The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 27-52

O r " N I H N i LOCAL AND My^ONM. OtSONAt I Leroy AUro ere visit-j Holiday* with relative* ] psrt of the state. The CMs*. Bask* Ball team will meet the feradt teen that played last ****** Wednesday, Such events sel- dwabappes. .o t The public schools clow Thursday :and open J anuary 4, JProf. Parker and family leffcSatur-: day for Delaware to spend the Hoi* j idays. STOW NOTICE TO ; cEDAEiixE fo lk s , i m m m m m m m m m m m Klee Helen Patton, who attends the University a t Delaware is home for the Holidays. M ow Robert Cooley and Ralph Hill «l Carnegie Technical School, Pittsburg, ceroe home Saturday tor the Holidays. Attention is called to a new series ot ads which starts tots issue for M r/ Walter Culticc. The idea is entirely J acw and you must watch each.week for ‘ interesting changes. Mrs. Fred Manning and children of Fiqua are guests of bey parents, Mr. Cbat. Hall and wife ,1 II AvGray and wife* of Pitts* SafMCted here Thursday tor a the formers mother,' Mrs. Mr, Joseph McAfee, who has been in poor health tor sometime, doesnot show much improvement, Sabbath night this section was visited by a rain and sleet that covered every­ thing like a blanket. Travel was almost Impossible Monday morning to man and beast alike,. No particular damage was done and trains ran on scheduled time. The greatest trouble wastheinconvience of getting about and the sight of people in the middle of the street doing strange feats In an effort to balance toemselyes reminded one of frequent scences in a comedy motion picture show. The "community shower" for Miss Florence Forbes, librarian, last Saturday evening brought out a good crowd to the library. There were many hand­ some and useful presents representing the esteem in which the Miss Forbes was held by the patrons.' More than one hundred families were represented. 'T h e Clifton schools .have been closed down owing ‘ to diphtheria, a daughter of Howell In trier having died of the ditu aue Monday night WEARING APPAREL FOR Stout Women Mrs-Caroline Wilson, whomake* her home- with Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Bpeucer, fell and broke a bone in her right wrist. Ju s t about a year ago Mrs. Wilson tell and broke her left arm. > The Community Christmas tree b*s been, placed on the spacious lawnin front of the U. R, church and appropriate exercises will be held Thursday evening a t 7:80. The tree will be decorated and lighted with electric lights. Make no subscriptions for a daily paper until you hear our combi­ nation' announcement which will appear nex t week. W e-have the best proposition ever offered in this section. Miss Blanche Turnhull who is a t ­ tending college In Oxford Is-home during vacation. ? Miss Tirzah McMillan is.hom e after a several weeks, visit with rel­ atives in the West. In the House Tuesday the resolu­ tion for a national prohibition amendment was defeated by a vote of 107 to 189. A two-thirds vote was necessary to carry. The. Monmouth, HI., Review, of Monday, says: “Rev, J. S. ■E. Mc- Michael, of Cedarville, O., brother ot .President McMichael, preached at the college auditorium last even­ ing a t the regular monthly services. The cold weather .affected the at­ tendance, although a very fair audi­ ence. heard the sermon, which was a fine one." , Settlement with Hutchison & Gib- ney for the fire loss <m theirFstock was completed, hy adjustors repre­ senting the Insurance companies this Afternoon. The loss on the stock .was made totally and the firm was afiow- e>d the' full amount of the insurance on the stock, $45,500. Appraisers have been appointed in order .that the ad­ justment of the loss on th e building* can be made. Springfield's New Slro% ' handle* otoly stoat size* in Coats, Saits, Dresses, Shirts, Shirtwaists, Un­ derwear, Kimomos,Hos­ iery, Aprons, etc. in sises from 39 to $7* THENEWIDEA STORE On toe second floor. Main &Limestone Sts. AboveAlhambra Theatre Springfield, Ohio, Mrs," J. J. Fluke and Miss 'Addah Tannebili entertained A number of Clifton and Cedarville friends on Sat­ urday Afternoon with a shower of dainty*things for Miss Grace Ritchie; ManyJjretty gift* were received.. Re­ freshments, consisting of ice cream and bakes. were served, after which a pleasant social afternoon was spent. Thera were about thirty guests pres­ ent a t tbs affair, The iPennsyirhnia railroad has tak­ en over the Dayton, Lebanon and Cincinnati railroad, a small Hue that has operated for many years between Dayton and 'Cincinnati, This