The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 1-26

* For Btcellenot Our Job ; Work will compare with ifehniof any o tW firm. *•** TLi# item when marked with as in­ dex, denote* that a year'll sulwcrip- tion i* past due and a pruissn set­ tlement is earnestly desired. , , TH iaty-N INTH YEAR NO. 8. gra.jBraKTSgsg r CEDARVfLLE, QHRDj FRIDAY, JANUARY 28,1916 PRICE, $1.GQ A YEAR BOARD O f TRADE HOLDS INTERESTING MEETING * TUESDAY EVENING Sentiment Strong Against Changes In % F. D. ast Yashiagton Offi- rials Will Be Notified—OtherPub­ lic Questions EngsgeAtten- •. tion, of Members. The Board of Trade held an inter­ esting meeting. Tuesday evening, th« „ attendance proving that our business and professional men are directly in­ terested in the proposed change a f­ fecting the R. F, D, op April 1st. A number expressed their views on the matter and it was unanimously voted to circulate petitions among the business men protesting against the abolishment o f the routes out of this place. Petitions will be circulated among the patrons on the routes, a committee having this campaign in . charge. The business men were im­ pressed with the necessity of ,Writing personal letters to the senators and congressman expressing their views. A letter from Senator Harding to Mr. G. E, Jobe acknowledging, the receipt of the resolutions passed by the farmer's institute and tha t same would be filed. The Senator stated that there was little hope of getting the department to change the order ’bu t that he was gathering information to-appear before the postoffice com­ mittee in the Senate tyhen the post- office appropriation, comes up. Sena­ to r Harding did not give his view on the motorization of rural routes or the success tha t had been found where such plan had been tried. Dr, M. I. Marsh brought up an im­ portant subject in the question of im­ proved streets for the town. That the main streets were a disgrace all ad­ mitted, bu t how such improvement could .be made the speaker did not know. There- was nothing.that would do as much to add credit to the town as improved streets. * Dr. J. O. .Stewart, having. served fo r several years in. council, told of the depire of council to have better - streets and how impossible it was with the funds we have, a good p a rt of the revenue going fo r street light-’ ing. X£ a way could, be found, to get the money council would gladly take up the question.j Special attention was called to side streets as well as those in the center of town. Mayor McLean informed the mem­ bers that council has already under­ taken the question of paved streets by getting some data th a t will l§ad to the cost and materials to be used that A a tate Inspector dropped into .town Wednesday and ■made b is rounds among the groceries, meat shops, restau ran ts and drugstores. Some time ago tb e S ta te Board of Health ordered th a t all glassware and spoons used a t soda fountains must be washed m . h o t w ater and thoroughly sterilised . Ho was nere for th e purpose of enforcing the ruling. The most im po rtan t action of th e inspector was tbe order issued to Mr, C. H . Grouse to discontinue a t once the slaugh tering of meat a t the same p lace where fertilize! was being made. To m ee t th is require- inent tho Weimer slaughterhouse will he used for k illing meat. Mi: iy of the mem who urged an early s ta rt .along this line. Drs. Marsh and Stewart were, named as a committee to appear be­ fore council and convey the sentiment -of the Board of Trade on this ques­ tion, ■Mr, O, L. Smith urged some action on the street, improvement and the sooner the better. Secretary Jackson stated th a t the old achool huitding would soon be for' sale and th a t something should be done towards getting an enterprise here to manufacture some useful arti­ cle. - Mr.'Smith-reported that hdjbtad , been investigating several "repositions but th a t each company wanted a large bonus to locate here. Bey. J . S, E. McMichael held*the attention of his remarks when he touched upon the subject of a centen­ nial fo r the town this coming summer. Reviewing history the speaker show­ ed i t would be a-progressive movO for the business men to get behind a cele­ bration of this kind. As a, matter