The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 1-26

•a a ta am mum i "* JANUARY 22ND Motor Rural Carrier tiSfcs Bx$min«tbra $h ril eenriae C o » m « m 1** i ha* *«U«d th e above tax C O U N T Y k* fratta 11,80® to 11,800 p e r y e a r, carrier) t o ______ . .. ,A ** Uaan, IS to « ywu*,*iai**tbe*itf*eBi|of f f W Br? AH p*#&w * itH rr* mn*b ootnpvte with, outside p a rtite , • u f* v#t,ls«d» to take ih* teat w ithou t »gch m>w» give, Tfme being abo rt, ap - J M * * e te u ld a ta r i p rapa ra tioa M We have tb s beat m % & '* American Institute , 1 'O-. - # CAJIBY BU ILD IN 0 , DAYTON. OH IO . B tOCAL AND «*§0 fiA L T •Above AH” amok* tb s Bold. j —Cbi iafiiia* <aitdie*, JTut* and •Jfrett* * t J . >1. Wiitoagftby’a Mr. Cam**®* Rose,* ho m t ^ eb. > i » f seianc* *• tb s T ray rr, l o s s , kigbsefaMtl will airlv# F riday for tb s two week* vacation. Miss Berth* Btontumt, *J/o te*whs»stCW»o, l o s s , fa tonne rtur* fi g tb s Holiday*, A Tory M * n \ ;.;,4 Happy Lhriafc- mas to a ll H e ra ld rcaderc and patroas. School olo#e* F riday , bu t on# week being taken fo r vacation. Direct to the Farmers ' W* w ilt furnish direefc to the farmers of Greene county the- b e st aarnm and vlr-u? on tb s m a rke t a t * cen toper o . O. fo r eerum • a n 4 v ir u * f S ® o .a * c r u m a u d l@ . O. v ire s will immune f a t loo lb , ® 4 *a tUair n a tu ra l Ufa. Bigjj th ree to ton day* old okn be taamuned th e ir natural life with u p . o . serum aod 1 0 . 0 - vii ua. ^fe will send you an expert to teach, you how to vaccL | , nate your own hog®, ‘ ' / * ♦ . * Phone O, A, D jbhms, Oedacvill*, o ., References Sou th-w est HatiOnal Dank o t Oommeroa of Kansas. City, Mo. O rder you f aetum from W. J L Bmbry, our agent, Stockyards, Cincinnati, » 0 .j o r In te r-S ta te Vacelna G 04 Kansas City, ;Mo.' - '* Mrs. a . O. Wrijrhfc haa been on tbs sick list for mors th an a weak. B ay H IM someth in? to WEAR a t HOME Clothing Co. , —Leave yonr o rder for a dressed Turkey for Christmas a t J , M, Willoughby**. The Caesarcrsek F a rm e rs’ In s ti­ tu te is being held on Wednesday and Thursday . Mr. O. A. Dobbins of th is place is on the program be ing o n b o f the s ta te speakers. Mrs. A. E . R ichards a n d ch ild ren are ..visiting in N ew ' P a r i s ,'. Mr. Bfehard* w ilt join *lu« fam ily Sab hath arid re tu rn Hobday . v- ' Why / Take Chances ,* * •“, , ‘ "* 1 ‘t ‘ •; '’'■“■j. *' , Oa a ready jfliade garment when you eatt be assured of perfect satisfaction by lstfciflg us make your Coal; or i Suifcto order? Exclusiveness is the keypote of our V f bp roa ito® ia the ^keynote fofj our /prices, sarisfaofcion in our service. % KANY, The Tailor X E N IA , OH IO . Mr, W , 'B, Trots, of, Madison *.Vm,, is thejguestaf Rev, and Mrs, i. W- P a tton , . ; J ■M y Una o f s ta tion e ry thin y ea r for Xiriasis f a r better in every Way 2So .OJtLOOat The Rexall, Store Rldg- way’*, , V” ■> .* , ,, f ‘ U1R' 1 'B rTr*11*' r , W anted:—You to sm oke .tha bold. The L iterary ; D igest contains a p icture of a .fa rm e r h itch ing . Wn automobile to a bus saw ahd caw his own, wood w ithout the"help of any o ther person, *■ . Miss A lta Oraham and Mr, W alter G raham will en te rta in a ’large number of friends a t th e ir home West of town on F rid ay ev en ing ., One ot our new Suite or Overcoats would please HIM; HOME Clothing Co, F riends here'are in receipt of tft$ following wedding inv itation s of Mr, DoW itt Morgan, a former residen t and stud en t a t the college: Mr. and Mrs,Hugh ^d a ioudS t.C la ir inv ito you l b be ^present a t iho m arriage of th e ir daugh ter • Mario Btixabetb ' - ’ - , . to 4 ' Mr. D eW itt Schuy ler Morgan on th e afternoon of Tha rsday cthe Mrs. U. G. Turnbull v jsitfd la s t; week w ith bar son-in-law and ! daughter, Rev. Woodbridge U s tic k 1 and wlh( ;*f fidn ey , \ ,M r. Melvia M«Millaiu,f Cleveland, is spead jnga few days w ith h lspa r- • nts.