The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 1-26

* \ fmMwMmm Qm Jtb Workwilt *omp*r© with Ihtttol *ny other firm .... She Tbfi lira wke% nutfkH with *4 in­ dex, denote* that* yeark sabscffp- tion it put due axida prompt *et- tlwwant i* earnestly d#*Ir®d, , , THIETT-KINTH YJSAIt NO, 2 $. CEDARVILLE* WILL LAY OUT AND PLOT NEW ADDITION, w V w Tuei^ay where- ” 7 G. W, C. Hannah* o f Portjunoutii p u r d iu e a t b e e i x and one-half acre l i f e * .S U 3*? o t ^ e Clifton adioinin* the north corporation o f the village belonging to Mr*, xSetta Bull. The deal baa been pend- to* f o r *wae tune but wa# dosed iuoadav and the new owner la now prepat&g to plot and add the same to the corporation &s soon as posaibla. The site ia ideal fo r building pur- a riiluable ad- t to the village, Mr, hjas « e v * NO MOTOR ROUTES. proued this «!«»,. fo r a^lo^sal^rtwl* , ffaretma and not until after the recent bar ^ S e r town# ho im have HeT w f atic f®liti' Within the na*t i «*an# been convinced that a change Djspatchaa last Saturday stated the poet office department in Wash­ ington had withdrawn ail plans for motomation o f the rural routes in Greene, Treble, Darke, Miami, Mont­ gomery end Pickaway counties. For months the officials have been hooded with appeals from patrons not to change the routes and for a time it appeared that the department was go­ ing ahead. When congress failed to provide funds fo r the new system the real stone -was placed in the way o f any change and patrons fe lt Bure that the service would be continued, Senator Pejuerene has been very indifferent towards the people ,on this ques ion b FRIDAY, MAY JB, 1916 IK POLITICAL CIRCLES. ithin the past two or three years Jamestown and South Charleston have had new additions added and there has1 ■been & demand hero fo r building sites. COUNTY SPELLING MATCH. A lice Baines, a second year high school girl o f Clifton is the champion s p e lls o f this county, this being de­ termined at a spelling contest last , Saturday. She will represent Hie county a t the contest xa Columbus Juno 2. Forty-three contestants en­ tered. A prize o f 15, offered b y the Coun­ t y Board o f Education and County , Superintendent F. M. Reynolds, was divided among the -successful con­ testants. Miss Baines was given $3; Dale Turner, o f New Burlington, who took Second place, with, a grade o f 33.2, was awarded $2. The next ten were awarded $1 each as follows: Pau­ line Hurley, - Caesarcreek; Everett Blair, New Burlington; Verna Huff­ man, Caesarcreek; Grace Brown and Melya Shupp, Bellbrook; ’ Dewey Durnbaugh, Beavercreek; Maud Strong, New Jasper; Dorothy Sheeley, Ross;. Lois Ndrthup, Clifton; Mar­ garet Stowe, Xenia, Miami township, Y e llow Springs, SilvercTeek, Jeffer­ son, Jamestown and Osborn did not take part In the contest. Three hun­ dred words were given in the test. Or, MHOa’ Anti-Pain Pills for rheumatism. . . .....................................ange would be.dangerous as indicated by the Pomerene vote’ in the counties where this new form o f service was to ba tried out. Recently two inspectors were in this county,, here more to feel the public pulse than to.find out the contentions o f the patrons. The men Were in town over night and .were mom inter­ ested when they learned the adminis­ tration was to suffer i f a change was made,. Regardless o f the department’s claims we have been unable to find-a single community that is at all satis­ fied-’ where the new system has been started. c Mrs. E. C. Oglesbee entertained about twenty-five lady friends Tues­ day..afternoon in honor o f her guest, Mrs. O. H. Milligan o f Pittsburg. Wilmington, is said to be enjoying a great building bodm this summer. A ?350,000 court house is being erect­ ed, a $60,000 Catholic church, and fifty new. residences. Just recently new additions have been added to the town and extensive building is the re­ sult. With jail this the Murphy thea­ tre building is.being erected with a seating capacity o f 1,500, The new building is being erected fo r a former citizen, Charles W. Murphy, wealthy capitalist that formerly owned the Chicago National Baseball club who desired' to give his home town a mod­ ern theatre. . « OVER THE ’PHONE. Hie following Clevei/ lines, appeared in a Columbus paper several days ago and were written b y Hal Reid, the playwright, who when stopping at i the Chittenden, while trying to reach soma o f .his old friends over the tele­ phone. Mr. Reid called f o r a number o f former friends but was informed that most o f them were with ns now only in memory: I used the ’phone this morning to-talk to Cedaryille; . . 