The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 27-52

i 51 i« 1 * rt!f | m Kl> UetufQsAreforced Ms-' Sig3i Bf It l# t-ioi-slte that no lecturer la the Ly«e«m and Chautauqua Utu en­ joyed a nior# raitd rl*e la. public favor and drjv.aud than has Roland vA, KlcloU, who will lecture her® dur­ ing Chautauqua week. During 1909* 1910 other interests claimed moat ojt hU attention, hut the Colt Lyceum Bureau placed him cm the Uat and booked him for live Lyceum lectures, Hie season following he got- twenty- five dirt#*, including return* to the fire tphra* where ho had lectured the preceding year. Then the bureau ch- taxed him for six trontha and hooked him for one hundred and fifty lec­ tures fin Cm state?.- The season of 1912-1913 his time was over-sold be­ fore the end of June, so the bureau had to arrange for another month, and even then many towns had to be refused. The season of 1913-1914 he lead th* list of lecturers in The Colt Bureau in dates engaged. There are. reasons for this popular­ ity. Physically, he stands over six feet, and Weighs two hundred pounds. ROLAND A NICHOLS. Lyceum and Chautauqua Lecturer. He i« erect, athletic and. graceful in his movements. He has a deep, well modulated voice, under, perfect Con­ trol, Hie enunciation is faultless, his personality magnetic. Then his lec­ ture* are\.great me'Ssigeq* of uplift delivered in a most entertaining man­ ner, not a dry moment from first, to .last. Nichols IS a great Impersonator, and an inimitable story teller. His ' sense bf humor is keen, his ability to convulse his Audience with gates of laughter and the next moment to lift them to sublime heights 1$ unexcelled. MISS LUCY J.'PRICE. mISS LUCY J. PRICE of Cleveland, A who will debate against Woman Suffrage during Chautauqua week, dis­ proves the statement so often heard —■"that only old women are opposed to woman suffrage;" We would guess that she Is not .more than twenty-four, since The Colt-Albar management declares tbo above picture is a very recent one— not over two months old. KEEPING YOUNG MEN FROM THE BIG CITIES. Just how the question, "How cun we keep the young men at home?" is a question receiving the attention not Only of parents, but of educators and business men everywhere. But we want to say to our readers that in our opinion nothing can be done that will have a greater tendency toward causing more young men to stay at home In the smaller towns and in rural ■communities, where they should bs, than to* give them. th* right kind Of broad business teaching, just such teaching as they have a right to Ex­ pect from this great fotum, the Chau­ tauqua; just such teaching as they hare a right to expect right there in your community. It Is fitting that every community that can do It should bring statesmen, reformers, educators, preachers, to that community, to arouse arid in* spiro and uplift its citirenship, but We believe that it is a mistake to neglect the snbjecb—community do- , vetopmont—one that every person in that community is interested in, either directly o r indirectly. Great ooxnmornlal in te rest today appreciate the value of training the people of the country along lines and in things In which they are directly and per­ sonally interested. Any business man is proud to he able to say, "We have a good chan- fcaaqa* in onr town," because the word Chautauqua is recognised fit a symbol of culture, high ideals and b¥**l' itch in g , *t%m *r# things for m mmmf n t*$w#4rt . * 0 ***tvfir* it-*-* * T h e Criterion m—MWMiMiiiHMiiriimrinnmin im n »imiimirw iia—mumnM > . nil ~ IIIIT ITT |T~ Tag Sale Criterion M en’s and B oy s’ H igh Grade Clothing and Furn ish ings a t 1-4, 1-3 to 1-2 B e low Our R egu lar L ow