The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 27-52

1 PRICE $1.00 A TEAR . Rev, J. Stills Taylorwas installed pastor of the Reformed Presbyter. ian congregation on Tuesday evening. Roy, \V. It. McC’hesucy, p . D,, presided over the seryicos, Rev, W. J. Sanderson. read the scripture and offered the opening prayer. The installation sermon ■was delivered by Rev. David MeKinney of Cincinnati who also delivered the charge to the pastor. Thenature and act of the service was explained HyRev, McCiiesnoy, who also made the installation prayer. Rev'. j , w, Dliiv ciarinda Iowa, ap. Uncle of Mrs, Taylor’s offered a very appreciative prayer after the charge to the people* • The newly chosen pastor die ta'ssed the congregation with the benediction alter which- members or the congregation and friends gave himthe right hand of follow shipand, welcome. TOTAL OF NAMES. >% Thecommitteeontfseouringnames Tuesdayfor the local optichi petitioh met with excellent' success, ' "Only one day was devofed fp the Avprk 1 and of coursehot allwe^e seen, yet therew,aaho intention of slighting ‘‘ any one; In the township therewas - a total of 328, the corporation hav- .■ ing 21 lfof thisiiumber to its credit. A dramatic production, about whichmuchhas been'written, owing to The enormous popularity achieved by it inAmerica, will be !presented at the Fairbanks Theatre, Springfield, Monday evening, Oot- tobof 6 th. ' “Tho „Lum and the Mouse” is tallied'about andwritten about because it has a theme very pertinent to tho times and a subject very Close .to tho heart of every American. It illustrates, the power exercised by the use of enormous wealth in connectionwith American politics. John Burkett Ryder, ft. nancial king of, American money, and whose very god is power and wealth, sees ftt to have impeacheda ludge 1 of the .SupremeCourt of the United States, because this Judge had rendered decisions, adverse to the questionablebusiness interests of Ryder and his coterie of friends. He uSes the Senate as .a plape to put through hit ‘business deals, Agalnet. this coljostsal -character Mr, Klein has pitted a-fine type of American, womanhood m flic Way ofShirley Rqssmors, thwdaughter of the Judge‘who,underan assumed name, ,enters Ryder’s house, and berg,-while writing bis biography, she lights the moneyking Indirect* ly and trips to save her father’s honor, • - ■' St - FOR SALE, Southern,Michigan land in the .fruitbelt, good land, good mark.ets and fine climate, Dow prices, and east terms. SeeLeslie, SouLb Fountain AVe;, Springfield, or Dr. J. 0 .'Stewart, Uedaiville, O. . 10 d —Invitation cards and envelopes, plain or printed at this office. 4 1 For heaUaehe nr. MdosLAiiy.pain Pffla' Tbp attraction a t-th e Fairbanks Theatre, Tuesday, October bth, will be .Raymond Hitchcock in f h a t merry musical absurdity, ' “The Merty-Go-Roupd’!which comes di- rem from. New York where i t has beenfheschsation' of tho summer, Like most* pieces of its ’kind, the “Merry-Go-Round” deftes'analysis. I t IS a kaleidoscopic mingling of pretty „girls, beautiful cpstumes, wonderful stage effects* aim brigh t catchy music, which ranges from rag-time song to sensuous rythm of the Viennese waltz, {bnwhole being Seasoned by. 'burlesque '■ situations and by specialties in .quiek succes­ sion., . Raympiifl Hitchcock ts.said to' be howlingly fithnydn the part ot unlucky Rube and he is ably sec­ onded in this murdering of melan­ choly by a ’ corps of clever mirth* creatingstars and one of, the b e s t choruses ever seen in a musical comedy. * „, . h *_'/ ” m Hon, M-R. Denver of Wilmington, candidate for re-oleptlon to Con­ gress from this the Sixth District, spent Tuesday in town calling on hismany friends and meetingvoters in the interest of his campaign, ■As for an introduction Mr. Den­ ver needg nothingof the kind,. His farming, banldngand manufacture; ingmterestsin this district keeps him In touch with tho common people. Hts family escutcheon is without a stain ana his methods of business and ability are admitted and commented upon eyelf by his political opponents, - During the term that Mr, Denver has served in Congress it cannot he denied but that the Sixth District has been more ably represented,, and the wants of the constituents pf tho auti-sak Mr. IJradfute hundred votes* m a district that; Republican, after isis first Wasnot aide to election day. Thore is an Arbenz matter tilted to temper andDemocrat#, question is not os though member must ho elected Mr, Arbom? in st quor people haf leaving- hie party] hovers- m tide senda patty not declare himself election? It really was ax temperance Rej when nt differen voted against ti interest of the knowthat voters{ beenwarned betfo __ . . . . . . . . . , u - , ,, things