The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 27-52

TO Tfeif Ilwg when tp s f itd with m i Index, denotes tb^t your lubwidp j Is past due and a prompt j*e*Rt,-3 meat is earnestly desired, PRICE $1,00 A YEAR. I/ITMBD* Exten*ion Regular from, 91t0 OM7MBTIS mWnatton dlatlpdtly* v«rywh«r* 73 .50 i . O. . Team mafle-and makes it 23 .50 Grip iX>syau every •25c. The Annual Convention of the CTreeno County I o n i a n ’s*Christian- Temperance Union, was hold on Tuesday in tho T rin ity M*E , church ----~-2C®«lia'.' r ™—o~- Tho program headed w ith the S ta te motto, MOh, woman, g rea t is thy fa ith ; bo i t unto ;tbee even as thou w ilt,” was a most interesting and inspiring one, and impressed aU who were presen t w ith thf growth and power of th is organize tlon, The annual address delivered by the County President, Mrs, Car­ rie L. F la tte r was highly instruc­ tive aud full of encouragement. The splendid reports ot the differ­ en t Superintendents showed 'th a t •moat of the unions have been- very much awake in tho various depart- men la of work. A t present there a re 23 Unions in the county w ith a membership of 1400loyal ‘'White Ribboners.” Greene County carried Off the banner a t the'-W, C. T, U . National Convention a t Nashville last ye,<r and-she is planning on repeating the a c t a t the coming National Conven ._ f tion a t "Denver in October. ’ The County President, Mrs. F la t­ ter and Mrs Dr. Finley, one of the original crusaders, were both elect­ ed delegates to the National Con­ vention, and Miss Mary E rv in was chosen alternate. The evening was devoted to a gold m edal oratorical and silver medal ' Vocal contest, all the Speakers and singers acquitting themselves ci;ed- " itab ly . , ' -Miss Elizabeth Gerlaugti of Karshman, hv as awarded the silver m edal m the vocal contest and Miss Edna F la tter, daughter of the Bounty President, was awarded the gold oratorical medal. surprise to their inany-friendc. - T h D e i d , wedding had bcen'pfil$iitju tiiid kepfej^-jj 'Djs sentiments ih a i a secret un til the happy couple ar- ■rivcd-home-^ ^'-ho-iwemoiiy^vraB performed by Rev.’Ramsey in th a t city. Mr, Paine was formerly located In this place' bu t of la te has been ip ARort; I t is expected th a t they wll board in Alton un til spring when they,w ill go to housekeeping. le tte r to J. COFFEY-POWERS. The marriage of Daniel Coffey, formerly of tiffs place, and Miss Marie Powers, was celebrated, m Sacred H e a rt church, Dayton, a t 7:30 o’clock Wednesday morning, the Rev, Ohas. :Hickey ofllciating. The bride’s maid was*her sister, Miss Nellie Powers, and the best man was John HayesT’jr., Xenia. The'b rideand her m aid Wore white gowns made m Princess style and lace trimmed. A fter the church service, b reak fast was se rved . the bridal pa rty a t the Algonquin hotel? Mr. and Mrs. Coffey were tender­ ed a*reception by tlie bridegroom’s parents a t their, home on West Second street, Xenia. Mr. Coffey, who is well known in Greene county, is city foreman of the Postal Telegraph Company in Dayton. ' MET IT CLIFTON. Desiring to correct the impression th a t I hrive abandoned my specialty fo r the general practice of medicine, I tak e th is means of informing" my friends and patrons t h a t I am still a t m y old location in the -Allen Bu ilding ,s»gagk l m the trea tm en t of the Eye, E a r, Nos* and T h rea t dkeases, • " The Dayton P resby tery met In the P resby te rian church a t Clifton, op Monday a t 2 p. m. The Presbytery consists of iorty-flve churches, which are represented by a m in is­ ter and an elder from each clmrch. Only abou t one-ljalf o f th e churches were represented a t the first m eet lag, a* there were-only twen ty m in- ’ ° —Get our prices oa invitation cards, latest styles on the market. We can , furnish them plain or printed. $100 Rewards $100. The readers of this pi»por will bo pleased toleamthat thereis at least, one dreaded disease that science has been' able to curp