P r ice s and R ea l V a lu e s A WONDERFUL SALE:! Stepped off like a minute pacer! Going faster every day, as delighted customers tell their neighbors about It. Don’t wonder don’t hesitate~*or the opportunely is lost. Come NOW while picking Is NEST, to get just what you want. « l ftV Nothing here but our REGULAR STOCK of high grade R p m M t i W ?.U Sala B? rSa l 0 U f r8gf ,ar prl«a tlckctS’ *'** Kemember Criterion qua lity-such goods at Tag Sale Prices are ftememPer yellow tags marked with bargain sale prices, ’— ^ ------------- POSITIVE BARGAINS, ' *■ Men’s Sints Our Regular $8,75 to $12.00 Kinds—“Tagged” $7.50 y Men’s Suits Men’s Suits Men’s Suits Our Regular . Our Regular Our Regular $15, $16 and $20. $22, $23,50 $28,00 and $18 ones^~ $25« 26.50 ones $30 00 ones are “Tagged” “Tagged” are “Tagged” $11.50 $17.50 ' $19.50 - Boys’ Suits Our Regular $5,00 and $6-00 ones are “Tagged” . $3.98 Boys’ Suits Our. Regular $7.00 and $7,50 ones—rare “Tagged” • $5.48 Boys’ Suits Oun Regular $8.00, $8 50 and $9.00 one—all “Tagged” $6.24 .Going Away? (Tn the Tag Sale you can buy SUIT CASES AND TRAVELING BAGS a t 20 per cent , OFF our regular prices.. THE CRITERION T H E K INGSBURY CO. 22 South Detroit St. XEN-IA,. OH-IO Boys’ Suits Our regular $3,50 and $4.50 ones—“Tagged’* $2.98 Boys’ Suits Our Regular. $10.00 and $12.00 ones are “Tagged” '■$7.48 Straw Hats “ Tagged” Entire stock at about ONE- THIRD OFF regular prices; Every hi$jt is“Yellow Tagged” r a m Womanly, Woman io Defend Suffrage Cause In Debate Before, Local'Cbanfauqua Audience |VVVy,,VW W .W .V £VW W £W W V VW W V A V ^V A ,.%VWVA,A V A V /AW A V A V .Y .% % m % W V W UW A A V .V Y /A V A A V A * . T b e M ost S en sa tiona l A n n o u n c em e n t E v e r M ade In X en ia H is to ry , loo Pairs of L ad le* '0Oxfords Small Sixes Mostly 47(1 / 160 ■ . ■’ ■ Pairs of Lad les’ Oxfords $2.00 to $4,00 Values 97c i Pairs ot Ladies’ Oxfords $2.60 to $4.00 ValuCB $1.47 300 Pa irs of Ladies* Oxfords Pumps ahd Straps, Patents, Qun Metal, Velvet and Satins $1.97 MRS, ROBERT M. LAFOLLETTE I T will be a matter of delight to all the women of thla section to learn that Mrs, Bella G. LaFollette, the charming and able wife of the noted "Wisconsin Senator, Robert M< LaFollette, Is to appear on the local Chau tauqua p iatfjrn this sumn er. Mro. LaFollette has been her husband's partner ahd champion ;n the bitter political fights of twenty years. Class­ mates At the Ibtlveisity of Wisconsin, married soon after their graduation, with ldndre.1 alms and ambitions, their married life has been an Inspiring record of mutual helpfulness add achievement. Mi a. LaFollette has reared a family of foijr children, hut has still had time to study law. contribute notable articles to many publications' of national eltculatlon, lead the fight for woman’s suffrage in her homo state and assist the work in other sec­ tions of the Union, In addition to actively assisting her husband In much arduous labor. A womanly woman, capable, earnest, v-lth a charming per­ sonality, fihe will win the hearts of the women of this community. Slia appears in a notable debate on "Woman Suffrage," taking the affirmative of the question against Miss Lucy Price, Secretary o£ the Ohio Anti-Suf- frage Association. r» ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Puro The only Batting Powder made * ~ ~ ©fTartar HO AUJNL NO UM£ PHOSPHATE *Atijr-r*♦WVtLM.V-v*-, 300 Pa irs Ladies’ $8.00, $1.60 and $4.00 OXFORDS and PUMPS Good Styles lti Paten t, Gun Metal and Velvet $2.27 Remember Every S h o e S tore No. 10 South.Detroit Street Between Babb's Hardware Store and Sayre & Hemphill's Drug Store. Forced* to Move 3000 Pairs of Oxfords in Fifteen Days Moser