The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 27-52

C A P F E L 'S Aejpt Furniture Sale Begins SatsiNtay, Aapet 1st, Ends Monday, August 31 s t IQ to 2 5 Per Gent Reduction on all ftugs, Carpets, linoleum, Draperies, Furniture of atl Kinds, Stoves, Ranges, Refriger- ators Etc., Etc, Everything Reduced Money, saved on every purchase except a few contract goods. Regular Rural Free Delivery THE CAPPEL FURNITURE CO. S 2 t* to 2 2 5 S . Wain St. - - Dayton, 0 Clifton U. P. Church Chimes. - Fiith m*tM remit*. j - Heaven alone may be had lo r the asking. —"You cannot get a bushel of ser­ vice out ol a peck of ability —Ia the world rh-her that yon have lived, and ■will heaven be richer -when >-oij die? —God’* comforting ia always very comfortable. —Jesus said, "I do always those things that' please Him.” —Carey Ritchie will lead the Chris­ tian Union Sabbath evening. —Some rain must fall in every life.' —It is not a drawing preacher so much as a holding church that ia need* ed in many cases. —Dr. and Mrs. Ritchie started last Tuesday lo r Illinois where they expect to spends their vacation among rela­ tive* and former parishioners; —No servioea will be held Sabbath morning, but the usual C. U„ service in the evening. —In the absence ol the pastor the congregation’will wdfshlp next Sab- hath morning with the neighboring congregations. -r-jBe. careful to take all the con­ tents of your box in the poatofBce. \ Cards and booklets as well as papers I are placed' In th e boxes. Don’t stay at home from. laziness; idle men tempt the devil. Xenia, Ohio A u g u s t 4 , 5 , 6 a n d 7 V — . '• Special Free Attractions Each Day Real Races Excellent Exhibits Cedarville’s Chautauqua August 24=28 IS NOW BEING DISTRIBUTED * t r - _ _ .., ,• Be Sure to Get a Copy and Read __ __________ EVERY PAGE ____ __ Five Daysof Great Entertainment SPECIAL FEATURES .V t . M u s ic D e b a t e L e c tu r e s H um o r O p e r a D r am a L i t e r a t u r e O r a to r y T h e G r e a t P r o g r am is th e s am e a s fu rn ish e d • t o all th e s ix ty - f iv e Co it- A lb e r G h a u ia u q u a s . SPECIAL FEATURES L a r g e T e n t s£% * C om fo r ta b le C h a i r s R e f re s hm e n t S t a n d s E f f ic ie n t M a n a g em e n t E x c e l le n t G ro u n d s M o r a l U p lif t C iv ic B e t t e rm e n t COST *• Season Tickets if bought before opening day. ADULT & *1.50 CHILDREN $1.00 filYA SEASON TICKET HOW. ITWILSAVEYOU DOLARS 1 GO TO CHURCH. Don’t stay away because yon don’t care: “don't care” may fill hell, lmt It gets nobody*out. Don’t stay away because the church Is Imperfect; should you find and join the perfect church, Its perfection would cease. Don't stay away beeauae you won’t ba missed in the crowd, God misses you. Don’t stay away boeause It isn’t your denomination; same excuse would keep you out or heaven. Don’t stay away for any reason; except one you' can conscientiously give your Maker. —A city missionary remarked of a wan, ‘516 isn’t mijch of a man i t you measure him some way*, but he’s worth a hundred dollars a year as kindling-wood in a prayer meeting." More such kindling-wood ia just what many prayer meetings need. —A Scotch preacher once found his congregation, going to sleep before he had fairly begun. On seeing this, he stopped and'exclaimed: "Brethren, it’s no fair. Wait till I get a start and then, if I'm not worth listening to, gang to sleep, but dlnna nod your heads before I get commenced- Give a body a chance." —Our Egyptian missionary, - Mrs. Harvey, tells about a rich American lady who spent a winter at Shepherd's ’Hotel in Cairo, where, she had to pay six or eight dollars' a day. and who vis- :lted her several times, expressing a great interest in missions. When the lady was leaving the mission for the last time she said to the missionary, “I do want to do something tor the great cause,” and pressed a Oliver quarter, into ‘Mrs.. Harvey’s hand. Which reminds one of a remark that Sum. Jones once made: “About the... only Barter song that a good many- women can sing to: -Must Jesus hear the cross alone . And all- the world go free? No, there’s a c T osb for. everyone But an Easter bonnet for me.’