- r! 1 Dr. a n d Mrs1, M. I, Marsh have been called to Milford to a ttend the funeral o f the la tte r's bro* tier, IS. W. Rondebusb, whodied *jt hih home In Memphis, Tenn.. Monday. The funeral will be held Thursday*the Dr and wife return ing th a t evening, . n .tolWmefrsMit .4 ■ Mayor MoPariawd sen t Georgia Sfiifagledecker to the works last SatOrday°on a fine of iio, costs and th irty day*. Georgia has been in tronbla before on “R a t Row’* and le ft town for a time. Upon- her r e ­ turn more trouble e tin ted and the Mayor has given' her a trip to the broom factory. W E A R E IN T H E COFFEE BU S IN E SS R I G H T gSjM" WE HAVE INSTALLED A NEW MODEL H obar t E lec tr ic COFFEE M ILE To meet the demand for tbs various grades of granul^tiAn Pulveriratioft which m m ot be obtained on the oJd etyfe Hand Mill. t 1 o Have you a Percolator? Then we Granulate your Coffee &ae—just right. Have you a Chip Pot? Then we Pulverise your Cofloo—jtwi right. Have you a Boiler? Then we Granulate medium—ju*t ri^xt. No troubfc to give you p u t what you want. If you want a good cup of Coffiw buy our Coffee of Quality, and have it Ground or Pul­ verized to *uit the pot. ______ ___ O 0RMOTT :—-‘‘Quality, Service andF riceM CEDARVILt-B, J. M. W ILLOUGH BY OHIO f A T'gsl Mr. R . M, Smiley, of Monmouth, III,, is tbe guest' of h is uncle, Mr, Alex Turnbull, and numerous o ther relatives in the county. Mr, Smiley l io n s of th e big wealthy Illino is farmers h a v in g ' ab o u t 1600 acres under 'cultivation, A t p resen t lie ha* purchased a alts m Monmouth and ie building a modern home where he will locate -in, the near fu tu re . , 9 • M-. Stormont and Mrs. G ,Y , W intof entertained th e mem­ ber* o f the Home Culture club And their husbands a t the home o f the latte r, 'Tuesday wyeiiing. A two course dinner s e m d ,. th irtie th o f Deoember, at o»C o’clock (SS**'MW4‘ Pe rfy , Oklahoma." A t home a fte r J a n u a ry fou rth 421 W ashburn Place Madison,Wisconsin Mit* B lanch Turnbu ll, o f ,Oxford, a rrives home Thu rsday Tor tb u Holiday*. , Mr. John Carson Gregg of Brazil, Ind.,_ dicd Monday and will he hu r­ led Thursday . T he deceased was well known here and was stricken by p a ra ly s is ., < ■ TH E CLEV ELAND PLAIN DEALER Subscription Offers 1915-16 We will send The Plain Dealer to you every morning for one year —3 1 2 visits—for less than a penny a day; per year $ 3 . (S subscriptions for $ 2 .3 0 ©ach—IO fo r $2 *60 each) {A gen ts ra les on clubs o f 2 0 or more) . ' OFFERA Ofab Farmer Club ANfor $4.10 OFFERS M cC a ll s M a g az in e C lub The I ’la in Dealer, every week tiny, 1 year, $3.00 1 Farm ,T 011 r n a 1, 1 monthly (five) 4 5 years, 1.001 G v c c n ’a I* r u i t j grower, monthly, 1 year, .501 K imball's D a i r y l F armer, »cmi- monthly, l y e a r , McCall’s Magazine, monthly, . l y c a r .001 One Me.Call P a tte rn . S»I«r{ thAjMtierif you *Mlre frrtm MrC«U’k ' M»r*. in# »na etM frftMlit* C'WJi*ny, 2i8 W. *7lh Str#H, N, Y, CHy. *n< it will WMailed IS you. The FWSfc Denier, every week day, 1 year, $3.00 Ohio Farm er, week* ly, # 1yea r, . Pou ltry flueeesd, mm& tiy, 1yea r, .00 .