The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

4 gfflBMa jciifto.D.P. Church Chimes. M ............ ■■■ ■ i.i i T i , , ..... Sn|MsrfiligM>s*TriH2e Herialists, kmu% FunnyClowns and World'sWFsestTrained Animals A g f e B tPHp'jf BlueRibbonPerformingPonies King’s Famous Comedy Bears WonderfulOriginalActingDogs AcrobaticEquestrian Monkeys M t*:>*/ nAMMi » tAr — ......p,i"r .Sir Bayalr the human-likeGi- . ant Rhesus J Monhewin Im- $ personations... / FREE BAND CONCERT before T —r— -performances.-— 1— > t POSITIVELYONEDAYONLY *' Afternoon at a and Night'at 8 UNDERWATERPROOF TEN1S 2-rComplete Shows Daily—2 2 ■peahrt Bargain Matinea** i 'p ,n i ( ’•» Ladla* 20o . Children TOc I Night Prices ; Children Kttddf 9 Y«f. 16c, Sm ith ’ s t o t , Cedarville Tues., Oct. 12 More Pressing. - “Did you *v*r consider that old prob­ lem of where all tbe pine go?” “NO,. I am going to taloe up tbe so­ lution of tbat’ problem as soon as 1 faav» learned where all the dollars go”*-»Houston Post „ W* sheuld neither neglect the one talent nor boast of the five, it la neither too hot nor too cold to go to church. Mr. Roy Waddle very generously contributed to the- larder supply at the Manse ono day last week. Christian tTnionfrom thin on will ho held at 0:30. ouo half hour earlier than formerly. Dr, and Mrs, Ritchie were guests atthohomeot Mr. atid Mrs. li.’C. Oorey for six o’ clock dinner last Wednesday everting, Co-operation rather than com­ petition should ho the guiding star of Christian people, Tbe pastor and his wife called in twelve different homes last week, Mr. Walter Mitchell has been working in Springfield the last six weeks, Messrs, John and Dan Kyle arc building a new cattle barn and.ini- proving their shad facilities pre­ paratory to winter, Do not 'forget the Junior Rally and the speech by the famous mis­ sionary, Miss Emma Dean Ander­ son next Saturday at Xenia. Mr. and Mrs., A. B, Corey, of Chicago, are the guests for a few days at the borne of Mr, and Mrs. J3. C. Corey. Mr. A* B. Corey has been a conductor on the1Burling­ ton Railroad from Chicago to St. Louis forever thirty yearn. ’ ■ It i» nob lack o f money from Christian people for missions that distress, us so much as laek of any concern about fimmatter, ", V* !>.. > y'f ' J; , * . " , ■. - 4 ‘ r Mr.'and Sirs'. Clarence Finney Called at the Manse fast week and left, some of the ' ’wherewithal” accessory to get through the coming winter,. ■ . , i>- r.'| _- J! • .-If ' ' ■. Kenneth Ritchie spent bis week end holiday in the employ of Frank Shaw for whom he worked during last summer.1. * The first number of the Clifton Lecture Course 1will ‘ coma «n the evening of October 8. ’The Robley Brother’ s Quartette. Get tickets from the Band Bays. I f possible hear- Emma Dean Anderson the great missionary at the Junior Rally- at 'Xebia Satur­ day. When yoxt 'read- heT articles lathe paper* they will mean so much more' to yon after hearing her. ■ Dr. Ritchie preached Thursday and.-Friday evenings m the First church, Springfield for Dr* Home. Tjbe Circulating Library becks should all be returned neat Sab­ bath for exchange. W c would be glad to hear from f some o f the readers of these books in a short article for the Chimes column. • - Mr. Gordon Ooliins bad the mis­ fortune recently to be struck, in the eye with a spark from an ensory wheel, laying him up for a time. The memorising « t scripture texts in the Christian Union will be re sumed heat Sabbath evening. Take in review the first, six under Work er’s Cuide. rnm m mm m sm m mm m m m m m t ... $■;: " .. ill BMstfttm fiah iy itm family new residing m f,ui bound* ha\ « r* * turned from a Visit to California, ■ Thank offering envelopes