The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 27-52

am i | k »ni i IHBsitewiws j l i i i l f y g s r i w w r Y f ^ m . « %ercdd. M v v WyvVVvy AV ^ TUI life* %k*hlM&«( toilk 11 {* 4 «*(dtooto* tlu t* yenf t mbtttip* tfoo It putt do* aifa a prompt set. fitment >startjMtijr desiied.„ , pmiM f e y ViiGM» fa.efayrgaf *>f mounted, to bar* a lies* to remain at of b<* sub-division, promptly at 3 . 1:30 m, tw report when farad* Commit* and remain for .......... .... Copimittee baa *o an *•»!?« the counter maro'i that all who %ra In the pspade will be able to see the entire procession, so all come and Hast Monday #vifawsffwillwitness, eloae of th f Jfay ^ampalpn fa " ’ rile ^Ith a fagfester street m m * m m &fe|>w* howeeal alVdf. totofedsut Fortney, the $ mm )1 R*#fa ©lib* public aobobla «*!& /*. Likewise the ati^debt body of the college, headed bjrthf faculty, w ill form »- d ivision Thf h-nd pupil* of the % fat* yilie*toWi*hIp aohooja afe ent>d#»d to.form another division. Rbfary . w#k» woptifn nod child fa town pud who ^caalbly cap, are expected to take part iirthfettomop-- • atrntiom ’ ; * , ; „ ' Th i*m w ill he plenty of red fire attg'ihj- proceealon will, he led by the Clifton Band. The line of march -will he over the-prinolpal street* of th i village nod wplepd at the opera house Where an addreal Will be delivered' by Rev. C. W. Sullivan of X en ia .' Bet every one pome and take a part in the Closing rally of this campaign; in many to * apeota the moat remarkable one aver waged in Ohio. Rev. Sullivan fa a splendid speaker. Hie" argu- ments.are convincing and hn drives them home with sledge' hammer blows. Come, everybody,, there w ill not be a dull moment 1 from the time the parade staffs until the last word Is uttered by the Speaker. •D, J* Crawford, •Mia* Oraoe Vat* st, Spring Valley, Gee. Slack, Yellow Springs, LINE OF MARCH FOR BIG ORY PARAGE ' Great Interest 1 * .Befag' Manifested'fa . All Parts of the County and .An- Immense' Crowd isExpected To Take Part. - Blhe^of march and place of assem - 3 sltog for the ’big-dry psfad* next Sat- . urday;in Xenia, at 1 : 3 ft o'clock: Those who insist on spgaldng of to. gg,j^eid;afift geat in 31 ftufcR>»B in Greene county be­ fore the parade is -over. ‘ Nothing like the enthusiasm for th)ls parade who la- being manifested fa all -parts Of the county has/pver before- been seem in Greene county. As previous* ly. stated. One township along has Asked for a mile of space fa which to form, and we are-assured that other townships wlllnot be far behind. Our colleges, the theological seminary and other organizations, too numerous to mention, will he fa line. 'Whole communities are turning out eh masse with autos, carriages, bug­ gies, wagons, floats and hands. In laying definite plans the com­ mittee has been seriously embarrassed to find room on the streets of Xenia for the formation of this parade. The line of march a l nearly as. it, Is now possible to announce will fee as follows: Parade Route. -, Form on Main, east of Monroe St., Using Church, Market, Monroe, Co­ lumbus, Second, Third and East Main for assembling procession. Procession Moves. South on Monroe to Second; west, on Second to West St. North on West to Main. Shut on Main and counter march west on Main to West street, North on West St. to Market St, East on Market to Detroit and dis­ band. The following is the instruction of the committee to the various town­ ship captains a* to the location at which she should assemble, etc. Please read these instructions care­ fully and see that they are carried oat. Do not ask for a change, as attempted changes lead to contusion. Caesaroreek and Jefferson Tp. del- cgatlon* assemble south of Second St, on Columbus St. and Wilmington’ Pike. New Jasper Tp. delegations assem­ ble on Jasper pike heading in onMain fits Jamestown, SilverCrftftk Tp. and ROia Tp. delegations assemble on Jameetown pike, head of Main St, CedarviHe Tp, and Cedarville