The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 27-52

f«* X$$iil«Mi Our Job i: Woricwill ©ompw* w*th ‘ It of any &tb*r firm..... fVi/AAAAA#yv4^w»#WWS#V*V'‘j This it*#wbfKmarkedwith m in. & Xjdenotesthat*yrxi i subsmp- ticnispast due anda prompt set* ticmemisearnestlydc*-re<j. * * - * m m v z m f m r n r w m . m « s * CEDARVILLE, OHIO, 3 MBAY, NOVEMBER 27 , 1914 . PRICE, $LQ0 A TEAR O lflAlJE MAY BE mmmi Program for tha second annual OftHHEut <\H5niy Glrla’ Conference, No. Ywib#? 28 md at Xenia, Ohio. Hold under the auspices of the Greene County Young 'Women’s Christian As­ sociation. Headquarters at the Y. W. C, A. rooms. 1 Saturday Morning. 9:15-^Son* service, »:25~Qufet Hour, Mlsa Maude Cor­ bett. 9:48—-Address of Welcome. Miss J&U& Kennedy, president county con­ gress, Response, Lola Ankeny, Rea­ ver Creek, 9xh&-r.purposi> of the Congresses, Miss Lot* Thomas, President State Congress. Reports* State Conference; township jvork—Jamestown, Mabel Walker; Osborne, Ruth Hardman; Xenia; Hjfch School Club,-Mary Kpth erine -Geyer; Contests in Sunday iS'hools, Miss Irma Finley; Miscel­ laneous Reports. - J1:15—Adjournment, Saturday Afternoon, 1:15—Quiet Hour. Miss Katherine Childs. .l;3P-r-DJscussloff—Girl’s Problems; Gostjlp, slang, exclusiveness,' selfish, ness, school honor, pride, sensitive - fless, etc.'. Prayer, 2:15—'Address, -Miss (Mabel Ward, Student secretary Field Committee, Y. W. C. A, . 2:45—Intermission. 3;Q0-—County contests. Mr., Wm. Cook, County Agricultural Agent. 3:15—^Business Meeting. 3:30—Address, Miss Maude Corbett, 4:03—AdJournment. Saturday Evening. ", 6:00 O’Qlock. Banquet, ToaSts-r-A Trip to Lake Geneva, Miss Mildred Quinn, Xenia; A Summer Camp tor County Glris, Miss Bernice Funderburg; A Happy Eight Weeks’ Club, Miss Helen Haynes, Caesar Creek.1 A good time for all. -. ' 8:30—Campfire. , Sunday Afternoon. ; 3;00 O’clock. ! Vesper Service; Music; Address, Mlsa Alice Shields, India; Music,' > Thin will he a great occasion, so to ■ephae, Bions yvlll he held In the Reformed church. Registration and assignment of places at the Y..W. G.'A. CARRIED FOR A YEAR. There has been much confusion over the orders of the State Agricul­ tural Commission as to quarantine and restriction as to movements of live stock* since the foot and mouth disease has spread over four states around Chicago, the main shipping point, Not only has each state plac­ ed quarantine, but the federal gov­ ernment has taken hojd. To counties such a s Greene, where no cases have developed people are apt to think, that officials have gone too far with their orders, But If we had. a dozen o r so da,*e»every farmer in that vicinity would be sitting up a t night to protect his stock, In the infected counties no doubt all approve of the strict orders. It has been learned that the dis­ ease can be in a community nine days before It will deyOlpe. I t also can* be carried for a year, (So easy jfiky the carried that dogs, cats, rabbits, In fact anything that comgs lh. contact with/stock suffering with the trouble. John Terrill, on a farm near the county line l,n Fayette county, had 58 cattle, 125 bead of hogs and 12 head of sheep shot by the officiate,- The animals were all buried in a great trench. , Clifton U. P, Church Chines, —“Pilate wabbled, then fell.'’ —Everybody is somewhat peculiar. —Keep praying, humble, faithful, busy, Watchful. —Napoleon’s presence ott the battle- field was said to be equal tp ' 40,000 additional soldiers. —Miss Carrie Rife leads the C, TJ. In Study of Sketches of the Coven­ anters" Sabbath evening, chapters 43 and 47, -There was a good attendance at 'trrifrweaitor A.k." ' For SomeRelief. qr ip the Wide World Magazine, with the scorching jkw heating down upon them, the mdminals are made to workin the jmii mines or opening tip the jtmgi&'and as the officers in charge praetieblly uftlimitgdposverovgr they are often ifffreafedv /' v -'T' y . - TJie inhabitants of ^eae prisons the Women’s»Missionary Society last; range frommurderers M the worst to prbfessiqUal yliqves and Fearful ,Qenditipiw Gres P«tp«rad»»s Sent In Franco a criminaljjrhe is class-: ed as incorrigible is e*her sent to | the islands of Safety, o f Hie Guiana * S V~" coast—of which JDoffl’a island, f Prosecutor/Johnson hsgxaaked where Captain Dreyfus languished, j the state vefceh^imrlWrUl'. Fitaber, is one—or to St. X*aurant or St. j t0 mo’dify his orddr^orquapantjne Jean, a little higher dtp tlie river. that farmers can shjpw^u stock. In this terrible climate, says a writ - 1 Fully 600 farmers have hogs ready ® i , to* «»?*«&and there being cholera in the county, tarinera are taking more risk of this disease than of the foot and mouth. Unless -the order It modified the prozepijtor and and slleriif**' Will not enforce the quaran tine..., M WAYNE WE1MER WINS TAYLOR CORN PRIZE. Roy 0 , Lewis and his brother. Her- man, of Jefferson township, won the corn contest-trip to Washington, The former raised US bushels and the latter 112. Roy won the trip 'last year. Wayne D. Weimer, son of Mr.- and Mrs, Fred Weimer,.who reside on the demons land, south of town, had 328 bushels and 56 pounds of corn to the acre and wins the special prize offered by Jesse Taylor,'which is a free trip .to Washington on the Corn Boys' Special,'November 30 to December 6 . We Offer Specially for the Next Ten Days. The Best $10 Coat fn Dayton Tfae Best $15 Coat in Dayton The Best $20 Coat in Dayton the Best $25 Coat* in Dayton —AND— $45 Suits for $25 $35 Suits for $17.50 -tfr. ft - —AN D— $25,000 Worth of FURS ait your Disposal Seta, Muffs and Neck pieces. Every piece made of the best prime skips and guaranteed in every •my* * WHY THE Y0UTHNS COMPANION SHOULD BE IN EVERY FAMILY. “if i codid taka only, one paper,’ said the late Mr. Justice Brewer of the,’Supreme Cotat, "it Would be The uShsheu, sm< The companion t» a family paper in the' qpmpldfesf sense. It provides reading that, without falling to Inter­ est the young,'still interests the ma­ ture. i t unites young and old through their common enjoyment of delightful fiction, agreeable miscel­ lany,. and the clear exposition of pub­ lic questions, $o carefully is It edited, so varied are Its contents, that it would easily Supply a family with entertaining fic­ tion, up-to-date information and whole­ some fun, if no other periodical enter­ ed the house. If you are not familiar with The Companion iis it is today, let us send you sample copies and the Forecast tor 1915. New Subscribers who send $2,00 for the fifty-two' Issues of 1915 will re­ ceive free all the remaining Issues of ldl4, besides a Copy of The Com­ panion Home Calendar for 1915. THE YOUTH’S COMPANION, 144 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass. New Subscriptions 'Received a t this Office. • LEGAL NOTICE* King W. Scott, Plaintiff, vs. May Scott, Defendant, Greene County Court of Common i Pleas. NOTICE* May Scott, residence unknown, vrill take notice that On the 15th day of October, 1914, said plaintiff filed In said court his petition against her idr divorce upon the ground of adultery, praying also in said petition for equitable relief a* to the title to cer­ tain real estate, and that the same will bo t o r . hearing a t the court bouse, in Xenia, on November 99, 1914, or as soon thereafter as the same can -be reached, by which time defend­ ant must answer or demur to said petition, or judgment may be taken against her. KING W. SCOTT. INSURANCE. The MearicH. Cloaft Co. HEW STORE Sttttd u i HbSt Stt., DAYTON, OHIO Nowis the tim* to look out for your Insurance, bothFire and Tor­ nado. I represent The Natural fareInsuranoeCohipany, TheMew Underwriters, The QueenofAmeri­ ca, The Pennsylvania Fire Insur­ ance Company. Combined assets $ 68 , 000 , 000 . 