The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 27-52

f o r JStcelleaee Our .Job Worlc w ill compar# with that o f my other f i rm. . * » She 'Ceda TH IR TY -F IR ST Y E A R NO, 27. OEDAHlVILLE MARIAGEOF London, June £2—The marriage’ of Hist; Jean Reid, daughter, of Whitelsw Reid, -AjUvdcar; ambas­ sador to Great Britain, to the Hon, John Hubert Ward, took place at the chapel Royal, St. James Palace till* afternoon, The wedding was the great event of the London bo - cialseason. Hot since,the Prince of Wales was married has or wed-, ding ceremony taken place in cir­ cumstances of such pomp and ma­ jesty. * The guests present were compar: ,atively few. The chapel Royal a * private chapel attached to St. James Palace holds only about 120 persons. But the 120 waa made up of the King and Queen and, ot,her . royalties, the flower of' the British ’ nobility and. the nearest friends and relatives of the Reid family, As the bride entered the church the sun lit np the old stained glass Windows and gleamed on the rich oak ..carving which dates from Henry VIII, Tbe’King was in his pew surrounded by his family. The fairest women of two continents were waiting expectant in. choicest raiment, the ambassadorial .corps was there in-diplomafcic regalia and army, and navy officers Jin,’ their bright uniforms Contrasting with V the sober black of the other men All beads were turned towards the door as Miss Reid, smiling ra­ diantly, entered on the arm of her father. At the door they were met by the officiating clergy and the choir, the latter' picturesque in their quaint uniforms and surplices dating back to the sixteenth centu­ ry. The officiating clergy were the Rev. Shepherd, dean o f the. chapel Royal,'and Hr, William B. Gros- venor, rector of the Church o f In­ carnation in How York, which MissReid attends; - ,, - The bride was dressed in a’ /gown of soft filmy white satin, Ant in Empire fashion with high waist. Prom the waist down ran panels of finest old rose point lace, which belonged to her grandmother/ Mrs. D. Ogden Mills, and which was a gift: from her.- . ................. ulnfcile sprays of tiny rosebuds and were^otofeereC- srfiandthere ay«r the dress' add4 gave a picturesque effect to the whole. The bride's yell o f old rose point lace, matching that of the dross, was caught to the hair with orange blossoms. The gown like the rest of the trosaeau, came from .Paris, ’ • * h” Six little pages held up the' train, which was the regulation court length of three yards. It was made of the same material as the dress* bordered with orange blossoms and roseB. „ The pages Were the Hon. /Roder­ ick Ward, son of Lord Dudley; the Hon. Nlgal Glynn, the Hon. Marled Glynn, children, of Lord Glynn; Master Robert Shaw; Miss Marga­ ret Ward, niece of tbe bridegroom, and Mias James. They wore no h*tsr bu,t had wreaths of flowers around their heads. The girls wore white frocks and the boys wfiito page suits and both had bine sashes The only bridesmaid was Miss Jen­ nie Crocker, cousin of the bride, and sister of Mrs. Burton, HarriBon. Her dress was o f white embroidered muslin with a blue sash and her hat was trimmed with White roses, The H on , John Hubert ’Ward, wearing morning dress, awaited his bride at the altar, Mr. Ward is the closest friend of Kliig Edward and is also the royal equerry. He is one of five brothers, tbe eldest Of whom IsEarl of Dudley, late Lord Lieu­ tenant of Ireland, and recently ap­ pointed governor general of Aus­ tralia. His groomsman was- Col. Holford, also ah equerry of the king. " . - The ushers in the church wcF« the three brothers of the bridegroom Robert. Cyril and Gerard; Ogden Relfi, brother of the bride, Craig Wadsworth, second secretary to the Atnsman embassy, Grant Smith, third secretary and Sheldon White- jionse, private