1 wished to hear from “m y old home town”—you. know a fellow will: I’Ve been away fo r many a year, I did not know just who To call fo r and to tell the truth X Scarce knew what to do. ‘ I remembered Gharles Huffine®, “ Bub” Huffman, and Will B6yd And how we used to play at school . With pleasure unalloyed. * , * , . / ■ \ The time or filing petitions for state, county and district offices in the primaries is nearing, the expiration being on June 3. Already many have filed their declarations which is nec­ essary upder the new law, only five voters being required to sign the pe­ tition. * The interest manifest in the central committee has attracted quite a few candidates over the county. Hie pres­ ent committee seems to be in a tur­ moil due to friction over the manage­ ment and it is Said threats have been made, during the past year to re-or­ ganize the executive committee. The chairman of the executive commit­ tee is said tat have worn out his wel­ come about the state house in Colum bus and a t headquarters and fo r that reason the “ Nothing Doing” sign, has been hung out fo r Greene county. This eallB to mind the appointment o f D . Q. Morrow o f Hillsboro as a member o f the O, S. & S. Of, Home Board. The present committee strongly objected to his appointment and it is said that Chairman Marshall made all sorts o f claims to Governor Willis. Some o f the objections were so redicut&us that the Governor was moved to make investigation. To this end>one o f the Governor's staff visited this county, .made a.personal investi­ gation and found that the charges were groundless and not made in good faith. The Governor immediately named Col* Morrow1 f o r the Home board which Stands, as a rebuke to the chairman o f this committee. From all reports this was not the first time attempt was made to mislead Hie Governor, who had been trapped mice by the misrepresentations o f the “ blue-sky” -operator.' Hie spirit o f the non-partisan judi­ cial election is certainly being ob­ served by the manner in which vari­ ous counties are endorsing Judge H . L. Ferneding fo r re-election to . the Court o f Appeals.' ' The-Judge Xs the Democratic member o f the court, the other two- being Republicans. To make the court as non-partisan as possible the attorneys in the various counties are making this endorsement. Hie. movement is on the "part o f the Republicans as a reward fo r the open support given Tudge Allread' by the Democrats,a fe> years ago when no nomination was made. Judge Fferne- ding is worthy o f re-election. He came from Montgomery county and is an able lawyer and has proven a competent jurist. The’ Board o f Elections has re-or­ ganized under the law, the new mem­ ber taking his ' seat, D. O, Jones. James .Fletcher ,was chosen chief and Frank Bickett, clerk. Mr. J, A , Fin­ ney, who ban been the efficient clerk fo r several years did not desire the position longer due to his candidacy in the primary f o r prosecutor. ** R. P. GENERALfemm BIN SESSION. . 1. Jt Th*R, P, GamrsfcBynod of North America is m sMtsfen this week at the Reformed Proa lytenan church, The opening sermo i was delivered Wednesday evenlo by the retiring moderator, Rev. W lliam Batterson, ofMarlssa, 111, Thursday morjtts g Rev: W. P. Uarrtman was oh *en moderator, Dr>J. L. CbesnUk, slerk and Rev. L. A. Benson, Cla$ Center, Kan,, assistant. 