^e- G r e e n ’s F r u i t Grower, month­ ly , 1year, .30 The H o t f i e v r l f e , motifMy, ' 1 year, .50 ' Total, $5.00/ Total, , $5.25' o f cotfi'se you know The Plain t?ea!arf but do you know that: The M i D ea ler’s net-pdid-for-ift-ca#h oirculation in Ohio each week day morning is g rea te r than th e O ^ B to S E D circulation of any TWO other morning papers in th e state, lusthNE of tbs rsssensls; ' , ^ , T h . F I.I* S M D r 'i a * * t o « « * « n f •* « « > . J * Say, alwkyk late*’ titan m idnight, afRI when th e n ew s warrants, as- late a s 0 A, M. on th e same day Dealer’s isfactloe of keeping fa ith i n 't h i s and a ll .other matters. I t is dependahiUty M S S fivwn ? h * P l a i a D « S f f t h e o i r S a t i o n whioh will eventually reach yon, if i t in n o t doing so stow •' MaH Your Subscription Today I f yen wish to receive magarines in oontmotfcm w ith y o w P la in Dealer subscriptions, drop ua a card W e ll MQ you abou t two score money saving offers. Combination Offers W iA I^sding M i vine* mi Jto N» mail wd trt artfPtf/t from htol* Ukt 'uhert we maintain delivery tyen it Clubs of Plrirt Dealer Readers A te Profitable — Orpanize One centerpiece of the d in ing tab le was formed of fru it a* a Star. ■There was,a Christmas tree and the guests d rew g ifts which, proved amusing A voryrimpM yet pretty wedding took place lasbBaluvday a t noon a t the home of Mr-aftf* Mrs. Jolip M. FifctHCy when fchaijf e ld sstd angh te r, Mise Carrie, w a sip itod in m arriage to Mr. G. L. Weaver, of Segnndo, Colo, Theooupto,wero uiiattoiuiad the wedding*' ‘ the bride’s pa McMlchavL A guests were press th e wedding following the * Mr. Weaves i* y ; m . c .. a . t* F u e l * Iron Oo.,» D* R0*ltaf«Hs»8« Neckwear,- Shirts, Socks, Mu®ers, Hress and Driving 01pves, , Sweaters, Bath Eobes, ; Dmbrellag, Knox Hats, Gaps 4 r Pur and ip Cloth, Eaihcoats, Pull Dress Shirts, Gloyes - \ -vand Studs* All in Attractive Christmas boxes ; S U C C E S S O R TO O. F. HY PES 43 S. Limestone St. beet wl*hei* p i % lirg e circle of friends. They expect to leave in a few days for th e ir new home. . Rettrlotien*' on Will*. In Argentina the law* provide that Afather inuat lento hi*‘Children tour- fifth* ofthis fortune and a husband, if a* ha* no chiidtedph** to leave all ot hi* property 10 hlfe/vdfo. An unmarv ried son 1* corOpOHedto leave-his. par- eat* two-third* of hi* property, and only unmarried person# without par­ ent* or descendant* can make will* disposing of their possession* as they lee fit. • CALLS SECRETARY DANIELS* REPLY*AN ADMIRABLE ONE Springfield, O We Refund .. Your Fare We Refund Your Fare Tlie Plain Dealer He Point* Out |mprov«tti*rvt» Made In Navy During HI*T*rm ot OffTe#,. “The Jhe and temper of Secretary Daniels* letter to Senator Lodge de­ serve the emulation of all the super­ heated patriate on both ride# of the naval issue.1*say# theHew York World. “Courteously competing a ndtotate- tnent by the Massaohnsette senator, the secretary 'calls his nttentlou to the fact that during two yearn of the Wli- son ailrainiHtratioa five- Drendnought* were nathor-beed as against two dntlhg the last two yearn Of the Taft admin­ istration. The Blxty-third congress *«> thotleed twenty-slv submarines against twelve by the Sixty-second congress. The taiitaher of enlisted men was in­ creased ICO during ■ the Taft admin- istratlon. I t ims already been increased ty&2i -under the Wilson administration, . ‘-Then the secretary add#: “Thw* Should be no psrUsan pollUc* in­ fected in a tmvai fitogrrtm. Your jmrty h«* t?een lit entire control of government from li*i to ISIS. If I were disposed to male* political capital out of the fact thM the navy I* not as rtrongr «8 it should he It would l>* easy to