The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

util up >FIT- f or a itage iged LEM- »gue. Y Oct. tickets ,sheets ieem lat our is and h w m .■ ‘ *t :■> , se- t y a n d Ihange |e listed tUG- m Xenia, oeeries. rs been rday una |iti trade it from iat you leti call ► hio. For Excellence Ow Job ! Workwill compare with ;th«t of any other firm. Jierald, This item wkrn marked. with an W’ dcx, denotes that a year’s subscrip' tion is past due and a prompt set­ tlement is earnestly desired. , , - m s THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR NO. 46. CEDARVILLE, OHRMSEIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1915. ------ ■ '■ —--- mm PRICE, $1.00 A YEAR Election Day Next Tuesday Tuesday is election day and intereefe centers around a number of important issues, mainly the temper »nce question and various other proposed changes to the constitution besides the referendum on the legislative acts. There will he a multiplicity of ballots and electors "will be required to devote several minutes in the booth before all can be merited. - The . proposed copetitutiOnal amendments are the prohibiting of the sale and manufacture of in­ toxicating liquors as a beverage. The election of county officials every four years Instead of every two years as a t present. To exempt bonds issued on or a fte r January 1,1016, in -th is state from taxation, * ■ . To lim it elections on twice de­ feated constitutional proposals and to present the abase of the Im tstlve and Referendum. The Sprague congressional re- districting bill and the- McDorUiott liquor license bill.' The contest for local -offices have not been as keen as many antici­ pated early in the season. The Trusteeship and mayoralty candi­ dates hbmg the only ones th a t have, made much of a canvass. . .Rot trustees there are four candi­ dates and three, to elect, ft. 8. Townsleyand EC. A. Turnbull are asking re-election while M. W. Collins and David R&kestr&w are the new candidates. There is no opposition to other township,candt- dates. ■ For village mayor R. P. McLean andW>P . Townsley ate contesting. Six members of council, marshal, treasurer and clerk are to be elected b u t . none of the have >opposi­ t i o n , 1 ■ Court News Mrs, Catharine Charters has been appointed administrator of the estate of John Charters- Bond $500. . i Mrs, Mary H . Hurley has been appointed' admmlstraitor of the estate of Forest Hurley. Bond $100. ■wW. B, Bryson has been appointed guardian of F reest L., Raymond S., and Herman W., minor children of -James Kelsey, deceased. Bond $2500. " Suit to contest the will of Miss Margaret Bower, was brought-today by John Bower against H arry Mc- Cuddy individually and as executor of the will, and Frank, B. Bower. The plaintiff avers th a t the docu­ ment is not the last will and state­ ment of Margaret Bower, and that she was not physically or mentally able to make a will a t the document was executed. L, J . Lehman and W. 8. Bothermel, attorney. COMING Cedarville Opera ' House Week Commencing Nov. 1. Manager Jackson announces he has closed contracts with The Irina Stock Company for a week’s en­ gagement, commencing Monday, November 1st. This company .is conceded by press and public to be one of the best attractions of Its kind traveling audio guaranteed in every respect. Manager Jackson is determined to bring to his patrons in Cedarville absolutely nothing but 't h e best and is no t booking anything till after a thorough in­ to its merits. The Irm a Stock Company is playing this week a t Jamestown Declares County Boards Illegal. According to a decision of Judge JUUUr of the Court of Common Plea* a t Lima, Monday, the county board of education law has been de­ clared unconstitutional owing to the manner of electing such boards. Appeal will be taken a t once 10 the apj elate courtand then the supreme court for final decision. The de­ cision of the lower court does not effect the work of the county board until the supreme court has affirmed It. All acts of the county boaTds have been illegal and ©very-county superintendent m the state would, be deprived of office. The decision was made in a case in which the taxpayers of Auglawe ru ral school district, Allen county, sou th 'an injunction to stop ,the division of' the district by the county board. The constitutionality of the county hoard has also been questioned in Clark county where- a suit is now peudingin court. Vote Cast Last Year. We have been asked by several what the vote on the prohibition issue was last fall. In the state the drys had 504,177 and the wets, 588,320, the .wet majority being $84,152., I n the county the drys received 4,041 and wets, 3,179, making a dry majority of 862.