The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 1-26

• I ~&rv Worn -jQMr J i l | t i o f * » y o t $ * r M # l rfwwy w v yv w s i ^ s w w y ^ ^ , This item whenwanked f iik *» jp- ‘d*X,4e&«tCi that A fw f $ tw& «a^ i f t»* t* P*« due serfs p ro ia^ set- i tUewut i* ewueetly desired. . . ♦KMTHYgAR pro. IS. 35!S5!^.".* 'I ,tl',«'.V..'.v^!! W ha t TowasiUreBone, We. hasr* iirianeabtea from 4er9iNfcMk|9^i«i>D M > «« r rela tive to stree t Improvement, H s f a r M L - , D ^ h t e l of F lu io City,’ * town. o f, NO#, s ta te s th a t t h ty -have *b»p ig tH i? o | pasredi street. ' Id » t. la t a tn i ^ they p a t do fl#*** fcrf& i n ' feotiLuasa Motion an® c^4 j^£**o»fce;in rosldeijfcseaMon. QueiMoh street^*?* beep deem in yeara* "T*e j n d t a of th e stre e t Is 40 fee t and too fo x f fupUoirte one Mod ene-fijtffauHten* . JoJSMtow#, 0 r, is » teem Of 1009 psopte end feft* a ta x d ipHo itto^ f ene million, They h e f e ' puvect s tre e l through, th e •town one Way. end p a r t the o ther, The streets e re 46 fe e t w id e hod 1% mite* h e re been paved erib& brink, Waldo, O,, hold* th e record tor ktreet imprev*m*»t*" This village has btft WO^ao|le«andra tafe dttpH- summer jjpop te a t o t s tre e t 52 fee t wide w?e paved . vrjth brick. ' Om c pride 1 b ( fn evidence a t Waldor Leipzioisx, town o f 2000 people, b iw A ta f d u p lte a te o t MO^OOO end *000people* These a re only a te w o f a lis t of a hund red towns tb e s f za p i Gedar- villo t h a t have po t down b rick stree ts. The a rgum en t that, such an 'im p rovem en t i s ' fo r city folks only falls of Its own weigh t, . Even t h e s ta te i s b rick ing coun try roads HUE READING CONTEST. NEWS MATTER SHORT WE TO ACCIDENT. .M a y 4, a t 7:80p. W m t M - l t o * s ; t h e first d e W*i The Bible read ing con teat w ill be h e ld in th e Un ited P resby terian church,..Thursday, f ?n, •>T>rjr'J^tfc^hieV ' ; offered th ree prise th e ‘M^ohdV f s r and ' th e IfcTrd .$$, Thetonowingp*r«'&awlU.oontesfc:'-~ ,M l|ses Donna ' Burns, M ildred Carry, J a n e t M cG Iellan ,. Helen Oglesbee, a n d H a r rie t Stewart, a n d Ralph E lde r/G am e ron Mc- I H r a & W i t : A , 'W t % •% i a Hdperty,V,H«*feth*nai'' S u ite r , JbSn G o |li» s ,.a n d .^ sw re n o a . Heunon, ^ fie t* will h e etesl - i x ^ o i i ^ 'i p r d ^ r s ' b y a reeting feature* to b e a n nounorftt' lifte r.-W a tc h fq lo tba iu ll p rd g riin n e x t' week. The ad ­ mission Will be *0 Cents. There w ifi be th ree judges. fibr several y e a rs we have h ad e« r news m a tte r s e t.o n linotype machine m L o n d o « and shipped by express, k Oeoaefonally amall aeai* dent* have happened to. delay the service bhfc th e worst we ever ex* performed was T hu rsday When’the draym an dropped the box. and Six 'Columns of new s m a tte r went in to hpte*?'tti& was a .loss fo r th is issue. : In she m a tte r were th e Clifton U, P. church ohimes, election of Prof,- j , H . fio rtney a t d lsta lc t superin* l^endenft sfnd meeting of ‘the disfcriot school board, lib ra ry notice, politi o*l notes, dea th notice o f Mra. J W. P a tto n 's fa th e r, Mr, W» B P rits in. Dayton, and a long -lis t o f local and, personal item s. T h e fol lowing Is a ll t h a t was saved o n to ! n ea rly six columns of news m atte r. Cedar Day will be Friday, May 19, High School commencement will be Thursday* May 18* There will be no class oration this,, year, the graduates speakiag 'their orations. 'Sif-V • ,'>■♦:r-'. ^ , « .V- .„:-V ■t-■ " > -.i Mr. Frossard Dixon and family of Dayton have been guests of tho for- mer’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. D, -S. Dixon. Mr, and Mrs, R , J.. Shultz Of Day- ton Were Weekend guests-of the for- mer?s parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Spencer. .: ; r? Mr, J, H. Stuckey is toothless as the result of having fifteen pulled a t one time' and eleven, a t 'another. Mr, Stuckey has suffered greatly of late with pyorrhea- and it became neces* *>.?