The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 27-52

iwmm tfKSmimmmmm '.awww hftN Mtfaw A V E I N 5 A F E T ’IMPOSSIBLE! FIDDLESTICK W I JtFOBBIBLB' for y*u to save racmay? Fiddlesticks. ’‘Im ­ possibility" is now *m old-fsshlonod word with ’•» definition, but no meaning. Impossibilities nowaday* are only the half- Uaarfced efforta of "qu itters,n A saving* account never quit*. IT WORKS NIGHT AND b a y . And the longer i t worJcs.the harder it works, for here i t pays you 4per cent iateratft compout Jed semi-annually. **• rtrfit1Tfiiffittiiiiriri“f!ri,'Tfi',Tir The Cedarville Herald. | i . o o P e r Y e a r . KARLM BULL Editor ns we have been for inaay montlis. s These men must enter the govern . ment service under legislation that t becomes effective ffuly first. They } must enter for six‘ye&rs, three in ac- } tive service and three in reserve i n ! case their services are not required, I if such they must continue, ; '' But the loss to manufacturers and [ business interests is not to be com- MOBNINGS ARE ^ HAPPIEST HOURS. / Entered a t the Post-Office, Cedar- ^ _ villa, October 31, 1887, as second pared to The'tofat of ”thc 'head oTa i Get the Sglrjt of the Early Day Iota Your Being. class matter. IT MAKES THE BREAM OF COMFORT IN OLD AGE COME TRUE, The Springfield Savings Society is the oldest as well* as the largest distinctively savings Bank in all Central Ohio. Its phenomenal success has boon due to the fact th a t its management has always placed the interests of its patrons before every other consideration. IN FORTY-THREE YEARS IT HAS NEVER SUSTAINED A SINGLE LOSS., Stive money; Save energy, Deposit by mail. Make the two-eent stamp your errand boy in the best business venture of your life. 4 The Springfield Savings Society SPRINGFIELD*, OHIO- Addrtys inquiries to the Springfield Sav ings Society , .9 East Main S treet, Springfield, Ohio. Interest- starts on your deposits from the first of every month J. A. Finney announces bia candi- F“«y fifty.per cent of the members dacy for the Republican rfomjnatipn the Btate guard are married men, f » ftOMCutin* Attorney, 6,W « t t.|W $ «M r ten per cent more g , the the Primary election August 8th. Be a Home Town Trader ! JOIN THE HOME TOWN PROCESSION, This is your home town. Yofir interest ia- here. The town’s prosperity is your prosperity Keep the money in town by spending it in town. In order .to spend it wisely Read the Home Paper ■¥ THE TARBOX DUMBER GO., Lpfober, Fence, Paints, Oils.. ON ANOTHER PAGE OF THIS phphr you wiU.find. a very attractive offer from The Exchange Banfcof Ce­ darville, Do not fail to read as .it will be changed each week. Profit by their proposition and Grow With them. M AXW ELL AUTOMOBILE Agency, Afitp and Horse Livery and Feed*Stable. Forest K. Waddle, Resi­ dencephone 90. Bam 98. PATRONIZE THE CEDARVILLE Bakery. Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies Special Orders given attention. Tele­ phone 44. J. E. POST, PROPRIETOR. SEE WOLFORD, FOR GENERAL Blacksmitliing and Wagon Making. Auto and Buggy Painting, Telephone 25. M c F arland grocery , co . for quality and service. Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables. Phone 217, Orders promptly Delivered. EAT HINTON ICE CREAM. Special attention given to parties and banquets. Neapolitan brick 25c, Ices and Ice Cream delivered in any quantity. , W. H. OWENS, BLACKSMITHING and Repairing. Plow work and horse­ shoeing a specialty. See J. M. WILLOUGHBY FOR Good Things to Eat. Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables, Highest prices paid for country produce. All The Cedarville Four Mills wish to announce they are still making Gold­ en Flour and want you to give it a trial thq next time you order flour. RAY McKEE, The UP-TO-DATE Hardware Store. Phone 86. ' H A NN A BE fcf & CUMMINS Overland and Reo Automobiles and al. auto accessories. Use our free air at the curb. South Main Street. BEST LINE OF FRESH HOME- made Candies, and Dolly Varden cho- Cigars and tobacco at colates. . JOHN KONDES LOR BILLIARD PAR- HOME CLOTHING CO. .MEN'S and Boys’ High’Grade Clothing, Hats Furnishing Goods and Shoes. Get the Habit. Trade at Home. A E. RICHARDS, THE DRUG- gist. f . 