The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 27-52

t m Bsndtasss O m s m WorU Wtii c o m p ta * w ith ►bat o f a n y qtH#r firm . -••<3-. - »r* 1 a ' - | •* r^ •.-v ~ . - * r, * i,,. ,r>9(^ | *•*«f{ avj o £>r«3if3 k U 1 ctiy d tsYH .., * I l|"*■: | #■-!.*■ r £!cr.<df £ i.C» n 71Mi 8 **'*«■ Cll'vir.cnt /j crjtrj TH IRTY -SEVENTH YEAR . NO. 27. C E D A R V I I i L E , OHIO, F R I D A Y , J U L Y ii, K I 1 4 . r?3 PRICE, $1.00 A YEAR X TfllfLITBftGEDY. Xenia Wonura Shoots Her Little Son *tti Daughter and Then Commits Suicide. » Gasping forth a confession that she had killed her two small ehUr dreti who Jay beside her on a blood- soaked bed at her homo, Mrs. Catherine D«fl.nin, Xenia, d+ed af^y minutes later from a seti-inflicted revolver wound yesterday morning •Domestic trouble leading to ac­ cusations of marital Infidelity against her by her husband and, the fact that the children were about to be taken from her as an improper person to have their custody,.are alleged to bo ,responsible -for the tragedy, The children, who belonged to Mrs, Dentin by a former husband, , were pupils at the Ohio Soldiers'' and Sailors’ Orphans’ home. Mrs. Demin had intended to start, with the children, for a visit to Ander son, Ind, ■ Stories o f Mrs. Demin’s aliegeff misconduct, which reached Super lntenclent and Mrs. Elton of the home through the woman’s hus­ band, Captain James Demin, night watchman at the home, resulted in her being told by Mr. Elton that the two children, -who were with their mother temporarily op a va­ cation from the home* would have to be brought back. Mr. Elton' Went to the Derain 'home yesterday morning and told Mrs'D'eimn to have the children ready for lum to take when he re­ turned from an errand. He asserts thatMrs. Detain asked Turn, to come inside,’ but that he refused/ to do so.- Mr. Elton believes that Mrs. Demin had intended to shoot him. Vpon his return at abo u110o’ clock, Elton. accompanied by,-the home coachman, found, the house closed. Toe smell of powder led them fo -enter the darkened, house, where ’Wones-raised the window curtain and saw What bad taken place. The children, Frederick, aged 0, and Ruth aged 8, had apparently been instantly killed. Mrs. Demin had shown great devotion to them. Mrs. Demin, who was 29 years old* was formerly Mrs., Marry D, Dawrence of. Alliance, At the death M her husband, a Spanish- CliftonU. P. ChurchChimes, to Xema to be near them. She was married to Captain Lamia in 1M& POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS/ UVe are authorized to announce the name o f Frank A, Jackson as a candidate for Sheriff before the Re­ publican primary, August id We are authorized to announce B. F. Thomas as a candidate for County Recorder, subject to the Republican’Primary Election to be heltf August 1,1th, 191$. Wo ate authorized to, announce the name of Mr. George Perrill as a candidate for county commissioner before the Republican Primary, Augustll. —Frfisb bread, pies and cakes every day at the Cedarville Bakery Gh W. Miles, proprietor —■FonH unts —Finest office room in Cedarville, $1. G. H. H artman . MAYOR’S NOTICE. TO the owners of ,the lots and, an d s ln -the village of Cedarville. Ohlot In compliance with the re­ quirements of Section 1782—A of the revised statnes I hereby notify the owners 6f lots and lands in Cedarville to cut and destroy all Canada and common thistles “and other noxious weeds growing on any such lots and lands within the corporation, so that they may not mature seeds and spread to adjoin­ ing lets. On failure of any such owner to comply with the law in regard here­ to, the town council may employ persons to cut or destroy §eald noxious weedd and the .oxpehso thereof will be a Hors on said lots and lands and collected as taxes. J, II. W odyord , ' Mayor of Village o f Cedarville. NOTICE. TSofiee is hereby given by- the Board of Education of Cedarville Tovrnsblp Greene County Ohio, tb*fc».aid Board is going to ’suspend school in District Mo. 6 of said township* for one year, from Sept. 1st, J*M, the flnal hearing of Bald suspension will be had, at the cisrk's office Cedarville, Ohio, Fri­ day, July 81, l«14, at 1:80 p, m. By order of the Board of Edu­ cation. A ndrew J ackson , Clerk. C l o t h e s of all kinds D R Y at ^ , , - HOMi5 Clothing Co, Conscience is religion’s starting point. ‘ •O The first thing for every one to do is to do right. In speaking to people at church, the rule is, strangers first and friends afterwards. Kenneth Ritchie will lead tin Christian Union Sabbath evening.