* Cedarville village gave the drys 176 and wets 104. In . th e township the drys had 200 to 78 for the wets. For members of Board of ‘Efto-, Opera House, and to capacity busi- Clifton U. P. Church Chimes. cation there is two to elect, Messrs A, Z. Smith and A. G. Collins are candidates for re-election, while Mr. J , O, Barber is the th ird candi­ date. ucbs . On every hand nothing but words of p ra ise .for the individual rnembers’of the company, and their plays. The opening play, “Sinswf a Father” , is pod of the sweetest, CHURCH SERVICE. at 7 o'clock!. Sabbath ’School Sabbath morning at ,J9:39 O’clock. Preaching a t Temperance Bermon a t 10:30. O .E . a t 6:80. ' Remember tho union Temperance service'in the opera house Sabbath evening a t 7 o'clock. Dr, Boston, of Wooster will speak, ..You are cordially invited. / ELECTION NOTICE. Cedarville Township Rural School -D istrict, Hreene County, Ohio. To the electors of Cedarville Township Rural School District. You are hereby notified th a t a t the GeuerafElection, to bo held on Tuesday the 2nd day' of November 1915, there will be elected by tbo electors of Cedarville Township Rural School District, Greene County, Ohio, two (2) members at large of the Board of Education oj said School District for the te rm o t Four (4) years each, beginning tho first Monday in Janua ry 1918, Bald election wilt be held a t the usual voting places of the School District, between the hours of 6:60 a. m. and 6:80 p .m . Central stand­ ard time. Terms of A. 55. Smith and A. G* Collin* expiring. ANDREW JACKSON, Clerk of the Board of Education Of Cedarville Township Rural School District, Greene County Ohio. ________ _ FOR SALE—Clermont air tight hot blast soft coat burner, H. A. Townlley. cleanest, purj-est plays ^a ^ w ritteti. I t never borders Or melo-d ramatic, ^MmH pK n ia tlo situations a re so fliSggfflggprn they grasp and hold ’tiawMIlIKfon from , .Comedy? Yes, the pure, clean, unctlous kind th a t never fails to please and send a ll homo in the best ot hum o r,' Five most excellent vaudeville, acts ate carriea^by the company f s c there is not an idle moment from tho time the per­ formance starts till <ho curtain falls on the last act. Miss Irm a Wikof, the talented little leading lady of the organiza- atlon, while young In years, U old experience, She is possessed of a cleaning personality, an abundance of ability.and has already won for herself a most enviable position to theatrical circles. The manage­ ment has surrounded-her with the very boat people obtainable for this line of work. Their plays are all new and selected t o . please the classes as well as the masses. That their selection was a fine one, Is fully- proven by large and well pleased audiences everywhere, Ladies free Monday night with one adult ticket, NOTICE. Notice is given th a t there must be no destruction of property or block ing of streets or alleys onjHallowe’en night. Persons are expected to amnse themselves but the law will be enforced if there is any attempt to misplace or destroy property. H. A. McLEAN. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Estate of Leander A. Teas Deceased. William Conley has been appointed and qualified as executor of the es­ tate of Leander A. Teas late of Greene county, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 18th day of October, A. D. 1915. CHARLES F. HOWARD, Probate Judge Of said County. jmm. i M i W M ROYAL BAKING D A W T I F I I A b s o I u t e ly P u r e a NoAlum—NoPhosphate Vote Ohio Dry. . The Thank Offering was $49.57. We need more “ twicers’’these fine meet­ ings to begin November 5, Ten new members wets received into the DeLacey church as a re su it of the week of preaching by Dr. Ritchie. Mr. Frank Turner is leader of the Christian Union for next Sabbath evening. Mrs: Gordon