will be ; distributed by th e the Ladles’ Hit*-. •ionary Soehty next Habbath, the offering to be received at a later date. i The meeting o f Presbytery was well attended ami the program very interesting; those who had the j privilege .of attending enjoyed a j rare treat, j Rev. Henry ih Foster D, D „ Rev ,! Park*Jackson apd Rev. Mr. Me-! llroy, paetorcleetatltoynoldsburgh: were ministers in attendance afcj Presbytery outside the membetsbip.: REPORT j Of the Condition of the Exchange bank, Cedarville, iu theState ol Ohio, at tbe Close of Business, September! J5,1915, JtXHOCKCES Doansonheal listato................. * 22,000,00, Iioxpeon C o l l a t e r a l GN.134.fitt Otficr loans HadD iscounts............ 179,324.05' Overdrafts......................... . . . ............ . P20.71). State, County and Municipal Bonds not included iu R e s e r v o . . . 38,487.50 Premlutnapaidoo United States,State and Municipal Ronds......... 242.15 OtUcr Bonds apd Securities,...,..... 2,510.40 Bautin* Hmiso sad Lgt and Other Real E9tata...... .................. . Furniture and Fixtures.' Cash Items and U, 8. Revenue Stat/ips .DuofromBesotvo Banks... 25,372.00 Gold Coin ...................... 1,125.00 Silver D olla rs..,..,.,,.,... 1,0|6.00 Fractional'Coin.,,,.,..,.,, $33.41 XI. S. and National Bank N o t e s . ....... ........... 5,018.00 Currency in Transit.,...,, 600.00 7.600.00 1.800.00 221.20 35,704.01 Total......... ...................... ,....*3GG,0|3.0| „ LIABILITIES , CapitalStpck Raid in .............. ....I 40,000.00- Surplus F u n d , , . . , 3,000-00. Undivided Profits less Expenses, •Interest and Taxes Paid......... 1,781,51’ Individual Deposits subject tq cheek 245,840.17 Demand Certificates of Deposit,,.... 0,003.75 DuefoBankand Rankers,',h.,...... 270.17' TipoCertificates of Deposit,,,.,.., 7,150.014: Savings D e p o s i t , , 48,094.77 T otal,............................... . 5350.013,07. State of Ohio, County of Crocne, sa: I, O. D, Smith, Cashier of tho above named The, Exchange Bank of^Cedarville, Ohio, do, solemnly swear that the above ntatement istrue to the best ot my knowledge and belief, “ O. t . SMITH, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 29th, day of September 1015. Andrew JaCkaOn. Notary Public,GreonO County Ohio, ELECTION NOTICE. . Cedarville Township Rural School District, Greene County, Ohio, To. the electors Of CedarvIIht Township Rural School District. Tou *re hereby netified that at the General Election, to be held 0n Tuesday the 2ttd day of November 1916, there will be elected by the electors of Cedarville TewnsbJp Rural School District* Greene •oirntyi Ohio, two (2) member* air large of the Board o f Education »f •aid SchoolDistrict for the term of Four ( 4 ) year* each, beginning the first Monday in January 1816. - ■aid election will he held at the usual voting places of the Soheel District, between tho hour* of 6:40 a. m. and &:80f p, m, .Central stand- ard time. Term* OfA, SZ» Smith and A. G, Collins expiring, ANDREW JACKSON,* Clerk of tbe Board of Education of Cedarville Township Rural School District, Greene County Obis, SOwiuMLOa BUM Caitoft* ,hr A m , MfOrntT AmU-rwb* «■*., Schmidt’s « Groceries These two terms have been used together for so many years in Xenia, that you can’t think of H. B. Schmidt’ * Store without thinking of Groceries. Then, too, for variety, quality and price Schmidt’* has always been the leader. * Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday BREAD 3 5Ce‘r«3Sf.Srf 10c Flour ie high but we still sell . at the old price. Tomatoes, per can................8c * Corn, per can.................»