." -^Charles Dwyer !ln the Woman’s World says of all the good people on earth the country clergyman and his little flock are among those who de­ serve most encouragement. —Mr. Paul Ferguson, assisted by Messrs. Van Tree ,and Dugan, gave a fine report of* the East Liverpool Y. P. C. U. convention, Sabbath morning. —In the absence of Dr. Foster a large number of visitors worshipped W ith ua last Sabbath, many of them from th e ‘Presbyterian church. Every one Is welcome. ' —Miss- Mary Harper, who -bds been a guest, at the phrsonage, returned to New Concord, Monday. —Mesdames George W, Rife and John -Finney are the committee ap­ pointed to oyerKee the Shipment of fruit to the association work of our church a t ‘Pittsburg, Every lady is requested to bring her offering to the church not later than July 27, • —Rev, Lee Rife and family were guests a t the parsonage -last Tues­ day. . —Earl Short, of Xenia, visited at his uncle’s, Mr. David Turner’s, re­ cently, and attended lahurph* at Clif­ ton, last Sabbath* * —Mr. and Mrs. A. B, Corey, of •Chi­ cago; visited a t Mr. Corey’s brother, Edward, the first of the week. ‘Misses Esther and Lucy '"Sparrow, of Terra Haute, have been visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Grif­ fith, • " —Mrs, Elizabeth McLeati wa*> among the Indisposed of our congrega* tion recently, but to-quite -Improved at this writing, —Mr. and* 'Mrs, J. B., Rife enter­ tained recently1 to r six o’clock dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Collins and fam-, lly, Rev, and Mrs. 0. M, Ritchie and Miss Mary 'Harper, of New Concord, —prof, William Campbell, of West*' minster College, a son of it former pastor, visited Mr. Rosa Tannehill and other friends in •this community, lost week. The Waddle reunion tvas held last Wednesday a t Snyder park, Spring- field. —Miss Adah Tannehill will join the pedagogues’ profession and teach the young idea how to shoot, next win­ ter. ■=—Dr. attd"Mr». Ritchie- were guests last Wednesday evening of the Misses Bull a t a six o'clock dinner. —The pastor and his wife visited Xenia and inquired tor Miss Helen Brndfute; at the hospital, last Thurs­ day. She is rapidly convalescing —You ought to read what the Chris­ tian Instructor published last week as an expose of ’’-Pastor Russell!” Fur­ ther exposure* will follow in the later Issues of Tile Instructor. —Men are not saved "by living up” to certain rules and regulations of some human urg&nizatoin. —Miss Grace Griffith, who was laid aside from her work last week by Illness is rapidly improving, —John Brown, of Haddington, said to a young minister, who complained of the smallness of his congregation. “It 1s as large a one as you will want to give account for in the -the Day ct Judgement," —“There are -multitudes who have their -pound in their hand ready to show it to God and to claim credit for not having squandered it. They ex­ pect to get to heaven- because they have never done any harm. Left in charge of God’s plantation, they have never made a crop, have never plowed a furrow, have never put a shingle op the roof; but they have never done any harm, and'they are going to claim their reward on the ground that they did not burn, up the fence?, and cut down the vines, and destroy all the cattle i” ■■ ■' . $100 RfWMtb $100. The mdhrs pf this pspir will be ptcuee- lo I*W» there it at feast on# dreo&d UwrtjMthat Scilaoe has byen able to in *11 ffc stages add that Is Catarrh. Hill's flflaftk (JuRs is the only positive cure now S >Kl the medlttl frtftflilty. a constitutional disease, requires a uthwal treatment. Hall's Optnrrh CVWs1*tatemilitWiftUV, adtUig directly nip tm the blood anil muCoUsaurrncea of system thereby destroying the foundation of the diseebe, and giving the patient slrchgtb by bhjlilfcig Up the ccrtftithtldh and tf&iittog nhtarelti doing Its work, The proprietors hive so tnueb With {« its curaiHe powers, hat ki*y efftWOh*HUfidtodDtfllto-s tommy cm tin t it firili