The Cedarville Herald, Volume 40, Numbers 27-52

f k ) Thetime to « top«3w tU l» fl» #l*«t you are ready (o atop doing business. You'll notice that t&f progressive merchant ia (an advertiser. IVWWWVWW VW FORTIETH YEAR NO. 46. CEDARVILLE, OHIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2 , 1917 PRICE, $1.00 A YEAR GREENE COUNTY EXCEEDS QUOTA QN-EIEE&TY LOAN Greene county will share honor with other counties of the country in sub scribing mpre than her shhre of tht five billion Liberty Loan. While ooi district, the Fourth Federal, ran about 20 million over its quota some of tht cities like Columbus and Cincinnat broke all records and again affirmet their stand behind the government fo. the cause of democracy. Greene county had an allotment ol $385,000 and the total of subscription: reached $645,090, or $260,000 over it: quota. This is a remarkable showing and reflects great credit to the'farm ers of -the county who proved libera buyers. The following amounts were sold by the various banks: Xenia National ...................... $190,001 Citizens, Xenia ..................... 140,00C Miami, Yellow Springs ........ 65,001 First National, Osborn ........ 55.50C Exchange Bank, Cedarville.. 52,001 Com. Savings Bank, Xenia... 45,001 Farmers-Traders, J amestpwn. 27,000 People’s .Bank, Jamestown... 88,700 Bowersville Bank ................. 20,001 Spring Valley Nationel ........ 19,200 The largest single subscription war the R. A. Kelly Co., Xenia, $50,000 Three Xenia women took $10,000 each. WHAT ABOUT COAL. The coal situation is reaching an af&rming stage. Railroad companies power and light companies, manufac­ turers and others in business are hav ing' trouble keeping the plants in op­ eration where power and steam are re- homes iri.„city, town and country arc yet without coal and freezing weathei is almost upon us. It is said that ax many as 30 farm wagons were linec •p at a coal yard in London last Sat­ urday waiting their turn. No one wat allowed more than 500 pounds. The local situation is anything but pleas ing. Hard era! has been off the mark et. some time. Those who have m coal should not tr .e any chance 5 provide at once reasonable amoun of wood for im-uergency. The tall last summer of cheaper coal has ped hundreds of people. The ques tion of the price of coal cannot cute when zero weather arrives. By tha' time there may be no coal to be had and there no doubt will be much suf­ fering among the poorer classes. COUNTY COMMISSIONER HAS A NARROW ESCAPE County Commissioner R. D. Wil­ liamson had an unusual experience Saturday evening when his big tour­ ing car turned over with him while on hissway home. The accident hMBmrai jnSlHk&t'Of "the The. car was driven around "a horse %nd buggy which did not give its shsire of the pike. The rain on the oiled pike caused the car to skid and turn over the driver being caught be­ tween the seat and front of the car and bank on which the car rested. Mr. Williamson whs unable to move but was released just as soon as rescuers arrived. The car was lifted up and the driver crawled out the only injury being a slight scratch near the left eye. The top was badly bent but the car was driven home. GOLDWfcAf&ER FINDS *' MANY UNPREPARED Although Monday was rather warm ana a neftvy ram lell mat mgnt, resi­ dents were treated to a mgft^ wesi vind that carried a cold wave freez- ng everything exposed. These was j . rush to get things into tne cellars and almost every direction you looked you could see the war gardners bury- .ng their cahoage ana caring ior «*»«- .y ana other garden pi ounce. Tne •veataer man promises more cold .reamer due to a twelve below snap a. vVyoming. MAY GO TO HONOLULA. Greene county bays arriving Satur- day and Sabbath state that it is pos­ sible that the 330th regiment will be sent to Honolula for more intensive training. This regiment contains most of the conscripted boys from her?. The bad weather at Camp Sher­ man has made work on the field al­ most impossible. SOLDIERS VOTED THURSDAY. PROHIBITION. The preachers in Iowa are said to b* at least partly to blame ior the de- .6at of constitutionel prohibition in .nat state. As an indication f then .nditference, in a city of some size, not one minister made it the theme oi .iis sermon on the ti&bbatli before tht election. It is said that in a city of some jize in Ohio and boasting quite a mim oer of ministers, not one ot mei. graced the occasion when a note, remperance lecturer made an address, m that city one 'evening. It is hope* ■hat these watchmen may wake