Col­ lege and Wilbettotce -College delega­ tions assemble on Columbus St., North Of Main St. Miami Tp., Yellow Springs, An­ tioch, College, Clifton, Goes and Old- town delegations assemble on E, Church St. north Bide, west of Mon­ roe.. Bath Tp. Fairfield, oebora dele­ gations assemble on East Church St. to Monroe, south side of the Street. Spring Valley and Sugar Creek Tp. delegations assemble on East Third: to MonrOe, south side. New Burlington and Lumberton' delegations assemble with Spring Valley and Caeearfereek Tp., mpsc Dtfegafkms of Ml churches east of ’Oafatoime St. stormfele on B, Second St, east of Columbus St, Trinity obtfrch aseembl* on Mon­ roe gh -First F. !P, assemble on E. Market fffe, aerkh aide of Mtmroe, and foftowl&g fa order. Baptist, Episcopal, ' Utoood V . T, % and Frlendi B, Third St., north iide, AH other Xenia and XCftift Tp, or- tsM tm m * , fetuhfc faff***. noddies, fcefarito and invidual* aasemhle on Sant Qtatwto St., « » to Mi* in rear of Bafa Tp, All delegations to be property dee- IfpMtaihrftMMtMtlMSjii*. , Isa tt, w . Rev. hlo. Prises. Beat decorated- automobile— it prise, fa gold. Beat 1 deco- -fated automobile— 2 nd prize, fa gold. JBest decorated float, l-st prize, fag. Best depurated float, second prise, flag. Beat decorated horse drawn vehicle other than float, fat toil* $LOft fa gold. * Best decorated, horse-drawn vehicle, other than Coat, second prize- $ 2,60 fa gold. Best and most unique display by an order, f lurch, society, or college. 1 st prise, sg. .Second prize, flag. WUADBLR Over Greene County Farm. Experimental We are in receipt of a.letter from President Sandies, of the State Agri- oiltural Commission concerning cor. respoadsao# between F. M. Stewart, of the Miami Deposit Bank. Yellow Springs, and that department relative to the experimental farm proposition fast Is to be voted upon next Tuesday. Wg find fa a coprof Mr. Stewart’s letter of Mr. Bandies that the writer FQR BENEFIT OF MONEY LENDERS. WmEDAY, OCTOBER SO, 1914 i f e ^ 1------------- --------------- w t FB ICa 91.00 A YEAH - 0 - t V* «fe #1 V - f — -rf l ^ - y— if Prohibition don’t , prohibit, why da the Millionaire Brewers t flflht It go strenuouslywith their ? immense- Slush Furtd? 7 • f ' 7 ? 7 7 7 \ t The brewer* have the -money, but the drys have 'fae FACTS,. " Give'the boy a better,chance. Prohi­ bition,’paves'fa© way and-next. Tues­ day is the day. ■ ‘ « Only this one time can we call your attention* as to marking your ballot. Take no chance. Yoncannot afford it, A,.sample ballot.with instructions can. bp foirnd| in. this-Issue. .Home Rule,'* means , Home Ruin. Home Rule is not what others .would, have you believe It' wa|. It'means the ruination of existing local option"laws. Hundreds of.factories and business blpcks fa cinelpnats .are billed Against prohibition' and for the adop­ tion of HomeRule. Frequently a sign ia seen that if prohibition carries the tafctory- will' be closed. Business prop: arty Is advertised for, sale It prohibi­ tion- carries. These are strong argu­ ments to the unsuspecting day laborer and will: cause thousands of them to vote wet. The rural counties are* fad battle ground and must furnish the majority. The big pfyrade fa Xenia, Saturday, sed by as many " believe* fa ’Home Rfllenm local mat­ ters and will’not be chetated to by a state commission,. Banlwja are a con. semtiv* lot of fellow* that do not take to fads fa an' attempt to foist mor# taxes on the psQpie,’ just the same a* the aatfanal administration ia doing. The bankers of this state have had three extra farms of addi­ tional fax levied on their business since tow prtoent administration has cpme fate power so you see whyfcwe resent your "butting fa,” Wouldn’t It be a apod stunt far you fellows fa authority tq practice economy awhile Instead of laying awake of nights hunting Up some pcheme to spend fan peopled money? Mr, Sandies fa answering 'the Stew­ art letter states fa the opening that