in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure id the only positive curenow known to tlie nicdiciol fraternity, •Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hail's Catarrh Corals takeninternally, acting directly up­ on the blood and mucoussurraccs of system, thereby destroying the foundation of tho disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution hud assisting nature in doing its work,- The proprietors liQY.osomuch faith in its curative powers, that they offer oneHundred Dollars lor any case that it fails to cure. Send for list o testimonials. Address. i\ J. CHFNEY &Co, Toleda 0, Sold by Druggist; 70c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. •iectod clerk, and Rev. Gibson of South Charleston, s ta ted clerk. The o rd inary btmuneBB of the Presbytery was .attended to du ring the first m eeting . P lqna was unanimously chosen as the place of nex t meeting A t the ayching service Rev, Mont­ gomery, of Piqua, preached an in­ teresting sermon, a fte r which the usuaL ._commnniDiL__Bervices_s,vcro- held. The church en tertained the mem­ ber's with a fine dinner in the K. of P , halL - • | ----------- _____ The church was beautifully deco­ rated and tho members m et the visitors .at the train and entertained them a t their homes, The meeting was held one week sooner than cus­ tomary, in order to take advantage of the beautiful moonlight nights. O rr,v mitfceo. The le tte r follows: lAmerlean Embassy, London, August U, 1008. My Dear Mr. Orr: I could no t help being touched by the gracious terms in which I was invited hack to my native place for your Home- Coming,celebration. Only the fac t th a t my leave ot absence for this y ea r was already exhausted before f heard of your plans and th a t pub­ lic duties require mo to stay a t ‘my post, prevented prompt acceptance! There can be no purer gratifica­ tion in life than to find th a t youf old friends, and neighbors have hot been led by your long absence and absorbing activities elsewhere to forget your b irth righ t among them. , Who of us who,anew Greene colipty in the th irties or forties in the la s t century will willingly for­ feit that?' The very mention of the dates calls up, a vision of a high- minded prim itive pioneer people true conquerors of .wild men and wild beasts, true builders of the Staton They came from every quar­ ter; they were Virginian or Ken­ tuckian of Cavalier lineage, Penn- sylva ins of Scotch-Irish or: Quaker lineage, New Englanders or Puritan, stock, South Carolinian Covenanters, who had determined a t whatever cost to bring up their families o u t of a land of bondage,1 But. from whatever quarter they came they were picked stock.-They’ were all brave and all in stin c t with the a le rt vivid life of a n ew coun­ try ; most of them were up righ t and industrious, practically all of them had some education aud were des­ perately resolved th a t th e ir child­ ren should have mure. Long before my b irthp lace i n th e corner of Xenik had been se t off to make up w ith other corners the now township of Cedarvilie, we Were proud of the f a c t th a t' there- wore more churches and schools than in any o ther place »f its size so fa r ou t in the wilderness northwest of the Ohio. Whoever “pon* asihsrum in the o th e r knew? too th a t the churches and schools were a like serious and thorough­ going institu tions, and th a t tfie boy who wanted to trdlo w ith life .h ad no business in c ithe r. They bred: intelligent, responsible, God-fearing young citizens, those old schools and churche8 in Greene county in the fru itfu l days between the first settlements Jam es R, g ti the South Sol seven yea rs ago, conducted its pi sold his neWBjj Messrs Ralph a n | ,•.!