The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 27-52

Tfc# MaCWtoai family rauwta* wilt fc§ k#M *t iatS&***4?fcik« A*«U*t lit Ttu* »&W<*a«ai family rwiwloo m baht Tfe***#*? *t M*t$mbqal bow**. lUlMt r»nWnM> !8*ia4ls I t TWtittj in s t Mwcy** w itt th* iumrm Mala*. ■ ■ Mtoftw P*ari* ami MJda'ed Avaus sad brother are visiting friend* and relative* in Dayton. ■mm X4Hy Ads*u>» of Utloa, 0., h u hasa the gueat of Rev. and Mr*. W. J. Gandarapa. MI m Maud* Graham, of west of town, ha* returned fcome after a. vMt of several days with. Miss Ruth Bootee, near Neal*. Mr, J. it, Dugan, who has been sates, man for C. M, Crouse hen unsigned his position and returned to Spring- .field, ■■ ■'■ : Mr. J, ®, Niebet -and wife,' of DAy- top, spent several days, the first of the Week with, the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Ntebet. The Springfield fair hen been the attraction for many; people of this community this week. Contrary to former yearn the fair’ has not hoeD marred by rain. Mrs. Irene McConnell and family, of 4ndi«napolla, ^are guests -of-Mr. J, A, Harifinon and family, Mr, Fred Weimar went to Kansas City the- first of the -week on a ’busi­ ness trip. ReV, ’Whiter Hopping preaches Sab­ bath. for the R. K (congregation^ , The, Junior C. E. Society of the R- P. church held- a picnic a t Alford Memorial, Tuesday afternoon. * (Mr. Vance Burba, while riding his motorcycle -near -’Springfield, Monday, wan struck-by'an auto, Curtaining a number of bruises and cutss. His right limb wan badly lacerated, but no bones -broken, ' Mrs, Anna Boydand daughter, Ethel, have returned home from a pleasant Visit with Mr. William Nprthup and family, a t Gochocton, .Ohio. ■ Osborn w ill' have a - Chautauqua September 14 to 19. ’Rev. R. B. Wilson, of Hillsboro, III., reached' .here Tuesday, having toured . through by auto. After spending a. few - « days with relatives 'Rev. Wilson will ' make the return accompanied by his family, who have been visiting here. The F. B. Turnbull herd, of cattle Were shipped to Cleveland last Satur­ day for the f a i r . this week. The Meadow Brook herd is also at Cleve­ land. in . ■$' -Florence jElorbea -visited Trenton the first of the week, . Mr- T. W, >St. John . couldn’t- with stand the temptation and with * Ford has joined a long lift of auto .owners "on the Clifton’pike. ’ Mr, and Mrs, L, M. Mile,? are visit* ing in Topeka, Ind. Mrs. Mary Bridgman end Miss lues Shepard visited a t Beaverfown over Shbhath; *4 -.-**** * f *T The members- of the Board of Com- . plaints, Messrs. Zell, Burrell and Alex­ ander, -were in town Monday viewing property where the owners had filed complaints with the auditor as to the new valuations. District -Assessor Henry J., Farrell accompanied the board. ■ ' A daughter was bom to Mr. and Mrs. -Forrest Waddle last Sabbath. Mr, Frank Shepard and eon, Howard, are spending several days with the for­ mer's aunt, Mrs. Mary Bridgman. Mr, Shepdrd has a position in postoffice in Columbus, The Harhlson picnic was held Tuesday a t the home of Mr. John A HatblsOttr CHAUTAUQUA Cedarville, O. *40- College Campus Aug, 24 ■« 28 Adults Season Ticket r $ 1 . 5 0 ^ : ‘‘it •- - ■*, • This G reat Program is made possible by many of your lead­ ing citizens. . Tickets on Sale a t most a ll places o f bus­ iness un til Noon,^Mon­ day, August 24. COIT-ALBER CHAUTAUQUA PROGRAM Superintendent P, N. SAWYER Program* Begin Promptly Afternoon Music ........,.. .. ,. ,. .2 : 3 0 Afternoon lecture . . . . . ....... ,...3:15 Evening Mimic ...,7:30 Evening Entertainment *..........,.8:15 (Hours subject to change by announce-, .merit the first day.) ’’Straightening the Bended Shoot” . - * “- » ; * • Admission, Adults 35 Cents, Children 25 Cents, Evening Concert............ The Morrow Brothers Entertainment.,Oranne Truitt Day - “The Neat Egg' Admission, Adults 50 Cents, Children 25 Cents, THUR8DAY, AUGUST 27 Afternoon Concert, .The Stretford. Male Quartet lecture.........Bishop Robert McIntyre "Buttoned TJp People” Admission, Adults 50 Cents, Children 25 Cents. ^MONDAY* AUGUST 24 Afternoon' - Opening Addreisa, ^By Superintendent Concert..The Hampton Court Singers- Admission, Adults 25 Cents, Children • 15 Cents. 1 , . *•** Evening Concert, In Elizabethan Costumes .The Hampton Court -Singers Illustrated Lecture... .Fred E. Baker “The (Panama Canal and the Panama- Pacific Exposition” ,. ,. . Admission, Adults 50 Cents, Children ’ 25 Cents. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26- Women’s Day1 - Afternoon Concert / . . . . . . . The Festival Artists Gaetanno Mahno,. Dramatic Tenor; Ethel Bee Buxton, Soprano; Madge . ' Murphy, Violinist . Joint Debate on Woman Suffrage F o r . ., .Mrs. Robert M, LaLolletto Against............ Miss Lucy J. Price Admission, Adults 50 Cents, -Children 25 Cents. TUESDAY, AUGUST 25 Afternoon» C o n c e r t - T h e Morrow Brothers ' lecture....Judge Roland W. Baggott Evening Concert The Festival Artists Lecture.-..Mrs, Glendower Evans, of Boston “An Interview at the White House” Admission, Adults 50 Cents, ’Children 25 Cents- ■f - ' Evening. Concert. .The Stratford Male .Quartet - Featuring Brass Quartet, Lecture...*...........Roland A. Nichols "The Man Worth While” Admission, Adults 50 Cents, Children 25 Cents. FRIDAY, AUGUST 28 Afternoon ' - Grand Concert. .................. ...'.New York City Marine Band Lecture . . . . . . . .Prof, E. L. Morgan “The Awakening of a Modern Com­ munity” Admission, Adults 50 Cents, Children 25 Cents. Evening . “The Value of the Chautauqua” . . . . . . . . . .By Prominent Local Speakers Grand Closing Concert................... . . . . . . -New York City Marine.Band Admission, Adults 50 Cents, Children 25 Cents. Aug. 14 Childs Season T icket $ 1,00 ' - ■ ’ . Buy a Season Ticket and save money The Single admissions to the different sessions of the Chautauqua aggregate more than $5.00 i-d Large Tent Comfortable Chairs— Inspiration Moral Uplift Community Betterment 4 l Mr, and Mrs. Taylor Sweeney, of near Osborn, and Mr. .and Mrs. Dan' Harahtnan And daughter. JeAnptte, of Dayton, spent Sabbath with Mr. ■ Sweeney’s .Bister, Mrs. Mary Driffield. , darvllle, were the1guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilbert. Misses Eleanor -and Lucille Johnson, who have been the guests of Mr. arid Mrs. Gilbert for the past two weeks, returned-home with their parents,— Sentinbl. ■ . - ' Mrs. E d ith B lair and daughter,, Kathleen, after a Visit of several Weeks With A$r. S tewart Satterfield in A tlan ta, Hi., returned, Wednes­ day. AU persons indebted' to the Herald will confer a favor by making early settlement. We desire to add home new equipment and to do this must have additional capital. A call will save us making a personal viBifc to collect the account. Twelve wagons, loaded with hogs, were driven to the Pennsylvania stock yards Tuesday inornlqg from the Houston, Company farm, managed-by ErV. Cutrey; there Were 212 head of porkers In. the lot and they averaged 205 pounds each, Allle Wlldman, the stock buyer, received the consign­ ment for which, he paid nine cents per pound. Almost four thousand dollars for a delivery of hogs from one farm la riot to be sneezed at.—Sentinel. The Miages McNeillrefcaxmedhome Wednesday evening accompanied by their neice, Miss Marcella Davit , Wbo'will make them a short visit. A special meeting of the W. Cl T. tf. for the election of officers,- heat­ ing of reports, and considering cans- paign plans w illbe held Baturday a t 2 p. m. a t the home .of Mrs. D. 6, Ervin. • . All o f the applications for Mother’s pensions filed In Probate court have been disposed of with the exception ot two, which were filed last Week. Last week Judge Howard disposed of five cases. One Was dismissed, the husband.-of the applicant having agreed to pay for the support of bis child; one was continued for further Investigation and three were granted. One of the three was granted a pen­ sion of $15 per- month. She Is the mother of five children, ■The,other two are each’the mother of one child. One was given.