0. M. TOWNSLEY, THE GROCER, Eggs. 21c in trade Saturday. FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1M« ANNOUNCEMENTS. family tliat must leave his hearth­ stone and dear ones to Jive the life of a soldier, a unit in a great machine, where individuality is* not respected, so much as for a day. Men that have held positions as clerks at $20 a week, expert machanies at thirty to fifty a {week must now obey ihe call and soldier for Uncle Sam at $17 a.month. jniain support of a mother, sister or aged father, What then must become 1of these families that have for years THE s p ir it o f w ar , For more than a year we have been reading of the .results of war on foreign soil. During: th is . time a neighboring country has been in tur­ moil and not content with internal rouble our Mexican/neighbors have crossed the border and ravished Am­ erican homes. During this same time the cam­ paign of preparedness has been con­ ducted by financial interests that would reap the profits of this prepar­ ation. This question has been made a political issue by both of the older parties and how far it should'be car- vied was the only difference between them. The first {of thd week the adminis­ tration at Washington found it nec­ essary to call upon th e .state troops to mass an army of 150,000 men to patrol the border and settle the dis­ turbance in our neighboring country. Ohio like all other states has a state guard composed largely of men from the factories, offices, stores and in many instances from - the farms, .These men have now been called from their various vocations)to enter the government service during what ap pears now as a situation just as we had in Cuba and the Fhillippine Is­ lands. For many years the state guard has been looked upon as an organi­ zation of little force in that most of the members joined to get the two weeks’ outing in camp with pay at the rate of $2 a day. Employers were compelled to grant this leifve of ab­ sence during the* time the companies were in camp. The situation today is far different from what it was a year ago. Manufacturers have in many instances lost valuable foremen, ex­ pert /bookkeepers, electricians, men that have fitted themselves for spec ial lines of work. Their places are not easily .filled especially when the Country is facing a shortage of labor enjoyed peace, happiness and pros­ perity and must now level themselves to exist on $17 per month. The spirit of patriotism burns in the breast of every true American when we feel that the honor of the country is at stake or _some great principle must be established. Under the present circumstances it has' been liard for many to become enthused over the Mexican situation knowing that the trouble and turmoil in that country1has been the result of the operations of financial kingB ana that selfish Interests have educated the people of this, nation to prepare for the establishment of a militarism that will rival any nation in Europe. At the End of Forty-ElQht Hours. “Papa certainly didn’t manage this ‘European trip very well. He said we’d be in Romo two days, but he made a mistake and it's three—and now we’ve seen everything, and there’s absolutely nothing to do for a whole day."—Lippincott’s. One Consolation. A man who knows only one funny story is a relief. You can remember- where the laugh comes, and avoid hurting his ^feelings,, without having to pay attention to the entire narra­ tive. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT® Estate ef Vlnna M» Harper de­ ceased, - John M. Murray and George .Murray have been appointed and qualified as executors of the estate o f y in n a M. Harper late of Greene County, Ohio, de­ ceased. Dated this 1-lfch, day of June A, D. 1516. QHARLERF. HOWARD Probate Judge of said County * We We Would Be Pleased * ; ? ° Have Vou Prop In! ,Tliea6 - Frequent Reminders . That We Are WALTER CULTICE, FOR FRESH and Salt Meats, Fruits and Vegeta bles. KERR & HASTINGS BROS. COAL Grains* Fdnce, Harness, Implements, Faints, Etc. OWENS & SON, AUTOMOBILE Service Station, Special attention given to Repair'Work. United States Tires and Accessories. Garage comer orders' delivered promptly. Phone 85. Main and Chillicothe streets. We Sell at Right Prices Lumber, Lath, . Posts, Shingles, Sash, Doors, | Blinds. Cement, Lime Plaster, Roofing Ladders, Slate, Brick, etc., etc* Soiling Good Lumber And ’Building Material Would Be Worse than Useless WERE IT NOT A FACT! Our Sole Object Is To Keep the Fact Before You, Expecting That When In Need Of Anything In Our Line, You Will Give Us A Call. TheTarboxLumberCo. JUNE and JULY Have you got your Summer Suit? I f not we want to make it for you, We know we can make the Suit right and alio the price right to suit you. KANY, The Leading Merchant Taylor XENIA, OHIO No such power in -any other car unless you pay nearly $200 more ■«r T h e O V E .R LA ND 35 H. P. at $695 A&a rule automobile prices, vary according to the power; Th§ $693 Overland is the one big, important, out­ standing exception to the rule. Because the factory builds twice as. many cars as> any other producer of automobiles of like class— y We can price this car way below its power class- nearly $200 below. Hannabery &Cummings ; South MainlSt., Auto Accessaries aad Supplies, Car owner# feel welcome* to use our free air service a t the curb. Are you bright and happy in the mornings? Catarrh is the. great American ail­ ment. Its effects are far more gen­ eral than usually are understood. Catarrh of the stomach and kidneys is a most frequent cause of chronic dyspepsia and Bright’s disease. Ca­ tarrhal conditions in the nose and throat in many cases, leads to deaf­ ness. Even the lungs arc affected because catarrhal inflammation finds an open way to the lung substances through the bronchial tubes,* If you are not bright, cheerful and. refreshed in the mornings, catarrh probably is the cause. The mental and physical, condition of catarrh sufferers is pitiable but it is surprising how many people suffer from catarrh when they fully befieve something else is the cause. Catarrh can be easily detected. Some of its commonest symptoms are: dull, throbbing headaches, watery e^es, constant sniffling, dropping of mucous into the throat at night and awakening choked and half nause­ ated, sleeplessness, dizziness, full- head, stopped up nasal passages, dry­ ness of the membranes, pains in the stomach, side and kidney region, faulty digestion, bad breath and coat­ ed tongue. Tanlac was created particularly to combat catarrh. Thousands are test! fying daily that Tanlac has fulfilled its mission. Tanlac. may now be had in Cedar­ ville at the Ridgway Drug Store, where its merits are explained* fully. . Tanlac may be obtained in Yellow Springs a t the Finley Drug Store; South Charleston, * Claude W. Deem; Jamestown, W. F. H arper XeSayer l.iu&-a Homphil. NORTH tAASM&M MM & Span” Finish your floors with Hanna's Lustro - Finish and they will look spick and span under the hardest wear., It stains and varnishes at one application. You can buy Hanna'sLustrorinisl . in any wood- color to match your woodwork. It will dry with a tough elastic coating that will - not show heel marks. Also fine for furniture, stair treads, window sills and all woodwo k, Inall Will Not Fade S o ld b y Kerr & Hastings Bros. Galloway & Cherry HE . Main.St., Xenia, O. Headquarters for Reliable .« • ■■■ Carpels* Rugs, Linoleums, Draperies, Etc. Xenia’s Exclusive Carpet and Drapery House C. M. S penee r T h e G ro cer F R E S H F I S H Phone 3-110 Ced&ryille, Ohio SCHMIDT’S When you want the best Groceries the land affords go to Schmidt’s. We have long maintained a reputation for carrying in stock all varieties of food stuffs far the table. Get the profitable hstbi of buying at the B IG G R O C E R Y . $25 Pounds of Pure Cane Granulated Sugar a t...... $ 1.98 GARFE FRUIT . * r ' «ach............................ ............ 0 C Flour—Schraidt’a Ocoan Light q . 25 lbs ............................ ......... ....... Fancy Sifted F e a t * a par cart............................................ ......... " C Sardines in oil g 8pounds of String . a Beans.................................................... | Regular 10c package of Born Flake................................................ Canned Oorn m per can ................ ..................................... [ Q Sugar Cured Bteakfasfc -e /v Bficon ...........;................. .................... l y C Regular 10c package of > m Corn F lak e ...................... .....................- *3C Tomatoes (Tl per c a n ........................... y Q Canned Corn ^ m Per oan ................................................... / C Strawberries New String Deans Peas, Radishes Onions Get a Watermelon Off the Ice For Your Sunday Dinner Wholesale and 30 South Detroit Street, © Co. RetSail fiaecers Xenia, Ohio. IT 'S t! * men! store in faction that ma Le Alexan of array Suits th now in new we* Spe The and goo 1 The gar every p£ of $he se The fi in assorti Su it idet that g tailors e THEY c: tained b inents.‘ a t $20, $‘ and you tailor’s Sprin| It Pays I 12 l-2 c 20c Can 20c Eas 10c Mer 10c Can 10c Can 10c Ca 10 g Can 10 Can 25c Can Imperia 1-4 lb. 20o lb. Domin Old Po Polar B Lenox Star, I ’ Nap Swans Red K 5 lb. K Sorghu 15o car 10c ca* 10c car 25 * T j