The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 27-52

kYor Our Job Work will compare with that of any other firm,. . . "SedoA Xerald. i , - } f- Tina item when teamed with m i lades, denotes that your ebboerip | is past due and n prompt settle* { merit is earnestlydesired........ ..... l 1 1 THH ITY-EIRST YEAR NO, 3 2 . CEDAEVILLE, 0 B H § ITHDAY, JULY 31, 1908. P R ID E SLOO A Y E A R , W a l t e r L . D e a n fc -L J - i !S le CANDIDATE FOR AUDITOR, Wo present to Our renders today Uselikeness of 'Walter L. Bean, can- * ' dtdato for Auditor o f Green? county at tbe coming' Republican primary, v Mi Dean was born and reared'in ibis County, belonging to the family of Mr, and Mra. Levi Bean who have reared n family Of eight boys', and * the. father and eight, aims, have always supported and worked for the Republican ticket. Walt w is the first onO to ask for a County GiHoe. , He asks fbr the office of County Auditor because he feels perfectly qualified for the position, He finished bis education in a Commercial . College in Springfield, Ohio,1and when he was offered the position of Deputy Auditor;of this County be took an eight months course o f ' train­ ing in onbot the best conducted auditors offices in .the Slate o f Ohio, then ‘ •served our Couniy six years as its Deputy Auditor. Since’ that time he has been one of our active business men, conducting a livery business on East Main street-.. He now asks for the office of Auditor because he wants it. It is not a " case of being urged by his frietids to come out, but he urges his friends to kindly giyehtm their support on August 3d, W .C .T I In the- oratorical'and song-con­ tests conducted .by the Greene County W . 'CL T. U, in the opera house, Friday evening, Miss Virgin­ ia Abhor, pf Zimmerman, won the gold medal fbr oratory, and Miss Mabel Ledbetter,'- of Xema -was awarded the silver medal for sopg., Miss Afthnr ». SelscMrui waft "'‘^Pfre Grass Again.” Six young womeu took part in each o f the contests. The orators wet®i Misses Virginia Aohor, Mae Jacas, Edmf Flatter Fay Kendig, Helen and Elizabeth Finley. Those taking part in the * song contest were: Misses’ Mabel, Ledbetter, Ethel Rayburn. Bertha McCarty, Beatrice McKay, Ella Collins and Jennie Watt, and they Were accompanied on the piano-by Miss Middleton; Thb judges in the oratorical con­ test were; Prof. Marshall, Rev. Taylor and Rev. Milligan; in the song co test, Rev, PattOn, I)r. Marsh and George Siegler. WHAT $10.00 DID, ~ Mr. Brown keeps a hoarding house Mra. Brown, the village milliner. Around the table Bits his wile, M ts . Andrews, Dr. Black, Mr. Jordan, the carpenter, and Mr. Handley, the druggist. Mr. Brown took $10 out of his pocketbook and handed it to Mrs. Brown with the remark that there was MO toward the $20 he had promised her. Mrs. Brown handed the bill to Mra. Andrews, the milliner, saying, “ Thatpays for my new bonnet.” Mr. Andrews in turn gave itto Mr, Jordan, remarking fhatit would pay for the carpenter work he had done for her. Mr. Jordan handed it to Mr. Hundley, requesting Ms receipted bill for medicine used duribg the recent illness of his son, Mr, Hundley gave the hill back to Mr. Brown, saylhg, “ That pays $10 on board for my clerk.” Mr. Brown again passed it to Mrs. Brown saying lie bad now paid her the $20 he had promised her. She In turn paid I)r, Black to settle herdental account. Dr. Black handed it to Mr Brown who remarked that li Settled for Ins board. •Whereupon Mr. Brown put It back in his pocket, remarking that ho hadn’ t supposed n greenback would go so far. But suppose Mrs. Brown had sent to * mail order house for a new hannot, then the $10 would have gone out of town and never lipvo come hack. There is a moral to this story, SMWW VOtm M04H1V WIVU.YOtm htpSf» Mt3JMttlANT3» . Your dining Vootn floor can be touched?up and roflnlohcd With ConmbcU'Q Floor Finish, and tilt result will tio very sails!arioty. Oitotmp! 