The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 27-52

o to y r W ’ c f i O A i m i , ® , o h i o , W* Bowm ' Yovn P atronage slid pj'amteo caroTai and prompt; -- «tt$ n iton to- toittoees intFBJjtCij to US. NEW YORKDRAIT sad BANKMONEVJORDERS* 'Fiw chea-pcgt and most eon- ynfctenfc way to pend money by . tsiAI. Loins leader on Reabrfhiaier personal or Collateral Security, Banking Hour?; 8.A. M. to 8, P. M. S. 'W'. Shfrni, President, Q. L, S mith , Cashier, mss Bad Backache Sncli agonies as some women •after, every'month, from hack* achel - ; b It necessary? No,. It cart htt prevented, and relieved, when i caused by female trouble, by tak* [1 ing a medicine withspecific, cure*" five action, on the female organs and functions, which acts by ret ,Heving -the congestion, stopping _ the pain and building the organs and functions ftpto a proper state of health. Try,. WINE' ” OF WOMANS BELIEF "I suffered for 15 years,” writes' Mrs. MaliudaA. Akers, of Basham, Ya., '‘withvarious female troubles. I had such a backache that ft drewme over,so I couldnot stand straight. The doctors,could not' help me, so I took Cardui, and nowI feel like a newwoman.”' A t A h D r u g g i s t s WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE, stating ago arid describing Cyirip- toms, tq £(JtZfas’ A.dvlaor§.{Dept., ; The CBatthnoosrtt Medicine Co., Chattanooga,-Team E 38 riANHATTAN „ J | i ^ T A U R A N T B ill o f Pare, Coffee, Tea. Milk 50 Bread and Butter.... ...... 5e Pried Potatoes Be ' Baked Beans.... .......... -... .... .... . Be Pie, per quarter be Ham Sandwich... ................ j.„,... Be Battered Toast.......... ....... Re Cheese Sandwich......... ............... Be Cake "Be Steak, Chops, Ham or Bacon....15c ,;i Ham 6r Bacon with Eggs........... 20o Hot Boast Beet, Weiner or Egg Sandwich**.......................... Be Soup........ . *......... ........... ........ Be BTesb Oyster Stew.................. 20c Oysters, raw■Mt*»t*h*><i»*fif*.*«**'*«4l»•**«>*•« 15c Bread and Butter with Meat Orders M EALS « 2 fiC YOUKNOWIT *hdl vet you may have overlooked the fact that a poor time to sella property is when it needs paint- ingTmdly, How a coat or two of good paint will actually increase the value of yoUrhome from * to *600.00, That looks like - EASY MONEY i f you are goingto self, andagood investmentwhetheryou intend to SELLOR NOT Think It over, and whenretoy to paint, use wars tffli s® The Paint that has stood the test for years andgiven. COMPLETESATISFACTION FOR *ALC BY Herrli Hastings Brot. WANTB 01 W e want in nil parts o f the T*. 8 . to sell mtr famous I)r, W il­ liams Pills, Bend no yrntr stame And kridreiNiand w& w ill w ild you 12 boxes to sell nt SSa per host, when sold send us flic t?> and receiver ct'Jrill Act oft’ookih# vessels CDiiolatlhgt ot ft #, 4 and ft quart vesso t A limited kumtitrof these vorso I'Tnrogiven to ifitroduee ou r pitta. Orto-e quick. JOB, WIMdAMHMBBimm-l W H ROSEVILLE, OHIO, Convalescent* neeti alarg* amount ofiwumk* mtent In easily digested form* S c o f f s Emutsfon i* powerful nourish* ment—Bighlyconcentrated, Itmakes Bone, bloodandmusclewithout putting any tax on the digestion, ALL. D R U G G IS T S ! 