc JaUieft saute 'to the of, acting I t being [iftlieutenant re s id in g o lft- ju s o c om m tf- | * hife s a la r y I d th e g e h e r- ^a llow a n c e o f as n o tin g |o m th e dea th lie d iffe rence s t g o v e r n o r ’ s p e rio d and ise ria to r. »f o r th e p r o - G . tb th e retie G . A . R . a n d $2000 mon Jfbi ■*sdrafts to JOHNSON, The Jeweler, Bfifbci 1 Block, Cedarvllle, Ohio, $2%0Sd, Thsaenew-profeofs *ad in­ creases aggregate $1,887,000 and ac­ count for aU but $$2,000 of the- dn- brease of this year’s appropriations over 1900, -The finance' committee made larger cuts in current' expense al­ lowances for a number of. the State institutions than have been usual, The balances on hand'wore scruti­ nized and wherever .an institution had an unexpended balance, that opportunity was seized to cut down the appropriation for this year’s maintenance. The general bill provides far the abandonment ef the soldiers’ home a t Madison, whlbh is really a home for the widows'of soldiers and for army nurses. Those a t the home, which has proven an expensive ex­ periment, are to be housed In a large cottage to be built a t the soldiers’ and sailors’ orphans home atXenlA. For this cottage $40,000 is given, and also $85,000 for a asw heating and lighting plant a t Xenia to take oare of the Increased popu­ lation. The appropriation for the Madison horns is cut to ju s t enough for maintenance until the cottage a t Xenia is built. in accordance with the declared state policy of keeping Ohio State Miss Craufurd Announces her Spring Opening Friday, April 3 d and "{ _ Saturday, Jipril 4 th. We are prepared to ehow eu*elegattfc hue of the lAteet designs in Spring find Summer Millinery* We will he pfo*e*ito have our friend* find pfit^oni onHfind inspect# Wkm Rfitnio# Jlertlmp will fiid«t thl« ififiiott* *■ J r—w A 'hoy, whose* age repre­ sents tee springtime ofhuman iife, don’t like to put up with winter clothing any' longer than absolutely necessary, As weknow this to be nat-* ural and oproper, we make sure that our stock of boys’ overcoats, suits, hats and fur* nishinga for spring are ready as early a* possible. Here newsboys andj par- •nts of boys, .are invited to inspect# n m WHEN, AWada. Springfield, Ohio, H m t o t M*r$hanu» Aisoslatkm. stita"' ffoi^Aittrd. $85,8«4} Ohla Hktiidcial Ghard, $884, 700; agMcalfcumi experimoxit station $70,500; state board of agriculture, $29,500; attorney general's deparfc- meafc, $19,6fiQ;state hoard of apprais- eteand assessors, $1200; auditor of stgte, $16,150; Ohio State Arohac- logicftland Historical society, $16,- 000; state board*bf arbitration, *8200; board of state charities, $2170; board of deposit. $125. . Board of health, $88,000; hoard of public works, $^92,800; diary and food commissioner, $82,600^exam­ iner of steam engineer*, $7400; f|sh and game commission, $16,000; b«- rean of labor statistics, $6550; com­ missioner of public printing, $ 20 , 000 ; Ohio codifying- commission, $6000; commissioner of common schools, $8500; executive department,- $1800; geological survey of Ohio, $8l,ooo; state highway department, $441,100, Inspector of mines, $5150; inspec­ tor ofworkshops and factories, $ 20 ,* too; judiciary, $420,000; legislature, ;S< 8 , 650 ; prosecution and transporta­ tion of eonvlots, $9C,000; department OfState, $15,800;Okie State library, 1 14,875; insurance department, $8100; bureau of building and loin, $4,270, Railroad oomaaaaxiotj, $ 760 ; super­ visor Of public printing, $1660; su­ preme court and law library, $8100; clerk of the suprwtne court, $1060; re- jotter of Supreme court, $800; treas­ urer of state, $«60; Ohio penitenti­ ary, $240,410} Ohio State reformato­ ry, $150,600} AthSfls State hospital, $282,250; Cleveland State hospital, 176,700; Cdlumbus Sfcfte hospital, !262,000; Dima State hospital, $ao«.