The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 1-26

O u r M Workwill •ooaIp«iB« with M any otbir firm.,.,. SS? ■-»&*!$#** * t THMWfT-HINTH YH& fr NO, 4. 1~^^^^.^-^ ''*^ **ma*W!t|W'i'-.Wi|#*'ij|(4gjf|,iii)BB| wjijiiiii ^CtKyiro^* tm m m m m . n $ m m AGAINST PROPOSED ROUT® q B D A R T O T iB , O m Q , F*»t»l**toc TanOdiW Besri*** Notto. M«to*r That Driven • L#«* YM r Fl*sp* « r Aiwa 1 . * - gritlth* road* could not be teverMd wffh hom and buggy. This winter it liAMfc MiVul IW/T*iNLMf« AtWUV«^a ^DS^P^yi—e •ofthe routos have been covered the year by motor, the third Mr. m m Stor- »,.weeks has Mu machine _ , bttfgy, „ I re®* the met twee v S l S t t w W .hour* to five: horee r ** •Several week* ago. there was arat- pert that a*vert4 ceunttea in the stats had beep antacid for an sKpariment in motorismfce on the R. F, D. c»* ,t .. darville Wait in the list of tote* in f p\ thi* county that would be denied this ' ' ' service along with Yellow Spring VifliejR and New Buritogtonj patron* being rerw l from* Xenia, ■' No order having been reeeived by the postmasters of, thesff tovmffit was' generally believed that the report,had to do with other department..'work. The examination for R.' E* D. drivers called for January 22 was for filling vacancies so the notice read. v That,the new plan will meet with . determined opposition is well, known as patroris have- openly- expressed themselves ap willing to do anything to keep the service where it is. Not v only the patrons but the business men , in the towns affected'are U#in,arpis nnp will leave rio.stone1-uffffmiticl to keep huBifless that belongs' to the ■ ’ town right here* j So far a* we have been able to learn, the new routes have been- laid out by someone in Washington, one not even familiar with the roads in , tins section or ..with conditions other­ wise,' The work has been.done from a road nur and probably looks good on paper put, no assurance cap be given the patrons that their advice will be improved, let alone impaired, We have gone over the routes as outlines for the new service. ' Being more or less familiar with-the roads m.this section we. are at a .loss fo feiow?how 'any human'being can ren- qer a service anything equal to that o f the past, „ , Nothing morettfian thepresent wir,- ter or tije °ne fast -need be taken ah a ®,aJaF** ° f What the three drivers from thin place have, to contend - with. Last winter it was spoW- ahd drifts ,nothing of using an; ye and require a i -f his vehicle, which in gull M ff , JA N U A R Y h tT lo iS / , y ' the ipformatum o f the pul ^peepxed a list Of. the reu who ham yfiSt: to droit WMtoe fa tes as >patens the _ ■mail to oos away. Ida, blic tea. .-their .. new . towards . boriiered may hate ' J f r . m A mean This condition kfwaa, fpoaft . ft" only affect one or two but probably a score of the'patrons, 1Wfeat is to be known as' route “F” out o f Xenia,will sertp.most,of this section. You can get skupe idea■of bite pUMLle probity from-,tli‘&follow­ ing;»• ’ , * , * The driver leaves the Xenia-post- office and travels eabt over the James- 'to$U pike to Moc Jobe's,corner, then the Columbus pdKe and east to the Bretpey-farin, ovpr Cooley road to Teas' corner; .north to -Cedarville postoffice and then following the Co- luriibus pike tq David McMillan's, east over Barber road to Reicherts, then southeast to B. B. Barber’s cor­ ner and-southwest to- Cedarville*’ then south to Hopping corner on Federal pike and ’ northeast to Cross BOads school -kou&e; then northwest x mile and retrace; south to Myers corner, then southwest "to D. B .,McElwoine corner; then northeast to Hopping corner, then 'southwest to Jobe cor­ ner, and east to JS.r C. Anderson's; then southeast .5 mile, northeast 1.7 miles to Managn comer, then north­ east .5 mile and retrace; south tor Darling comer, .southwest to Spahr comer, southwest on crooked mad ff> Fudge corner, north to Schooley cor­ ner,- then southeast tq Nov? .Jasper; northwest to Huston corner'and north-. r : Twenty-Third Anrnn Farmers’ Instit OPDARVlfcLE OPERA HOUSE Friday and Saturday, J a n u a ry 1 4 an d 1 5 , 1 - FRIDAY MORNING 9.S6 A. M . invocation* •**,•»* *«»*>•*.*.... ..*».«■»►*■.Rtiv*J* iTfesemidHis Fpture*............................................ „Cfet C e m e n t - ................\ ................ ........... APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES > FRIDAY AFTERNOON 1:30 P, M. •LADIES’ SESSION • Cpllin*. *. ■. **•*»**« , .. Piano §q!o**.»*, **, * . . » » « . . . . iii IVlti ' LphprSavingDevice for:theFarmer’s Wi f e . * Mi r § j * Kc^rcatimilhr theFarmWomens ;fT Vocal Dnet-. . . . . . .Mrs. GrahamBryson, Miss, Hpw to be Young at Forty........... * ,,viri. . SoJ<^ i » *.>.*, « f ■.»*. ,t. f *-» *,* *-* ■». *. 4: <.,*v js-*■a. tw - FRIDAY EVEN|NGf 7:30 K M,- „B Vocal Sold*. . . . . . « - . *Dr.; A What »sMine......................... *,*, ]; Reading.............. ____________ _ - ___ „ ]. P i a n o D u e t , . . M i s s e i HelenOglesbehahd, ■1* ***.*'j*t***',*, .•.* **•, •,,, ,G* | .yp®slSoto.-..-’i h l i s s - SATURDAY MORNING 9:30A . W*, ■Invocation,.......... ..................... Advantages of Farming, ..................... G. C/._. i^CCf t—attic »... . , a. . . . . . . . . . . *i, , i ,*. ,,, . y. . , . . REPORTOF COMMITTEES . ‘ SATURDAY AFTERNOON 1:30 P* M. .Piano Duet, ....... ... *.-.Helen Oglosbcp endA^ rGmtingForward. ..........,’ ..G . C. Reading I. h n U s i c * , . . . r The Farmas a Civic Force....................... .............;G^ Vocal Sold............... . h£iss I ’ ■Dinner Served by the Cadies' Advisory Board of th«u , Satuj-dayonly et the R. P. Church. . . ■. * . 'i f ■ . ..... <v it HtfGif TU*NBWtt, R«I.I 01IVBR ro4 i. Sac.l KXiqtJTI^S COUFton;McMillan, Ww.Ch«ry, Mbit Alb«rt»Cr«tw«U, Mtt JT*S * / _ < 1 \ ' , ' Lb vh>4iiaK*vVvVt«>« *»|AACWW This Item whenHMirkedwith a« 1*. dex, denotesthat* year's, sebscrip lion is past due and a prompt sot' dement i* earm»#tlydaripod*. . , * PRICK , $100 A YEAR industrial exposition , A t DAYTON NEXT WEEK ■feat ?m JW oh- i— ----- ....................... ..... JJ iTSS west to Williamson comer,, west -to^CEDARVlLtE fobe comer and return to postoffice, ' Length,of route S44 miles. ■ -IWta tuii Dayton, 0 „ Jan.,13.~All the ex» hibitioa space has been taken for the big Industrial Exposition to be held Itt tfie new Deleo building on First ♦treet, January 14-22 and more than 100,000 people of the Miami Valley pill be able to witness the largest and post diversified display ever gathered toider one roof in Ohio. ;■Une of the most interesting will be the actual operation chinery;on the aepond' floor auge huflding.' This feature \ fi<to a revelation.' It wiU1show1 mechanical processes employed in ' n*king .t$ols, in tbe -op«$attoit o f a foundry, in, the making o f hydrogen 4nd oxygen'fdr commercial purposed w range, the manufactured articles will extend from pins and small la­ bels tq huge carrying epanes. a n'u~ ‘‘“icess of prmting, .engraving, mg; the makrpg fo f murifeal ents; Hie construction of au- womoate and other engines will be Save features, i;seventh,floor will be elec^ifial. ractfej1. ‘Every known elecfericiht1 wiH be placed,, on- exhlhitidh; idea of ,showing the .xpmeri’ S to which the mviriblei'ffuid'- put, the fifth .floor there- will be homes and; larger b&ildiugs, 4 by. confraptors^ puff mep Md And buildmg siipplyi dealets, material used ' iii conrtrnhtidh displayed* - ■hones;'-^pavrritinigi- i accounting -systems, office |exmg.ape,tiling systems ^iff- with Otta; can; The Rain Continues I d money matters as well as in weather matters the Rainy Day Period is unweloomt. A wise provision against that lim e and the ?mforts. attending isa substintialaccount in some strong, reliable bank,F v ) . W - ' I.W e ar£ not offering you Big Returns on Small* Investmepts/BTJT AN ABSOLUTELY SAFE DEPOSITORY FOR YOUR FUNDS M b in t e r e s t on sam e a t a r a t o CCBFSISTENr WiTU SOUND PROFIT­ ABLE BANKING. - «pr m i djmi Eve: will Die -cost aides, ^-Tlte coffees-; form - iffl* imposing^ and valuable ex­ position 9$ itself oil wie fifth floor, Expert ojpte men wilj. be in constant ^attendance; to d'emonstete the multi­ plicity of - business devices and sys­ tems . An the autojnobile, motorcycle and accessory men of the city- will jointly supervise the auto, show on the fourth floor, ’Here about*tfihmakes o f cars will be exhibited. The third floor will be ,givei\ up to general .iherchandise, ayerythipg made and s o l dDa y t o n , hut not a thing will bd ei% ^4 .fof: sjale during the exposition. The; sou­ nd floor is machinery hall and on the ground floor will be the administra- ion offices, nursery, rest room anS* emergency hospital. Every