The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

hi. . u fa t XxoeJlaoc* Qm Jta Work will oocopare with fetal of any ottar firm..,,. • C e d a , I 'it's Ctm ifheoxci->tS vrI 0 »* r in -f &clr i c .1 . $pus? &!,*.©«ir.d n | uetriiwt ^gsrr.rst^i’liei'ird* , j/.-.JliR- i ft I THIETY-EIGHTH YEAH NO, 52, SHtiiDES-PUFFIR NUPTIALS. iaihbanks thkater , may rsii chains SFKJNGHFJ D, OHIO CEDAItVILLE, Ql >AY#DECEMBER IT, 1915 PRICE, 91.00 A YEAR 1 b a pretty by *erO« t whM. »*8 »4emnu«<latthf-U'''rne of htv pxr eatt. Mr. ami Mr*'. 1.t» Puffer, in Ced= arvilie, Mio* Htiea A, Putfei became the bride of Mr W, R. ^broaden at 4 otlock Ti*e*d«y *h tr,.u ft. The Kev. J . W, Patton, id the MecUoditt Fpiocupal church. pastor of the bride, officiated. Christat** Matinee and Night- Pair of Sixes/* ON HARO ROUK "AJ Ti;e new road law that went, itjia ;effect this mouth haw caused some -trouble atmmg auto owners m that [they were not to la* allowed fo use ADDITIONAL BfiALS iL Mr, skc I Mrs, C. II Cooley enter- 1 s |burned a numbei? at tSMir home 'fiat* I at dinner. The (-hfintmsw ’he Fairbanks field, will la* better nor merrier selection •The bridal pair had no attendant*,,„d i ^ l * ^ < $ * n f o r tltf Ih S iM ^ there-was no bridal am»ic played a* holidHys, thaA this MVfnio.nKly fanny, Tim canity tnmniigsioncta they entered the parlor lor the service. v w v ™tr * fane , over which Ne * York season The bride was very pretty and viritth in i Sfope .,Mt J“ukhe5l* and..then laugh- ‘ “ , ’ T r „ - Hf ,w ,ril*u ,u ed agatr. and agam, during the long her gown of white voilte, and *he wore a and eminently successful tun of the corsaga bouquet of bride'* rose* and p l a ^ pink carnation*. hotlowiag the ring ceremoney,supper, wa« served, all the guests being seated forth* meal, at one table, “There were eovars for fifteen,*nd outside th* mem­ bers of the immediate families of bride­ groomandbride, the guests were; Mr. >aad Mr*. t>. V. Coler, of Springfield, uncle and aunt of the bride. The table waa very dainty in it* decorations of pink andwhite. Mr, and Mr*. SJwiades are.nowon a short honeymoon trip, They will live in Xenia, but have not yet completed their amnwenuinta fewgeing tohousekeeping. Mr. skNMufeesdaemployedbyEaveyand Company in Xenia. He is the eldest •on of Mr. andMrs. Leander $hipades, of CedarviUe. HI* bride is the only 1 daughterof Mr. and Mrs, I. F. Puffer andhas been one of Cedarville's faV^rite giris. a “ . CjtUSCH SERVICE, M. B, CHURCH. J , W. Patton , Pastor. Shtaday School at 8:38 a. m. Praaebing at 10:80 a. m. aspwertft league at 8 :«i. Toe are cordially Invited. story of “A Pair of Sixes” has to do w».h twp men who, although de­ voted friends, as well as burines* partners, simply can not agree over the management of said business. One of them has only to suggest a plan, to have the other at once vio­ lently oppose it. The firm's attorney tries to arrange matters so they will run on more smoothly, but to no avail. Finally the tug» partners decide to play a game of cards. The -one who wins if to run the business for a year, while the loser is to serve the* winner as his butler for the same length of time, ' The game Is played, mid turns out not at all as has been expected even by the audience.' And then the fun begins. The" loser has'his hard lot complicated by the. fact that he had a sweetheart who is kept in the dark as to why he is ‘'buttling/*. And there is also a maid servant, a very old-maid servant, employed *at the winner’s home, who adds* to the screaming gayety- of the plot, and whose name is Coddles. The company which will be Seen in this inimitably droll farce’ at the Fairbanks, is m alt ways an excellent one, composed of. exceptionally clever farceurs. UNITEP pRXIpYTKRJANt J . 