- 000; Longview hospital, $165,000; Massillon State hospital, $819,700; Toledo State hospital, $265,600; Ohio State sanitarium, $260,000; boys in­ dustrial„ #118,060; *ttW industrial school, $118,000; State school for the blind, $llf,7M; insiitntion for crippled and deformed children, $150,000} Dayton S’ate hospital, $ 176 , 600 }State Sehoel for the Deaf $188,860} Ohia Hospital tor Hpllop* tics, $214,200} Insiitntion for the Feeble-Minded, $179,600} -Soldiers’ ami sailors’ home, $18,000; Soldiers* and Sailors’ Orphan#’ home, $&V O00| Home of Ohio Soldiers, Sailors and Marines1 Fives, $14,000} Ohio State university, $247,000} Miami university, $70,000; Ohio university, $ 47 , 8 (K);'Wllb*rforo* mniversity, $90,- 00; miscellaneous, $11,800. Total $8,7»!9M. .- - Eleven speakers appeared before he Senate eemmltoea Wednesday evening to apeak against cigarettes. Strang atgft#wmtt were presented and the ofewfi ei five htmdred dis­ played ooas&Mtwbl* sntoresfe. ■ . n. ii.MHifvr - jMlatVa.iMwlMMe dost. A good A*T% vork at what jmu tm nest do l# ifiC'fikrd-pau to which all t a t corns.**. A J o h n S a m s to Jo s e p h M ille r , acres l u S n g a rc re e k t p ., $ 2000 , M o r g a n G la s s a n d H a n o y G la s s to H a n e y A , S t r y k e r , l o t in Ja m e s ­ to w n $ 850 , „ H a r k le s s G I usb t o W i l li a m P e te r ­ s o n , 10 acres in R o s s t p ,, $ 850 . ' Is a a c S m ith a n d C a th e rin e M . S m ith to v illa g e o f Ja m e s to w n , tr a c t in Ja m e s to w n , $ 650 . ^RmaryJEADayJSrexecutorpto^De- o n id a s O . W a l k e r , p a r t o f lo t^ m Ja m e s to w n , $ 1 , 100 . f- *■ * C h a rle s C . S tr ftle y a n d E m m a P . S t r a le y , efc al,- to V i o l a T o b in a n d R ebecca G a r rm g e r , , 61 acres in G re e n e a n d F a y e t t e coun ties ,1 $ 3497 . 82 , .. ■ S'. T . B a k e r a n d A d a Ba lcea to A . O . S a n d e rs u 69 . l 6 acres m S ilv e r - cree k, ,$ 6000 . W i l l i a m D . .to n e s, e fc'al, to D o m e H * C o p s e y ,' 24 v 7 fl acres $ 1250 , '* . H f t t t ie B . M a d d e n - a n d W . P- M a d d e n t o M a d n e P ro b a s c o , 20,80 acres In S ilv e rc rq e k tp ., ‘ $5000 R a t h M i H u to la r to j . H . L i t t l e , 51,6 acres m R o s s t p ., $ 5100 ,- ' J , H . L i t t l e a n d - S a ra h , L l t t l e to A d d ie E . G la s s , 40,6 acres in R o s s tp> r$ i. ' * - ' / J . ’ H . L i t t l e a n d -S a ra h , L i t t l e to G . W . G la s s , 11 acres in .R o s s t p ., $ 1 , 600 . " ’ ' f E m e r y F : D h v i s , e x e c u to r, to J o h n P i D o d d a n d A . G . C a rp e n te r, 14 r acres i n B ilv e r o r e o g -tp ,, $ 1850 - S a m u e l'K o o g le r to M a r t in K l i n e , 52.67 acres in B a t h t p - , $ 8200 . ' - A m a n d a M . G r a y “a n d M a r y F G r a y , to A d r i a n r C o lle g e , ‘A d r ia n ,- M ic h ., a n d th e K a n s a s C i t y D n iv e r-f, s l t y , ' 190 acres i n B e a v e rc re e k t p ., $ 28 , 760 . ' jAftob Block and Eva Block, of Louisviile, Ky., to the Colonial Dis-, tiilery Co,,ofHaw Jersey 7.2 acre $1.- ‘ Colonial Distillery Co., to Hannah G. Stroup-and Elizabeth-T. Flynn,! 