The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

For BxwJtonee Our Jfcfc •; mmgmm v f t f o ' r M e r d d . rsrwmmmaemz This its* wlirniraifknl with an to* dcx, denote» thata year’s subscrip­ tion i* p*rt due and a pramr’. Sft- tkancut it earnestlydesired, , . * th irty - eighth ye a r NO. < 0 . CESARVHi*. Auto Accident Results In Tragic Death. Motorcycle Ridden by Herbert Patton and Mable Radabaugh Struckby Powerful RacingAuto on JamestownandXenia PikeSaturdayEvening— Young Patton Badly Injured but Death Claims His FairCompanion. One of the saddssfc accidents chronicled in thin section tor many years wa* that of Saturday evening When two well known youngpeople, Herbert Triton and Mabi* Jt«da- baugh, were struck by an auto- moBile while pu a return trip from Xenia on a motorcycle. The accident happened d’n the Xenia and Jamestown pike in, front of the residence of Mr, Thomas Spencer. The speeding auto, a Mercer racing car, driven by Heher McCoy, accompanied, by ’ H. T. Kenoy, both of Washington G. H-, was going in the same direction and struck the motorcycle as young Fatten had slowed down to pass a bad place in the road at a culvert, ' Various stories hare been afloat that the motorcycle an<" auto were racing hut froth witnessnes, as well as from fcha interested parties, we learn that such was not the case, Both were going at a fast speed with the motorcycle in the-lead. Before (approaching the narrow place in the road Patton ventured mere speed hoping to reach a better place for the -auto- passing.- Ho turned and saw theYaute just be­ hind him andwhat'happened niter- wards hewas unable to tell. McCoy claims that as Patton looked around the front wheel of the motorcycle turned in hitting a rut" and threw them directly in front of the auto. The motorcycle was knocked to tho Bide and dragged for'some distance with the'unfortunate girl canghtm the wreckage.1It seems that young Patten was thrown to the side of the road. wak j&Lr torn* Mr. Spencer and Mr. Homer Jobe, hi* neighbor, •had reached the scene as had Mr. and -.Mrs, Fred Welmer, who Carried the limp body of the girl into ' the Spencer home. Young Patton was able to walk, jDffi,*Messenger and Galloway ot Xenia were, summoned, and it was found that the ' injuries of Miss Radabaugh were f atal and that she Would not regain consciousness', having suffered concussion o f tbs brain beside other injuries of a serious nature. Heath occured about;midnight. Herbert was given medical care and later removed to hi* home here. He suffered two broken ribs and a number of bruises on the face, arms, limbs and body but nothing serious and he will be able to be about in a few days. ■ Both of the young people were companions,in the high school and had been on a pleasure ride ‘ to Springfield and on their return went on to Xenia. Tho viotiiq was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j , W. Radabaugh and was 16 years oiags. Herbert Patton is the bod of Rev. and Mrs. J. Vt. Patton, The funeral was Jield Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock from the residence and a great concourse o f people gathered to pay their re­ spect* and share the sorrow of the bereaved parents. So great was the orowd that large numbers were Seated m the lawn and along the street during the services. Rev. J .8 . K. McMichael, pastor of the tl, P. church, of which the deceased was a member, had charge of the strvlces giving a comforting mes­ sage in an hour o f seirow and bereavement. The fiotal tributes were beautiful tokens of love and esteem fer one whom from this time only will live in the memory of frleadrt and felatives. Burial took place north of town,, the following schoolmates acting as pallbearers: Wilber Conley, John ■Wright, Morton Cresweli, Alfred Xatslar, Harry Mainmaa ami fred Weimar. Tho floral offerings were from the following; High ietmoi/Exchai V Bank, Bahbath School class, Junior elans, Heber McCoy, F. M. Houser aud family, T. B. Radabaugh, and 0, x . Radabaugh, Postmaster Turn- kuli, office force and 1R. V, I). earrMrs, Masonic Lodge, B, R. Mc­ Farland and family and a number of ptoses without cards. Among those here to attend the funeral were: Mr. Harry Rada- fcatfgh and two granddaughters, Lowinburg, <M Mr. Prank Rada- kaagh and family West Manchester, ©,; Mr. and Mrs Wm. Lira*, Mr. ■Wm.Llnndr* and family, Colum- bus: Mrs, Krnost Linn, Columbus} Ctot. jffidgat Linn, of tho IT, 8, !