■’, ■ -r. ~ •.' . .‘ x Don?t forget the Easter,market?- - P sales a t the E a ste r m arke t before SdKPo’cloek. SPECIAtEASTERSERVICES. A t th eM . E . church commencing w ith th e -Sunday School service specia l music and E a s te r rec ita tions A t iO:H&th e choir w.lH fend e r an Master C an tata tiiB>subjeoiOf whiclf i s T h e Resurrection Hope, This i s a splendid composition, and tex t tbev end e ring of libijMi w ill require abou t iotfcy ialnutes; - You will enjoy the musio and flowefcrand fellowship. Dome l Defiance may build city vatenrorks, ; -Jactwez J. Va»quez, tailor, Dayton, has leprosy, , . Seventy-two women run saloons in Cleveland, . • . r -st Liverpool will hold local op* ' h ', election.May ♦. X thousand milk, wagon, drivers a t i*oledp will form, a union, Striking plumbers a t Alliance were granted an increase of wages. Four-ye&r-old Gwendolln Welker of . Fremont died after swallowing a pin. Governor Willis in a proclamation designated Bu&day, May 14, as Moth­ ers*'day. . • ■ ; , E. B. Leopard, slyty-one, prominent attorney and'temperance worker* died at Warren, Rev. w . 1*. Barrett of Beilefontaine was. elected moderator of the Marion presbytery. Sandusky County . Sunday School convention, will be held in Gibisonburg June 6 and .7,' " Dayton presbytery- of the; Presby­ terian ' church ordained five young .men. tty the ministry^ At _Toledo Mrs. Joseph Bealeakl, seventy,five. was. fatally injured when struck hy. a motorcycle. . An elfprt is being-made to establish a farmer’s state bank a t Genoa, with a capital stock of 225.009. Henry A. Wick,- a Cleveland grocer, was struck and killed .by an auto in front'* of hi? flanCe’s home. . . . . 'Burglar?'who entered the Thibahta A Mautz store a t Marlon stole 2300 Worth 'of razors and knives, S. Jerome .TJhl, Sr,, seventy-four, widely known -artist, died at his home In Walnut Hills,'Cincinnati^ ; . C. B. Eberly, Bowling Green. wa3 appointed receiver of* the Republic Glass company of Sandusky, Because of an outbreak of smallpox a t Bryan, schools, churches andmov-, tag’picture shows were closed. Alfred Hoover, fifty,'-carpenter' a t' Canton, was killed when a building on was -working collapsed, * J Cleveland- Conductors and motor- men demand a, b ig advance in Wajgev. present agreement expires May l . ’ Akron* predicts; a. 50 per < cent Ip- crease fn price of matches, as a result o£ tab advance in the price of potash; ' Maple syrup producers In Geaugs County have lost hundreds of dollar? dne tft the short sap season this year; Running away from ’hik home id #sTb« GIRLS WANTED FDR, CLEAN WORK IN LIGHT, SANITARY FAC­ TORY. B E S T ENVIRONMENT, GOOD WAGES, AND STEADY EM PLOYMENT. THE ROBBINS & MYERS CO., . Springfield, O. seeatE ' *- i K eep ing Fit The iebility .aoCommon in the [Spring is simply a aign of poiionous elements in the blood whioh the syatemis ijnable to throw off. Help is needed, and your health will be better throughout the year if a little help is given now. H o t S p r in g s M e d ic in e will enrich the blood, stimulate all of the organs to renewed activity and increase strength: and energy. ' It will keep you at your best. Price $ 1.00 Richards’Drugstore PHONE Mr. YonSell Y»nrHogs i t* pbnndB th a t count. In order to have j o u r hog? fu ll Weight heymUNt fi? ih good feeding bo&diiton, Free From Worms i '^oueybaok" i? guarkhteed to rid your hoga of worm? and eep fchewrlmfood faedtog ofhdifiwi, * MfltUE*:—10 lb?