8 . S . Melifehaol, Paator. ‘ Sabbath gebool at 8 : 80 . Prw* 4 b!»kt>y tfc* pastor at 10 * 0 . Y. PcC U.aa *: 80 . li*ad«f, Helen OflMbM. Prayawsyettegat 7.00 tifem tan*./ *at*rtalnm*a$ Thur*~ 4»fft Ba***»b*r 88 rd. • i * b . 'iHUL 8 dM 8 MMiLb Ba y, ■ i . ( majh ttk Preacbisc Serirkk 10:88a. m. C, E. Society 586 p, m. UCAJLMOTICE. To the »everiil lot and label owners, whomwill b# benefited by the improve* meat of the RAMSEY ditch, on petition by Bert Turneret al., in CedarviUe and Miami township, Greene County,Ohio. You and eachof yon are hereby noti­ fied, that the report of the Engineer of mid ditch, now upon file Ip ouroffice, together dithhi* apportionment of the estimated cost of construction thereof; will be up before the Board for hearing and confirmation, at our office in the Court House in Xenia, Ohio cn Friday, January 7 th 1818 , at IQ .00 o'clock A. M. Beard of County Commissioners of Greene County, Ohio, by GEO. W. KENDALL, Clerk. Xenta, Ohio December 17 th,, 1818 . Are your feat hard to fit? You ■will find those extreme sixes and widths, for the hard-to-fiC Plenty of the antra large and very small sire* In AAA. AA and A width* at NIS LEY'S. Springfield, O. m m fJAWES FOB LEMBER& Cwaw, Lwiw, CwiBrad, Lwihorod and llwlwt Among Thaw. , _ Many Cities *r&known by more than, one name, but it la given, to few to rejoice In morb than- half a doaen db*- tiuctlve roguotaeui*. But the historic Galician city of Lemberg baa Ixen known at one time or another by no teen than twenty-seven different sp pthtSma * ' " According to the Polish Bulletin, the audent Ruthenfate names for Lwoff ware Lvrow, f.wlwv Lwlhrad, LwiUo rod. nwlw. v The Genaans called It fonnbarg. Lemberg, t^mburg.' fy>ewcn- btng. trb* lArin and pseudo Latin aauMca tndoda Lambutga, Lambnrga. LwmtopoUa, Lame. Uvtvla. Lfopolyn, 1 st the tbtrtaeoth beatuqr it was known he Mw toaakt a* UtbaB%ad Ltfhada. Leovlwe and LamtopfiHs.* t i e Turte cad ft In their hooka ini. Ilbo. Illtot, niibow, nbsdlr. The Armenians gave to it the name of Hof. . The Russian^ have lately baptized It X.woff. The real name of the city. It Is asserted, i» the Polish one of Lw»w, which ltterally translated means Lion City. PORTABLE HOUSES FOR WAR Chicago Firm Has an Order to Fill In America For the Allie*. Interest In the report that the French and Russian government* were plan­ ning to purchase In this country 50,000 portable wooden houses wag renewed on the receipt In the Chicago lumber market cf letters re'pieating the sub* mission of sample structures, together with prices. The sisjclficatlons call for houses 12 by 30 feet in sire, divided Into three rooina, the sample house submitted to be built In four foot xrcthnw. The awarding of sn-ii a contract would rreate an enormous demand for shorts and 1 -e of general ls*neflt to the lum* her Industry, „ AWatohThat la *«eert but Hot Hear*,' If a watch or a atnall dock fs u> be k^pt on a table by a sick bed, a goad plan la