5 Qo. AN D S l.O O . The CedarviileHerald. I Sr.oo P e r Y e a r - ICA -RB IT ** Kditor, PIUDAY, JUNE 20, 1008 Fonndqtiona of a State, in n state pecuniary sain is not to be considered prosperity, but ita proa* perity Will bo found in righteousness'. Confucius. Purity of Bread. ft cannot be too: often repeated that of all food that comes to table there is nothing so pure as bread,-^London Bakers’ Times. English Money Lenders. A n English clergyman, being pes­ tered w ith offers from usurers to advance him sums o f money, had the curiosity to answer* one b y asking on. what terms he would, loan him FSJ50, B y return o f post there ar­ rived a letter asking particulars o f his rent, life»insuranceand ofher in ­ timate matters. T o this he made no reply. Th en followed, a note asking him to cull in London on ft certain day, to which he sent .an answer that he did not intend to call and t h a O h c money lend e r.n eed not trouble himself-further in the mat toy. B u t the affair was not at uu end./ Two days later a. registered letter"'arrived, inclosing £250 in notes and a form to ho filled up, promising to pay £300 in three months. ■ The clergyman then put the money, the form and the corre­ spondence in ’ the hands o f his so­ licitor, who a fter three weeks’ de- Jay returned the notes to -the usurer and g o t a,guinea ou t of-them fo r his .costs.— London .Globe. Imperfectly Equipped. A story o£ one -McLelsh told by tile. Marchioness-of Breadalbftne in her.-h;opk, '^Tbe Higlr Tops of'Blaek Mount," does'not controvert Dr, Johnson’s..dietum,'. “Much may ,-be done with a ,Scotchman if bo )be caught young," but qualifies it. Me- Leisii was not young enough iyhen caught - " The Marchioness of Breadalhane; an’ ardent .sportswoman, was com n&nloaed in a d»®^taBcrng .expedL lion in one of tbk great j$mH‘ of tooriA baljlH . ^ . r argument in the Gaebo ohe'o the gillies when there was a deer in prospect At last,wearied out of all •patience, the marchioness .said: -1' 'Tray do talk English, McLeleb. t cannot understand a word von say in Gaelic." ' . 4Tt is a pity you had riot learnt such a useful thing before takitfg to the Mil," was McLeish’s dry re span36* _____ Weak Heart* in British Nearly COOjnca Jail out ranks of tbo British army eve- owing to weak hearts and i tecta hronf;Ut about by tbo system of physical trainln army, said_ Sir Frederick _ _ cehtiy- This system Is"now undot re-, view. ■- ■■>■ • . the year, »’ dp. gleal the 'eTratn.if«.rei fckktetUm* ru u « u n or *u«n to rnoalui {ohom; COMPOUNDINTEREST * ; The trouble With most adver­ tisers Is*that they expect Imme­ diate returns Of largo propor­ tions. Ono prominent advertiser illustrates the principle of adver­ tising in this way: “The Moher cxpenileU tar tAvtriftliis Is the (Uime as ti placed at tntcreot. - The proilt* teotn the adTertllUiiS Art VTrtBnlly the Interest oh the Investment, , "Thesumsspent for advertising 1ato properly chargeable to cap­ ital account because the result­ ing good, will is something that lias value, which, If tbo advcr*1 tlsliig has been properly done, can usually bo sold for the face value of tbo investment, ’•Tbo rate of interest is deter­ mined by the skill with wUloh the investment is made, “Just as the quickest way to Increase (moated wealth la by Compounding the interest, just so tlio quickest way to realize re­ sults from advertising is to com­ pound thereturns,’^-Advertising Experience:. AdvcfiiscfS get need returns • on Use amount invested