possible itewrion has boan made-fur-the-com­ fort' ana convenience o f the thousands Whoenter the building, Airvibitore, on arriving at the Firet Stiteet entrance, will be taken direct to,-the severith floor and guided from booth to booth, downvfard Until they have been placed in poaftion to see everything displayed’. , - Improvement associations,. “ c achsufls and othgivnub! thlifid? ■- % . I N T H E , OPERA 7:00 O ' C L O C K veiling ■"W “FARMER*S,r Y o u a l l k n o w t h e a d v e r s e c o n d i t i o n s f o r f e e d in g the* .w im tsr s e a s o n , e s p e c ia lly a n 4 *“ d dU xe w a t e r . * & tl^at the projrer tepiperature fitfedairg.efftciency o f c om 331-3^. m s H o g F o u jr t o ia * M r i ' n .p^ « os# nos 9m* jww wuCHif * * t o s iio tfa^m d u r in g t h e F#jm ierS ,f ^ I n s t i t u t e , . LOCAL DISTffUBUXQRB ANDREW WINTER, County Ajpwt. we*t to . . . Wm* BUB fa te ; hotiie;,tben to Glas* and soutfeeafet to !Ha?p«j'a,* then, southwest; to ldttle ■to Turnbull rood and into Cedarville; then: north On; Yellow Springs rdfld, -tq J. K; Bradfuto* then, to-A. G, Goc- d^n; and Whitelaw Reid corner, then; |si>uthwest tq Randall conier,- then nbrthWbst to Harry Wifsbn's; then sbuthWegt to- Burrell comer; norths weisk to Beff comer, then southwest to Marshall comef, then southeast to CoTumbus pike, then southwest' tq D. B. Watt comer on Jamestown'pike and southwest to postofflto. Route 54.8: miles. ' „ The territory-, southeast of f Cross Roads.sphoqUhOUtoi'J. H. Creawell, O'.. A, Bobbins, James Shane, W. C. Creawell, M. O'Connell, .Lackeys, and others will he served ort a route out of JambStown that .measures 52.4 miles.,. Il^must also be taken into con­ sideration that Jamestown has not the mail facilities that Cedarville has in that but two train* each way over a cobl road will be expected to ghther the mail. On*the Pennsylvania lines we have a dozen mail trains that bring* mail- direct from the Import­ ant centers without-change. The tortitory north’ o f town on the liftoff pike coveredby the Rife’s, Ed< Dean, H. Ni Coe and others will be , ired» "Some mMptoe how. om sick H*t or have aefently recovered are1Frfff. McChesney% ProA Jntkat, Mito Craswefl, Mary Bird, William Hastings - Irma Creswell, Mildred Corry, Irene Wright Nellie-Allen, Herbert. Bradford, Harriet Stewart, Eflith Bammon. * The Sophomomr very rejmffy paid the forfeit for the basket ball*game* in.Which they were defeated by enter­ taining the rest of the college, at an Oyster, supper, which was. bald .Mom- day evening in the gymnasium. The basket ball seasonJa proceed­ ing with a great deal of spirit. On an' meal. C n , , ' l .served on a route that comes through Yellow Springs from Xenia, After covering the . ’>ove territory the re­ turn is by way of Cedarville to the Gibson (Hanna) comer past Cl* eijce McMillan’s to the Clifton pike and on to Old Town. Length o f route 55.5 miles, part of which Mr. Spencer has found alifldst impassable for Several weeks with a horse and buggy. It‘ can readily be Been by those who know the- circumstances that the Rife neighborhood may receive their mail ..monffng. papers by the evening tf The distance by the route to G. E. Jobe’s is 22.7 miles over road* that would toot insure any early de­ livery. There, is only one way for the peo­ ple of ‘ this section to protect thtir own,interests and that f* to send in vigorous- protests to Senator Pomer- ene at Washington a* well as the pbstoffice department in that city. It must be borne in mind that the post- Master and R. F. D. drivers cannot tike part in this protest. The re- sbonsibility lies entirely on the pa­ trons.. . , ' It has been proposed that some Sc-' t{on be taken at the Farmers* Insti­ tute which opens today. Resolution* conveying the real sentiment of the people should be passed against this proposed change that is robbing this community of that which belongs to it. Petitions Should be circulated and freely signed. The Board of Trade will take up the matter in the inter­ est of local business men who will keenly feel the loss. The whole com­ munity must become aroused and citlsen assume a part in letting Washington officials know that the proposed action if put in force Will be against the desires and sentiment of all otfr people. Now is the time to act. Do not wait to register your complaint after