turn out more faithfully looked after, t b a n , ^ tlum Who has been done in former years, Ifeel th a t they h»<S Handicapped by political lines, Mr. and nprop^ , j, Denver secured more recognition by tickeffo r Bradft the^ different ‘committees aftd de­ partments than must of' those of the same political faith as the ad­ ministration. Ib is is proven by the pension claims tha t have been pnt through, Mr. Denver has his'pred­ ecessors distanced when it cornea to seenting . penslops for those who entered the service in the Sixties, Greeno county cannot ibose'slght of the faq ttba i through the personal' eftorfavof Mr, Denver, Xenia is to secu re^ a government building. Through political iutrigtta' the proposiBonwas ht one time almost smothered but in time Mr, Denver’ saved the day,fordid Greene., -Onnational issues Mr, Denverlina a clear 1 record. The ■ records ,In. Washington sliow th a t he voted m the interests of his people and not the trusts or favored interests. H is vote was many times recorded with the opposition when numbers "of Republicans refused to support their party measure, ’ - - With sueh a record. "Mr, Denver certainly deserves another term amt there is"every indication to show, th a t his vote will be greater,. not only ip Green* county, b a t evqgf The distri.efcis< Fayette, Clinton; The Forakcr rnoV start of his eami bets to fchCSenat will vote for hpni £orre-election to-s Senate.;' Thq opening ?1 campaign inJar affceruo&n drew zens from-this manse of ci* Taylor, candl were the speake| sent opt inbet A ,canvas of dozen attendant that they are whileanumbftti standHarris owl mice issue, Aill crowdwas asut way drugatofa was the only-ot proof of TUy standffor Ips i‘■ i J Wi -aguesupporters,* ~Woman’s HomoCompanion and within a few Successor any $1 MagazineM-65, *fe*Ung Arbouz severalthousand Iwas taken sick Woman’s" Homo Companion fl.OO or Medium's $ for fM5, Woman’s Homo Companion will campaign and foe raised to M.SP, November 3st, vc lag bod on jHotter renew a t once and save £5sn t lesson in tho| tshould be pie-j kce Republicans the local option! ‘of politics even! of 'legislature! bartizan tickets.] ug with the li­ no Jiosifancy Jn: twhy should be- se continue to that will not revipuk to fho Fresh car of Portland Cement. , .. D. H. Hrvin Go. “It pays to Trade In 5prin<jfiejd,’ HEAD THIS!: Most Im po rtan t Article in This* W eek’s Issue . ^ If every shoe buyer in this town and vicinity could rea l- ' %e the pains taken by Mr. Nisley; Springfield’s .Arcade Shoe merchant to select foot­ wear tha t is up-to-date .in style andleather and absolute­ ly' reliable in material and workmanship; they would ap­ preciate the .advantage of buying all their shoes a t, this store, - . ^ Y oil ,have a right to expect a full dollar’s worth for every' hundred 1 cents . you spend there. I t is their increasing, effort to give you more than’ this full measure.value^and in; buying for this they grasp; every opportunity tha t Will, result for their benefit. *• You,can prove this state - 1 meat by calling a t this store 1 the next time you are in 1 SprmglfekL Don’t forget the iug fo see the ulieaus gquinu times Ai’bepz Wi*facg! i?i‘ the sm people. To |f be.district bad i election apd M as predicted pposed, Arbeuz been “regulaV’ eratcliiUg the. medofGrgene .Boas eownties. aptis just the ito elect mem* id*House fhst so becomes up United states -1' ^ i So Republican, iWfdneudUy ia dUzun clti- D. D, Wood-* and Jesse on -congress; >former was If.and Harris ' Ihjoiiiy of the t herd Shows Eorakefites, could, not the temper- stir’s effbrta Jpi tb& Ithlg-p. - , Mot’s picture place.,, ®*jenoe. More , • - «t r This ftriffig a member of the Mer- ABsqaia ; p f : viv There is always the temp­ tation for unscrupulous man­ ufactures of woolens ahd clothing to substitute a cot­ ton "graft” for "all wool.” All goods sold by us as all wool must stand the acid of our tests, and wo would ad- wise care to purchasers else­ where for present trade con­ ditions are & test to honesty which only the tried and true can stand, —TH E WHEN— A r c a d e ------Springfield/O. McmbetM Merchant* Association. iW S i ' fr'iniewpting. G^drgo .|5van8- and Wbieb will appear a t tba Fair­ banks Thoatre, UpMdgffeld on Tbnrsday evening, October Mb Mr. Coban wrote most o f ,tfre songs and music and dm entire after piece of (hie production and, instead of having-It the Usual borlge podge found in mmstrel performances, he developed It intb a consistent per<- iormaiice, The result is-tha t It w one of the most entertaining pro­ ductions now.on the'road ranking: with Cohan’s other iun makers such as “Forty-Five Minutes from Broadway.