The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

$ Tk* lUlftnlili iUriiii gw! ^ ____ itttwlwtio# nrtvemenfc to to* axtwfc ®f #ud€* P * f Tk*m introducing C^ngtvswttaii Hehaott, in w * s a '.Xenia, last Saturday night. In doing r , , « M thin he was hut taking time from a.*rc*r ijiny gumshoe campaign m behalf of McDermott liquor lieanee law that KARLH BULL • . *',,S1~ “ ' 2 T ; £ A vthe, October 31, 1887, a* wound^.on this legislative; act certain change* cl*** matter. %would, have taken place a* to control ------------- .-■■ . 1of the liquor license*. The act was to ■ ...... " L ’ XMi -become operative September 8, last. F B » A y , NOVEMBER 6, 1816 To those who know the inside to the — i ■ -i..... „ .effort* of so-ctiUed temperance w- _ 1 "' ' ■ r '-,r' ’ "■' —* :formers to land control of the h- SIMPLY WONDERFUL. i cense situation in support of certain ...... L icandidates for high offices, indicates ? • * " * » * » « « » »?t M b f t ? S S f S ? ' S S ’- S w i i k t ^ i W i k i c A Dr. Oliver, the evangelutfi. who w holding meeting*; in Xenia, has been, shooting close to the marie, particular- > Jy hi* remarks concerning the liquor 1 question. The Dr. in touching on the j liquor license situation stated tliat the { man that issued such licenses was not { as good as a yellow dog, and he want­ ed to ask apology of the dog, In the Dr.'s choir that night eat one of the liquor license commissioners from this county. We wonder if the parties that were responsible for the appoint­ ments'in this county fell in the yellow dog class? , COLLEGE STUDENTS HAVE FALL FESTIVAL About 150 guests attended the '‘Fall KesJjftal” as given Friday night at Alford Memorial by the College Students. Each guest had to pass through “ Hades" Which was arrani A vikwi, Uia W i t t en i but‘be attracted by the political gym nasties that Congressman Fess put on last fall and again, this year. Last year little or nothing was done by the constitutional license adyocate in Iwhslf j f prohibition, to take a posi­ tion^ Lien might endanger the wet vote in Springfield. had to fall in line, and stand by Green county’s exponent of reform. Simply wonderful, isn’t it? —All kinds of fruits and tables at Willoughby’s, yege- $1 4 “Save the Penniesand the DollarsWillTake Care ofThemselves” SCHMIDT’S THE PLACE TO BUY GROCERIES When, you want the best Groceries the land affords go to Schmidt’s. W e have long, maintained a reputation for carry­ ing in stock a ll<■ varieties of food stuff for the table. Get the profitable habit of BUYING ALL YOUR GROCERIES at the BIG STORE. * , Specials for Thursday, Friday and. Saturday BJJRfe CANE SUGAR . . per shok-,................. . Flour—Schmidt** Ocean Light . 25 lbs Creamery „ . Butter Hard, per pound Sugar Cured Breakfast Ba con ............. ........ Regular 10c package of Corn Flake ......... .... Tomatoes . per can .... GhnnedUorn per oaa-.„.w..„.., 3 bars of Lenox Soap.................... ......... 8 bars oi Ivory B*ap—........................... Silver Thread Saueakrapt - per pound..;..... iv ».m S * m $1.42 ._,72c :29c lie 18c -5 c -8c 4c 10c 10c -4 c H. E. Schm idt &^ ' ' 1 U ’ 1 , r • ' f . - Jf ‘ , Wtorieeale and Retail Gfocer* 3© South Detroit S foae t,1. •r Xenia, The H . Marcus Co.’s Great Purchase / i ’ \ H 1 Sale Has Smashed Prices Completely. Sentational Does Not Express It—No Words We Might Say Could Describe the Immensity of This Great Purchase Sale Every Value Is Honestly and Accurately. Stated. Honest Dealings and Repu ation Stand Back of Every Transaction. • Your Dollar Has Many Times Its Usual Purchasing Power * Here Now. Don’t Hesitate a Minute—If You Value Money Come at Once and Get Your Share of the Biggest and Best Valdes Ever Offered. Remember, Our Entire Stock Is N ow - Just Been Purchased. , Women’s