<•**«*!? P»ryi«*» Mas*.? Mr, Frank Hopeer and. family, Brad«! ford, O.} Mr. .and Mrs, Joseph Davis, St. Henry 0.; Editor Thom-' as;B. Radabaugh and family and Mrs. Charles Radabaugh, Wes t Milton, 0 .; Misses Lucy and Mable {aud Arthur McDonald, of Galina, RESOLUTIONS OF THE CEDAR- VILLE HIGH SCHOOL . W hereab : In the providence of Glod a beloved and loyal member of Codapvilte High School for ths past two year » has been .removed fay death from our midst,' it becomes our duty and privilege in this hour of sadness and bereavement to ex­ tend our sympathy and regret to the sorrowing parents, therefore be it Itesonvnor 'That we. the puplla and teaotters, of the High School extend to the parents of our be­ loved pupil and schoolmate, our heart-felt sympathy in- this their hour of bereavement, that we deep­ ly deplore her departure and suffer keenly our loss and be ft further R esolved : Thatwe spnd a copy of these resolution*, to the bereaved parents, to tim GedarvUle Herald anda copy of the same be spread, on fcYeminutes Of the Literary Society of which'she was .a faithful mem­ ber. - 1 ’ ■: „ „ r v i i . , , ", (j “Let Fate,do her worst; there stt relics ■of jby, ' : Bright dreams of the past which, site ‘ cannot destroy; Which conies in the aij^hl-timeof sorco^ used to wear. Long, long be my heart with such mrmoriesfilted! Like the vase, in ■whichroses have once been distilled- Youmay break, you -may shatter the vase if you will, But the Scent of the roses will hang roundit still." mmm Openingef the FairbanksTheatre Springfield, Scheduled for ’ Next Week. After a tong season. of summer picture shows the patrons of the. Fairbanks Theatre will be glad to, read the announcement of the open ing of the regular winter theatrical seasonon Tuesday evening, IBaptem- ber Slat, The first attraction is one that, will •.appeal to fun-lovers probably more than any other form Ofentertnioment-NEILO’RRIEX'S MINSTRELS, This black face artist bas been an annual visitor to Springfield for a number of years and-nls minstrel show has become as popular that Jt Is now the stand­ ard by which, all other minstrels are Judged,, Each year he provides iU’omplete new entortammsnt with splendid - singers and dancers, brand new Jokes and Scenic pro­ duction unsurpassed by othershows of this type'-on the road. Patrons of the ^’airb&nka Theatre will be glad to Welcome their favorite minstrels, as the first attraction: • t>f the season. ill Trj New FJIIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 ,1915 PRICE, $1.00 A YEAR lead Law Hunting Season The hunting season for squirrel open* September 16 and- doses October, 20, Tile fceasen for fftbbit doosaofc open until Novem­ ber 1st and will continue until January' 1st. However rabbits may be killed by the owner, man­ ager or tenant of premises where rabbits are found injuring property, Quail, partridges, pheasant and doves are protected unfit Novem­ ber, 1617by recent act kflegiislature. Wood duck protected, until IblK while the season for woodcock is from October latte November noth! Hunting licenses can be secured from Gierfc of Court ©r Township Clerk# and cost $L25, f» w» - ■ About-every Iatore gives n* so far nous h*? factory. The went into op the month id judging from the attorney garding the Under tin* mad* have hand* of There wIU be ' superintended who will hav ' roads except; roads and i mam under th- highway a The public ♦hat none of control tested successful. U construct *xp- have nomiuin* repair orpfat'»< care of some credited wtih law* m the cou. district ha# a give* bond to all roads und* The fault in tho failure to properly. M< and gravel to; tcrial on them worked each has not been roads as it aho atone road* with the road portent pisow made and one ovary townahi, work for * for six' month* right ih fhi* years enough jpatwdal to p sample of found in Mai different. roller*. ar**niy-t both owned in oottusi' i» kept In *fM*; year* the legig- r road law and been very e&tis- road law that on ' the first of from perfect tions put up to- for solution, rc- n of the Jaw. . the comity placed in the’ ty surveyor, fipeto four pike each township charge of the; main market uoty road* re­ el of the state