- Motto heed the alarm clock is like stifling conscience—a dangerom course to pursue. There can bo ho better slogai than ‘ 'Firt thing first,” and “ Next thing next,” Come to Christ and go for Christ. I t is disloyal to coma unless also willing to go, Old General Custom Is a very poor loader for any church to follow, ho never wins any battles nor. leatb any reforms. 7 M isbor Margfre trand Carrie Rift- report 1600 in attendance at Woos­ ter fcnmmer School, •Mr. William Britton, of Polsfm, Montana, is visiting bis sister, Mrs. Robert Finney. James Harris, JrMis assisting bis brotheryFred, on the Finney farm mind tile splendid Bible schools j held at various points over the- country', Muskingum Bible school- at Mew Concord will convene July UOta August?,'), | Presbytery meets in U:o Second 'church, Xenia, Monday, July fi, at| i p. m. Arrangements are to be} made- for the settlement of four pastors filling every vancacy in the Presbytery. PUTTHE “TALK” IN CHMJTSIE PIS “QfiEATESTSHOW ■ on earth :1 Brian Made Word Greene County TaxReturns Are First. M ISS R O S E C G P P M E f l K m f rM ' * flier tin Wsrii this summer. . The young men’ s choir held their rehearsallast week at the home ol Mr. arid Mrs. B. W.‘ Anderson, Fri­ day evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Highwood are tending for the summer on .their truck farm near £elma. ,lA representative o f the .Anti- Saloon Deague has been working this territory recently. ; MUIenial Dawn literature- sent out by G, F. Russell, of Brooklyn, whose teachings arespirxtual poison, have been circulated, here lately. Use it to hmdie the fire, Mr. C. F. Russell, whose repre­ sentative, George Mathews spoke in the "opera'hbrise" last Sabbath, teaches that Jesus; -in his Pre­ existent state, was .a mere creaturef that in the incarnation our Lord- had but one nature, that the- atone­ ment of Jesus .was* that-of a mere man; that- the body of Jesus was not raigi&d.frota the grave; that at the resurrection the. gospel will be them- a second chance^ that the finally impenitent will be anni­ hilated. Russell is fond of charg- those whose shoe latohet he is un­ worthy to loose with misunder­ standing and .misinterpreting-the scriptures. Perhaps there is nob in all this county another man teach­ ing as much, error and doingHs iri'uch harm ns this Russell; May God in Infinite mercy, preserve His people from this spiritual poison. Rev. and Mrs. AndrewTliompson, Mrs, Margaret Thompson and Mr, and Mrs Samuel Dorimer took six o’clock dinner at tlip, Paronage one day last week. Miss .Mae Corey, assistant-matron at the Xema Children’ s Home, made her parents and friends a pleasant visit last week. The Pastor spent a ft£ . days the first ofthe week among old friend* at New Concord, . Muskingum county, among others calling on Dr. W. S. Harper a former pastor. Mr. Fay Fluke and Miss Adah Tannebill are ' attending summer school at Antioch college, Yellow Springs, “ The’ best way to get a good place In the world is to deserve it.” An hour spent in worship m God’s house will glorify God, prove a blessing to you and encourage the pastor and people* Keep up the offerings for missions! We are Christians and our business is to push the affairs of the King­ dom until the Savior shall see of the traval of his soul and be satisfied, Mrs. Margaret, Thompson, of Mew Concord, Ohio, has .been visiting her Bon, Mr. William Thompson, recently. The devil never Worries abo tit the moralist, the man Who is good enough. Dike a cat with a mouse, he toys with him to his hearts con­ tent, and then ruins him. Why do robins sing? Why is a rose red? ’ Why is , a rainbow beautiful? When we can answer these questons we may be able to toll why God loves His weak and sinful children, Ah it is because It is His nature, to love, “ If you Can’ t be aisy” the Irish­ man is reputed to have said “ be as aisy as you can.” Advice well worth having these hot.and busy days. V Henry Wallace truly says, “ good schools good churches and good farming go to together.