secretary to the ambassador. The guest included tbe King and Queen, the Prince itnd Princess of Wales and a party Of royalty which the king hlniself invited to join him m the church; Mr, and Mrs. D. Ogden Mills, the bride’s grand* parents, Mrs. James L. Marriman, Mrs. J. F. Ji. Lanier and Miss Bishop, sisters of Mrs, Bold; Mr, and Mrs* Carnegie, the Hon. John and Mf*> Kldgley Carter and tlio entire diplomatic corps, Mr, Pier- moot Morgan was invited but could not be In town for the event, The ch ie f relatives o f the bSide* groom present were the Dowager L a d y Dud ley , hi* m other; Lord and Lady Dud ley the w ives o f his three Other brothers, Lad tesE velya , M ary and C icely W ard . The actua l w edd ing service was; short* On ly tw o hymns wore sung and ffiess fey the choir, one o f the finest In England, The bride looked tall and queenly and Mr. Ward, With his more than six feet o f ath­ letic physique, la accounted one of the handsomest men in town, Mrs* Potter X’aimer, of Chicago, takes some o f the credit forftoday’ s notable union, for it was. whila her guest at Biarritz, that Miss Raid met her husband, The presents were the finest ever seen in England outside of a royal snarriago,—'Theutroug roouiiatTlor— Chester House, the Reid Home, where tlio presents now are, has been guarded by three detectives night and day. Ho onewas allowed to see the presents until yesterday when Miss Reid herself exhibited them. The gift of the King was a brace­ let thickly studded with diamonds and .a huge Alexandrite cats eye of the most vivid sea green, the crown­ ing gam. The gift is considered un­ usual, as the gem- is thought by many to he an omen of III luck. The Prince and Princess of Wales gave two fine old silver dishes dot­ ting back to the XVI century. The presents of the bride’-s parents was a diamond collar tiarra. The Ward family gave a unique collection of Old English silver’ collected during the last three centuries. After the wedding a reception was held at Dorchester House, to Which all of fashionable London and many Americans who could not be accommodated at the chapel were invited.* Shortly after the service, Mr. and Mrs. Ward started on their honey moon, They will be away until tbe end o f September and on their return,will make tlieir home in Lord Dudley’s house in Carlton Gardens. This is one of the finest houses in Lbndon and the Wards will occupy it dur­ ing Lord Dudley's stay inAustralia SUN EGLIPSE. CHAUTAUQUA. Therda scheduleclfqrSabbath be­ tween the hours oi 8:30 and ll-.QO o’clock,' an almost total eclipse of thh sun. Should .the sky be clear at that time the eclipse,can be plainly* Seep* The almanac says of this eclipse? An annulareclipse o f theson June 23, visible to North America, the Southwestern part.'of Europe, .the northwest corner of Africa and the northern Atlantfdand Pacific ©oasts tbepointoi annulus passihg^hrough Mexico, Tampa, Pla,, and m t Sw- A WORD ABOUT safe deposit boxes . How inueb hatter to have- your deeds and, personal papers' where they are safe from lire and readily accessible. A mlspTacedpaperoften causes worlds of trouble. We have them for rent at less than otte-third of a cent pj#r day, THE EXCHANGE BANK, Cedarville, Ohio. FOR SALE/ Six diningroom chairs, 2 rocking chairs, 40 yards Welton Velvet car­ pet, 1 (Howard) bod spring, 1 mar­ ble top stand, 2wood top stands, l bed room suit, 1 eight-day clock, 1 l£-foofc extension table, 1 zinc trank, 1base burner stove with gas fixtures and Gfeet Rush iron pipe 1 lawn mower, 2 Screen doors, 1 Singer. Sewing Machine, 1 (Win­ chester repeating) shot gun, a lot of dishes, S.R. Howdy, At residence of R. C. Watt. AN ORDINANCE. To levy taxes for Municipal pur­ poses for year IOGO. Be It ordained by the Council of tbe Village Of Cedarville, Ohio. SkCinoW1, That there