of sentiment it should be recognized which would also advertise the town. The Jamestown celebrations, South Charleston's centennial last summer and Xenia’s home-coming were cited as worthy affairs th a t had been credi­ ble. There would be considerable work required to plan this historical event but it was worth the effort. The Reverend received a good applause a t the conclusion of his remarkes. The chairman was instructed to name' a committee to take up this matter and repo rt. Nominating committees will select candidates for the annual election of officers. I t was voted to hold a sup­ per in connection with the next meet­ ing, Tickets will be sold in advance and a program arranged and the vari­ ous committees must report. The committee will select the location for the meeting and the price of tickets. As important subjects are before the people for discussion i t is hoped that every business man attend on Tuesday evening, February 8. COMMITTEESANNOUNCED. P re sid en t H a rtm an has an ­ nounced the following committees: Independent for nom inations: L. F , T inda ll and U . M. (Stormont,: Jtsgu la r tick e t: A .E . R ichards and Joe M cFarland. Centennial; J . 8. 35. MoMlohaol, Andrew Jackson, Andrew W inter, J , W . Dixon, A . 33. B ichards. Postal Committee: Q, L , Smith.. B. € . W righ t, M, I, Marsh. STATE INSPECTOR ORDERS SOME CHANGES, COLLEGE NOTES. The Second Semester of College opens Tuesday, Feb, 1, a t S:S0. D r. Uhesnut w ill deliver an address. On Monday, F eb ru a ry 14, memorial services will be held fer the late Bpv. B . P . Garbold. W ashington a n d Lincoln b irth ­ days will be celebrated on Feb . 21. Wednesday th e Y* W* C, h g ift meeting money thny had earned to .b e s en t to the Boys' school a t Tsng-chou-fa, Shantung, China, where M r .a n d Hrs-R. A. Banning a re . lo o a te J In mission work. • About Mb was' realized. COMING “ The'Bbannon. Stock Go.*1, lobe of the best,popu la r p rice attractions, on the road for *11 week com- monoingFebruary 7,19161 The Company carries IQ. people a ll very eleven in; th e ir respective lives. Vaudeville will be intro­ duced between acts, < ' Among tbe players is Mr. RoscoS Van Tnyll, lead ing man, who was hew with Jihe Irm a BtoCk Co., la s t fall as-leading man., A change .of play will be givon each night. The opening b ill will be a g rea t ,4 act laughing comedy d ram a. The Rector of 8 t Marys. The manage­ ment has got th e prices reduced to. la a n d 20 cents. Reserved seats on sale a t Johnson**, CLIFTON U» P. CHURCH CHIMES. —Kenneth Ritchie will lead Y. P. C. U, next Sabbath eve. —January is almost gone; Februa­ ry is a short month; March brings Spring. —Until the other man has a su­ preme value in opr eyqs.’we will not dare any great venture for his saks. —Philosophers say thought not em­ bodied in action will disappear. Put your thought about Jesus into ac­ tion. ’ —Mr,-Frank Turner is visiting bis cousins, ,the Misses Harley, a t Rome, Georgia. —Most of the autps were on a strike last Sabbath; only two reached church; those driven by Messrs Cas­ per Finney and Williams Ferguson. — Rev. W> S. Wallace exchanged: with the pastor last Sabbath, Dr. vitchie finishing a two- weeks' engage­ ment in the Second ~ " Church. The meetings ;ontinue two weeks more. - ; . —-Miss Mae Corey .’.is visiting with ter parents ip Clifton the last two weeks.' She expects to return next veek to the Children's Home in Xenia, where she holds an important position, —"Safety first,’.' ''efficiency," "pre­ paredness," are a ll fine mottos for Christian people; and for all people, too. . —Roger Collins conveyed the pas­ tor's' family back and forth to his father's home one day last week, to their great delight and comfort; —Mr. Lee Westlake writes very encouragingly from New Mexico con­ cerning the improvement of his health; it is a fine dry climate there. —I t is generally supposed girls have no faults or had . habits. Try th is,te st: Reading When your work js ‘not done, “bossing"' vour younger sisters Or brothers, taking a .nap aft­ e r you are called in. the morning, eating between meals, biting your tmger nails, picking yournpse, sitting humped: over when ‘you read, slight­ ing the corners apd under the stove, when