*’ I f the farmers.will get together all these tilings can be secuted. Sabbath Schoolteachers in plan-, plug tlieir vacation should keep in The Barnum & Bailey “ Greatest Show on .Earth” wist exhibit Julj 16, Dayton, O., for two performance* and street parade will be given. Ir recent seasons the big circus had spectacular features but this fic-asor the management has gone to untofe expense in investing the big circm with a wonderfully pabrilliam pageant of Oriental, splendor *c-u titled - “ The " Wizard Prince" #rpi Arabia,” This colossal innovation ib offored atthoopening of the show, thereby doing away with the old stereotyped “ grand entree” idea which has been worked to death by all tbe tented aggregations .through­ out the land. In this realistic reproduction of the glamorous, eventful days of tin land of-the “ Thousand and Out Mights,’ 1Barntim &•Bailey engage the services o f more than 2,GCt personswhieh cmbracesthe dancing activitiemof hundreds'of gaily 1 r - decked coryphees and a Krand ballet effect at the finale winch leaves a lasting impression. The spectacle opens. with an elaborately decorated setting oi Arabic land where there Is much confusion over the departure* of the .Prince and his five wizards wise perform modern day miracles in helping their noble master conquej Strange domains. Thft subsequent advaumros of the Prince and hi* wizardly rotihue which sets forth from thfrir-iratiye heath with horse*' gaily caparisoned and amid a great and gorgeous spectacle. In quick succession follows the invasion ot King Barber’s realm In. India "whert by magic aid of £h| .five wizards, the Prlnoe Is l<* wfr the heart and hand'^-m the King’*- daughter, There'* a magnificent Wedding* feju>tWhich iri with life, notion1and color. Tin; ballet finale was pronounced by tin press o f Mew York City to be the last word in circus pageantry, In addition to the grand opening there is the usual circus progmiti of mid-air sensation, during feats on trapeze bar, tight wire and horse­ back by :,1G0 avenlo performers. Im­ ported features galore, which In­ cludes the famous Icelandic troupe .01 athletes, two troupes' of Oriental plate and cup spinners and acrobats, the human fly head down­ ward on the crystal mirror, the midget equestrain, Bird Millnnan, the Tango queen of the tight wire, the wonderful Weise troupe of equilibrists, a wild westo exhibition, ot lassoing and broncho binding, the famous Schlavonl troupe of flying trapezists and a great array of strringhippodrome eventsafc the close. There are- numerous other big features and nil combined make Barnum & Bailey’s circus the biggest and best. The Barnum & Bailey circus carries everything imaginable from a baby lion to. a tangoing elephant m the wild animal line; acts of a death-defying- nature, novelties galore, six augmented hands, as­ tonishing wild animal performers, startling equestrian features, arenie feats of strength and mag«c, a freak congress and a million and one amusements that only a gigantic circus like Barnum & Bailey can offer for the price of oiie admission. The great Free Street Parade will leave the shew groiindsprompt- lya tOA . M., on the morning of show date. Excursion rates on all railroads. Don’ t fall to hav« the children See this "Greatest Show on Earth,” and the “ Children’ s Vision of Fairy­ land, TheWlzard Prince of Arabia.” And there are also clowns galore, SOof them to delight the* children. Don* t forget the date. SIDELIGHTS 01 CBHTBGYEflSl j That no mistake was made In the ’ appoin tment of-Henry J, Farrell as District Assessor o f this county is \ proven by the general satisfaction ton the work ot his office and the j assessors. 