The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 27-52

f.J J 5 PUlM' >. I. 4’ >V*f A.[ i fmWtmfimm o *- l id ^Wqfk^Utcdmpiit *W i !WKlof lay otbir Ino i—ana hi mi i _^ .. «M|» ffke r t m n s m m T B t x a x no . « CaCDABTIXiEl OHIO, pw *<« ACEPTSCULTO R:P.CHIU INfT. JT. L. Qheataut of Ceulter- irUl*, Xib, hoa nstifltd th« loo*] » . Pi ©cngragaUws of hi* iatontton to t*M$* tb« call wbloh « u ex- to*d*«l*a*&* u »# a*©. Ab*ut two year* ago 3|rr.Uhartqufc « m *«k*d to eora# h«r» t** be d*alIo*d. 3>r, Cbwtoa* -in aeot^tary of tin Foisrigtt Muaiatwry Board of tlu *« P> »b«roh »Qjt oso Ah« loading mlaiatar* of the d*n«*prp«tJ 0 tt. Hi ha#?>#*■*paator of the Ccmltarvllle- •©Xfatgatlcmfor about twentyyear* w»d ho no doubt regretted very nmehto leave a poop!* «rh*nt to bad tainUtored ao long- aid foritorfuf. 'fhe ©all carry* -with it a *»la*yoi $1400annuaUy and pareonaga’ and P i, Ob**fcn»t expeat* to enter wpon bie work here January Hie / family ooneiete of ble wife, a dawgbter, teaching in the public acheole in CoulterviIIe, aud Jamee, a etndent in college here. tfbelocal congregation ban been , without a regular pastor ainco Bar. Mtlle J. Taylor was called to the Second XT, P. church in •Moumoath, XU, iectuii m m * The eeuoad number of the letture joouree will be next Tbnreday even- ] toff, November IVth, Dr. LINCOLN WIRT. AHwho heard Dr. Wirt at the Chautauqua, in “ The Coaqueit of tbe Artie” will reeall with later* e«t bis thrlRiagaccount of his artlc expieratloiuaud the faithfulneee of “ WMsker*.'* A itar three years la the Arctic, Dr. Wyrtspent the eeveu succeed*: tag years In world-wide travel, largely in the Tropica. As guestof King Chnlulongkorn of Siam, he eojourped a month at the Wameee Court. He travelled extensively to China, J*p*h, the Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, and dbroughouttbe floath Sea Islands, Africa and'Europe. Dr. Wlrt’e lecture next Thursday night will be with reference to the Seven yean* experience with the title “ Under the Bonkbem Cross,*r Only #5c to hear the great man, Wewant you to here bias bug there ate four other entertainments just a* good to follow and Nichols Uone of them. There are just a. few season tickets left and for #1,09you will see&splendid ^entertainments. PlatopenMonday, NovemberJj§th, *t‘8 p. ip .., when everyone will be given an equal opportunity to get your choice of spates ABE NMtTLN WEDDING AND -MERCHANT’!) CARNIVAL, ' , A homo talent play y*U be given at tbe opera house Monday’ even­ ing, November Id, for the benefit of ' the Ladies* Aid of theM. F.churcti, Do not miss this opportunity of ; seeing one of the nicest home talent, 'p lay* ever given here. Nun and music. AU the - leading places o f business represented -by -young people in costumes, Ajrural wCdr >ding. Everyone come, Seat* 2Bo at Jotinson’s Jewelry store. Plat open Friday. , - NOTICE TO HUNTERS. No' banting or'' trespassing by persons with dog of gun, ' . J. C. Townsley, David Johnson, ' c ' Ndw.Daap, O. W. Crodse. NOTICE. The Cedarvilio Township Library Board of Trustees "Will meet In special session, Friday evening* November *0th, at 7 o’clock, in Carnegie library to act upon bids for librarian during the coming year. V* ft. HcChesney, Pres. ■ i|,y,j|'afsh,,s*o. W. H. Barber, Treas. INSURANCE. - awy-neW; Now is the time, to look opt for your Insurance, both Fire and Tor­ nado. I represent The. Natural Fir* Insurance Company, The New Underwriters, The Queer of Ameri­ ca, The Pennsylvania Fire Insur­ ance Company. Combined assets 158,000,000.00, AKDftXWJ a O ksok . For Benti—Store room, on South Main street. H. A . Turnbull. M e a r i c k ’ s >s>o&>cx*xx»&e*K>c> 0 & 0 OCG<%baa&d Tremendous Bargains in Coats and Suits $ 10 , $ 12 . 50 , $IS and $20 To get the public acquainted with oitr newlocation we are - offering the greatest bargain offer aver beard of .la Coats, Units,Skirts, Dresses,Waist* and Furs. I f you want * higher elie* garment for less money coma toour new store CloaK , Co. N SW STONE I m m A M i m a Sit. DAYTON , Ur.McChesney Dr. W.