>** where "the wort someth him an« property to- reti* ore b.oth young ; is quite likely tl new life and newspaper. Thi property and turns over its shape. tho established Ivanco about ihaa personally ►tion since* has property to ry "Whittaker ms burden- sold tb s |»» new men »rous and i t will in jec t ic into the so In a good ring editor first class WEATHER REPORT. Rainfall, 1,81 inches; wind direc­ tio n , southwest; per cent sunshine, 70; fogs, 2; number o f rains, 4; thunder storms, 4; rain fall up to date, 1908, 20.74 inches; clear days SCHOOL: School opened w ith an attendr last year, y e t th« students thatli&Tj ^Tiio to tal th in ; as la st y e a r . , 111 the enrollment 5* The following,4 for the different P rim ary .... .......... No. 1 No, 2 ..... .......... Mo* 3 Np. J ..... - hfn, o ......... No. 0,,.,..... No. 7,-,...,........ morning to th a t of lumber of > started, the same jh school it*r* stollmanfc . M ^ ^om aggm ^ a . yeteroo.--01 ^6W v JFw 1* t7 " rind '6 ii& ’of ’Ceijor-'1 ville’s well known citizens died 'Thursday mlTrriirigbi '£h e a rt“failure a t live "o’elo'ek. He had no t been in the best of health for several years being a sufferer from h ea rt trouble. Fo r several years he has made his home' with his son-in-law and daughter, Prof, and Mr*. F. A. Jurkafc, and I t was there th a t he died. The deceased was 68 years of age and was horn in this place. He married Miss Georgians Charters of Xenia arid lived there until her death some years ago. . He is su r­ vived by th ree children, Mrs. Jurkafc, Roy C. of Tacoma, "Wash., and Morton M, of Colorado Springe, Col. Mrs. J . R. Orr and Mrs Elizaboth Galbreat h a re half sisters. *The funeral was p rivate and held from his late home th is afternoon. Burial took place m Woodland cem 6tery, Xenia. average cloudy, 2; p a rt cloudy, 7} .President J o h n HanGali-preBldiifg- in the absence of Mayor Wolford, Mr* Randall presided with /dignity and grace and made an efficient presidingofficer. Themonthly bills jwere allowed and the report* of; I different comm ittees received. The 03' temperature, eg, degrees; tm nperatur^7 lTarrg i~ 'oT Tempera^ ture. 37 degrees, August has been a very dry month, a lready 30 days w ithout rain. Samuel Cresweli, Observer, CEDARVILLE COLLEGE OPENS. A t the close qf ence of the M. ti D istrict, thor* mg session oyer i Governor H a r rl A „majority was" read but with i t the appr nor’* adxuinlst Henderson pre report, reeog fidelity of rig h te o u sn e s s form .... 30 ...... AO " : Z 23 THE STRAWBERRY RASPBERRY >„„,u..,32. ,...82 , S 3 , Tho Strawberry raspberry is not ,61 one, of Burbank’s productions; it is riot neiv; i t is no t a valuable fruit, and insteadspf being a cross between' the s traw l^ try arid tho raspberry it is a d istinct species. This species has been grown in Atneriea, in a lim ited way for a g reat many years, and ivas reintro duced from Japan , Where it is na­ tive, about twenty years ago. I t was quite jvidely disseminated a ionfer- few years la te r, but i t has never mmna- developed a n y commercial lmpor- | cxcit- tauce lent of The p lan ts are a ttrac tive in an m, ornamental way, as they make a ;report dense m ass of foliage, and flowers £rried are produced through along poriod. lover- Tbe;berries are large, red in color, vard and quite ap t to crumble, arid they lorifcy are dry, seedy and insipid th e The plant* are unusually uripro UJivff* ductlvo, th e ir fruit- hearing, h ab it r t „ resembirng the wild thimbie-^erfy £9 of the foothilhs, and a» a - oermner- oAai aorfe they have been no mnr# The fifteenth year of Cedatville college w ill begin, Tuesday morn­ ing, in the chapel, a t ten o’clock. The address will be delivered by Rev, F ra n k Herget, pasto r of tho N inth Street Baptist Qhurch, Cin­ cinnati, He is a popnlar preacher and an eloquent orator. The program will be interspersed with musical selections rendered by a local male quartette, arid by Mrs. Russell on the -piano, Profl ?patton on the violin, cordially invited to attend. and by AH' are NOT ICE . sidewalk controversy on South Mam street w ill bp settled by the corporation condemning th« neces­ sary ground. Pollock and Bull were appointed a committee to ex­ amine the records. . • . Mrs. H. A. McLean appeared be­ fore council and asked t h a t her husband’s fine of $10.00 be rem itted. Council h a d . no t power to i-emit a fine th a t had no t been paid. Adjournment was taken until next Thursday evening, HQRSE STOLEN. The Cpdarville Township Trustees will meeCM°riday afternoon a t 1 o’clock, instead of evening, and every two weeks thereafter. 