The Cedarville Herald, Volume 41, Numbers 27-52

' * „wfc wmemn i » f*& CfetfatoM r i s i n g agriy* It i* better for you because you eefi have your choice and then it* ever. M tin end do Hoi wide tidtti the l o t minuto* The first will be served best. FORTY-FIRST YEAR NO. SO, CEDARYILLE, OHIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1818 Of K John Bryan, wealthy farmer, phil­ anthropist, writer and world-wide traveler, died in a Cincinnati hotel Sabbath evening o f pneumonia,. This eccentric capitalist and inven­ tor first came before Greene county people when “he purchased about 700 acres o f land On the Little Miami ri­ ver near Yellow Springs and conver­ ted it into a park known as "River- ,8ide” . «• Shortly after acquiring this prop­ erty he erected what was supposed to be the largest barn in the world, ex­ cept the one in Russia owned by the former CXar. This mammoth struc­ ture stands, today a curocity to all that see it fo r the first, time. . The Bryan, land has been pf late ypars devoted to raising alfalfa and hundreds o f tons are stored in this great barn. _During the outbreak o f .the trouble in Mexico when the •gov- 'ernment required great quantities o f feed a large part o f - the Bryan crop was sold and shipped to Mexico fo r the use o f the army mules. A t that time Bryan sold several cars o f po­ tatoes he had raised that season, ‘ ’-A little over a year ago Bryan went West and purchased several head o f elk expecting to convert his farm in­ to a zoo but his health broke before he coiild accomplish this. .Bryan was noted fo r his eccentric­ ities'. One was that he had little use for thdse who differed with ’ him on any subject. For the past three ' years he has never been in Yellow Springs due to differences o f opinion ' about conducting the town. He had given the school hoard the 15 acre thact formerly the Old Folk’s Home fo r a School building. This land was once the site"o f the famous Yellow Springs Hotel-that drew thousands in its day. ' Until about 12 years ago Bryan was a bachelor, marrying a Cincinnati girl. The marriage vow is said to have been prepared by Bryan himself asJhe was an agnostic and did not fav- or the ceremony provided by* church and state. Bryan'-‘yrrot^ a number .of works ' mostly for his qwn pleasure and not fo r financial profit. A t the outbreak o f the recent war he -carried many column* in the Sunday Enquirer with illustrated maps endeavoring to show that England had- an ulterior purpose m astering the war against. Ger/hany. The articles were published over bis own signature as paid advertising, Whemtho', “ " ivetfising rates. {Another o f hto queer ideas was o f Shaving. He never would, let a bar­ ber’s hand touch his face. Yellow Springs and Springfield barbers re­ fused to comply with his request and Bryan found an accomodating toriaor- ia l artist in Charles‘E. Smith o f this place who Could, remove the facial Judrsuit according to his desires. Mr. Bryan was also opposed to shaking hands with anyone. Another story is told o f Bryan that while he had not touched liquOr for several years, he fe lt that the state was going dry two years ago and he laid in a barrel o f the beBt whiskey he could buy so that i f he ever need­ ed. it he would have it oh hand. In the commercial field he is said to have made himself ‘ ifich. He held controlling interest in at least two big soap companies in Cincinnati* Owned a number o f pieces o f business property. Also is said to be tbe in­ ventor o f the hooks used on every pair o f shoes - where laces are re­ quired. His royalities on this inven­ tion are said to be enormous. Two years ago he purchased the Neff Fark and renamed it the Bryan park. O f recent years he baa been in de­ clining health and his advanced age Was against his recovery. So far as is known in this section his only heir is his young w ife. , By pre-nuptial gareemant his' w ift is given $100,000 in payments o f five thousand a year until she is 40 when she is to get the remainer. ffhe also is to have the use o f the farm home her lifetime. In ease the state does not accept the farm it is the ti be offered to Greene fo r the same purpose ‘ and under the same conditions. I f the eounty' de­ clines the offer the farm is to be sold Relative* are given bequests o f various sums the largest is $50,000to Mis* Ella