the Shoe Man Has to Sell H is Big Stock of Oxfords by. August 10th. So J u s t You Listen and Yoiv’11 See the Biggest Sale of Oxfords You Ever Saw. The Happenings of the Unexpected My Factories Unexpectedly Shipped Most bf My F a ll Good*, (6000 Worth) on Ju ly 15th, Payab le August lOtli, Hence This Amount Must be Raised and I Must Sell This Amount of Go'ods AT ONCE. Fo r This Reason I am Compelled to Slaughter This High-Grade Stock of Men’s, Ladles* and Children’s Low Shoes a t Prices Lower Than tlKo^ctual Cost of the Raw Material, and This Most Genuine Slaughter Will S ta rt Friday, July 17th at 9:00 a. m. and wilUa§^ Fifteen Days. $6000 Worth of High-Grade Low* Shoes for Men, Women and Children to be Hold in 16 Days is a Mighty Big Undertaking, B u t the Unheard of P ricesw ill Do It. COME AND GET YOUR SHARE OF THE BIG BARGAINS Friday, July 17th 9:00 O’CLOCK A. M. Pair of Low Shoes and Slippers will be reduced 776 - Paijfs Men’s $3.C0 and $4.00 REGAL OXFORDS In P a ten t, tfan, Vici-Kid and Gun Metal I $1.47 100 Pairs Men's Oxfords Button or Lace, Tan or Gun Metal $2.60 to $8.60 Values $1.97 150 , Paris Men's Oxfords Button or Laco, Tan or Gun Meta) $3.00 to $4.00 Values $2.47 200 Pairs Men’s $4.00 Regal and Best Grade Oxfords In Gun Metal, Tan and P a ten t $2.97 ’ 200. Fairs Men’s $4.50 and $4.00 OXFORDS In Begal and J . P. Sm ith Make ' $3.37 during this Sale , 60 f 100 60 Pairs of Misses’ and Pa irs of Misses’ and Fairs of Ladies’and Men’s Children’s Slippers Children’s Slippers Toweling Bath Room Value up to $2,00 Value up to* $2.60 Slippers 67c 97c 9c LAD IES’ and CH ILDREN ’S W H IT S CANVAS BUTTON SHOES $8.60 G rad e .....................1..I286 $3.00 Grade.......................... *146 $2,60 Grade...........................*1,05 $2.00 Grade...........................*1.«5 $1.50 Grade.......................... $1.29 $1.26 G ra d e ............................ 96c 86c G rade ............................ 09c In fan ts’, Children’s, Misses’ and Big G irls’ “ Miiry Jan e” 2 Strap, 1 S trap Pumps, Button aud Lace Oxfords in Pa ten t, Gun Metal, T a n a n d Whi t e Canvas a t the Followiug Slaughter Prices, SIZES 2 to 6 49c, 69c, 79c ■ SIZES 6 to 8 -69c, 70c, 99c, $1.19 SISES 8 1-2’to 11 88c, 99c, $1.19, $1,99 SIZES 111-2 to 2 990, $1.19, $1.89, $1.49, $1,69 SIZES * 1-2 to 6 $1.89, $1.49, *1.93 BOYS’ OXFORDS $2.26 and $2,00Valuefi.. $l.47 61) Pairs of Carpet Slippers Men’s and Ladies*..... ,..„„19o NOW IS T H E T IM E SECURE YOUR SUmmer Footwear Which in many instances yen can buy throe or four pa ir for , irlc e of one and righ t here l e t m e '•*""»** “ ** "'»»** “Yonr Money Back or Exchanged’ fioE S on this sale just as it has al Your Neighbors KNOW. Ask thelii. 160 Boxes Whitt Ihiore’s 10c Oil-Paste Black Polish.. .4o ......... ......... 1-*..I--.... ■-■■fVr * . .*’ZOZ” The G reat Foot E a te r for H o t W eather......... ..........p?<$ j N£w“ Moser’s Shoe Store V .-.W .W A V V W V W V W JN W Y V W V 'A W Y W iW W .V A V A ^ XENIA, OHIO CHAI Territ Men! In 01 The] only fiuancl timentl Mr, Mope The | vaase thoroul entire [ district sell of th e < eight date, work tl<?l<ets| realy the cal Thef people] inittee] people! - 1c Is *u| oe coif muet “ The I advert* expect! parade! chaiitai pants .1 tin horl device/ has ntf Jamesll town Yellow| chine sens, 125 pel the ch| name only fo loept ir,teres| future. 1 The in tov trict T hese ! limited! , he neel The the sod and si! of Mr, I resides “Mr.l ..Miss i | tine, ing by] dge. la® I h e i r ' forme bride Mr. at PaTestl that p | the Charld a t pfo the Both host CAM! Thel state ernool me r ' made; ed a five h] Franl ed to I Prel chorul temi lightf! Th< by A] this 'fo r si paignl . . ( • M , *