up ix . .ore next Tuesday, or tney may uuv .o share the responsibility of deieu. with the Iowa preachers. What may we depend upon for vie .ory next Tuesday? For every man who believes that the liquor traffic is wrong, to come to the polls that day, whether he is an abstainer himself oi not. Every man is just as respons­ ible for the result of the election as it .t all depended on his vote. Getting people to the polls is the all-important work from this time on. Are you not on good terms with iome unfortunate drinking man? And ^an you not afford to take some time .o meet him and persuade him to rete for his own best interests nexi Tuesday? Will it not be a glorious thing il John Barleycorn is forever put out if business next Tuesday in Ohio .' .t can be done if every man will do his duty. " ? SPRINGFIELD MERCHANT DEAD. Edward Wren, president of the com­ pany bearing his name, known far and .vide as one of Springfield’s leading dry goods stores, died Thursday at his .iome in New York City. The funeral was held Monday from St. Raphael church. The body was placed in a re reiving vault at Ferncliff pending the erection of a mausoleum. PICTURE SHOW NOTES. ■, - * »«/ «ft* COLORED CONSCRIPTS GIVEN SEND OFF MONDAY The 61 colored conscripts from this county were given a great farewell Monday before the train left Xenia for Camp Sherman. There were a number of farewell speeches in front of the court house by President Scar­ borough of Wilberforce and Rev. P. A. Nichols of St. John’s church. The line of march was led by Mayor Dodds and the police department head­ ed by the Cedarville S. of V. band that had tendered their services in recognition of the event. FOR SALE—Six months old Hol­ stein bull calf. Phone ,3-173, Otto Brubaker on Alonzo Stretcher farm. “ Polly Red H ead” one of those Slue bird films is booked for Wed­ nesday, November 7, E lla H a ll a star in fllmdom has the leading role. I t is one of those am u sing pictures th a t sends people away happy. Ad­ mission 16c to adu lts and lOo to ohildreu which Includes the war tax. The famous Vitagraph picture “Bailie in A H u rry” comes Thurs­ day, Nov. 8. We guarantee this picture to exOell other Vitagraph flltns shown in the past. Lillian Walker Is the star in the cast and one known everywhere. Admission 10 and 16c. Saturday, Nov. 10, comes Valeska Swratt in a Fox film that is now showing in the city theatres. The book tias been read widely and the elabopate manner in which the Fox company has staged .‘She” has made this storp a famous play. Admission 10 and 16c. From this date admission will be 16c to adults and 10<£to children due to war tax. The Greene county boys were given the opportunity of voting at Camp Sherman Thursday getting ballots for local offices as well as the womans suffrage and prohibition ballot. It is »aid that 23 of the Greene coqpty hoys out of 160 a t Camp Sheridan, \labhma, took advqptage of.the op­ portunity to vote. ------------ --------- Hr PERSONAL PROPERTY SALE. The household goods of the W. M. ilarber estate will be offered at pub- 'ie sale on the premises on Xenia avenue, on Saturday, November 10, L917, at one o’clock. All the chatels isually needed about a well kept home will be offered for sale. R. C. Watt, administrator. FARM SUIT SETTLED. The suit of Dave Cooney against F. B. Turnbull and Mrs. J. C. McMil­ lan for enforcement of a contract on the sale of a farm was settled out of court Tuesday. It is said that the owners will hold the land under the settlement. ^Vxlnut crop In eastern Ohio is the largest in years, f At Bucyrua Davt^iWilson, 70, com mltted suicide by fudging, j Ohio W. C. T. -will send fully equipped ambulance *0 Europe. Lloyd Martin, 46, farmer near Woos- ter, was kicked to 4|gth by a horse. George Harry GUfSrd. 26, was killed at Clyde by falling from an express train. George Aiken,r 68| was killed at a farm sale when a^VlCiouB cow charged th t crowd. - " V Belmont county commissioners pa­ roled county jail pEl'ekm.ers to aid farm­ ers tOaharvest ther corh crop. Peter Kelly, l^/TJprlhtefleld. was ac­ cidentally shot though the lung by an elder brother. He may dle^|, Rev. Charles A Sroaft of Washing­ ton accepted a call do return to First Congregational church* Sandusky. Fred Wilson wap- found guilty ot manslaughter at Sahdusky in connec- tlOn with the death ^f, Emmet Gibson. Edwin Paytoa HougMoo. former Re­ publican candidate- for ilse general as­ sembly, MarionW pneumonia. TEMPERANCE RALLY TONIGHT. The school children will give a temperance program in the opera