in our toiumrs, Ws reach ths people. riilt Singular Infirmity. “ What is your name, littio hoy?” asked the teacher. <TU have to write it for you, ma’am," said the new hoy hesitat­ ingly. ' <el think not. My heating la quite good. Your*name, please," “ I’d rather hot tell you." “Are , you ashamed of youy dame?" “ Eo, ma’am, but”—- , . “ Then, we will not waste anymore time, If you please. I amwaiting" . The boy’s eyes rolled ■wildly in their "sockets and Ms face became contortioned ashe began; . . *■ “Kuk - kuk - kuk - kuk *Clarence 1 That's my Grist name. The other Is Pup-pup-pup-pup-pup-Perluns. I never stutter 'cept when I’m speak­ ing my name, and' when I ’m nag­ ged like this I’m a whole’ lot worse, ^PtnliTiTm, u ,.vf 1 . o. -Chicago Tribune,- ‘’BUND TOM.’ Word was received in Cincinnati U vhc Monday, that ’ ‘Blind .Tom,” for nearly a half century a famous plunluf, is dead. When first chs- eovured lio was a bouse -servant in Washington. A young Iafiy ot the household was a brilliant pianist^ .Tom 'was cleaning windows while she was executing a difficult selec­ tion. She was called away; from the piano, and later, while the, family was at dinner, they heard someone playing the piece that the young lady had been performing. They ruahedmto the parlor andsaw "the" pegro servant'"' at tire .piano.. After that'he became faffiqUs,'.exec­ uting any piece after once hearing it. 1 . "" 1 “ ;•* * ’ V : Three Weeks ago.he .suffered a stroke of paralysis. Ho .recovered slowly hut never,regained the ‘me of Ins right ’ hand; Last Saturday night ToiS went to his piano again and SCiwots.” ,%he host she heard was a l&int cry and a thump near the bath-room door# He had dropped dead fjom a second shock, ANORIMNANCE. M«»*» t m * . From Uu* Adam": "Th* -'-at to me to I ni m e” has k m a mankind. _ old French premh.?, a bit of mbtekitif m l " the bottomof tt," version of tlu aa "mem* of them gay- 0 » tempted with an la toe t« never coat is at Kugliih *<y“ 00 ? CwrSU’ife* »l Ih* £* it mejv*4 iJk» menu A*;*mUy of tht Jfutt* of 6w* t Prc-iiDK 1. A jtSfyo^aita *-h»*l b* sna- TOlUed to tk* #l«rton erf this 'I'.tfi Rt &o nr-Rt «(*fU«n tat awM r, tim efnera] rsMniWy. to mmiKul tb* «M*<ftutli'n of tlio ot OWu u u MvUiu i-i *« CS. bat’J*. or IT, fETi r<-*f*?tiveJy to i if. I* *S•. *:nl ccct'ona in »na«^S * tiHua *« so. eimtudrA a * W w i f & . h S»C. IB. , .... „__ _ . flistiRctlr tut t|tr*» <is«r*nt fullj »n<f ............................ .. . a»ys» vale**, In c*w ot ttrtafccy. ibrew-Tourths ot ths tn«mb«rji *looted to the aouso In wbleli it *h«U bo pimiling, skull............... wltJi tkh jrnl*; but In* r**«uu* rt * bill c* Ito final. possAKO sb»U In an l » 4 ** b* dUptm*£<i with. riO hill shall tontalu , jHsi , ,u*t„ *« 1 J:■noWcnt.* Which *h*il b« clonrly In Its tftto; and an law «U*ll b» rerived or tttnenfied, unlo** the now **t ctoptin »h« outlw net. r«vlV 8 d, or tbo »»ctioo or wctiono Rtnonded: »nd tbo section or Mutton* so omoRdcd aha]I fcs repealed. 1 Bar. as. Bveijr bin Mr*«d hr. the general aseomblf shell, befor* u c*n become o . low, be presented to jke *o-r«rnor tor hts approval. .If he approve t*. be cap fshslll sign it. It b* do pot crhrtvt it, be shall with-hi* oWcoUen* In writing, ■ to tbe house in which tt originated which may then reconsider |h» vet* «» Its passage. It t,vortillids ot the members elected, to that bouse then agree to wpas# tbe bin, It Shall be sent, with the nbiectioaa of tbe governor, to the other house which may also reconsider the vote on it* passage. 