bo levied and collected for ibt- purpose Of the municipality during the fiscal year I5W9, ort eacli dollar of valuation of tho real and personal property within the village of Cedarville, Ohio, returned on a grand duplicate and subject to taxation, thirteen mills/ S ection 1. That tho levy above authorised for municipal purposes be and the same is hereby appro­ priated as follows; fo r General Fund mills* For Health Fund *£ mill. For Safety Fund mills, For Service Fund mills. » S ections . Tout the Clerk is hereby directed to certify the above' levies to the Auditor of Greene County* Ohio, Jtobe placed on the tax list and collected according to law.-. S ection 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after tho earliest period allowed by ■law.' ■■ •■. ■.■■■, .■ FassedJuwo 15, l 6 os. «T. H. Womonn, Mayor, Attest; J*G*McCoRKEim, Clerk* The Antioch Chautauqua held at the Neil grounds is meeting with great- success—from—tho -visitor’s standpoiutand it is only to ba hoped that Dr, S. D. Fees, will in return have a neat sum on the right side of the ledger for his efforts, From the opening day until the present time the attendance has fieen much larger than last year. The present success has caused the statement to be made that in five years the Antioch Chautauqua will be the largest event of the kind in the state. The experience that Dr/ Fess has had rm fhe lecture plat­ form and in ohautauqua work is an attribute to the success he is meet ing with, The grounds are ideal for camp­ ing and picnloing, Tbe lake is filled to the. highest possible point and boating and swimming is fine. There are a large number of camp­ ers on tbe grounds. Among those from this place are Mr. Carl Pauli and wife, Misses Agnes Stormont, Mary anAFlorenco Williamson and Edna Cooley. Cedarville people have been exceedingly liberal in at tending the different sessions of the Chautauqua. The following is the program for tbe remaining sessions, Saturday; 2;60 Kellerman; 2:15WalterHowe “ Reminiscences of Irving, Booth and Mansfield;” 4:00 Treble Clef Chorus; 4:30; Prof. Woodland; *7:15 Kellerman; 8:00 Concert-Treble Clef Concert Company; 9:00 Itossa- ni—The Juggler. Sabbath: 0:30 a, m.,„ Sunday school; 10:15 Sermon, 2:00 Keller­ man, Dr. W. J* Dawson; 2:15 Ser­ mon; 4:00 Sacred cottCert—Treble Clef Chorus; 7:45 Kelj/erm^n; 8:00 Sermon—Dr. W, J. Dawson." |This item wfcen jaeAwd wRk m ? Jr.der, derctrf that yepr inbscrip- ( ?s i eat dec and. a prompt .settle, im |searnestlydesired. DAY , JUNE 20, 1008. PR ICE $1,00 A Y E A R . announce as a can* subject election, announce ate joe County primary Your vote announce Kl^dl as fi. Bourts sub primary, announce Steahr as a ive before be field announce Sean as a liter sub primary to announce a candi- ' subject to be held WANTS THE POST. SOUTH .CHARLESTON, O .,- S. B.-Rankin of this place, presi­ dentof the Rank ot South Charles­ ton, ik ah applicant for the position of superintendent of banks ot Ohm, Mr. Rankin 1%» spent ais Ufa in $>* which ha now hr*president. For IF years he hits been secretary of the Ohio Bankers’ association and has the backing of that body. CO^NlCORN I I wlll sell yon corn so as to save you the middleman’s profit. 7-8d J. C, Barber, LEGAL NOTICE. Ellen Levailey whose residence Is unknown will take notice that Jacob C. Levailey, her husband, on the 17th day Ol June 1908, filed his petition against her In the Court of Common Pleas In Greene County, Ohio, praying for a divorce from her on the grounds of gross neglect of duty and for adultery with a James A* Finkbone which cause will be heard before the said Com­ mon Pleas Court on the 3rd day of August 1908 by which time she will be required to answer. Jacob C. Levailey. ByJ .N . Dean, att’y. 7 -31-d SHERIFFS SALE, STATE OF OHIO, Greene County, a. s. Pursuant