house Friday night, tonight. Mr. George Fisher, the county manager, will also make an address. Music will be furnished by the S. of V. band. The admission is free and everybody luired. Thousands of thousands of is welcome. FOR PROHIBITION. The Union Club of Cincinnati has been waging a great campaign for statewide prohibition some very clever advertising being carried in the Cin­ cinnati papers. Some days ago we re­ ceived a folder from Mr. A. Y. Reid, secretary of the Club which carried' a strong argument for the drys. PUBLICSALES Johft Turner, November 5. J . A. Bumgarner, Nov. 19. or HIIM' antl-PxJD Pin* f«r Ml P*l» 8 Inch Lace Boots with rather low heels and narrow toe. We are showing them in Gun Metal with cloth top at $4.00. Tan alf with c lo th top at $5-00. All Tan Calf $7.00 Gun Metal Calf with Gray Buck Wp a t ......... ................................. $ 7.50 Gun Mental Calf with dull black top $ 5.00 We Specialize in Fitting Children’s Shoe9 \ ________ ________ — --- ’s Shoe XENIA, OHIO Springfield Sun Morey Whalen, "f Camp Sherman, spent Sunday with h u parents. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Whalen, of Lincoln evenue 9ince being a t thesamp, Mr. Whalc-a has been made corporal, but lately has been noting drill sergeant. Mr. Whalen made the trip from Chilll- cothe by automobile, accompanied by Corporal Allen, of Cedarville, and the army sergeant of trelr com­ pany. Mr. Whalen will be remem­ bered as having been with the first contingent from Xenia, where he was manager of the Krogur store. NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION Notice Is hereby given to Disquali­ fied electors of Cedarville Township School Distriot, Greene County, Ohio, that the next annual school meeting for the election of three members of the Board of Education ot said school district, will be held an Tuesday, the 8th day of Novem­ ber 1917 between 6 :30 a. m. and 6:3d p. m. of said day a t the usual place of holding school election for the terms of four (4) years. ANDREW JACKSON. Clerk of said School Board. T o w n s h i p E l e c t i o n ffi Slate 6 Ohio, Greene Oounty, The Township of Gedarvltle. In compliance with the laws of the State of Ohio, I Andrew Jackson, Clerk of the Township of Oedarvllle Greene Oounty, Ohls, hereby give notice and proclaim to the quali­ fied voters of said township, that, on Tuesday, November 8th, 1917, be­ tween the hours of 6:80 a. m., and 5:80 p .m ., (Oen tralS tandard time,) in the said township, an eleonon will be held for the purpose o' choosing the following officers for said township. One person for Clerk for a term of two years. Three persons for township trus­ tees, for a term of two years. One person for treasurer, for & term of two years. One person for Assessor of person­ al property. In Cedarville Township. Two persons for oonstal for terms of two years, And tbs said qualified electors of said township of Oedarvllle, Greens county, Ohio, a re hereby notified to assemble a t the usual voting places In the several elections as above designated, In accordance 'with thw laws of the state. ANDREW JAOKSON. . Township Olerlt. Thirty thousand selective draft men passed ih review at (Jgimp ^aerman before Governor Cox aijd Major Gen­ eral Glenn. j Two safes in the Canton Home Fur­ nishing company^ %oce at Canton were blown by “yeggs, who secured $900 and a gold watch. Havens elevator, four miles south of Fremont, wap destroyed by fire, to­ gether with 5,000 bushels of oats and 2,000 bushels of,"wheat. Holloway. Belmont county, Is milk- less. When ordered to make Improve­ ments to barns, etc., dealers quit sup­ plying milk to residents. Earl Luke, 11, Mariop, was fatally Injured when he coasted out of an al­ ley Into a street on his wagon and was run down by an auto. Sandusky city conncll passed an ordinance providing that all bread sold after Nov. 1 must he In loaves weighing either ode or two pounds. Young People's branch of the W. C. T. U. at Springfield, ppssed a resoln tlon expressing disapproval of supply­ ing, soldiers with clgntufslnd tobacco. City of Canton has been sued Tor $391.98 by Travers# City; Mich., for coal seized by Mayor Sphrdntz of Can­ ton which was*intended for Traverse City. % . J. K. Harter, const^hMiliJeflterson township, ■+lm tly^T6&m which he was riding was struck by s traction car. Six hundred miners employed by the Ohio Collieries company, near Athens, resumed work, pending the settlement of their demand for 60 cent coal tor their own use. Despite warnings of federal officers that mayors should not take such ac­ tion. Mayor BaillsB Simpson of Lima confiscated ic carloads of coal from a Baltimore and Ohio train. Michael M. Davis. 