to cover the watch or 1 dock with a tumbler. It will than be Men, but sot heard. have ;'on*>trucd the law to mean when the muls are soft in the spring or in ,hawing out after a freeae even dur- ?ng the winter months, Chain* on he road# during the past week cpnld do no harm and w«e the only mean* ;>f protection to the autoist. The auto hag supplanted the burse* and buggy in thousands -of instances and a necessary mean* of transportation which cannot be eliminated any more than the '‘sharp toed” horw, . Death Of James H. Milburn. Jamestown has Afe^n-iatiun. apd ?>ecii mad* fmo a mag tree in the Mfcn'i new X« ;tnd Tati Kid*, brown fait aiippefft.] ;md Romeo Biyla*.., VJJJft, NISLEY’Sf, »vi-ment Hi have Cllliel" , Mr. J . M, UikUUglibF, the grocer, y,'^' nr:'Vd oi:o cf the Jatcsfc inventions -or gnmtRft cofFro. The injurious part o f coffee is said to he the hull and nnsL This is ei(mb'wed. Mr. J. EL We to Jamestown grocery. Mr. rented the WaddM Mr. J. I,, ftic... Parkmbukg, W. of their son, Mr. J*' family from Friday ‘1 in Black gray and i, Everett * 1.00 to I eld, O. this week a new ha* •Mr. and Mr*. Cei'tajufd the You*, club, of which they Friday evening at RAIN COATS, 81 A completeHn» Come Ip and see James H. Milburn, a citizen of this place tor many y^ars'died a t 7; 00 o’clock Wednesdaytnornlngafterseveralihonttts illnese due to a stroke of apoplexy. About six years ago Mr, Milburn (ell and broke his hip and ever afterward he ivast a cripple but was. able to be'about by the nsy of his cane. The deceased was in thb grocery business hero for more than forty year* and had a wide ac­ quaintance. ffad he lived until Saturday, Mr, Mil- bum would have reached the seventy eighth anniversary Of his birth. He is survivedby hi*widowand three children: Frank L. Milburn, of Lodi, 0 ." Mrs. William Crawford, of Miles City,.Mont, and Mr*. Bessie M. 'Fellows,,,who ha* been living with her parents. He-also leave*- two-' sfitorg, Mrs*’ Katharine Wright Emmons, of El Faso, Texas* Mrs. Hartsookaud M«, Virgil Comb*, ofColumbus* * Mr. Milburn was a Civil War mush’ cian. He served for a year and a ball in the 41th 0 , V. I., and was a member of CedarviUe Boat. G. A. R. , The funeral will be held Saturday morning from the retidence and tka sere vie* will be private. Friend* can view the remain* Friday afternoon. Buriat north of town. A- Big Offer: etmetor to new ^'Sketches o f the ITione McFarland*. Mr. F. P. Ha with ihe grip. College closed Christmas Holidays, i dents returning to wife nf gue*ts "s, and *y». ey en- Married ere, last , GLOVES pcIce*. ^BmsaCo. tian In- ere and *,* 81 . 00 . -George. *irk: ’fair the Hie atn- . UMBRELLAS Cbristmniift far We^fikStarinef lot fr eaeft, , 38 - l 4 tdie*’ u*w Lwu i tiful paltans of brown, blue* pink, other shade*. J 8 .. (ihihchilla or Daniel.Gmn,* ( $ 1.00 and $ 1 . 60 . field, O. S a e aur line o f Glaaawar* Sea our 10 c Brsari anil Buttar plafaa. ' ^ - - t Baa aur lOeCutGlass Tutnfrier* j Saa aur IP©Cups ansi Sau«ar«! Ttiay ara t in beat aver and wilt makt ahaiaa Rraaanta a t a ©mail hprlea. I : . R. Bird A Ban* 0 a* -Prepare for the* cold winto- wind and anow by getting one af those Ch***robo 8 , the bast on the mark**. A full lino and , priced right. ^ Herr AHasting* Bros. Xenia citizens are interesting fhemnelvft* in a public hearing as to the condition of the 'city fire depart­ ment and what to do with it, A dif- ierence of opinion exists as to wheth­ e r the department (should be equipped With modem, motor apparatus or whether more younger men- should he employed. The investigation h a s ; already covered two nights .and no solution seema in sight. , -/ ,, • Handkarohiof*, large acsort- m an tS to 6 0 a. , t 1 ,, Tawal*i avapr wanted kind 10 c t o 81 . 