-* IL tts Klb«-I **.76} «0 lb?.. $6.25; 100 lb*,; Ito.olj lOilba., M f im P«r hanarod, 699 ib«., a t 18.00 p*r hundred, |000 lb*, at $7.Mp if huodrad, MOOIba. at |«.7« per hundred. * ALL ORDER* DEL IVERED FR E E ' ■ ' ^ .&.*■« > f » j f i ■1 t |CAm^MihM««dky'. ’ i“Mon«yWk” Slock Powder Co. i K §Hf*iaiUfii Ohl#* jpiktUl*' 9 ^ »**«;• ?N om 201 EuiiijEiMhm* Toledo, Carlton ytnk, five, wa* fatal­ ly hurt when caught - in a wagon wan- lh*tidtfiy killed when run down by an toterhrban c a r,' boAt.,‘4MeU|s Idea,** .a fioat- big moving picture vesael, Runk in the Ohio river a t Cincinnati a fte r It crash­ ed into a, pier. - .. „ ■ Dr. L. B. tlpson, connected with the bureau of municipal research a t Day- ton, resigned to accept a. similar po-: plUdn In Detroit. in order to' Induce nian to enter the Sandusky- .fire department th e1 en­ trance salary wlU be raised-from $60 to $65 per month* '1 James B. cole*ofMarysville was ap­ pointed referee in bankruptcy for Union ' county by Federal ! Judge Safer of Columbus, Former Representative Frederick Ohlmacher of Erie county, who served In the state, assembly in 1884, died suddenly at . Sandusky. Delaware teamsters went on strike because, the-city council refused to pass a resolution boosting pay from 40 to 50 cents an hour. Jacob Kelly, president of the Man­ hattan Golf club, Toledo, and Charles Germain were found guilty of selling liquor without a license. Former State Senator' Thomas A. Dean has secured control of the Fre­ mont Messenger, which he owned be­ fore going to the legislature. Cleap up and paint up week was observed In Fostetia last week. Four deputy state fife marshals were sent to Fostorla to assist In the work. Clifford Walker, eleven, was bnrn- ed to death a t Canton by gasoline ex­ plosion, Other members of the fam­ ily were burned trying to save the lad. Attorney Charles E. Thatcher ati< sonneed his candld&cy for the Dem­ ocratic nomination for congress from the Ninth district to succeed Isaac K. Sherwood. Governor Willis appointed Gr&nf E. Mouaer, former congressman, as com­ mon pleas judge a t Marlon to serve out the Undxpircd term of Judge Wil­ liam E. Scofield," deceased, W. A JotteS and D. Kfl fi, Brown of Columbus, Leonard A. Bfxby of Chi­ cago and Wilbur J. Myers of Spring- field werb- appointed as new ' Ohio Wesleyan university trustees. . P. A. McHugh, Cleveland chair man­ ufacturer, shot and killed Francis Co- veil, basket manufacturer, a t Con- ueautville, Fa„ In a dispute over a lease. McHugh then killed himself. Augustus Kern .and Arthur Grubb were Indicted, at Newark, charged with manslaughter. They are held lesponslble for the deaths of five men when Kent’s hotel, wad burned two years ago, ^ A freight train struck an automo­ bile a t a grade crossing in Columbus, killing Dr. Charles .Gilliam, superin­ tendent of Columbus state hospital, and Miss Elizabeth Somerville, a nurse a t the same Institution, Ret: A, 8 , Bowersox, pastor1 of Western Avenue Methodist church. Toledo, obtained a -temporary injunc­ tion in common pleas court to re­ strain the church trustees from re­ moving Wm on charges of lnd|scre GOnS. - ArwwffiMW# he dedicated Mr*. SAblM. ect yeMdemtM ™ _ Mayor Of T ha* designed war m . Sidm* oirisetift *m l wear* % mwaksipfdi 1 Youngstown, h Trolley ooc^pany At Stffttbenvlllfc *y«miik was tramj Aorie. > Board of pardon? to 170 Mansfield' oners. Jacob Ffdger, ..... . a large packing plant; was called by d« A t Zanesville teen, filed of blood result of-an *g*efa,ts_ Body Jit yinoedW&ui county, Pm, was &m&. Canton. Police $u*p o An oil gusher nn-:, near New Lexington^ barrel tanks in thin' Frank orphai, six St. Marys fire depa He served eighteen Girls of tho DSfitoc senior clais'havfe adopt ,to, limit the cost" of ga , Attorney Frank Mu Mean, announced -his congressman.from.the district, ■Mutilated body of ker, nineteen, w?