'Phis county is the first Ito make complete return tothe State i fax 'Commission,, quite a eompli- Atlanta Chaut.vjnia Manaqer ’ Give 1imijit to Mr. Farrell. Reason A»«ic;ne I’ by Gosretary c-j Ttm Ohio Htate Journal Urn other State Bryan Ft - dwmminy plat- day made the following comment: form Work Tint was Qverloal-.cj! “ As a result of the operation ofthe by Eastern drd \Y,trues tax Jaw, the personal prop* The fact ihnt |.i arc to have_^rtyfiopHcM o of Green* County has Chautauqua the caning cununeiv program to be f..v|t;,i;;ed by the UoH ; ni-ssor Henry J . Farrell to the state tUber-. Chautauqul Co., makes thcDax commission yesterday. - This criticism of Serr^my q £ State Wil j increase was made by individuals ham Jennings X’ hku because ho gave.and does hobinclude increases that been increased $l,26D,GB5, according i t k m v : to the report made by District As- o C il ’ rtc o v ’ fn in. Chautauqua leepi considerable -inter The news?.arms a rule, harsh ia S 'Great Commoner,'1 where Hip there was little last Guicmcr,_ o*. will ho rnado oil privatecorpomfeione. tea<rGr:5 “ Ono significant’ -feature o f the -S critici-jm%7 \iw iBeroase is u,ttt ono-half of it was on mi in the cl’’tiiUsandstockSftnd bonds Ja uudoi stood. ‘: ru except,in Dast year’s valuation of this kind ot property was $185,855. Tho.ncw the Hearst nowsp^'i-rs, Many people valuation is $ 7 8 9 , The number asked thomaoivts Avhstlior this criti- ]of person's to make returns tins year cism was.deserve# whether o>ir see-;is800greater than last year. Rea] rotary of state had a'J'h-'ht i<> ic,,''u:vl estate yaluuUons were increased while holding ofiials, ami whpiiier it ta undipnlflcd for a * * rotary of mate to lecture at a ChniuVniua. ‘ , The reaEOii Air Rryan, gave for Ice*: taring, as reportod/by Urnaowspapers, is net the only rCnrcti ho gave. Air. Russell Jirljgca :t > l .Vi’uHta, -a pronu* nent Chautauqua tiarattr. wan iu Air, Bryan's audience fft-' Pv.’-aiip- ho made his first stfttt'iaw#-.. ir'rom him we* learn tiiat Mr, Ihyign gave as his chief reason for leeturtafc' the tact that in this way .ho coriid sr’regfl his ideas on the problems of goYCrnaicnt and great moral questions. -The fact‘that he needed more n.csmy was'qxily touched on incidentally, bnji the eastern press seized Phis ond item—-ami emphasized It to the exclusion•Of' everything, clss, Lincoln Whff On Bryan. Dr, Lincoln Wirt, F, JL.G,.S., ttm noted- Arctic iectm-or, covered this point concisely in an article in the Consregatioriaiist,; which was later copied in tha Liteifcty Digest: ■ There- is no mwption about it, the iiiore than $190,061), . “ Another feature, of ihis year’s ap- praisommu with its large increase m ttyo duplicate, is the fact that the assessment coat $ 20,896 loss than it did to make (ho last appraisement of relit and personal property under ttm old system. The cost ut,dor the former system w,as $18,157, The cost mxierthenew was $S7(]t).’" j RIDGWAY SUCCESSFUL' Dr. Howard Co. to Make t Special Prices. C. M, induced After a grer-t deal of effort and ct>r- rc.,pandence C. Ai. Ridgway, the pop- ular druggist, lifts. jmc-C'Seded In getting the Dr. Howard Co. to make a special half-price introductory otter on the regular l’ifty-cent size of their cele­ brated remedy for* constipation and dyspepsia. Dr. Howard’s remedy has been- so remarkably- sucecgrstnl in curing con&tl- comittori pcrtpl^Sl? -Rryap, gladlytt rifttion, dyspepsia add all liver troubles The hardheadftCMmer will drive a Al,_Ridgway js willing .to re- - bur«. up $3 worth fttni tl,e P1’'1’0 Ikiid in overyta-aso where jnaChiftq fifty of g&fiOUna an ,at the jChau iMjzmtp. smilingly tha prfvi­ and sweet to the care; to the only man who could ’drag the old waft of- the sea’ from* the neck- of Democracy. Does it mean anything that from5,009 to 10,006 peoplewill pay for the- privi­ lege of hearing the ’ Great, Commoner’ whenever he is advertised to speak? ,'‘in all this criticism of Mr, Bryan and his lecturing. I sham with, hi? Middle-West friend* the .feeling that, if there has been a mistake, jt. is not In giving a little pt his time and- strength to tlie common people (which he may well do without serious neg­ lect of his duties of state). But the mistake, if mistake there ho, I q in not giving the larger reason for so doing; namely, a vital message which clamors for utterance, and a vast audience which clamors to hear it % would rise tip from the dead/ said Bober' Louis SteveilSou,. 