Bryan who managed his Cincinnati office. A trust company is named executor. » " MILLIONS PAID FARMERS. According to reports from Chicago the farmers o f this country were,paid thirty seven million dollars fo r nine hundred thousand hogs shipped into the Chicago market during the mohth o f November alone. For all live meat such ash ogs, cattle and.sheep, the im­ mense sum' o f one hundred and twenty millions was paid to-farmers during the same mdmth. THE WEATHER A YEAR AGO. There ia a striking* contrast o f the weather o f the present week and that o f a year ago .One year ago last Sat­ urday,we had 12 inches o f snow and’ during the week the mercury dropped to 13 below zero .. This week the mer­ cury has been standing between fifty ana sixty during the day with warm rains. Last winter was rather a se­ vere but. healthy one,, while this win­ ter todate has been very unhealthy, and nodoubt has had much to do with the spread o f disease. CALLED TO NEW YORK CITY. - Wm. Marshall, who shipped $10,000 worth o f furs, to a New York City fur firm last week, le ft Monday evening fo r that city on the invitation o f his company to -com e at their expense. While in the city on business and get- tig acquainted with Broadway, Wil­ liam will be quartered at the Imper­ ial Hotel. * . JOIN THE RED CROSS* The Rer Cross membership cam paign starts next Monday and contin­ ues ' until - Christmas day. Just be­ cause* the war Is ended is no reason* to drop’ membership in th isgreat or­ ganization. Thousands*, o f, boys will be in France and Germany fo r tbe next year or so and will be .required fo r police duty. They will be subject to Sickness and injury and wiH need on the above date*, th e local canvas* will be made- on Tuesday. There prill'be no Christmas Seal sale this year as part o f the membership morteywill go to support tuberculosis cases. Mrs. Robfc. Bird is the local chairman. , BRYAN’S WILL PUBLISHED* Cincinati papers publish John Bry­ an’s will which gjves his farm to the state o f Ohio on condition that no re­ ligious service# be permitted and that the farm be used for expermental purposes and bo named after the do­ ner* i y s ™ a r o E L i s y r H H D O P T H B W A R MRS. WM. SMITH DEAD. Mrs; Floy Smith, wife o f William Smith, died Wednesday at the State Hospital where she has been a patient fo r Several years. She is the daugh- ter*of W. A . MeDorman, and* leaves two ilttle daughters besides her hus­ band* JANUARY JURORS DRAWN. The following have been drawn fox jury service during the January term: G* E. Jobe, J* E. Turnbull and George Powers on the grand jury from this township and G. C. Hanna, Fred Dob­ bins and Burton McRlwain for the petit jury. FERTILIZER FOR SPRING. No better time to order your spring fertilizer than right now. Place your order fo r the well-known “ F. S. A R.” brand* It is guaranteed to give satis­ faction* E. A . ALLEN. KODAKS AT RIDGWAY'S. What better Christmas g ift fo r the boy or girl than an Eastman Kodak. We have all the popular sizes and can supply your wants, The g ift ideal. * Ridgway’s Pharmacy* LEGAL NOTICE. Court of Comon Pleas, Greene Co, O. May Donaldson, vs. Harvey DonaudSon, Hrvey Donaldson whose place o f residence is unknown is hereby noti­ fied that May Donaldson has filed her ] petition against him for divorce in ’ case Number 14,884 o f the Common Pleas Court o f Greene County, Ohio and that said cause will be for hearing on and after December 14th 1918. F. L. Johnson, Attorney for Plaintiff* fuel is l i t wn»* the Ins substitute which the it is said to have riamp- K . m t / had which is i be one o f tbs m ostjm - iecovsries o f IhS *ar.< LEGAL NOTICE William Jackson, whose place o f residence is unknown, is hereby noti­ fied that Lucretia Jackson has filed her petition fo r divorce against him being case number 14,904 inthe Com­ mon Plea«# Court o f Greene County, Ohio, and that said cause will be for hearing op and after January 18th 1919* Frank L. Johnson, Attorney for laPintiff. WORTH A SEASON TICKET. Those who attended the John Ken­ drick Bangs lecture Friday night had the price o f a season ticket fa r it wes worth that amount to hear the experi­ ence o f one who had spent twelve weeks at the front with the Red Cross. Bangs devoted the evening to the war work and held hie audience as one man in relating the harrowing