the writer certainly has fa t his po­ litical’ prejudices overshadow reason and,Judgment The farmer* of Greene county signed a petition asking far a vote,far this farm. Dr, W, O.Thomp- son arjd Dr. Chas. JBtThom, and other Republicans • hay©made Speeches in your .county in- favor of the farm,; > Your .County Improvement Associa­ tion, mostly Republicans, fa managing the campaign. Your- popple ashed this commission to assist fa-presenting the advantages of the farm. Sixteen coum tie* will tote op this same question. We have asked nearly 200 hanker* to support this movement. You are the only' man among them who has tried to1*inject politic* fa the-matter. If you are a Democrat 1 am aslyuued of you. If you are a Republican,, you ought to fee ashamed of yourself. You ought to be glad to lineup with the movement that will help eyery farmer and every“citizen fa your county. Figures from county records are next quoted- fa support of thisAprop­ os!tion and Mr. SahdWa -states that If, the Yelfaw Springs banker ''smokes' one good cigar a month, you are .tax-' fay-.yourself more than this farm would'tax you,” . Wo have only tried to comply with the desires of your county association, The writer atatea that he i* lending A'reply to each of the papers of the coftnty alongwith a eoigr of Mr. Rhrifarf* letter, - _, That people gefemielly are favorable to the county expepmeatal farpa cam not b*.questioned. Th# citizenship of the- county, that ha* askhd far Ibis the ' ' U< 'fa' The pwptoed Mi constitution Timltfag proridtog" Par fa* property pporidto school and o ' January 3, 1314, he exempt facm. theory should a from taxation, and land mortgaged fee taxes on the toll val That Is taxing him owns and what ,h.« man who owns the i from paying tax** vision while It *ho*| posed on * the constitution: proposed amendx rate fa the hope of -the limitation fa order* to also vote for option being give* vote fqj* one an WE MUST VGj NONE. This ptot not fa the interest er or the .farmer, face It purport* to Jacpfefa-yoice, hut hand of Esau.” It would he fate.. „ what.influences are posed amendment to j limiting ratof the classification of purposes pf taxation, Parent reason why menta to the const proposed as one ot . interest Is-seeking toJ tors of tbfa state to- proposition in order These are separate -' ments and ought, to posed. Then an elf amend our* constitute limitation, on, fa© tax , voted for such an out. being compelled other amendment. „ classification, of prof emption of certain ation. The, propositi one to the voters o | ought to fee rejected 1 for hone other, v -. There , Is one ‘ amendment Should all other*. Practioali that secured the amendment on the ones in the Organize! hand fa the fraudnlj tacking various leg!; -will fee remembered! fled fa that favfsti* were hired to gtF iii copy names of ptopl it, too to the fax rate and iOtt »f municipal, ' prior to ito shall Upon what » be exempt Towner of too bed to pay the same? what fee while the :fa exempt This pro- been pro- leadment to fed on to the Ifailt the tag >fa fhvor Tate will amendment There, is no * voter to the other. BOTH OR |s certainly home owfa f h upon its he voice fa hand i s th e to know Just nd the pro- constitution fuovldfag for jerty.for thf tore is no ap- two amend- m should he that acme d toe elfO;' 1„„ thp second obtain the first. Igtinct amend- been so pro- desfrlng to f placing st Could have mdment with-,for an- Iding for' toe :y apd the ex« ifties fromtax- hot a fair fa state -and that reason if can by m iih y ,this ifeated above fae same men to. get this fat -wfere th© s that feud, p -petitions at- ive .hflis. i t it men tooth m that they inties and; poll bookh (rigs,- know® ^ernfld be rcmints* COURT OF APPEALS AFFIRM* JUDtfE KYLE Written opinion* in three Greene ooifaty cases were rendered Monday monring fey;the Court of Appeals and fa *U three the ruling of Common Plea* Judge -C. H, Kyto was affirmed. On* case was that of Clyde