The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

L ' For Rrwliettoe Om Jfeh ’ > W n irw if t com**** w*& c* * » y otfctrfirm...,. *Ccdun>\ ;4Jv' >-<• .*nryfwv. »1»'«W v nAftfaHp This item whenxtuiked withso ia-j dex, denote# tiiat'a. year1# subscrip­ tion is past due and a prompt set­ tlement is earnestly desired* • • * THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR NO. 4S, waMjimfcur, carafe. >AY, NOVEMBER 12, 1915 PR ICE , S i.00 A YEAR Horses and Auto Collide. Mr. O&nh Gordon while driving towards {Springfield Friday even, mgrwaa mu into by four horses when on the pike near Clifton. Mr Gsrden had slowed down and was as near the edge of the road as possible thinking that the horses were only running1nfc large and would turn out wtten they* reached him, But Buoh was not the case and two of them struck the auto­ mobile abreast, It developed that the horses were being driven. One was hitohed to -acart with two on onegide and one an the other,- The driver was thrown from the seat and badly bruised, Or. Marsh being called to wait on him. The shaft of the cart was: caught between the break handle of the auto and the body and ripped.a good sized bole* About two feet of the shaft was broken off and left sticking in the body of the machine. The front of the maohme was also battered. The horses ’were not under ■ the Qoptrolof the driver and it » Baid there wa,S evidence to ■show Why* None of tho horses were ‘badly injureclbut scratched considerable. NOTICE Sealed bids will'be received by the Trustee* o f Cedarville, Tpwn- at the clerk’s office, Cedarville, O.* until 12o’ clock noon, December 12, 1915for the furnishing an? deliver­ ing on the new Smith road about ‘ 800rods of gravel more or less. By etder of the Trustees,. ANDREW JACKSON-, Clerk* WELLDRILLING. . r ‘ ’ ' * ' 1 I have purchased fcliewell drjjiing outfit pf Johnson Bros, and am prepared to drill •wells on im­ mediate notice. GEORGE H. IRVIN &SON. TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY ; ' STORlfB Clifton U. P. Church Chimes. Mayor Corey is a member of our church, v. Evangelist Nairn speaks every night. Now is the accepted time for Service-n ■SP IM I lP ew . Springfield, Ohio, Week of ffov. 15. German War Picture*. Every member of the church 1# expected in the pew next Sabbath. The meeting Saturday Is at two o’ clock, ■ j , I f you are going to hell, go alone*. Don't drag any one with you. A little lady wjho.recently arrived at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Corey is another candidate for our Cradle Boll." Mrvand Mrs. Ervin Kyle and son worshipped with' us last Sabbatb evening. Everybody Is welcome n| the Clifton church. . . , Mr. and Mrs. John Buick have returned from a trip to the ex­ position at San Francisco. Fay.Fluke, a student at Antioch, entertained his class mates recent­ ly at his parents home. You know now pretty well who’s who, Suppose you hunch up the first dozen wets ypu meet. Also a dozen dry's. Look them over please and tell me which is the best aver­ age man. Are you proud o f your crowd? ”• Mr. and Mrs. Green, of Bushville ville, Indiana, Who had been viBit ing their sonin Muskingum college, Ne.w ConUord, Ohio, viBited Mr, John Finney's and worshipped with Us last Sabbatb, A fine interest is beln in out meetings, JJr. Nairn 1 preaching splendid sermons and is a teacher as Well,as,a preacher. Mr. Charles Braleyhas a good position in the Akron Rubber Com pany and likes his work. Why beholdsst thou the cigarette that is in thy sons mouth and con- eldoreth net the cigar that is fu thins own mouth? Or wilt thou say to thy sen, “ Lefcffie pull out the .algarebtsuat of thy mouthy and 4 '«tgar.' $» in. Jmm .wgtfc Some of the moBt remarkable, ii not the most jreraarbghle, pictures taken of the present gigantic strnggle in Europe,-are the series of GermanWar