The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 27-52

t lit Odferrittli V) I*** i w . * > m m 'SjgX 3 %£,M rn* rid* t f M H * * N r MUteftt M tk » VmHnUMm Oeteuv VtU»* Ote®h*r at, iHr, «• teeteri F1MRMX O0TOJ|3«fl * , m i A ybeak i» tit* ©epabliawi jtet- fona*« togoodreadsa»dto*afceltsh- aum of ll* sh»%hjgfcw*y departasei* . wftote ti* h*S »* t ©#te opposition iwriy and *t ««mr*» km givea to* op- PG*hm tertiea much cspitid to a po. iUtoal way. W* war® glad to rive Cwxgrommm Willis' views on tol# writer to w T a s t issue, Candidate toiMmrtMNMli *f Mghwsteaad wsn#l* ef mUtism dollars that mur fi Botov H *Mht ft* ftMftl II IMMi 1dw mto * rom to* aatieauMper* A**y wi«i trie (%■>- tot aritoaai ttoVttnusmt «tUy tom trie money o m to otter nut* that has such a department. Pad# Bam will not **nd mmm to ririte to h* #e*»t tent **& there hy oounty *&*taU. The only •seme offered tor mate * plank bring to to* RapabHea* platform to that selfish totereria want the tepertaiNot abaltohad so that road roller*, grad­ ers, and ati forms of road machinery can -h# sold, to individual coemtte# at Wgh pries*. By the contract system outer the state department the con* tractors mast furnish their own eoujp me&t, Again it appears that some Re­ publicans would abolish suoh a do* partmeat because the Democrat* had made much progress In improving the ...... '-lynr***———*—*•'■‘"frt~—- _ Iff M N i l f Wt i^tetiesjts. Will# tteairti l ftOasAA* atopaftitoeia madiiate state* ftto Tto#» even though renum sweated Haters, partieulsjiy Samuel McClure, of TMwsetown, who wrote the ptobtom, that the party will abolish tte says 'department If they control the legto* Jature. By that time Samuel may dis­ cover that—h* and hi* friends are not the Republican party. The Cincinnati Saqulrer la taking advantage o f roasting President Wil­ son when opportunity presents itself. This Democratic paper to owned by John R. McLean, who also is credited with owning several thousand shares of steamship and Industrial company stock that to affected one way or an* other by the Panama .canal toll hill that was urged by the President and passed at this session, of congress. Re­ gardless of tb* fact that certain to' pfa Celebrating bur Sixth Y ea r of Unprecedented Saccess~*Oiir . ^ SIXTH ANNIVERSARY SALE Begins Thursday, October 8th. sf» not feterjugaRit tot pabRoane by The F irst Anniversary Sale in Our Splendid New Home, The. BushneU Building. i . " y ». * ,„» , \ >- 7 | m * , , <* * y Our Sixth Anniversary Sale Will Open Under More Favorable Conditions Than Ever Before. Hot* than double the amount of merchandise/more than double the amount of space to .show it in, And our new.home being all on one floor make us feel un­ commonly good. . . . Consider this-a special invitation to attend our 6th anniversary sale, .,to see the newmodes in SuitsTalllenr, Frocks, Gowns, Wraps, Blouses, Furs, Bilks, Velvets, Woolen Fabric.?, Laces and Trirqmings as well as the new Effects in Floor Coverings, Draperies, Lionons, and Novelties in their * infinite variety~re- markalile displays, the‘more jo than in that they, are probably much more ex- tensive than one may have led to anticipate. ' l Come—the StoreWelcomesYon. W e p a y f a r e s b o t h w a y s o n a ! i p u r c h a s e s o f $ 1 5 , 0 0 o r m o r e . Springfield, Ohio. *$#r . ... pUpoiHW. Re* Mi e * |ke *oore of the preekUmt’l staod, Some of whom were Bm»te* Rod, Itenator Bertoh, imd other*, to feet th* RepuhReea pwrty *tood-oemmltted to a. toll for all veeert* pmwlng through th* oenei. Th* Democratic platform urged fr** toll. Th* President *aw that it f « not -fair to the people to invest five 'Hundred million dollar# to a canal end % couple of million a year for upkeep tor th* benefit of th* shipping inter- seta. Thus it can be seen why the flfonulrer opposes 'the President on that issue, Subsidy has been a Re* publican hobby, not with th* rank and 51a of the party but the moneyed in* ierewts that would, use- your property ir that .belonging to the government without any compensation, Outside of J, R. McLean, few