0 0 . *\v' MeekTie* iwidrfieaiarY a goad line 28 a taBoa*. “ ' ' - \ Woman** Lace Collars and Boudoir Caps 2 8 to 8 0 c. Man** and Woman1* Knit and Fell Slipper* SOe to S i , 0 0 . UmbraH** spaoial now iln* S i, 80 .*aS 8 ,,| 30#1 R* Bird A Son* Co, as--aMiw Am-'r***rtm- • bdldinEf is a monum»nt to t|is ttkrtfly Scots. Through its port*!* - p a a t t h s m i l l i o n s o f S 8 v th .B # o t ’s n c o n i e n t o d p e o p l e , t o f o e r e t u m o d l t o *& »*» s t m t i m o w h e n t h s s s s a v i n g s o i o r e n s o c l B c i . • / €, 9 ur i 3 s monument to the . thriftypeople of thiscommunity. If is the burgleY-proof vault of our JuUiciousdepositors who iheve coh- ■ tracted thevaluablehabitofsaving. g ^ W e w a n t t h o s e w h o e r e n o t h u r c i r : b e r e d f i u n o n g o u r s m a l l a r m y o f d e > - p o s i t o r s t o e n l i s t u n d e r t h e s a v i n g s , b a n n e r , a n d l e t t h e i r m o n e y g r o w : , W i t h u s . - . ’ * '• " ftMoney tin the banK produces a : / -feeling of prosperity. £ryoy that , pleasure- . v^» •g '-ItStarta'banh.account With us today , 1 . 17 . O., '• U •d V i ‘ jV«' T rf {■ EXCHA’NGE. j BANK, CtDARVILLE, OHIO --Brin* your S* J. Mt. Witlosghl yon will g*t pric«. \ 'V*\ •,»**, . - Mrs. M. i s W E A R E , O U T $ 10.00 »$Atdfway** Stare. —Chaar Rob*«, noraa blanket*, storm blanket* and stab le blanket* m K e r r * Hatting* Bros. . NECKT 1 W J u s t received all th e n m i t iw of the eeaaoa. j t t t in Xma* 'bore* and 58c each, J 0 , ; X. Bird * Son* Co..' Robt. Bird *Son» Co. Invite you to make their store your Christmas Shopping Plsce. Neirer before In the history of our store haveshown such a choice line of Holiday Good*. And we believe yon will agree with us. Come and see whether yon wl*Ji to purcease or not wewiltwelcomeyou, R. Bird * Sons Co A box of IiOwotfF1* Candy w ill be a satisfactory Xmas present for any one 80c te $8,00 a t Ridgway’a, The Rexail Store. , will pay the highest market price for raw furs, Rhone S-I07, Wm. Marshall, " —’W hy have yottr horse ta tte r the cold when you can g e t one of those Northern Ohio B lanket Mill* Cu„ blanket* a t K e rr fo,H*eSi«g* Bro«. We h a ta th e regu lar wool blanket* In d iffe ren tp a tte t* ae well- a s the storm Hankat*. Two Different Effects The drifiHAT of food is vary largely d*tensined by the in - gradients in the baking powder with which it is wade. Cream off tartar baking powders, such as Royal, add only healthful qualities to tho food. The cream of tartar of Royal Baking Powder as used in food has the same wholesome effect on the digestivesystem as the bream of tartar Ingrapes, fromwhichit is derived. On the other hand* i t i s in itvldeaee tlmt objectionable mineral residues exist in food made with alum or phosphate baking powders. - * There is a olauae on baking pawdar labels which names all the Ingredients. Read itand let it guide you. j o B 0 YAL BAKIXa POWDER C 04 ■f* York