12 acres, $i: / . . W i l li a m A n d r e w s A n d M a g g ie A n d r e w to C h a r i*# M . H a r r i s , 100 auras in H o s s t p ., $ 7600 , _ \ i. ■» ■ M a y O . Jfiine g a r a n d Jr. W , B in e - g a r to W . T , S h a n k s , 10 acres in Je ffe rs o n i p ., $ 1550 . v . . . . WANTED! W« want agents in all psrto of the U. S, to sell our JamoiiD J)r, V/il= lisms PiilBr"Ssad uTyour name and addrsssand we will send you 12 boxes to sell a t 25c psr box, when sold send us the $8 aud receive a full set of cooking vessels consisting ot a 2, 4 and 6 quftrt vessej. A limited jnumber of these vessels are given to introduce our pill*. Order quick. DR, WILLIAMS MEDIOXHE CO„ ROSEVILLE, OHIO, Africans Never Sneeze. It is a peculiar fact that Africans never-sneeze, neither do their descend­ ants, if they be pure-blooded, although domiciled In other parts of the world, —The following “Nursery Stock1' consisting^! Apple, Plum,' B««ch, Cherry, In shades, Catalpa, Silver Maple, Elm, Linden, Pm Oak, Car­ olina Poplar, ©to- Also a choice lot of evergreens, in Norway Spruoe suitable for hedging. Th© above stock is for sale a t a bargain as th<j, business must be closed out. Those wanting stock should call a t my residence on Miller street and leave orders, or on the “Nursery packing grounds- east, ’pf town In season. Como early and get choice. Tecumseh Nurseries, and Caps Ho you Reed a hat or pap? We have what you want kv styles and quality. Hats $1 'to |3.S0 Caps 25a to $1.00;, Sullivan, The Hatter, ■ 2V South Limestone Street, Springfield, Ohio. “ . - Danger pf an Explosion, When wo see so many young men with their ha|r parted in the middle and hanging down their foreheads so- „ as toJ-ohscure every trace of intellect) and so many yoimg women with their hail’: ali fi’lzzly-frowsly and flopping aroundAheir faces in 60 different -dl- ^ ^ T , ■ rectlons, we Just want to have a’-Say.-— G, W. F rantz , l a Charge. Clinton (Ni c.) Democrat, "What You Can Buy on Saturday/ for Cash or Trade. - \ , 1 e , A ’ , i r * % * * i v ^ Y . . Good Tomatoes 6c to 10c a Can. 1 , - Good Corn 6o°tbT0ca Can.r ,* v' , ’ • BeSfcCbfleel2c to 80cper lb.- Best eating potatoes 25opk- All kinds of Seed Potatoes in stock. ,AH kinds Of fruit, .Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, fresh every week. .The only p la c e ’in.-town where you can get Bananas.' Bread fresh every day ., Come and- •bring yourbiarketing ahd get the highest market price, •. ? \ W E WILL PA y * ; V f‘ J^T For Butter; 25c per ib,:. For Eggs; 18o pej; doz* I,. New Models and Fashions IN SPRING FOOTWEAR We are ready for you,with the beat lines of Shoes and Oxfords this country affords. Snappy lasts for Men, Women and Children, in Viii Kid, Patent Colt, Eusaia Calf and Golden Brown Kid. These goods are priced within the reach of all, and it will pay you to get in early for your Spring and Easter Footwear. ,, , Metfs Shoes and Oxfords all leathers, $2,50 to $4<00 Men's Medium Priced Shoes, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25 . Men's Solid Work Shoes, $1.50 to $ 2.00 Ladies’ Dress *Shoes and Oxfords, Jitest styles and.all leathers, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. Ladies’ Swell Medium Priced Shoes and Oxfords, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 . MissesLowand High Shoes all leathers $1.50 to $2.50. * Here is whereyou'll find the beat line of "LittleFolka shoes and oxfords in the city. ” . Don't Forget—We Have the Goods! ■. *• . ■ * 1 • :o- HORNER BROS. & CO. 33 South Limestone Street. , Springfield, Ohio. . . . . . . . . . . I 'w .... ^ , - , • -•*» TheNewYork Clothing Co, which was recently located in Cedar- ville is now remodeling their store in Xenia, without interruption, t o busi­ ness. Car fare refunded on purchases of $fo.oo or over M. Marcus & Co, « t.. XEH IA . O. i - r r ' . yc*- __ ^