00 * A ndrsw ' J ackson * ForBent: -Store room on South Haiti street. H*A. Turnbull. i Snipers in war. The word “sniper" is the modern picturesque equivalent ,tor the old franc-tireur, or freeshooter. The term denotesthe civilianwho, havingneith­ er distinctiveuniformnbr anyconnec­ tion with a regular military organiza­ tion* takes a pot shot at the invader of his country. *, *.*- . Wednesday. —Dr. Ritchie was calling down the Fish-worm pike' last- Thursday. —Do you want the Sunday School Tlmealncxt year tor two cents a week? Report to Orland Ritchie, superin­ tendent of the Sabbath school. It is a splendid help to Bible study: -—Whoever Bent up Wallace’s Farm- er last year did' us a great kindness, Thera-ls a fine exposition of the Sab­ bath school lesson and many fine moral- teachings in it. The .Editor is a United Presbyterian minister, whose health’ drove him-out to the farm. —It. Is Indeed better to not vow; than to vow and' not pay; but better far to| voW and to pay. -Sabbath! A day -to gather up loose ends, to unravel tangled threads or thought. Go.d bless thin pause In tbe rush of things material* ■this chance' to let mind, Saul and heart take a tong breath. k,It. . 1 $, easy enough to he pleasant, Whim life flows by like a song, But .the man worth while; is the man with a smile, When everything goes dead wrong.'* —Start a prayer Hot. toddy of those you wish to .lead to Jesus Christ; and expect an answer to your prayers* •Next Sabbath the pasto^ jvUi pre- sent In the morning sermon, “The Ten Commandments’* m prayer. Will iv e iy one bring a Bible? •’ —Every mother and djtfghter ought to read the artt<jhr%nfoe teat aum- b«r -of gives: good reasons. —Mr, and Mrs, Ray Knox have a now boy4n their homo.*another mem­ ber tor the Cradle Roll. —The Christian Union will hold a social at. the parsonage next Mon­ day evening, November 30, for all the young people of thb congregation. —Contributions tor the moun­ taineers. should be In within a week Leave at the church or parsonage. — ‘We can, all be good Christians when everything goes right, hut it takes real timber to be a good Chris­ tian when we pinch our. finger hard and a chattering loafer asks if it hurts,” —^“Everybody in our family’s some kind of ,an animal,” said SBobby Al­ falfa to the amazed lady visitor* “What nonsense i” she exclaimed. “Well,” replied Bobby, “mother's a dear, my baby sister is mother's lit­ tle lamb, I’m the kid and dad’s the goat,” ' ) —“I .quit playing cards as a winter night amusement because it didn't get me anywhere morally, mentally, phy- aiclally o: farmslcally. It is too nerve exciting, sleep destroying, tem­ per trying; and the time could be bet­ ter employed In reading, or shelling corn, visiting, or mending harness.” —Read slowly and think: Does my life please God? Am I studying my Bible daily? Am I enjoying ,my Christian life? Is there any one I can forgive? Have I ever won. a soul to Christ? How much tinio do I spend In pray­ er? Am 1 trying to bring my friends to Christ? Have I ever had a direct answer to prayer? Is there anything I cannot give up for Christ? Just whettTam 1 makihg my great­ est mistake? How does my life look tp those who are not Christians? Is the world being made better or worse by my living in it? lHave I ever tried giving one-tenth of my income to the Lord? Am 1 doing anything 1 would con­ demn in others?