fsty, "It there 1* laclt of pfepeyedtaeMr the'fault lie* at the door , the psrly that h*s heen In full control tot many years.” ."Tho navy will not b* irtremcthenea for me,to charge yodr party for neglecting the navy from i**7 to ills, or for you to aeeX to lay all the blame for what the navy lack* to my party because In two years It haa not created' as powerful s navy as w« both favor. Our appeal* Should rather he nMde to the American people of alt parlies to favor a strong and well proportioned navy, equal to any emergency. “Mr. Drtnteia’ attitude jg the attitude of true patriotism. There has been too much cheap partisanship in (hi# con- froversy over tit* national defense— too much derive to make party capital and too much iadifCewic* to the real Welfare ot the country, Secretary Daniel# point* out the way In which an adequate navy can he moat easily and quickly obtained-** CASTOR IA F o r la tita ts a&d GM ldm , ' III IM Yt* Km Abtap togiit ^ Bear* the 8 %»«*xr«ef The Big Store -Springfield, Ohio ==andNowI6r theGrandfinale . * ' , ‘-» t *, ’ * ■ “ - < a ■ ■ ■ • - -1 ' ■- . :- . ' . ■ . 5 1 ■ > -c■ Only three more sbopping daye—tbert „ Christibas, The Big Store deems in un- I -neeeseary now to task your time and patience with detailed armouncemeirt of the myriads of beautiful thing# which it ha# provided for your choosing* Safe in the knowledge that its five big floor# are today beautifully equipped with merchandisespecially qualified to enter the “Gift Xistwi we believe your own judgment will convince you that WEENS IS THE PLACE TO'BUY, - *During ail these busy pre-holiday weeks we have endeavored to rise to the Holiday emergency. Months ago, and in many instances, a year ago, wise fore- ** thought, born of long experience, inspired our buyers to make advance provision k* for holiday needs, and the markets, both at home and abroad, were invaded and » generously drawn upon to this end. Regardless of the unusually heavy strain of the past few weeks, the Big Store find# itself in perfect readiness for the fray. Our fremendoud reserve stocks will produce for you this week everything you desire. And, bearing in mind the tremendous advantage we enjoy through our heavy purchasing pot *r, it is needless for us to indicate how this advantage comes back to you in wider varieties, in better assortments, in quality, and, best of all, In prices which in the , natural order of things are lower than you will be asked to pay for the same merchandise elsewhere* . A* ha*been said, wn deem it imneceeiuiry ap # lpcxpepiciit to Impo** *nno«fitt«ncnt m dw* tAil dpoft vou th u tnhrtiiD % fionfeerning the th*u#httd# of Article* whioh or* friwiy for your ohoo*» lmt. Orttho con trary wo a te going to rely upon your intolligence and yopr kttowI*dg*of th* altoatioh t* ind icate THE OWE RREDOMIHATIHG FACT IN SBRINGSilCLD M*R0MAN - DIUINH, whioh i# thpfci W R E N 'S IS A LW A Y S T H E P E A C E T O BUY Now her* 1* our advice and ow inv itation . Throw away dull oar* for th* balance of tori* w**k. Have * rea l holiday. Oonaider youraolf aweloome gu*#t a t WREN ’S jBTOR*. Com* «v e rr day you can. Slay a il day if yon lik*. W ander and almply look attn in r.A You’ll in joy i i « ten though yon do not bay. You‘ll iio tbe «rg*d to mak* a aingl* putchato. Yon’ii h««atlr* ly welcome under any condition*. Make up your m ind to aeeap* the drudgery of a t lenat oa* meal a t horn* and try luncheon with tm. Such A day w ill he both a r to t and a pleaenr*. II wilt b* a* experience which yon w ill thoroughly enjoy. W*’U *xp*ct you and yon w ill h* *lnc*r»ly and cordially welcome. , (