Pip&ura#, which will be shown at Fairbanks Theatre. Springfield,- on Monday, Tuesday and: Wednesday, November 15, It anfU7, Displays of -these truly re markable pictures will ho given every afternoon and night during the engagement.1 The pictures are th'bwork, of J, N, Weigie, stall cprrespondanb of the Chicago Tribune. Weigie se­ cured the -permisBioriof the Geripain k f and Austrian governments £> pan, the pictures and their absolute authenticity is vouched for In securing the extraordinary series of views shown, the* moving picture machines wore carried to every battle front/"''The fighting along the, Russianfrontier is shown, •with that along the, French and Italian trouts'. Of immense .interest are the scenes In. the Germap-and A ustrain cities where relict for.- the wounded is he carried on’ by dbe BecUOross. Other, scenes' show ' the soldiers marching prbudly into battle, the great guns hurling missies against the,enemy and theterrific eileot of ;the bursting shells, / The. pictures Will prove to be ali that Is claimed Ifor them, and ho ope who desires to obtain a vivid impression, of what really is; should fail tV see them at the Fairbank. ,.y THURSTON* THE IffAGICAN With two. car loads pf effects, a company of 25 people, and his great Bkill ih magic, Howard' Thurston, ou Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights and Saturday* matinee, November 1.8,19 ahd 20th. No one who has had the pleasure of seeingThurstoft needs to be told abont his wondcrfulachievements. and those who have net seen him, oktt have no idea pf the astonishing things he does, until they have been actually, seep. * » febrilt- Edna E. I*V* suit, against Jaaa| divorce, wanting her maiden name. : Lilly M.Olmel divorce against plaintiff ii awe and the defend^ week for their su| Jessie Aiken wi iited from herhu»t they, being marr DCBertiomscharge Albert Oowen divorce against alleging gross negS Mrs.'Mary H. Fprrest A, HurleyJ£ when he answered^ at the Adams Expij Xema, for *30,900 ;tbe Springfield A Go,, and. the Daytdjj Co. The wire o f 1 are en the ,sam,e of the city and in ' short circuit wa* high voltage tt body causing Inst Strike Gr< The Ohio Fuel have plenty of gas^ as the greatest wei south eastern Ob| Tuesdaynear UoJ measures tenmillij was 26C4feet deep. > well can be, heard —-When yon chase juvenile clot! to inspect the fine* county at prices r^ to *7.00 at G. A, streeb Xenia. Mr, Joeephnj .publicsaleob^u* 'ourts. :ka« brought •Valley for restored to granted a ©line. The to children jet pay *6 a 'te he sepor- *John Aikens,, fpv. 20, 19041 fi fcimpetition, sd suit for itta CoiVen tfduty.. , mother of: 50 was killed Jtphone call Go,’ office in jlages against Telephone ?bfc & Power jro companies "rthat section ** manner a ed. sendingU1 fch Duriey’s Well: ly C w i l l his winter rev struck in jtras opeued The* well at a nay and .mar of the reral miles. ly to pur- not. forget ;in"Greece from 13.60 ar's, Main hold* B». 10, Xenia May Have A Vote. There is talk that Xenia will have a vote soon as to whether there shall be an election under the Beal law, the cityhaying gone dry last week by 05 votes, In most elections the wet majority is between 250and 800 and the dry majority last week has caused the temperance folks to want an election under the Beal law. The temperance leaders have expressed themselves as leaving the matter with the business interests of the city. t —We have a five and ten cent counter to close out. certain lines. These are real bargains. ■ McFarland &McKee Bradfnte Speaks | DiphtheriaCm- In Springfield. The Springfield Commercial Club has arranged for a meeting of far­ mers of Clark and adjoining counties to be held Saturday after­ noon, Nov. l*th at 2 o'clock,' in the Club Booms on the 9th floor of the Fairbanks building. Mr, O. K. Bradfnte of this pl.ace