......fle Lohox soap, t bare for..........lOc Ivory Soap, per bat...........t/^c „ Not over 6 bars tea customer “Star” Tin Cans! Per Dez...........32c MasonJars Quart Size, pur doz. S'- 48 c Contract NowandGet a 31 Piece Sterling China Diner Set TREE fer $50.00 in trade Don’ t fail toiileefc from tkt «ampl«i what you want when *ur men call o* you. Down Goes tho Price New Irish Potatoes per pock(Ac Irish Ceblers perbushel - 50c Fine Puallty M«aly-Extra Fine Water Melons Get One Off the Ice for Dinner M. E. S chm id t & Co., Whoitaaieand Rettail Groeers 30 SMtihTaDetroit Sfcrtet, **. ; , • Xenia, Ohio* r - f Thrifty Cedar ville parents are buying boys’ school suits at Kredel and Alexander’s. Certainly they are wise! The values can hardly be duplicated, owing to our superior advantages in buying. Tbe assortments give utmost possible choice—apd every­ thing purchased here is guaranteed to satisfy. Special Featuresof Royal School Suits With Extra KnicKers at and Padded collars and fronts, insuring shape keeping. Patented stayed pockets., , * Durable lining. - s '- TrouiersJfaH cut, lined throughout. Trousers have belt loops and patch pockets, Coatsjin several new Norfolk models. / Quality of fabrics and tailoring that are remarkable at tb6 1 ' .. , Newest Sampe,k Norfolk Suits $5.00 to $15.00 Many varieties-of box and knife pleats, new ideas in pockets; very stylish as well as serviceable suits.. Hand­ some patterns, Glen TJrquhart plaids, gray and brown' mixtures, cheviots and cassimeres; extra quality blue serges; every detail of style given careful attention; e^erysuit tailored to keep shape under boys’ hard wear, 90to$6.90 FetdbiSg little ityles for lads S to 0- Many unique and cunning style* in Yestee Suits of Serge, Cheviot end Novelty Clotbs— to $3.85. Junior Cadet Suits, Military style—$4,85 and $5.90, Special valuelnYesteeXSuits—$4,85. „ > Ic> ■ / ' • SWEATER COATS For boys and girls. Every style, weave and color. Our $1 sweater is exceptional quality at the price. Guaranteed all-wool sweater, special at $2. 1 r Sarge showimr at $8 and 84, in Byron (storm) and shawl collar styles. Very finest heavy swe*ter»—$5 and $6, ? '0 .I . * NEW BLOUSES Famous “K and S” make. New fall patterns Large selection in light and dark colors—60e and 81. NEW FALL CAPS Latest styles for boys; small, medium and large shapes, in striking plaids and checks—50c and $1. • •■ ... ■ . „ BOYS’ “ SCOUT” HOSIERY The kind that wears longer; every pair guar­ anteed. Our pric# 25c pair. Springfield, ^ A Y U GHTsre% KredelalAlexander * * COR'MAIN §fLIMESTONE Ohio. Direct to the Farmers Wo r.vili furnish (lircefc to' the fanners of Greeno county the bast scram auil virus on tho marltul at 2 cents per 0. O. for seram and virus: 20G. ’C. sorum and 10- C. virus will immune fat 100 lb, pigs their natural llfo. rigs three to ten days *!d can bo lmmutied tliBir natural life with 10 0. C, scrum and 1 O. O. virus. Wewill send you an expert to teach you how to vacci- * mte your own hogs. REFERENCES Flume O. A. Doblww, OedarviUe, O., Roferonces South-west Katimmi Rank ot Commerce o f Kansas City, Mo. Ord*r your serum from IV. H. Embry* our a^ent. Stockyards* Cincinnati, O., or Infcoi'-SiiU'; Vaccine 0o., Kansas.City, Mo. SSS3 TRY OUR iOB PRINTING Xenia Oil Co. mr<m IndependentJobbers of Petroleum Products High Grade Refined Oils and Gasoline All Grades of Automobile Oils and Greases, Steam Lubricating Oils of All Kinds. Delivered ByTank Wagons To All Parts of Greene County. PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO BELL 4% W* OITJ2. 102. Patronize Home Industries. C. E. OWENS, Proprietor Located at G. H. & D. Stock Yards HILL STREET, - - XENIA, OHIO 7 7ns month’s Batterick Patterns 10c and 15c—none higHwr. |^,-j-r|l‘ f--t)||, ||| ''