The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

7 F op Excellence Qm Job Workwill compere with jWmtof eny other firm.,... 'GedarvHle t 1[. - --trwui „* w'.^w -?<*'* J This item when mas iff A with an Ip-j sk'X, »that a year’s tulwcrip* lieu is past due aad a pn/api set- tie;:)' at is earacstly desired. . * - • Star TJJIRTY-FJGHTII YEAR NO. 45, CEDAItYILLE, OHIO,) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1035 -3 W PRICE, $1.00 A YEAR Robbers Get Little Booty. Robbers euticfod the Kerr <fc Hastings Bros. store soinolimcs Saturday night but so la r as is known only about $2,25 and a cheap watch is a ll that* is missing. A window under the scale ‘shod was broken With a piece of iron and en­ trance made in this way. This was ■probably done while a train was passing as none of the neighbors heard any unusual disturbance. The cash register was opened as were drawers in the desk and safe. The latter bad not been locked as the firm kept nothing of great value »usingpt more for fireproof storage. The drawers in the safe were pried open and two of them taken with the contents which included stocks and bonds in several companies as well as some mortgages. However . there was nothing th a t could be realised upon.' ’ ■ The bloodhounds followed a trail down th e railroad to Xenia but no clue developed. . At first It was thought tha t probably professionals had performed t'he job bu t when the two drawers were found Mon­ day a t the rear of the warehouse th e owners came to' the conclusion th a t local .talent Was responsible. Although there had been ta in early thatmorning the papers mere not wet or damaged which showed they liad been pu t there sometime near daylight, • * C.M. Crouse Sells Hardware Store. Will Open New Auto Agency. Mr, 0. E . Hannabury, bf Dayton, has rented the Boyd room formerly used for restau ran t purposes anti will open an' auto agency within a sho rt time. Mr. Hannabury expects to handle the Overland*cars and probably one or two other makes. Besides he w ill handle a full line of auto accessories, oils, eto. !fc will he necessary to make sbme Improve­ ment oh the room and th is will be done a t ohoe. MX. Ilannabtiry has been Dayton police force wjhare-he was injured and placed on the retired lis t. H ia father was tile late George Hannabury known* to many of our older citizens for many years being a farmer in this vicinity. For window glass, all sizes, go to C. M. Bidgway's. —Just added a new line, of Downey's box candy. C. M. Bidgway. W hy Take Chances On a ready made garment when you can be assured of perfect satisfaction by letting us make your Coat or Suit to order? Exclusiveness is the keynote of our style. Thoroughness is the keynote of our prices. There is certain satisfaction in our service. KANY , The Tailor XE .N IA , OHIO. DAYTON—OUR STORE! R EALTY, now, i s n 't th is a wonderful city, with its model Government, its thousand factories, its th rifty , ambitious citizens? And, did you visit the Municipal Exhibit which won such praise and comment fo r its educational feature? Indeed, with the old time thought of Rome, now it's All roads lead to D ay ton"—ju s t as, naturally too, to th is store. Could our loyal salespeople do more for you, in the way of—■■ Common Courtesies. *- Careful Promises. Knowledge of Stocks, Promptness in Every Duty. Whole-heartedne os m Serving You. To do ju s t these things is caged up in our minds and h e a rts—to please th e ten s of thousands of buyers here every day is our aim, and we will never he con­ te n t unless we a re giving evidence of this aim, The Elder & Johnston Co. (DAYTON'S SHOPPING CENTER) Mr. G, M. Orousa on Wednesday sold hia hardware and implement stock to Messrs. J. G. McFarland, of Newark, O., aud II. M. McKee, of Indianapolis, the firm to be known as McFarland and McKee. Mr. Crouse av IU have charge of the tore until November first, it being Impassible for either of the pur­ chasers to get here before th a t time. Mr. McFarland Is a former Cedar- vlllian and a son of Mr, John Mc­ Farland and gained Id's first ex­ perience iq the Grouse