Goats Everything New * Plushes, Velours, Velvets Mixtures. You cannot duplicate our values elsewhere ...... $15 Regular $39 values, ( j j^ A Saturday..................... «pZ*U Regular $20 values, Saturday.. . . . . . . . . W om en ’s Coats Everything new in cloth materials and mixtures. All the newest shades and models. Extra value at $15.00. Saturday ......... ................................. .................... Extra values at $15. Now.. . . . W om en’ s Suits *t ■ * (Everything New) ~Read these savings. $1000 $ 10.00 Extra values at d» f *% j*/| $18, Now.. . . . . . . . v . $ 1 Ju*0\I Extra value* at $25. Now....... Extra values at .$30. N ow ,.,,. $15.00 $ 20.00 :Open Saturday Nights Till 9 O’ clock. TheM. Marcus Co Dayton , 35 South Main Street, Oh io mattrawu Tha Alford Md bum deCor*twl in true Hallowe’en ntyl and there were a number of booth* that furnished abqnda»ce of amufeftaftk Mhw Rath Thompson a* an ’Tiwttan maiden” gave quaint advice, Mia* Edith Ham­ mons the fortune toller, Guests were next taken into the “bridle chamber” to be introduced to a bom ’* bridle on the wall, The toy atom * u to charge of Prof. Alberta Creswell, who had seven girl* dressed as doll* which were to TUI IW IVM M iW fwwp iW RM inaM B •i* i.■' . ■ - *las ■ *' mer college day*. Ml** Irene Wright had charge of the “evolution” booth. A-photograph of Prof. Parker as he is today was exhibited. The merry- go-round was a rockstog chair in Which visitors sat while J*iw Mary Chest­ nut and Mi** Mary Bird marched about, Order was kept by policemen and these rolls were put on by Misses Anna Collins and Helen Ogleebee, A students band furffibhed all the- mu­ sic that was necessary for the "Fes­ tival.” ■ Fried chicken, baked beans, sweet potatoes, salad, bused and butter, gingerbread, pumpkin pie, ice crerm, coffee and cider wore served. “OLD GLORY, THE FLAG OF HOPE FOR ^WORLD-WIDE PEACE.” Miss Eva Marshall Bhontz will give her lecture op the above theme inthe.Unitod Presbyterian' church on next Tuesday evening, Novem­ ber 9, at 7:80 o’clock. For many year* Mies Shoqte has been con­ nected with the national W., C. T. U. a* a lecturer and organiser. At preserit she is lecturing under the auspices of the* Women's Pease Party of which Miss Jane- Addama Of Hull House, Chisago, iar presi­ dent. The press!mottoes of Mi** abentz’ s lecture are most flattering and GedarviUe l* to be congratu­ lated upon having this opportunity of hearing tier. No admission fee is charged, hut a Silver' offering is to be taken. On a, former visit tp OedarVUle, .Miss Shout* fllled. the OperaHouse to the doors and H is certain that a’ .large audience will greet her Tuesday night. CHURCH SERVICE. • '* ,\ : ft. P, CHURCH (MAIN STREET) Teachers’ meeting■Satmdarevening at 7 e’cleok. . Cabbath School Sabbath morningait 9:35 o’clock.' .Preaching and communion service * t 10:30, O. B.Socl»inaatftffiO. Thai the Verdict of all wh<i have attended the performance* of "The Irma Stock Company” appearing ai the Opera House this week. Each play presented Is just a little better than the proceeding one, and to ex­ press an opinion as to the merits of any an far presented >8 to invite an argument. Ills* Irma Wikoff, the little leading lady- of the company praise heard er clever work and has won top herself a warm spot In the hearts of our theatre goers, In fact the entire company Is so tor above the average, to mention and not all Is hardly fair. Friday night," they .present tbeir second feature play of the week, the tour act political drama. "The Grafters" and one of the best plays ever written , doaling with this question, if you dont believe there is graft in politics, see their per­ formance of this great play and be convinced, Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o’ clock they