thh change takes place on April 1. „ Mrs. Jeanette1Eskridge left Wed­ nesday morning for Jndlahapdila, whsr# she will visit pome tim* before w+nmlng to her nome in vmflha, Neb, score . . — .w Saturday night both teams went to Antioch aba; though they were defeated,,they were not dis­ couraged by the scores, - The bbya’ game especially afforded much excite­ ment ana Interest to the spectators. The first half'ended with a: score of 1? to 11 in Antioch's favor; the sec­ ond half showed a tie; flye minutes were given to decide the game and they came to-a close with again a tie. The next five minutes gave the game to Antioch with a Score of 31 to.27. At present-the boys’ basket ball sauadr. is always on a trip*. The Schedule is as follows: Tuesday night pt Cleveland against Saint Ignatius College; Wednesday at Ashland against Ashland College; Thursday at West Lafayette, against West Lafay­ ette College; Friday at Columbus, against the team of the Deaf and Dumb School.. We hope for them splendid success since their record so far has been a good one. BURNS MAY PROVE FATAL, " «• TO HARRY BAKER ■ i * Harry Baker, aged 20, who makes his home -with his aunt, Mrs, Warner Randall, suffered terrible bunts .Sab­ bath night when a lantern exploded while sitting On a table bear him. The Desk on ffis hand, arm and left: side of his face was cooked- Th£ flames about his clothing were extinguished by Mrs. Randall, who was burned about the hands in doing' so, but hot before the young, man was in. tor­ ture* i The explosion was caused by try­ ing to fill the lamp while the wick waff yet lighted. Flames reached the two gallon can and the contents were blown over his entire body. The in­ terior of the kitchen tpok fire but the fire whs extinguished .before much damage was done. The young man's burns were dress­ ed by Dr- Marsh who Consider* the victim in a very dangerous condition due to inhaling the flames. Relatives in Kansas City have been notified. INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. The Cedarville lodge. No. 522, F. & A. M.* met last Thursday evening for installing officer* for the ensuing year. The following officer* were In­ stalled: C. 17. Mott, W* M.; Ralph Wolford, S. W.; Warren Arthur, J. W.} J. H. Wolford, treasurer; Burd- sall Creswell, *ecretary; Lee Ander- After installation, refreshments Were served at which time several re­ sponded to toasts which, brought out the fact that the lodge is in a good healthy condition, having mad* an in­ crease of 280 per cent In membership iiftce bring instituted. ,«##• iterioffwiff be dea- qneach . . . pictures will bfe shown and demonstrariOif tortures 'conducted to further amplifyprocesses employed in the- making of the articles die- entire exposition f i undeV one roof. The price bf sfilmission; only tear cents, admits to-everytbiag in~the building. There are no side shows, no detraction* ' HOLDSTOWNSHIPBOARD IS THE DEFENDANT Judge Kyi* on Monday abstained demurrer to the petition of Href, D., h: Crawford against the Xenia town­ ship and county boards and held .that the professor had been employed for three years by the foiffier , board which *hquld be made the defendant. Suit had been brought for / salary which neither hoard claimed could be paid under the present law. Watt Jk, FouSt will Hold their annual ja la -of -Duron brock sows Friday, February 4, 1618, at Cedpr Vale Farrfl, at wbich time they will sell sixty-flve bead o f chosen stock. Don't forget' the date. Onr successful experience of twenty-five years enables L. us to be a Strong,Reliable Bank and \e cordially in- 6 I ‘ V- r - , , ,- , ■ ■ . ' ■' **, viteyour account on*our merits* '"‘V * y /> »£ jiv x ^58? lirxr 'w% ’ *sM -TRY OUR JOB PRINTING a muk tWE l^llIVHKS^XArR!1' ; * . Yoti want fca?know youp^otor car will do.. The million-car performance; answers your queabion. . Supplying; the Biotor car neods of aUdlas^es*, ^ Ford is operated and maintained in city or country for about two cents a mile — with universal Ford service behind it. Touring car? $440; Ftunabout SBQO; Gou- pefet 4^90; ToWn $740; S«clan f. o. b. Detroit. • r« +■ RALPH- MURDOCK, Agent; ^ Cedarville and Ross .Townslpps. •—"Above A ll" smoke the Bold. TheElder & DAYTON, OHIO Two Weeks V* , Starts Saturday, January IStib. It includes uli of our sisty nnd ym know what economy this means t; '.t o *