exper­ iences o f the workers and the men fighting in the trenches. I f there is any word in the English language Bangs did not use it is because he ne­ ver heard o f it. His * command o f French and (he names o f important points in the world war, French terms and the like common as the English alphabet. His lecture was in­ terrupted at various.times by applause' from the audience. I f this is a sam­ ple o f our course this year every seat should be occupied for -ih fol- nurabrs. ILL WITH PNEUMONIA. Word has been received here that Mrs. Mary McMillan Letbley, daugh­ ter o f Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McMillan o f Columbus Is very 111in a hospital in that'City suffering ‘ with pneumonia following the influenza. Later?—Mrs. Lethfey died early this morning but no funeral arrange­ ments have been announced. , * DEMAND FOR POULTRY. J. E. Post, who purchases poultry fo r a Washington C. H. firm made a big purchase one day last, week that no doubt sets a new mark for this sec­ tion. He purchased o f one- well-known farmer 198 crowers .that averaged nearly five and one-half pounds each. The value was- $231.23. RECORD PRICES FOR BEEF. Thirty caps o f cattle a t the Live Stock Show, Chicage, last week, were sold for $24.47 a hundred, or $.85 a- bove last year’s price. COMMITTEE STILL SHY. ( m , *. -,-TrBn111J-T L- , According t o ' announcement last Friday night the lecture course com­ mittee is still about $75 shy o f the a- mount o f the guarantee to *the two bureaus supplying the talent this win­ ter. This is a small amount and enough, season tickets should be sold for the balance o f the coarse to make Up this amount. Those .who missed the Babgs lecture missed one o f the b«#t ever given on a local course. ■' Gi&ANMATIONS. ' David F . Houston,secretary o f ag­ riculture, urges that steps be taken to secure the better organisation o f the agritulture forces o f the country, es- pecialy o f the local farm bureaus,, in preparation fo r the execution o f the necessary production program for 1919. MANY THANKS. I wish to thank my many patrons fOF'the generous support given me during the time I have been in the grocery business. I have sold out my stock to Mr. C. E. Masters o f Nor­ wood, O., who has taken charge and whom I wish to recommend to my patrons. Respectfully, J. E. Post. THE NEW GROCERY. I will have a new stock o f fresh groceries, also fruits, ready for Sat­ urday, when I will be pleased to meet the many former patrons o f the store and new ones as well. C. E« Masters. ORDER FERTILIZER NOW. Get your order in at once for your spring fertilizer. We handle the cele­ brated “ F. *S. & R.” There is none any better on the market. E. A. ALLEN. NO HUNTING OR TRAPPING All hunters and trappers are here­ by warned to remain o ff my farm or be prosecuted fo r trespassing. John Taylor. SAILS p r e s id e n t to PEACE TABLE.,. Americans have imposed a great responsibility on this man. He is Captain Edward McAuley, 0 , S. K., in command o f the George Washington, the ship assigned to tske President Wilson’s peace , party to Europe and return* The craw far the ahip was. drawn **- tirsi* from the navy. . * iOHIOGLEANINGS! je e e f « » e a e e e e » i* « * « a * * * « e e e A B. MltzM o f Canton was elected president Ohio Automobile Trade as­ sociation. Because o f increase In the number of Influents eases the Marion health board decided to reopen the emer­ gency hospital. Marten has over 400 Influenza sufferer*. The annual statlafleal report o f the "department of public Instruction compiled by* H. I>. Bwygert, statisti­ cian In the department shows there are 654 centralized school*' in Ohio, an increase of .45 ovept 1917* OparieB D. -Tyler aqg Roy St. Clair - were badly wounded $In a- struggle with a bandit who attempted to rob the People's Buttdtogknd Loan com­ pany at Ashtabula, Ni j General J. -Q. AmoC probably the Is state, died eral Amoa has iy-ljaiiy. ?|ev?» 1 of Columbus against Frank i!%H#fitlle)gfd Rlditer’s auto ic was riding, fie, Jefferson 0 ^ 4 ; ^ : .'.a , Ireland at ross nurses ,ents. { bsorbed h er.