FInefrock vs. The Ohio Electric for damages for Wiling of two horses at -a crossing near Osborn. Judge Ryie held that the plaintiff did pot exercise proper .caution fa driving bis-team upon the toack without Mopping to look and Hatch and therefore ruled fa favor of toe .defendant. In the second- case toe plaintiff was Bavinia .Logan against MaryHolden op a claimof toe defend- *nt tor gdftft fa lieu of a homestead. The claim of toe defendant was denied because she had made a transfer of Sheproperty and wqs no longer a res­ ident of the State of Ohio. “The third -case vms that of the pttiasa Scale company vs, A. e, Brieves; In this case Judge Ryle bund in favor of the plaintiff.' Thl* leclsion wa*.affirmed by toe higher court and GrieYes vrs ordered to' pay the costs, * ' 1 The Court of Appeal* took several hiker cases away following the recent fesslon fa this city. Gpinioh in toes© case* Will probably be rendered fa the hear future.—Republican. DON'T BE MISLED] WE AFFIRM , mu ia r w m , shww CbhtThoH Kisembie on l do too sahtri in Xbnia. Rev, M-e- MJchael isefa© captain for this town­ ship and will keep Cedarvllie fa the front? Twdgood temperance meetings were held last Friday, and- Babbath nights. The speakers for the first meeting on the street -Were Rev. Jewett and .Mr, Earl Bavey. Rev. jewdtt 1 * a very interesting speaker apd feiaviews and experience in bis work made strong argument fob the adoption of prohibition and defeat of Koine Rule. He laid-special empfeails on the de­ feat ■ f tod Home Rule- Mr. Bavey ggyp his experience from a personal standpoint with the liquor evil .1 How men lh his employ had been led to better lives; bow others who wanted to walk in the right path could not re­ sist temptation when' the saloon had been returned to Xenia the last time. From, a laboring man’s stand toe sa­ loon. Js toe greatest evil. Sabbath night a large crowd heard Ren Geo. C. Levering in the opera house. Rev, Levering Is manager of the county campaign for the dry* and has per­ fected an organization that will turn out a large vote and give a rousing majority against the hosts of evil. ©- Do not fet your enthusiasm hindar your work In th# ofosifip deya of this momentous campaign. Prohibition sentiment ia running high. The gen* 'feral oetlef la thet Ohio will vote dry? This •Prohibition enthusiasm fa moat encouraging, but It fa also dangerous, as it tends to cause a ceesatloit on the part of dry workers.' After all the dry hallots are deposited in the ballot box November 3 , an honest oouift of thesfe ballots will determine-the re­ sults. increase your efforts in these last days that yotir enthusiasm may not be dampened by ei«ctK>ii results Now fa the time to work and if every­ body does his full share as a good cit­ izen, the time to jollify will come after the-votes are counted. THE BIG PARADE. The delegation from Cedarville Township will form In line on Col­ umbus Street, North of Main Street and every one who expeeta to have a partin the parade mtfatb* in line at 1:00 o'clock- Men, wemen and children on foot, decorated wagons, Boats, dtoorated ' buggies and carriages, dsooratsd automobiles w ill he welcome but all must be In line by the time the parade starts a# hone w ill be allowed to enter the parade while oh thfeline o t march. Report to the lieu tenan ts, L. H , Bullouberger, Prof, Allen, o r Dr. MoObfesney, as to yotir purpose to en te r the parade and on a rriv ing In Xenia repo rt to them t h a t they m ay assign you a place la th e ranks. Pennant*, ffag*< etc., will be in order, *o toteVeryoft© so fa r as poss­ ible he provided w ith something of tb e so rta n d let each division have a banner designating whence it oofaeft and w ha t i t rep isenti- K.MoMiehael, Capfafafor Gsdarville Township, diff#enc«s bM»r*cn Mr, SOhdles, hfa Board of Gomtnorce end 'kindred or* department, it* faethode, or Mr- Steve- art But, w# have tbfa much to say. Mr. Stewart wa* formerly county