to command of an order of sale issued in the Court of Com­ mon Pleas of said county*, and to tae delivered, I will offer for sale at public auction at the front door of tho court house, in the city of Xenia, m said county, on Saturday, July 18th, A. D. 1908, at2 O’ clock p, m. the -following de­ scribed lands and tanamefitMo.wlt: Situate in' tbe County « f <Srt*nc, State of Ohio* and in the Village. o f Cedarville, and bounded "and described as follows, viz: Being tho whole ot lot No, 71 in J ob # Orr’ft Third addition to the Town of Cedarville moreTully de­ scribed in the plat of said town, and being the same property con­ veyed to John Ross by John <)rr by deed dated August 11,1858, and re­ corded in Voi, 38 page- 020 of the deed records of said county, Bald premises Were appraised at Five Hundfed dollars ($500). Terms Of Bale: Cash, To bo sold fey order of said Court inCase No* 11433 wherein W. L. Miller Is plaintiff and Alexander Hall* Adm’r, is defendant, HOWARD APPLEGATE, Sheriff, Greene County, W. L, MILLER, Plaintiff’s Att’y. ftto0 Pains almost instantly—Dr, Rite* aatmito P«fe. No bad aitar-afftot*. ANNCMJ We are ante the name of W. didate for pr* to the Republican August 3rd* B. F. Thomas tliab Ins will be County Recorder subject to the to bo hold Aug. and influence soli We are autho: the name of L, % candidate for Clerk jeet to the llepn August 3d* Wears authorfo thenameof J)r. D. candidate for Repr the Republican pri Augusta, 1808, Wo are author!* thenameof Waite candidate for Conn jeet to, the Rftpub. be held on August We are authorjz the name of I. H. Dp date tor County.Tra the Republicaitprr Augusta, 1903. We. are authorize the namb o f H C. H date for re-oominat Clerk ^subject to tho maryto be heldAugu We are autflorf* the name of R, R, G date for County Tr tp, the Republican held Augusts, 1008/ We. are ’ authorize the name of I. T/’Cui didafe for County,co jeot to the RepubH beheld Augusta, i * ‘ 4 1 We ate authorize1 the name'of Ml A. Rrl candidate for Te-^ County. Recorder; *■ Republican primary ustB, 1908. . n We are authorize! the uaffmof Mowar candidate for Sheri Republican pri AUgdetS, 1908, We are authois name of J, to fee held Apguet 8,. We are anthoriaed to announce Dr. J, G. Carson as a oandidafo for/ Representative, subject to tb^com- ing-Rcpnbiioai) primary. We are authoriaed to announce J- F. Harshman as a candidate lor re-election to.^the oifica Of County Commissioner, subject to the Re­ publican Primary, August 3rd, A. G. Carpenter announces his candidacy for nomination to the office of County commissioner, sub- joct to the Republiban primary election,.August 3rd*. We are authorized to announce the name of J. E, Lewis as a can­ didate tor Representative ih the state Legislature, subject to the Republican Primary election Aug. 3rd, Wo are authorised to announce that John B. Stevenson of Miami township, will be a candidate for, County Commissioner, subject to the Republican primary, Aug. 3rd, We are authorised to announce that Charles F, Howard will be a candidate for Probate Judge, sub- jeot to the Republican primary, August 3rd. GRENECOUNTY E I . ,announce a oandi- ir County ffic&n prlr. 1900, announce 1 a cancli- |er subject icy. -to he annonnop 'as » Can- ionersub- imary to t , ' 1 |i' 7 >> s„ r'V;:-; lannounce ine as a ition for |fc- to •the leldAng- mnounce _jat».asa fetid the be^bcld .Before a large and appreciative midlcnce,j.Ji0jtey«A!beri-Rcad-^dg-- livered the class address to the 108 Pattersongraduates of the county, at the commencement exercises in the Xohla opera house, Saturday afternoon. Rev. Read’ s subject was, “ lathe World’ s Market.’ ’ He spoke of the demands -that the age is making on tho young people, and, of the opportunities that' are un-* folded to. them-in the High Schools of the State. He urged the neces­ sity of availing themselves of eyery- opportunity offered, m order that at, the end of their four years’ course they may be sufficiently advanced to cope wl|h the world. The qlass was the largest that has over graduated from the common schools of tho county- under the Patterson law. The honor pupil of each township delivered orations, and the program was: j|“ An Old Man’s Story,” Jessie Gibbons, SugnrorCek tp.; “ Bene­ dict Arnold,” Faith Straiey, Silver- Creek tp.; “A Boy’ s Life,” Law­ rence Qiemmer, Beavercreek tp. r “ Ride fef Jennie .McNeal,” Etta •Blftir, Gaesarcreeb tp*; music, or­ chestra; VHo.w Ruby Played,’,* Margaret VanEaton, Spring Valley ip,; “ The Barn-yard Song,” Vernon B, McCall,' NewJasper tp.; “ Crown­ ing Indignity,” Paul Turnbull, Cedarville tp.; music, orchestra; “ Selections froioJEL&bebkah,” Lou­ ise Bryson, Xenia tp.; “ The Switch­ man’s Story,” ‘Joseph M. Gales, SpringValley tp,; ------- - Merle Rife, Miami tp.; “ Kentucky Bell” , Olive Antioch Chautauqua June 19th to 28th, inclusive Forer, c Feast, M amm oth M elange o f M irth and M u sic. D eclam ation and D ram a, Serm on and Science Untler the /Leafy B ough s o f th e T a ll p a k s o f C la ssic N eff Park, w ith j . Its P u rlin g Stream , R iot o f Nature arid M u ltifari- ' *■ ous attractions. Rower, Ross tp.pmusio/ orchestra; “ John Mayna'rU,^ Minnle.Sheridai, Jefferson tp,; “ Power of Eircnm- stancee,” OpalBarims,.Bath tp_" Prof D, H. Barnes of.. Osborn, president of the County Board of School Examiners, presented tbe diplopias. The S. of V. Orchestra furnished music for the occasion!. SPRINGFIELD’S 4 «v All arrangement* big Season Tickets $2, Single Admission 25 c T E N D AY S O F U N A L L O Y E D D E L IG H T , > *» ' y ' * • , <•r i" ' - Instruction, from som e o f the master m inds o f the land. Fam ous m en and w om en to entertain. T h e e d - , . cationa l event par excellen t o f the y ea r. , The Steller Event of EacfTDay WiU Be: FR IDAY , JUNE 19th: Count Lochwitsky, tho.Russian exilo, whose stories of Russian 'op- ■ pression make’the blood boil. SATURDAY, JUNE 20 th: Two concerts by the incomparable Columbus Symphony .orchestra, ' SUNDAY, JUNE 21st; . “ ’ . Two big sethions by Bishop Hartzell, admittedly one of ,the biggest , t -menin the religious world. * ■„ MONDAY, JUNEY 2 d: ’ . . , , Children’s DayRamahasika, the world renowned bird andjdog train- ' nr, with bis galaxy of of animal actors. TUESDAY, ’JUNE 23d; ' 1 , •? Farmer’s -Day; Prof, Holden, tihe corn culture authority ot the world j WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24th; Jane Adams, of Hull House, Cliicago, the worlds’ greatest settle- Mrs. Louise Bratton and Miss TherzaMcMiUaa were among those who received invitations to tho Wedding OfMiss Jean Reid, ter of Embassador Reid, was held Tuesday. daugh- which E A M K . A delegation of Xenia ciHseWT' in automobiles arrlvMi in town Wed­ nesday evening. T5ifeMilitary Band was brought alohg and the .delega­ tion made thing* merry in the pub­ lic square. They* was a misunder­ standing as to order* in coming here and part went id Jamestown. In thatbranch was Mayor Brennan atul Prof. Edwin B, Cox of Xenia. Tlioy left here about eight o’clock for Jamestown. The Home-Coming and Fourth of July celebrations were boosted. Panamas $2.50 to $5 Sullivan, The Hatter, 21 So. Llui«*ione St SPR IN «fl& t.», O. ♦» brafclon from beingHfee ever* Th* Merchant*’ and manufaatdrer* have guaranteed tho' expense* for the occasion and the *Mardl Gra* Carnival association in not hkm*- pored by tlio lack o f funds’, Ca*b prize# will be offered organizations partiCipafelngin tho street pageant Which Btarts at 10. o’ olook in the morning. • Band contests will open the pro­ gram at the- fair' ground* shortly after the noon hour. This, feature