'to preach/ Mr. Bryan is. the people's prophet and his Chautauqua message Is a ‘Thun saith the Lord* to them. "He has as much right to slip away at the week-end ami inspire 20,000 people with two or three lecture ser­ mons—-pay or no pay—-as the other members of the cabinet liave to g.> fishing, or the president has to sit on Ills veranda nfc Cornish." Painting and Rubber Tires. At Wolford’s. W anted ;—Girl to assist with general bouse woik In small family. This will make an excellent home for tho right kind of a girl and best of wages will bo paid. Apply or write Ifll W, Oxford Avenue, Day- ton, Ohio. -^Special orders for Cedarville proprietor. attention given ati social funeUions, Tho Bakery, O. W. Miles, DRAW ING P EN C ILS . . . Y al grades at W IS T ERM A N ’ S . WHEN IN DAYTON Do not fall to visit .the store of the tax Marcus -Company, at 03 South Main street. You will find the most complete stock of millinery, suits, skirts, waists and dresses to be found In the city, NOWIS THE TIME. Where you can gob a team of coaei? horses or a general purpose horse? Mow is tho (inio to give this your careful attention. BOiiiiY BURNS Jr„ will make the season of 1911 at J. E, Kyle’ s, Cedarville, O., or call phono l-lfii. LEGAL NOTICE. Common I’loas Court, Greene County, Ohio. Bernice E. Baker, 1’laijitUf, Vs. Harry E, Baker, Defendant. Harry E. Baker, Defendant in abovo entitled action, last known piaco of residence Neotshe, Kansas, will lake notice that on the 22nd day -of April, 1914, said plaintiff filed in the Common l’icas Court, of Greene County, Ohio, her petition for divorce against, him upon the grounds of gross neglect of duty and lhat the same will bp for hear­ ing at the flonrt House in Xenia on and after Juno WU, 191i, by which j date defendant must answer or demur to said petition of judgment may be lakeii against him. B r .iu m m E , BA in ifi, TEiNT fob '; ale . One of the, iim £.t v,ailed feutr. made .about twenty foot; quare, Never used, ihut once and in the best condition,-In-1 *quire at this office. 1 ;t doc's nut give relief; .-Headaches, costed tongue, dizziness, m« O b stomach, ' specks. ■before the uu.’ed by this .scientific medicine. So great is the demand for this rern- tdy .tbnt'C. &f. Rhlgway has been able to secure only a limited supply, arid everyone who h troubled with dys- pipsia/ constipation or fiver trotihle: should call *ripop him at oJice, or send %3 cents and ge-t sixty do&es of the best medicine over made, on this special half-price offer with his personal guar­ antee to refund the. money if it does mi cure, - - FOR THAT SPRING or Summer ftutt go to .the Max Marcus Co., 33 S. Mhfn street, Dayton, You will find vo more assortment at any store in fhe city nor will the prices be lower. TO WAfiM- CITIZENS Heroism Displayed by Rose Coppinger Typical of Bell Operators the „ Country Over. NewPostmaster Takes Charge. Tiio newly appointed postmaster, W. A, Turnbull, took charge of tho office Wednesday st which time Postmaster H. C. "Wright finished. •las offictal-dutms. Mr. Wright retires after a four years term that has been greatly appreciated by the patrons of tho office. Duriug lug term the receipts have advanced and, by careful, courteous and constant attention tho business of the office has grown ami tho public has been highly pleased with I j I b efforts in that capacity. Mr, Wright retires with a good record in Uncle Sam’s service. Mr. Turnbull for the past two weeks has been taking instructions as to ills