The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

% For ftx«Uexu» Our Job Work will compare with of say o th tr firm. #*♦* . { [Afwvwwyws/w^|t ^ ^ - THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR NO. SO, CEDARVILLE, 01 -Say wi. GEIGER-JONES COMPANY’S ' HOPE ONLY IN BREAKING MW Attorney General Turner in U. S, Court Bear* Facta a* to Financial Cowditiwi * f F im—Startliny Revelationa,* K ” ■Greene countiana holding $6(M),00C in preferred and commonstocks in.the Geiger-Jones companies have little en -couragemont as to the safety of their investment, according to .only partial figure* a* given by Attorney" General Turner in arguing against the injunc­ tion suit in the U. S, court at Cincin­ nati on Saturday,” that if sustained ■will keep Bank Superintendent Hall from revoking the brokerage compa­ ny’s license* »- Turner declared that the company ■. had given out statements that-certain companies had a surplus of $53,000, •when the state accountants'find that the books show an actual deficit of $40,000, This unnamed company was represented as always having been on a paying*basis but-the. facts,wpre it had never made a dollar and had lost $260,000 up to the time of the"investi­ gation. Patents .that heretofore had not been listed are now carried a* as­ sets valued at $155,000 in an effort ,to bring the company’s books to show the concern^to be on a paying basis. -By such the losses pf a single year were made to appear on§, as profits of nearly ^T'O.fiOO, Orfe of the companies named was the Central Steel and dividends have not been earned yet paid in violation of , law. Thp dividends having been paid ’ out of the funds of the Geiger-Johes Company itself. The Geiger-Jones Company’s books at this date’’ show that $165,000 had .been advanced to various companies for the payment of dividends. , - , “The Geiger-Jones Company sold the Central Steel Company’s stock for $1,0001000/’ said Attorney .General "Rimer. “Why did they do so? Be­ cause the Central Steel Company fifeed- ' ed the money. Did the’Central Steel Company get the money.? Did the Geiger-Jones Gompany give i t to the . Central, Steel 'Company? No. The Geiger-Jones Company has used this money m some failing concernadd has given the Central Steel Company its 'note for $264,000, secured bynothing! -..‘«£iow*i£thit want ued Attorney General Turner, "^SJoSe . are some Of tile tfiingk that will come out. - "those are the .things that they 'are afraid of.‘ Nothing but the truth, if. Your Honors please—-nothing but • the truth. The Attorney General has some little responsibility. He is not ' .going to take any chances of having a judgment against him. He has the facts back, of him-. With those facts back of him he is not afraidjof any concern in the state of Ohio or any- •where else.” Another charge*against the Geiget- Jones Company -Was that it was car- rying nearly two -of invest­ ments of which the state’s probers had found one million of the. Geiger-Jobes >Company in a company that had lost, more than a .million in the past five years and which had liabilities amounting to $135,000 in excess of its assets. The Geiger-Jones comnany in this transaction has placed the good will of. the company upon its books (the Geiger-Jones-Company) at $1,« poo,ooo. “Now, if Your Honor please, before the Superintendent of Banks may act, he must have proof that the defendant is engaged ov is about to engage un­ der favor of such license in illegiti­ mate business Or fraudulent transac­ tions or has violated the provisions of this act. “Down in their hearts the Complain­ ants in this case know it must come from their own conduct or they would not have brought this case; in other words, it is an application to the United States court* to perpetuate a fraud because unless they4are guilty of fraud there can be no .license re­ voked by the state, Thev say that the public action bt the Attorney Gener­ a's opinion will hurt them. I t will aiul deservedly so. They have already -aid .ip. their