will give the 'Pennay a hill-top route into Cin­ cinnati, a much-needed way during high water. Again it will mean much hi the freight traffic, as the D. L, C. has been a good paying proposition. Prof. X Raymond Fitzpatrick, of the University of Pennsylvania, is, home on his holiday vacation. Suggestions For Christmas. This season’s holiday line is the most com­ plete and varied we’ve aver displayed. Here you’ll he sure to fine something for every one on your Christmas lis t. A few suggestions are given to aid you in your Christmas shopping— Ch ina , C u t Glass, M irrors, Perfumes, Bibles, S ta tione ry , To ile t Sets, M an icure Sets, Safety Razors, F o u n ta in Pens, Icy-Ho t Bottles, Lowney Chocolates an d finest Xm as Boxes, Ladies H and Book, G en ts Pocket Book, Xmas Cards, White Ivory Brushes, Combs and M irrors, Xm as Box C igars 25c to $5.00, P ipe and Smokers Outfits. Ice Cream Evary Day In The Year Come in with your fr iend s-you ’ll enjoy your v isit. The mere cho ice g ifts are selling f a s t - make your se lec tion s today—reserve them until Christmas week. TREAT-U-WELL ■ DRUGGIST * ^ c . M . R i d g w a y ifWlil,il,f /' 4 ir r,JW*'^r | We wish to announce we are ex -1 j clueive Cedarville agents for the ( i simple mixture of buckthorn bark, I ■glycerine, etc,, known as Adler-l-ka.; This remedy, used successfully for j appendicitis,!* the most THOROUGH bowel cleanser we ever sold. I t is so powerful th a t ONE SPOONFUL re- * Hove* alinest ANY CASE of constt-1Mf pation, sear or gassy stomach. ]25 Adler-I-k* never gripes, i t safe ” mo and the INSTANT action surprising. U. M. Bidgway. (adv.) (7s* Ovr Free Delivery Serulce Articles Laid Aside ' Until fhristmas T - Criterion EFFECT OF SUPREME COURT DECISION. The decision of the Supreme court in the matter of the Conservancy Act la regarded os cne of the most impor­ tant court decisions that have been handed down InOhlo in s long time. Important points In the decision are as follows: That the Ohio Supreme Court In­ dicates It believes be.vested, with .authority to day whether or not' the General Assembly exceeds its power* in declaring laws, to be emer­ gency measures. That only in chancery or equity pro­ ceedings may appeals under the amended constitution from the Court of Common 'Pleas to the Court of-Ap­ peals to be taken. ‘Review of other cases, save equity cases, must be by proceedings in error. That the great conservancy act, passed in 1914, in it* essential pro­ visions Js constitutional and valid. Clifton high school defeated Cedar- vllle high ,school in a good game Wed­ nesday night by the score of 45 to 27, at toe Alford Gymnasium, Shaw, of Clifton, "was toe star of bis team, while Deck did the beet work for Cedarville. GRAND AND PETIT JURORS ARE DRAWN. Messrs. Fred Townsley and Paul Turnbull, two students at Monmouth, are home: for the holidays. Rev. J, S. E. McMichael, who has been in Monmouto, In the interest of the Xenia seminary, arrived home Friday evening. During his absence Mrs. McMichael and children visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Prugh, of near Dayton. Some hunters got on' S, D. Henkle's farm last Saturday and killed a fine heifer.—Waynesvllle Gazette. The foot and mouth disease has cost the farmers of this state many thou­ sand dollars. Some contend that the state officials have been too strict tn enforcing the law and placing quar­ antine on counties that..should have been allowed to ship out. ’ While most of the state has been thrown open to shippers, It is almost Impossible for breeders'to ship stock out of toe state. Mr, R. C. Watt states that he has $1,500 worth of hogs sold’that should nave gone several weeks ago, but other states will not allow Ohio stock to enter. The Houston poultry yards at South Charleston have, Several birds 4n the New York ahd Philadelphia poultry ' hows. If you are looking for one hundred dollar hens you should visit Uoustonia poultry yards, A Chicago publication says that Shlmif-Fry & Co., Chicago, hold the record for high-priced sales recently. Thirteen dollars ®hundred for cattle in the regular market ds the highest on record. Mr. Shinn is a South Char­ leston boy and la a brother of Mrs, T. C. Wolford. Ho to known to thousands of stock tedders and breeders. Mr. II, M. Murdock returned home Friday evening from Martinsville, Ind,, where he took treatment for rheuma­ tism. Mr, Murdock has been terribly afflicted with rheumatism for several months and returned home much im­ proved. , The following Invitations have been Issued: Dr, and Mrs, Charles M- Ritchie request the pleasure of your presence at the marriage oftheir daughter, Mary Grace, to ♦ Professor Leigh Alexander, on Wednesday evening, December the Sftth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, a t .seven o’clock, United Presbyterian Church, ■Clifton, Ohio. Reception at parsonage, •ifh t 0 ‘etock, , /*• Grand and petit jurors for the Jan­ uary term of court were drawn from the jury wheel Wednesday. The grand. jury will meet January 4; the petit jury January 12. The names drawn are: GRAND JURY. ’ - T. L, Moore, SHvercreek. *O. 