« fount ,at her home 1st Coltlr suspected. - Mrs, Milo A; Tufisr, and hilled herself a t her < ripn.' Believed to have unbalanced. Henry J, Krotuniltec was instantly killed ?£ tiding to repair air bra ft eight train. ■A decision that Put-ins’ -entitled, to six'whmmer handed dqwn by Judge man a t Port Clinton. • ;Mrs. Belle Good, «eveg headed bp Newark wh<M?j under a cut of cars. 'Vridr opal along the tracks. General Theodore Jons la?t of the generals o f ifrom Franklin boua^, Jumbus of,pneumonia, . More -thatt-JO per cent in Ohio died from tShtd* according to a hblletin c department-pf agrieuf ^Twenty Portgage i , . S petty Ravenna ortage county fair '? four acres, a f Sheriff’s , Mrs. Sadie Cleveland, John .death by a |tefi paroles ry pris- e, owner of 7e*t Toledo, Qola, fif- ng as the ] of Cambria | rfield, near* ardor, tfd farm,’ . seven 100 hour* chief of Is .dead, chief, school tfezolutloh ’gowns. Repub „ oy for ^(Toledo) Scbwen- clstem Murder pur, shot ' >in .Ma-! aOntally oductor, pn while ^anE rlo alandv|i- as was ^was fcpi awledi: ty-four, W ;: i t C^, flreir, Jeral >AT, APRIL 21, i m Tempi# wlU Frank Blair, nineteen, of Lorain, Is June, Interned in England. ran, old- .. Crooksvllle; a pedtery town, voted dead. dry imdej* the Beal law by 101. Fhlladelphla Mrs, Eunloe Biddle, eighty-four, chickaa*, Richwood, Was found deed In bed. steps to Massillon was selected as the next Usbt plant, meeting place of the Ohio Typograph- Wsrren I™! union. organized Five unidentified victims o f the Am* herst wreck were hurled a t Amherst by citizens, . .k A .garbage can esneua will be taken • t Cleveland to find out how wasteful housewives are. At Cleveland James Burns, fifty, was burned to death In * fire that destroyed «. barn, ' Body of a well dressed man, about forty years,old, wap found pm thnflil-f roads tracks at Greenville, Forest L. May, postmaster a t Day* ton, was elected presldent.qf thb bjevr Ohio postmasters’ association- ■ t At Canton Mra. -J. R. Mathews was .badly beaten by a robber w&ejti ?he refused to give him her money. ; ■-. Jkod Schwab' and ' John Bbrnett were fatally injured a t Youngstown - wben a scaffold broke and they'tell^ 75 feet, • l When Mrs. John Leikhtner Ct Youngstown arrived at. Canton to v is-, It her husband, she found hjn|'',de?d in a morgue, ~ *j Lorain county grand Jury-returned,* .fifteen sealed Indictments 1against ghouls who-plundered bodies "ot Am-, herst wrack victims. ■ '" ' Fifty-five employes of the Johnson, ' Manufacturing company of Urbana wont oh strike when the company re- .' fused a wage increase. " , ' | ., Clyde Caulkins, three, son of -Ed- * ward Caulkins of.-Lewis Center, fell into, a eistprn. at the home of a neigh­ bor and was drowned. All trainmen of the Ohio Electric railway system will be given, begin­ ning ^May, l, an Increase in. Wages amounting to 10 per cent- . \ Grand jury a t Ashtabula Indicted Nick CorracloYcounellmattf on charge of'jsccond degree murder In cOnnec-’ that .with the killing of Fieri Qsuto. . 1 ' . For knocking down Police Captain Gwalt, Alliance’s heaviest/cop, who .weighs’260, Miss Eva Nile, twenty- five, was sent to the' workhouse. Findlay will nave about three-more mile? 'of h e r streets this year, Which wlU then' make nearly twenty-five mile? Of this class of improvements. - ^orin&.Drewes, thirteen, wilt repre­ sent Hoary .county a t the state spell­ ing contest, in Columbus, Nelson Foor, sixteen. Will be th# alternate. Ifra* Lydia Seeley, -seventy-eight* was'burned seriously at her home In- Westerville, Franklin county,, .whom her clothing caught fire from a stove, ,|p«$!h A EniR^nh ‘ month. Charles Ebner Committed: stfictde a t Sandusky by taking poison; He sought "a pike# on the police*- farce, but w is rejeCtea becamte he waa