you sweep, wiping the dishes without rinsing them, answering back when your mother, reproves you, talk­ ing "dirty," neglecting your teeth, forgetting to Waslr your neck and ears, keeping s massy top drawer, complaining of ‘every- little ache and pain, talking unkindly .about your neighbors, omitting- the "pleases" ahd "thank yous" a t home, forgetting .to feed your pets, "-saying "What'S" tb everything when you heard what was said,.using.,wr'-1' other selvSs of ytftfr bad'JiatffE*, one hybfii as fa st a|t yorr eah. •Won't you try ? • h —Mr, John Finney of the later victims o f the "grip.” • ' ■Mr. William Ferguson very kind­ ly Conveyed the.paStar. back and forth to his appointment ah Springfield in his auto, one night last week. Mesdames Jennie F. Ritchie and Nellie L Gregg -wens guests of Mrs.. Gordon' Collins last” Thursday. —Christianity Is too great fo r fa­ miliarity to breed contempt f o r 'i t, but too great, fo r familiarity to breed neglect , ■ ’ —I t hast been. Well said th a t the mistaken teaching?o f many Christiana is that "We, receive justification by faith,” but for- our sanctification we must paddle, our own canoe. —Dr. Ritchie5mid family,‘including Mrs, John Ai Gregv. of PitsbUtgh, Were gueits last Tuesday a t a dinner party given by.' Mr. ana Mrs, W. C. XSfi Mb*"' AntMPsin PlU* for all Pate- UNION SERVICES ' .• ' 6 ' 1 Under the Auspices o f the Churches o f . Oedarville IN TH E , OPERA HOUSE 7i0& O’CLOCK ! Every Sabath Evening ohiq m m m GOTTOTtifPCK FORBUSYJEADERS Rife. -Lost—A.hook entitled Five Hun­ dred Ways t<P. Help a Working Church, between ■ Clifton U. P, Church PHd? Jacob -Flukes. Finder return to the pastor o e church, or Mr. Fluke. ' *_ of ,... .. who furnished Mm - driving horse fast week1 to make his Springfield ap­ pointments. " ■The ladies sent a barrel of cloth­ ing to the Mountaineers a t Stanton, Kentucky, last Vbek. A valuation or $30.00 was placed upon i t ■Mama: “Where is your new knife, Elmer? X hope you didn't lose it? " Little Elmemer; “No, I didn’t lose it. I, pu t it in ,a safe place, bu t X forgot where the place,:®." UST OF LETERS Rem ain ing m the post office a t OedarVille, Greene C»„ O,, for th# week ending J a n u a ry 21, 1916. L ist W0. 16. Letts?* . Jons*, Ohas. Marhley, E lino r M lehasl, Clarence M itch .il, Sadie McHenry, Daniel 3$. Flekle, Raymond W illiams, Milton Mi Persons calling for the aboye, will please say ‘A dve rtised ,** W, A« T tmUnU it, P . M. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS The annual m seting of the Share­ holder* e f th e Cedarvllls Building Jk Loan Association Will be held a t th* offic# of the company, Saturday, Feb ruary 6,1916, for the election of directors, and. such o th e r business as may he brought before the a s- insolation. Fo ils open from fi to 8:60 p , m . ” AWDRRW J ACKSON, Se no tary , asking for a st. ha? re- specter, . seventy, sue- Illness. f>ple attend- victims of gambling in a t Cleveland tries Yeratti, fatally in- saaasin. was gssteb jraey General -in jackson. has taken izatlqn order,: foment soda- g of the M*-: Frank Vance- president of >ry, Hamilton inspector"; for ,te Industrial ;the state in sayjBmith Wets of Quiatgr Beal law election. John M. Roan, signed as state min#; Dr. Henry S. cumbed to grip after At Bellefontalno ed ,a rally for rpi grip. : The ban on dice’ cigar stores and sal1 has been lifted. At Steubenville, twenty-two, was si jured by an un to ' J. M, McGilllyray, ant to former State" Hogan, died at his . State board of steps tci modify. Which has resulted Water. At tliq annual m« sonic state home b of Urbans was rs-el the board.' John W. Moip county,, named bo Cincinnati district by commission. Mayors of the citt convention at Colu per pent law keeps municipal treas­ uries depleted. f i - * , Glftn totaling $40,O^to OBerlln col­ lege were announced: ^liarles M. Hall and Frederick Mortcpt Finney con­ tributed $2S,000. •* P. J, Carroll, president of Carroll Foundry and Machine' company and bank director of Buoyfus, aied on his fifty-fifth birthday of grip. Mr. Means, who fQtj Ks years held important positions With the Pan­ handle railroad, retiring 13 years ago, died at his homo Ih.fMUmbus. ■ The WUiys-oypriaaa company of Toledo increased ita ‘“capital stock1 from $25,060,000 to ^$,600,000; the- state', receiving a fee <^‘$50,000* Governor .