duties and enters upon them with best wishes of patrons for success. -He will liave as bis assistant, Miss Bernice Wolford. Mr. Turnbull is tbe first Democratic!. .postmaster since .Mr, J , .A . Mc­ Millan’s term’ under President;" Cleveland over twenty years *gq.; LEGAL NOTICE. NO. 13640. Common Pleas Court, Greene County," Ohio. . Bertha E. Kooken, Plriintiff, ‘ vs. • Oscar F. Kooken, Defendant. Notice; Oscar F. Kopkeii, residence .un­ known, will take notice that on tha —•—day of April, 1914, said BerthaE- TCoolcen filed in said court her petition for divorce against' him upon tha grounds of gross neglect of duty arid, that .the same will he for hearing be­ fore said court, at the Court House in Xenia, Ohio, on thri 6th day of- July, 1914, at 9' o’clock, a. m., or as soon thereafter' as /the same can be heard -by which time defendant must answer or demur to-said .petition or judgment may be taken against Mm. ’ BERTHA E, KOOKBN; , 6wks The Dissemblers. Gtbbs^'Td really like to know tija secret of social success." 1Dibbs—“My, boy, there srp many secrets ot social raccess, but one of the most impor­ tant is to be able fo pretend you arfe having a good time when, you're riot” With buildings burning on every side, and the telephone exchange fified with smoke, SKss Rofio ‘ Coppinger, a ■pretty telephone operator of Webbers Falls, Oklahoma, -remained at her post sending out warnings to citizens and summoning assistance from the rural districts. .Miss Coppinger remained on duty until she fell fainting from her place at tiio switchboard and had to -be car­ ried from the ..building ju a wet blanket. She was the heroine of the fire which- wiped out the whole busi­ ness section ,pf Webbers Falls, Foi heroic service grateful citizens pre- • sealed her with a purse of §100, and. a movement Was. started to secure for hor a Carnegie medal- - Tho cairn of .Miss -Coppinger , ir lYpfc'ai of tbe bravery displayed by Bel} telephone operators in cstier Rencies. „ Any number of cases are on 'record where these young women re inalncd ou duty until tho femes drove them from their, posts or they had to- be carried from the exchange building unconscious. ■, 1- ta tlm Omaha tornado some month- ~ B&cbalj MerB|y an-lnfapt, ago, telephone operators wdre bioivr frhen ^ consider that cricket was frora lliMi* places at .the filftyo4 In tlfte reign- of Quean EUza.- by the f srec of fho terrific wind; but j)eth En^ that' tennis was, pop&ar they ta’aviffiy-xftAwnefi^wdr’ wm* m j erithkclue de.»iddisL cfsreau danger. Siwilur bravery was ,larwitp the'Greeks rind Romans. They shown duintti the floods wli(c& »WW actua)iy played it in much the i*me Dh*o and Indiana, Ous floods £orm a; soccer is played today.' ’ operators at exrtmngea in the stricken, ' districts remained on fluty from thir* i -------------------------- . ty-uta to forty-eight hours continuous­ ly in some cases, vending out warnings and I’uiief messages and giving .news i cf (he disaster to the outside world, For Storing Linen. Ii When storing linen wrap in an old towel or pillow blip which has been very much blued. This will prevent the linen from turning yellow. ’ INSURANCE. ; ■ -..•. . . .,V .-. •■-.-!.fiv i.. Mow is the time to look out for. your Insurance, both Fire and Tor­ nado. I represent The Natural Fire Insurance Company, The Mew Underwriters, The Queen of Ameri­ ca, The Pennsylvania, Fire Insur-. mice Company. Oomblnad assets $58,1300,000.00. . A k b u h w J a o k s o :.*. SAFE LOANS Ask any man that knows and he will tell you that safest of any kind of security. The only way to release which it secures* a first mortgage is the it is to pay the debt Every loan made by THE SPRINGFIELD BUILDING and LOAN AS­ SOCIATION is secured by a first mortgage on good real estate in CLARK COUNTY, OHIO. •’ Depositors R ece ive 5 y& jo : * Dividends RESOURCES OVER $3,000,000.00 Deposits made on or before July 10 , 1 9 1 4 , will bear interest from July 1st, 1 9 1 4 , THESPRINGFIELD BUILDING & LOAN ASS’N. 28 East Main Street, S P R IN G F IE LD , OH IO