4>ORAWEORH oftrrIOS A full lino o f a ll *la* can* and m tmm fm tm ’m guarantee i ftdtlM&ffiion i f the Simple directions are followed, / EXCELLENT FEATURES, The Ohio Stare Fair will open in all its’ grandeur on Monday, AUg- UstSlst, next, to continue JlVe full days, and as’ a special tribute to Ohio’s womanhood'the gates Will he thrown open free to tlie ladies of the stats on the opening’date. The mica nof'the ExposiHOnre- quire-${1 partuiept at that, time, and In ad dition special features will fa* pro­ vided io entertain fb e ladies, Thera: will ednefetbf band - concerts, piano recitals, spirited .harness racing and a superb line of feature vaudeville performances. The Exposition proper will he more extensive in its compefefive exhibits, greater in its educational influences, grander in ifs park scenic effects, than any previous exhibi­ tion, while amusement features ga­ lore will be provided to.entertain. ■ While the indies will he particu­ larly interested in the displays' of their handiwork m- the Woman’ s Building, they will bo equally in­ terested hi tiie magnificent displays of pure bred stock, the gorgeous exhibits of horticultural and agri­ cultural products and the acres of faumtr'ng, clicking farm and shop raacT aery. Ohio's Exposition, with its mag­ nificent grounds and building equip­ ment, is truly representative oi the progressiveness of our state, and the annual exhibition, with. Us num­ erous displays of the arts and indus­ tries, Jis a grand .school of learning of the iilghcst rank. < Every indication points to a 'most successful exhibition, and no doubt the attendance will far exceed that of last year. DETERMINATION. Of the New Management of TTie Kinnane Broth­ ers’ Company* TIE PRIMARY. I 4 . ./ 1u ~ !■" * ~ ~ | • ' I ’ • ’ | At a recent meeting of the cential committee it was declared that each j candidate could have a representa­ tive afethe polls to see that there was a square deal for voter and candidate. As there are 97 candidates oil the ticket ft would be impossible to have this many inspectors in the voting room, without confusion to the judge and voters. Then if thorn was a tendency for trouble it might Be of a serious nature. Last Saturday the sub-committee having tiie rules m charge, passed the following resolution that will be explanatory; o - Rule 10 . It is ordered that each and every candidate before the pri­ mary election to lie held on August 3,,15)08, shall haye the right to de­ mand in writing of the chairman of the Rupublican Central Committee of the? county, tnafc he appoint in each, precinct of the county a repu­ table and disinterested Republican resident of the precinct and not in the employ of any candidate, whose duty it shall he to act as an inspec­ tor to represent the nartv aiufa to witness the casting of ballots, seeing fo it that- justice and fair dealing is accorded to each and every ca n ­ didate, and. each and every voter. Such demand must bo made not later than July130,1008, at 6 p, m. Each, and every candidate before said primary election shall have the right at time to enter any voting room In the county CLIFTON. I G t t f l GUILTY The ease of Char, druggist, earn* up M* Ridgwityy trial Thurs­ day morning, dmr| ft upon two ac­ counts, one for 1 raping a place where intoxicating* quote are sold The ladles ot the Presbyterian church gave amarket ahd ice creain social on the old .school house lawn last Friday afternoon and evening. Miss Grace Sparrow gave a party to a number of her ypung friends at her home* last Thursday evening. All present enjoyed a good time. Mrs. J. L. Deist and daughters,, and Fern Hall, attended the grocers picnic at Silver Lake park, near Bellefounfaine, * last .Wednesday OK and the other fo goods under a false Attorney Harry Xenia represented while Attorney (.’