'H. Simons, Xenia, 3rd ward. John Doster, SHvercreek. Graft Miller, Beavercreek: Marshall Brown, New Jasper. Harley Minshell, Xenia. George Moore, Xenia. Ralph Chambliss, Xenia. William Knox, Xenia. George Y. Winters, Cedarville. . Earl W. Babb, Bath. John. R. Cooper, Cedarville. 'Frank Kyne, Spring Valley. ( •James Kennedy? Xenia. ' PETIT JURY, Isaac Evans, JCouia. ' Isaiah Mason, Caesarcreek. Thirl White, Xenia. F. B. Tobias, Miami. Wm. H, Wiikerson, NeSr Jasper, George ShroadeB, Cedarville. M. F. Barrows* Xenia. F, C. DUlO, Bath. , C. C. Shaw, SHvercreek. Wm,- Carlisle, Miami. . ' W. S. Henderson, -Rosa, Allan Welter, Sugwcreek. H. E. Klern&n, Xenia. W« E. Burrows, Rath. John A. Cooper,: Xenia. / ■ Joslah Espey, Xenia. George M. Coy, Beavercreek, Arthur HOrnick, Xenia. John P. Fudge, Xenia township. - L, P. Hilliard, Xenia, 4th wand, ney for the fire loss o n .their stock Organization is “Keyed Up for The Holiday Service You E r X p e c t - 99 The whole Store is in Holdsy Attire end Xmas Spirit is a everywhere in evidence. It’s quite logical and sensible Jfco se lec t your Christmas g ifts h e ro -g o od ta ste and at­ tractiveness is reflected In every article—The “Thank You” w iirb e hearty for g i f |s such as these . Shop Now—By All Means K $ K I « g £ £ Doing so is aguaranteeof Shopping; jn Comfort— procrastination is a sure road to unpleasantness ^ Holiday Gifts For The Men Folks 1 £ £ Neckwear 2 5 c t o $ 5 Hight Robes.... . ............... 50 c t o $2 Pajamas ................. $1 t o $2 Gloves ......... ’. . 25 c t o $ 4 Jewelry .......... 25 c t o $4 Fu ll Dr«as $ 3 t o $ 5 Shirts 50 c t o $ 3 Silk Sh irts... O LO i . t o $6 Sus- psnders.^,.^. . 25 C t o $ 3 Bath Robes i . > 3 . 5 0 t o $8 Fur Gloves,....,.,..... $ 3 t o $8 House .Goats.,.,...,..... _________ $3 t o $ 9 Mufflers........... 50 c t o $6 Raincoats............ $5 t o $ 3 ©, Handkerchiefs, p , r b o , , . . 2 5 C t O SI Holeproof. H o se .............;.... , * i . 5 o t o $3 Farie,v Vests... -Manicure Sets... . . . * 2.50 t O *5 ........ . . . * 1 - 7 5 t o * 5 v■ Silk Hose..;.,...!..... 5 o c t o $ 1 . 5 o Gigar Oases...... $1 t o ^2 Laundry Bags,.... $ 1 . 5 o . t o $2 T runk s .............. • s - t o - Q s Collar Bags..;...... . 76 c t o $S Hand Bags ... . ‘Monogram Belts to order. $4 t o f i o . J 2.50 t o *25 TieRings ............. 1' ' ■ 5 o c t o $l . 5 o -\ - ' DR Flaying t o 3 ■ •■:■ ^ . ■ .■. -j- . •". • c Sw eaters.............. $i t o $Q Overcoats........... $ l o f c O $ 3 S Pullman Slippers $ 1 t o $l . 5 o Suits.;....— ........ $i o t o $3 o Mackinaws............ $5 t o $i o I 1 f If Still in Doubl***a Criterion Merchandise Order Any Article Purchased, Packed in an attractive Holiday Box The Time is Short—Only 2 Shopping Days Until Christinas £ £ The Criterion g £ 1 22S . Detroit St. N e x t to W o o lw o rth 5 and 10c Store p r e s e r v e THIS AD FOR FUTURE R gFERENCE OUR. N E X T a d THE FORE quahyhi DISSECTED H IN D -Q U A R T E R B E E F Seo tlon A. Used for porterhouse Section E. and alrloih roast* and ste&ks. Sections. Rump *teak* and Section F, corned beef * Aitch-bone, used for Station G> boiling and pot roasts. Buttock* used f <» t Sections H end I* tJMd bbfhsd round steaks and boll- h*sf And * 0 # ing. ptiiiiCWAt. Section C* Section D. Bound, u s e d t o r corned beef and stew­ ing’, Bhin, used for aoujis and croqu#tt*f. Flank, fin* to# boiling or drying* Headquarter* for Fore-querter end Hind-quart*# •••* WALTER CULTICE 6 0 , D I V I D E N D S / a THE UNION u b u il d in g a s s * n AteTtepariu# to after Januar#i» "WM«G, smurarv amb A t Fifth Floor, Coaovor anitein*, Third and Main Stmte, A ttom N:.. >-« PATTON, onto Galloway & Cherry II E. Main St*, Xenia, 0* Headquarters for Reliable Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Draperies,Etc. Xenia’s Exclusive Carpet and Drapery House l TRY OUR IOB PRINTING This month’s Butterick Patterns are 110 c and ISc^none > higher* PMn r * v