-R.,McChesney was made dean of the R. P, Seminary and Professor' of systematic andpastoral theology at ameetlijg of the .Semi­ nary^ Board, Tuesday. Appoint­ ments of Profs! Allen and Jarfcaj were also confirmed. Membero ol the board from a distance were; Dr J.-L. Chesnut, of boiitterVille, XU.; and Rev. W. G. Galley, of Phila­ delphia. The faculty «t the seminary and college along with the students of each institution sent telagrdms Tuesday to Rev. ahd Mrs.’ John R Taylor and- family,' formerly of Cincinnati, who sailed Wednesday Coenter tbemisiion Held in Cbpsa. Arnold Witt Net Resign. Now that UN#eteatlon is over at* tentloa is drawn to the Jeglsiatare and protoaMt lagtsiatlc*. While tbe Republican* have a majority la both the SenateandHouse itwlll by neewwary |ohav»D*)iWHiratie votes to pas*measureeWIth a twn-therds tot* or atjiaehvhe emetyeney elans* exempting legislation from the referendum. While th# dry* have contended that the JKatsieRule feature of ttm eeastHuthm|axtadaptfd repealedail law* govMOtqjr .seloops, *sp«olelly Sunday eieetag, ttie wet* have held differently. Jut is Jumd’ii that the liquor interests are- p^iparing to offer* hill this wBtlag winter to re- peal the ffanday dOeimf law. The demand fer suoh n'Bsw comes tiwm CincinnatiWhet# *h» Maoai.ohiv# not been closed #n' Bunday forfifty years until Gov. sCox enforced the state law. Topmipeueh a memmi*' theRepublicanmajoritymust have Democratic vote#and from stmhsce mdipatfonethis party will not lend InffuenaeNlo any legislation wanted m theQUeehfli^. AffdntheNeus# is said to be “ dry” by a email margih while, the “ wet*” have’ a goodWorkingmajpWty inthe Senate, Iii the latter body the “wet*” ■ can only bold control by the assistance of tbe Democratic-liberal*. The latest “wefcH 'movement frto urge John H. Arnold, of Columbus, recently elected lieutenant'governor to resign,in thathe hasnothad par- Uamentary -experience and allow Goyv-electWiiHs to, appoint Albert Morrell of Cincinnati* the “ w*t” Candidate before the primary who was defeated., Arnold. ,is *^dry**, to the core and-the “ wets” want oneof their own to presideOvertlis Ssnate. Arnold has answered that he will hold opto the office he'Was elected for, not desiring 'an appointive position with tbb adHUnigtration even though at a'-greater salary than heyiil recetya i^ .givg ?J 1 W a itm wUmLmthUi&tih a*) ia| dc%dr'f'itci f?'8t k jt'ai-8 I l!oa Isp^Ntdue a5id» $ m.-nj-j tet-1 «ilecsemtiscaruahy , > i _____ 1 J? >A% NOVEMBER 13 , 1914 , . PRICE, $1,00 A VEAR ANOTHER VOTE t PROEAfi* NEXT YEAR, UN A QWANOE The seasons come often. Youth cooes only" once, ®very boy and every girl have a right to have a good time while young. The Agricultural commission of Ohio will urge every county" fair to offer premiums fur something that boys and girls ,can do and display. f County fairs are -drawing public money.. The public is entitled to value, received, One county fair, 1914, enrolled 144 boys ln live Stock judging contest and the same number In ' a corn-quality <contekt display. Twenty countieshad live stock judging contests. The Copimlsslbn recommends follow Ing contests; 1. Stock judging, 2. corn quality and scoring, 3. Educational exhibits by schools, 4. B&king-c&nnlng-sewing. : 5. Pig growing. 6. Homo and table decorating. ' County fair boards shouldhave a list of every boyand”girl between the age* of 12 and 21, in the county, and give all an invitation to -do something for the fair, Give youth a chance. foflL i ....... . ...... ChfNafe, baayeemvwffwont thatMl* abowthfaymm has been oalled off owing to tbe footaml mouthdt«sas«. Last week' the- dairy herd* held th#ir show in that city and a* » re­ sult,more than 800 head of'the finest dairy eattle in th* country ar*bsld;in quarantine,' ■Many of tbsm aretiok now. The value of tbe herds fe placed at two -and a half million. ,Ifc is well that the show-for thebe«(breads was -called off. - ‘ . g . E. jobe a D elegate TO ROAD CONGRESS. OHIO QUARANTINE on GREENE COUNTY The spread of the dread: foot and mouth disease among hogs and Cat. tie ha* Caused this county to beplan ed under quarantine, neither