• appeared m behalf jug to the absence who had the case it Tfaeeouj'fc room the door with '*p were a number of for the members of Those present war* Harbison, Mrs. W Martha Ervin, Mrs Mrs. J. E . Hi TowiiBley, Mrs. El Mrs. II, H. MeW Alexander, Mrs. James Murryt T y U su Janet 'lVJbox and 1 The first witness Mcdorkell who re council as to the 1 tion. The witness was also asked to r being approved by J. Ai Reasonor,1 employ of the Plhfr Agency was the witness and wash that he had purvfa I,cine and soda Also that ho had f McLean with mo beer. That Jam been sent on two ii for whiskey which,i sittiug on a‘ pile avenue. C the livery stable wassent tothb dr Hd saw- ‘lilm Ciite On cross eXamlna that Reasbner x< day and his expen a machinist by, l, bisWork owing to more than six m in the pre&eht ik C'oinmbtOt in trouble receiving weT amo. Armstrong of he defendant bh of Dayton the state, ow» J- A, White, barge. crowded to tttors, Therp airs reserved e W, C. T. U. fra. Jeannette Tarbox, Mrs, IT. Barber, ga, Mrs. Ira TethGatbi'Cath n, Mrs. Julia R. Orr, Mrs. ary Murdock, s Alexander’, led was J, G. til? minutes of eal law clec- villago clerk as to thevotc nfcll.1 ,' ’ mhusv In the Isa DetocliYC l prosecuting Red, Slated cigars, mod- m‘ Ridgvray.' shed Carlton ty purchase anjliton bad ent occasions drank While in*, on East ed to be at George Hill a for liquor back door. 16 developed •'(j,50- per 'He has been at, gqve up t h ,, For has been *r was Of Springfield, Ohio, to Sharply Reduce all Stocks Now on Hand. The company has just completed its yearly inventory and finds stock generally too heavy throughout the house* In anticipation of tlm arrival of their no\V and complete Fall Mer­ chandise—their buyers must make room 'fo r the 'accommodation tof Same and to do this and do it in a hurry—prices on all goods are being reduced throughout the store. The buyers of the different stocks have been Instructed to convert the same into cash as rapidly ns possi­ ble. Tiie store was closed nil day this past’Wednesday ami the entire force was busily engaged getting this and that ready for quick buying This Determination iSal* starts Thursday, July SOtli. It Is needless to say that the public will readily respond to the attractive prices. YouTI be sorry If you don’ t ' attend. onk-b outing with the Dabl-Mifiikln Grocery -company’s excursion party. The Fresbyterian church will hold a picnic at Rie Bryan picnic grounds at the cliffs known as the “ Bright­ est ami Best,” next Thursday, July 80.. Every body is Invited to come and bring well-filled haskets. nIt Pays to Trade In SPRINGFIELD.” W^ 4 i l *W\PF"* Too many suits make a heavy load. To have the best possible selection for all comers, we began the seasonwith amore than sufficient number of suits. Now those remaining (and the season is only half over) are being offered ’ at challenge prices, which means splendid savings for purchas­ ers and the bringing down of our stock to a normal level. , Suits that sold to *812.45, for 87.48. Suits that sold to 87.50, for 84.98. Suits that sold to 80.00, for 83.98- ’Suits that sold to $14,85, for $9.98. , Suits that sold to 817.50. for $12 98, Suits that sold to $20.00, for 814.98. Suits that sold to $25.00, for 817.98. . Suits that sold to $30.00, for 820.00. Outing suits at one-half regular prices. —THU WHEN— Arcade * « * Springfield* O, Members’ Mofohants Association of different good* cap tinted. T°M of leaving a partly filled, barrel1of whiskey and one of gin. The offi­ cer was asked to sample the beer which he did. I t was. in his opin­ ion, intoxicating. Also sampled the bottledwhiskey anddeclared it genuine, With th* bottled wblskcy were a large number of cork screws. The Whiskey WO* put up by in Cin­ cinnati house. The beer bottles were branded “ Springfield Biwer-_ ies.” Thobarreiof filled whiskey bottles wore labeled “ Glass, O. M. Bidgivny, C’cdarvljle, Ohio.” The different barrels- and articles cap­ tured wore offered as evidence and marked as exhibits. A totter ad­ vertising the, whiskey, -was found in the barrel and offered as evi­ dence, Lee