bill that the Attorney General proposed to recommend to the Bank Superintendent that he revoke their license. Now, what they are afraid of’ are the facts upon which that opinion is based; • they are try­ ing to get this court to prevent those being made public and the facts are, if the court please, as I 'have told them, We rely upon none/ although we have plenty of them outside of the certified public accountants’ documents and their figures. That'is what they are afraid of; 'thahi» what they have come into this court and asked an Injunction for,” Going into the object o f the. so- called “blue sky” law, the attorney general stated that there is no lawyer but wftn knows of some widow who has investedthe* little insurance money received after her. husband’s death in worthless stocks. de­ clared that widows and orphans in this country had been robbed of mil­ lions ofvdollars through the operations of unprincipled brokerage concerns apd promoters. \ ' “The whole purpose, of the- law,” said Attorney ’General, Turner, “ is the prevention of fraud. It seeks only to stop the sale of stocks in 'fiy*by« night’ "concerns, visionary oil wells, distant gold mines and other like Fraudulent exploitations. I t does,not cover all securities, but is limited to the class' of securities- referred to,” ' Judge Warrington unnoUhted that the case would be taken under advise- mentjand a decisipn given at some future date. Former Attorney General frogan represented Geiger-Jones but argued the "constitutionality of the “blue-sky” act and had little or noth­ ing to spy of the company's finances. DAYTON PREPARING FOR INDUSTRIAL SHOW OHIO NOWHAB IVNIFf « Under the road law December 5th form traffic • plant hundreds (finances and conveyances, street cars and rules Will b« of Here are « few : No--motor : road at a „ miles an hour in of a city; 15 mil parts o f tlm dtyj country rohds; Muffler cut-outs, between 8 n, its. In preparation for the entertain­ ment'of 150,000 persons from all sections of Ohio and Indiana, The Greater Dayton association is put­ ting the dosing touches on arrange­ ments for the conduct of Dayton's biggest and finest industrial exposi­ tion to be held January 14-22. Every article manufactured in Day- ton will find place in the position and there will be displays of innumerable things made .elsewhere hut sold in this city, : Electrical contractors and special­ ists will use the. entire seventh floor for an exclusive electrical display, embodying every device known, Au­ tomobile, bicycle, motorcycle and car- „ riage men will have a display surpass- 100 yards of any ing all preceding auto shows conduct- in any distance i ed in this city, with a diversity of ac- residents might bs cessories. . , On mofcer vehieb Displays of general merchandise, .of ’’^s after sunset office supplies and business systems; fore sunrise, two i of food supplies-and business sys- ua summons power, terfiS; of food products, natural, mod- feet away, a. red i| :fied and manufactured will be.addi- .tail light illuminatS .‘ional features of interest. Bright light car#*] The part that improvement assort-: or controlled,while j ations can play in a community will*, materially-enhance that section to be devoted to'construction, building sup­ plies and landscape work. EdUcjt- ibnal feature* will also show what the public schools are doing in in$ns- '.Tsal training, , \ . Emergency hospital, bureau of in­ formation, nursery-' and. recreation rooms “have bedn arranged for the thousands of visitor*. Reduced rates are avaUame on practically all electric and steam roads entering the city.'"' MINSTREL SHOW. NOTICE TOTAXPAYERS, Deputy County Treasurer J . E. Sut­ ton wilt be- At the Exchanke Sank in Cedarviile on Tuesday, December-44, from $ a* m. till 2 o’clock p. m., to t Treasurer, Work ha* already started on the college minstrel performance which will bb given next March o. April, no date having' been announced. The boy* are busy, organizing, selecting music and parts