Collins, who been visiting her brothers Kansas is expected home by the last of this week. Mrs. Charles Fihney has suffered a relapse a n d . Is under the phy< tslclan's care again. , E a rl Van Tress, of Bpringfleid,' and Elmer Wilson, of Yellow Springs, worshiped With u* both morning and'evening la st Sabbath. Mrs. Geo. W. Rile and Mrs, B. W, Anderson accompanied by her husband attended the Kama Fro*- byterial a t Columbus la s t week. Mrs. Jennie F. Ritchie returned from Oberlin, Tuesday evoning where she visited her daughter, Mrs. Grace Alexander and her husband. Mr. Fred Bryant and Mr. Clarence Finney are riding in their new automobiles, and still there are more to follow. Mre. Joseph Waddle has been among the shut-ins, bu t a t this wriUng is on the mend. Every member of the Clifton United Presbyterian church la re­ quested to be in thoir pew next Sabbath. Mrs. J . B. Rife is able to ride out for a short distauco on good dayB. Dr. Ritchie assisted in the funeral services of Mr. Hamilton, fathered Charles Hamilton a t the M. E. church last Wednesday. The circulating Library books should all be m the first Sabbath ot each month. Plaaso burden your mind with this. LIBRARYi Annual report of 1 ship Library fear August g l, 1915. Number of days’ : to. public, 275; total] loaned, 7449; larg any. month was in daily circulation (.ji ber of books loaned ship, 203; number during the year, 16B| purchased, 83; nur nated, 82; number Scribed fpr, 22; nui donated, 10; number] during the year, 52; patrons added d« number of juvenile j daring the year, 9;, mer;school patrons,! fines, 17.20’—■ Donors of books: College.. ‘ Gifts- Waterman. Don Dr. Stewarf, Ms Misses McNeil, formed Presbyteris The following ’ ceived from the Oh Library, which loaned: Antin—They • Who Gates. Bartlett—-New Qs Lawn. Bradley—-Shakes Brooks—Story of dian., Cantlie—Sun Yat ening of China. English and Scotti Churchill—Far Coti Churchill—Inside Clarke—Poets'' New"!! Connor—Patrol .of j Trail. Crane—Human Cpn| Daskane—Today’s “ ' Dawson—Great Eh Dawson—Makers oj Hamilton—Materials'll Fiction. Henery—Voice of Jackson—Century of Kipling—Captain- Kipling—Light Tlrnti Lee—X4fe of Willia Little—House.of the Locke—Jaffery. Lovejoy—Poetry of • Mabie—Essays Ever Mabie—WiUiam Shs Dramatist and Mai Merwin—Honey■ Bee*j Palgrave—Golden 5 Parker—You Neve Luck. Perry—Study of. Poe—Prose Tales. Riis—Making o f An] Schirmacker r—Mod' Rights Movement;; Tarkmgtonr—1The Wiggiha—Posy ® Sure, mistake*, Warsaw Bs :ad been out of town <ma' son. Being a maiden,. objected: to the news item, and with just reason, of course. The mistake was caused by two items ’ being mixed in' the forms. .The Coshocton Tribune gave a new baby to the wrong parents the other day. Oh, we all make mistakes, —Dresden Transcript. . s - e PIONEER DIES, David B, IliiT* aged $1 years, passed away a t his horn* in Clifton a t 10 o'clock Saturday morning. His death was due to the infirmities of age and Came after a serious illness of two or three weeks. The decedent had been a resident of Clifton ail his life and was a well known figure in that lo­ cality. He was a veteran of the Civil war. Besides hi* aged widow, he is survived by three children, George, John and Mrs. Edward Wing. Fun oral services were held Monday. JS, riljle Town- iyear ending ry was open „ Jber of books [Circulation in 958; largest $1), 92; mjm- ide of town- books added jpber of books [uf books do- Jodicals sub­ periodicals atrons -added ' s t of adult Year, 43;, rons added of sum- receipts for Idda Archer, hors. Dr, a eriodicals; , Barber, izette, Re- seate. / ive been re- traveling' dy to p t Our ^Parlor and iTragedy, lerican In- iidtheAwak-. M* ' -.u' -;'V ular ballads, cup. l$md, f ? 5e Sundance wv ' ' ’ ; tevelists. Iflisli Fiction, Methods of iopor. ecus: r ■ akespeare. •Star. - seasons. . re, .Poet; iqyr Your Vs’ * ' ' i';.' iction, s k ”• f’ lerican. Woman's Will Boost Good Roads. Special' tax levies for highway improvements will be-accepted pr rejected by voters in many counties iuGhioon election day next week. The Ohio Good Roads federation has complied 'estimates showing that if all these proposed levies are approved improvements totaling about $4,100,000 will be made on highways. W, A. Alsdorf, secro- taryof the federation, hasannounceU th a t his organization proposed to mail circulars to more than 30,000 voters boosting these roa-d levies. A whirlwind campaign is con­ templated from now until election day, speakers will be sent into the various counties and an abundance of literature will be distributed by the federation. ■ “-Fo r window glass, all'sizes, go te C, M. Ridgway’s, ' t)r, Miles’ Aiul-Puln pills lor all pain Is 1% Right? ....; 'linnwyn If.. 1'IT.AHWiWlr.rftlllWV.