ship meats In Or OUt being permitted. Nt cases have been found here, but tht disease has been discovered Hear the eouaty lino iln Fayette county where 128 -heed o f hogs, 58 head of cattle and 12 sheep belonging to John Ter­ rill will be killed. ° • ■' • ,lt was .fortunate that the show herds of Meadow Brook afid,F. B, fumbull returned home some time ago before the disease was discovered Usd these cattle been caught in the Infected district* they probably Would- have been held lor many weeks, A stable of fine running horses was not permitted to enter Rentdcky and -tlie animals had. to he held at Cincinnati until quarantine is lifted,, "Within toe past few weeks several cgf loads ol cattle have been shipped Id from the West, but m yet nothing has develop­ ed... . . .e One of the worst things farmers In this section are having to combat is the bog cholera. Scores of breeders have lost almost their entire herds. Many have tm- mnned their feeding hogs and .thus have raved theft, but the loss to stock hogs will amount' to many thousand dollars. ^ » , - w . a*e«aWw»v. jwmnw m*. ■Mr, G, E. Jobe Is a delegate to the Fourth American Road Congress held in Atlanta, Georgia, from the Mb to 14tli. Mr. Jobe left last Week-for Atlanta and is expected home the last of this week,' A great highway Is planned from Chicago to Florida, tiupugb Atlanta and tbe government |ato be efekked to finance toe project. It Is proposed that a commission be appointed to handle this expenditure. The states through Which this road passe*’will build “feeder*” and also maintain the main, road after completion. About 2000 delegates are attending the convention. There Is a large ex­ hibition of road machinery and gov­ ernment exhibit of good xoed con­ struction. ' The trustee* loon League will wid# ProhiWtkm submitted te The adoption »C meat by toe stirred the state for an enrfy the new *m< blbltioa, There Is much terns to encourage H counties, 71 v Prohibitionand bar voted against eight counties now Whftton, while cat and poeajbly one ©; ed vret. f i e dry* capturi countie* they did a surprise to bat have Atari; counties go for. surprise was no' HkeCraWfcud, ed On the dry aid That fraud and up the big wet county,la held by dry* will go Into up their demand vote, it was t vote which meat on.the state 1500 to 2000 sal< dry. Every ealoon. will bo'established Cincinnati: Doveneotmunl tjona will ,be caW thirty days, Pett culatiop in many in dry counfie* a realize what home fined by Cincinnati Into tlie constit totes. Brewers are taow under which wet keep saloons ©pen to that effect fs legislature when it Ohio Aatt-ga- if a state- eat will % next year, era* amend- Qtoctoaatt has the demand is to wipe out aMsn* of Pro. fto# *i*<kion, re- Bey*. Df the mpOottlee for that num- aala. Twenty- for Pro- Wattrto dry county vot- ' a number Of ..expect; Ittwas and drye to ^'Atod Mahoning and the ‘ yfimn counties Mercer Ighto money J^ied in HamiHOa And the ' to back i-'rtopunt of the an county wet nmend; II Openfrom territory now dry counties vote Of wet at option1ete’e- toe next shy* now Iq dp The people beginning to MeanS, as out- s; and put Cincinnati ■> for « law may i;ote to lay, A bill (■in January. NOMINATION^ ARE TBE aOMG OAM. t towto *%. NOW IN ORDER, ■The l^cbsnon star nominate* Hon, Simeon I), Fees for President of tb# United States. Wo are perfectly agreeable. Why not to* President of Antioch College to succeed the Pres­ ident of Princeton University? But it is rather early. Many things may happen between now aad lJlS.