of the great par per* oppose the toil bill. We are also glad to say that most of the Republi­ can# in congress and out are against the selfish grab of the steamship com­ panies. The only contender for the steamship people Is the YellowSprings statesman, who gets a daily boost from ;ha McLean papers to Washington tod Cincinnati, Pose stated In his first, campaign that he was going to Washington to attract money to an in­ stitution he represented. He is play­ ing hi# hand well for these who have, m overabundance of the nation’s wealth.' Th* -Congressman Is foxy snqugh to play certain Interest# Inthe hope of bringing hack the reward for his Institution, regardless of th* wish1- 38 of his constituents, Seeing Mc­ Lean and Fes?, linked together re* mlhds us of-the time when Fees and Bigelow stood in ’:the constitutional convention in loving embrace, to leas than tern hour*~tbe opjposition -vtos Teady. to Unseat Bigelow-as president, this would' have made Fees president and not proposing .t o allow anything; to pas* that way.jotoed the oppoai*. tion and placed -his heel to Bigelow’s trousers. If precedent has anything to do with it John A. had better .look dp the pedigree, of the Seventh Pis- trlct,Congressman, CHURCH SERVICES. Pay of Prayer forJPeace will be ob­ served at the' Methodist church Sun­ day, October 4th, Methodist mis­ sions are established throughout- the countries of EJurope and to the colonial possessions of the warring nations. Wd are, therefore, the friends of all and owe “spiritual help'and bear deep fraternal solicitude to all alike. While thd rulers or other nations have called to war, pur -President lias called us to Prayer. Let us all obey the call and be t o our place# of worship this com­ ing Day of Prayer lor Peace. Sunday school rally day services ne#t Sunday morning, at the Metho­ dist church. Come!. ■ UNITED PRESBYTERIAN , PreachingFriday evening at 7i80 and Saturday afternoon, at l:*dby Rev.W.S. Wallace, of Springfield. Sabbath School at 9;30, Preaching by the pastor at 10 ; 8 O to be followed by the communion service, . ’ v ';J - - . I ; . ’ Y .P ,C . U, fM * Deader, EVa sMtotayv i A ; :>'k pyegehlftgfn^lfifh _ * • *, PrayePmeetingWedneadayat7. Sabbath, October 11, a deputation of toisstonari*# trill liave chargeof the service* both morning Jand evening. INSURANCE. Now is th* time to took out tor your Insurance, both Fire and 'for-' nado, I ‘ represent The Natural Fire Insurance Company, The New Underwriters. The Queen of Ameri­ ca, The Pennsylvania Fire Insur­ ance Company. Combined assets $ 68 , 000 , 000 . 00 . A ndbbw J aokson . IFYOUFAIL TO READTHIS WE BOTH LOSE Extraordinary Bargains to Out-of-Town Buyers. This store with a stock of all new House Fumfshtngs is bidding for ydnr trade. Discounts rangmglfem 10 to 26per cent off regular prices will be given you tor*the next thirty days. Head the figures and be convinced of your saving. f 8.00White Iron Beds * tor Furniture! $2.25 $4.00 $ 12.00 $16.00 ilf.09 Colden Oak Dressers A A $20.00 Golden Oak Dresser* $ 1.00White Iron Bed for $16,00 Heavy Braas Beds $20,pttHeavy Brass Beds $16.00Heavy Post Golden ^ j t | Q Q 9 Oak DtningTable..-: $16.00Heavy Pedestal 48-ib. Top Dining Table....... . $ 21.00 ALL, OTHER FURNITURE IS INCLUDED. / R.ugs! $16,000x12Brusssl Hugs ^ j [ Q Q j j $14.90 «»**«>•« $18.00 0x12Best Bruteel Bugs $26,000x12 Wilton Velvet d » | Q Wj* Bugs $28.00exit Best Axraihster Q A $46.009xl8Beyal Wilton 0 iJ f7 C A $06.000x12Trench Wilton q q $1.00Bruftsel Carpet per yd. 7 C /v 861Brussel Carpet per yd. /a ft /v »« 4 *•».»*«•i mm utUiou 1,000$1.60 Dugs 9 8 c ALL OTHER RUGS AND CARPETS INCLUDED. Wall Papers! All 8e and 10c papers will sell at per roll,.,.,.,,,.,, All 12j£c and 16opapers Will-sell . torptr roll.,,..........— ............. 6c 10c All Borders to match andat same price at Papers -Linoleums! 