give a’ bargain Matinee, presenting the three act farce comedy (Jharlte* "Wedding Day, watch for Charlie on. the streets Friday noon,, the price for the Matinee Is ten cents to all, if you can’t laugh you don't want to see this. Saturday night the com­ pany will cpn,elude theiqj engage­ ment with the big musical Melo­ dramatic hit, "The Cowboy Girl", a play with enough thrills to satis­ fy the most exciting and laughs alojte, if you miss it, yon will always have something to regret. o f th i pte*#ht pasferate^ ' ' , It. P, # . tr. at *:M .Lfader, Mile* Tkrbox. j xn - FrayermeewnlfmAditciday at liBO M. E. CHURCH. Sunday Schoel'at 9:80 a .m .1 Breathing at 10:80a. m. Epworth League at8:ijo. You are cordially Invited. Wanted:—You to smoke the bold, OAMBAGH FCtlfSale. Call Citizens Bhone 12-142. Mr*. Opal Anna Matthews, aged 23, died Tuesday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Airs. David Johnson, where she has lingered several week* following her return, from Colorado. Death was due te tuberculosis, a trip West having been made in. the hope j .! recovery but snoh was not the case. Besides the husband, Mr. Raymond Matthews the young mother leaves two email cblldtoa. The deceasd’e parents and three sisters alee sur vlve, . The. funeral Was held tbie morning from the Johnson home, burial taking plaoeat Bert William. Dr. W. » . Butt, of Pleasant Ridge, her former pasfor, conducted, the services. We are Informed ef the death of Mr. Fred MoElWatn last evening. The funeral will be held Saturday at 1:80 from the residence of his father, D. B. MeElwalfi. Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Bull entertained eight ef the younger married couple* at a Valiewe’ en supper last Friday night.. —WANTED:—Two weeks eld or younger, at this o.^oe, selves two Leave word Harley Holden of near New Jas per met with a terrible accident Mon day afternoon while riding a motor­ cycle at-the turn o f the Columbus pike near Mr, J.jC, Townsley’s home, Young Holden Was riding the motor­ cycle for the firet time and lost con­ trol of it when making the turn. The machine dashed off the' road into a picket and wire fence and the rider was thrown into the orchard, Mr. E, K Finney was nearby and happened to see the accident and summoned Mr. Townsley, Young Holden Was taken to the house and Dr. Marsh called. It was found that the. right arm had been broken at the wrist, a cut on the chin that required six stitches, a bruised limb and injury to the back that way prove serious. He was re­ moved to the home of his father that night but he We* suffering intense pain. What a Woman Can Do, A woman may not be able to write poetry, but she help* to make life a grand, sweet song every time she c§a* a bushel of cherries.—Toledo Blade. Public Sale Having other interests that re­ quire my time and attention, 1 will offer at public auction, my entire herd of Cows and Heifers, at my residence on. Columbus.Bike, near East Point School House,’ 4 miles north-east of Xenia, on Tuesday, November 9, 1915 Commencing, at 12:30, noon, the property, to-w;It: 40 Head High-GradeJersey Cows and Heifers All young Cows* froftvUto 6- yfears old, . Consisting of lUebws, in milk that average fi per cent butter jf*t,*\ creomery, 4 will freshen soon, 8 have been fresh about one month, and balance will freshest. In winter and early spring; 10 Heifer*, com­ ing two years old, that will freshen this winter*1! head of heifers over six months and under one year; 7 h*sd Under six month*. One bull coming two yearn of ago, bred hy W. W. Garrison, ot "Yellow Springs, Thftoire o f this bull was imported and is a great grand-son o f Finan­ cia l R^ugt •that shtaf Fiaan Gotmtesa that prodnepd 93$ H>*. butter in one year. The dam w sired by Golden Lady’s Ned, whojie sire was Neddy, by.Financial