store where he clerked several years ago. He next traveled ou t ot Indianapolis and of Tato has, been with the Simmons Hardware Co., St. Bonis, the largest concern of the kind in the world. Mr. McFarland lias been residing a t Newark, and will locate hero as soon as ho can get a house. Mr. MoJKee has rented the Dean property tha t will soon be vacated by Dr. J . L. Ghesnub. The retirement of Mr. Crouse from IT, e local field takes one of the Oldest business men ■ in point of service to the public. Mr, Grouse has been in tlio hardware business here more than 35 years. His first partneiship was for two years' with the la te W. M. Barber, The late ,L, G. Bull toolc0Mr. Barber’s place and for 18 years this partnership existed when Mr. Crouse took over tiie business aud has conducted it alone for the past 18 years. Mr. Crouse haSno arrangements for the future but of recent years had been in poor health and was desirous of retiring from the retail business. Messrs, McFarland and McKee are energetic young, business men and Will'be gladly welcomed into business 'circles- Miss Shontz In Cedarville. Endeavors Con­ vention Saturday The Greene County Christian Endeavor Convention wjis held Saturday at the Mt. 7i ion Reformed church. Of life fltteeu societies tw ehe wero represented, about ujuity delegates being present. Mr. Stanley B. VandersaJl, Ohm's General (Secretary and Miss I’eari Smith, Stale Juuion Stit. wore presen t and gave excellent addresses Dr. J . L. Chesnut and Mr. Ralph Eider of this i>ra‘ee wore also on program. The convention next year will he held a t Spring Valley. The followingoflicers wero elected for 1010:—Pres., Miss Alberta Cre$- well; VlcePreB., Edward Voorhees; Secy, and Treas., MI sb Milclredj t’FD 4 evh . de rau.Fvr j. coming „-u-i nrsac-y «o pres -1 L’.i-iVre v.-ill Ifc j ■ •s»in the plans j irritations have i;,..,..., flllihivri «sA /IT.r.ST FUND FOB j riiPAllVH.I.E COLLEGE ’ i o&imxm Ike will of Launder Teas was pro-: before Judge Howard Monday . an,*-,oration of iu-, rdent of (VOw'viHe glad to hear cT piog: for inert event. Tir been isuc-d to ntu-lf- college president; n. education in U as y ,oil a1.; to f: ion' outr ide r f the iv: up. A nura ’niv;« ; ■ram %v ill in* the y» which will be cumihv'u <o u.-watetv, I Won. ■ | i’acuity, students, uMpinii, and reyre, ;L V Lilly i ' A t t w $Wo/AteSbMu * mm* tentative;; of olhert institutions’ of earning and v-Je'ch V 11parr, from the ♦allege to Use ffnen House for the ifternoon meeting, k, plan was pro­ posed by tlio Dean of the Faculty. Professor Allen, b y : Krh each of tl:c> college elapses will jjppear costumed in caps and gown color: the Seniors in in lavendar, ’the S and the Freshmen ,i: of the classes have out the proposal; Will make the proe Horry; Missionary Supt., Miss Mary Cooper; Junion Bupt., Miss, most attractive feah Ellen Eatyle; Press Supt,, E rskm e'o f the day. Winters; Temperance, Ityv. D, W. i m _Events of Loucks; QuietHourandEvangelism 3na,;ge" tinus^iuUy111^’ _ an appropriate iacli, the Juniors bpmores in red. green. Several ‘ecideti tp carry if all do so, it sion one of the ?s of tlie events -Miss Esther Babb. CHURCH SERVICE. Week, ictober 10, was •resting to. the >f the college by which was deliv- fhnaton, returned tea, In a most ison portrayed U n ited P r esby ter ian . Sabbath School a t 9:80. Preaching a t 10:30 and 0:30. Y .P , C. II, a t 6:80. Prayermeeting Wednesday a t 7; Miss Eva Marshall Shonlz will lecture,in the United Presbyterian church Tuesday evening, Novem­ ber 9th, on the subject, “ Old Glory to Cedarville as her v isit of a few years ago is still remembered by those who heard her then. Her powerful address on th a t occasion will insure her a crowded bouse on th is her second visit to Cedarville. R. P. CHURCH (MAIN STREET) Teachers’ meeting Saturday eyening at 7 o'clock. , Sabbath. School Sabbath morning at !):3Q o’clock. , Preaching a t 10:30. C. E. a t 5:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday a t 7, You are cordially invited. M. E. CHURCH. Sunday School a t 9:80 a. m. : Preaching a t 10:80a, in. Epwbrth