The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 27-52

m * v ■ M i Mi * L 9 4 * | |©»H$T0N Impiufcir^lrnftripi*nHi |iiWT> trfHnli:H’WIMI-1»4)n .'l-I »n igD^.pnj^jgipfi wfT |1W! Il[J: -^ mT****^ iiji^iji|infti Dayton's Shopping Center South -w est commr Main andFourth str**ts TheChristmasStore—TheHelpfulStore—Elder's More than ever this season you will want substantial gifts to give. We assure you that your EVERY WANT will be 'filled to the “fullest measure/’ for we have combined best merchandise with sensible .prices. A few suggestive thoughts for “your giving/’ : • FO R T H E M E N— Good Suits, Warm Overcoats, Smart Hats, Pretty Shirts*, Lovely Neckties, Gloves, Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes, Umbrellas, Handker­ chiefs, Fountain Pens, Smoking Sets, Etc. FOR THE WOMEN— Tailored Suits, Beautiful Coats, Dainty -Blouses, Silk Petticoats, Furs, Gloves, Ivory Toilet Sets, Manicure Articles, Silk ‘ Hosiery, "Party Cases, Handkerchiefs, Sta­ tionery, Etc. THE ELDER & JOHNSTON CO. DAYTON, OHIO , F JSCJSCJeweler and Optician JSCJSC A Most Beautiful Lirie , . v / ;* * o f * v ' . and Goods 134 S O U T H M A IN S T R E E T , flfll f Paint is liquid money. ' You spread it over your house and then sun, wind* rain and dust beat upon it in the effort to wear it out and get at the wood* Bye and bye you have to do it all over again —but less often with Hanna’s Green Seal Faint than with other*. When you think of,the ooat of pelnt end printing* remember that otic- third it paintend two-third* labor* It oost* snore to pnt on a poor paint than a JoedOne. Use the paint that last* longest* FOR SALS. BT KERR & HASTINGS BROS, -- -.1 -"■. i J hi M j£r*‘ IliypHiMteleuw iavi , we hicbbNf Aiid % s a l o o n s W a y o F i r i FOR BOYS A N D GIRLS— . . Good Warm Coats,-Suits, Jersey Sweaters, Fur Sets, Dogls for.Girls, Mechanical Toys, Hair Ribbons, Gloves, ' Handkerchiefs, Skates, Good Books, Military Brushes* Etc. jacjac GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING JSCJ^ Butt v m brought following thj elec­ tion Mklng the Supreme Court to order a recount In the four largest counties. The wet* held that them was no Jaw for a recount even though the election Officials were compelled •to hoM the ballots thirty days. The court held that legislation was neces­ sary along this line before a recount could be ordered. This means that saloons can open on 40 of the 45 dry counties and the Home Rule amendment went into effect Thursday.* . Several suits have also been filed from various counties by defeated Re­ publican candidate* contesting the seats of successful Democratic oppon­ ents. These suits are unseless now according to the recent decision. The House, which is Republican, can hoar charges arid determine who is en­ titled to a sea,t and this decision is final.. In recent years several con­ tests have been beard by the House, but regardless of the fact that one party or the other might have a ma­ jority and wag able to unseat some member, nothing Jof the kind ■was ever done. It,is a dangerous prece­ dent for either party to set Oonce established the dry or wets could un­ seat members- and seat their friends and thus deprive counties of their choice for representative. . Yellow Springs is very much eii- thused over the test of an auto (fire ■engine at that place last week. Sev­ eral trial runs were made and the engine did more than was claimed for 'it. The News says that the council •will -probably purchase the machine. South -Charleston needs a similar ma­ chine, but needs a waterworks plant worse, and there is every, evidence that, the people are about In the proper frame of mind-to vote for a bond Is­ sue for that purpose.