will bo followed by theatrical and circus acts iu front of the amplthea- tre. Four races will be held under the auspices of the Springfield Mat­ inee club with liberal purse# to the Winners, There' will nlBo .be an automobile race, balloon ascension, prize drills and other attraction*. The slmm battle to be given at night by Yolo tribe, I. O. R.M. will prove a big feature. The vaudeville act* Will also be repeated with plenty bt music. The 'fire work* display will be tbe largest ever seen in Springfield. A Cincinnati firm was the lucky ’ tder for the con­ tract and experienced men will be sent to handle the display, which will include all the latest novelties. An afternoon and evening of pleasure is guaranteed and ev*ry- thmgwlll be free.’ Twonty cents will cover the cost of “ taking In” tho celebration, 10 cents at the gate and 10 cents to the grand stand. B E D B U G The very words are loath­ some.- ^Vhisper them and they crawl. Shout them Apd they disgust. They are the tramps o f speech. - D. S . . INSECT POWDER rids the beds and house o f bugs and insects. Better than any other kind o f a destroyer, ISAAC WISTERMAN. . G. A. R. Day; Gen. O. O. Howard,, the eloquent grizzled veteran, FRIDAY1, JUNE 26th : ^ Ohiyesha, the Indian orator On “ Thc'Last Stand o f the Sioux.” . SATURDAY, JUNE 27th: Triple Clef Concert Co. Ot J7.young ladies who have won 8 prizes' in 10 contests; Walter Howo, famous leading man, who was with Irving and Mansfield, in readings and reminiscences. SUNDAY, JUNE 28th: * ’ W. J. Dawson, the great Kondon, Eng., preacher. CEDARVILECOLEGE CEDARVILE;0, Fifteenth year opens Sept. lr>. Teachers should examine our Teachers’ course. Students for the ministry, law, medicine and pro­ fessional teaching should study our Classical and' Philosophical courses. Those who wish studies preparatory to agricultural, civil, electrical, andmechanical engineer­ ing can find them in Cedarville College. Our courses m Music and Oratory are exceptional. All who warn a thorongh education can gat it right at homo in Cedarville Col­ lege at a trifling expense. Young people, coma to college, Evetfy pur­ suit is calling for college graduates. Catalogue free. DAVID McKINNEY, President uIt Pays to Trade SPRINGFIELD.” In $100 Rewards $ 100 . Thernclera of thispfper will bo pleased tolearn that there Is at least one dreaded diseasethat science has beenable to curein all U s stages and that is Catarrh. Hall’s CatarrhCureis theonly positive curenov known to the medicalfraternity. Oaterth being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment, .Hall’s Catarrh Cureis takeninternally, actingdirectly up­ on the blood andmucoussurraecsof system therebydestroying tho foundation of the disease, andgiving thepatient strength by buildingupthe constitution and assisting natureindoing Stswork, Tho proprietors havesomuchfaith in its curative potters, that theyoffer oneHundredDollars forany casethat It tails to cure. Sendfor list o testimonials. ' Address, F. J. CHtfSBY vfeCo, ToledaO. Sold by Druggist, 75c. Hall’s Family Pillsarc tho best, NOTtOE■.“-Patties wishing their buggies painted should pub m their ordot at once as the patnfc shop has boon opened* Careful attention givon this Work at Wolford’s. Forheadache Hr. Mde»* Anti-Pain PJ1C, A moHsterSock sale! A mountain o f H osiery! A multitude o f com forts for many tired feet! / Nothing wduld bo too good to say about tho splendid iofe o f Onyx Hosiery we now have on sale for they are all beauties. Tho 25c and 35 c qualities fo r 19c. The 50c, 75c and $1 qualities fo r 39 c —THE WHEN— Arcade - - - Springfield, O. Members Merchants’ Association, Ask for a Rebate Book at ibis store. TRUNKS—$3 to $12, SULLIVAN, The Halter. St South Limestone Street, Springfield, Ohio , ... ■■■ .<**,«■ t <* . A / ■* ■ i " rnmmmmm HP*