a, ‘ out convinced ^method* of road « past have been Cedarville College Opening 1 Splendid enthusiasm, flue co* operation anil good' will to all seem to be the spirit of Oedarville College for the coming year, as indicated, by, the opening, on Wednesday morn­ ing, September IQ, WIB, A t 9 ;iS a rousing cheer front students and friends greeted the new president. Or, WcChesuoy, as hft rose .to con­ duct the exercises. . ^ ^Xy the devotional portion o t . the iVrogramme tho audience Vas lead, (ii the reading of fiho^5fchchapter Of rsarab by Dr- Ritchie, of Dlifson,' and in prayer bp Dr* jElhesnut, Phcn followed, a vocal solo by Hugh Turnbull; a piaotv fold by; sirs, Rusecdl) the ’ iustfucthr in| music; thrieo delightful ^diftlect-i readings by Miss Helen Lackey- who has been a of Mrs. . Ira Toweuloy and who is present laws we t0take up her workas head of Our Special Offer For Saturday, Sept. 25. road* and .then keeping them in der the district r. tmiiaea'is ■the best 'road Hy«*ry school intendetit who Up the repair of charge. " state has .been the road* worked f pur macadam v« fiufflcicntma- ey were pioperly The drag law •rood on gravel .have been* The o worked only the-most lm- hd machinery ;loh should betn are is sufflmcnt oiler- every day of every year ship, In two f saved is new the rolfer, a t roads can be untyVhere.- the own nine we know tiiere ,« county and loners, the road roller of atous or' -jdhWh* fG. C. Morten j Job ' , hn C. Wright Committee^ Robert Evans j Mareeilus Townsley l.Harrjr Haniman September 14,1016. BICEPS Coming This Way Soon The Barnum and Bdiley Greatest Bhaw on Barth will exhibit at Xenia on Thursday, September 80 and tbisgood news is being hearldcd everywhere by thq many agents of tin*, the biggest and foremest amusement institution in theworld. The Barnum and Bailey Circus lias always been the largest that travels and this Season tiutoianagementhas found it uses *)tmfl to add many more cars to theiftrain# in order to provide for ths grcij-t equipment. It requires 86 double length fail- road car* to, transport the big show, 1280people are employed, there are 700 Imrses, 40 elephants and a mena­ gerie of 110 cages, 480 world famed artists take part In the greatest circus program this world kss aver known.! A " fitting introduction to the wonderful performance this year, is the presentation of , the hew, magnificent spectacular pageant, "Lalla Rookh** in which nearly 1000charac ers tako part* In the circus proper, which is presented in three rings, four stages, tlj* hlpprodi’ome, and in the dome of the largest tent ever erected, 480 perfsrmer* from every nation in tho world take part and present a vast array ef foreign feature* entire­ ly new to America. A wonderful trained animal exhibitions given by tho Marvellous War JClephants, Wonder Bears, Madam Bradna'* Aligel Horses, Thalero's Legs, PouieS and Monkeys, and the Bar- aura and Bailey itatuc HofseS. Great interest is already being shown in this neighborhood and great crowds will no doubt go to Xenia for the biggest and most en­ joyable holiday ef the year, Every­ one is advised to get an early start in order to be there hi time ior the parade which start* promptly at 10 A. M., and which ia said to eclipse anything *f it* kind «v*r btfor* At­ tempted in the history of circus bNCinfHS, Suit was filed Saturday against the county Board of Education fay J. F. Br«akfield and #thers of a part of Jefferson,.township school dis­ trict who want to b# placed in the Liberty Township School district, Clinton.county. The suit charges that the couaty board has ViaUed, neglected and refused.** to make the transfer although 100 per cent of the electors signed the petition. The petitiSn- >rs want to toe tranafered to Liberty- township for the reaeon that the longest distance a»y of the pupil* wtiuld to travel would be less than a mile and to reach Bowers- ville many would have to travel six miles, A new school budding Is boing- erected at Bowornvdle and to rc- leasq that part of the district petitioned for would leave a great financial burden on the balance of the district. The county board i* willing to make tiie transfer effective next August. It is not the tax rate the petitioners are object­ ing too but the distance the pupils will have to travel. The tax rate In Liberty