—Canadian Church­ man, . type _ ( . desperadoes. About cam-fifth of the criminals are women -a thing that seemed iueomprSpenrible to a visitor—are periuUtedfip marry the male convicts! In sonjiq;cases wives ha.d joined their eonw<j$- husbands. Wlmt dreadful, chit raised ip this ptmCBpf and brutality ! Kscape is the one f convict-. The doors 1 jungle are not guards: and the officers in' seem to cure if a eri into the forest, kno that men seldom from this terrible malaria and fefociou Fugitives, have also to the natives,, to, whom convicts ip great sport*’ stances prisoners esc:' of twenty and thirty dangerous to meet tip ninls, as their main tain weapons and these they wilt attac without mercy must $$!;; of crime :hi o fit& i to the y too well, do not al escape's very well •away' alive di^of deadly j-jyiid beasts. ' iskon with •hunting of n many In­ in batches d are more wild ani- it Us to ob- *To get d fmurder c H urch services . r . p, C hurch ( main street ) Preachingby Bpv, Kenneth Reid AndersonSabbath 10:$0 a, m. and 6;80p. ;m. C. BLprayermeeting at 6:30p. m. - Congregational prayer meeting Wednesday at 1:80. P< m. “Gods ' Danger Signals”—Pro>. 4:14-17, UNITED PRESBYTERIAN. * Sabbjath School at 9:80, A class toreveryone, „ . ' Pxeabhingby the pastor at 10 : 80 . Y. P{O. U. at 6 : 80 . A *'Rally Day’*^will be observed. AH oi memberscordiallyinvited and pew memberswarmlywelcomed. Lead­ er,War'dMcMillan. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7," Don’t Carry Large Sums of Money . But if yon must, do so only until you can see us* We combine absolute safety with .satisfactory service. Give particular, attention to the business of farmers, Invite new accounts and new business upon our own merits for strength and , superior facilities. , - M . ♦- ( ■ ' ■ *• •■••-.* - A strong bank*can afford liberal treatment - to its patron's, Our past policy and ample resources are our guarantee for the future. ' WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS - '.'i ’ RubifA and Carbuncles, InwhicMite ancients attributed iantastlc pcaf e aes. were in reality rubies. -TjbJSMrved, it, woe sard, to give* lighffigjarge ser­ pents or dragons wha z ^ ^ ht had been enfeebled by a g ^ ^ to e y bore them constantly betw^rapieir te.etb and laid them d o w a j ^ ^ ^ r i and drinking. I t waM g ^ i claittfea tha t the '(hiibunoln-eaSBHi.Stobt - darknesa and, luminous rays, The tm th is that they have double refraction and send out the red rays with unequal* cd brilliancy. Traversed in a vacu­ um by An electric current;* they are illuminated with a red fire, of ex­ treme intensity. The greatest hea t; does' hot change their form tie color. Variations of “How Art You?” "How do yon do?” That’s Eng­ lish and American. “How do you carry yourself?” ' That’s- French, “How do yon stand ?” That’s Italian. “How do you find your­ self?” That’s Herman. “How* do. .you fare?” . That’s Dutch, “How can you?” That’s Swedish. “How do you perspire?” Thajt’s Egyptian; “How is your stomach? Have you eaten your rice?” That’s Chinese. “How (lo you haveyourself ?” That’s Polish. “How do-you live on?” That’s Russian. “May tliy shadow never be less,” That’s Persian- and all mean much the same thing, —Milwaukee Free Press. Magnetic and Geographical Poiaa, The “geographical poles” of the earth are the extremities of the imaginary lino passing "through its center of gravity and about which it revolves. The “magnetic poles” are in no way coincident with the geographical pole and are deter­ mined by the “dip of the needle,” The north magnetic pole Was lo­ cated by Captain James Ross, in 1831, in King William’s Land, northern Canada, latitude 70 de­ grees 5 minutes 2 seconds, The south magnetic pole has been locat­ ed in”73 degrees 23 minutes.