The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 27-52

CsterrHltfa third aamud ckauUu- 5 « MW August 31, 83, 23, 34, » . Make yewr arraage-mettts to •*UsA W W W f f h e steroid The one h>g event for CedaivUlf! and this community will htt the Ccn» Unniji to he h'Mcl "" wfiu « . W W A V A V W W A W 1 W A THIRTY-NINTH YEAR NO. 34. CEDARVIHLE, OHIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1010 PRICE, S1.Q0 A YEAR mb. 'rnmsm*- Remits On County Primary, , The p rim a ry Tuesday resu lted in a good vote being casfcin tbecppnty, though the two precinsts l>*re shows ■lightly over a fifty, per cen t vote There were several in teresting contests and some su rp rises not alone among the victors bu t those less fo rtunate. Some of the boasted strong candidates fel* sho rt in the count. Gov. W illis headed the ticket w ith 8030; Sheriff F rank Jackson nex t 80455 Recorder 23, F ., Thomas, 2778} and Congressman Fess 272L On the Democratio tick e t tiiere was no contest, Cox receiv ing 256 a n d A. P . Sandals 58. O ther sta te officers were J . H. Arnold for lieu tenan t governor 1781'; Secretary of S tate H ildeb ran t 2461; Auditor S. A. S tillwell 685; A ttorney General E, 0 . Turner 2116; Supreme Court Jam es Joyce 1005 and A. N . Summers 881. U. S. Senator, M. T. Herrick , 1678; H arry Jf. Daugherty, 878.; Chas. D ick 659; Court of -appeals, F rank I. Brown 1128; Congress, 8. D. Fess 2724; J. W .'Heifer, 680.; S ta te Senato r, U, €h Murrel 1849; C. E ’ Tippett, 1118. . County officers were as follows: Clerks—-Harvey E lam 1451; George Sheets 1886; It. O. Wead 079. Auditor—G. A. Davis 1414. A. E. Fau lkner, 8288, '. Commissioner—B .D . Williamson, 1604, G. N. Pe r rill, 1583; J . O . Comvell 1450; S. T. Baker 1231; It. Oorry, 1218;G. A . Birch, 1091; G. M. Austin, 878; J , W. Fudge, ,662; Isa iah Mason 593. Treasurer—P. C. Marquart, 318; W. B. McOalUster, 1862; J . E , Button, 2890. Proseoutor—J . A. Finney, 1823, H . B . Sm ith, 1958. • Corner—W . T, Dam ell, 760; R. L. H a rris, 1725 and W- J . Morris 1187. .The following is the local vote for town and township. Gorp. Twp. Governor— A'. '.vHttOknto******#*..*,.;...,#18 11 G. W. Shaw........ . 18 . 10 F rank B. Wtilis,...... ..106 131 Lieutenant Governor- Abram W. Alger..... 82 John Arnold............. 74 Bsorstary of Btater? ** C Q. findebraiifc-..... ,100 108 Auditor of Btate— H. M. Adams......... . 17 81 G. G. Braden... ........ ... *0 24 B. D. Gonover.......... ... 18 19 Stephen A. Stillwell.... 28 16 J . T. Tracy................ ... 14 15 Jacob Wise....,.......... 8 Treasurer— R. A, Archer.......... ... 70 107 Attorney General— Edward G. Turner....... 81 92 Supremo Court ( elect) James Joyce.......... ... 43 . 53 Cyrus N$wb 7 -.......... 26 Joseph Obermeyre. ... 10 10 Agnstus N. Summers 47 46 Wlllts Vioery........... .. 18 8 Cou rt of Appeals— . F rank 3. Brown...... 63, Moses Karnheart,:... ... 15 IS Alex, Haw thorne.... 10 Alexander Johnson 15 18 Porey R. Taylor...... 18 II. 8 . Senator— E . E . Cassel.......... . ... 2 4 H. M. D augherty ..... 46 48' Charles D ick........... .. 13 87 H a rry Pro’basco...... C Congress—, S. J), Fo ss................ 109 J . Warren Ko ifer... .. 29 29 S ta te Central Committee— H . N. F a irbank s..... 81 00 S tate Senator— U. G, M urrell........... . 47 ^Edward T ipp e tt...... 64 60 Representative— • - , W. B. Bryson.............. .. 98 122 Clerk of Court— f H arvey E lam ........... .. 44 07 Georg* "W. Sheets... .. 77 46 X. O. Woarl............... 28 Sheriff— F ra n k A. Jackson ... 145 H i Auditor— Charles A. D av is__ .. 40 46 Amos E. Faulkner... .. 85 96 Commissioner (3 to elect) . . S. T* Bfikor.............. 138 B. D. Williamson...., .. 95 66 R. B , O o rry ............ .. 75 ' 94 O', M. Austin.............. .. 24 '28 G. A. Bireh..............._ 32 28 O. Con well............ .. 2(5 28 J . W. Fudge................. 7 IS Isasah Mason.............. 16 10 a . N. P e r rill',........... .. 85 • ‘ 81 Treasurer— P . G. M a rqua rt....... . 2Q 11: W. B . McCallister... .. 54 52 J . E . S u tto n .......... . 88 96 Recorder— '■ . v ' F . Thomas.......... .104 120 Surveyor— v J . M, F aw ce tt------- .. 85 109 Prosecuting A tto rney— J . A , Finney.,.,........... .109 116 H a rryD ,Sm ith ., 48 fie w* <*/• W. T,. Darnell.......... .. 41 N 21 R , L. Haines..........— .. 63 95 W a rren J . Morns... 29' M Cen tral Committee— Corporation . J. O. Barber.............. . 