66o Cork Linoleums per yard 76c Cork Linoleums $1.00Cork Linoleums $1.26Inlaid Linoleum 50c 60c 84c 98c ALL OTHER LINOLEUMS ARE INCLUDED. We have forged till lost link in our chain to make this store the most complete of its kind in Daytonby adding the Glob* Hkctric IgaiMron Btovea and Banges-Insared tor twenty-five years. All goods are delivered in automobile* to year hem* without extra charge. “ Our terms a n 00days same as cash. .8 . T h e F o rs te r-H egm an Co., 3 8 — 3 7 NORTH MAIN STREET , BETWEEN COURT HOUSE AND SECOND ST . D A Y T O N , OHIO. (By ». O. SKLU8R8. XHnctor Sunday School Courv», Moody Sibte IniitltpU. Ctooeso.) ' LESSON FOB QCT0BEB 4 CHRIST ANOINTED FOR BURIAL. KB58SONTEXT-MurkMU-ll. GOLDEN TEXT—Hho hath done Whet ■he could. Merit 14:t. B t a i id r e a C r y f o r F l e t o h e r t a Brent crowds fast upon event dur­ ing this the world’s most tragic week, Two day# before« the passover -oc­ curred, the. chief priests and other leader# entered a conspiracy how to rid themselves of this troublesome Nazoren*, This plot mentioned In the first two verse* of the lesson prob­ ably occurred four day# later than the anointing. Note the separating para­ graph mark; also look uprcarefully rv, good harmony of the Gospels, Follow­ ing the OHvet discourse Jesus said to bto disciples, “In two days the pass- over.” At that very time Judas was scheming with the rulers ’ for his ar- ’rest, John, ln-hls Gospel, tells us that the feast was six day# before, and that ft was fn-connection with thi* that Judas ha<f left the. oompany-to go to ^ the priests, ; Judss Iscariot was angry' at our; Lord end this incident led immediate-* ,ly to the betrayal. Nowhere else In !all history is there a blacker picture' 'of the human heart or the length of {iniquity*to which it will go. Every- {thing-at this hour Is electric and (strange. Events rapidly converge to* swards"the cfoBB." For that, grace Jba# 'been planning and sin 1* plotting.' Amued ths-Dlscipies. ' 1 I. Mary Criticized,"vv. 3*8. Jesus jhad.hls inner circle of friends and hla favdrlte places of abode and none was ^evidently^more precious than that (home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus, Tn this supreme hour Jesus came to this'home to bring it * confirmation of faith and some further spiritual -gift. From that timp of Peter's confession, several months previous, the Lord has 'constantly reaffirmed his ,statement ,'theif made, that he must go to Jeru­ salem, die, and beraised th* third day.' ThiB teaching amazed the disciples and filled them with fear- Jesus did not, however, awaken faith and then quench ft with fear, or allow It to lan­ guish and 41*. John 4:46, 54. Now as th* darkest hour approaches there ap­ peared this one, touch of appreciative' sympathy, Bethany was of but little dignity but there lived there a man who had'been raised from the dead--* Lazarus., There also resided one who brought comfort to the heart of Jesus -^Mary,. She bad listened to him, she* understood him,,believed and loved With a woman’s keen intuition she seems to have realized that- he was really .going to his death. What that, meant to the hob*# and aspirations ' she seems to have divined, and re­ alised, more than all others, his vi*w-; point. How to tell himwas her desire. Out of that love shepurchaseda boxqf ointment representing in value about fifty dollars, an Immense summand the full extent of her treasure.' Ordi­ nary action will not sdfitoe. -The hour add occasion demanded the extraor­ dinary. To it ahe yielded herself, lav­ ishly pouring upon hlmetheWealth and fragrance of that sacrod ointment In­ tended for kings. She had sat at his feet,, Luke 10:39, and was ready for ibis ‘ the proper hour for anototing, John 13:7. It was her all, hut love does not have the calculating cunning and prudence of Judas. | . “Msruorial of Her" If. Maty Commended, w . 