-kla- zette. ■ The Herald suggest* that the M. C. first be tendered the. liquor license commtssionership In tot* county. iGer- tafely there Ss aaae wore quafified. Having urged toe constitutional co# weatkm to license saloons and then, tomperance people to Adopt the pro­ visions, which wai done, w#cau toittk of no more fitting tribute to the coun­ ty’s delegate than to have him honor­ ed-as the first Liquor License Commis­ sioner in Green© county. -Who sec, onds, the'mptlon? losing side p r _____ ____MAIL ORDER TRADING, CHUKCH SERVICES. H< P. CHURCH (UAIN STREiT) Teachers’ meetingBatorday.evening at 7 o’clock. Rabbith'ffchool Sabbath morningat 8too- o’clock, Breaching by Mr. Ndhpeth. Reid Andeysont sof Xenia Theological SemlaaryBabbath at 10:Nla, m. and 6:80p. in. O, B. pfaydf meeting Sabbath at f:*n • Prayer meetingWednesday even lug at- i* Rllbjeiit,. “ The LlqUCt License System.” ’ Habakkuk f:ix. —-Th* Ladles* Aid of the -M, R. church will hold « Tn*nksgiv|ng market Wedhwday* Nov* Mth, at J, W,Johnson’ s. —NOTlOMi—t am now prepared to do all kind*of drayWork, moving and hauling. We will do your work when called on promptly. Try me and s«e. H ahvbt Mavans. FOR RENT---Five rooms and part of stable on Mrs. Condon’s property ‘bn Chillicotho St Inquire oi,' Mrs. Reed on too premises, or of Frank Bird, Rent, |5,B0 per month, la ad vance, LRm a o*-my-heart w m «md * weary, A-footlng like's pathway u‘ trial*, With .never a -rest or a--;paii*ing Between toe long lagging miles. Oh, there ne’er Was a song half so tender, No tube half to sacred to me A b this soft sighing lull of tfie wafer, In Its, rollicking melody, Nor could e’er mortal bards frame a lyric TO breathe a more touching re­ frain Than 1* crooned by its choir of voices Softly over and over again, Till all nature 1* bound in its rythm AmHiuefced in a silence, profound, As toe birds trill a sweet benediction From tbe all around. How oft thru toe lengtheningshadow? That group at the foot Of the hill Have I watched the glimpse of -bright . water ■ As it glide* from the channel • so still— , , All bathed in the fast dyingsnnheams, In colors of amber and gold, That bursts la a shower of diamonds Such as only toe fatrle* behold; Then gone in * leap o’er the chasm. And shattered to fragments, of white, As they dash down upon the -cliff rOcks ' In a turmoil ©f grim delight, So t sink back against toe cushions Withmy eyes h*lf-cle#edto the Song That seem* to lilt with the voice* Of days, happy days, gone so Jong,- And a hoet of vague smiling faces Are .caught In the maze of my dreams To shine tor a moment of splendor Like the fireflies’ fitful gleam* That show1here and there la the hob low And the thick-wooded grove just1m. yobd. Tangled with vine* of the Ivy And decked With,,flower aad frond. And I think of the friends and dear ones; • The old miller with long locks of snow; ^ . The hoys and fair schoolboy sweet­ heart*' • . , That I knew in the long, long ago. And H; seems I*CNii hear their soft • . * pleading Most like angels from paradise Calling from out the gray Shadow* That dose in about the skies; . “O come, weary one, we are waiting; ' O come join our pensive refrain; 0 come, your life Wqrk ft over, ■O Come, join our band once again.’’ Now the lights have com* In toe vil­ lage, ■v. ' The etors Show in heaven’s great dottte} . 1 must end my qnandering verses, And take my lonely way home, For th* "skewers" are simply out- mxeouv, They fill the soft summer air, And drown out the song of the mill ■dam . : -* As-they steal up from yon rockylair. - •M. F. F. F ob SfatB: Night head of Rams Shorpahiireandd Delaine. “ ft ,ft< IfansJGarbus, g German farmer of rowa, has discovered: that toe benefits which appear on toe surface as at­ taching to too mtol order plan, some- fimes spell disaster uhd hias written t 'veay Interesting story of his views n a certain farm paper. Here Is a part of his story: “We farmers need awakening .to ,he fact' that we have unmistakably, reached' the period where- -we jnUst ;hink and Plan. -1 am one of the slow Tornran farmers that had-to be shown,' md I am now giving my experience .hat’ others may profit, for knowledge a more expensive,now’than ten years ago.,- ’ • ‘ / ' - •; - “Twenty-nine years ago ' i, began my farm career. I had an old team and 150. Our furniture was most­ ly home-made—chairs, cupboard and lounge made frdm dry* goods boxes, neatly covered with ten-cent cretonne by my girl wife. We rented eighty acre*. Being w boy of-good -habit* f got all needed machinery and gro­ ceries et our home, merchants- -on credit, until fall crops were sold. The fi-fstyear waa a wet season and I did