95 B. P . McLean.......... PRIMARY NOTES. (y e a rt they made away w ith such a cry,. Each year -saw supporters . r" ‘‘ ",L* 1 | leaving their band due to dis- The people some years ago turned j satisfaction over Uio policy per. against the old convention form of fioed. Public sehti&teut cryetallzed nom iua tingsta te and countyofflcials tliis year and tJm whole city arose due to the corruption th a t followed. a,1d kicked tUa outfit into the street. There was a dem and for a liirect organisation ever controlled p rim a ry law and a compulsory law p a rty affair* tha t In s suffered such was passed. Tho In terest of the a defeat, When it ikme necessary people in public affairs is much for ^*e Governor ;ff the state to lower under the prim ary plan than personally investigate claims of Township 3. EL. S to rm on t.........77 A. M. Tonktijson...,...... 77 Marshal H. A . McLean is re. modeling his residence, FOR SALE—Honey, at J. H, Wol- Jord’s. SUCCESSFUL NOMINEE under the convention. Taken the state.over it cost the taxpayers one dollar tor each vote polled, Th<5 co rrup t practice act stopped the lavish expenditure of money by candidates among the voters, fflie law still needs to be strengthened and cu rtail the number of workers a candidate could have to the preotnef. instead of spending the money among the voters it now goes to what are termed “ workers” , moBi of whom can “ work" no one only the candidate. There have been m any elections in this township whereby the win uor'was picket; on the basis of the number of votes be purchased, This year “ workers" wore hired by the candidates. Tiiere probably never was a year .when these men were “ hired" out to so many candidates. For some of the offices where only two wero runn ing the same e r" had been pa id by both dates. A half dozen cases of such oan be named. I t came to our at­ tention th a t no less than four men had four and five candidates on their list , for commissioner. A b there were only three nominated the others sold out cheap. More men were hired th a t, did nothing than ever before. Some of tlieni Were not on the stree t or abou t the polls for an hour a t a time.' The time has arrived where candidates in the fu tu re will more thoroughly investigate the merits of men em­ ployed to do such work and their acts in the p a sta s to being talth fu l. the fxocutive comifJttee chairman and then make bis appointments in opposition to w h a t the chairman wanted, it was no Mender a chgnge was demanded, ,3 alike they defeated “ Billy" for committeeman and also hi# candi­ dates th a t had picked ou t soft places for turn. Truly th is is a cruel world with w inter rig h t at hand, School Board Gets One Bid. "work- candi- Hon MvronT Herrick won tb* tfehatotial noniihation Tuesday *1* m k jo ritr excelled •x p .oU tio n . of hw campaign managers, T h s r s s u lt Indicates e U a tly h U a u la i t the poll# tit Novambsr giving Ohio two JUpubUiatt I w a t o r i . Mr. B. D. Williamson h a s the honor of’being chosen as a fourth term member of the county com­ missioners, something th a t has not happened in th is couuty in many years, The vote he received Tues­ day indicates th a t the public, a l ­ though usually against long terms, has u tmost confidence iu his ability to handle the.county affairs. I t is quite an honor to land a fourth term for any office in th is county against a field of eight others, Mr. S. T. Baker is a good looser, ju s t the way to en ter such a con­ test as closed Tuesday for county commissioner. Me takes his de­ feat In a goed matured manner, has no sore spots or ill fooling towards anyone. Mr. Baker has good reason to feel proud of the support the town and township gave him and he asks us to thank the people for their in terest In Ilia candidacy. The vote ind icated little or no opposition to him which will be some recommendation to tho county in two years. Our prediction is th a t S. T. will somo day be county commissioner and th a t time ju st about two years from Tuesday, Mr. George N. Perrill applied the same principle in runn ing for county commissioner th a t be has in his business which has given him the reputation of being- very suc­ cessful. Mr. P em ll was no t daun ted by defeat bu t entered two years ago and was defeated again. Still determ ined to land w ha t he wen t a fte r entered ag a in 'th is year and F a s successful. I t cannot be said th a t he “ talked " his way into office for he is a_ poor campaigner, judging from the standard se t up nowadays. Each and every