23, is held by the East Liverpool police In connection 'with the death of George Moyers, 27, Italian, who dted^ps a result of a frac­ tured skull fUBtained In a fight. A> tator John F. Budington of tht aviation flold at Fairfield was Injun d when the engine of his machine stop­ ped and he tried to alight at Spring- field. The machine hit a fence. Proprietors of loading hotels at To­ ledo announced that they will nrrnnge menus for one or two medtless days each week. It I b expected that a ton ! of meat will be conserved eaih day. 1 Plant of tie Athens B.Mck company, located in Athens, In the center of the coal mining district, with a dozen big mines in operation In a radius of 10 miles, closed down for lack of fue’ Brigadier General C. X Zimmerman and 75 other Ohio officers now et Montgomery, Ala., are soon to go tc France for ob'ervatlon work, In ar cordance with orders Issued by the war department. Four months after her father was • murdered. Mrs Christina Coco, 16, was shot thee times and killed as she was a train at Alliance. Po­ lice are looking for a man who escap­ ed following the sh'ioting. Charles Wentz, 55, fell down an elevator shaft at the Hlnde & Pauche Paper company’s plant Ean-lusky, In the course of erection, thirty minutes after he had entered the employ -it the contractor. Ho was instantly killed. , Alfred Stuckey and wife and Mrs. Ella Cook, riding In an automobile, were struck by a Pennsylvania train at Williams Crossing, west of New Holland, Pickaway county, and killed bodies of the women were earned on the pilot Into New Holland. i Judge Oliver H. Hughes. 62, chair­ man of the Ohio public utilities com mission, died In a Columbus hospital. 1 A blood vessel In Judge Hughes 1 throat burst Saturday, following a se­ vere paroxysm of coughing and seri­ ous hemorrhage ensued. The Judge's borne was in Highland county. Plans to raise $2,750,00# In Ohio during the week of Nov. 11-17, as the Buckeye state’s portion of a national fund of $35,060,000 for world wide Y. M. C. A. work until next July, were disclosed at a meeting in Columbus attended by representative men Atom j every county In the state. Governor Cox asked Ohio mayors to see that coal consumers who must buy fuel In small quantities are not overlooked in the present situation. If arrangements can not be made with local retailers to supply this trade, Cox sugf/ests that cities establish fuel depots at police stations or fire­ houses. A company was formed In Clncbv j natl to deal in horse meat. H. O. Harden, 77, Stoutsville, editor or Fairfleld-Plckaway New*, is dead The village of Jefferson, Ashtabula county, confiscated trainload of coal for school use. Mrs. Cornelia Marot, 48, Columbus, was almost decapitated when run , over by a street car. | A delivery company at Elyria Is seeking girls to drive wagons because of scarcity of male labor. Robert Saygrover, 21, Marysville, had his right hand taken off while operating a sausage .grinder. Mrs. Abbie 8hort was shot and killed at Middletown. Arch Holland, policeman haB been arrested. Ohio. Woman Suffrage association re-elected all of last years officers at the convention held at Dayton. Marlon school children, public au-1 parochial, entered Into a vlgorou i campaign for food conservation. Judge Lelghley, In appeals court at Cleveland, held Sunday shows, movies vaudeville or Heglt,” are Illegal !r 'Ohio. Ohio Order of Eastern Stars In ses­ sion at Cleveland, elected Mrs. Rose W. Norris, Deshler, worthy grand matron. Big hotels of Ohio are lining up with State Food Administrator F. C, Croxton In the federal food conservn tion campaign. J. H. Flliatrault, 55, Marion tinner, was caught In a line belt at the Marion National Flouring Mills and instantly killed. „ Cadet aviators who have been In training near Dayton received orders to leave the "homo nest” and prepare for service in France. Mrs. Rose Foote, 27, was shot and killed on a train at Conneaut by Mil- ton G. Shipley, 24, of Avery, who then shot and killed himself. Mrs. Harry Kirwln wa^ killed at)d her husband and child injured when their auto was struck by a Cleveland limited at Cuyahog^t Falls. Ohio Baptists, In assembly at To­ ledo, created war commission to raise $10,900 fund to promote better religious life* among the soldiers. Allen Bowe, 30, of Bradner, near Fostorla, recently drafted for war ser vice, was accidentally shot and killed on the rifle range at Camp Perry, Thirty nurses escaped in their night clothes when fire was discovered in the nurses' home ' the Lucas county tubercular hospital. Loss Is $2,500. Mrs. Florence Richards of Colum­ bus wan re-elected president of the Ohio Woman’s Christian Temperance Union at state convention at Spring- field. The Greenfield Republican has tak­ en oyer, the Greenfield Journal, the No one so appreciates the real jeomfort of a snug, warm over­ coat as the man who does not own one. OVERCOATS Super Valued at Iciai;-,organsfceres. The, i ,, last 20 years. 