will address the meeting on a subject of interest to farmers: The farmers of the county are invited to he ghosts of the Commercial Club on the above date. 7-Just received anew line of hor#e blankets. Come in and see them, McFarland &McKee. -“ Above All" smoke the Bold. tinuesTo Spread An epidemic of diphtheria has broken out In the South-Eastern part of the county that has reached an alarming stage. In seme cases whole families are suffering with the dlseaad. The officers have experienced trouble in getting people to obey the law as to quaran­ tine and ihi* ^asheen the source of the disease spreading. Dr, Leroy Haines, whp has charge of most of the cases has used with good, affect over *200 fwprth of anti-toxin for diphtheria. He has also asked the State Board of Health for two ad­ ditional inspectors to enforce the quarantine. Dr- Miles’ Anti-Pain P ills tor rheUmatlsnv- The House o f Quality. We Give S. & H. Green Stamps. The Dayton Home of ; Hart, Schaffner & ' Marx, Fall Frat clothes for men and Perfection clothes for boys. A most dependable line of Hats, Cap$ and Furnishings at all times. Everything for Man or Boy. v ~ ‘ * * *". * y it ’ 1 v f f Our Quality Catches the Shopper. ,Our Price Clinches them and Keeps our Store Busy STRAUSS & HILB ' ’ » *■ j t 'i , ■ 1 “• '’ »«■ i ( The;Surprise Store Dayiirn, Ohio Bayton, Ohio- i l l i \ fdu. lilcw theta is'hbrdly a jpariodiP dal published that is notfoli o f twne- wasfceing stories, but not a single Story in The Youth** Odmpamonis a time waster. Take the stories of O, A. Stephens. It Would be bard -to pick out one frdmwhich you can- ' not learn something useful and yet entertaining. ffome blTThe Companion stories refresh your knowledge of geogra­ phy; some tell you the mysteries of Chemistry, some reveal the secrets Of forestry and of general farming. They cover a wide range. They are chosen with an eye to the. possi­ ble llkelng* of every member of a Companion family—stories of vigorous action and stiring fcd“ venture for boys, stoftes of college life ond domestic vicissitudes, for girls, storleB that range all the way from sheer drollery to deep serious­ ness for men and women. -- There are no storms quite tike those in Th*f Companion, If you are not familiar with The 6mup*,mon as it is to-day, let us send yon skbple copies and the F#?eeastforl910, N'etV 'subscribers Who send *2.00 f i r 1910 will receive free a copy of The Gompablon Home ©alendar for J9l5, In additloh to all the remain* lag 1915 isihes. from the tune the subsOriptitfh is received. Man YOUTH'S COMPANION, Dbstoq, Mass. New Subscriptions Deceived at this Office. —The kind of Overcoats the young men want is the Salmaroon In all the latest patterns. Prices range freto *10 to *25. O. A. Weaver, Xenia, O. „ t, "and then shalfc thou be pro-' pared to cast cut the cigarette out^ oftby son's mouth. “ Is Your Name Written There?" This will be Dr. Nairn’s theme Sab** bath morning and We hope the church may be filled. Our meetings are half over; have you been out, and have you .re* eeived a blessing? Help to bring others that they' may receive spiritual help. Fili up the front pews; help with the singing; send In a prayer list; welcome strangers; do things with your might. NewDayton Military Acadamy. A new military school is to be es­ tablished near Dayton according to announcement a few days ago, H. C, Price, o f Newark, former Dead of the O. S. V. Agricultural School ISpresident; A, P. Sandals, former ly State Agricultural Commissioner and Dr. tt.' P. Kemper of German­ town are connected with the new school. —A Complete line of work cloth­ ing in all the heavy makes for cold weather. Yon will find just what you want at C. A, Weaver’ s, Xenia. —All kinds o f fruits and vege­ tables at Willoughby’s. -New line of Horse Blankets at McFarland A McKee's. THE OLD RELIABLE