treasurer of -dark county, on© of the tax-spenders, spending the “people’s money,” a* he says'. But tot hip case, if reports from the State Bureau of Accounting are correct, and theymust be as the finding was published- ip ©very Springfield paper,-Mr. Stewart while serving, fa Ms 1 official capacity drew for himself something like $ 60 j) more than he.was entitled to or the la.w allowed. (Probably toe Glark county taxpayers would like" to'have Mr. Stewart reimburse the treasury for this amount and-have exercised soine of the same kind ot “economy.” he would now force on other -people. ganlzatlans and wto defeat this tax amendment by a majority .of JOflf.ftOQ Or more. Tbe public is aroused and will not stand for such work fa fee-! half of selfish Interests., HARDING IN THIS COUNTY. Warren G. Harding, candidate for IT. S. Senator fa this state, will touij this cOuniy Saturday. Ip to© forer noon he speaks in Xenia and In,too afternoon various town* fa the conn* ty. He. fa expected here after din­ ner, CORN CONTESTS TO BE DECIDED Judges Named by Commissioner*Will Weigh Corn Raised by “Corn Boys”' - Before November 7 th. Under the rules of the State Ag­ ricultural commission which con­ ducts com boy contests throughout toe Btate the judges named by toe local county commissioners Saturday will weigh the com raised by the Grsene county contestants .before No­ vember 7 th, -Certificates of the re­ sults will be mailed on or before No­ vember 7 to A, P. Babdles, of Co­ lumbus, and to the societies or indi­ viduals providing toe trips to Wash­ ington. In this county two trips are Offered, on* by the Greene County Agricultural Society, which fa open to all contestants In the couhty, and toe Other by Hon, Jesse Taylor, of James­ town, open to contestants fa Cedar- rillS, Ross, SHvercreek, New Jasper, Jefferson and Caesarcreek townships. The boy* who arfe taking part in toe contest in this county are as fol­ lows: Charles Gfattniah, Sugarcreek Tp. Wm, Jobe, Sugarcreek Tp. Geo. Murray,- Silvercefek Tp. Wilbur C. Beard, Jefferson Tp. Mac GrkTevine, Xenia Tp. Wilfred FfaUey, Miami Tp, C. W. Clemnter, Gilvcrcreek Tp. ■NotbeiWeimar,’CedarviHe Tp. Howard Roger*, ROss Tp, , H. L. Whittington, flilvercreck Tp. TEMPERANCE SPEAKERS. NOVRMiBRR *ud. RsV. 0 . W. Sullivan, Xenia, 0 . —Another car of fresh cement. D. S .R rv in Co, —Fresh Fish a ll th e time a t H in ton’s. CLIFTON TEttftANCE TALKS. Dr. Jesse Johnson, of Xenia, Will preach a t th* Clifton Presbyterian church Rabbath a t 16:10 a. m ,, oh the Isaacs Of th s day. Biabbath n igh t Ito to* opera house ftev.NubsrFargUEon will speak a t 7 :« 0 p. m. A qd a rte tts will fam ish th im ae le . | JAMESTOWN AND XENIA BOOSTERS MAKE US A VIStTv The Xenia boosters forth* Farmers* Fall Festival made a. short stop here last Friday afternoon. There were fifteen or twenty auto* of people head­ ed by to© O. 8 . (k 8 . G. Home band. ' Monday Jamestown’s delegation on their annual runabout to advertise toe Hallowe’en carnival, dropped into town and made known faeir visit. The tour was led fey Charles Hatch and Hon. Jesse Taylor was toe official an­ nouncer. POSTAL SAVINGS. The war in Europe fa proving a big boon to postsl savings in this country according tor press matter from the postal department. Foreigner* in this country that formerly sent their mon­ ey hack home are now leaving It with Uncle Sam. In Chicago more than 700 ft new account* ware opened last month. Since the war more than ten million has been added to the postal accounts that would have gone abroad had it not been for the war. TRAIN TO XENIA WILL STOP SATURDAY. Arrangements have been made- to stop train No, 7 to Xenia, Saturday, for the “Dry” parade. Train due here at 10:17 fe, m, This will accommo­ date many people that had no-other way to Witness the parade or take part in It. INSURANCE, ■ N ^ fa th o time to took out for your’jtjshritnce, both Fire and ‘Tor­ nado. I* represent The' NatiUrnl F ite Insurance Company, The New Underwriters, The Queen of Atftefi- c/a, The Fftnnaylyanla. Fire Insur­ ance Company, Combined aasdts m , 600 , 000 . 