Bhroades, drayman, gave damaging testimony for tbe .defend­ ant, He told ot hauling six barrels from the depot in July. Unloaded them in the back room. Could-not tell how many barrel* he had hauled Rldgway the last six months- Told of his trips to Hpringfifcid and haul­ ing beer from the Wpringficld Brow- ories always getting homo between twelve and one o’ clock afe night* Also took what was supposed to bo empty beer bottles back. J .W . Radabaugn, station agent produced bis way-bills to show ANNOUNCEMENTS. Wo are authorized to announce the name of W, F, Trader as a can­ didate for Probata Judge subject toMhp„RppjJb!jcajLprmiary_cloction.„ August 3rd. B. F. Thomas wishes to announce that ,he will- be a candidate for County Recorder of Greene County subject to the Republican primary to be held Aug, 8d, 1008. Your vote .and influence solicited, Wo are authorized to announce tho name of L, 1\ Marshall as a candidate for Clerk of Courts sub­ ject to the * Republican primary, August 3d. We are authorized to announce the name of Dr, D„ E. Spalir as a candidate for Representative before the Republican primary to be held August 3, 1808. ‘ . We are authorized to announce the name of Walter li. Dean as a candidate for County Auditor sub­ ject to the Republican pfimary to be held ou August, 3rd. We are authorized to announce the name of I. S. Dines as candi­ date tor Qounty Treasurer subject to the Republican primary to be field Angusta, 1908. ’ Wo are authorized to announce the name of S. O, Hale, as a candi­ date for re-nomination for County Clerk subject to the Republican pri- maryto be liefflAugust 3,1908. We aro authorized to announce the name of It. It. Grieve as a candi­ date for County Treasurer subject to the -Republican primary to be held August 3r ISiO^. We aro authorized to announce the name o i l ; T. Cummins us a can­ didate for County.commissioner sub­ ject to the Republican primary to be held August 3,1008, _We are authorized to announce the name of M. A, Broadstone as a candidato for re-nomination for County. -Recorder subject 'to the Republican primary to be held Aug­ ust 3,1908. ------------ ' • We are authorized to announce th* name of Howard Applegate as a candidatedLorStreriff’subject-to -LhA Republican primary to be held Augusta, 1008, We ar* authorized to announce 1 m xm v i j , <3* . to be held Aughst 3,1908. We ara authorized to announce Dr, J, ii. Carson as a candidate for Representative, subject to the com­ ing Republican primary. Wo are authorized to announce J, F. Harshnian as a candidate for re-election to tho office of County Commissioner, subject to tho Re<; publican Primary, August 3rd, A. G. Carpenter announce* his candidacy for nomination to the office of County Commissioner, sub- oct to the Iiopubliban primary election, August 3rd. We aro authorized to announce the name of J, E. Lewis as a can­ didate ±on_ Representative in the state Legislature, subject to the Republican Primary election Aug. 3rd., We are authorized to announce that John B. Stevenson of Miami township, will be a candidate for CouiUy Commissioner, subject to the Republican primary, Aug, 3rd. We are authorized to announce that Cliarles F, Howard will bo a candidate for Probate Judgt, sub­ ject to the Republican primary, August 3rd. » | SCENES ON.OHIO STATE FAIR GROUNDS ! m~ v w --------------- — - ■ux\ ^ = 3 HQRT!CULTURAL BUILDING, IIKSWWV ’ - s i r f£m <o>^ m m w l '& - S s iR m i m.4 m ’jm mm D flk but mighty As a Liver Till—*, A. D. $ . Little Liver Pills stand pre-eminent. They never fail and are not . disagreeable to take. ' Thdfe are other liver pills, btlt this one we know will do its work perfectly and painlessly, and help the entire sys­ tem. ISAAC WISTERMAN. CEDARVILLE BIBLE SOCIETY. A t a recent mooting of tho Board of tho Cedarvillo Bible Society, can- vassors wer® appointed to canvass tho community in tho interests of U 10 Bible Society work. The Amer­ ican Bible Society in one of tho