*-’ It, is ttiellrsl minstrel organization tha t ever succeeded in attaining popularliy in Kew York City. This is as mUili- due to the entertainment itself as -turned Out byCohan, as it is to the star cast with which *He has , surrounded Evans. The performance is replete from start to-finish with pong hits, most Of which have already -spread over the-country and become famil­ iar to the publuv in general. ^ The fun is fast and furioOs and IS creat­ ed by ;such masters" as George Evans, GeorgoTlmtcher, John King Eddie Leonard, and Julian Eltmge, the female impersonator. This* is distinctly a performance which should not bo mfsscd*by anyone ap- preciatiifemf the opportunity to in­ dulge in refreshing laughter. . dilt i(fe tba? fflth-fjxtb state senatorial dWtrnst over the iiutoreemehtof F, M*Gi*v. anger of Clinton countyas a enndi date for this place The, senatorial committee intended to certify ,his name'Without a convention provid­ ing therdwas noopposition. Clev­ enger is an-avowed Foraker man and-D. O, Morrowt Foraker’s chief Heiitomint, in thodistrict' is leaving nothing'unturned to land him, FredO.ArbenzofClllllleothe wants another term. It has been the rule fqr oliotermfor ahhmber of years. The Scioto Gazette of Cbiliicothe will no^support aiiyothercandidate than Arbenz. Tho recordofArhenz In tho Senate was not satisfactory to.tlie Auti-SalOouLeagueand if lie is nominated he will be vigdrously opposed. Arbenz voted against each and everyealo&nmeasuresup­ ported by thoAntl-Saloott League; He waeralsooneof tho wet mem­ bers of the Senatej>ut on tho tem­ perance committee to stop further recommendations on legislation ad­ verse to thoSaloon interests. There Is every indication that,Arbenz will bea candidate ovenif lie runs on an independent ticket* The Herald fought Arbenz two yeafflagd and exposed his stand In the legislature while In the House. His opponent was'O. E. Rradfule of this place a known dry manandone ■TT;i 6e$r - ’W ,m » hoiiy- m naither BitRf being great gains.' T^a l heavier than tpo was the ab sen t^e f wrgngh nriai^Bg fee gam rwm ]pt 'kBfOUghoat, | Fi*ble to make! m * ;i# It Good untilGctoberSlst. i; T. X. Tarbox, Agent. '■ OPENING ___L... Pall and Winter Millinery i • ■■^ ■ ... ■ SMS Friday and Saturday O c to b e r 9 th a n d 10 th . Up*ta*Dafe Styfes q.nd Designs. I . * M iss M ary P e n m a n , T r im m er . . 1 - — 6 m vf >9/• Ono ,is known .by the company lie -keeps.'. Here is a~Hatyou wifi bo proud to be found ire company with* Onr styles are smart and up-to-date—a colppiete assortment of a ll the la test ■ . fashions of Fo il Headwear in stock, Prices— -' .f ‘. , $ 1 , $ 1 - 50 , $ 2 , $ 2.50 and $ 3 . •*! » i i * *’ * <■ tm M i ,v f H a t te r , i '*1 .\£‘ ts'M close p lay * 1 eating. ware some ors. There; ng. over e in ter Wittenberg irarttleman Rasmussen Juvenal Sawyer, (c) H. Fortz Dmfemyer. Hint Miller . M. Forte Ferguson The Liaa-Hp, C’edaiWille Hftrbieon Llntqn " . H ill Clemamf Fields Turnbull Fot;, C PAP Q. I R. E. L. Ejf R. H.*B.ViiJlamson,( 0 ) L. H* B. ?, McMillan R. T. Creswell SfcrubebUUSier L, T. G, Williamson Referee, C, Marshall; umpire, J.FT. Finney; time-keeper, IT b U c I c ; time of halvas, SQ and 15 minutes, Mr. George Hammond and sister^ Mrs, Bumgarnar sgpeot to leave tills morning for Bay City, Mich*, where they w*r« oallsd owing to the illnesa'uf Ui«ir mother, , . Tho Bi-Monthly meeting of the Greene County,Teachers’ Associa­ tion w ill be held on the th ird Satur­ day of October instead of the second! a s Usual, - I The *>. Doctor ” */ r-* ’ \ S a & s th a t people are foolish to pay' fancy prices .for widely ad­ vertised antiseptic solutions when niiseptic Solution can ho bought for much less, „ I t Is free, from irritating properties; can be used -in­ ternally Ox:.^externally, ad ­ ministered by spray, "Irriga­ tion, atomization or simple local application. I t Is high­ ly recommended b ^ th e med­ ical profession as a deodori­ zer and disinfectant. 9 k It Is an ideal mouth wafeh. ISAAC WISTERMAN. OctoberSecondandThird We cordially invite all * to see our la* test and most exclusive models. Trimmer, Miss Ida Merg of Lexington, Ky* JI. L. Craufurd, “IT P A Y S TO T R A D E IN S PR IN G F IE LD .” THE KINNANE BROS. CO. ' S PR IN G F IE LD , OHIO. t- r JV 1 • •:.» ■ -v *- ■ ‘ w . rr _ Begins Thursday, October i, 1908 And continues for two weeks, to October 15th. M o r e L o w P r i c e s W ill B e F o u n d A t T h t e S a l e T h a n E v e r O f f e r e d Y o u B e f o r e . Look for the Big Four-Page Folder! * Get, in Eqrly and You’ll Get In Right, Don’t Fail to Attend This Sale of Sales. W e ’re members of the Merchants Association which pays your round trip railroad or traction fare from points within a radius of 4 o miles of Springfield, upon purchases ol $15.00 or over. ,a». •\yasi