06 . ANimfevr J ackson . —A masked ball w ill be given in th eft, of F* Hail Monday evening, A prize goes to persons bsstmasked, Good music and fanoh will be served by A. J , Hinton. 1 * That Alcohol fa- an- acrid r narcotic poison and always acta ' according to It's nature. • 2 . That it ,supplies no necessity outside.,of restricted and limited scientific and medical purposes. 3 . Thfet the manufacture and; sale of alcoholic liquor for bev­ erage purposes ia a crjme agafnst humanity and', has no Inherent right to exist, , 4 . That,the liquor traffic-I* the foe of the wage-earner' and the enemy of all legitimate In­ dustry and business. 5 - -That the manufacture1'of alcoholic liquor pays to th*.wage- earner th* smallest percentage of the' running expenses of the busi­ ness of any industry fa t he state. ft. That the manufacture ‘of alcoholic liquor pays to labor the - lowest percentage of the market vafue of its product o f any- In* ’ dwstry fa the, State. ‘ 7 . That it employs the smallest number of wage-earners in'pro­ portion to capital invested of any Industry Jn'the State., ^ 8 . That it'adds to the tax bur- , den of- the Bfate -by increasing poverty, pauperism,* IniNtoity, lifa bftci'ity, delinquency and, 'orinis ■ from percent to SOpercent, * ,1- That' if wfipi# f a 'ioT That State Sod National P.rchibition of the MANUFAC­ TURE and sal* of alcoholic liquor for beverage purposes Is the Only effective way"to deal with the traffic. Voter NO on: Home Rufe. Vote VE 8 on *Prohibition ' \ 7 ' _ have more or Iese of it. Powibly IT Q l j i t iff with us. Such being the case ^ v ^ you know s o m e t h i n g of our service. But if not a patron Rouid’nt it be well for you to become one? Our Saving’s Department in calculated to serve all classes; the old and the young, the poor and the rich. I t receives deposits from $1 up to 15,000 and, allows ------ — four-per cent, interest^----------— compounded semi­ annually, . Greene County* Ohio, Bonds for Sale. * J T h e E x c h a h g e .^B a n k j CEDARVILLE, OHIO. ELECTION OFFICIALS.: The following election officials have been appointed by to©’Board of Elec- .Uona: Cedarviljo Townqbip-tPres. Judge, •Ji, C. Townsley, R.; Judges/-Charles Turnhuli, D., J, E. Kyle, It, J. A Mc­ Millan. D.; Clerks, William Watt, R„ J.,A. Baumgartner, 3 X " CfedarVfile Corp.—PTea- Judge, G. Y, Winter, R.; Judges,, W. B. Campbell, D., E, W. Richards, R.,- C. N. Stuckey, t>,; Clerks, W. W. Traute, R,, Harry Bird, D. Miami East—Pres. Judge, W. B, Clark, R.j Judges, W. L. Wilson, D.,i H,- N. Coe, Rv c. N. Prestoh, D,; Clerks, Walter Corry, R„ L E. Ogles- bee, D. - Rose—Pres. Judge, .J, A’ Watkins, D.; Judges, John Spafer,* R.; 8 . M. Lackey, R.; Dan Cummings, D.; Clerks, Spencer Smith, R.J Arthur Cummings, D. ' i,rgw 'iF ■i'. ■ r . A New Shipment jiisfc arrived from Burgesses and othef well known Modistes of New York. Russian* Turbans Tri-Corners, Gainsborough and Cavalier. Picture Hats are the dominating styles. In Black Lyons Velvet or Hatters Plush.* , Untrimmed Hats Black Velvet is iri the jead for winter. Large, Medi­ um and small effects. Prices ranging from , l&pm Paradise,* NUmidi, Wings, Ostrich and Novelty Flowers at very moderate prices. Osteriy 37 Green Street, - * - Xenia, Ohio. TheWeatherManSays:- “ ll is tittle to prepare for Winter” Our Fall and Winter Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats are here ready for your inspection. They are COT to Et the body and pricer1 to fitytmr pocket book. Bo us this favor-COME ANB SEE BE­ FORE YOtJ BUY. UNDERWEAR—We havh Munsing and Staley Brands WALK-OVER SHOES Interwoven Hosiery, Monarchand Arrow Shirts, which are all standard brands. GIVE US A TRIAL . MMX urn hoke H O M E C lo th in g Co* CEDARVILLE. OHIO -■— - - — -1 - — — - - : J >***<*' T -r -t - fe* sfet * 4 ^ fe-