—New York American. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH Service hours Nov. 29, Sunday School a t 11 a. m. . Preaching at 7 p. m. • P rayer .meeting Wednet-day night. Everybody cordially invited. .Come help u s serve the Lord. Pastor ip charge, Rev. A. jrH a le y , 356 H igh­ land Ave., Columbus, O. CIDER! CIDER! Pure untreated sweet older direct from the press and m$de from choice apples. Barrels $ 6.00 f, o. b. Chniieothe 50Gallons $6.00 »* *> * 10 Gall Keg’ $2,00 « ” 10Gallons $1,00 ^ *' , X anoy bnn . .KTAmnnnww *----- tlQW P$tB®r«d' TO SAVE HEATING DOLLARS Have you long worried-with an antiquated heating stove?- Have you keenly felt its.lack of comfort, paid its high fuel bills and' endured its untidiness? A visit to*pur Stove Department J will prove art education in economical heat-making and sure heat distribution. The illustration shows the ■wonderful Clermont ■ Air-Tight Gas Consumer—(Dayton prod­ uct)—made-of the best grade of gray, iron; ‘ , jointless ash box, corrugated fere bowl; hot fay me.and see. H arvey M jsykhs , .-Fresh F jb U a t Hlnto’a.n NOTICE. ' The undersigned has purchased the garage equipment and plumbing es­ tablishment conducted toy J. *E. 'Pierce. We will continue the business and ask the patronage of old as well as new. patrons. -All kinds of auto repairing, plumbing and general machine work. ’ A. <3. OWENS. - ELMER OWENS. F oil S al *:—F igh t head of Rams Shorpshire and 4' Delaine. R ,B. B abbbr , i -Order your Fresh Fish of Hin- on’s. Safety and Strength S a fe t y is F ir s t Your money rnusbbe sure to return to you. Of all the ways in which to secure its payment there is none better or more safe than a first mortgage on good real estate. The person lbaning in this way is safe* Every.' loan made by The Springfield Building and Loan Association is secured by a first mortgage. Our lesources are over $3,274,000 and a reserve fund of $163,000, Your money deposited with this association earns Th« Faini rftart. “You eay, Mr. Sibley,” said the girl in a low, thoughtful, ihis-is-a- scrious-matter sort of tone, “that yon have loved me "for five years and have never dared to tell mo so until tonight?” • “Yes,” lie replied. “Well, I cannot bo your wife. A ■ man who has no more courage than that would pretend to be fas^asleep while a burglar stole his baby*8 shoes.”—“Liverpool Mercury, MI«informat!on. Therewas a dance in the lobby of i<nc of the Big apartment houses in *«. Washington. A man who rents an NOTICE TO HUNTERS, £j| ipartment came in, saw the crowd iml asked one of the negro elevator loySJ “What’s going on out there?” “Why,” the hoy replied, “that is a dance given by one of the ma­ ternities of Georgetown university!” -“Saturday Evening Post* by Ho hunting or trespassing persons with dogor gun. J1. £), Towiisley, ilavid Johnson, Edw. D caii . John Kyle# R. R*Townsley. GeorgeHamman, * ‘ O, W. Crouse, -A lt kinds of Fresh Fish can bo had Ht Hinton’s, Any Sum Deposited up to and Including Decemder-6th Will Draw ^Interest From December 1st, 1814# The Springfield Building Loan Association Springfield* Oh io . During the Erection of Our New Banking Building our office is Located at NO. a SOUTH LIMESTONE STREET, \