township district is said to lie as high or higher thah tUafc of Jefferson township. Hayes and Hayes of Wilmington represent the petitioner*. Mrs,FlatterRetires As President Mrs. Carrie Flatter, for many yean tho president, of the county W, 0 . T,. TJ, otgftnization, refused to be a candidate for renomination at ths Institute last Friday and Mrs. Mary Hollins was chosen toif that honor. Mr*. Flatter has be­ come a national figure in tho W. G, T. I?, work and travols extensively in the Interest of her organization, Tho other officers elected were Mre. \V. G. Lackey, Yellow Springs, vice president; Mrs. Nellie Boots, Xenia, corresponding secretary: Mrs. R. S. Harmonnt, Jamestown, recording secretary; Mrs. &. T. Baker, Cedarville, treasurer. Mrs. Flatter and ' Miss Mary Mur­ dock were elected honor vice presi­ dent of the county organization. A COIlegs Leader, “Old Man Bings has been bmgging that his toy he sent to collogo j» go­ ing to make a noise In the world," •Is ha showing any signs of (icing It yef!” ‘’Oh, yes; b*’s leading th* alas* ooh ^W«*y*lL" ■ made > f t^r,',4wa|iriRl. , Rc*pon»i bifity lot keoptng; th* reads ,must be fixed in one man who should.; b* on th* road almost every , day of the year with a standarizod outfit and crew responsible to operate it* The toll road* in the south, although under private control, ara built and repaired in this manner. There ia no reason why the public roads cannot be kept in the same way. Road building and road repair is a business nowadays, not merely the means of. finding a job for a lot of farmer's teams and hand at earn* season of the year whsn they have nothing el** to do, >■ Murder At Yellow Springs Denman 0. Duncan, recluse pain­ ter, was found dead at tho "Old Folks Home Building” in Yellow Springs about seven o’ clock Tues­ day morning, the discovery being made by a four year old son of John Haines who lives in the same build- The object in the murder has not been dlscevered unless it was thought to >• for money that the old man might possess, ' Duncan was last seen sitting oil a stool on his front perch by neighbors upon theirreturn from ffpringfieid Mon­ day night. Goroner Marqnartwas summoned for an investigation and the local blood hounds were put en the trail but located nothing. Xj»fer:—TJieofficials hav# caused the arrest of Lewis Haines, on a charge of first degree murder, Hatties lived in th* same house but another section. Domestic troubles are assigned as th* motive in 1ns confession. He Staked Ml* Herd. Many stories of big poker games among the western cattlemen In the early days hare been told, but the story of the game with probably the greatest stakes s-here printed for the first time. Two well-known cat- Hemeii of southwes.brn Kansas start, ed to move their herds to the pas­ tures of Wyoming. Each herd con- ’tabled more than a thousand bead of cattle. When they came to Hi* crossing of the Arkansas river near Coolidge they found A flood op. They wore unable to cross for two or three davs To while away the time the two men eng' ged In a poker gamd. When the flood finally subsided so that tho cattle could proceed oho of the cattlemen said to his son, who was helping to drive: "Just turn my herd over to our neighbor and we will go back home." He h*d bet and lost not only all ih« money he had, but all ot the herd of battle. ..the oratory 'department of Knox­ ville college; and a quartette render­ ing ot "Absont*’ by a ladles quar- tettee Composed of Mia* Anna* Uolllns,-Miss Mary Chosnut, Mis* Irene Wright and MI bb Mary Bird. Tim address of’the morning, "The Power of the Mind*1, was delivered by the talented and ’ travelled clergyman apd lecturer, Dr, Henry J, .Becker, ot Dayton, Qhlo. Aftor a short tribute, to the new president, aiid a beautiful expression of deep; sympathy for the community lu it* recent sorrow, Dr, , Becker, un­ folded to hie hearers the wonders of the human mind in its ability to master problems. Each one, he said, no matter what his education, was still in the preparatory school of llte, for each step onward still opetied to him new vistas, and a new futurewith continued need for preparation. - ; With splendid illustrations, In­ teresting, physical .experiments, and striking word picture* iie- brot tpthe notice of hi* hearer* the coit- sootive steps m