-. bt $435,140. urelies, . ,sa-, Tosejfpr the ^ - **V, Union was 49, .Fee­ ding home with her isle , 60, -for. etric light at bred a se- ' a hot Water oldest active editor*, at Sidney, aged 86-. ; been editor pf the'Sh |and Democrat for "Miss ■Ruth Bade seeks $15,000 in a Richter, Milford C ef injuries received wb struck a motorcycle, Postoffice at York County, was robbed Cincinnati genA pealed to Surgeon Washington Jp* to care for influe Fayette county entire war stamp qu . Galllpolis schools, loons'and all places* ing have been prdere second time follpwln of the Influenza-epld * Palace hotel at W totally destroyed by Mrs. Esther Belli, torla, fell dead wh from a neighbor’s husband. . Mgs. Clayton R. ‘ mer regent of Ohio 8 , denly at Fremont. While Foatorla, A , Martini vere shock ,. He fell tank and was scalded. Robert SchUldt,,9, severely burned b y ; while experimeqtlmig^ tlngulsher. He, aa r^ l' The family of,JoSi *' of Mlllersburg.for has had four deathi 'two sons and two died, o f tbe diteisse. Fir* at Hi flrs-story brick «e r Raper feed : toe ' * * 1 : ....... . Manufacturing company, -causing • total lose estimated at $48,000. W* O. Burgandthal, 68, Martins Ferry, cashier o f the Citizens’ Bfv« Ings bank, president board of. trade, former Belmont county treasurer and prominent in state Republican and Masonic affairs, is dead. He lefvsB a widow and'three children; Joseph Colluccl and Bernard Oliva, cousins, of Glr»Td, were killed when as Erls train struck the motorcycle and aide car in which they wet* riding over a crossing in Glrar/L James Cunningham, 68, and his daughter Jeaala Were badly Injured at ’ Apple Creek, seat’ Wooster, When a Main struck their buggy. New government pneumonia serum has nearly exterminated the disease among the soldiers at Camp Sher­ man, according to a statement by B; iF, Duokwall, oamp surgeoi$ Eighteen thousand soldiers have bees laocu-- iated* ' Frank Roiltshahn, 5-year-old son o f Dinar Routshahn of Springfield, was killed whea an automobile driven by Dr. Houston, pastor of Central M. B. church, ran him down. Body of George Rock, 35, Massll- ,loo assistant city engineer, was found .bi Tuscarawas river* He le believed > to have fallen into the stream* ; Scores of -few savings accounts 'wars opened la banks atAkron follow­ ing distribution of $2,000,090 to 'bemuse*.to all salaried employes of the B. F. Goodrich company. Each Salaried employe was paid an amount equal te 25 per cent of his Saratoga during the last year. g*cond Lieutenant J. U* Brumback o f Kansas Oitr, Me., was kilted, and Beeond lieatensnt S, G. Sohme o f Connell, Wash., was Injured when their airplane crashed to earth to a tors field northwest o f 8prtogfletd* 'The men were from Wilbur Wright : field. ■ Declaring It would be an obvious !wrong to take the lives e f two vle< time, mentally deficient, o f a plot conceited by another, while the eon* eplratCi1 himself escapes death sen­ tence, Governor Cox commoted to lifeimprisonment the death sentences PRICE, *1J» AJY35AB INSPECTORPISES L CENTRAL COMMITTEE MEETS. CONSERVANCY CASE DECIDED The U. S., Supreme Court has held the Miami Conservancy law o f this The County Central Committee met -Monday evening in Xenia to fill sever­ al vacancies. As a usual thing .such; state to be constitutional. There has a situation brings about a sharp-con- J been a great amount o f litigation on Itest between the controlling factions this question but the. Tecent decision , .ibutsuch, was not the case this tim e; will stop suits in the future, Aecord- poltoari was The following were chosen: j ing to a report filed more than four explosion j J, w . Johnson for Cedarville corpor- million dollars worth o f material and A fir* ex- , ation to fill the vacancy caused by the supplies have been purchased already • ,! death o f T. N.-Tarbox. » for to* work that i ssaid to be one- !ershbergert Amos Tonkinson for Xenia towjr- fifth done. The land taken over, for jright dnyb, ship, North, to fill the vacancy caused the various dams is .worth seven m il- i i m f f t t m c a ■ L u a t ^ ___ s _ ^ t.i _ . a n _____ _ i _ 1 ____________ :£ . toflutosa, by the resignation o f George Birch* touring who becomes deputy sheriff .the first , |Of the year. . CEWSORED NEWS ITEMS. Wets Still Fight— The liquor interests - in this state will seek to enjoin Gov. Cox from Sub­ mitting the nation-wide- prohibition amendment to the general assembly. Attorney General McGhee has- refus- to; bring such action but an attorney for the liquor interests will take such action. Ban On In Xenia— . The influenza- has