'If-two-tjilrds of the member* elected to that Housa then .sgfieeto repeaa it. It sbrll becomea, law,not- withstanding the obletuoos ot the governor,: It g bill ehall not fee returned by.the gov-' ........................... * *u ,.............. ..... Jaurnbient prevent ita- return! in v.bleh case, it shall become a Taw unless,,within ten daytf attor such adlotirnmwt, it hhall bp filed by Aim, with tils obMUons, in the nffleo. o{ tho Sererctary 1 Ot itats. The soverhor may .dls-- approve any item or hems in ally bill mak­ ing- an appropriation of njonoy,- nnd the- item or-'itmbs, so -disapproved,, shall be stricken therstroA hhloaa. repaased. Tn ibb- wanner: Tiereln prescribed, tor The rcpassuga ot a bill. ' Ssc, 2, This amendment; shall ■ .take: effect-on the first day-ut January, A.0. TDOD. . -0, A. T h O mi - som , • jBptfCket.of theHouse OtKeprotseMativei, AtSOSBtt L. ffAKUS, -:V - ' President o{ the Sonata* AdoptcdJdarCh.pOyieoe. riurrinn S tstk », or A' mksic A, O hio , Office of theSecretaryot Slat*. T, CAftKI A. THOMPSON, Secretary, of State ot' the.State of Ohio, do hereby certify -that th* foregoing Is an. exemplified copy, carefuly. compared by me with-the original .roll# now on-file in tuts, wffiev and An .my qulred by the-laws of the State of Ohio, of a Joint ftesoluUOn adopted by tbe General Assembly of the State of Ohio, on the*20th day of March, A, th 1908,. * ,. , Itt TsarjiioNV.WttWtSor, Thavehereunto subser.lbod my name, and affixed my-official seal, at Columbus; tblft Sard"day of-April, D. 1903. fSPAt-J OAJIMT a ; 'THOMPSON {•••m-li’rv at Statr. PROPOSED AMENDMENT* TO TTlE CONr* SVIVOTION Off 'OHIO/; 1 ' ;. JOINTSESOtoWON T**m«tad»ecil*« tw*»I Iwelv* Ml Iht Con- eUlalleari fihl*. Be Tf.molued in thg, genera‘h Assenibti; of the State o f Ohiot . , ■ Esmos 1. That a prijpestiuon uhall be Submittedto theelector*Of thestate, of-Ohio, on tb* first Tuesday attar the first Monday- in -November, 1908, to amendauction,two- of article twelve of th« cohstliuttcwof,the atate oi obio, ao that Ttshall read anfollowss ■Aimer,* XTT, , TagAWOh, , AiiemjHfctowriKhir#,• T r ie K i n d Y o u H a v e A iiv a y s B o u g r it, a n d vrtiirili lia s rie^ri i a as© f o r qv;pr 3 0 y ea r s f ha$; b o r n e t r ie s ig n a tu r e o f " a n d rias r ie e itm a d ij n n d c r ri!$ p e r­ s o n a l su p e rv is ion s in c e its in fancy* j A llow n o o n e t o d e c e iv e y o n i n th is , A ll C o u n t e r f e it , Im ita tion s a n d ♦♦Jfust-aa-good’ *a r e riut; E x p e r im e n ts th a t triJlo w itri n n d en tian g e r t h e h e a lth o f in iim t s a n d C h ild ren—E x p e r ie n c e a g a in s t E x p e r im e n t. W h a tisCA STO R iA C a s to r ia Is a h a rm le s s su b s titu te f o r C a s to r O il. P a r e ­ g o r ic , D r o p s a rid S o o th in g S y ru p s^ I t is P le a sa n t. I t - c on ta in s n e ith e r O p ium , M o r p h in e n o r o t h e r H a r c o tfa su b s tan c e , I t s uge-43 i t s g u a r a n t e e .. J t fiLestroyA 'W o rw #_.. a n d a llay s E e v e r ls h n e s s ,' I t c u r e s D ia r rh o ea a n d "W ind ColiOc I t r e lie v e s T e e t h in g t r o u b l e s , cu r e s C on stip a tion a n d F la tu len cy . I t a ssim ila te s th e F o o d , r e g u la te s t h e S tom a ch a n d B o w e ls , g iv in g h e a lth y a n d .n a t u r a l s le e p . T h o C h ild ren ’ s p a n n e e *—T h e M o th e r ’ s F r ie n d , GENUINE CASTOR!A always B e a r s t h e S i g n a t u r e o f TheKM You HaveAlwaysBought In Use For Over 3 0 Years. Vue centaurcompany , ttmuaba VBTntrr. Newvonnerrv. m J. H. flcMILLAH M anu fa ctu re r o f CEMENT GRAVE VAULTS Hollow Cement Building Blocks, Chimney Blocks, Veranda Col­ umns, Piers, Etc., Etc. T e leph on e 7 . , - CedarviUe, Oh io To prohibit apitUng upon side vvalksand upon the floors of public buildings, , '' Bo it ordained by the’ Council of the Village of Cedarviile,'Ohio: S ection J, That it is hereby da tormiiled hy said Council, that it shall he a nuisance and unlawful for any person to spit o r ‘ expector­ ate upon that portion of .any side walk or public walk within the village of Cedarviile, Ohio, which la paved with Stone, Cement, As plialfc, or Brlok orupon tho floor of any Public Building or in any ftailroad Station or Depot, except in such receptacles as are provided therefor, and no person shall spit ©r expectorate upon any portion of any such side walk* or in any pub­ lic building, or in any Railroad Station or Depot, except in such teceptacles as are provided there­ for, S ection 2, That any person vio- ating -the provision of this ordi­ nance shall be guilty of an offender and upon conviction for the first offence shall be fined thesum of ono dollar, ($ 1 . 00 ) and shall pay the cost of prosecution, and upon conviction of any subsequent offence Shall bo fined any sum not less than one dol­ lar ($1.00) nor exceeding ten dollars <$10.00), add shall pay th© cost of prosecution. S ection ^. Tills ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and%fter the earliest period allowed by law. Passed Juno is, 1908. J. H, W olv O& d , Mayor. Attest: J, GKMcOoiiTtEnn, Clerk. - -a.Ja-fiL a ’T T T T T T ^ T P ^ T f lTT ,r W f w w ™ “ ^ : extra money I ORABUSINESS Timber Lauds Are a flrst-clftSi | investment, Guo dollar ot tnor# » will buy an interest in profit- \ making timber lands. Agents to « soil on our plan make good ! money. Writ* for detail*. The Sterling Lumber Co., j 524 Citizens Bldg,, Cleveland, Ohio. « If you have.a large or smalt sum to Invest we can show you how timber lauds will give you i Z handsome dividends; 6 »w»r itt*bwAei|. ft- epU: .... of July cltJ-J;VlTIfiPl . cosiity or town.wp In tbtt ttiu *m)' bond* lm*tf 1 * brimtf ot tho public Achooi* ot -Ohio AOfi ih« mean* ot Instruction fit* StU -fitdid*, wmlet, n « i* im«4 j W *0(1th* , . . . . . _ la ebanwfloa Ufitwwuh, bai?inx ^rounds. f labile Kohooi houses, boa«w tuwfi exclusively or BUblic worship. 'Institutions ot purely* public charily, public property used exclu­ sively for say public purpose, and pomffiii! property to *n amount hot exceeding in value #200, for **ch Individual, may,, by general l&ws, b*, exSmbtcd from taxation r hut all such 'laws sh*li bs «tib|ect, to Alter- > atltin: or repeal; and the value of all prop­ erty, «p exempted, shall, from time to time, be, ascertained, and published «* may bo directed .by lair. . S ection 2. Alt taxeA and exemptions In fore* wbe* tht* amendment la adopted shall remain In fore*, in (ha same manner and to the iistA, extent, unless and until otherwise dlroct*d by statute. --. J: t)t CWAitaxniAiM,. . Bptaher Pro Tom. ot the itoute ot. .jEeprtittntaUve*. ■ J ames Jit. W ji . uam 8 , . ^ , PreiUtont of the senate. Adopted Karels 27, 190», - U kited S tate * dr A msoica , oino. Office of th* Saeratary^of State. 