thjk, best use of the human mind : perception, ideality, thought, reason, judgment, c&w- eeptiou, imagination and memory; by these- propensities, eruption, passion, feeling apd Affection; and sparred th* stages in producing, tba nes4, and f$v¥ratti.b£ La closing pictured th* affeot!v*ness* ‘ of the power of the mmd when combined with well trained vocal powers ;ln hiK-mtcrpretatlon of the meaning of time* sublime words of Christ’* •‘Peace, be still". In closing tiie exercises Dr. Me- Cbesnsy extended a hearty wel­ come to friends, the Advisory Board and Board of Trustees, Alumni, Faculty, students and pastor* to all; college gathering*,- expressing hi# hope for the success of the coming year.and his griafc feeling of re­ sponsibility in this ne\V'*"poBUion which has come to him unsought, but which he feels is God’s call for service and asking the sympathetic co-oporation of- all in. making the work of Cedarville College a suc­ cess; ■ .. • VC"-'- ' ■ ,‘F - W-*jMV*v/a5-*..' • - ..Am i jU ’l <t i T o every purchaser , o f a K IN G C L E RM O N T AH Fue l Base . Heater we are. go in g to give aw ay , abso ­ lutely FREE One 72 x 3*6 Bigeiow Axminster Rug Rem ember—th is special offer on ly holds g o od for Saturday, Sept. 2 $ . I t is through the courtesy" of,tlio maker* of .the KING CLERMONT that Ups combination is being bfferedV They aye also sending a man direct from the factory who wifi demonstrate the wonderful’ K in g C le r m o n t A l l F u § l B a s e H e a t e r ' ‘ ’ t; i i * J- + ?' ' The only heater made that will burn hard , ■ , . coal,".soft coat, slack, e*ak, wood knots, or anything burnable with marvefdijs results , . It completely wipes out sout; dirt,- smoke and waited heat. It ie air­ tight-will hold hro fifty hours with but one tilling of soft coat. It Is so ■ constructed that it delivers to your rooms every degree of. heht gener-" afced by the lire. Ths demonstrator will explain all these point* and' many others,, too numerous to mention. There-is a rare opportunity for mu') 'I u '•Bon’ t say, *Tt‘e warm yet, we have lot*of tUne to buy a stove before the cold woatber setB in’ ’, but in­ vestigate the KING CLERMONT NOW! while the special offer is on; ybU’U never regret i t L ook ,for the" 1 K IN G C L E R M O N T W e ’ ll be there to. meet you C . N . S tu c fe e y 6 S e n Cedarville, Ohio LEGAL NOTICE --------- U ............... ....... .......... ■...... ..... ................ ....... ........................ — '-r-- ■• ? ■f Common Fleas Court, Greene County, Ohio. Lily M. CUno ) vs, t Legal Notice Curtis Cline ) Curtis Cline, residence unknown, will take notice that said Lily M, Glinehas filed in said court her petition against him for divorce upon the ground of gross neglect of duty, and that the same will be fo’r hearing at the CourtHouselmXenia,, on October S5, IMS, by which time defendant must answer or demur to said petition or judgement may be taken against him. Custody of children, with order ter support and mnintalnakc* also asked. Liny MY C t . ink . —"Above All” smoke the Bold, Our supply of 50c Stock Books gone but— For Stock ami Pou ltry DcLeGeafs Remedies ne fo r every you can still get one by sending a label from one o f Dr. LeGear's R e m e d i e s to Dr. L. D. LeGear Medicine Co,,729 HowardSt.,St.Loui3,Mo. Buy one of Dr. LeGear** Remedies today and gcithift 50c Stock Book absolutely free. Your stock and poultry deserve thebestcare.Dr. LeGear*#Reme­ dies get results -they havebeen mud 22 yeas*. y ft RICHARDS’ DRUG STORE M e a r ic tL * s SECOND AND MAIN STREETS „ , Special Showing of New Suits V e ry A t t r a c t i v e F a i t I d e a s At $ 15 . 00 , $ 16 . 00 , $ 18 . 80 , $ 22 . 50 , $25 Not a few Stilts to select from, Hosts of distinctly different types! , BEAUTIFUL fur trimmed HUlts of elegant. BroaddoMhc,Poplins, Worsteds and Manhattan Mixture*. Tho favored fur* used in tlm embellishments are Ktimmef, Rkmih-eptmsum and heaver, For those that do not fancy fur effects, a wonderful variety of other suits aro shown which arc delightfully attractive with fancy braids and buttons. After you have seen this great collection- you will agree that they are without question the best Bolts shown. Note Our New jobation The MearicK CloaK Co SECOND and MAIN HTRRETH, * - ' - DAYTON, OHIO , f l ■'?' ! i t ! i Y -