—-Sentinel. HUNTINGSEASON ' ENDS TO-NIGHT. Th* regular season for'hunting ends to-night*,' December 4. The law must be obeyed to the letter. G. F. Marshall, • Deputy Game Warden thea W I tes ; Tuesday evening1,- December 8th, the Fairbanks Theatre ■w ill offer George M , Cohan’* /latest ' farce “ S E V E N K E Y S TO B A L D P A T E ”. I t 1* tne unexpected surprise* Ip thi* fatce that furnished the appeal which succeeded in focusing the a t ­ tention of H e y York gnd Chicago theatregoer* for’ one year and siit months respectively on this wonder­ fu l play, o f fun add. mystery. In “S E V E N K E Y S TO B A L D P A T E V Mr. Goba n . b a t miked melodrama nnd farce .with a deftness that is as delightful as i t l s thrilling, with the result that hitf’audience* are held at concert pitch, ifa* real Is thp tension sustained during the rapid action o f the mystery'farce. Ah admirable cast, headed'.by Cyril Icott, succeeds in giving forceful expression to the. story, Into which Mr. Cohan has mixed so 'much c l* h i* owe y irlH ty th a t it whirscs along at lop speed from prologue to epilogue. This Charm o f the piece lies in the naturalness of the characters introduced and th e \ whimsical humor of the piece, to say nothing Of curiously delightful love stOry It.presents whieh makes this latest Cohan .pen product one of the most interesting seen on tft« American stags In years. . Friday and Saturday, December 11-llth, the Fairbanks Theatre w ill offer the dramatized version’of that delightful little story “ T H E C A L L ­ I N G OF D A N M A T T H EW S .” Seldom has a character m fiction mad* as many friends a* the hero Of this story and readers o f this “ best seller.” w ill be as. anxious to follow his fortunes la the play as they were in the etory, A good pro­ duction and » clevtr company Is said to be Interpreting th piece and visitors to the Falrh iks w ill be assured of a good entertainment. Rtfjolced In the Prospect. Jataes, who I* not a natural student, on* day was observed to seem very happy -about something. A sympa­ thetic neighbor inquired the reason for bis Joy. "Oh,” explained James, just entering third grade, “I asked pap this morning If 1 had to go to college, an’, he said if I stayed as stupid Its I am now It wouldn’t be any use; an’ teacher says I'afvnaturally stupid* so 1 only have 12 more year* to go to school!" ! Not Alt at Ons Tims* The gods never give all things at the same time to men.—Homer. I*r Xn&atf andOhiUrsu. 1MKMY« DiliAhnjt Begirt Bear* the Signature of wm m The Surprise Store’s Fire, Smokeand Water Sale .........- - - r ..........‘ . ...........................................— 1 Still Continues Great crowds attend the sale every day. The Prices are lowest for the same high class wear­ ables s For M en and Ever offered in Dkyton. Thats Why thePeople are Buying And another thing which makes this sale ich a Success, is the Tact that every purchase is guaranteed and if hot and you are dissatisfied will exchange or refund you your money. , You will find Men’s and Boys’ Suits, O ’Coats, Hats. Caps, Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Sweat- ers, Mackinaws, Rain Coats, Odd Trousers, W o rk Coats, House Coats, Bath Robes, Etc,, at remark­ ably low prices. Attend this Sale Saturday Sure. The Surprise Store Dayton, Ohio. McCulloch - Headqusrterafor Everything in Le.liter Goods—Imported or Domestic M LIST OF XMAS LEATHER GOODS Ladies’ Hand Bags Necktie Oases Drinking Clups Manicure Sets “L ib ra ry Bets Jewel Pockets Scissor Gases B ill and Goin Purses Traveling Sets B ridge Sets Letter Gases Three-Fold Cases Picnic Bets Photo Cases Cigar Gases M ilitary Brush Sets Collar and C tiff Boxes Five Hundred Sets Card Cases . Sewipg. Boxes Toilet Bolls - Mime Bags B ill Books Thermos Bottles Gloves, and Handker­ chief Oases Flask*,. Jewel Foxes Coat Hangers 'Office Bets Music Bolls Folding Mirror* Tobacco Fouohtf Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases McCulloch’s Leather Store, 40 E . Mam Street, S P R IN G F IE L D , OH IO . To Cure a Cold in One Day la'Fa^ia, Tafet 13 •.‘kv'-ts- M g M ae =r=5F m O s The Newsalt Jewelry The finest of it* kind in the State of Ohio for the DIAMONDS, WATCHES AND STERLING SILVERWARE , . CORNBg FOURTH AND MAIN 81HBBTB, DAVTON; OHIO.