League a t 6:80. ° Prayer meeting Wednesday even­ ing a t 7:00 p. m. * TWO IMPORTANT STARS Ttf'bc Seen at the Fairbanks Tiieatrc,^ Springfield, Next Week. students and fherrfti the splendid addrer;; eved by Rev, W. C- missionaxy from striking wav Mr, . . . -the life of the i:atlv< i of West Africa. among who he lias , eon working for several years, ard Ihbwed tlio best fiietlujils to be used i: winning the.m to Oiirist. ; - He said .that in A iheriVd the aver­ age person thinks tJ it the African i,j a gdod-foi'-no!hi»g ■?redture beeansc he, does not havd the civilization which has been rdiw ied in this cotin- Uy. „BuH that viovj s entirely wrong, as may be seen fro; i a consideration of the snjendid I;hb deaye of nature width tin* African ptn-.K;Dse«. The average cluJd there tnowa ten thrum as much about tho.: ids fioworr, and animals of Ms conn :y than doen ike American -chlkl. Ti a, ivo, -the Afri­ can. is very shrewd * wl guick to grasp the ideas suggest® to him by* the missionary if Ihos ideas are ex­ pressed to him in i concrete faun, and especially if tha ie idea;: arc lived out in the every, dm practice of the :nlcsionary hud hft - faindy. With touching and, hunsirdus little , inci­ dents with stori.e^j of the different kinds of animals am- ttwirdntercstlng habits, with ,hits m- hm own cxixnd ence, and 'with, i’lHh'nte views into EJliS, §500. Tlio local M, K. church is given $800 ' and tiie tiustees of the North ceiiia- a.-ry 8300 for the perpetual upkeep I >i the Teas and William Gee lots. ~ i The testator then provided for the; ’.ale of -all stocks awl bonds and r e - , fivest $1,000 in interest hearing se- urities the income to go to Abbic J, diaries, Bowersvilie, during her Jife- itne.' At her death these sewrities :re to be considered as-part of ihe esiduc of the estate and held in trust lie income to go to assist worthy, •indents in Cedarville college. At ho death of the executor the trustee­ ship is terminated and the residue hen goes to the college trustees. Should the college cease to exist the rustees may dispose to any other cd-. national institution. , ■ . i The residue of the estate that will "all to-the college immediately upon ho settlement of the. executorship is glared at 82,690. This with the $±900 hue.will cpme from the Charles trust and will give the college about J6.500. i Boys’ .High Cuts- | We are showing the best and most complete line of Boys' High Cuts in the county at the following paces: • Little Men’s 9 to 13.__________ .$1.85, $2.00, $2.25 ! Youths' 131-2 to 5 1-2.. 3 , .$2.00, $2 25, $2.75, $3.Q0| Boys' 2 1-2to 5 2-2.. .$2.25, $2.50, $3.00, $3.25, $4.0fi j Give Us a Look B AUTOMOBILE:? CRASH AND GO INTO DITCH, (ho iife of the pal Johnson revealed a most striking' life and work and deeper reidinatioa need for more .1 ■field, ■A now of Africa, Mr. ■his hearers in svn little bf his ired ail with ;* the pressing; in the mission tractions next week On Tuesday evening, October 26th, Miss Margaret Illingtoii, who has not been seen here for several years, will present her latest success “The Lie.” Miss Iiling- ton is, perhaps, best remembered for her remarkable performance in “The Tliief” and in “The Lie" she has even better opportunity for the .display of her remarkable . emotional powers,. The Story tells of a woman who pro­ tects herself by telling a lie and then asks her sister to hear the blame of a sin by permitting the lie to go un­ contradicted. To thi: the sister (Miss Illington) consents (until she discovers that her own happiness Is at stake; then she insists that the truth he told. Miss Illington makes the most of the opportunities afford­ ed by the role. OF a totally different character is the story told in “Marie-Odi!e“ with Miss Frances Starr in the loading role which will visit the Fairbanks the­ atre- on Thursday evening, October 28. “Mario Odile” is a young girl brought up in a convent without ever having seen a • man. When war breaks out the nuns in their haste to escape the invading army leave Marie Odite behind arid her first sight of a man is a Sergeant in the invad­ ing army. She tliinlm him a saint come to life and falls down on her knees to worship him. An intensely interesting Gtory is “Marie-Odile” and Miss Starr brings to the “role all of her wonderful talent. COURT SUSTAINS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS The Appelate court in session in Xenia this week rendered a decision Tuesday afternoon in the mandamus suit against the county commission­ ers as brought by the county board of education to compel the transfer of a surplus from the sheep fund to the school fund. Judge Kyle was affirmed his decision in refusing to compel the commissioners to make the transfer. ted in the eonesuay T igi»n» exerciww*’ #rt. W d d morning; Heretofore the Young Wo­ men's Ghrkdian Association and the. Young Men's Christian Assoc ation have been meeting during the chapel hour, while these students who were members of neither organisation met in the. ‘chattel for the usual service. Now a aniline and, it is hoped, help­ ful plan Tun been proposed and is be­ ing tried by which the faculty meet by themwlwo for a coupon of prayer ahd study for their spiritual benefit, and the student: meet In one of the other two sneclin^s, with no separate chanel service. The plan has. been most successful -as dong an it has been fried .and a deepened interest in spiritual’ tnattOK; in hoped for' the outcome. * . ■ Two imporfnnfc student elections' look- place £+ the. College, during this last week. The staff for the “Ce­ dar::/' tlio college annual, was 'chosen. The offices have bsen filk-.i thus: For editor-in-chief, Mr. Merle Rife; for assistant editor, Mr. Dwight Storrott; for business manager, Mr. David Bradfute; fdr arakTant b«oinoi:s man­ ager, Mr. William Andorran; for art editor, Mr. David Doherty. The fiTShtaan ricr.i organized >or the first time with the following class officers: For president, Mr. Robert Column; for vka-prc.'.Mont, William Anderson; for tiearutrei;, Charles Loury; for caetetary, Mildred Ad- a iOn Friday evening, October 2ff. the Young People’s Urscielv of the United Presbyterian churrh of CeJarvilie will entertain in honor of the college stu­ dents at the home of Mr. Hugh Turn- bull of that society. The. members of the r hrisiiatJ Endeavor Society of the Reformed Presbyterian church bar; al v been invited. An unusual accident'happened Spb-. ■.atli afternoon at . the Cross Roads .eliool house crossing on the James-' own pike when two automobiles go- it rxgiit angles crashed in the square Tut both machines,went into Tie ditch jut fortunately, little damage was tens And the occupants escaped with only plight bruises, * Rev. Lorrimer, pastor of ihe Jamestown U. P. church, accom­ panied by his daughter,. Mr. Ciarite ^.ackey and Mr, John Ervin, They were in the Lomme-r machine which was being driven by Mira Lorrimer, aud were on their way to ‘Springfield vhere Rev* Lorrimer was being taken for treatment, having suffered some­ thing in an eye. The,! other machine was driven by Mr. Fitstidc who pur- chared the JJanagmi farm. Ho was ■jccotiipanied by his wife and daugh- .or, and it was the latter <who was the only one injured in tiie aecidoht, Hustniniiig slight bruises.- Mr, -Fit- rtick was on his way.East on the Fed-; a?*l pike and was unable to see the a high hedge fence. Mr*. R. G. George was called and took ’tbe Lorrimer party on to Springfield While tbo Other machine was taken back to Jamestown for re­ pairs. M o s e r ’s S h o e S to re X e n i a * . ■■ ° ■•,= . ■ * - .■»■ O h i o ;' ■ '*■! v r tp CSJ -10 K1 i a ■ DR. II. R. MTLELLAN DIES SABBATH NIGHT, ’ Dr%IL R. McCIcikm, aged 80, one ■ j : the oldest physicians in tiie ; mly, died Babbnth night about 11 ■/dock at bin home in Xenia. For .wo weeks Dr. MclTelkm had been raditing an at rack of pneumonia but ii) lath ns las;t Saturday visited rhe hospital.' Snbiiath bis condition be- :;’.:ne •worse and the end came that night, . •‘ ■ Ttic deceased was bom at Wooster ami came to tin;, county with his jftiVntr, in 1CT. .After completing hi:; couive in the public, schools Jie entered the Starling Medical College, fThimbu.;, and gr.,ilu;ded