LEGALNOTICE. Probatff Court,Breen* County, Ohio. Bowlin P. McLean, AU n ’r o f th * E s ta te of J o h n P . Carrol Deceased, Plaintiff, #v s. Tire Unknown Heirs of J . P . Carroll Dofendaut*. e t *L, The Usknovm H i l r t of John P. CArroll. late of Green# County, Ohio, deceased, w ill take notice th a t ftaw liu P . Mcteanfc admihis^ tra to fo f th e estato of Joftn P . C*r roll, deceased, on tho I 8 tb day of; November, 1915, filed Lis patitiou in rise Probate Court of Gr##neCounty Ohio, Alleging t h a t tli# personal estates o* sa id deceaenfciilhsttfttetfcnfc to pay Ills debts an t t!s& clmtge# of adm in istering h is esta te; tha t he' dlad seized in fee simple of the fob law lng described real estate, ta-wits S itua te in the County of Grceiie, P la te of Ohio, and in the Village of Cedarville and bounded and de* scribed as follows: Being isofc No. One a i m Jacob MlUeri* A d iiU en to rise town of C sdatv llle 1 ft said county of Orsen#, and more folly devt ribed in the plat, of said town. The prayer of the petition i# th a t I), rt» E m a li» required to answer,:' se tting forth if!# p a rticu la rs of his mortgage ben thereon, and th a t sa id property fe# so ld to pay th# deb ts a u i chargee aforesaid, Tlia; 1 nknown Heirs o f John 1*. C a rro ll deceas ed, a re haretiy notified t h a t they b a re be-n made pwrtJeA'defen­ dan t to said petition and th a t they a ra redu lredb* answer the eainft on v,r before th# Sind day of Janu a ry , i IMA- A p itVWLW P.Mftt.EAN, Arftuhjjisfretdvof th e Ksiafe of John P. Carroll, Deceased, Howard, Atty , Xenia,!*, . Five newspaper* in one family is going Boro:*. W. J. Galvin owns the Jamestown Journal n n j Wilmington Daily Nows, L» S. Galvin, a brother, who lias .been located in Lima for several years, with bis associates own the lim a New#, Lima Times Democrat and the Piqua Leader-Dis­ patch.*Quite a record fo r one family. The venerable W. S. Galvin who has been in the editorial harness fo r fifty years, is the father o f these en­ terprising sons and edits the James­ town pAper. Th is Wonderful Sale W e Are Hold­ ing Is Just In T ime For Christmas ARE YOU GETTING YOUR SHARE OF THE ORE a TEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERER OR . FEATHER BOAS ELEGANT...........FROM 95c TO $5.95 OSTRICH FEATHERS............... ............... .95c, $1.19, $1.49 . TRIMMED HATS.................................... $1,00 TO$3,05 ‘ FLOWERS....... ................................ ...........FROM 9c UP 1 THE FAMOUS 1 H 35-37SOUTH FOUNTAIN AVENUE, ' - - - , - SPRINGFIELD, OHIO I si 0 ■ ‘j:% *, ■- ••/ -Oft b | L l V J, f f I. It WU1There be a HoosierKitchen Cabinet 8 in Your Home This Christmas? I 1 MoraThan a MillionHo siersare Nowin Use m '3 ................... . .............................. g You ctnH think of anything that Will give jg you more lasting service or be a greater saving to P* you in help, time, money and strength, g Will you see thete cabinets now? Bring your husband, if yon cmn. Buy thfttXtams gift together, g The terms are extremely easy 2 nd you will never k invest in gny Xmas gift tlmt will give you greater K pleasure or more lasting Sktisfkction. By making « smftll payment and $t.oo per week you can have on* of these cabinets placed in your home. 1 1 store. Come in, you are always welcome a t our McFarland &McKee ' ' -J- „ *■ .