^^* To our minds, there Is but ouo teBt of everything in the management of this great establishment, and that is—I* it right? Business affairs often prove to ho tough knots and hard to untie, and, over and over again a thousand times we say these words, for almost everything can be determined by the three little words: “ Is It Right?” This Is a, message of the safeties, hoalthfulnesg and conve, pionces of thin great store, containing the largest, completest, aud„ freshest assortments of the, most desirable merchandise produced in this or other- countries, ”New goods com& iff each, day—all governed by these-words! TheElder & Johnston Co. __ _ (Dayton's Shopping Center) ONE THE IRMA STOCK - u Supporting that talented 11 Farmers Against McDarmott Law. .’ * f j? IRMA WIKOF . 1 The Big Stock Company Withjthe GUARANTEE HOWARD WYSONG Money Back if Vou are Not More Than Pleased OPENINY PLAY 99 —Just added a new* line of Lowney’s box candy. 0, M, Ridgway, Try a sack of “Golden Rule1’ Flour tho next time, I f your grocer doesn’t keep It in stock call the mill and it will be promptly de­ livered to you. S eo J .'M , Willoughby for fancy groceries. —For the next few days I will sell the pure Russian Mineral oil a t a special price. Imported and Ameri­ can brands. C. M. Ridgway. FOR SALE--About 25 hu. of good Jersey sweet potatoes. Will Beil in 1bushel Jots- or by the pound. Wm. Smith, the trucker. Last week an important meeting of prominent Republican farmers was held In Columbus a t the Invi­ tation of Chairman Jones of the State Republican Committee. The object of tho meeting was to have the farmers endor# the Spraguo congregational bill, which was done, and the McDermott liquor license hill, but this was rejected by a vote of 89 to 5 regardless of tlie fac t th a t Gov. Willis had askad for such an endorsement. The action of the farmers proved quite a surprise as much was ex­ pected of them in giving their support to the new license measure. S. A. Deltrick was chairman of the meeting and Mr. Halverstolt of Marion, secretary. T* G. Laylln, of Huron, former master of the S tate Grange Was chairman of the resolution committee time refused to endorse any kind of a license proposition. The position these farmers have taken is identical with the views of thousands of temperance people tha t will vote against tho Mc­ Darmott law next Tuesday. The public was tricked in the adoption of liquor license following ths con­ stitutional convention a few years ago and i t is not probable th a t temperance people will be mislead next Tuesday in giving their ap­ proval of anpther form of license law. As the law i» now the Gover­ nor of ttta state is responsible for the issuing of licenses and law en­ forcement. Under the McDarmott law, if i t is adopted, the politicians are given complete control of tho license situation which means no law enforcement and a probable re­ turn to the open Sunday saloon in tho wet cities. ‘‘S in s O f A Father Polite Vaudeville Between Acts. This company played at Wilmington last week is at Jamestown this weak.' If you are skeptical call up your friends at either place and ask their opinion. Prices: All seats reserved, :Down Stairs, 30c; Balcony Adults 20c, Chil­ dren 10c. Sweats on sale at Johnson’s Jewelry Store. Get Yours early. Ladies free Monday nighty with one paid adult ticket. Week Beginning Monday, Nov. 1 it* Women’s Tailored Suits Especially Priced $ 15.00 New Fall Tailored Suits in Whipcord, Gabardine and Scotch Mixtures and modish colorings. Every style feature of note Is reflected in these choice models, braid and fur trimmed. Suits that would be good values up to $22.50. Specially Priced at $15.00 Boo .r. M, Wilteughby tot fnt.’ls ami vigutahh’* of nil kinds. JOBE BROTHERS COMPANY l