“Winis, -in ;-a talk a t the banquet of Interstate! Stone Menu, lecturers a t Columteos, urged that redds be kept in go«$condition.. - George H, HamiU^f of Newark will Succeed George W. b W of Cifiumba*- as state Inspector •OCMvorkshops and factories, at a sal^y.MiiS,0^6 a yeas. ' James I. Morion*, .^snocrat,. mayoh- Of Caledonia, has rdsfiteed to ’become postmaster. Morten J wfeitRe mayor­ alty election bm M tm :WSms^al& last land was appointed trustee jn bank- ruptcy for I^>eb, & Schwarts, clothiers, Claims amounting to $15,000 Were filed. ■' ; . - 'Mrs. Anna. Coleman of Bast Liver­ pool hanged herself in Behring jail with a chain wrenched from her <sot. She bad been a patient in Massillon' state hospital. .Thomas E. Green of ColmhhUa has- been appointed telephone expert tor the Btate .utilities commission a t $2,- 700 a year. He has been assistant ex­ pert a t $2,100. At Cleveland fire starting from a mysterious explosion destroyed seven buildings. Many famttfos wore routeil from their apartments. The damage is estimated at $?5,QO0. Mrs. George L. Ford of Detawaro was elected president of the Marion Baptist association in session at Marion. The association takes In ten counties of central and Northwestern Ohio. John O'Brien, Lima contractor, was acqulted by a Hancock county jury on a charge of fraud in bridge construc­ tion in Allen county. The case was taken to Hancock county on change ot venue. A brood sow owned toy J. L. Rlden- baugs which disappeared Aug. 20, On a farm near Van Wert, after be­ ing imprisoned under * rye stack five months, staggered out and made for the feed trough. Dr. Will J. Means, dean of the col­ lege of medicine of Ohio State Uni­ versity, has tendered to the board of trustees his resignation as dean and as head of the department of surgery, effective Juhe 30. With but little more than half ot January gone, 70,000 3916 automobile tags have been issued a t the state automobile department This is more than hhd been applied for at the mid­ dle of February, 1915. Frank Miller, state commissioner of schools, accepted the superlnten- dency of Dayton’s public schools a* successor to the late Edwin J. Brown. Miller will take ‘the place as soon’ as he Is relieved ot his duties by the state, The work of getting out “Ohio gen­ eral statistics” will devolve on H, A, McKenzie Ot Pike county, late secre­ tary of the Constitutional Stability league, who was -named by the secre­ tary of state. He will he paid $1,ODO for half a year’s work to July 1, 1916, Btate liquor licensing hoard nam­ ed T, E. Shinn of Ashland, Republf- can, and Upton Andres of HayosvJUe, Democrat, as members of the Ashland comity licensing commission. The County went into tb s wet* column When one township voted for saloons, A mystery wrfs cleared up a t Steubenville When a handful of char­ red bones, found in the mins of a fire of two months ago, were claimed'- aa her husband's remains by Mrs, Henry Kropp, of this city, A gold band ring purchased by her husband on thelf wedding day, 30 years ago, found in the wins, brought about the identi­ fication. —“ Above All” imok* the Bold. «wr #****#« Qr Hiit#’ aatt.rata yn* At Sglem, marvliant* are urging a pay-up week, Feb. 31-28. .Proprietors of seven alleged'’speak­ easies'' were arrested a t Sandusky. At Beliefontaine, A. C. Herrfen’s cow filed when a wire she swallowed pierced her heart, Frank Falfiley accepted the Job as town marshal of Milford Center at salary of $24 a year, The Mutual Home and Savings as­ sociation of Dayton will build a ten- story office bullfilng. Louis Rianchetti, accused of mur­ der of Elizabeth Myers In a Cleveland hotel, pleaded not guilty. . Pottery plants a t Crooksville are facing a labor shortage on account of sickness among employes, Blackmail and bribery are two In- dfetmenta .returned against Lewi* B. Tracey, chief of Toledo detectives. An exploding gasoline stove a t Bergholz ignited the Commercial ho­ tel' And It was burned. Loss 25,090. At Cleveland, Frederick SchmitCu- dorf, delirious’ with grip. fell from Second-story window, dying instantly- In s speech a t Ashtabula, Governor WiUis urged business men to take an active, interest fn governmental af­ fairs. ( B. L. Hubler of Dayton has been "chosen colonel of the Third regiment, Ohio fiatioifal guard, to succeed H. G.