'More than $500,000 has been raised In the campaign of the Methodist Episcopal church In Ohio for $2,900,- 000 for distribution among M. E. col­ leges in the state. When alcohol lamp exploded at Hal­ lowe'en party, Dr. L. A BumBtead, Miss Grace Mueller, O. W. U. stu­ dent, and W. H. Johnson were badly burned, at Delaware. While milking cows, John Woess- ner, residing at Hamilton, was attack­ ed by an Infuriated bull and seriously injured. The man’s ribs, shoulders | and arms were broken. Bewildered and finable to move when she fohnd herself In front of an | oncoming train as she started across ; a grade crossing, Mrs. Anna Kuelllng, . 63, was instantly killed. | Following a Sunday morning beer i party Mayor Kaps of Portsmouth, sus­ pended Fire Chief Koerner and 18 members of the fire department. Chief , Koerner Immediately resigned. , The first nhw beet sugar was de­ livered tc Ipcal wholesalers by the To­ ledo Sugar company, whose plant at Rossford Is working up the big beet sugar crop In northwestern Ohio. Noah Herman, aged 50, Justice of the peace In Cheater township, Wayne county, hanged himself. He had wor­ ried lor weeks because his two sons were both drafted for army service. Stephen S. Stillwell, a railroad ln- , spector of the state public utilities commission, and well-known labor leader of Cleveland, died at a Colum­ bus hospital from cirrhosis of the liver. Accused of the murder of James Farcy and Ireiils Trabblo, Italian fruit dealers at Fostorla, Tomasso d’Agos- tena was Indicted twice by the county grand Jury on first degree murder charges. James Reid, 89» pleaded guilty to housebreaking at Marysville and was given an Indeterminate sentence In 1the penitentiary. Reid, trying to es­ cape. was shot In the shoulder by Mar­ shal Fhdlev. Republican supporters of Alvon C Jones, who was denied a place on the city ticket at Toledo, as mayoralty candidate by supreme court, have 1thrown their support to the Socialist candidate. Robert T. Haworth, j o C’. Dieschley, railroad detective, was arrested at Garrett, Ind., In con­ nection with the murder of Mary Kocher, 12-year-old Lorain school girl, who was assa Uted and strangled to death on her way to school at Lorala. Two children were burned to death In a fire believed to have started from a gas explosion In their home at Cleveland. They were: Alva, 3, and Cora, 6 months, children of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Morton. The mother was seriously burned In trying to rescue Delay of Ohio suffragists In filing their petition to compel Secretary of State Fulton to hear charges of fraud and error In the circulation of refer­ endum petitions resulted In the su­ preme court dismissing their petition. The decision means thore will be a referendum on the Reynolds act for presidential sufftazo for women. * With . quality coats selling a t this nommal figure certainly few hien should be without one. This is the price for coats readily worth several dollarf the coat more. And when you see the snappy models- & cloths you’re sure to conclude that old his Waterloo. -the luxurious wool ‘Hi Cost” has met We ask you to examine these coats critically from every angle of tallor- ingr fabric and lining values, utmost style. Hundred points everywhere. If you need a coat you won’t pass these. XENIA, OHIO Pathe Phonograph No Needles to Change Plays Any Record » Be sure to*eee and hear thi 9 machine be- making a purchase. Machines gladly sent an approval. Galloway & Cherry Ml E. Main St., Xenia,[0.{ 11 Best Prices for Butter, Poultry Mr. W. R. Watt purchased an Over­ land dub roadster, Monday. FOR RENT- chell addition, the premises. -House and lot in Mit- See Enos Clemens on Farmer! call us by phone, get our prices on produce, and arrange to have youf grdeerie* delivered. Phone 40, Cedarville, Ohio 'M / I ! ’ * I \< h i j ’I r 5$j0| vlbij ■ ..... ................................ ......... .... ..... .—,—-.... . ........ ........j a -JL . » A