The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 1-26

SW46ieeBe»ee Qm Job Weak will ixwspAra with it o f an y otlSHir firm,..,* ffke THIETY-NINTH YJBAR HN0* 17. g g a f l c g CEDARVILLR, -a..; ■fPM* XMDAV, APRIL 14,1916 MAY NOT BE CHANGED. * “ » m * indte»Hoa* from the *]*«& of FonrthAwiatant Fostmaat- wG^wwl HawhpJJW in Ctoefenati **v»ral day* ago to show there will ba no change in the R. F. D, eerrioe k tWe awtioa at all. Thi* official rtatea that wheat the change i* made the ro*tar mtea,m«*t be able to op. eleven month* In. the year Ye» SS^?W3° / aection. they are ee- WhUsfeed in. I f thi* rule ia ibUowed ? “ “ ■JMMV** water- twites will not he start*} in this county for no one JwnM contend that such service could he givorv'alevea. month* each year. '; '. •}' " !•" j . 2' ', ! • •*■'<» **+■ ■ •' ■' •■*■/■ ■ 9 \*IV'T^.C.V- ■. l * ?*" ,•«>* ' *;t » • -v*v-\ - ** ' ■;'* '*4 **'r jCMPTON U, P. CHURCH CHIMES.j EVERYBODY GO TO CHURCH APRIL 23RD, *WA Crown for every Cross.” -Every Frenchman has to tarry ft soldier on his hade. ;The date for the Bible school at Xema is July 14.23. » ---To he a saint doe* not mean! limply to be good, but to he good for something to somebody that needs it. —Walter E. McClure was licensed is a probationer in the Gospel minis. * ------ * ‘ iVesb:oytery Artistic Floors For Dining Rooms Armstrong’s Linoleum takes the place of painted floors—; eliminates the accidents of polished parquet—not easily scratched by sliding- chains A r m s t r o n g ’ s L in o leum is clean, bright, sanitaryt inviting, durable andinexpepsive, . • , Armstrong’s Linoleums »r« fit for ' why room In the house—•especially Termite selection to harmonize with . ry last Monday at the neetingnt Sugar Creek. •*—Miss Eeva Moore visited last, week in Xenia, remaining over Sab­ bath. Mi** More is the faithful pian- Jst in the Clifton choir. —’ 'Everywhere in life the true luestion is, not what-we gain, hut what we do.” • —The liquor-dealers* defense o f heir hu*ine*n reminds us of the man >f whom it was said, “he never open- id his mouth without putting his foot in it.” '*•...... The pastor and wife recently had a pleasant visit witH.Mrs. Sarah Dix­ on who seems well pleased with her igh rehiOwbering the old neighbors of thirty years acquain­ tance very tenderly Mrs.'Dixon reads! the Chimes and is interested in <i t Ohurch, although an invalid and shutin fbr many years. Visits were made at the homes, of Gordon Collins And W. 0, Thompson also . • —Hditte-seekors Special! A Home for you in a city that has more ad­ vantages than any city now on rec­ ord. Pure water, all streets paved, no taxes, no sickness, perpetual lighting even' temperature, free transporta­ tion, A City of Beahty.. Don’t fail to close a contract.. Further information Sabbath morning at the .Clifton -Unit­ ed Presbyterian Gliurch, Come! —Hugh Price1Hughes* mother you remember said “I would rather see you a'Methodist preacher than Lord Chancellor o f England.” What, Oh! Mother are you saying to your boy? . —A colored philosopher “down South” is reported to have said, “Life, my breddern, am mos’ly made up o f prayin’ for rain and then 'wishin* it would d ’ar off.” —Dr. Borne?, the German scholar, 'says *“The absolute - personality of Goa and the infinite value of the per­ sonality, of man stand and fall with each other.” —The tomb is not a blind alley. It is a thoroughfare. .It closes in the twilight to open in the dawn. —If at first you don’ t succeed, try try again and come to church each Sabbath. —-How doe* this! strike you? “I always try to look at everything from both sides.” “Your wife tells a,different story.” “How’s that?” “ She says you haven’t, seen the in­ side Of a church for years.” . —The father Or mother who spends without stint in giving the young, folk a ’/good time,” oftfm repents in Mb* We should go to church every Sab­ bath if we have health. It is our duty to God, the church, the family and ourselves. Many of us do- not forget this duty, Sometimes we do and aft­ er we have forgotten for a few Sab­ bathswe feci a certain hesitancy about starting in again. This will be done away,with April 23rd for all are go­ ing and *o jfc is easy to ;fbllow the throng. g ■ .'