greatest agencies of the world in publishing atul distributing the Bible. It publishes the Bible in scores of languages and dialects; is tt great forerunner of nil missionary enterprises, and helps to reduce the price of Bibles, selling them at bare costso’ thati tho best book in tho world can ho bought with the least money. During the last year i,8tG,- Slt copies Wore issued. Thousands of copies wore given away to those who wero not ablo to hay. _ Hellibg at bare cost of publishing while thousands of copies are disposed of gratia makes it that tho Bible So­ ciety is not a self supporting agency It depends on contributions from year to year to carry on the work It i$ fortutiato just at tho present time in having a most liberal offer from one of its warm supporters Mrs, Russell Sage, of Now Yolk* who has Offered$500,000 for a special endowment on tho condition’ Hint; an equal amount ho raised during tho fiscal year to-ho added io it. A million dollar endowment would mean much in tho way of promoting and supporting tho Bible Bocioty work, What can S TUPENDOUS in. its building equipment, magnificent -in its. parlc sur- roundings'.and artistic in its architectural effects, aptly describes the 'grand Ohio -State Pair, which this year is to ho held ,in Columbus, Aug. 31, Sept. J, 2. 3, 4,. next. As Ohio excels her sister states in all things ■progressive, so does she stand pre-eminent in tho grandeur of her annual Slate Fair and Industrial Exposition, with its seventeen substantial .exhibition huilftlngs, filled to overflowing with the .choicest.displays of t h e ' ___ _ sldll of her breeders* ahcFTFe' productiveness o£ her soil. No exposition, state or national, can compare "with Ohio’s show, and the marvelous out­ pouring, of the people to view and-study the_exliibits presented is proof com- _ __ . elusive' of the pride of the Buckeye- citizens in tflis grand state educational institution, - * ■ . -■ i jhe oomlng exposition is claimratp'in every detail, sa<) bo People of Greene and adjoining counties attending the Xenia 5Fair> should not tail to ta&e advantage of L. & M. HYMAN’S ALTERATIONSALE NOW GOING ON Thousands of dollars worth of new and desirable merchandise, comprising the latest styles in la­ dies’ and gentlemen’s wearing ap= parel marked A t Sacrificing P rices No misrepresentation, honest bus­ iness methods and courteous treat­ ment. Goods purchased and not satisfactory, cheerfully exchanged or money refunded. 1 . & M . H Y M A N , 39 B , Main Street, Xenia, Ohio. TO THE WORKS. ho raised 4n this community at tho J present titoo will ho devoted to this \ , special endowment fund except s o : much as As needed for present local; j|Amoo an,t n ;e AVehstor, colored, work. As an auxilllary to the undertook lo paint Xenia a bright American Bible Bocioty may the rt.(j ^ (urdny ufloruoon. Boil, Cedarvillo Society ho able to show pa(j loaded up on booze and Won its loyal!y by a largo offering to Una srn.itil«n quite a disturbance whet special endowment. Every dollar t officer Howard Came along and or yon givo helps gain rinother for thotdom l (la>m {0 b0 ^uioJ, „ r j c,aV( cause i f Mrs. Sage’ s ooritiillou i s , lown. This offended ibem and boli met, May every 0110 In tins com-1 vongenoe on tlio oilleer, who iv inanity greet tho canvassers with n.1turn used hutclub wllh goiul dffett good offering In thin good work.j Bot|, wo« , knocked down and Wo ’ The annual meeting which will ho {^rofufiely, Officor AYHHams up tho seventieth onnivcrsary, will ; ■ju'ai'cfl on Um ?;cono and tho bojA held August£6, in the R. R. olmroli}wprti ift|;on t0 Monday morn­ ing Mayor Brennan gava them p lino of each, and sent them ft Two ffiiarges 'vtif Xenia Avo. Tho canvassers will please remonibor to have thoir re ...... ports a day or two before thin meot-^ j j*" Yvot-itn. ing. They may bo handod to \v*. J .\ Bandarson, Bros., or Thompson}1 Crawford, Bee, . i 1 :11 Vof hcaOaebo l)r, Milty Anti-Rain 1*31 1