time he ran he became better acquainted with the people who soon realised th a t a safe conservative business man would be in charge of tlie county’Bin terests if George Perrili were sleeted, Xenia peopl* evidently have not been satisfied with the conduct, of the present Republican Central and Executive committee, judging from the result Tuesday. For a t least four years L. T. Marshall and R. L, Gowdy have fathered these two organizations. Affairs along party lines have been in their hands and supposed to be in the interest of certain reforms. People in tho country wane made to believe th a t temperance was the flagstaff of their bannet and far two *r three Sheriff F rank Ay Jackson may have a few. enemies,If so they failed to express themself,«s a t tho polls Tuesday. Cedaryula township stands loyally to &er candidates. F rank has the honor of .receiving the highest vote of; any candidate on the ticket from" -governor, down do fa r as these ttfO* preomets were concerned, Another Cedarville candidate th a t received handsome mnjorities here wps Joseph A F inney for county -proscouter While Mr. F inney was no t success fu lfn the coun ty4n'«, resolved w ar (&M&, *$33 nr The g rea test issue ever before the people th a t has - enabled sham politicians, secalted-reformers and hypoorltes to foel the people is the temperance issue. The present com­ m ittee has fooled the people month in and month out on th a t question, y e t Had saloonkeepers, ex-bar­ tenders,. blaokl ego of every so rt and description on th e ir staff to. con­ trol th a t element to promote pollti cal success. Tho boldest plan ever concoivsd by any gang was' killed when the public defeated, the Mo Dermott liquor license law under the referendum. This committee had well laid plaus to control not only the Baloon license in this county but Clark and Madison as well, working in connection will) the liberal interests in those coun ties.' Anyone who wants to know the tru th of this situation can find ou t for himself. I t was just such work as this th a t has turned hundreds of temperance people in Xenia against the present manage­ ment. They could no longer’ stand the double dealing th a t was going on and it was resented la s t Tues­ day, Now th a t the committee is certain to change organization there are somo places th a t need immediate attention or as soon as possible. The most important is the -board of elections. This un it of goverinental activity needs attention. I t has been tho harboring place of ap­ pointees th a t do not act for them ­ selves bu t are there only subject to orders from othors, Our prediction is th a t no longer will oleotfon judg- sbips sterkships be given out as reward to influence tome innocent woman to invest her savings in a fly-by-mght concern wherein she is not only unablo to get a dividend but cannot find a m arke t for her worthless stock. The present com mitteo has the reputation of being the “ rottonesfc" in the history of the county. I f tho public was on the inside to one ha lf of Wliafc has actually happened within tlie p a s t two or th ree years imm would feel like fighting the government. Everybody wants to know what will become of the Fourth Ward boss, "B illy’*Rogers, the man th a t has held some five hundred votes In the hollow of h il hand and cast them when he pleased. I t was "Billy’’ th a t turned the trick four years aqo th a t defeated George Sheets. Since th a t time the comity has paid tlie reward in monthly m itallmenisfor "Billy" was on the. pay roll In the clerk’s office. At least two combination* were fixed up to kept "B illy’*on the pay roll In this campaign. The colored gents iu the "Fourth" ditcovered tha t "Billy** had all the jobs under tit*control sa to treat everybody! Tlie school board opened bids Monday for the sewerage disposal p la n 'th a t m u s t be installed under orders of the state board of health. The lone bidder was Wuoliney & Theadq, of Columbus, who bid *4544. Tho estimated cost was >5000 bu t the board though t the bid was too high and decided- to advertise for more bids. The above bid did not include th.o cost of the site for the plant or tho damages to other property in layjng the hue. LIGHTNINGSTRIKE'SBARN. During the thunder storm Sab­ bath afternoon lightning B.truck the bdrn on Andrew Bros, farm just south of town and in a tow minutes the entire structu re was in flames. Two horses were in the barn at tho time , bu t by the quick action of Frank Dehnehoy they were