1 , h CAllMt A. THOMPSON, Secretary of State of th* State of Ohio, do hereby,-certify that th* foregoing T* an exemplified Copy, carefuly compared by m* with th* origin*! roll* now on file la this' office, end in my official custody se Secretary of Slate, as required by th* laws of the state of Ohio, of a Joint Resolution adapted-by tbo General: As- wrtbly of tbe RtaU of Ohio, on the 27th day of March, A. tt. i*os. I n T estimont WHtMtOT, X have hereunto subscribed my name, and Affixed my official seal, at ftoluubu*, this 23rd day ot April, A. D. 1008. . „ CARMI A, THOMPSON. [ssAf -1 gocretaty of State. PlttJPOSGD AMENfiMRNT TO tHd CON- aTlTC'flON Off OHIO, WlNtmillOTlfllr frep+tlnicat tiMarieeH <* tt* CMiClcIfsn ef tt« attleef Okie tritffte l* tt*tte*»1Ikecam- mtMttmratsttt*rvettlsrimlm «ftt*(***ral aewwkly, 21 * it resolved by the general descmblu of the Stole of Ohio: . . Exctioa 1. A properitlcn shall ba sub- milted .to, tit* electors *f this state at tho next flection for member* nr tbo rtfnerof assembly to amend section 25 of artl; to 11 of the constitution, fa as to read as follows: Bee, 25, The regular *e»siott or each f sherat assembly shall A*»»Hia> cn the rst Monday in Jansary next after It tt cbbeea. , ■ ; ’ . , C. A- tttoUVKOtti SpeakerOfthett****ofH*-)itcse;ilativet, A miww L. llAamu, . FyrtMenl of theSenate. Adopted March 20, 1*0*. . riwn'xu statu * » amwsku , onto, Office of th* Seerstanr -wktat*. „ I. CARMI A. THM p I o N Secretary ot State of the Staf* at (Ala, do hereby errtlfy that the iorefcebt* tt oat exemplified copy, carefuly compared by m* with the original rolls now m 111 * tn tkk ettoe, and in mj official custody aa »*yn»ttry ef state, a* re lulred by th* law* *f ttpr fa t* olnt Resolution in -my ..tate, 0 to* . of;Ohio, , of a *d ta|LtheGeneral Aa-. OfiteTon (fa« 20th day *etnbly of the Slat* of March, A. 1). 1*9*. IKTtepmnr have h< eubjrcrihed my «****, «»* affixed my *«8h *l; Goluiabd*, tMajttrfi day of A, D. 1988, , . , - CARJIf A. THOMPSON, refcAuj Brntiew of state. erennto official April, tor, Mile*’ AflUrFattt tolft* relievo pain. FM*!MipHA»r TRUSS MOLD* »v.'tft%Dtt8ttri38 of stoftt women, who ipittgitied tiiey .rml'sfc Iiftvci1their eorsets Diftfie to order now are wearing the fariious ’ ■ NE.MO Se lf-redu c ing ; Strap Also the Royal Wor- ° ’ cestey Ameri­ can ReantyJ SOctip to $3.94 Children's Dresses $1. to $2. Ladies' Dress 5Kirts~jBne se­ lection, best fitting, ' .Waists —A ll in Net—Persian Lawn and Percale Muslin Underwear —great Stock. Long SilK and Kid Gloves — all the rage; Jackets and Suits to fit the body and purse fiUTGfllSON & GIBNEY’S, XEKIA, * OHIO. a d ju s t ^ *»*♦» - - Stont Women TOWNSLEY BROS,. Cedarviile, Ohio. M anufacturers o f Cement B u ild ing Blocks^ Bu ild ­ ings raised andjfdundations constructed , See us fo r Cement w o rk jo f a ll kinds. Estim ates cheer­ fu lly given . ' ' -TAKE THIS CUT' ' s '* 5 “ We recommend, it; there Isn’ t nay hotter.,. In mid-BUimncT you have to IniAt 'i«ra