1 Synod learned wi b deep regret of the death of a roller' pastor, Dr. W. H. Galley,of tb* FH| b ohureh,Phila- ‘ delphla, who fluffs ad a paralytic stroke, Dr- Guile* celebrated, hie fortieth ■anniysrsaw as pastor of the Fifth ehuroh *®w months ago; OHIONEWScor TOTHEQUICK Mr. Charles Wi Cecfarvflle’s oldest departed this life 1&16Sat 12:65 p. tn<> Elm street, aged k le y one o f lored citizens day, M ay' 15, his home on yea rs and 13 days, He had beets Ui about five months; hut b ore bi«|tufferingr with' patience and w a s-con sciou s until a short wh ile before b y p a s sed away. He Was o f a quiet d isposition and w ell lUved by. a ll w » know him . Ho professed ahopeln .phrisfc when quiet young and Jkepatho faith until the end, assuring hM ch ild ren and friends it wa* wa ll w ith h is sou l, D u rlngh is illnessf, h| was tenderly cared fo r b y h is ch ild ren . -H e loaves to mourn higt loss s ix ohil d ien ; Carrie, Jonah;?and M illie o f C eda rv ille; M a ry «| Springfield; Jbseph, o f Dayton ; B|ia, o f W ood s town, N ew Jersey. Nathaniel W eak ley , O,, and one elate Brutod, o f Kansas. ? and a host o f relativ We loved him, yes we 1 But angels loved, him And they.have sweetly To yonder shining shc|e The golden gates wet* A gentle yoice said a And-wlth farewell n He calmly entered C A R D OF no brother, Jamestown, Mrs. N an cy MiefioUri; t»nd friend s. ed him, lore ( Red him HOW lortpn how he used t ° hammer sm ,_____'go ing .fishing in the "crick” when but a boy watched the old mill wheel g o ’round with constant childish joy. That made me think o f Barber—we used to call hilb “Hen” So I thought I’d call him on the phone And 1 did it there and' then, “ Central” *took the order ahd I waited quite .awhile; My heart whs in the village and I waited w ith a smile. There was trouble With the number so I asked—as quick men will TO let me talk directly with the girl a t Cedarville, And presently I got her and asked fo r old friend “Hen,” There came a choking, sobbing sound, I listened close and then Came faintly o’er the wire—a voice—ahd this is what it said: . “ I’m Henry Barber’s nephew, sir, and Fen fy Barber’s dead.” I ’ve played a lo t in public, I’m usedi to crowds o f men, I’ye faced a thousand people—and talked to them—and then Have heard the racket o f applause—and all these things I ’ve known ■Bpt-I choked, too, this morning, and hung up the telephone. hafl already filed his* ’’declaration, (ion and Amos Tonkinson led, fK S • . sincere corpei or the W|th the T° Dayton, May 24th THEGREATSUBURBANDAY Our buying long ago was with the thought of your needs for Memorial Bay and' for Summer, NEVER BOUGHT SO WELL. Watch Dayton uesday papers for— “Dayton’s Shopping Center’s” Offerings P £- That alone will be reward enough for your coming. The Elder & JohnstonCo. iWhen YouSellYour Bogs 3ta pound* that count.* In order to have your hogs full weight Rh*jr moat oa in good feeding condition, i Free From Worms . “Mone/back’*is guarkuteed to rid your hogs of worms and keep them In good feeding condition. PRICE#;--10 lb*M fbS&l ♦s.f5;B0 ibs., $6.25; 160 lb8«, km 0JJ#00 lbo,, at #0.00pef" huaered, $00 lbs., at $3.00 per hundred, I oh lb*, at $7.85 par hundred, 200J lb*, at $«,?« per hundred. ALL ORDERS DELIVERED FREE Canufaetured b y J f “fifoaqrback C * d » r » l l l » , CHIP ti«hari»' D m * *tw» Powder Co PhdAft 201 township have been filed board o f election*. Attorney Morris Rice o f Osborn baa been traveling in these parts Supposed­ ly the interest o f his candidacy fo r the Probata Judgeship which Chair­ man L. T. Marshall flays he shall not have as be has saved that berth for his brother, J. C. Marshall, who soon will step down and out after,, fou r year* as clerk o f court and four years a* deputy: Morris doe* not seem to be daunted by hi* former friend’s threats nor, has he any fear o f the Marshall knife on election day. Ho is letting the county chairman create' the stir and be follows and explains the situation to tlio electorate.. Two other candidates seem certain, Prose­ cutor Frank Johnson, who smiles when he reads o f four or five candi­ dates ' miming, and