and are determined to out-class the Show two years ago,:, which ■ find the honor of being the best home talent performance ever given in this section.. - The minstrel is not given- a* a pub­ lic benefit, but for • the -opportunity- of furnishing the community with, high class* amusement and yet give the bpys a chance, for development along Ipusical lines.. Special 'stage settings and costumes are always provided Which runs the expense to a couple hundred dollars, It will be remembered that the op­ era house was sold out two* years ago in- twenty minutes 1 and several hun­ dred people failed'to see the show it was hold-one night only. I t lias been proposed to hold ,the minstrel on two nights this time so that every- ohe can have -a chance of seeing the performance. This Will depend, on the meat the boy* receive from The \i&5 Now T h e -County ’ ADVERTISED LETTERS Remaining unclaimed in the postoffice at Cedaryille, Greene countyyOhio, for the week ending December 3,1915; _ vList No. 15, Allen, H. C. Aberimthy, C. F , * Benford, B. F. , Bingman, Mrs, .Thos, Burrows,‘John ' - Davis, C .E . . Davis, Marjorie , Hartmeyer, G« Hams, Parry HemStein, P. . Jones, Margcrit ' , TLevallv. Mrs. Laura McGeothffin. Mrs.' Pearl.. Moyer, Israel Ruggles, S. T. Smith, Mrs, Kate Schleyer, G. A. Stouch, G. G.. Walter, Dr. D, J . - Williams, George W. A. Turnbull, P. M. -—F ob S ams :—Worth the money about 300 shocks of corn near town Call phone 141, OedarviUo. ler will have charge of the muMc. is- expected to have the Fairbanks theatre orchestra-a* in former,year* ,i .. .A,..,, ' tj'-'-' li’'’’X; LECTURE COURSE TICKETS SELLINGItAPIDLY. —•“Above All”|amoko the Bold. Dr. Miles’ Antl-Patn PIUs for all pain Do You Read Labels? Domestic s c ie n c e t e a c h e r s .and •food a u t h o r i t i e s a r e u rg in g th e housew ife t o c a r e f u l l y re ad th e l a b e l s on a l l food a r t i c l e s * The lavs ofmost states compel Toed manufacturers -to print the ingredients of their products on the label, and this enables consumers to distinguish healthful foods fvcm those whichmay be deleterious* * High-grade baking powders are made of pure orearn of tartar, •derived from grapes* Royal BakingPowderisatype ofthehighest; grade* It ishealthful beyorid a doubt add the.safest and best ,to use*- ' She low-grade baking powders are made froffi alum, a mineral aoid s a l t , or phosphate of lime*, Consumers canlearn the char-* aoter of the baking powder by t referring to the label, which must state whether the contents include cream of tartar, alum oft phosphate* ROYAL BAXIKG POWDER CO* 5 •Ret York Thu Lecture •Course. committee wtsheg to announce that the sale-of tickets has been exceptional. Aud­ io advise any who desire, to pnf« chase, season tickets and have not yet done so, that they should at­ tend to the matter a t once, As lfcir the desire of the committee to Soli out the entire seating capacity of the. Opera House before the "plat opens. Tickets may bo secured at Mr. Richards’ or Mr. Johnson’s store or "form any member-of the committee. Do not dtlay m the matter fer you may not be able to secure tickets. ’ • A reprosentalive of the Colt Bureau irom whom the chantauqua was served, said, in commenting op the Course, that it is an exceptional­ ly strong course. The first numbel* on the course is the American Quartette which comes on D e c .'14; Thtsliumber is onoof tbo finest oh ths course and no doubt will prove a splendid introduction to the course. ' The plat will open a t Johnson Jewelry Store, December Iltb , at 2;00p. m. The samo me’hod of securing seats will bo followed as was used last year. jnfluen ¥ e “1 F salt water It Induce* 8 om* to Drink, Other* to 8 * Profane, and Other* to T«lf Falsehood,.' When riding on the harbor steam boats uso your cars.' Then you will hot necdf your eyes nor your brains. B| paying heed to the intentionally audi­ ble remarks of your neighbor It will be possible to pick up more inaccurate information than In any