-a pension 'of ’J5 per month and tile other a "pension of $8, The miite of office rooms on the eedond floor of the remodeled Bowl­ ing building, on East Market street, has been leased b y the county com- tnissionera for the use of County Su­ perintendent of atebools'F, M. Rey­ nolds, of Cedarville. The lower suite of offices an the building is occupied by Attorney -C,.W. Wbitmer.—Gazette. The many friends in tills pity of Mine ZSoftyda Larimer will be sorry to learn that she hi in the war zone of Europe. Her father. Dr. Hugh F.. Lorlmer, who now resides in Oxford, had heard no word frem-her for three Weeks, she being eriroute from Baris to Brussels. She la principal ot the state school at Wrentham, Mass,, and has been spending the sumtnor abroad,. .—•Journal. \ J ; ment in salaries recently made in the postal service/ All other carriers will receive $1200 per" year, but Mr. Turn­ er, owning to the number of miles--he travels, being smaller, will not quite reach this amount,—Journal, , ' * Woman Witnesses Criticized. Judge Lush-Wilson, K. Q>, remarked a t Exeter (England) epunty court to a Woman litigant who continually In­ terrupted: .“Madam, I run the risk, I know of criticism from your sex when 1 say that they are the most trouble­ some people I have to deal with. Why can’t you women exercise the same, amount of Self-control in the witness- box as men bare to do!” Carrier W. D, Turner, of Route One, was the only local rural mail delivery man, not counted in on the readjust- An Amateur. "Some”saintly folk in this town are always throwing the game of poker a t our unoffending head,” says a Geor­ gia editor. “We want to say, once for all, that we. don’t know the game. If we.had known it we’d be richer, at this writing, by a house and lot, a gold watch and chain, and a real dia­ mond stud.” Miss Dorothy Oglesbee won a hand­ some Bible Thursday a t the (J. F. Junior Presbyterlal Bible Beading contest in Jamestown. MiSe Luclle Gray is Visiting friends sad relatives in Cincinnati and nearby cities. . The annual reunion and picnic of the McOampbell families was held Thursday a t the home of Mr. John McCOnipbOlL A .large number Were present including persons from Rey- noTdeferiig, CblumbuS, Dayton and Union county. The annual Kyle reunion was held Saturday at AlfOrd- Memorial and S joyful day kt reported by the many relatives of ih ti large family. Besides relatives from nearby town*, Rev, . Joshua Kyle, of Amsterdam,® N. Y.„ was present and has been circulating among relatives. ' Rev. Gray and family, of Northfield, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Me- Campbell. Rev. Grey, filled the R. P. pulpit last Gabbaift Misses E u I a CresweU, Hazel Low­ ry and Messrs, Cecil Bums and Rob­ ert Conley, who has been attending summer school At Wooster have re­ turned home. Dr. W. R, MdCheeney, wife and daughter, Francis, arid Mrs, Martha Merton, wfee> have been in Wooster, are on a ton day*’ visit with relative* in Dmvoebarg, {£*„ New Galilee, PA, «bd ISOst Liverpool, O. Mr*. F. M, Reynold* and Mine She- lyn McGiven, who visited in Chantatf- qns* N. Y„ and a t 'Niagara Falla, have returned home accompanied- by tho Mieses Kathryn McGive«.*nd Rsculine Reynold*, who have been a t Chatham- <g«» for m m i weeks, A shower was given Thursday after­ noon a t the home of Mins Josephine Orr in honor ol Mias Lydia Turnbull who Soon becomes t he bride of Rev, Woodbridge Ustlok. Mr and Mrs. J . E , Kyle had m the}r guests the first of the week,the latter* uncle, Dr. Marshall and wife of Belle Center, and brother Mr. C. H« Molntlre and family ofWinches­ ter, O. Mrs, Robert Bird and-daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Gonfarr entertained on Wednesday aitetnoon lii honor of Miss Lydia Turnbull whose mar­ riage is to take place next month. A dainty lunch was served