•■ * Fall Into line. Go to your own par­ ticular church. , “ I was glad when they *aid unto me let us go up into the House of the Lord.” Other* will also be glad. Es­ pecially,your pastor, w CLEAN UP AND PAINT UP! IN CIRCLES. Fellow citizens: Let us get togeth­ er and make this town of oUrs the mosthealthful and most inviting in the State, To do this we must organize our forces> map.put our plans' and get <o .work. Other cities and towns throughout the United States are find-" mg fhe efforts along these lines are bringing excellent results. I f we Would have ,a healthful town we*must clear our pttics, cellars, stables, sheds, yards, streets, alleys and vacant lots of trash, dirt, junk, filth* garbage, rags, cans, bottles and weeds.. We must femty toilet*,'cover manure .heaps, _drain bam, lots,. fill up mudholes and slimy, ill-smelling ponds, open gutters, repair. streets and bum rubbish. Then .wo'must use soap.and scrub brushes, "brooms, rakes and shovels. We must throw lime freely about toil­ ets’ and stables. Why? Because dis­ ease germs and germ-carryingInsects, especially flies and mosquitoes, breed in filth and spread typhoid and con­ sumption when they enter our living rooms, alight on our food, or bite us while We sleep. Afteh the dirt is gone wo must-re­ pair our buildings and fix our fences —and then lay on the, paint! Paint everything that needs it, inside and out, for'paint Is the best known pre­ servative and its brightening influ­ ence will make the dullest town in the world look spick and span. Of course when we buy pa lime we put money into the aint and „ . paint dealer’s ahd lime-dealer’s- pockets.; But if we get sick and did- the doctor, druggist, undertaker, sexton and tombstone man take our coin. Most folks WoUld sooner spend theirs on paint and lime—take your choice. Come on* now, folks. Let’s call a meeting, form a Clean Up and Paint Up Club composed o f men, women and children, and get on the job! The prize fa worth it-^healfh and happi­ ness. ‘ ‘ . - A new entrant . probate judge ha* Broeeeuter Frank 4 will insure at and probably four: year term with Probate Judge seek re-election Rice avow now didatp regardless some of his form would be knifed, utyprobate judge,! Hoped it unc be entered when the i closes. Now that Prose* lie a candidate for less candidate will uuting attorney, are certain to enter ; city solicitor- in Clerk of Court Poe* eth Williamson ha*1 the Same job but at this -time that he ■ the place. The Yellow Bpring states that when the will be opposition t<i W, B, Bryson for Miami township is r the new school law the patrons of the township backed by board are not in J county board o f edu noring this board agj contest for announced, won. Thi* candidates office o f four stive salary, .will likely s of Morris will be a can- id* among that he . . . >*ris, dep- [fklso been men- that he will so for entrance Johnson will sfe judge one wt for proBe- adldates that 3«rry Smith, and Deputy [Finney. Ken- his eye on This item wfcenrasffrMl with *wfa­ ds*, denotes that a year’s tubscrip- ! ri’oa is past due snd a prompt $et- tleraafit is esmetUy desired. , . - PRICE, S1.00 A TEAR SAYS COUNCIL SHOULD ACT. Mr. George little, head of the. Ha- g ir Straw Board and Paper Co., in­ forms _us that when considering strg ‘ improvement there is only one Jam. of material that has proven econ­ omical, and that is brick. Mr. Little .is the owner of much property in Xenia onMain Street where brick was used. The Btreet ha* been down twelve years and' i* as good as new. It has been a good investment for the property owner* and also for the city. Mr* Little is interested in the pro­ gress o f-Cedarville. He has a right to have an expression on public improve­ ments although not a property holder along Main street for he represents the largest tax pay­ ing interests in the village. He states that the .village and property owners'will make a mistake I ............... judgment on business matters is wgttized by everyone and his advice are »o signs should be heeded by the officials. He announce for thinks that council should act on their and follies v is hot set amde to i independence. 'bangings. R. BIRD & SON’S CO, GIRLS WANTED FOR CLEAN WORK IN LIGHT) SANITARY FAC­ TORY. REST ENVIRONMENT, GOOD WAGES, AND STEADY EM­ PLOYMENT. THE ROBBINS & MYERS CO., • Springfield, 0. National Carbonless AUfemobUe Oil. This .1* the best oil on the market. Ask anyman that run* an automobile. McFarland &McKee. —All kinds of cement and chimney work guaranteed. Call Alva Fora, phone 2 oh 4?. K eep ing F it The debility so common in the [Spring is simply * e:gn of poisonous elements in the blood which the system is unable to throw off. Help is needed, and your health will be better throughout the year if a little help is given now. , Hot Springs Medicine will enrich the blood, stimulate all of the organa *to renewed activity and increase strength and enetgy. will keep you at your best. Price $1.00 Richards’ DrugStore PHONE * 08 , Women Shrink FromModesty Bear Grievous Ailments Rather Than Make Condition Known. Representative' Brystf ber pf the county bos that certain interests formulating plans to nation. The opposit strongest, .among - tl, the county." The-if that .Mr. Bryson that famous . bam field