broken out again in Xenia and several’ deaths are repor­ ted: The Board o f Health has closed the lower grades o f the schools and shut out children from attending the picture,shows, . _ Ed Can’t Understand— Brother Ed. Flynn of the ■South Charleston Sentinal cannot under­ stand why a great big strong man with all wool, long sieved, long legged medicated Underwear, will keel over just anytime with the fiu, and a slip of a girl, with nothing on to speak of, will march right straight through it, and nary a flu. ' A War Exposition— Cincinnati is having a War exposi­ tion from Dec. 14 to 22 that no doubt will be o f great interest to everyone* There are trophies from all the big battle fields of France that were cap­ tured by Ohio valley men. The lar­ gest guns with tanks and otehr Hun fighting machines will be displayed at Music Hall. A train load o f this dist play passed through here Tuesday af­ ternoon nad attracted quite a bit o fat­ tention. No Use For It— ’ In glancing over the want page o f a city paper we notice the advertise­ ment o f a twin bed for sale, nearly new. Such b€fis are sold by dealers in pairs but not So in this case, Memorial Hall For Home— The Ordnance department o f Aircraft Board has withdrawn quests for walnut as a patriotic duty; Sufficient walnut has been secured for gunstocks and propellers, The ex-pupils o f the O, S. & S. O, Home have started a campaign fob A Memorial Hall and will raise $10,900 _____ ____________ for this purpose by Christmas. • This ot Gesrge W. Baker and Faolino Pan- Ms a commendable movement for the attfnl, who were to have keen .elec* ex-pupils, troouted Thursday midnight. The t w o ' . ^ „ .b . pleaded guilty to murder of a Ports-,FoUM^ He Raised mouth grocer. Roy Hughes, the* John Dearth o f Fayette county sev leader of the murderoue group, plead- eraj montha ago sold a horse to the ed not guilty and, after trial, escaped government for army purposes. He with lit* imprioenmont. j had a son in the army and the boy fifteen rtalon plasterers and art had been commissioned to select moldera went on strike In the new ,mount, When inspecting the horses Clinton county courthouse at W1P, in France He at first glance recogniz mtagton. fiympsthy for the dia 1ed the horse he had helped raise from charge of four of the workmen le said to hnve been the cause, • War’s ending hae flawed up oper­ ation ef coal mines In the Hacking field. Lack of orders is given as the crus * of stoppage o f work. Many mines are working only part ’ lire, Leona Martinez, a Mexican, was shot and killed by A. L, Frye, a roil- road detective, at Watbridge. The Mexican was terrorizing the men at a railroad construction camp. , a colt and which his father had sold to the government before the boy had entered camp in this country, SAVE YOUR RADIATORS. Do not let your radiators freeze when you can get denatured alcohol at C< M, RldgWay’s lio and the taxes to be levied amount to more than twenty-seven million* Com is hi groat little is fo r sale toM time. We have heard o f a number farmers that are offering $1.50 a l shel fo r good com* WALNUT NOT WANTED. the: re- \VHAT OHIO DID IN THE WAR. Only three states in the union' sur­ passed Ohio in war activities and all three. New York, Illinois and Penn­ sylvania, greatly exceed us in popu­ la tion and wealth. Ohio sent 260,000 men to the army, navy and marines. Ohio purchased 391 million bonds and 100 million in war savings, stamps and contributed 30 million to war service funds. Ohio has a proud record and bistory will record all these noble acts of our citizens along with the valor and bravery o f the Ohio boys on the battle fields o f France. SELMA INSTITUTE. ' a The Selma Farmers’ Institute will be held in the school auditorium Jan­ uary 1 and 2, Every one interested is invited to attend this institute. CHURCH SERVICES. R. P. Church, Main street, Teachers meeting Saturday evening at 7 p. m. Preaching Friday and Saturday at 1:80 p. m. and Sabbath at 10:30 p. m. and 7 p, m. The observance o f -the lo rd ’s Supper will he at the Sabbath services. Rev. L. A. Benson will preach at all these services. Sab­ bath school at 9:30 a. m. SUPTS. WANT MORE MONEY. At a recent meeting o f the Western Ohio Superintendents’ Round Table at Dayton, a resolution was passed as favoring a one mill tax levy for school purposes. Under