641. The story Is beautiful to the record We have of our Lord'* werds, Mary’s compensation tor the criticism called torby her conduct wae the commenda­ tion of her Lord. We do not Censure the disciples who did: not understand hut we are thankful tor the words of. theMasterwhich their criticism called forth. Jesus realised the true mean­ ing of the act and he named It when ,ha said, "She hath don* what she could, she hath anointed my body aforehand tor burying.” Notice' that Jesus received the truemeaning of her act as for himself, still it was for the world, tor he said, "this that she hath done shall be spoken of for a mem-' oriel of her,” This was not merely a reward tor Mary, it was that her act should he an inspiration to incite his foHowtrs to like activities and atti­ tudes throughout ali the ages. This is all that is asked of any disciple (II Cor. 8:12), Love forgets self, sur­ roundings, oort or criticism. Love pours out Itself to the uttermost and its fragrance fills not alone the house but the whole of creation. Iff. Jute# Conspire*, VV«10,11i This tender story ends with the terrible *c- cou4f of Judas. He had bo sympathy, tot Mary, primarily because he Was not to sympathetic relations with Jesus, Jesus had revealed, called forth, the deepest love o f Mary's heart. In the case of Judss he revealed a heart of treachery.; Accepting the* adoring anointing of Mary and also perpetu­ ating it, ha at the same time calls forth a revelation of that.compelling motive of selfishness to the heart of Judas that led to his ewn self-destruc­ tion. Contrast these two plotare*. we retell the crashedheart of Mary at the death of Lazarus which brought Mary into the closest fellowship with Jesus. In her shadow and sorrow she learned to'pour out her love to sacrificial anototing. - abac#it* DHaiiey* ------ - * «—..■ao one to deceive yon in this. At! Cormterfoits, Put Experiments that trifle wWh$jnd en<3an«<wrise health o f Infants and CWJdren---Experienoo against Experiment* What Is CASTORIA Uastoria 1# a harmless substitute for Castor OH# Pare* Woric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It 1# pleasant. It contains neither Opium# Morphine nor other Nircotlo substance. Its age is its pnaranteo. It destroys Wprm* and allajys Eeverishnoas. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief o f Constipation. Flatulency# Wind Colic# a ll Teething, Troubles and Diarrhoea. ‘ J I t regulates asrimUatei# the F ock L ^rinsr healtby and nattmal stee## The Children’ * Panacea—The Mother’ s Friend. Sto: and Bowels# GENUINE .CASTORIA a l w a y s !Bear8 the Signature of fkA* laUse For Over 30Years The Kind You Have Always Bought T H # c c N T A u r t o o M M n y . N * w V o ^ " c i t y . Everybody from Cedarville an<4 surrounding ebunties to give u$ a call# and see our new line of Fall and Winter woolens for Suita and OVercogfi*. No, need of buying your clothes ready: mfide when you can get them made to order for the same price. We give free Tickets tor the Educational Library in Jobe BroB. Window- T h e L e a d i n g T a i l o r Xenia, - - - Ohio iasbeu Itn :*r« to tehih tetwi— # P a r int. Sarcot Wgm years ipatio: l»a a i Dowri I sloe; WA l < ffcfc aundii Q line ; y’ ercofii Cm 7ben y< * 1__ in \ ) i"- ^ " V . ( I l l ICC IramcdJate relief fro* r lL t i It. . Sloop'sM« 41 c 0 !stlMM. No rtatt«r how hard your hsad Atete is*. Kit* juAti-rkWPius wrn ktft#yea. CASTORIA Fur Jatokts and tibiMrsa* TI m KM Y h H » t Atwip BM(kt Besteth# IHItetairfor GRIEVE8?WEBB,Auctioneers R. R. GRIE.VE XENIA, OHIO BELL PHONE NO. 541 R J# L>. WEBB CEDARVILLE, OHIO CITIZENS’ PHONE NO;*5-18l* Real and Personal Property Sold at Public Sale YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED ■te Galloway & Cherry II E. M a in S t , X e n ia , 0 . \ . ■ o■ .■■*■■■ '■ - Headquarters for Reliable W ■* Carpels, Rags, Linoleums, Draperies, Etc. r ■ Xenia’s Exclusive Carpet and Drapery House f : ■ i . ■ ■ * r ' '■V ..■ .*.■! ■■•r ■ Ohi ' • ' 1* , 0 • - , ieer S a t i 0.541 4 . , [ 0 . 5-1 "■ - f, - ty M E j - We r" 'rr" Stre Mtew Wm I I I Q< Se Hous The Bookmalter ■ - ■■■. • 'i* ...Hestaarant... ift me BOOKWALTfiR HOTUl HIGH STRUCT DfNINGROOMFORLAW URSTAIN ALSO ROST ROOM. MttAUB NOW *S a w tr t* . LuMhCaMtor *nMalaHo*r Open Dsy m i Vb# »*te*f o*#d» U*#4 IftliftCal* 2I5EASES OF THE D R f t j . 1. M S X a U U N mm*A ‘ Is uur hither e» best tlia What we. Our w»ea ftre up t| governmj* W* Carry tub Utah S S Ph om ^S UNto itii# v S^-W* PP^Wiww*