other place In the city. The deck-of a ferry or the rail of a steamer acts curiously on the human mind. If it docs not know, If wilt risk a guess, and the wilder the guess the more willingly risked. It is well known that salt water acts In freakish way* on the conscience. To Some It brings ah overwhelming im­ pulse to get drunk; to others it brings k disposition to the freeest uso of pro­ fanity; and still others, who would never think of fibbing from the win­ dows of a railroad train (dear old gen­ tlemen, and Innocent young girls), the instant they put off from the wharf he- nin to tell the most shocking whop- per*.—Boston Transcript .’l ■ ■ Stoic*!, ■ ■ ■„ ’ ‘ *Qult« recently our bishop vrstrt Over the hospital and spoke to tbs men in each ward. In spite of this inf faring the mep seemed fa he in ths best of spirttsv’’—Hershata Ufing.) ■ParishMagaxhio, m \ Thts tom wbuimaikfd aa in­ dex,denotes that a yem 's subscrip’ tion is past due and * fit ’itpt set*, iibsncnt i* earnestly desired,. , r iY, DECEMBER 3 / 1015 PRICE, 11.00 A TEAR r cope vehicles, so. as to protect from glare, „ Unnecessary csr-oko from motors is forbidden., - . Veliides must stop to permit load­ ing and unloading of street ears, Turn to right in passing coming vehicles. Fas* vehicle* in front on the left. Cats fUye bn a uni- m »up- illage or- hides or wriajjjes, tourists, smemb<‘r: $ on a eight section in oilier hour on he used «ft, within hnnaSinUt! Reftlftd bids will be received by * ■ tho Trustees of CedarvilJo Town WEL i DRILLING. I have purchased tho well drilling outfit of Johnson- Bros, and am prepared tp drill wella on ini- mecllafe notice. GEORGE H. IRV IN fit SON, ,NOTICE rL / l ra 30 min- siwutes be- -in front Visible 200 and white . number, be dimmed sing other at the clerk’s office, Gedaryille, Q., until J9 o’ clock noon, December 13, 1015 for the furnishing and deliver­ ing Off tin? new Smith road., about 300yards of gravel more or loss. By order of the Trustees.' - ANDREW JACKSON, Clerk, :r & Johnston Co. 1 5 , ■ ^The sjjiriftjl nook and cori fttl things for e( O u r , new, funny tots, And~be' Ifltiiik' of Christmas! : X lirjstm as' chceriness” peeps from every , this frig StOfd—it's- brimful'of 'pretty Use- ' frody, \ , tpient on-the Four fr Floor is ready with everything to please and interest the liftle fo eome, early-orlatef • - ■ t ; «r alohxistoiii C6. t mf# Shopping CSenfe^r)., * t- a. (•«* IK & F |ViMlSheetBeforethefireof 1635 ^ Savings cifipositecl with ,ua a re as safe as an investment ip a Untied States government bond, while the earning power of your money placed in our vaults is greater than if In­ vested $n government bonds. C A banK booh showing an ever in­ creasing savings account is one of the most valuable things you can possess. It carries with it an assur> ance of Independence, and a relief from worries for the future. ' ip,The saving, habit should be cultivated , a s a v i r t u e , a n d y o u Will find , in it a p l e a s u r e t h a t f a r e x c ^ e d ^ r o u r e x ­ p e c t a t i o n s . <LGet the habit now, ,tahe a part of this week !s earnings;as a beginning C Start a banh account with, us today. wCT-,.. ^ T R Y O UR JO B PRINTnMG^ AIumiauHik Cookkg Ware FREE During, ike "5. .A. r \ The Set o f Aluminum Cooking Ware, only During our Range Exhibit W e Have Them W ith or W ithout Legs l - P I Th e Range E terna l i s th e la te s t and best MALLEABLE R^NGE made* The manu ­ fa c tu re r 'o f th e [range* have made MALLE­ ABLE RANGESJforJforty years. The demon- S t r a t io n > i l l berm’charge[of a representavive , from th e Engman ^[Matthews Range Co.» Who will be w ith us for one week, He will take pleasure . howingtlie superior quality of th is range* Hot Biscuits and Coffee Served Frt4uy and Saturday v Thp Range Eternal is the Achievement of this Experience. R E M E M l i ^ Starting Dec. 6 to Deo. 11, Inclusive BE SURE AND COME* ^ ^ ^ c F a r l a n d i M c K s e ' (Sucessor to G* M . Grouse) GEDARYILLE, OHIO .