when ‘ ‘the Seventh district ph ier the Yellow Spj Congressman Fess, a certain young' att< lias been approached ? if his name in the p) iidate for represent fight seems to be over those fayorable and Uf . This question hty political issue in many are watching £1 With candidates various offices; few have any thought.of j ditor. Amos Ffemkne m the job aayjpg nof doubt keeping some hf ing a desire to % ounty affairs^ Leon Spakr would make a tike the otherif see what Amok is Jew* last week is come* there lepresentative “second term, rtirred up. over fit is sffid, that moots, in that ie local school *erd with, the . and are ig- t ,aa‘ possible. [ stall a mem- 1and it is, said Lecounty are t>se.his npm-‘ seems to be teachers of lews, state* a party to at Spring- ses of the •the' skids un- s statesman, i known that aey in Xenia :allow the Use ry n* a can- The real school law, that oppose ?er yet been County and ome. ■ forth for are: that ■County au« isitting tight .which is no !from hav-« t,branch of Recor#r: jested: and official bht &waiting to S^do. one initiative and put down brick and thus relieve the tax duplicate of that much of a drain and have something left for succeeding years for other streets, When YouSell Your Hogs it* pounds that count. In order'to have your hogs full weight they must be in good feeding condition, Free From Worms “ Moneyback” is guaranteed to rid your bogs of worms and4 keep th m in g od feeding condition* P R IC E S :--^ 11)5,, 11.96} 13 lb*., 12.76} 60 lb*.. $6.95} 106 lb l„ ItO.OOjSOOlba., at $6.60per lumered,600lb*., at |b.00per hundred, 1000 lb*, at $7.2$ per hundred, 2000 lb*, at |3,?6 per hundred* A L L ORDEtMl DEL IVERED FREE Manufactured by > “Moneyback” Stock Powder Co. g#4arvill«, Ohio* Rlohnrd*’ Drug Storn Phona 203 The subjects of complaints peculiar to women is a delicate one, yet it is a plain duty to let these sufferers know that .most of the derangements from which they suffer are due primarily to nervous debility. Many a suffering woman, influenced by shrinking modeBty, has borne this grievous condition without complaint rather than make a personal appeal. When women say, “I am all run down, so nervous and weak,” that means they are victims of the modem mal­ ady* Such women, and 1 y are a legion in every community, suffer from head­ aches, backaches, loss of appetite and sleeplessness Their spirits are al­ ways depressed and their lives are not the normally happy ones of their more fortunate sisters. Often, too, there are spells of nausea, weakness, or even faintfng, that make them feel insecure and to wonder when they will be embarrassed, or even in danger, because of their condition. * For such suffering women Tanlac, the tonic, tissue builder, appetizer and inVlgorant, is ideal. Tanlac builds up the system, promotes digestion and promotes assimilation of food, vitalizes the blood and brings back healthy color to the cheeks and real Sparkle to the eyes. Tanl'bc may now he obtained in Ced&rville at the Cl M. Ridgeway drug store, where its merits are fully ex­ plained. Tanlac may be obtained In Yellow Spring* at the Finley Drug Store; South Charleston, Claude Wi Deem; Jamestown, W. F. Harper; Xenia. Sayer AHemphill, ATTENTION DRUGGISTS An AxaluafvaTknlae agant lb Wirttad In avary town, Hi thla county. For par­ ticular* address Cooper Medicine Company, Day- ton, Ohio. TheJadies aid Of Shiloh .Springs Church - gave. “Mother George” a pleasant surprise on Saturday, April 8th, the event being her 83td birthday* She is the oldest member of’ the so­ ciety in poinfc of years and one of the most active'and youngest in point o f B£rvic£* ” . She makes her home With her youngest Son, Dr. J. C, George, super­ intendent o f Orchard Springs Sana­ torium, Dayton, Ohio. Besides heierty congratulations, beautiful floral offering*/ books, boxes of candy and other useful-gifts were left as remembrance* o f the day, A pleasant evening was Spent by the hostess who wa* dressed in white em­ blematic and appropriate as she mingled among her many friends. Her children and grandchildren cither brought or sent token* o f love to Mother. The event was enjoyed and highly appreciated bv “Mother George” as she is called and looked Upon by her host o f friends. LECTURE COMMITTEE j ___ ORGANIZES. The lecture committee or next year organized Tuesday evening and se­ lected the1following officers: presi­ dent, Rev. J. W. Patton; secretary, Prof, “Allen; treasurer, A. E. Rich­ ards. The committee is already pre­ paring or the course next winter and hearing, representatives of the vari­ ous bureaus. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Estate pf Alexander Turnbull, F, B. Tumbulland W. A. Turnbull have been qualified a* administra­ tors of the estate of Alexander Turn- bull, late of Greene county, Ohio, de­ ceased. Dated this 10th day* of April A. D.,1018. Charie* F. Howard, Probate Judge of said County. PREFERENCE IS BRICK, Mr. J. P. Chew, of - Xenia, who Spends,the winter at Daytonia, -Flori­ da, and is the owner of the store room where the Home Clothing ^tore ii located, writes-Mr, Hartman as fol lows: “My preference is brick, the; more especially on a street that is used as much as yours. You wil "note that in Xenia, after havingJiao the three principal streets.paved with brick for ten years, when aboutto pave three more streets the people selected BRICK, which ought to be good evi- 'dehte of how well pleased the people are with brick. Having property on both sides of the street were I live. I,had to pay for sixty feet’ o f the street, but the ten.’- years through which the payments were stretcher are now up and the paving appears -as good as when first ,put down. It will be a great Improvement-for-the town—getting you out of the mud in Winter and out of the dust in sum­ mer. It'wiH show enterprise.” CHANCE TO WIN yet . The Community Club officers have decided to extend the time to Satur­ day, April 22, to receive yotir idea o f a slogan for the club. -Already a num­ ber have been sent in but no decision ha* been reached and the officers de­ sire to heat from-.many nfore, -The ;*tpgaumust not,have more than three prds. will get a pr chances a* you went. Word has been received here of*the serious- illness o f Mr. Charie? Hop­ ping at Spokane, Wash. Rev. Walter Hopping of-Buffalo started several days ago .to be at the bedside o f his brothen SPECIAL NOTICE. I hereby wish to notify the resi­ dents of Cddarville and vicinity that the parties that were through here a few weeks ago taking orders for pic** tores tef be enlarged and giving a scenery picture with each order, <are in no way connected with me. -My work is far superior to that peddlec about by the nondescripts which scout the country f?4m a distance. .Remember you are not under the least obligation to purchaseframes of those parties and I can furnish you with any style and finish of frames that any art company can and save you money. You con see my scenery work in the window* of Bird &.Sons, Richards drug store and Bates meat market. These three firms are giving awa! these paintings WITHOUT FRAME! to their cash customers for each $10 worth of goods purchased. The frames like the one* in the windows are $1.60 eachwhich I furnish. I have about 15 subjects of tbe paintings ‘for yoq to select from. 1 will be glad to meet you. J. Victor Tarr, the Artist, Xenia Street, Cedarville, 0., telephone No* 84. . WALL PAPER many pattern* ■o ptpkfrom 5 to 25e single roll. Froo Sample Rook. Ask for it. R. BIRD A SON 'S CO. -A ll repairs nscessary for Ford automobiles at Owen* A Bon. England,Germanyand France Agree on one tiling,ifon no other. They all prohibit the sale o f alum baking powders. j * . There must be a good mason for this. It is because alum was found to be un- healthful, Royal Baking Powder is made o f cream o f tartar, derived from grapes, a natural food product, and contains no alum nor other queatfonable ingredients. v W YAL BAKING POWDER 0& 1 New York Prosperous Community A PROSPEROUS community is the result of a great many people of the community being prosperous. If every wage earner would saye a. part of big taming* and if farmers and salaried men would save a portion of their incomes, within six monfchs the community would be even more prosper­ ous. No financial difficulties could injure its credit. This Bank is willing to assist every, resident of this vicinity to'becom e fairly well to Co. We invite savings accounts in any amount and pay interest on the money twice a year. Paid of Sayings Deposits o f ‘a Dollar or More—Accounts Subject to Check Cordially Inyited C e d a r v i l l e , O h io OFFICERS and DIRECTORS SethW. Swith ; Geo. W. Rife ”OliverGarlough ; 0. E. Jober OscarL. Smith L. F. Tindall : .,a- •> The newimprovedNo. 15Veriaibledrop Black HawkCorn planteristlieclimax of the perfection i theart. Itsstrength lies in accuracy of drop, good stand, heavy yield. Kerr & Hastings Bros. d*. < THE UNIVERSAL CAR Ford service for Ford owners is worthwhile. Fifty- one Ford branches; over 8,500 agent* *11.through the country, each with a complete stock of Ford part* (applieson haiid. No delay*, no holding op for day* to g«t parti, but prompt, reliable service at a low, fixed tost, Run*b.ut »390;Teurlni C*r $440 ; $500 , Tovirn C*r $640,* 8*S*n $ 7 4 0 . All yrleia f . « . b* Detroit. RALPH MURDOCK, Agt. Cedarville and Ros*Township* Display at Owens St Son’* Garage, mm Thi* tmnlh's Mmt&sritk Pmttmm acre 10c and ISc—nom higfSat. L i ,«r f-