1 By Order of Trustees. . F rank Jackson, Clerk. —I t is not a trouble to prepare A labastine for immediate use. Any one who can handle - a , white-wash brush can pu t it on. Bold by K err & H astings Bros. Mr. Gordon Collins had a horse Stolen from the b itch ing rack in Xema on "Wednesday evening. Be­ tween' nine arid ten o’clock th a t n igh t he learned th a t the animal had been caught west of James­ town. He drove to th a t p lace and recovered his property. I t is cer­ ta in th a t the horse^was stolen frorii the rack fo r when i t was found wandering on the pike the h itch ing striip was tied up. F o» B ale C h e a p : Three wagon beds' for hauling stock. _____ _D, S .E rv in Co. “I t Pays to Trade In SPRIXGFIELD/’ LECjAL NOTICE . Mary D. Luce whose residence Is unknown will take notice th a t John A. Luce her husband filed bis peti­ tion In the Court of common Pleas praying for a divorce against her on the grounds of willful absence for three years, and for gross neglect of duty which petition the said Mary D. Luce will be requriod to answer on said Court on or bofore the 5 daj* of October 1908. 42d. John A Luce C v NOTICE. I have purchased a well drilling outfit and will soon he ready to la k e contracts. Any one wishing a well drilled, give me a call. H a rry Strain, The history of our boys’ department has been a steady advance, always at the top of the class. Our boys’ suits had in style, in excellence of mate­ rial and are the product of highest class workmanship, and the same is true of* the furnishings, hats, etc., for boys. This fall as usual, we in­ vito parents of boys to come and enjoy an inspection of Trhatwo have to show. —THIS WHEN— Arcado * - *■ Springfield, 0 . Member^ Merchants. Association. CEDARVILLE COLEGE Fifteenth year opens Sept, 18. Teachers should ' examine our Teachers’ course. Students for the, m inistry, law* medicine and pro­ fessional teaching should study our Classical and Philosophical courses. Those who wish studies preparatory to agricu ltural, civil, electrical, and mechanical engineer­ ing can Arid them in Codarvlllo Uollege. Our courses in Music and Oratory fere exceptional. All who wabr a thorough education can got I t rig h t lit home in Oedarvllle Col­ lege a t a trilling expense, Yeung people, come to college. Every pur­ su it is calling for college graduates. Catalogue free. DAVID McKlNNEY, President Iri~~tliis* Southwestern Ohio ami tho Civil War. We have gained many things since—wealth ana houses and la n d s ; ive have more churches, more school houses and coliegesr—W ith them a ll I can wish you no b e tte r fortune than th a t your bulhiing should still be largely on the old foundation; th a t your education should bo as solid and your morality as well grounded as in the days of Arm­ strong and McMillan,- and of the scores of others whom the old resi­ dents will recall. And if I m igh t form, another wish for the dear old town and county it would bo th a t the other quality to which a fte r these *you owe your tnarvolous success, m ight still be vouchsafed >ou through the years to come—th a t absolute reverence for law tha t, absolute freedom of Individual in itiative which made your fathers tho most progressive, most alert, most daring, most buc * cessfnl of pioneers; tolerating no interference whatever with th e ir own freedom, plan and action, y e t stopping sho rt the moment their own liberty brought within u circle of another’s righ ts. Sucli was tho ideal commonwealth bu ilt up in those golden days; It iri still p rac ti­ cable on the plains of our noble State* • • I wish you the greatest happiness and thB g rea test success. Tills la s t you will a tta in if you can keep tho town and county still the home of our reverence and pride—reverence for tho sacred dust th a t guards and pride th a t the eons are s till be tte r­ ing the instructions their fathers gave, Behove me, „ Sincerely yours, Whiteiaw Reid* J . F. Orr, Esq., chairman execu­ tive Committee Home-Ooming As­ sociation, Xenia, Ohio, U. #* A. . to control fcTw of th* oiti- **n. His m®i*f arguttunt was that the adoption of th* majority report was not fair to th* Prohibition can- didatOfc, who la .