in lfi.ji. Dr McClellan began his practice in this p( ne but i«'ri only two years ■ lam he went to Xenia v.kc-ro he has rraoticed rontinually except during bio service as a surgeon during the Civil war. The deceased v.cs twice married. First to Mi:;: Ruth Shepherd Nieu- kiik, and to them were born six chil­ dren, 'three of whom are living: C'havk'Slt., Frank W., and Dr. Ben 11. IvSvClellan, the herd of the hospital vvl'.ich bears bio nurro. The second wife wa1.; Martha Rader who sur­ vivor.) him, The. funeral \.v.j held from the First Presbyterian e'nuich, N»n i:, Wednes­ day, at two o'clock. C l From the birth of the nation to the present time of national, prosperity and influence the banKs have been a prominent factor in the develop­ ment of this country, J <3£This bahh is a prominent factor in the prosperity o f the. people of this community. It offers to them the ‘same hind of toanhing facilities that are enjoyed by the great business interests of Wall Street. ^Th rs banh is safe, sound; careful and courteous —the essential attri­ butes of successful banhing. It is the place for your account^ a place where your money will grow. <LGet the saving habit C. Start a -banK account with us today. vtf l sh This month’s Butterick Patterns 10c and ISc—none higtier. are ELECTION NOTICE. Oodarvillo Township IlitralSchool District, Greene County, Ohio. TO tho electors of Cedarville Township Rural School District. You are hereby notified that at tho Geueral Election, to ho held on Tuesday the 2nd day of November 1815, there will he elected h.v the electors of Cedarville Township Rural School District, Greene Gounfy, Ohio, two (2) members at, large of the Board of Education oj said School District for the term ot Four f4) years each, beginning the first Monday in January lblfi. Said election will be hold a t the usual voting places of the School District, between the hours of 3:80 a. »i. and 5:30 p. in, C en tra l,stand­ ard time, Terms of A. X. rimith and A. G, Collins expiring. ANDREW JACK,SON, Clerk of the Board of Education Inf Cedarville Township Rural School District, Urecuu County Ohio, YELLOW SPRINGS P .0. IS BURGLARIZED AJSD GOOD HAUL MADE, Ilnbhefn mimhr-rihg at least three, held men at bay on the outside under threat to Rill them, while the. safe in the Yellow Springs post office was Mown with nitroglycerine. The men made goad their escape and took w; them between 0M)f) and. $600 worth of stamps aud money. • The robbery occurred about two o’clock Tuesday morning and wa6 heard by renidento near having been awakened by the jnoise. Telephone wires aud elect vie • wires in tho vicinity had all .been cut. q he local blood hound:: were placed on the trail and Ihe Xenia police no­ tified but tbe robbers made1a safe get away in an auto. Thin is a J;ej'M!d time tbe wont office baa been robbed within the past year or :;o, < flood, hr. 'Willoughby for fruiht and vegetables of all Linds. Pc. Mites’ lulls fu r rheum atism i m No Fly by Night Schemes a t this Store,—To get Your Trade FOR RALE--Clermont ah' hot bk.ot soft coal burlier. Townnlcy. tight II. A, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. „ IMate of Leatuler A. Teart Deceased. William Conley h.v; been app-vinle.l and qualified'«•; eaeoilov of tho es­ tate nfcLtarAcr A, i’ens late, of Greene countv, Ohio, decoa::,';!. Dated this Ifjlh dav of Oclohei’. A. Iff VV^i‘TF‘1 f . . Ikabate ol aoid County, Just Wait Till You Come to Dayton TUB SURPRISE has lots of good things for you in the way of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing and Furnishings. In selecting your Fall needs—-don’t let price be uppermost in your mind. Don’t let such announcements as $17.50 Suits and O’Coats for $11.15 and other truck, lead you astray. Such prices are possible in January aud February, but not in October. You must study quality and spend your money with the .merchants who give you value received. Good Honest Merchandise Will Always Bring a Good Honest Price and no one is. Ever Deceived. THINK THIS OVER Dantes*, g O l i i n T h e 'S u r p r is e .S to re T ayton, Oh io 1