to cure. Sehd tor Bit o ft J. OHFMJBY <fcGo, Toleda 0. tbMbyDruggist,76c. Vs family Pills aye the best, Net an Original Ides. Four hundred yeara ago the Idea of numbering houses originated In Baris, though It was not until 1789 that the gystem became general. SOW IS THE TIME FOB ALL GOOD CLOTHES WES TO GET A BARGAIN IN Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits At lA Off During Our PublicBenefit Sale T O th e m a n t h a t h a s n ’t b o u g h t a s p r in g o r sum m e r s u i t y e t , h e r e ’s a h e x c e p t io n a l ch a n c e . t 6 e m a n w h o h a s b o u g h t w i l l find i t r e a l e c o n om y to g e t a n e x t r a s u i t N O W . W H Y N O T . S P E C IA L S Children's Wash Suite; $1,00 value............-........ <■■ 79° Mon’s Snlsette Shirts, collar a ttached or detached ; soft ouffs; $1,00 to $1.25 ’values ...03c Children's 60 .Wash » H a ts ......................... ..25c Men’s BOc-Sus- p end e rs................... 350 Boys1Blouse W a ists; 50c value. 35o, 8 f o r .....$100 Men's BQo Union Suits, a ll s ty le s .......... 89o Children’s $1.00 Straw H a t s .......... ................ .........BOc Men’s 16c Garters - f o r ................... £ .....*............ 9c MEN'S STRAW HATS HALF PRICE Children’s $2.50 Wash Suits ......■..........................$1,60 .bton’s Silk. H a lf Hose, black, grey, blue and tan, 6 pairs f o r .... ...............,.,., $1,00 Men’s $1,50 Sh irts, a il styles and patterns,... ,.,.$1.19 d to., its When you can buy. Hart Schaffner& Marx Suits For such price It’s tune you were In; vesting. T ry it o u t once and see if you are not the winner. $28.00 Suits reduced t o - $25,00 Suits reduced to... $22.50 Suits redu c e ; $22.00 Suit; reduced to $20.00 Suits reduced to.. $18.00 Suits reduced to... $15.00 Suits reduced to... $12.00 Suits reduced to. $io;oo Suits reduced to . $ 20.00 $18.75 $16.85 $16.50 $15.00 $13.50 $11.25 $9.00 $7.50 The announcement t h a t we are selling Boys’ Suits a t % off should be of in terest to all parents, espeeal- ]y when they know they get the same quality for less money, du r­ ing the sale. $10.00 Suits reduced to1..................... i .........$7.50 $8.59 Suits reduced to ........ $6.88 $7.50 Suits "reduced t o .... ;... ;........................$5.68 $6,50 Suits repuced to.... ...... $4.88 $6,00 Suits . reduced tp.............................. ,..$4,60 $5.00 Suits reduced t o ..... $3.75 $4.00 Su its reduced tn..<................$8.00 $3.50 Su its reduced to ................ $2.68 $3.00 Suits reduced t o ..................$2.25 $2,50 Suits reduced to........... ....’,.$1.88 S P E C I A L S Mod’s Silk Fou r-in -hands, t>0c " and 96c values, 85c, 8fo r................-....... $1-00 Children’s Wash Su its, .Rus­ sian or sailor blouse; $1.50 value,...... ................. $L00 Boys’ ShirtB, co llar a ttach ed or detached, 5(Jc value-....8flo Men’s S ilk and Soisefcte S h irts silk bosom. Special-.... $1-89 Men’B 10c Handkerch iefs, fancy border and plain wh ite ...» ....................,7c Boys’ 50o Tlnion Suits, a ll styles ;........................ 89c Children’s $2.00 Wash Suits ........ $1,26 Men’s 25o Sus­ penders ......... ....... - ........... 19c M E N ’S $3.00 STRAWS...$1.50 $3.50 STRAWS.. .$1.75 $ 2.00 s t r a w s ;. . $ 1.00 $2.50 STRAWS.. .$1.25 $1.50 STRAWS. . . . .75c $1.00 STRAWS : . . , 50 c A new Hat will im­ prove your looks.' -Try it. Boys’ all-Wool Knickers; $1.00 values ............ 89c Boys’ P lay Su its; In d ia n , Cowboy, Baseball and Policeman, $1.00 to ,.,-,$3.50 Men's Black and Tun Sox; 10c value’s .,, 6o S. * H . Trading Stamps A re Very Desirable. 28 and 30 East Third -St., SOL STRAUSS Dayton, Ohio, E. C. HILB S* Sc H. Tra r ng Stamps Are Very "Desirable. XENIA, OHIO. t. , ■. . Take this way of thanking their Customers for the best Summers Sale yet made, Some of the Bargains Continue A large stock of Hosiery all at remarkable low prices APRONS, GINGHAMS, VOILES, LAWNS S U I T C A S E S : - A L L G R A D E S Kodol ££21’ iViii’Sitiwflk' lyvyKtmaw *ir» m» ©»■©• witst m %8SSSZ U4m