Judge Howard who may seek re-election, Cedarville township and the village as well would like to keep voting fo r “ Bob” Williamson fo r years to come, whether it be fo r county commis­ sioner o r some other office. “ Bob” is not only a campaigner but his strong fort is giving the people what they want so fa r asfit is within his power. Mr. Williamson recognizes what these two precincts hare done fo r him in the past and he has tried to favor our people but it cannot be said that such has been done to the detriment of any other section o f the county. La conjunction with the trustees o f this township Messrs, Williamson and Austin have granted the use o f the road building outfit to repair our roads. Some temporary work Is needed on Xenia avenue and North Main street and a roller and outfit was necessary to’ do the work prop­ erly. Mr. Williamson was appealed to in behalf o f the village and it seemed to be a pleasure fo r him to grant the request for he knew the condition o f these streets. It isn’t out o f place here to mention that Mr. Wil­ liamson has had an extensive experi­ ence in road building amTis pleased to know that the village is taking the proper course in paving the business Section o f Main street. W# wish to „th: ta s inafffisfti'itsrrsfSfffitiring tne illnessand at the t|me-of.death of our beloved father, also to , the doners of bekuttful flowers to Rev* Allah and Key. Powell for their comforting words. From Weakley Sisters; CHURCHSERVICE. UNITED PRE8BYTEFUAN, •J. S. E . Mbliiohaol, pastor Sabbath S chool at 0:30. R ev , Thom as’Wh ite.of the Third B . P ,, church , Philadelphia, w ill preach at 10:30 a . m. Y , P. O. U . a t 8 : 00 . Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 ■infflu .. v Mi E . CHURCH. J. W , Patton, Pastor. Sunday’S ch o o l at. 9:80 a. m . Rev, R . W . Chestnut, of Duans- bury. Pa., will preach at the M . E . church Sunday mornlugat 10:30 Mr, Chestnut is one of the ministers at­ tending the Synod at the R , p. ihnfch, Epworth League a t 6:80. You are cord ia lly invited. JUNIORS ENTERTAIN. The Juniors o f the High school banqueted the Senior* at the home o f Mrs. M. C, Nagley, Friday evening. Covers vrere laid for twenty-seven in the dining room which had been beau­ tifully decorated in green and white. The junior colors o f purple and white with Violet* and ferns were used in decorating the other rooms.. Hie guests were received by Misses Mar­ jorie McClellan, Eloise Davis, Marie: Nagley and Dorothy Oglesbee, who also acted as waiters. The menu card* were cut to represent the sen­ ior class emblem and were printed in f reen, The favors were crocheted askets in green and white filled with mints. Four courses were served. Mr. Robert Evans, Junior president, acted as toastmaster and welcomed the guests. Response was made by John Wright of the seniors. Prof. ‘ Fortney and Prof. Siegler each gave *toast* while Miss Hazel Lowry gave a ' toast lo the Junior*. The farewell in behalf of the junior* was given bv i Wilbur Conley and Miss Helen Brad- futa re*pond*d. Misses Eloise Davi* and Dorothy McClellan each gave a reading, R. P. CHURCH (MAIN STREET) J. L. Chesnut, Pastor. Teacher*’ meeting Saturday evening at 7 o’clock. Sabbflth School Sabbath morning at 9:30 o'clock. Tho pregcher at tbe morning service w ill be the Rev. W . P. HarfiWhii, moderator o f General Synod, and for the evening service, Dr. John Parks o f Philadelphia. C, E . Society 6:80 p<m, . P rayer meeting Wednesday even ­ in g a t 7. —W e arc equipped to' turnlsh the greatest $15 Men’ s and Y oung Men’s suit in th« country. A ll models, C. A . W E A V E R . Xen ia, O. DRAFT STALLIONS. • - -a., .Pfincfl A lbert, tli* Imported Belgian and Longjumsan, the Im ­ ported Percheron, w ill m ake the season a t t h e fo rm on ths W ilm in g ­ ton ,road fust south o f Gedarvlile. Owing to the unsettled condition o f tne horse market the season for «aoh horse will b s$ l5 for a c o lt to stand and suck. Thl* is an ex­ ceptional opportun ity to breed y ou r mares to proven *lre» a t such a low fee. B ook y ou r mares early. AN D R EW W IN TER . Oscar Lee, Groom . Phones, b am 18 on 103 and resi­ dence 88. I f in ttsod o f a oorii plantar o r disc-harrow nail and see ns. * MoFarhmd A McKee, Lima la to havB a new high school. Roseville will observe home coming week beginning June 5, Mayor John headed clean-up crusade at New Lexington. Paul Klepac was killed in an auto­ mobile wreck at Cleveland. James Jf, Barrett* former chief of police of Mansfield, 1* dead. Mr. aiid Mrs. Martin Frindle, Rose­ ville, celebrated their golden wedding erniversary. At Sidney Mrs. Nicholas Rlchem berg, thirty-fpur, died ftom injuries; received in a runaway. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Gaston, Mary*. vllle, were injured When their auto ran Intp some sod and turned- over." - Masked robber* shot and wounded Bert Davis and his three-year-old; daughter at the Davis home near Foa- toria, ' - Rowland Rawdon, seventy, fell from his wagon,while unloading milk at ■Windsor ahd died,.from a fractiired skull. • Newark City "Firemen O, JB. Moy­ er* and Dayid Griffith were Injured when a fire track was struck by a cut of'cars. ? Two hundred guests at. Bonebrake seminary, Dayton, became ill at a banquet, Tainted chicken was held responsible, Emery Frost, forty-two,‘ a carpen­ ter, was killed when <he fell from tho top of a 208 foot construction tower at Columbus. Knights of Columbu^ In session at AkrOn. re-elected all state officers^ and selected Sandusky as the convention city In 1917, , - Electrical workers, at Cleveland were granted their demands for an increase o f wages. Will receive 75 cents an-hour.- • By the end of the year Ghio will have 2f{|,fiOO automobile owners, ac­ cording to the estimate of State Auto Registrar "Walker, Fourteen! persons were bruised when a Norfolk and Western passem ger train was - derailed thirty miles west of Portsmouth.’ •C. M, Board of Union ’eouuty Was clpeted president o f the Central Ohio Baptist association. Next* meeting will he held at Larue, i A. "V, Sandies,' former president’ o f thh state agricultural commission, haa teen offered, the presidency o f the Maryland Agricultural school. ' Burglars entered the Farmers’ Na- tkmal bank, at Clarksville, ten mites vrest o f Wjlmingfon. and escaped *" attempted'to stop, from - rewboat" tied to a dock fifth s Huron river at Huron, Lionel Bartlett, five, lost his footing and was drowned, Sandusky citizens at a mass meet­ ing adopted a resolution askliig tb« city comminslOn to temdvfe City Man­ ager K. B. Ward on charges o f ineffi­ ciency,. More than, 100 pieces of lead were imbedded In tho body of Louis Mapel,, eight, Columbus Grove, when a dyfia- mjte cap he was playing with ex­ ploded. : I Sparks from the cupola o f the mold-' Ing room practically destroyed the plant of the Spier Manufacturing com­ pany at Now Philadelphia. I>osa $25,000." Lieutenant Governor John H. Ar­ nold filed papers with the secretary o f state to become a candidate for re. nomination In the Republican pri­ maries Aug. 8. t. G. Jolmston and Bruce Patterson, residents o f -Springfield, driving a roadster, sustained, serious injuries when iliolr machine turned turtle near Mansfield. Jesse Dcemer, Iddnsped by Mexican bflndlts in tho Brewster county, Tex., raid, was bom in Trumbull county and lived many years at Jefferson, Ashtabula county, Ten-year-old daughter of W. G. Lindenwood was accidentally shot in the head and killed by a youngflr sis­ ter at home in Centervllte/ The girls had been playing with aahotgutt. Orville, Charles and Harley Dearth, aged #lx, eight and ten, respectively, Were drowned in Paint creek, near Chillicothe, when a rowboat in which they were riding upset in sWlft Water near a dam, Mrs. Forest McLaughlin, twenty- two, was fatally injured and-her in­ fant child killed at Nelsonvllie when a Homo which Mrs. McLaughlin, wad driving became frightened at a street­ car and ran away. Mike1Tnkaoh brought suit at Steu­ benville against the Sunday Creek Coal company for $10,099 damages