the one percent law this means an increase in ’ the rate. Why not drop the expensive school system and probably there would he funds for the teachers and superind­ ents alike. As it is the County Sup erintendents eat up most o f the echool funds, 1 Auctioneering—terms reasonable— •2 LOWER GRADES CLOSED., 1- . . ■ The first six grades o f the public schools were closed Tuesday evening due to another break in the epidemic. More than fifty per cent Of the pulpits were out o f school due to sickness In in the family or among the scholars. The seventh, and eighth grades and the high school are in session. Fresh sweet rider M teats a fcati** a t& H ttifcS ftftk tii. President J, W, Johnson o f the Board of-Educatino is in receipt o f a* report o f the state inspection o f the local school last Wednesday by E >F* Warner o f the Department o f Public Instruction. : » The report credits the district with a new fire-proof building. The school organization is excellent. Supervis- capable, teachers, dmnamic and the student body average high. All of which reflects the moral and intellec­ tual ideals that have .long characteri­ zed the community, For betterments the following have been recommended; ' Owing to increased cost o f opera­ tion the foreign tuition ahould be ad­ vanced to $5 monthly. . . . , . ' i There should be' increased''blacfe- board space in the East and Wesfchigh school recitation room*. * The school is lacking in maps, JBoth blackboard and historical. . A number o f pieces of. apparatus' for the labatory are needed, A telephone should’ be' installed in the ..superintendent’s office that, the - schools may he in touch with1 the pa­ trons. . • ' • ; ' The old charter does not' .meet .the present requirements and it should be replaced by one given to th e. Ce'dar- ville Township high school. • ■*. When these betterments have been provided the state- department will send a new charter. ;4 4 WHO WON THE WART It has been claimed that the end o f ^ the war this year was duo to faet ';. that the year o f President' Wilson’s ; y birth, 1856, plus the year in .which he first'tok ofiBce, 1913, plus .his .age, 62, ^ plus the number o f years he. has been 1% President, 5, divided by '2 makes 1918. \/ But— * •- ■.. • .- . , President Poincare was born in 1^60, ' *■' was elected President in 1913, is 58 ,, years old and has been in office 5 years .- Divide the sum o f that by 2,' and— Furthermore— » , King George o f England’ was bom ;J in 1865, was crowned in 1910,. is 53 I years old, and has been a king fo r 6 years;. . m Oh, but what,a the use!.; „ ; \ theeldorder. women are out o f employment * I t is estimated (hat fu lly seventy-five.- per cent o f these people have lived up their earnings and many o f them' are. now; begging fo r jobs. It was nothing. uncommon tor Women workers in the”: munition factories to get $30 and $35 a week. Many men made $10 ;a day- but neither saved for a rainy day* The manager o f a large bopk bindery stat­ ed Tuesday that his plant had been all but closed down the past eighteen months but now he.Could get all the the help he needed. Six girls from a munition plant applied at his place donday tor work. They were willing 1 to work tor $10 weekly now as they : were out o f employment and hud sav­ ed little or nothing o f the high wages paid them. The return o f soldiers to their old jobs will mean the dropping o f thousands o f men and women from the factory pay rolls. ' ' . ' ti& a THOUGHT FOR TODAY “ Joy cometh in the morning,” hut the night has been long and the dark­ ness has appalled and the face o f hap­ piness has been hid while battle thunders rolled and storms o f leaden fire have sweut a grave-strewn earth and chilled the bled hearts o f men. But, after all, JOY has come and it IS morning and the sun o f righteous­ ness IS shining on awotid,-now glori­ fied and washed whlln by sacrifice and suffering, that now through streaming tears looks 4purard to the Light Unfailing* NOTICE TO HUNTERS. No hunting with dog or gun will be permitted on my farm. Hunters are also forbidden to keep o ff the place at night and no trapping is permitted. George Powers, mm GLASS GETS M’ADOO PLACE ON ABHJECY Secretary oI Treasurer Garter Glass Might be sailed President Wilson’s P**to a w s a r v a i s a g a f ing laws when he was wan from Virginia, He la well