King. I have used in building up my herd, such bulls ae Golden Lady’ * Ned, Eminent’* Competitor 2nd, and- Highland Gertie's Ned.. I have ode registered eow. Highland Gertie, a pure St. Lkmbert eight years of age the dam of Highland Gertie’s Ned; 8 full bloods, by GolderiLady’s Ned; 3 high grade* by Golden Lady’s Nod; -1 full blood by Eminent’s Competitor 2nd; 2high grages, by a a pure 8t. Lambert Bull; 8Heifers, by Highland Gertie’s Ned; 2 Bull Calve*, and the balance are Hellers from Nash Bros, high producing cows, and. they are good prospects CORN AND ALFALFA I will also offer 860 shocks of Com and 20 toils of Alfalfa Hay; this hay is equal to "Wheat Bran. - Torms Mkde Known Day of Sale* J . N . LAUGHEAD , Prop. GRIEVE & WEBB, Auct*. T. C. LONG. Clerk. . 4 AJW’OHOL3 P2B PENT., AwgelabiePreptrrimErAs' simllatfeg “ ’ 5«ndBa*W I nfants /C mhmfn ^roinolesDi^sikmJQwrfU-: nessandpestcomuJUuneiejer ©^ium.Motphincnorlfoetaii N o t N a rco t ic . - . ' 1 1 u.. ji i ■nTi'kae* — j . imi " n m i , sedjxerMdrSMmrimm fluff#S*d- JKmSmtt* • w- JkdtffeSfk*- toorlW* HtrnSSm . ....!'muwnw ApetfccfRemedyforOmsf^ tion, SourSi0nari».IH«ffiiw Wori^Fon^skmsfeveris|? nessundLossOPSEEEP. m u Y»r laikfits GMlirfltt* [The Kind You Have •Always Boo^it B e a r s th e S ign a tu re of In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. m aoMMfpf. errr.- Galloway & H E. Nlain^St., Xenia, O. leadquarters for Reliable , - - 9 ; ’s'Exclusive Carpet and Drapery House FREE UN T IL 1916 Have you subscribed yet lor The Youth’s Companion for 1910? Now is the time to do it, if you are not al ready asubscriber,for you willgetall the issues for the remaining week* of 19)6 free from the time your sub­ scription with f 2.00 is received. The fifty-two issues oi 1910will be crowded with good reading <for young aud old. Beading that is entertaining, but not "wishy- washy." Reading that leave you, whea you lay the paper down, better informed, with keener aspir­ ations, With a broader outlook on life. The Companion is a good paper to tie to 11you have a growing family—and for general reading, as Justice Brewer one* said, no other is neceBeary. I f you wish to know more of the brilliant list of contributors, from qur ex-Presidents down, who will write for the new volume m 19ifl, and if you wish to know something of the new stores for 1910, let ug send you free the Forcast for.1910. Every new subscriber who sends 32 00 for 191G will rropjvp, i» ad­ dition to tins ytnr'M iMc homes, The Companion Home Calendar for 1916. . THE YOUTH’S COMPANION, Boston, Mass, New Subscriptions Received at this Office. Baseball Truism. A pitcher ma'y fool some of the hats* men all of the tithe, and all of the bats­ men some of the time; but now and then they get together and knock him out of the box. ■' i1 «;« AND “j* C. M. Spencer The Grocerman Phone 3-110 C td a r v ille , Oh io Raised From An Errand Boy On-Our Meats Successful Commercial Feats W h en The Pangs o f Run Demand A Stea ORDER IT HERE You’ ll . Make No Mistak* WALTER CULTICE f t Jb n PILES l ib F ism A ■.' AMO AUI 4 ' , JIJEISESOFTHERECTUM DR!»J. J. MeOLBhbAN eoimnns, o! QUICK R ELIEF BALM Bsti CttUrh-H*yFmr-Atikma fimn&t, SW* rjiijffwfor* Thmt an« TMt««k Grtaint am) NwndgteStmMto Qiijejt tfriisi torCeMinH*adaadeaLveg*. QiilokMtrrilsl torTeetkaohami Kartell*. Btot tor Cottifi*as* Hoarwn***. SrMtori fi MlrurfeCroiqi ItonHHiy. gMi Pr*v«ftt*tl¥*and ttemadytorFfttaweallU Ne b«tt*rPile ltom*t|f knew*, B«»t RtmMytorBaresAnd! IvyPottos. FerSera Feel -AeMrtgittrit-Oorct-Buntont. *•#» IJfe *"AJifru* bruittote a*«i . . , 5 **l*j*i or by mull, boatjuu*. So* Jar contains oi-a tirH*s «*c 7 s r -* i.o 4 J*r contains * tlmos s| c j » r , f THECOLUMBmCHEMlCAL ffiL foitomii*#, Ohto Wo nsttar how nstd your hi*<i M>h«s. }v. VMmtf. tmiMwiMbrty \