* member of the M. E. church* Rev. A, W. Leonard of Springfield moved to strike out ail that pertained to instructing voter*, Ur. Pearson and Rev. 0. L, Conger mad* *peeeh*Bdn_ijehalf- 4 »fiAgricuIturaLUolleg&. I t ht u su a lly th* safest plan to te s t novelties in a sm all way » t fir*f Ip Colorado, in particu lar,’-except for local m arket, the trade demand* large, quan tities of well-known, staple . kinds. A ll these varieties will no doubt be displaced by better ones' bu t such things take place slowly,—W. Paddock, Colorado the report. The Conference dropped ou t the Hillsboro d istric t ond divided it in to the o th e r district*. Xenia was given Over to the Springfield dis­ trict. The following appointments in th is section w as announced: Goo. W . Dubois,-Presiding Eider, Springfield d istric t. Cedarvilie, W . E , P u tt. South Charleston, G. W. Vohrls* Bowcrsville, R. B. Coleman. Jamestown, W. M. Coffman. New Jasper, F„ Leaver. Osborn, J . E ok le s. Yellow Springs, W. M. Patton. Xenia, F irst, E , IT, Cherrington. Xenia Trinity, O. P . Hoffman, Fairfield and Bellbrook to be sup­ plied. Rev. A. Ham ilton goes to New MoOrfleld and Rev. H . D. Mnddox to Georgetown* Alabsfitiue, the san ita ry wall coating. Made in sixteen different Unis and white. Sold By Kerr & Hastings* SELMA P ennsylvania Jt*xr«ss«i Columbus Excursion N e s t S u n d a y Round trip |1 , Train leaves 8:23 a. in* Keep the Body Clean The countless pores of the skin are so many little ■ tubes for the refuse of the; system. I f they become clogged and deadened they become easy prey to ill health in some of its count­ less forms. Let us not be afraid of a wet sponge and five .min­ utes brisk exercise with a a crash towel every night! and morning. We have all the bath soaps. As a ; specialty use, Vitaskln Soap. John Gileson of Galveston, Texas, arrived hero F riday and is the guest of his parents. ■ John McDonnan and bride a r­ rived home Wednesday [and were given a reception a t the home of the grooms parents, Mr. and Mrs* W. A. McDorman, on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Melsy of Cin­ cinnati, were the guests of friends here la s t week. « Misst-'s Irm a DeHaven arid Lelia Brock of Cedarvilie, were the Sun­ day guests Mrs. John Negus I The young men of tho Sunday school gave a delightful social a t the hall Saturday evening. The following wero a t Columbus a t the fair, and held down impor­ ta n t positions there: D.L* Yarnell, Robert E ld*r, H en ry Braum, Frank Bazell, Edw ard Calvert, W alter Wilson, WaWett Carpenter, Mabel Wilson. -T o close ou t my line of Pittsburg Perfect fence I will B ell w ha t Xhave on h an d a t oost. C. M. Crouse. The ‘'New Pants” are in. The styles are swell; colorings embrace all the new shades of Browns and Grays. Fri- $2,50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 pair. W e Can F it and P lea se You- G ive U s a Call. ISAAC WISTERMAN. EGGS H ide to the W e a re r TO GIVE AWAY BEST DRESS AND WORK SHOES T H E EN D ICO T T When using He Wine’s Cel­ ebrated Laying Food. For sale by . * GROCERY AND FEED STORES I f your dealers do not han­ dle it, please ask them to get it and be convinced of its merits, Address to TheJohn DeWineCo. YELLOW SPRINGS, O. Solo Manufacturers, on thejnarket. No middleman’s profit on these. You get the benefit in reduced cost. We guarantee every pair sold to give reasonable Wear and will make good any that fail to do eo. Bird’s Mammoth Store. c ,.y .-atfMr > > *.> V ,* - » , *