largo degree toyoqr- 1 ;atfhvr, Weil Cared For Meats fii hot weather aro the only kiqd to buy; we have proper uppliances for keeping them right, and they’ re sweet arid safe when sold. Don’ t go meat shopping-when it’s hot. Buy of ns and he sure. c . H . CRO U SE , c e d a iw i l l d , o . ^ SourStomach **Iu**4Ca»c»r* * andfeel like a-rtewmen. I lnre beenaenfferortrom dyspeueio aufi aonr etomaeh forth* hurttiro year*. I liavo been takine inedl- eineaad otherdrnjfa, bu( could findno relief.only foraaborttime, r will recommend Caacaret* to myfriends at tlio only thing f r Indigestion and sestlon ourstomachandto keenth* howols In goodcon- Itlon. W*y^ ^ B ^ S y ^ lia u c h Chunk, Pa. toJto rind 'W| 2 t«fjn| 4 , * F 6 R DURABILrrY AND SERVICR 9 *7 W e have found * ■-> “J.-M,” ASBESTOS ROOFING equal to all demands. Whether it lie used on the most modest farm building or the largest manufacturing plant \ve have always found it true to its trust It is made to give service.' Every equate is thoroughly inspected before leaving the factory** The workmanship ia right, and the materials Used in its construction are as good as money can buy. As evideuee—w'e*can point to Asbestos Roofing applied in the early nineties in good condition to-day. Furthermore, it requires no coating or painting* **The first cost is the only c o s t " Our Booklet “ f t " Sent free on request, w ill give you valuable information. f i , H, W. Johns-Manville Co, * , — a e v fit a n d ( 0> Goarantoed to cure or yo.nrmoneyb»ck. .. ' SterlingRemedy Co., Chicagoor N.V. 599 ANNUALSALE, TEHMILLION BOXES Headache? 3U: it does, you, should t r y D r. M iles 7 A n ti-P a in > P ills. iWliy n o t ' do . so. T h ey w ill‘ re lieve the •pain in jlis t a ' few m in­ utes* A sk , you r druggist , There are 45,000 druggists in, the TT, S - A s k any o t • them. A package ;of 25 doses costs 25 cents* .One tablet- usually stops a h eada ch e ,: T hey relieve pain w ithout leaving any disagreeable after-effects —isn 't that w hat you Want? i "My son Prank: Snyftor Has jusaft iDr, Milos* Anti-Pain Pills Tor tt ten® time. J-Xa never ha,<i anything to help him so much -Tor headache. A. - ‘ year agro he efimo home, and I was., do xftt Sick with, such -a- dreadful nerV- ' • ou3 Xieadacho, He save me one of tno Antl-rialn Pills, and after while t took another and was entirely re­ lieved. I always keep them la the- house hdw, find gave many Away to Others suffering: with headache.’ ' AIKS. LOUISE ’LtoWELtoXN. * Powell, Sputh Dakota. Your druggist sell* pr. Mile*’ Anti* Palm Pill*, and we authorize’ Him 1 to ■. return the price ef first package (ohly) If It fallv to benefit you. • - . MilesMedical Co., Elkhart, |nd Bakers Restaurant. Now located in the B ook - waiter Hotel Building across the street from the old “Adams’* Btand. Restaurant in hotel lobby and dining room bn second floor, reached by elevator. Meals 25c and 35c* High Street, Springfield, 0 . it^SO lire nooicietandtomru, 1017 fifrih( umi I mr Aye.. COLUMBUS OHIO ofthose Free ~ toy strewffthenlna .tho nerves which ontfdt the action of the liv-cr and fanwrit tf. Miles’ Nerve and Liver Pills cur» onstipatios. ttf doses 2t cents. . A ® * , f t f t k g f c ja . tt*x ftrahenea, woCes ««.), S(>wl*i anicies of lAWnttnif.- a Magaita - ..... . ! e . S * X " 2 i S W S 5 t t ^ likAv&iUtfiwfirSa