aot make enough to pay creditor*. I wept to each an date of promise jggMi amdained vouMJ*Mf paying it* my own, i,JW' i * “As soon as i owned. these few acres the? mail order^houses began sending me catalogues, and gradually I be­ gan Sendingmy loose change to them, lettingmy accounts stand in my home towq Where I had gotten my accom­ modation when I needed it. > “We then had one of the thriftiest little villages in the state—-good (fine of business In all toe branches, mer­ chants who were willing to- help an Honest fellow over a bad’ year; and a town full of -people who esme twice a week to -trade ant^ visit.' Our little country town supported* library, high, school, band, ball teamj apd Wo hgd big celebrations every year. ■ “A '.farm near a five town soon doubles**in Value, i sold my forty acres at > big advance and bought an eighty, gradually adding to it Until t had' 200 acres, of the beat land. In low*- 1 then felt no need of asking favors, and found at‘easy to patrofilie the mail order agents, that came «l-i most weekly to our dooh I regret toi say that t was the first in the county, to make up a neighborhood hill and send It to a mail order house, Though We got -bit every mice in a while, we got in the babit of sending away for; stuff. ’ ) “Gradually Our merchants lee- sened tbeir stock of goods-—for lack of -patronage. Finally we began to realize that wilen wd needed a holt quickly for machinery, or clothing for sickness or death, we had to wait and send away for it, which,wasn’t no pleasahf, One by one ©ur merchants moved to places where they were ap­ preciated, and men of less energy moved in. Gradually our town has gone down, odr business houses are ’tacky’ In appearance,a* number are empty, obr ” schools, church*# and Walks are going down, Wr* have no band, ho library nor.hall team. Their* ,1s no business done Intown, andthere* tore no taxes to keep things up. Hotel is Closed for lack of travel. Go down to too depot when the freight pulls in and you Will see toe sequal 1Amail order packages. ■ “Nino years ago my farmwas worth $195 an acre; today I’d have a. hard matter to sell. It at $167 an acre. ,it is ’too far from a live town’—S©every farmer has said- that Wants to hay. He wants a place near schools and church- C;3, where his children can hare ad­ vantages. 1 have awakened to the fact that in helping to pull the town down it has cost me $6,440 in aintt years.” BANKING BUSINESS " I T have more or less of ijfc. Poggibly V 1 it is with us, Such i>eing the case you know s o m e t h i n g o f our s *m e e . B u t itn o t a patron would’ n t i t be well for y i .to become one? * y Our Saving’s Department •if ■- .* -r, 'w-' ' *■•* -. ‘ Is calculated tosCrve all classesj the old* " andthe young, th^ poor ,and the , rith. ’ It receives deposits, from $1 up to $5 ,000 jand allows four per cept;interest, ■ ■! ^compounded semi-, ~ it ; ' annually. .. , , ' , f x k Greene County, Ohio, Bonds for Sole. n T r » .l Hf” g i m Sk 8 iHkg” »** , 1 % M I# I HE .EXCHANGE; ISANK, C E D A R V IL L t, .O H IO . Will have car on track first of the coining week. Price at car will be ’er Bushel Bring Sacks or Barrels with you- In this, car will be 20 Barrels ■ ■ ‘ 1 %■ > No. 1 BaldwinApples -MICE PER BARREL. , . 4 4,w*-a♦ $2.75 $5 Bu. ChoiceTellow Onions * . - T IA /v p it ie s p x r b u s h e l . . w . ......J?.. ;..y U G r K- V Aj ■ . z *'“S'C * ^■ . j - - -j^ f 0* 5 • -■i -y ;v P .S . Watch the Xenia Daily Gazette-for ' EXACT DATE the car will be in. —Order your Freeh Fwft o f Hin­ ton’ *. ^ J - Freah Fi»h all the tlm* *$ Hinton’#. Fuh at Hlnto’ Oa*rf*f*dOik Chit-' feeler, i* inch*# wide, Mato -mlrrar m i l m d S iijr vtdw*. Speriel..., CHIFFONIER Under,Priced An opportunity for you to get that odd Chiffonier you have been wanting at an ex­ ceeding low price * t $hia Chiffonier is Well made throughout --four large and two small drawer# making ample storage space *— gracefully ptopor- ■tioned,. : , a Other Chiffoniers left from Bedroom Suites at equaUy low prices* RBOUtAft RtlKAt FREE jsm im R f OATTON, OHIO MWMlAM T Sh I • t » ’M *