during the aftergoon after which the' bride-to- be was showered w ity many pretty and useful articles which were found concealed under a wedding bell in ti(e center of the dining table. The Cedarville booster* made our town In twenty automobiles. After they got- settled and the dust cleared 'fcway to riome extent we investigated to see if we knew any of them, but we failed to recognize a single one of them. Possibly, if they had the duft off of them, we might have recognized many of them. Anyway, they done the best they could “to boost their Chautauqua, which will be held in three weeks. The band they carried would no doubt have done better if they Could have got the dust out of their horns. Anyway, they done the ■beet they could under the circum­ stances. Anyway, they dhl better by us with their presence thaa did south Ghitrleston. They made Dookwalter and left Solon ont.—South 'Solon News. In Trade for Clean, Fresh E#ggs. Bring us all you have. Robt. Bird Mr, and Mr*. J. W, Johnson, of Go-, A FEATURE of all Coit-Alber Chau- tauqtias will be Women’s Day. On this day all lecturers on the Program are women. The big feature of the day will take place in the afternoon, a joint debate on Womaft Suffrage—a subject that at this period of our political develop­ ment Interests men as well as women. The advocate for woman’s suffrage Is Mrs, Robert M. LaFoliette, wife of the famous United States fleriator from Wisconsin. Mrs, LaFoliette IS a very Able Speaker and long has been An earnest advocate for equal suffrage, which she considers but one Of the features Of a great program for equal right* for ail. She has ^ 9mmr SBsftSc#’ I/HRS. ROBERTM. LA PbLLETTE often spoken with Senator LaFoliette in his campaigns, both state and na­ tional, ^ Mrs. LaFoIlette’s opponent will bo MI bs Lucy Price of Cleveland, secre- iarf of the Ohio Anti-Suffrage Asso­ ciation, and one of the ablest Speak­ ers against woman suffrage. She has .spoken in campaigns In Ohio and other states, as well as before con­ gressional committees recently when the woman’s suffrage bill* were be­ ing considered. , '£ h*t both sides of this question win be ably presented la a foregone 'conclueiutk, The evening program will be no les* interesting than that -of the after- ht>m. Mrs, Giendower Evans ot Bos­ ton will speak on “An Interview at the White 1 House,” or “Equality of Oppottunily.” She is one Of Amer­ ica's greatf-nt, women craters as well as one of our noblest women. Sh« i* a wealthy woman and is genuinely Interested in helping to work out in our country a truer democracy with actual ^equality of Opportunity* She Was among the first to recognize ths responsibility of wealth for the way in which dividends are earned,- At well as for the way In which incomes are spent. The musical programs, both after­ noon and evening, will be furnished by the Chautauqua Festival Artists, headed by the great dramatic tenor, Sig. Orefano Marino of New York city. Eliminate Risk in Painting- ■' Now the queation of which paint is best hashed** l»tUe<3—j#W/yand foreter. When you apply Bradley & Vrooman Paint you not •only know you have the beat article on tho ha t you get wife it * written warrant-—their Gold Bond Guarantee that if tho product doesn't moke good, the manufacturer will* Thi* Is the only palnl In the world that carries % ro«l ,hon*-fid* guarantee. - [Hurt**whywe sett I t That**why you should buy i t • Bradley & Vrooman G uaranteed P a in t Bradley 6t . _Vrooman Paint Outwear* our clalro»~*f PTQlAat* aa wall a* we promise and coyer* as much «utw uX S ’z f d t * i s r *** * m M mm mm# m *hm i r tj a irs if1'* t a n e* the t’ ■yer 0 Tue Brolhf SOng, fa.i merits T the mo.'* ‘Rolam presid aubjec * ed Sht and gl as 4n t gott’s gives ;■ impres ferent lets In freque much of the Baggot same > Judge ia the -person’ Howan integrl pernei The again 1 lowing tatome ling o tha t cs, i h o o a ou not market (Bond id, tho a rest buy h aur- itand* n t r i s k I