R o y a l H£MU ti& ilillUMgHI J tM UM n P fW “ w v f B w a K A b * a / u t 0 J (y P u r * ' H p A l t a m — P o P a o t r u n T K wilt he “ The Master Effects fipirit Mediums", and “ The Phan toms of Parisian (Studio,'* As a Magician Thurston is known all over the world, having encircled, the globe and appeared before more crowned heads than any man living, ‘Tall Australian Trees. Australia claims to have the tallest. *tree in the world, It has loug been thought that to California belongs, this distinction, but while California trees are of gigantic dimensions they do not Coine up to Australia’s euca­ lyptus trees- The tallest tree in Cali­ fornia yet discovered was found by actual measurement- to be 340 feet high. Australia’s record tree can beat this by 140 feet, Baron Mueller (for* tnerly government botanist of Vie. toria) recently measured the giant where it grew at Blacks’ - Spur, ten miles from Healesvlile, and found it to be 480 feet This tree was 81 feet in girth near the root PublicSale! I -will sell at Public Sale on the H. A, Alexander farm mileswest o( Cedar­ ville, and 2miles south of Chiton, on TUESDAY, NOV. 16, 1915 Beginning at 19 o'clock sparp, the following property: 4 ‘ HEAD OF HORSES 4 Consisting of 1 bay gelding. 7 years old, weight 1000; 1 yearling draft fdly 1 weanling colt by BabyBurns, 1 pony. 23 HEAD OF CATTLE 28 Consisting of 1 five year old Biack Pole cowwith calf by side 8 weeks old, 1pure bred Pole.Durham cow, 2 good cows with calf by side, 2 Short Horn 'cows, 1 Brown Swiss cow, 2 Jersey cows 2 two year old heifers, 8 yearling heifers, I yearling Short Horn steers, 5 Short Horn Spring calves, 2 heifer ca lv e s ,! three year old hull, 1 four months old Short Horn bull calf, 85 HEAD OF HOGS 85 Consistingof 37head of shoats weigh­ ing 100lbs., 8 brood sows, 89 small pigs, Iftiroc boar, 35 SHROPSHIRE SHEEP 35 Consisting' of 14 breeding ewes, 10 yearling ewes, 10 spring lambs, 1 buck, CORN AND HAY Consisting of 850shocks of good corn and 12 tons of hay. *' Farm Implements Consisting of 1 feed wagon, 1 John Deer cultivator, 1 harrow, 1surrey, road wagon, spring wagon, harness, collars and bridles, corn shcllcr, corn grinder, fanningmill, hay fork, track and rope, a lot of old iron, 10 geese, 15 ducks, household and kitchen furniture and other articles too numerous to mention, Terms' Mttdo Known Dap of Sato JOE HACKETT COL. K.K.CO&RY, Auct. George Drake & H. L, Hnckett, Clerks, Lunch Right Reserved. Entire Set o f m e Aluminum DURING THE WEEK OF - OUR BIG RANGE EXHIBIT . ,°ne , claht-qUart Aluminum. Preserving Kettle, .One two-quart Aluminum tipped - Sauce Pan. two-quart . Aluminum Double - . Bice BoilcT. One one*pint AluminumMeaturingCup. . 'On® . fotir-quart Ons . four-pint Aluimnun Percolator. Buy THE SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE RANGE with its Patented Aluminum-Fused Copper-Bearing Flues: Because It Bakes the Beat* is Built Strongest and Lasts Longest. Any of these Family Ranges can be furnished Witha 16*inch, 18-inch or 20- inch oven, No. 8 or No, 9- size, and with or without reservoir, 'pressure boiler or water front. We selected THE SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE RANGE for you because the kitchen range is themost important part of the home. An expert fromthe factory will be with us one week. We cordially invite you to Call at our store to see the range demonstrated and the fine set of HIGH GRADE ALUMINUM COOKlNGWAREi that will be giaen FREE -with each SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE RANGE sold during the week of our BIG4 RANGE EXHIBIT only. -Many useful sou-, venira will be given away.- Not Cheapest But Best 'WefiMcl A ll-u faa/ s, P r e fe r a lil© REMEMBER DATE AND PLACE-BE SURE AND COME Starting Nov. 17 to Nov. 20, Inclusive C. N. StucRey Son C«darvHl«, Ohio, • v