pan- tidily deaf, ‘ " Mis? Harriet "0, West, treasurer of? the Sandusky Carnegie Library.asso­ ciation for a number of years and prominent :lm state library Work, died? of pneumonia. in order to shield the barroom from public, view. Steubenville saloonkeep­ ers Steamed .their window a A re­ cently enacted ordinance prohibits the ube of screens. A L. Irey, former superintendent of Vermillion school?; was arrested at Canton on a.charge of breaking into a Vermillion scbdolhouso and de­ stroying equipment Barn of Rev. J. J. Hallfday» near Delaware Was struck b y . lightning and four Cows- and a large quantity of grain and many farm implements were destroyed’by fire.. Strike on the' Stark Electric and Cleveland, Alliance and Mahoning Valley -ipterurban and Alliance city lines ended with motovmen and con­ ductors winning wage.increase*. The state hoard of pardon? organ­ ized for the ehSulhg year by electing J. D. Knowles, Democrat of Delaware, president, add Percy R. Taylor, Re; pubtiCah, of1Sidney, Vice president. - Martin Bishop, one of the Cleveland Stone company strikers, was indicted by thd'grand jnry on the'charge of first degree murder for the killing of Rupert Becker, night watchman at Amherst, Harvey Finley has brought suit in Madison"county against the Baltimore and Ohio" Railroad company to re­ cover $25,381 fob Injuries sustained in a wrack a t Orient, near Columbus, on Aug, i t last, . Luther Gaver found leu books of money others, postal savings receipts, stamps, etc., under a bridge near Marysville. They Had been stolen from the Milford Center posteffice Oct, 15 .ISW, Ohio' kbraeshoers assembled at Dayton were told by Editor J. C. Buckley of the Horseshoors' Jf&nrnat. that there are more than horses 1n the country, a? compared with 2,000,000 autos. Leo Nolder, twefity-s'even, Lynch­ burg, entered a plea of guilty a t Cin­ cinnati to anjindictment Charging him with burglary of the poatqfflce a t Ba­ tavia; :Tie was sentenced to Atlanta federal prison tor seven year?, Charged with first degree murder, Earl Jennings, twenty. Is held at Mid­ dletown In connection with the death? of David Brooks, forty-five, and James Nichols, thirty-five, Jennings is said to have used his fists and a picket, Miss Anna Gemniel!, forty, of Sa­ lem, stenographer, appeared la fed­ eral court in Cleveland and changed her plea of not guilty In the “poison pen" ease, Which has stirred Salem for two years. She admitted writing several objectionable letters to Misr Vera 1 Ziegler and others. She Wm fined *TW. With $500 worth o t silk ln a travel­ ing bag, a man giving his- name as Henry' Smalley, twenty-six; TotedO tto* i,,charged, was arrested In a Lima store, with shoplifting, ?• -- "At Youngstown John Btriko. shot .hi* wif#Afina, her cousin. Jbhh Aleck, and himself, All three are In serious, ■condition, StriKo’e wife had refused to live with him. » , 'William F, Alt, former city auditor of Kenton, Indicted for embezzlement of $10 j 463, pleaded guilty and was "sentenced to an indeterminate te r n In th e penitentiary^ Toledo’s streetcar strike was end­ ed wheh the union men accepted an Increase ot 3 cents, an hour. Em* pldycB, -however, will not h*? permit-, ted to wear onion badges. A proposition' to Issue $42,000 in bonds tor a, new children's home will be;?ubmiUe.d to the; voters,of Porty. county at an election April. 