gotten out. Beside some farm machinery there was about $1000 worth of harness and .80 tons of hay. The loss is placed a t about $4000 with only a small amount of insurance with the Greene County Mutual, Mr. Donnelley was burned, slightly in rescuring the horses. APPRECIATED THE BAND. The S. of V, Band played for the Greene County Fair last Friday and received much favorable com­ ment over their playing. Although the boys have only been organised a little over a year their services are being demanded- other p lates. They are in Jamestown for tlie fa ir this week. RAINS FRESHEN CROPS But one or two little Sprinkle# ^ g l ^ e o t s un til fiat) ’ bath afternoon when a-good shower fell. However th is did not/cover ths entire community as the territo ry in the neighborhood of the cross roads school house only re eeivsd p„art of. it, W ith the rain came a heavy wind in soma places and the-oorn was blown down, and badly twisted, a condition similar to th a t of la s t year. DEADSTOCK WANTED. Wo will pay $6 for horses and $6 for cows within 10 mile# of Xenia., Boyoud th a t point we will pay* $4 and $6 respectively. For other dead stock wo will pay according touvalue. If roads are good we will send ^ au to trucks, otherwise wo semi a team. Telephones Bell 337W. and Citizens 187. Faetory phone Citizen*"/!. Bend letter or pOBtal card if you cannot reach us by tele­ phone. We pay telephone tolls. Xenia Fertilizer Company. GEOKGH HOLSTEIN, Manager. LEGAL NOTICE. Common Fleas Court, Greene County, Ohio. In a Guoliring, Plaintiff vs, William Guehring, Defendant W illiam Guehring, residence un­ known, will, take notice th a t on tho fith day oi June, 1910, said plaintiff filed In said coudi her petition against him for divorce, on the grounds of wilful absence for more than three years, and th a t the-same will be for hearing a t the Court House in Xenia, on August 21, 1916, or as soou thereafter as the same can be reached, by which time de­ fendant m ust answer or demur to said petition or judgment May bo taken against him. INA GUEHRING, Plaintiff. Whnted/men and girls to work in our Twine and Rope Mills. Work easy to learn; Bteady employment and good wages. Apply to Tho Hooven & Allison Company, Stcelo Building, Xenia, Ohio. at SIMPLE LIQUID STARTLES MANY HERE, People report incredible results from simple lavoptik eye wash. A girl suffering from weak, strained eyes was helped by one application. Her mother could hardly sew or read because of eye pains. After one week her trouble was gone. A small bottle !of lavoptik is guaranteed to help EVERY CASE Avcak, strained or in­ flamed eyes. ONE WASH will startle with its incredible results. Pure aluminum eye cup FREE with] eacli bottle, A. E, Richards, druggist (No.l) j War Time Prices For Produce P RICES for produce, especially everything 'll! foods, are likely to be high for a year or two per­ haps mor«. Now is the time for tho farmer and his family to save money. Have a Bank, Account at this Bank and depositextra money as it comeg in. You will gradually accumulate a substantial fund a t the bank. When prices' go down, as they doubtless will after the war, you will have the fruits of your saving, with the interest paid by this Bank, which is 4$ compounded twice a year. Interest Paid on Time Deposit^ CHECKING ACCOUNTS ACCEPTED Deposits Received by Mail. The Exchange Bank C ed a r v i l le , Ohio DUROC S DUROCS 70 Head of D urocs ■....... .ON — ----------------— Thursday, Aug, 17th, 1916 W ATT 6 FOU ST WilFstelFat Miami -VaUey'- • Ed. S. Eoust, 2 miles East of Xenia, O.) - Seventy head , of richly bred Duroc Jersey Swine, consisting of 10 head of high clat s Boars, 30 head of bred sows, 20 head of ■elected spring stuff of both sex. Our entire show herd goes into this sale fitted ready to go oul and w in .. Don't miss this great sale. Sale to Commence at One O’clock Sharp. Watt & Foust C ed a r v i l le en d X e n ia , O. THE U N I V E R S A L CAR N ew P r ices f, o. b. Detroit Ford Runabou t............................ $345.00 Ford 360.00 Ford Coupelet.............................. 605.00 Ford Town O ar.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595.00 Ford Sedan................................... 045.00 Ws guarantee tha t thsre will ba no reduction in tlie above prlcss prior to August 1,1917—but oan give no assuranoo whatsver against an ad ­ vance In rhwse prices a t any time. j .iflLPH MURDOCK, Agt, j Cedarville aitd Ross Townships 1 Display at Gwage TRY OUR JOB PRINTING