for the death of his elght-yearioid son. who was ■ overcome with black damp Li the Cobgo mine, Five neighbors o f Samuel Clark, who resldgMear Mt. Vernon and who allege* that they Were member* of a party of seven men who applied a coat of tar" arid feather* to hi* body, were placed under arrest. Railroad*, must pay full damages for bgfcifcgs cheeked ahd lost in transit* hegardlesa of statement* printed m tho back* of baggage chock* ff* the effect o f "the liability of the Awrisr Is limited to $100.” The elate supreme court so held. Appointments made by Governor W ilts: - Frank M. Marriott (Item.), Delaware, and W. II. Stout (Rep.), UkriehsviUe, members state board ot tliaritie*: D. G- Morrow (Rep.), Hills­ boro, . trustee Xenia Soldier*’ <)r- Jhans* home; John J. McKnight (Reu.), Columbus, member state board o f accounting; M. G. Thraveft (Dera.), Fremont, member state board ft library commissioners. The library opened Wednesday* May i f * . A ll book* are due* if returned by Saturday there will be no fine,. LOST—Paper* in large file enve­ lope pertaining to Main street im­ provement on Federal pike some­ where between the Hopping corner, and J. H. Stormont’s residence, Find­ er please notify this office or Attor­ ney Harry Smith, Xenia. TOGS, $ 1,00 A YBAB W il l r o ll s t r e e t * Arrangement* have been made by Chairman Ross o f tbe street commit­ tee to grade NorthJMaim street a* well Xenia ava HOUSE AND LOT on Xenia Ave„ Cedarville, will be sold on the premis­ es at Public Auction on Saturday at 8 o’clock p. m. June 3rd, 1916, in or­ der! to close the Martha It. McMillan estate. See legal notice in this is ­ sue* The members o f the South Charles­ ton Glee Club were entertained Mon­ day evening at the home o f M r,.and Mrs. W. R, Watt. a&A m* enue. Ana imprev*mw»t i* made possible by the actw» o f tha commissioners and the township ft®*’ giving the village fre e jw e o f thg road machinery. North tees Main street and part o f Xenia avenue -have been in such Shape that the ordinary read scraper would not do tbe wfipk, Hv* county has special machinery and the ( work will start as soon as the Kerr read has been relied* Stone ha# been ordered and will be ns*d in repairing the bad places a* sooA a* the grade has been finished. This is expected to hold until a more permanent improve­ ment can be made on these streets. ■ i i {^ F j FICERS of The Exchapg* Bank' o f Cedarville " ” take a human interest in tho affairs of its custo- J mers and they are always ready to do a good turn whenever, it Is possible. Our .depositors appreciate •the painstaking service that we render and we invite ■new accounts on the same basis as we are servirigo^r ,present patrons. ' ' * E S T A B L I S H E D IN T H E Y E A R I 8 9 0 A N D S E H V I R G - C O N S T A N T L Y T H E I N T E R E S T O F T H E P E O P L E O F T H I S ! C O U N T Y PAID Off SAVINGS AC- fO1* COUNTS IN ANY AMOUNT G e d a r v U i e i O h i o T H E U N . I V E R S A L C A R .With several hundred - makers of automobiles in Atnetica, the Ford factory turns out'more .than one- half of the entire finished product. Because the worth of Ford' cars as dependable, money-saving utilities has becn demonstrated beyond all' question, the demand is constantly increasing. Order yours NOW. Fturrebiut $ 3 9 0 lT au r ln g Car $ 4 4 0 j Coupa lat * 5 9 0 ; T ow n Car $ 6 4 0 " Sudan $ 7 4 0 . All pries# f. o . b- Detroit. R A L P H M U R D O C K , A g t . l Cadarville and Rosa Townships Display at Owen* & Son’* Garage, fcflaily inwheel traoks on tmltivAtedsoil. On ’ TheOliver , N o , l C u l t i v a t o r ; the rear kfiioveli.. work prAotically Behind the w h e e ls— lea v in g n o ancdi traak«» one of. the many advantagesthis culdvator U u - It talc^i asmalleramount oflabor tobothjfuidsaim raise themwshhie. The seat her iulde and horse lift make it decidedly easier to handle^ Cultivate your erop Indie ri|htway “-the. Oliver way““ and inorease the amount ofyour orop. Ask to *«• tba Off«ff No. 1 ■ Sa*U$ i i b*lisvia|. . ’ ’ KERB &HASTINGBROS.