25. The present hem# has been condemned; * Match-Weather hit the growing wheat crop in Ohio hard. Bctrd of agriculture estimate? the 1918 drop prospects a t 66 per cent of «T aver­ age, against 71 per cent-last Month. Governor Willis :approved the ap­ pointment of Thomas E, Green, Day- ton , flood hero of 1913, as telephone expert tor the state public utilities commission. The position pays $3,700, Miss Anna Gahimell, forty, of Balein, was indicted a t Cleveland on a charge of sending objectionable matter through the mails. Miss Gemmsll I t prominent In religious circles of Sa­ lem, ■ John A. Conner, merchant of Cum­ berland, filed suit against the Baltj-; more and Ohio In the Guernsey coun­ ty courts, In which he asks for $25,* (iod damages for injuries received in a Wreck. J, F. Kaiser, locomotive engineer, of Llmd, has filed suit for, $75,000 dam­ ages against the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton railroad. Kaiser was In­ jured when the fluq sheet of his loco­ motive blew up; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin, an aged couple of Marysville, were seri* cnsly injured while driving on the Lu* ,c?i pike, In Madison county* when their horse became frightened and turned the buggy over. > Bids in the second (largest toad con­ struction contract letting In the his- to rf of the state highway department wet? opened by Commissioner Cowan, There was 168 bids on forty sections »t highway distributed through all Jiarts of the state, Senator Wafrcn G. Harding was chosen t o preside as temporary chalf- Hian *of the Republican national con* Vctttfoh, which meets at Chicago In June. Governor Willis wlU present the name of Theodore Burton for the presidential nomination. In a report on the city of Bellalre, mibmitted by the examiners of the state bureau of accounting, there are reports,- of findings tor recovery amounting to $4,806.47, The amount which A. J ; Norton, city clerk, Is ask­ ed to return is $8,710.18, w E a rs# oUpping dons a t my barn ^ ^ or will *4 lo your ba r? . Priara ' ! ^ ^ ’ #! ?*?** *** reasonable, a O, ** ^ 1 * 'm Complete t i n t of new piotur* frame moulding* a t NA&LEY'ft ltd d io , PJU»g, ttoo AYHAX^ - 1 ■ ^ 1. . .. 1,11..■ .. . M wwjwmio—1 >im ii.,w ini*w ii >wwi w* . mw iim > What Three Dollars a Week ffifliDe 'UPPOSE you agree to pay a week ion. §Q$m purchase. You would doit. But «u^po#ff p fti Agreed with yourself that you would deposlk |3 A week in a savings account with this bank where the money will earn At the end of ten years you : would have $1,904.44; at the end of twenty year» you 1would have $4,759.40; at the end of thirty yeari' you would have $8,976.48. You could then live without • work and be assured a comfortable old age. This ia a \ moderate saving plan and yet many people accumu- . late aaubsfcantial fund from one er two dollars a week. We Cordially Inyite Your Account* li th e r ■ Checking or SOvIng. m* C ed a rv ille , Ohio OFFICERS,and DIRECTORS Seth W, §with Geo. W, Rife ;r Oliver Garlough " G. E. Jobe Oscar L, Smith - L .F , Tindall \T i r -V- » ' ■ » / r. Tbsy are madewith* a certain defanite alirr in view-r-and that is-*-to enib!e you to do bettor work, and more of it, and with greater ease to youreelf and . your horses than you have,,eyer d0|0 t ; have them th tell you a!! about, them. Ke<r & Hastings ■.% $»< s4 TH£ UNIVERSAL .CAH Here's an important fact! one-half of all the carson American highways are Fords. Because Ford cars have given satisfaction from the beginning. Every Ford owner Is a Ford booster, for the car more than meets his expectations. Consider, the record of. the Ford first and you wont look further wlheti' you buy. Runibaut 0390;Tourina Car $440; Counalot. •8001 Town Car 0640; ••dan $740. All prioea f. o. b- Dotroit. RALPH:MURDOCK, Sgt, f Csdsrvllle and Ross.Townships Displayat Owsiis &Sou’S Gaiig*. a e a c s f a i e e i i " " . , ,■» ( ' . ’■ i ■ t " ■* i i c- , X. . . ?#>«*» '-if. w■ MORTGAGE LOANS Long term with repayment priv­ ilege «m Treble Mlanti, Bhalfay a Clark, Greene, Warref. aid Moat gomery Gefint^'F|rm«f, V lil iunliilUlM.’ t * m SeM mh >fixekaged Oil Famrf M t j Cs. 7 l 4 $ i lR M l i f ih i o m o H O i i o ®