* Catrow, At Napoleon, Mrs. Charles Remus, seventy-three, grieved herself to death ten days after the death "f her husband? Lee H. BOda of Columbus, traveling representative of the- Valentine cir­ cuit of theaters, died suddenly at the Capital City, Adjutant General Hough-is said to favor a state Constabulary, -similar to that' of- Pennsylvania,’to be used for strike’and pollde duty. Mrs. Maude -Murray Miller, state movie Inspector, whose reappointment was refused by Governor Willis, says she wil]l not quit the fob. Annual Northeast’Ohio conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, the largest In Methodism, will be held a t Steubenville im September, , After forty years of- married life VK G, Ehrbar of Cleveland asks di-t voice, alelging his wifcTWHI not permit -him to sleep In hla own home; : Humphry Jones, deceased,’ whose home was a t Washington C. H4 tanker and lawyer, left Ws estate of $400,000 in trust-for his nephpw, Hugh M. Foster, Republican, Co­ lumbus, was appointed corporation list clerk a t $125 a month, by Secre­ tary pf State Charles Q, Hildebrapf. . ’" ltead Nicholas,- twen ty years old, WAS Shut and killed a t Youngstown in a running'revolver duel with 'Banja- pate: Tucker. Tucker Claims self-del fpnsm ; " ’ ’ t ThejJfotel Victory pepperty At Put- because .of ill health. He is the third In the family to file frpm unnsttural causes: • - . . ■. , , In-Bay and- the Put-In-Bay eleefrif road have been sold to Robert tlo?- tury of Toledo. ’ The hotel is, to be remodeled. I State dairy, and food commissioner has ordered rigid inspection of 1lri- seed oil and turpentine a s result of hundreds of complaints ot adultera­ tion filed in his office- "Buy me no flowers; use the money to aid the cause," was the last re­ quest of Rev, William Frost Crispin, sighty-ane, noted prohibition advo­ catedWho died at Akron. Supreme court set April € to hear the suit of Attorney General Turner to test the right of nineteen liability insurance companies to write work­ men’s compensation In Ohio. United States District Attorney Bolin has filed criminal information against the H, G.O.Cary Medical Com­ pany of Zanesville, alleging misbrand­ ing of a medical preparation.' Becoming separated from her friends when the buggy in which they -were riding near Steubenville broke dpwn, Mrs. Belle Yates, fifty-five, wan­ dered on the railroad tracks and was killed. More than $1,000,000 of the money s In the workmen’s compensation fund* will be invested during the next few weeks by the state industrial commis­ sion in municipal, county and town­ ship bonds. The Central Ohio Schoolmasters' association held a luncheon at Colum­ bus, followed by a paper by Professor Stephenson of Ohio Wesleyan univer­ sity. About fifty superintendents and principals attended. Frank B, Pearson hjgh school in­ spector at Ohio State university and , close friend £.of Governor Willis, Is mentioned aS possible successor to State School Superintendent Miller, who will soon resign. GeorgeM. Hamilton of Newark will succeed George W. Bope ot Columbus as state inspector of workshops and factories. Hamilton is An assistant state fire marshal at an annual salary of $1,200. He will get $3,000 in his new job, Ohio Wesleyan debating team won a unanimous victory over Oberiltt, subject1ot discussion being that there shall be prompt and substantial in­ crease In the army and navy of the United State*. The winners took the negative side. Adjutant General Hough Issued or­ ders mustering out Of the Ohio talk tfonal guard company fi, seventh in­ fantry, at Cambridge, and Company G, Fourth infantry, at Newark, They failed to meet requirements of the na­ tional government. Under a ruling of Attorney General Tnrinte that a state official’s salary can not he reduced durlfig his term of office, Oliver H. Hughes oi Hills­ boro, who recently retired as state utilities commissioner, will get payat $6,000 a year; the legislature reduced the salary to $4,600. CHURCHSERVICE. H, E. CHURCH. J . W. Patton, Pastor, Sunday School a t 9:80 », tn> P reaching a t 10:80 a . in. Epworth League a t 8:80, You are cordially invited. UNITED PRS8BYTERIAN. J . S. E . MoMiohpel, Pastor, Sabbath School a t 9;30. P reaching by the pastor a t 10:80. Y. P . C. TJ, a t 5:30, Preach ing in the Gpsm Heu&e a t 7:00. , P rayer meeting Wednesday a t 7;Oo. “A S tu d ym Amos'V Communion service. Sabbath, Feb ruary 0 , w ith p reparato ry services F riday evening a n d Satu r­ d ay afternoon- R, P, CHURCH . (MAIN- STREET) . J , L. Chesnut, Pasto r, Teachers’ meeting Saturday evening a t 7 o’clock; : Sabbath School Sabbath morning at 9:30 o'clock. , Preaching Service 10:30a. m, C. E. Society 5:30 p. m, - Colne to the services in the-Opera House Sabbath oveningat 7 o’clock. MEETING OF LOT OWNERS IN MASSIES CREEK CEMETERY The annual meeting of-the lot own­ ers of Massies Creek cemetery*will be held in the mayor’s office on Tuesday afternoon a t 1:30 fo r the purpose of selecting three members of the hoard of trustees and any other business that comes up. It Is important th a t all those interested be present a t this meeting, W. J« TARBOX, Sec.- DEATH FOLLOWS ATTACK OF PNEUMONIA Mr*. Matilda Paulin little , wife of the Hon. George Little, died Monday morning about nine o'clock, a t the family homo in Xenia, Mrs. Little had been ill just a week, pneumonia followin'1’ the grip, the disease being deep seated from the first, i t was impossible to retain her vitality. The deceased .was bom in Ross township and was the daughter of Enos and Matilda Paullin find was 44 years of age. She was married to Mr. Little in February, 1003, and to them were born four children, three daughters and one son, ranging from eleven to four in age. The announcement of the death was quite a shock; to Mr. Little’s many friends and business associates in the county and over the state, Where ju s manufacturing and banking interests and prominence during his two terms in the legislature gave him a wide ac­ quaintance. Besides the husband and four chil­ dren the deceased is survived by one brother,.,Mr, O. C. Paullin of Wash­ ington, D, C,, and Mrs. Frank Harper of near Jamestown, both of whom were a t the bedside a t the time of her death. Mrs. Little was a -member of the Christian church in Jamestown. The entire family had, suffered -se­ vere colds at the time of Mas. Little’s illness and for several days Mr. Lit­ tle had been confined to his bed but has improved since. ' ' . s , - The, funeral was held from the home Wednesday morning a t ten o'clock. Water Cars In Milan, The streetB of Milan are watered from the electric tram cars. On these Catering cars reservoirs have been adapted to. the platforms, and these Teservolsr are -emptied as the car runs, by means o t perforated tubes placed fan shape a t the front and back of the car.—-Pittsburgh Chron­ icle-Telegraph. A Prosperous Community Prosperous Community is the resu lt o f a great many people of th e comm un ity be­ ing prosperous. If every wage earner would save a part o f h is earnings and if farmers and salaried men would save a portion of their incom es, w ith in six m on th s the community Ww atsfii-You $o toffiok* the bold. ^it#* im iiiitittfi TilTlifi No ^financial d ifficulties could injure its credit. , This Bank is Willing to assist every resident of th is v icin ity to become fairly w ell to do. We invite savings accounts in any amount and pay interest a t four per cen t which if le ft and not drawn w ill be- compounded sem i­ annually. Did You Get Your Share of the Interest on Deposit's th a t we paid ou t on January First? $1.00 Starts An A ccoun t Book-Keeping by Machinery Gall and ask us to show you our new Posting, Adding and Subtracting Machine. Also our New Manganese S teel Screw Door Triple Time Lock, Round Ball Safe. T h e E x c h a n g e e SEDARVILLE , OHIO. THE UN IVERSAL CAR You want to know what your motor car will do. The million-car performance answers your question. Supplying the motor car needs of all classes, the Ford is operated and maintained in city or country for about two cents a mile — with universal Ford service behind it. Touring car $440; Runabout$890; Cou- pelet $500; Town Oar $740; Sedan $740, f. o. b. Detroit. RALPHMURDOCK, Agent. Ctfisrvilie and Ross Township*.